Curriculum Vitae

Henrique Agostinho de Oliveira Moiteiro Vicente

Data da última atualização »Last update : 19/12/2017

Henrique Agostinho de Oliveira Moiteiro Vicente. Concluiu Doutoramento em Química pela Universidade de Évora em 2005. É Professor Auxiliar na Universidade de Évora. Publicou 23 artigos em revistas especializadas e 32 trabalhos em actas de eventos, possui 47 capítulos de livros publicados. Possui 14 itens de produção técnica. Orientou 9 dissertações de mestrado e co-orientou 1, alem de ter orientado 14 trabalhos de conclusão de curso de bach./licenciatura nas áreas de Química, Outras Engenharias e Tecnologias e Ciências da Educação. Actualmente participa em 1 projecto de investigação. Actua nas áreas de Engenharia e Tecnologia com ênfase em Biotecnologia Ambiental, Engenharia e Tecnologia com ênfase em Outras Engenharias e Tecnologias, Ciências Sociais com ênfase em Ciências da Educação, Ciências Exactas com ênfase em Ciências da Computação e da Informação, Ciências Agrárias com ênfase em Biotecnologia Agrária e Alimentar e Ciências Médicas com ênfase em Ciências da Saúde. Nas suas actividades profissionais interagiu com 107 colaboradores em co-autorias de trabalhos científicos. No seu curriculum DeGóis os termos mais frequentes na contextualização da produção científica, tecnológica e artístico-cultural são: Logic Programming, Knowledge Representation and Reasoning, Artificial Neural Networks, Case-Based Reasoning, Decision Trees, Knowledge Discovery from Databases, Water Quality, Data Mining, Similarity Analysis e k-means.

Endereço de acesso a este CV:

Dados pessoais (Personal data)
Nome completo
Full name
Henrique Agostinho de Oliveira Moiteiro Vicente
Nome em citações bibliográficas
Quoting name
Vicente, Henrique
Categoria profissional
Professor Auxiliar
Domínio científico de atuação
Scientific domain
Engenharia e Tecnologia-Biotecnologia Ambiental.
Engenharia e Tecnologia-Outras Engenharias e Tecnologias.
Ciências Sociais-Ciências da Educação.
Ciências Exactas-Ciências da Computação e da Informação.
Ciências Agrárias-Biotecnologia Agrária e Alimentar.
Ciências Médicas-Ciências da Saúde.
Endereço profissional
Professional address
Universidade de Évora
Escola de Ciências e Tecnologia
Departamento de Química
Rua Romão Ramalho, 59
7000-671 Évora
Telefone: (+351)266745315Extensão: 25315
Fax: (+351)266745303
Correio electrónico:

Graus Académicos (Academic Degrees)
2005 Doutoramento
Doutoramento em Química.
Universidade de Évora, Portugal.

1993 Provas de Aptidão Pedagógica/Capacidade Científica
Evaluation of Pedagogic Readiness/Cientific Ability
Universidade de Évora, Portugal.

1988 Licenciatura
Licentiate degree
Licenciatura em Química (4 anos » years) .
Universidade de Lisboa, Portugal.

Formação complementar ( studies)
2008 Curso de curta duração
Short course
Introdução ao Ensino à Distância.
Universidade de Évora, Portugal.

2006 Curso de curta duração
Short course
Introdução ao e-learning - Concepção e Estruturação de uma Disciplina.
Universidade de Évora, Portugal.

2005 Curso de curta duração
Short course
Data Mining com "Clementine".
PSE - Produtos e Serviços de Estatística, Portugal.

2002 Curso de curta duração
Short course
Utilização dos Sistemas de Informação Geográfica em Hidrologia.
Universidade de Évora, Portugal.

1998 Curso de curta duração
Short course
New Approaches to Chemicalsfor Insect Pest Management by Richard Tykva.
Universidade de Évora, Portugal.

1996 Especialização/ Pós-Graduação
Specialization/ Postgraduation
Ecological Modelling by Sven Jorgensen & Soren Nielsen.
Universidade de Coimbra, Portugal.

1995 Curso de curta duração
Short course
Advanced Course in Liquid Scintillation Counting by Richard Tykva.
Universidade de Évora, Portugal.

1993 Curso de curta duração
Short course
Curso Internacional de Pós-Graduação Água e Ambiente.
UNESUL - Associação Universidade Empresa do Sul, Portugal.

Vínculos profissionais (Professional Positions)
Universidade de Évora
Abr/2005-Actual Professor Auxiliar
Jul/1993-Mar/2005 Assistente
Mar/1989-Jul/1993 Assistente Estagiário

Ministério da Educação
Nov/1986-Fev/1989 Professor Provisório

Atividades de Investigação e Desenvolvimento (Research and Development activities)
Universidade de Évora
Abr/2005-Actual Escola de Ciências e Tecnologia
Linhas de investigação»Research fields:

Centro de Química de Évora - Linha 4 - Biotecnologia, Ambiente & Património

Centro de Química de Évora - Linha 5 - Ensino e Divulgação de Química

Atividades de Ensino (Teaching activities)
Universidade de Évora
Curso»Academic program: Licenciatura em Biologia

Disciplinas lecionadas»Taught units:

  • Química Geral (Semestre Ímpar) (Docente)

Curso»Academic program: Licenciaturas em Biologia, Bioquímica e Biotecnologia

Disciplinas lecionadas»Taught units:

  • Química dos Sistemas Naturais (Semestre Ímpar)(Regente)

Curso»Academic program: Licenciaturas em Bioquímica e em Biotecnologia

Disciplinas lecionadas»Taught units:

  • Princípios e Métodos de Bioquímica e Bioinorgânica (Semestre Par)(Docente)

Curso»Academic program: Mestrado em Química em Contexto Escolar

Disciplinas lecionadas»Taught units:

  • Tecnologias de Informação e Comunicação no Ensino (Semestre Ímpar)(Regente)

Curso»Academic program: Licenciatura em Bioquímica

Disciplinas lecionadas»Taught units:

  • Química das Águas Naturais (Semestre Par)(Regente)
  • Análise Bioquímica II (Semestre Par)(Docente)

Curso»Academic program: Mestrado em Análises Químicas Ambientais

Disciplinas lecionadas»Taught units:

  • Química dos Meios Aquáticos (Semestre Ímpar)(Regente)

Curso»Academic program: Licenciatura em Ciências do Ambiente

Disciplinas lecionadas»Taught units:

  • Fundamentos de Química dos Sistemas Naturais (Semestre Ímpar)(Regente)

Curso»Academic program: Licenciatura em Química

Disciplinas lecionadas»Taught units:

  • Química Computacional (Semestre Ímpar)(Regente)

Curso»Academic program: Licenciatura em Agronomia

Disciplinas lecionadas»Taught units:

  • Química (Semestre Ímpar)(Docente)

Curso»Academic program: Licenciaturas em Engenharia Civil e em Engenharia Mecatrónica

Disciplinas lecionadas»Taught units:

  • Química Geral (Semestre Ímpar)(Docente)

Curso»Academic program: Licenciatura em Biologia

Disciplinas lecionadas»Taught units:

  • Bioquímica Geral (Semestre Par)(Docente)

Curso»Academic program: Licenciatura em Ciências do Ambiente

Disciplinas lecionadas»Taught units:

  • Fundamentos de Química dos Sistemas Naturais (Semestre Ímpar)(Regente)
  • Química Física (Semestre Par)(Regente)

Curso»Academic program: Licenciatura em Bioquímica

Disciplinas lecionadas»Taught units:

  • Química (Semestre Ímpar)(Regente)
  • Análise Instrumental (Semestre Par)(Docente)

Curso»Academic program: Licenciatura em Ciências do Ambiente

Disciplinas lecionadas»Taught units:

  • Química dos Sistemas Naturais (Módulo de Química da Água) (Semestre Ímpar)(Docente)

Curso»Academic program: Licenciatura em Química

Disciplinas lecionadas»Taught units:

  • Química da Água (Semestre Par)(Regente)
  • Métodos Instrumentais de Análise (Semestre Par)(Docente)

Curso»Academic program: Licenciaturas em Ciências do Ambiente e em Química

Disciplinas lecionadas»Taught units:

  • Química da Água (Semestre Par)(Docente)

Curso»Academic program: Licenciatura em Arquitectura Paisagista

Disciplinas lecionadas»Taught units:

  • Química (Semestre Ímpar)(Docente)

Curso»Academic program: Licenciatura em Ensino de Física e Química

Disciplinas lecionadas»Taught units:

  • Análise Instrumental (Semestre Par)(Docente)

Curso»Academic program: Licenciaturas em Biologia, Ciências do Ambiente e Engenharia Agrícola

Disciplinas lecionadas»Taught units:

  • Química I (Semestre Ímpar)(Docente)

Curso»Academic program: Licenciaturas em Eng. de Recursos Geológicos e em Eng. de Recursos Hídricos

Disciplinas lecionadas»Taught units:

  • Química II (Semestre Par)(Docente)

Curso»Academic program: Licenciaturas em Biologia e Engenharia de Recursos Hídricos

Disciplinas lecionadas»Taught units:

  • Qualidade e Contaminação da Água (Semestre Ímpar)(Docente)

Curso»Academic program: Licenciatura em Ensino de Física e Química

Disciplinas lecionadas»Taught units:

  • Química do Ambiente (Semestre Par)(Docente)

Curso»Academic program: Licenciatura em Ensino de Física e Química

Disciplinas lecionadas»Taught units:

  • Introdução à Teoria da Ligação Química (Semestre Par)(Docente)
  • Química Física (Semestre Ímpar)(Docente)

Curso»Academic program: Licenciatura em Arquitectura Paisagista

Disciplinas lecionadas»Taught units:

  • Química (Semestre Ímpar)(Docente)

Ministério da Educação
Disciplinas lecionadas»Taught units:

