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“International Partnerships” bring together Portuguese Small and Medium-sized Enterprises

 - 11/05/2009

Representatives of the Small and Medium-sized Enterprises (SMEs) involved in the scientific and technology cooperation programmes in progress with American universities under the Partnerships for the Future action (see Knowledge Networks projects), part of the Commitment to Science for Portugal’s Future initiative, namely with MIT, the University of Texas at Austin and Carnegie Mellon University, met on 11 May 2009 at the Science and Technology Faculty Library of the Universidade Nova de Lisboa in Almada as part of "European SME Week”.

The session included presentation and discussion of research projects underway, among others, at the Stemmatters company, which operates in the field of stem cells and regenerative medicine, as well as at Fibersensing, on fibre-optic sensor systems used in advanced monitoring applications.

Another company taking part was Biodevices, which develops biomedical engineering solutions to support medical diagnosis, and Ydreams, which combines applied creativity and technology, art and design to create immersive experiences and innovative products that are revolutionising how we interact with information and content. For the advanced computing field, initiatives in progress at Critical Software were presented. This company provides technology solutions for critical information systems.

In addition to the presentations on activities in progress, the initiative also included discussion of action lines for future implementation to consolidate ties between Portuguese SMEs and the international programmes the Portuguese Government has been setting up with benchmark American universities since 2006. Companies’ involvement in the International Partnerships has been one of the factors driving the increase in R&D effort in SMEs, through their involvement in thematic research networks in consortia and advanced training programmes.

Last updated ( 22/07/2011 )