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CMU-Portugal Summer Academy 2009

 - 23/06/2009

Carnegie Mellon University logoFollowing the holding of the 1st Annual Conference of the CMU – Portugal Program: “Boot and Re-Connect”, the first Carnegie Mellon – Portugal Summer Academy 2009 was held in Porto on 23 and 25 June 2009, a unique event organised by the CMU – Portugal Program and designed for an enterprise-oriented audience with specific experience in methods and techniques for ICT services, software and games development, technological change and entrepreneurship (see the Carnegie Mellon brochure – Portugal Summer Academy 2009).

The CMU – Portugal Program was started on 27 October 2007 under the scope of the Knowledge Networks activity, which forms part of the Commitment to Science for Portugal’s Future initiative The main areas of its teaching and research activities are: Processing and Information Networks, including Software Engineering, Information Networks, Information Security and Computational Processing of Language, Sensor Networks and Technologies, Public Policies and Technological Innovation, and Mathematics.

Last updated ( 05/08/2011 )