  • Ciências Físico-Químicas, 8º ano de escolaridade
  • Ciências Físico-Químicas, 9º ano de escolaridade
  • Quimicotecnia, 9º ano de escolaridade

Disciplinas lecionadas»Taught units:

  • Ciências Físico-Químicas, 8º ano de escolaridade
  • Ciências Físico-Químicas, 9º ano de escolaridade

Disciplinas lecionadas»Taught units:

  • Ciências Físico-Químicas, 11º ano de escolaridade

Atividades de Conselhos, Comissões e Consultorias (Councils, Comissions and Consultancy activities)
Universidade de Évora
Membro do Conselho Directivo do Centro de Inovação em Tecnologias Informação

Outro - Membro da Comissão de Curso da Licenciatura em Ciências Exactas e Naturais

Membro do Conselho Científico do Centro de Química de Évora

Membro do Conselho Científico da Área Departamental de Ciências Exactas

Membro da Comissão Científica do Departamento de Química

Membro do Conselho do Departamento de Química

Membro do Conselho do Departamento de Química

Membro do Conselho Pedagógico

Membro da Comissão Coordenadora da Prova Específica de Química 10/12

Atividades de Direção e Administração (Management and Administration activities)

Universidade de Évora
- Outro - Adjunto do Presidente do Conselho do Departamento de Química

Linhas de Investigação (Research fields)
1. Centro de Química de Évora - Linha 4 - Biotecnologia, Ambiente & Património
2. Centro de Química de Évora - Linha 5 - Ensino e Divulgação de Química

Projetos de Investigação (Research projects)
Participação como Investigador
Participation as Researcher
Projecto Estratégico - UI 619 - 2011-2012
Referência do projeto»Project reference: PEst-OE/QUI/UI0619/2011.

Línguas (Languages)
Inglês (Bem), Espanhol (Bem).
Inglês (Razoavelmente), Espanhol (Razoavelmente).

Inglês (Bem), Espanhol (Bem).
Inglês (Razoavelmente), Espanhol (Razoavelmente).

Produção científica, técnica e artística/cultural (Scientific, technical and artistical/cultural production)
Capítulos de livros publicados
Published book chapters
1. Neto, Cristiana; Dias, Inês; Santos, Maria; Alves, Victor; Ferraz, Filipa; Neves, João; Vicente, Henrique; Neves, José. 2018. A MRI View of Brain Tumor Outcome Prediction.  In Creative Business and Social Innovation, I - XIV. . Cham: Springer (Accepted - to appear).
2. Ferraz, Filipa; Neves, José; Alves, Victor; Vicente, Henrique. 2018. Dyscalculia: A Behavioural Vision.  In Applied Physics, System Science and Computers, I - VIII. . Cham: Springer (Accepted - to appear).
3. Martins, Bia; Rei, João; Braga, Miguel; Abelha, António; Vicente, Henrique; Neves, João; Neves, José. 2018. Kidney Care - A Personal Assistant Assessment.  In Personal Assistants: Emerging Computational Technologies, Intelligent Systems Reference Library, Vol. 132, ed. A. Costa, V. Julian & P. Novais, 37 - 54. ISBN: 978-3-319-62529-4. Cham: Springer International Publishing.
4. Neves, José; Vicente, Henrique; Esteves, Marisa; Ferraz, Filipa; Abelha, António; Machado, José; Machado, Joana; Neves, João. 2018. Waiting Time Screening in Healthcare.  In Big Data Technology and Applications, I - X. . Cham: Springer (Accepted - to appear).
5. Neves, João; Faria, Ricardo; Alves, Victor; Ferraz, Filipa; Vicente, Henrique; Neves, José. 2018. Chest X-Ray Image Analysis - A Vision of Logic Programming.  In Agents and Artificial Intelligence, Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence, ed. J. van den Herik, A.P. Rocha & J. Filipe, I - XIV. . Cham: Springer International Publishing (Accepted - to appear).
6. Neves, José; Vicente, Henrique; Ferraz, Filipa; Leite, Ana C; Rodrigues, Ana R; Cruz, Manuela; Machado, Joana; Neves, João; Sampaio, Luzia. 2018. A Deep Learning approach to Case Based Reasoning to the Evaluation and Diagnosis of Cervical Carcinoma.  In Modern Approaches to Intelligent Information and Database Systems, I - XII. . Cham: Springer (Accepted - to appear).
7. Ramalhosa, Ivo; Mateus, Pedro; Alves, Victor; Vicente, Henrique; Ferraz, Filipa; Neves, João; Neves, José. 2018. Diagnosis of Alzheimer Disease Through an Artificial Neural Network Based System.  In Advances in Human Factors in Simulation and Modeling, Advances in Intelligent Systems and Computing, Vol. 591, ed. D.N. Cassenti, 162 - 174. ISBN: 978-3-319-60590-6. Cham: Springer International Publishing.
8. Figueiredo, Margarida; Rafael, Catarina; Neves, José; Vicente, Henrique. 2017. Assessing the Role of Computer Simulation in Chemistry Learning.  In Methodologies and Intelligent Systems for Technology Enhanced Learning, Advances in Intelligent and Soft Computing, Vol. 617, ed. P. Vittorini, R. Gennari, T. Di Mascio, S. Rodríguez, F. De la Prieta, C. Ramos & R. A. Silveira, 47 - 56. ISBN: 978-3-319-60818-1. Cham: Springer International Publishing.
9. Ferraz, Filipa; Costa, António; Alves, Victor; Vicente, Henrique; Neves, João; Neves, José. 2017. Gaming in Dyscalculia: A Review on disMAT.  In Recent Advances in Information Systems and Technologies - Vol. 2, Advances in Intelligent Systems and Computing, Vol. 570, ed. Á. Rocha, A. M. Correia, H. Adeli, L. P. Reis & S. Costanzo, 232 - 241. ISBN: 978-3-319-56537-8. Cham: Springer International Publishing.
10. Morgado, Pedro; Vicente, Henrique; Abelha, António; Machado, José; Neves, João; Neves, José. 2017. A Case-Based Approach to Colorectal Cancer Detection.  In Information Science and Applications, Lecture Notes in Electrical Engineering, Vol. 424, ed. K. J. Kim & N. Joukov, 433 - 442. ISBN: 978-981-10-4153-2. Singapore: Springer Singapore.
11. Vicente, Henrique; Martins, M.R.; Duarte, Margarida; Miguel, Patrícia; Grañeda, José; Caldeira, Filomena; Vilhena, João; Neves, João; Neves, José. 2017. A Case Base View of Heart Failure Predisposition Risk.  In Recent Advances in Information Systems and Technologies - Vol. 3, Advances in Intelligent Systems and Computing, Vol. 571, ed. Á. Rocha, A. M. Correia, H. Adeli, L. P. Reis & S. Costanzo, 312 - 323. ISBN: 978-3-319-56540-8. Cham: Springer International Publishing.
12. Maia, Nuno; Mariano, Manuel; Marreiros, Goreti; Vicente, Henrique; Neves, José. 2017. Efficacy and Planning in Ophthalmic Surgery - A Vision of Logical Programming.  In Computational Collective Intelligence, Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence, Vol. 10448, ed. N.-T. Nguyen, G.A. Papadopoulos, P. Jedrzejowicz, B. Trawinski & G. Vossen, 558 - 568. ISBN: 978-3-319-67073-7. Cham: Springer International Publishing.
13. Esteves, Marisa; Vicente, Henrique; Machado, José; Alves, Victor; Neves, José. 2017. A Case Based Methodology for Problem Solving aiming at Knee Osteoarthritis Detection.  In Recent Advances on Soft Computing and Data Mining, Advances in Intelligent Systems and Computing, Vol. 549, ed. T. Herawan, R. Ghazali, N. M. Nawi & M. M. Deris, 274 - 284. ISBN: 978-3-319-51279-2. Cham: Springer International Publishing.
14. Abelha, Vasco; Marins, Fernando; Vicente, Henrique. 2016. Evaluation of the Length of Hospital Stay through Artificial Neural Networks based Systems.  In Applying Business Intelligence to Clinical and Healthcare Organizations, Advances in Bioinformatics and Biomedical Engineering, ed. J. Machado & A. Abelha, 153 - 168. ISBN: 10.4018/978-1-466. Hershey: IGI Global.
15. Vilhena, João; Vicente, Henrique; Martins, M.R.; Grañeda, José; Caldeira, Filomena; Gusmão, Rodrigo; Neves, João; Neves, José. 2016. Antiphospholipid Syndrome Risk Evaluation.  In New Advances in Information Systems and Technologies - Vol. 1, Advances in Intelligent Systems and Computing, Vol. 444, ed. Á. Rocha, A. M. Correia, H. Adeli, L. P. Reis & M. M. Teixeira, 157 - 167. ISBN: 978-3-319-31231-6. Cham: Springer International Publishing.
16. Neves, José; Silva, Eva; Neves, João; Vicente, Henrique. 2016. Evaluation of Nosocomial Infection Risk Using a Hybrid Approach.  In Applying Business Intelligence to Clinical and Healthcare Organizations, Advances in Bioinformatics and Biomedical Engineering, ed. J. Machado & A. Abelha, 24 - 42. ISBN: 9781466698826. Hershey: IGI Global.
17. Coimbra, Ana; Vicente, Henrique; Abelha, António; Santos, M.F.; Machado, José; Neves, João; Neves, José. 2016. Prediction of Length of Hospital Stay in Preterm Infants A Case-Based Reasoning View.  In Intelligent Decision Technologies 2016 - Vol. 1, Smart Innovation, Systems and Technologies, Vol. 56, ed. I. Czarnowski, A. M. Caballero, R. J. Howlett & L. C. Jain, 115 - 128. ISBN: 978-3-319-39629-3. Cham: Springer International Publishing.
18. Figueiredo, Margarida; Neves, José; Vicente, Henrique. 2016. A Soft Computing Approach to Quality Evaluation of General Chemistry Learning in Higher Education.  In Methodologies and Intelligent Systems for Technology Enhanced Learning, Advances in Intelligent and Soft Computing, Vol. 478, ed. M. Caporuscio, F. De la Prieta, T. Di Mascio, R. Gennari, J. G. Rodríguez & P. Vittorini, 81 - 89. ISBN: 978-3-319-40164-5. Cham: Springer International Publishing.
19. Fernandes, Ana; Vicente, Henrique; Figueiredo, Margarida; Maia, Nuno; Marreiros, Goreti; Neves, Mariana; Neves, José. 2016. A Case-base Approach to Workforces’ Satisfaction Assessment.  In Research and Practical Issues of Enterprise Information Systems, Lecture Notes in Business Information Processing, Vol. 268, ed. A. M. Tjoa, L. D. Xu, M. Raffai & N. M. Novak, 191 - 206. ISBN: 978-3-319-49943-7. Cham: Springer International Publishing.
20. Esteves, Marisa; Vicente, Henrique; Gomes, Sabino; Abelha, António; Santos, M.F.; Machado, José; Neves, João; Neves, José. 2016. Waiting Time Screening in Diagnostic Medical Imaging – A Case-based View.  In Data Mining and Big Data, Lecture Notes on Computer Science, Vol. 9714, ed. Y. Tan & Y. Shi, 296 - 308. ISBN: 978-3-319-40972-6. Cham: Springer International Publishing.
21. Coelho, Cristina; Martins, M.R.; Lima, Nelson; Vicente, Henrique; Neves, José. 2016. An Assessment to Toxicological Risk of Pesticide Exposure.  In Building Sustainable Health Ecosystems, Communications in Computer and Information Science, Vol. 636, ed. H. Li, P. Nykänen, R. Suomi, N. Wickramasinghe, G. Widén & M. Zhan, 139 - 150. ISBN: 978-3-319-44671-4. Cham: Springer International Publishing.
22. Fernandes, Ana; Vicente, Henrique; Figueiredo, Margarida; Neves, Mariana; Neves, José. 2016. An Evaluative Model to assess the Organizational Efficiency in Training Corporations.  In Future Data and Security Engineering, Lecture Notes in Computer Science, Vol. 10018, ed. T. K. Dang, R. Wagner, J. Küng, N. Thoai, M. Takizawa & E. Neuhold, 415 - 428. ISBN: 978-3-319-48056-5. Cham: Springer International Publishing.
23. Faria, Ricardo; Vicente, Henrique; Abelha, António; Santos, M.F.; Machado, José; Neves, José. 2016. A Case-based Approach to Nosocomial Infection Detection.  In Artificial Intelligence and Soft Computing, Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence, Vol. 9693, ed. L. Rutkowski, M. Korytkowski, R. Scherer, R. Tadeusiewicz, L. A. Zadeh & J. M. Zurada, 159 - 168. ISBN: 978-3-319-39383-4. Cham: Springer International Publishing.
24. Neves, José; Figueiredo, Margarida; Vicente, Lídia; Vicente, Henrique. 2016. A Case Based Reasoning View of School Dropout Screening.  In Information Science and Applications, Lecture Notes in Electrical Engineering, Vol. 376, ed. K. J. Kim & N. Joukov, 953 - 964. ISBN: 978-981-10-0556-5. Singapore: Springer Singapore.
25. Neves, José; Zeleznikow, John; Vicente, Henrique. 2016. Quality of Judgment Assessment.  In Interdisciplinary Perspectives on Contemporary Conflict Resolution, Advances in Linguistics and Communication Studies, ed. P. Novais & D. Carneiro, 96 - 110. ISBN: 9781522502456. Hershey: IGI Global.
26. Neves, José; Abelha, Vasco; Vicente, Henrique; Neves, João; Machado, José. 2016. Length of Hospital Stay and Quality of Care.  In Knowledge, Information and Creativity Support Systems, Advances in Intelligent Systems and Computing, Vol. 416, ed. S. Kunifugi, G. Papadopoulos, A. Skulimowski & J. Kacprzyk, 273 - 287. ISBN: 978-3-319-27477-5. Cham: Springer International Publishing.
27. Quintas, Ana; Vicente, Henrique; Novais, Paulo; Abelha, António; Santos, M.F.; Machado, José; Neves, José. 2016. A Case Based approach to assess Waiting Time Prediction at an Intensive Care Unity.  In Advances in Safety Management and Human Factors, Advances in Intelligent Systems and Computing, Vol. 491, ed. P. Arezes, 29 - 39. ISBN: 978-3-319-41928-2. Cham: Springer International Publishing.
28. Silva, Ana; Vicente, Henrique; Abelha, António; Santos, M.F.; Machado, José; Neves, João; Neves, José. 2016. Length of Stay in Intensive Care Units - A Case Base Evaluation.  In New Trends in Software Methodologies, Tools and Techniques, Frontiers in Artificial Intelligence and Applications, Vol 286, ed. H. Fujita & G. A. Papadopoulos, 191 - 202. ISBN: 978-1-61499-673-6. Amsterdam: IOS Press.
29. Neves, José; Gonçalves, Nuno; Oliveira, Ruben; Gomes, Sabino; Neves, João; Macedo, Joaquim; Abelha, António; Analide, César; Machado, José; Santos, M.F.; Vicente, Henrique. 2016. Screening a Case Base for Stroke Disease Detection.  In Hybrid Artificial Intelligent Systems, Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence, Vol. 9648, ed. F. Martínez-Álvarez, A. Troncoso, H. Quintián & E. Corchado, 3 - 13. ISBN: 978-3-319-32033-5. Cham: Springer International Publishing.
30. Ferraz, Filipa; Vicente, Henrique; Costa, António; Neves, José. 2016. An Artificial Intelligence Approach to Dyscalculia.  In Mobile and Wireless Technologies 2016, Lecture Notes in Electrical Engineering, Vol. 391, ed. K. J. Kim, N. Wattanapongsakorn & N. Joukov, 205 - 214. ISBN: 978-981-10-1408-6. Singapore: Springer Singapore.
31. Torres, Luís; Vicente, Henrique; Novais, Paulo; Abelha, António; Neves, José. 2015. Prediction of Organ Donation after Irreversible Brain Damage.  In Future Communication Technology and Engineering, ed. K. Chan, 333 - 338. ISBN: 978-1-138-02777-0. London: CRC Press.
32. Neves, José; Cunha, Adriana; Almeida, Ana; Carvalho, André; Neves, João; Abelha, António; Machado, José; Vicente, Henrique. 2015. Artificial Neural Networks in Diagnosis of Liver Diseases.  In Information Technology in Bio- and Medical Informatics, Lecture Notes in Computer Science, Vol. 9267, ed. M.E. Renda, M. Bursa, A. Holzinger & S. Khuri, 71 - 80. ISBN: 978-3-319-22740-5. Cham: Springer International Publishing.
33. Martins, M.R.; Mendes, Teresa; Grañeda, José; Gusmão, Rodrigo; Vicente, Henrique; Neves, José. 2015. Artificial Neural Networks in Acute Coronary Syndrome Screening.  In Bioinformatics and Biomedical Engineering – Part I, Lecture Notes in Computer Science, Vol. 9043, ed. F. Ortuño & I. Rojas, 108 - 119. ISBN: 978-3-319-16482-3. Cham: Springer International Publishing.
34. Neves, José; Martins, M.R.; Vicente, Henrique; Neves, João; Abelha, António; Machado, José. 2015. An Assessment of Chronic Kidney Diseases.  In New Contributions in Information Systems and Technologies – Vol. 1, Advances in Intelligent Systems and Computing, Vol. 353, ed. Á. Rocha, A. M. Correia, S. Costanzo & L. P. Reis, 179 - 191. ISBN: 978-3-319-16485-4. Cham: Springer International Publishing.
35. Neves, José; Guimarães, Tiago; Gomes, Sabino; Vicente, Henrique; Santos, Mariana; Neves, João; Machado, José; Novais, Paulo. 2015. Logic Programming and Artificial Neural Networks in Breast Cancer Detection.  In Advances in Computational Intelligence - Part II, Lecture Notes on Computer Science, Vol. 9095, ed. I. Rojas, G. Joya & A. Catala, 211 - 224. ISBN: 978-3-319-19221-5. Cham: Springer International Publishing.
36. Neves, José; Figueiredo, Margarida; Vicente, Lídia; Gomes, Guida; Macedo, Joaquim; Vicente, Henrique. 2015. Quality of Learning under an All-inclusive Approach.  In Methodologies and Intelligent Systems for Technology Enhanced Learning, Advances in Intelligent and Soft Computing, Vol. 374, ed. T. Di Mascio, R. Gennari, P. Vittorini, & F. de la Prieta, 41 - 50. ISBN: 978-3-319-19631-2. Cham: Springer International Publishing.
37. Neves, José; Fernandes, Ana; Gomes, Guida; Neves, Mariana; Abelha, António; Vicente, Henrique. 2015. International Standard ISO 9001 – A Soft Computing View.  In Enterprise Information Systems, Lecture Notes in Business Information Processing, Vol. 241, ed. S. Hammoudi, L. Maciaszek, E. Teniente, O. Camp & J. Cordeiro, 153 - 167. ISBN: 978-3-319-29132-1. Cham: Springer International Publishing.
38. Figueiredo, Margarida; Esteves, M.L.; Neves, José; Vicente, Henrique. 2014. Lab Classes in Chemistry Learning an Artificial Intelligence View.  In Advances in Intelligent Systems and Computing, Vol. 299, ed. J. G. de la Puerta, I. G. Ferreira, P. G. Bringas, F. Klett, A. Abraham, A. C. P. L. F. de Carvalho, Á. Herrero, B. Baruque, H. Quintián & E. Corchado, 565 - 575. ISBN: 978-3-319-07994-3. Cham: Springer International Publishing.
39. Figueiredo, Margarida; Vicente, Lídia; Vicente, Henrique; Neves, José. 2014. School Dropout Screening through Artificial Neural Networks based Systems.  In Advances in Educational Technologies, Educational Technologies Series, Vol. 12, ed. N. Mastorakis, P. Dondon & P. Borne, 22 - 27. ISBN: 978-1-61804-238-5. Santorini: INASE.
40. Neves, José; Ferraz, Filipa; Vicente, Henrique; Novais, Paulo. 2014. An Engine Oil Replacement Timeline.  In Advances in Information Science and Applications – Vol. II, Recent Advances in Computer Engineering Series, Vol. 23, ed. N. Mastorakis, K. Psarris, G. Vachtsevanos, P. Dondon, V. Mladenov, A. Bulucea, I. Rudas & O. Martin, 438 - 444. ISBN: 978-1-61804-237-8. Santorini: INASE.
41. Gomes, Guida; Vicente, Henrique; Neves, José. 2014. Evaluation of Concrete Deterioration through Artificial Neural Networks based Systems.  In Advances in Engineering Mechanics and Materials, ed. N. Mastorakis, J. D. Yau, V. Sokolov, O. Corbi, R. P. Julião, R. Neck, B. Epureanu, C. W. S. To, H. H. Cho, M. Razeghi, J. Zhang & S. Lofland, 117 - 124. ISBN: 978-1-61804-241-5. Santorini: INASE.
42. Figueiredo, Margarida; Vicente, Lídia; Vicente, Henrique; Alves, Victor; Neves, José. 2013. An Extension of the Eindhoven Classification Model to the Educational Sector.  In Advances in Intelligent Systems Research, Vol. 33, ed. D. Tan, 596 - 603. ISBN: 978-90786-77-79-6. Paris, France: Atlantis Press.
43. Vicente, Henrique; Couto, Catarina; Machado, José; Abelha, António; Neves, José. 2012. Prediction of Water Quality Parameters in a Reservoir Using Artificial Neural Networks.  In Lake Sustainability, WIT Transactions on State-of-the-art in Science and Engineering, Vol. 57, ed. C. A. Brebbia & S. E. Jorgensen, 187 - 196. ISBN: 978-1-84564-668-4. Southampton, United Kingdom: WIT Press.
44. Couto, Catarina; Vicente, Henrique; Machado, José; Abelha, António; Neves, José. 2012. Water Quality Modeling Using Artificial Intelligence-Based Tools.  In Lake Sustainability, WIT Transactions on State-of-the-art in Science and Engineering, Vol. 57, ed. C. A. Brebbia & S. E. Jorgensen, 177 - 186. ISBN: 978-1-84564-668-4. Southampton, United Kingdom: WIT Press.
45. Caldeira, A.T.; Roseiro, José; Arteiro, José; Neves, José; Vicente, Henrique. 2011. Production of Bioactive Compounds Against Wood Contaminant Fungi: An Artificial Intelligence Approach.  In Minimizing the Environmental Impact of the Forest Products Industries, ed. F. Caldeira, 131 - 137. ISBN: 978-989-643-083-2. Porto, Portugal: Fernando Pessoa University Editions.
46. Pinto, Ana; Fernandes, Ana; Vicente, Henrique; Neves, José. 2009. Optimizing Water Treatment Systems Using Artificial Intelligence Based Tools.  In Water Resourse Management V, WIT Transactions on Ecology and the Environment, Vol. 125, ed. C. A. Brebbia & V. Popov, 185 - 194. ISBN: 978-1-84564-199-3. Southampton, United Kingdom: WIT Press.
47. Santos, M.F.; Cortez, Paulo; Quintela, Hélder; Neves, José; Vicente, Henrique; Arteiro, José. 2005. Ecological Mining - A Case Study on Dam Water Quality.  In Data Mining VI – Data Mining, Text Mining and their Business Applications, WIT Transactions on Information and Communication Technologies, Vol. 35, ed. A. Zanasi, C. A. Brebbia & N. F. F. Ebecken, 523 - 531. ISBN: 1-84564-017-9. Southampton, United Kingdom: WIT Press.

Artigos em revistas com arbitragem científica
Papers in periodics with scientific refereeing
1. Salvador, Cátia; Martins, M.R.; Vicente, Henrique; Caldeira, A.T.. 2018. "A Data Mining Approach to Improve Inorganic Characterisation of Amanita ponderosa Mushrooms", International Journal of Analytical Chemistry, X: x - xx.
2. Vilhena, João; Vicente, Henrique; Martins, M.R.; Grañeda, José; Caldeira, Filomena; Gusmão, Rodrigo; Neves, João; Neves, José. 2017. "An Artificial Intelligence approach to Thrombophilia Risk", International Journal of Reliable and Quality E-Healthcare 6 (2), Paper 5: 49 - 69.
3. Coelho, Cristina; Vicente, Henrique; Martins, M.R.; Lima, Nelson; Neves, Mariana; Neves, José. 2017. "An assessment of environmental and toxicological risk to pesticide exposure based on a case-based approach to computing", IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science, 52, 012091: 1 - 11.
4. Vilhena, João; Martins, M.R.; Vicente, Henrique; Grañeda, José; Caldeira, Filomena; Gusmão, Rodrigo; Neves, João; Neves, José. 2017. "An Integrated Soft Computing Approach to Hughes Syndrome Risk Assessment", Journal of Medical Systems 41, (3): 40: 1 - 12.
5. Figueiredo, Margarida; Esteves, M.L.; Neves, José; Vicente, Henrique. 2016. "A Data Mining Approach to Study the Impact of the Methodology Followed in Chemistry Lab Classes on the Weight Attributed by the Students to the Lab Work on Learning and Motivation", Chemistry Education Research and Practice 17, 1: 156 - 171.
6. Vicente, Henrique; Martins, M.R.; Mendes, Teresa; Vilhena, João; Grañeda, José; Gusmão, Rodrigo; Neves, José. 2016. "A Soft Computing Approach to Acute Coronary Syndrome Risk Evaluation", Austin Journal of Clinical Cardiology 3 (1), ID 1044: 1 - 8.
7. Vilhena, João; Vicente, Henrique; Martins, M.R.; Grañeda, José; Caldeira, Filomena; Gusmão, Rodrigo; Neves, João; Neves, José. 2016. "A Case-Based Reasoning View of Thrombophilia Risk", Journal of Biomedical Informatics, 62: 265 - 275.
8. Figueiredo, Margarida; Neves, José; Gomes, Guida; Vicente, Henrique. 2016. "Assessing the Role of General Chemistry Learning in Higher Education", Procedia - Social and Behavioral Sciences, 228: 161 - 168.
9. Martins, Diana; Alves, Victor; Vicente, Henrique; Neves, José. 2016. "An Artificial Intelligence Approach to Individuals’ Age Assessment", WSEAS Transactions on Systems, 15: 168 - 179.
10. Ferraz, Filipa; Vicente, Henrique; Costa, António; Neves, José. 2016. "Analysis of Dyscalculia Evidences through Artificial Intelligence Systems", Journal of Software Networking, 2016: 53 - 78.
11. Cardoso, Luciana; Marins, Fernando; Magalhães, Ricardo; Marins, Nivaldo; Oliveira, Tiago; Vicente, Henrique; Abelha, António; Machado, José; Neves, José. 2015. "Abstract Computation in Schizophrenia Detection through Artificial Neural Network based Systems", The Scientific World Journal 2015, ID 467178: 1 - 10.
12. Neves, José; Martins, M.R.; Candeias, Fátima; Ferreira, Diana; Arantes, Sílvia; Cruz-Morais, Júlio; Gomes, Guida; Macedo, Joaquim; Abelha, António; Vicente, Henrique. 2015. "Logic Programming and Artificial Neural Networks in Pharmacological Screening of Schinus Essential Oils", World Academy of Science, Engineering and Technology, International Science Index 103, International Journal of Biological, Biomolecular, Agricultural, Food and Biotechnological Engineering 9, 7: 728 - 733.
13. Vicente, Henrique; Borralho, Fábio; Couto, Catarina; Gomes, Guida; Alves, Victor; Neves, José. 2015. "An Adverse Event Reporting and Learning System for Water Sector based on an Extension of the Eindhoven Classification Model", Water Resources Management 29, 14: 4927 - 4943.
14. Neves, José; Martins, M.R.; Vilhena, João; Neves, João; Gomes, Sabino; Abelha, António; Machado, José; Vicente, Henrique. 2015. "A Soft Computing Approach to Kidney Diseases Evaluation", Journal of Medical Systems  39, (10): 131: 1 - 9.
15. Salvador, Cátia; Martins, M.R.; Vicente, Henrique; Neves, José; Arteiro, José; Caldeira, A.T.. 2013. "Modelling molecular and inorganic data of Amanita ponderosa mushrooms using artificial neural networks", Agroforestry Systems 87, 2: 295 - 302.
16. Vicente, Henrique; Roseiro, José; Arteiro, José; Neves, José; Caldeira, A.T.. 2013. "Prediction of bioactive compounds activity against wood contaminant fungi using artificial neural networks", Canadian Journal of Forest Research 43, 11: 985 - 992.
17. Gomes, Guida; Vicente, Henrique; Macedo, Joaquim; Alves, Victor; Neves, José. 2013. "A Logic Programming Approach for the Conservation of Buildings Based on an Extension of the Eindhoven Classification Model", Polibits 48, Jul-Dec: 31 - 38.
18. Nunes, Jorge; Madeira, Manuel; Gazarini, Luíz; Neves, José; Vicente, Henrique. 2012. "A data mining approach to improve multiple regression models of soil nitrate concentration predictions in Quercus rotundifolia montados (Portugal)", Agroforestry Systems 84, 1: 89 - 100.
19. Vicente, Henrique; Couto, Catarina; Machado, José; Abelha, António; Neves, José. 2012. "Prediction of Water Quality Parameters in a Reservoir using Artificial Neural Networks", International Journal of Design & Nature and Ecodynamics 7, 3: 309 - 318.
20. Couto, Catarina; Vicente, Henrique; Machado, José; Abelha, António; Neves, José. 2012. "Water Quality Modeling using Artificial Intelligence-Based Tools", International Journal of Design & Nature and Ecodynamics 7, 3: 299 - 308.
21. Vicente, Henrique; Dias, Susana; Fernandes, Ana; Abelha, António; Machado, José; Neves, José. 2012. "Prediction of the Quality of Public Water Supply using Artificial Neural Networks", Journal of Water Supply: Research and Technology - Aqua 61, 7: 446 - 459.
22. Caldeira, A.T.; Arteiro, José; Roseiro, José; Neves, José; Vicente, Henrique. 2011. "An artificial intelligence approach to Bacillus amyloliquefaciens CCMI 1051 cultures: Application to the production of anti-fungal compounds", Bioresource Technology 102, 2: 1496 - 1502.
23. Viana, César; Calado, António; Vicente, Henrique. 1987. "Pressure and Temperature Effects on the Walden Product of Two Tetraalkylammonium Salts in Different Solvents", Portugaliae Electrochimica Acta 5, 4: 357 - 360.

Trabalhos completos/resumidos em eventos com arbitragem científica
Papers in conference proceedings with scientific refereeing
1. Faria, Ricardo; Alves, Victor; Ferraz, Filipa; Neves, João; Vicente, Henrique; Neves, José. 2017. "A Case Base Approach to Cardiovascular Diseases using Chest X-ray Image Analysis", Trabalho apresentado em 9th International Conference on Agents and Artificial Intelligence (ICAART 2017), Oporto, Portugal, In Proceedings of the 9th International Conference on Agents and Artificial Intelligence (ICAART 2017), Vol. II, 266-274, Scitepress, Lisbon.
2. Neves, José; Gomes, Guida; Macedo, Joaquim; Vicente, Henrique. 2017. "Desenvolvimento de um Sistema Inteligente para Avaliação do Estado de Degradação de Estruturas em Betão", Trabalho apresentado em 8º Congresso Luso-Moçambicano de Engenharia / V Congresso de Engenharia de Moçambique, Maputo, Moçambique, In Proceedings of the 8º Congresso Luso-Moçambicano de Engenharia (CLME 2017) / V Congresso de Engenharia de Moçambique, 405-406, INEGI, Porto.
3. Neves, João; Vicente, Henrique; Couto, Diogo; Azevedo, João; Pereira, Juliana; Ferraz, Filipa; Alves, Victor; Neves, José. 2017. "An Evolutionary Computing approach to Diabetic Foot Analysis", Trabalho apresentado em 2017 Intelligent Systems Conference (INTELLISYS), London, United Kingdom, In Proceedings of the 2017 Intelligent Systems Conference (INTELLISYS), 504-509, IEEE Edition.
4. Neves, José; Martins, M.R.; Candeias, Fátima; Arantes, Sílvia; Piteira, Ana; Vicente, Henrique. 2016. "An Assessment of Pharmacological Properties of Schinus Essential Oils - A Soft Computing Approach", Trabalho apresentado em 30th European Conference on Modelling and Simulation (ECSM 2016), Regensburg, Germany, In Proceedings of the 30th European Conference on Modelling and Simulation (ECSM 2016), 107 – 113, ECMS Edition.
5. Domingues, Andréa; Vicente, Henrique; Neves, João; Alves, Victor; Neves, José. 2016. "Chest Breadths to Predict Individuals' Age - A Case Based View", Trabalho apresentado em 18th IEEE Conference on Business Informatics, Paris, France, In Proceedings of the 18th IEEE Conference on Business Informatics, (CBI 2016), 53-60, IEEE Edition.
6. Martins, Diana; Alves, Victor; Vicente, Henrique; Neves, José. 2016. "Age Prediction through Pelvis X-Ray Images - A Case Based approach to Problem Solving", Trabalho apresentado em 3rd International Conference on Mathematics and Computers in Sciences and Industry, Chania, Crete, Greece, In Proceedings of the 3rd International Conference on Mathematics and Computers in Sciences and Industry, (MCSI 2016), 275–281, IEEE Edition.
7. Fernandes, Bruno; Freitas, Mauro; Analide, César; Vicente, Henrique; Neves, José. 2015. "Handling Default Data under a Case-Based Reasoning Approach", Trabalho apresentado em 7th International Conference on Agents and Artificial Intelligence (ICAART 2015), Lisbon, Portugal, In Proceedings of the 7th International Conference on Agents and Artificial Intelligence (ICAART 2015), Vol. II, 294-304, Scitepress, Lisbon.
8. Vilhena, João; Martins, M.R.; Vicente, Henrique; Nelas, Luís; Machado, José; Neves, José. 2015. "Thrombophilia Screening - An Artificial Neural Network Approach", Trabalho apresentado em 8th International Conference on Health Informatics (HEALTHINF 2015), Lisbon, Portugal, In Proceedings of the 8th International Conference on Health Informatics (HEALTHINF 2015), 51-59, Scitepress, Lisbon.
9. Fernandes, Filipe; Vicente, Henrique; Abelha, António; Machado, José; Novais, Paulo; Neves, José. 2015. "Artificial Neural Networks in Diabetes Control", Trabalho apresentado em 2015 Science and Information Conference (SAI 2015), London, United Kingdom, In Proceedings of the 2015 Science and Information Conference (SAI 2015), 362-370, IEEE Edition.
10. Neves, José; Fernandes, Ana; Gomes, Guida; Neves, Mariana; Abelha, António; Vicente, Henrique. 2015. "International Standard ISO 9001 - An Artificial Intelligence View", Trabalho apresentado em 17th International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems (ICEIS 2015), Barcelona, Spain, In Proceedings of the 17th International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems (ICEIS 2015), Vol. I, 421-428, Scitepress, Lisbon.
11. Neves, José; Vicente, Henrique; Gonçalves, Nuno; Oliveira, Ruben; Neves, João; Abelha, António; Machado, José. 2015. "Artificial Neural Networks in Stroke Predisposition Screening", Trabalho apresentado em 13th International Conference on e-Society 2015, Funchal, Portugal, In Proceedings of the 13th International Conference on e-Society 2015, 133-142, IADIS Press.
12. Neves, José; Machado, José; Gomes, Guida; Sousa, Sérgio; Tereso, Daniela; Coelho, Ana; Caldeira, A.T.; Pereira, António; Candeias, António; Vicente, Henrique. 2015. "An Evaluation of Parchments’ Degradation – A Hybrid Approach", Trabalho apresentado em 29th European Conference on Modelling and Simulation (ECSM 2015), Varna, Bulgaria, In Proceedings of the 29th European Conference on Modelling and Simulation (ECSM 2015), 492–498, ECMS Edition.
13. Neves, José; Gomes, Guida; Machado, José; Vicente, Henrique. 2015. "A Case Based Approach to Concrete Deterioration Assessment", Trabalho apresentado em 28th International Conference on Computer Applications in Industry and Engineering (CAINE 2015), In Proceedings of the 28th International Conference on Computer Applications in Industry and Engineering (CAINE 2015), 65-70, San Diego, USA.
14. Pereira, Sónia; Gomes, Sabino; Vicente, Henrique; Ribeiro, Jorge; Abelha, António; Novais, Paulo; Machado, José; Neves, José. 2014. "An Artificial Neuronal Network Approach to Diagnosis of Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder", Trabalho apresentado em 2014 IEEE International Conference on Imaging Systems and Techniques (IST 2014), In Proceedings of 2014 IEEE International Conference on Imaging Systems and Techniques (IST 2014), 410-415, Santorini, Greece.
15. Abelha, Vasco; Vicente, Henrique; Machado, José; Neves, José. 2014. "An Assessment on the Length of Hospital Stay through Artificial Neural Networks", Trabalho apresentado em 9th International Conference on Knowledge, Information and Creativity Support Systems (KICSS 2014), In Proceedings of the 9th International Conference on Knowledge, Information and Creativity Support Systems (KICSS 2014), 219-230, Limassol, Cyprus.
16. Rodrigues, Bruno; Gomes, Sabino; Vicente, Henrique; Abelha, António; Novais, Paulo; Machado, José; Neves, José. 2014. "Systematic Coronary Risk Evaluation through Artificial Neural Networks based Systems", Trabalho apresentado em 27th International Conference on Computer Applications in Industry and Engineering (CAINE 2014), In Proceedings of the 27th International Conference on Computer Applications in Industry and Engineering (CAINE 2014), 21-26, New Orleans, USA.
17. Vicente, Henrique; Couto, Catarina; Dias, Susana; Neves, José. 2013. "Applications of Artificial Intelligence Based Tools to Distinct Problems Related to Different Aspects of the Water Sector", Trabalho apresentado em International Conference & Workshops on Transboundary Water Management across Borders and Interfaces: Present and Future Challenges – TWAM 2013, In Proceedings of the International Conference & Workshops on Transboundary Water Management across Borders and Interfaces: Present and Future Challenges – TWAM 2013, Aveiro, Portugal.
18. Couto, Catarina; Vicente, Henrique; Neves, José. 2012. "Water Quality Modelling using Artificial Neural Networks and Decision Trees", Trabalho apresentado em 3rd International Interdisciplinary Conference on Predictions for Hydrology, Ecology and Water Resources Management: Water Resources and Changing Global Environment – HydroPredict 2012, In Proceedings of the 3rd International Interdisciplinary Conference on Predictions for Hydrology, Ecology and Water Resources Management: Water Resources and Changing Global Environment – HydroPredict 2012, Vienna, Austria.
19. Salvador, Cátia; Martins, M.R.; Vicente, Henrique; Neves, José; Arteiro, José; Caldeira, A.T.. 2011. "Modelling molecular and inorganic data of Amanita ponderosa mushrooms using artificial neural networks", Trabalho apresentado em 11th International Chemical and Biological Engineering Conference – CHEMPOR 2011, In CHEMPOR 2011, Lisbon, Portugal.
20. Vicente, Henrique; Dias, Susana; Neves, José. 2011. "Modelling of Public Water Supply Quality in the District of Évora Using Artificial Neural Networks", Trabalho apresentado em IWA Specialist Conference - WATER & INDUSTRY 2011, In Abstracts Book of WATER & INDUSTRY 2011, Valladolid, Spain.
21. Dias, Susana; Vicente, Henrique. 2011. "Modeling Water Quality in Public Supply Systems", Trabalho apresentado em Meeting 2011 of the Évora Chemistry Centre, In Jornadas do Centro de Química de Évora 2011, Évora, Portugal.
22. Garcia, Jorge; Vicente, Henrique; Arteiro, José. 2011. "Study of Nitrogen Environmental Behavior in Areas of Intensive Livestock Activity", Trabalho apresentado em Jornadas do Centro de Química de Évora 2011, In Jornadas do Centro de Química de Évora 2011, Évora, Portugal.
23. Esteves, M.L.; Figueiredo, Margarida; Vicente, Henrique. 2011. "Characterization of the Experimental Work Carried Out in the Secondary School, and the Study of its Importance in the Learning of Chemistry", Trabalho apresentado em Meeting 2011 of the Évora Chemistry Centre, In Jornadas do Centro de Química de Évora 2011, Évora, Portugal.
24. Caldeira, A.T.; Martins, M.R.; Cabrita, M.J.; Ambrósio, Cristina; Arteiro, José; Neves, José; Vicente, Henrique. 2010. "Aroma Compounds Prevision using Artificial Neural Networks Influence of Newly Indigenous Saccharomyces SPP in White Wine Produced with Vitis Vinifera Cv Siria", Trabalho apresentado em 6th International Conference on Simulation and Modelling in the Food and Bio-Industry 2010 - FOODSIM' 2010, In FOODSIM' 2010, 33-40, Bragança, Portugal.
25. Martins, M.R.; Caldeira, A.T.; Vicente, Henrique; Neves, José; Arteiro, José; Salvador, Cátia. 2010. "A Data Mining Approach to Characterize Amanita ponderosa Mushrooms Using Inorganic Profile and M13-PCR Molecular Data", Trabalho apresentado em 6th International Conference on Simulation and Modelling in the Food and Bio-Industry 2010 - FOODSIM' 2010, In FOODSIM' 2010, 5-12, Bragança, Portugal.
26. Caldeira, A.T.; Vicente, Henrique; Arteiro, José; Roseiro, José; Neves, José. 2010. "Production of Bioactive Compounds Against Wood Contaminant Fungi: An Artificial Intelligence Approach", Trabalho apresentado em 4th International Conference on Environment-Friendly Forest Products, In ECOWOOD 2010, Porto, Portugal.
27. Salvador, Cátia; Martins, M.R.; Vicente, Henrique; Neves, José; Arteiro, José; Caldeira, A.T.. 2010. "Phylogenetic and Inorganic Profile of Mediterranean Mycorrhizal Amanita ponderosa Mushrooms: A Data Mining Approach", Trabalho apresentado em XVII Congresso Nacional de Bioquímica, In Livro de Actas do XVII Congresso Nacional de Bioquímica, Porto, Portugal.
28. Vicente, Henrique. 2010. "Using Data Mining Techniques to Solve Problems in Chemistry", Trabalho apresentado em Meeting 2010 of the Department of Chemistry of the University of Évora, In Jornadas 2010 do Departamento de Química, Évora, Portugal.
29. Fernandes, Ana; Vicente, Henrique; Neves, José. 2009. "Solving Challenging Problems in the Oil Industry Using Artificial Intelligence Based Tools", Trabalho apresentado em 7th Annual Industrial Simulation Conference - ISC’2009, In Proceedings of Industrial Simulation Conference' 2009 - ISC' 2009, 325-331, Loughborough, United Kingdom.
30. Caldeira, A.T.; Vicente, Henrique; Neves, José; Arteiro, José; Roseiro, José. 2009. "Modelling of Bacillus Amyloliquefaciens CCMI 1051 Cultures Using Artificial Intelligence Based Tools", Trabalho apresentado em Microbiotec 09, In Book of Abstracts of Microbiotec 09, Vilamoura, Portugal.
31. Neves, José; Machado, José; Cortez, Paulo; Arteiro, José; Vicente, Henrique. 1998. "A Distributed Web-based Quality Water Diagnosis System in Lakes and Reservoirs", Trabalho apresentado em 10th European Simulation Symposium and Exibition - ESS'98, In Simulation Technology: Science and Art, 296-300, Nottingham, United Kingdom.
32. Viana, César; Calado, António; Vicente, Henrique. 1987. "Pressure and Temperature Effects on the Walden Product of Two Tetraalkylammonium Salts in Different Solvents", Trabalho apresentado em 3rd Meeting of the Portuguese Electrochemical Society, In Proceedings of the 3rd Meeting of the Portuguese Electrochemical Society, Algarve, Portugal.

Outra produção científica
Other scientific production
1. Vicente, Henrique. 2004. "Specification and Prototyping of Management and Control Systems of Water Quality in Reservoirs", 204 pp.. (PhD Thesis) Évora: University of Évora Edition.

Apresentação oral de trabalho
Oral work presentation
1. Vicente, Henrique. An Extension of the Eindhoven Classification Model to the Educational Sector,2013 International Conference on Advanced Information and Communication Technology for Education (ICAICTE 2013),Sanya, Hainan, China,2013 (Comunicação).
2. Vicente, Henrique. Prediction of Water Quality Parameters in a Reservoir using Artificial Neural Networks,1st International Conference on Lake Sustainability,New Forest, United Kingdom,2011 (Comunicação).
3. Vicente, Henrique. Modelling of Public Water Supply Quality in the District of Évora Using Artificial Neural Networks,IWA Specialist Conference – Water & Industry 2011,Valladolid, Spain,2010 (Comunicação).
4. Vicente, Henrique. Production of Bioactive Compounds Against Wood Contaminant Fungi: An Artificial Intelligence Approach,4th International Conference on Environmentally-Compatible Forest Products – ECOWOOD 2010,Porto, Portugal,2010 (Comunicação).
5. Vicente, Henrique. Using Data Mining Techniques to Solve Problems in Chemistry,Meeting 2010 of the Department of Chemistry of the University of Évora,Évora, Portugal,2010 (Conferência ou palestra).
6. Vicente, Henrique. Aroma Compounds Prevision using Artificial Neural Networks Influence of Newly Indigenous Saccharomyces SPP in White Wine Produced with Vitis Vinifera Cv Siria,6th International Conference on Simulation and Modelling in the Food and Bio-Industry 2010 - FOODSIM' 2010,Bragança, Portugal,2010 (Comunicação).
7. Vicente, Henrique. Optimizing Water Treatment Systems Using Artificial Intelligence Based Tools,5th International Conference on Sustainable Water Resources Management,Marfa, Malta,2009 (Comunicação).
8. Vicente, Henrique. Solving Challenging Problems in the Oil Industry Using Artificial Intelligence Based Tools,7th Annual Industrial Simulation Conference – ISC’2009,Loughborough, United Kingdom,2009 (Comunicação).
9. Vicente, Henrique. Application of Models based on Artificial Intelligence to Solve Problems in Chemistry, Biochemistry and Chemical Engineering,Afternoons with Chemistry,Évora, Portugal,2007 (Conferência ou palestra).
10. Vicente, Henrique. Systems of Management and Control of Water Quality in Reservoirs,1st Meeting of the Chemistry Course of the University of Évora,Évora, Portugal,2006 (Conferência ou palestra).
11. Vicente, Henrique. Ecological Mining - A Case Study on Dam Water Quality,6th International Conference on Data Mining, Text Mining and their Business Applications,Skiathos, Greece,2005 (Comunicação).
12. Vicente, Henrique. Pressure and Temperature Effects on the Walden Product of Two Tetraalkylammonium Salts in Different Solvents,3th Meeting of the Portuguese Electrochemical Society, Algarve, Portugal,1987 (Comunicação).

Organização de evento
Event organization
1. Vicente, Henrique. Olimpíadas de Química Júnior,2005 (Concurso / Organização).
2. Vicente, Henrique. V Encontro Ibérico de Electroquímica/ X Encontro da Sociedade Portuguesa de Electroquímica,1999 (Encontro / Organização).

Dados Complementares (Additional data)


Dissertação de Mestrado
Master degree dissertation
1. Augusto António Rita Candeias, Using Educational Software in the Teaching of Physics and Chemistry in Secondary Education, 2014. Dissertação (Mestrado em Química em Contexto Escolar) - Universidade de Évora (Orientador).
Abstract: This report intends to show the use of computational resources throughout the author professional activity, regarding proofs, data processing and as an interface in experimental studies. For instance, all the activities concerning the Project MINERVA may be referred to, the acquisition and data processing and also educational software, highlighting the program Modellus developed by FCT/UNL. This work is about the use of educational software in the context of Physics and Chemistry classroom, not aspiring to become an exhaustive study on the subject, but an account of experiences. Unfortunately, a certain feature does not always have the intended effect on students learning. Teachers should be able to carry out a critical analysis, in order to plan exploration methodologies and select the properly software that will enable students to develop scientific skills.
2. Raquel das Chagas Franco de Abreu Gomes, Outdoor Education: The Teaching of Physics and Chemistry in the 7th, 8th, 9th grades and Identity Shaping through the "School in Nature" Project, 2014. Dissertação (Mestrado em Química em Contexto Escolar) - Universidade de Évora (Orientador).
Abstract: This report presents a detailed description of the academic and professional experience of the author during twelve years as a Physics and Chemistry teacher. She describes her teaching experience, the activities and projects developed, positions held and the personal training carried out through her career. The developed theme is based on the recognition that the teacher plays a vital role in customizing a healthy and productive learning environment. The author uses her experience with the "School in Nature" project to study the influence of Outdoor Education on the teaching of Physics and Chemistry and the shaping of identity. The author argues that this pedagogy allows, due to its potential, to better understand scientific knowledge, valuing the natural environment and promoting cooperative work. In the context of the overall development of the personality, the author argues that the students become more engaged, supportive and respectful with the others and their ideas. .
3. Catarina Isabel Sanches Rafael, Online Simulations as a Strategy of Teaching and Learning in Physics and Chemistry Classes, 2013. Dissertação (Mestrado em Química em Contexto Escolar) - Universidade de Évora (Orientador).
Abstract: Online simulations are a recent teaching strategy and can be an important source for motivating students and a way of achieving meaningful learning. The purpose of this essay is to perform a research of the several simulations available on the internet and select the most interesting and relevant, taking into consideration the current scientific programs in the disciplines of Physical-Chemical Sciences (basic education) and Physics and Chemistry (secondary education). Additionally, it also aims to assess the influence that an approach using online simulations may have on student learning. This research involved two classes of 10th grade and two classes of 11th grade. In one of the 10th grade classes and one of the 11th grade classes simulations were used in order to teach a scientific content of the applicable learning programs. In the two remaining classes, for control purposes, traditional methodologies were used in the teaching of the same subjects.
4. Dário Filipe Veiga Zabumba, Chemometric Analysis Applied to the Voltametric Determination of Tributyltin Compounds in Biologic and Non-biological Samples, 2012. Dissertação (Mestrado em Análises Químicas Ambientais) - Universidade de Évora (Orientador).
Abstract: Tributyltin is a chemical species that has proven to be highly toxic to living organisms. It is used in antifouling paints, especially in boat hulls coating and other marine structures in order to prevent the deposition of living organisms. Tributyltin and its derivatives have a very complex behavior, particularly when it comes to the determination and quantification using electrochemical methods. This project presents a new approach, combining the square wave anodic stripping voltammetry with artificial neural networks. This technique, emanating from the Scientific Area of Artificial Intelligence, enables the analysis of the data obtained by square wave anodic stripping voltammetry and helps in finding a pattern that allows the quantification of Tributyltin in the seawater samples collected at the Sesimbra harbor. This is a very fast and low cost technique which presents considerably high recovery rates.
5. Susana Rute Guerra Dias, Modelling Water Quality in Public Supply Systems, 2011. Dissertação (Mestrado em Química) - Universidade de Évora (Orientador).
Abstract: The problems related to the modelling of water quality for public supply can be approached from different viewpoints. This work resorts to methods of resolving problems emanating from the Scientific Area of Artificial Intelligence as well as to tools used in the search for solutions such as Decision Trees, Artificial Neural Networks and Nearest-Neighbour Method. Currently, the methods for assessing water quality are very restrictive because they do not indicate the water quality in real time. The development of forecasting models, based on techniques of Knowledge Discovery in Databases, shows to be an alternative in view of a pro-active behavior that may contribute to diagnose and to improve the quality of water supply to the population. In this work, unsupervised learning was used to to find groups of waters with similar physical and chemical properties.
6. Jorge Guerreiro dos Santos Garcia, Study of Nitrogen Environmental Behavior in Areas of Intensive Livestock Activity, 2011. Dissertação (Mestrado em Zootecnia) - Universidade de Évora (Orientador).
Abstract: Although nitrogen is one of the major plant nutrients and constitutes 78% of the atmosphere, its availability to living organisms is low. It becomes available to organisms through a chain of reactions that occur in air, soil, water and living organisms, called the Nitrogen Cycle. Cattle raising activities through the use of synthetic fertilizers in crop fertilization and increasing amounts of manure produced by increasingly intensive livestock farming, required to feed a growing world population, are major sources of nitrogen overdose in ecosystems. Portugal, like other countries, has attempted to counter this excess that is responsible for serious pollution problems on air, soil and surface and groundwater levels, through the publication of various laws. The models used in these studies have presented problems, focusing now on the models of dynamic structure to obtain more reliable data.
7. Maria de Lurdes Azevedo e Silva da Cruz Esteves, Characterization of the Experimental Work Carried Out in the Secondary School, and the Study of its Importance in the Learning of Chemistry, 2011. Dissertação (Mestrado em Química em Contexto Escolar) - Universidade de Évora (Co-orientador).
Abstract: This work intends to characterize the chemical experimental work carried out in Secondary schools, and to study its importance in the motivation of the students in the learning of Chemistry. This study comprises teachers who taught Physics and Chemistry A, and students who attended this subject in their 10th or 11th grade, during the year of 2008/2009. Public and private schools from different regions were included in this study, in order to achieve a wider range of results and have the possibility to analyze the differences. A comparison of opinions was made amongst 10th grade students that had and didn’t have experimental classes in previous grade, and those that had not. Thus, it was possible to know the opinions of students about the importance of experimental work in their Chemistry learning.
8. Catarina Raquel Costa do Couto, Assessment and Monitoring of Water Quality of Reservoirs Based on Dynamic Models, 2010. Dissertação (Mestrado em Análises Químicas Ambientais) - Universidade de Évora (Orientador).
Abstract: Currently, the methods for assessing water quality are very restrictive because they do not indicate the water quality in real time. This work resorts to methods of resolving problems emanating from the Scientific Area of Artificial Intelligence as well as to tools used in the search for solutions such as Decision Trees, Artificial Neural Networks and Nearest-Neighbour Method. The development of forecasting models, based on techniques of Knowledge Discovery in Databases, shows to be an alternative in view of a pro-active behavior that may contribute to diagnose, maintain and requalify the water bodies. In addition, unsupervised learning was used to study the dynamics of reservoirs, being described two distinct behaviors, related to the time of year.
9. Ana Teresa Moreirinha Vila Fernandes, Predicting the Classification of the Quality of Wastewater Oil Industry using Intelligent Systems, 2009. Dissertação (Mestrado em Análises Químicas Ambientais) - Universidade de Évora (Orientador).
Abstract: This study has taken place at the Sines Refinery and its main objective is the use of Artificial Intelligence tools for the development of predictive models to classify industrial residual waters according with the Portuguese Law, based on the characteristics of the mixtures of crude oil that arrive into the Refinery to be processed, to minimize the Environmental impacts and the application of taxes. Currently, the evaluation of the quality of effluent is performed by analytical methods after harvesting a sample of the final effluent. This approach is very restrictive since it does not act on the intended effluent; it can only avoid that in the future a similar mixture is refined. Due to these limitations, the development of forecasting models based on Data Mining has proved to be an alternative on the important issue which is the quality of effluent, which may contribute to the achievement of targets set by the Company. During this study, two models were developed to predict the quality of industrial effluents with very similar performances. One uses the composition of processed mixtures and the other uses information regarding the predominant oil in the mixture.
10. Ana Mafalda Filipe de Matos Pinto, Application of Intelligent Systems to the Optimization of a Water Treatment System, 2009. Dissertação (Mestrado em Análises Químicas Ambientais) - Universidade de Évora (Orientador).
Abstract: One of the main problems that the water treatment plant at Monte Novo (in Évora, Portugal) uncovers is the appearance of high levels of manganese and turbidity in treated water, that sometimes exceed the parametric values established in the portuguese law. The laboratorial analysis were carry out in the laboratories of the Water Treatment Plant of Monte Novo and allowed the construction of models based on the methodology of Knowledge Discovery in DataBases. In the case of manganese, the model shows that problems occur when the change of the flap gate happens. In these circumstances the Water Treatment Plant must be prepared to treat raw water with free manganese. In the case of turbidity, the model underlines the importance of the final adjustment of treated water pH. On the one hand the pH of treated water must be high enough to preserve the pipelines and the infrastructures and, on the other hand, must be low enough to avoid the appearance of turbidity after the conclusion of the water treatment process.

Trabalho de conclusão de curso de Bacharelato/Licenciatura
Bachelor/Licenciate degree conclusion work
1. Lúcia Sofia Pinheiro Godinho, Prediction of the Toxicological Risk of Pesticides using Artificial Neural Networks, 2017. Trabalho de Conclusão de Curso (Licenciatura em Bioquímica) - Universidade de Évora (Orientador).
Abstract: The use of pesticides in agriculture, despite the benefits to protect the cultures, can promote the contamination of superficial and groundwater, by precipitation, drift and soil lixiviation processes, getting serious consequences to mankind and the environment. Persistence of pesticides are dependent on their physic-chemical characteristics, as well as soil properties and climatic conditions, so traces of these compounds can be found in water, soils, air, agricultural and agro-food. In this study, pesticides used in the Alentejo region and monitored in reservoirs were selected to assess their toxicity, based on their physic-chemical and toxicological properties, taking into account the formation of toxic metabolites in humans and other living organisms The half-life of a pesticide in soil, LD50 values for some living organisms, tolerable daily ingested dose, limiting contamination levels, as well as parameters related to chronic toxicity were used to predict its toxicity. However, the relationships between these variables involve complex and non-linear aspects, for which there are not consistent studies that relate them. For that, we intend to develop a hybrid methodology that uses knowledge representation techniques based on logic programming complemented by a computational paradigm based on Artificial Neural Networks. The described model revealed a good precision in the toxicological risk from exposure to pesticides assessment, with an overall accuracy and sensitivity exceeding 90%. The main characteristic of the proposed solution is the ability that the model presents to solve complex problems, dealing with incomplete, unknown or contradictory information. .
2. Patrícia Alexandra Lopes Miguel, Performance Analysis of NT-proBNP and Development of a Predictive Model of Heart Failure Risk in Emergence Department, 2017. Trabalho de Conclusão de Curso (Licenciatura em Bioquímica) - Universidade de Évora (Orientador).
Abstract: Heart failure is a genetic or acquired syndrome caused by a decreased heart rate and ventricular dysfunction, resulting dyspnoea and peripheral oedema as main symptoms. The diagnosis requires knowledge of the patient’s medical history and a high number of complementary exams, which at the Emergency Service can lead to hospitalization. In this context, the quantification of NT-proBNP peptide appears as an important biomarker for the diagnosis of this pathology and may contribute to reduce the number of hospitalizations, mortality and morbidity associated. This study aims to evaluate the performance of the NT-proBNP peptide and its practice in the diagnosis and/or prognosis of heart failure in patients admitted at Emergency Department of the Hospital Espírito Santo de Évora. The study comprised the analysis of 941 episodes recorded between January and December 2015. For this purpose a Knowledge Discovery from Database project was developed using the k-Means strategy and decision trees in data mining stage. The evaluation of the performance of NT-proBNP in the diagnosis and stratification of heart failure showed sensitivity values higher than 77% but low specificity and acuity, which may be related to the lack of the final diagnosis in a high number of patients. The development of a knowledge discovery from database project allowed to obtain models with better performance, with values of sensitivity, specificity and acuity higher than 90%. .
3. Jorge Duarte Valente Reis Ascensão, Prediction of the Risk of Contamination of Surface Water by Pesticides, 2017. Trabalho de Conclusão de Curso (Licenciatura em Biotecnologia) - Universidade de Évora (Orientador).
Abstract: The use of pesticides in agriculture can promote the contamination of superficial and groundwater, by precipitation, drift via wind and by soil lixiviation processes, which are dependent on their physic-chemical characteristics, as well as soil properties and climatic conditions. Although, the relationships between those variables involve complex and non-linear aspects, for which there are not consistent studies that relate them. The right answer to this scientific question goes through the comprehension and modelling of all processes that involve the environmental fate of pesticides, for which the available information is, frequently, incomplete, contradictory and/or unknown. For this effect use was given to a hybrid methodology which utilizes knowledge representation techniques built upon logic programming, complemented with a computational paradigm based on Artificial Neural Networks given that those offer an alternative way to solve complex problems, being able to work with incomplete, unknown and/or contradictory information.
4. Margarida Correia Duarte, Assessment of the role of NT-proBNP as a Biomarker in the Emergence Department and Development of a Decision Support System for Heart Failure Risk Prediction, 2017. Trabalho de Conclusão de Curso (Licenciatura em Bioquímica) - Universidade de Évora (Orientador).
Abstract: Heart failure stands for an abnormality in cardiac structure or function which results in the incapability of the heart to deliver oxygen at an ideal rate. This is a worldwide problem of public health, characterized by high mortality, frequent hospitalization and reduced quality of life. The use of the NT-proBNP as a heart failure biomarker in the emergency department can contribute to reduce the number of hospitalizations and the mortality associated with this condition. Thus, this study intends to evaluate the diagnostic value of this biomarker in heart failure in patients admitted to the emergency department. The performance analysis showed high sensitivity but low specificity and accuracy. In fact, the diagnosis and stratification of heart failure is a hard task since it is necessary to consider different variables and/or conditions with complex relations entwined them, where the data may be incomplete, contradictory, and even unknown. Thus, this study also presents the development of a decision support system to assess heart failure predisposing risk. The framework is built on top of a Logic Programming approach to Knowledge Representation and Reasoning, complemented with a Case Based approach to computing. The proposed model classifies properly the patients exhibiting accuracy and sensitivity higher than 90%. .
5. Beatriz Ferreira Charneca, An Intelligent Approach to Harvest Date Prediction, 2017. Trabalho de Conclusão de Curso (Licenciatura em Biotecnologia) - Universidade de Évora (Orientador).
Abstract: The concept of grape maturation depends not only on the rate of accumulation of chemical compounds in the grapes and the volume of the berries but also on the possible destinations for the production. The various types of maturation, when considered individually, are insufficient for the decision on the date of the harvest. Nevertheless, when weighted together they define oenological maturation, helping to find the best time for harvesting. However, there are not consistent studies that relate the chemical parameters obtained in the must analyses and the oenological maturation, due to the non-linearity existent between the two types of variables. Therefore, this work aims the development of models based on the chemical parameters, using the knowledge discovery from databases process.
6. Inês Cristina Pelado Barrucho, Prediction of Olive Oil Quality through Intelligent Systems, 2017. Trabalho de Conclusão de Curso (Licenciatura em Biotecnologia) - Universidade de Évora (Orientador).
Abstract: The quality of olive oils was determined by the region where it is produced, the olive variety, the year of production, the degree of olive’s maturation, the extraction process and the conservation procedure. The quality of olive oils will be evaluated by two types of analyses, the organoleptic and chemical characteristics. The quality of an olive oil corresponds to a complex balance of all features evaluated during the sensory analysis, which are dependent of chemical features. However, there are no studies linking analytical parameters consistent with sensorial data, due to non-linearity that exists between these two types of variables. The present study aims to give a response to this problem by modelling the underlying processes at various stages of ripeness of the olives and olive oil production. To this end appealed to Artificial Neural Networks because they offer an alternative way to solve complex problems and can deal with incomplete, unknown or contradictory information.
7. Catarina Isabel Grenho Estêvão, Modelling of Sensorial Characteristics of Red Wines, 2017. Trabalho de Conclusão de Curso (Licenciatura em Biotecnologia) - Universidade de Évora (Orientador).
Abstract: In the last few years, high quality wines have been produced using innovative technologies with a high analytical control of several chemical parameters. Actually, the quality improvement of the wine produced requires a thorough study, not only of the chemical composition of wines, but also of the potentialities of the grape varieties and the winemaking techniques. The quality of a wine corresponds to a complex balance of all the characteristics assessed during the sensory analysis, using panels of tasters. However, there are no consistent studies that relate the analytical parameters to the sensory data, due to the non-linearity that exists between these two types of variables. Case-Based Reasoning is a methodology that offers alternative ways to solve complex problems, dealing with incomplete, unknown and/or contradictory information. Therefore, the main purpose of this study is to connect the analytical and sensorial parameters of red wines produced in the region of Évora, using intelligent systems.
8. Ana Isabel Fernandes Piteira, Intelligent Systems for Prediction of Pharmacological Properties of Schinus spp., 2016. Trabalho de Conclusão de Curso (Licenciatura em Bioquímica) - Universidade de Évora (Orientador).
Abstract: Plants of genus Schinus are native South America and introduced in Mediterranean countries, a long time ago. Some Schinus species have been used in folk medicine, and Essential Oils of Schinus spp. have been reported as having antimicrobial, anti-tumoural and anti-inflammatory properties. Such assets are related with the Essential Oils chemical composition that depends largely on the species, the geographic and climatic region, and on the part of the plants used. Considering the difficulty to infer the pharmacological properties of essential oils of Schinus species without a hard experimental setting, this work will focus on the development of an Artificial Intelligence grounded Decision Support System to predict pharmacological properties of essential oils of Schinus. It was built on top of a Logic Programming approach to knowledge representation and reasoning, which caters to the handling of incomplete, unknown, or even self-contradictory information. The computational framework was centered on both, Artificial Neural Networks and Case-Based Reasoning. In the last case clustering methods based on an analysis of attribute’s similarities were used to distinguish and aggregate historical data according to the context under which it was added to the Case Base, therefore enhancing the prediction process. Nevertheless, the ANN based model showed a higher overall performance (i.e., 93,5% against 84,8%) and was able to distinguish well both positive and negative cases, although slightly better in the former one (sensitivity of 95,2% and specificity of 89,7%).
9. Ana Paula Sardinha Chambel, Application of Eindhoven Classification Model to the Water Industry, 2015. Trabalho de Conclusão de Curso (Licenciatura em Química) - Universidade de Évora (Orientador).
The International Water Association and the World Health Organization has promoted the implementation of Water Safety Plans to ensure the quality of water for human consumption. Aiming to complement the Water Safety Plans, this work presents an adverse event reporting and learning system that may help to prevent hazards and risks. The developed system allows for automatic knowledge extraction and report generation to identify the most relevant causes of error. The system also permits the delineation of advance strategies to problem accomplishment, concluding about the impact, place of occurrence, form or type of event recorded. In order to respond to this challenge the Eindhoven Classification Model was extended and adapted to the Water Industry, and used to classify adverse events root causes. Logic Programming was used as a knowledge representation and reasoning mechanism, allowing one to model the universe of discourse in terms of incomplete, contradictory, and even unknown information or data.
10. Ana Filipa Caeiro Martins Pereira, The Eindhoven Classification Model and its application to the Wine Sector, 2014. Trabalho de Conclusão de Curso (Licenciatura em Biotecnologia) - Universidade de Évora (Orientador).
Abstract: The identification, classification and recording of events that lead to the deterioration of the wine's quality are essential to design the appropriate strategies to avoid them. In fact, the most effective way to prevent adverse events is to attack directly their causes. Generally, an adverse event is a summation of several failures. Thus, preventing the causes improves significantly the final quality of the response that is necessary to give in order to ensure of the wines' quality. This work presents an adverse event reporting and learning system that may help to prevent hazards and risks. The developed system allows for automatic knowledge extraction and report generation to identify the most relevant causes of error. The system also permits the delineation of advance strategies to problem accomplishment, concluding about the impact, place of occurrence, form or type of event recorded with respect to the companies that operate in the Wine Sector. To respond to this challenge the Eindhoven Classification Model was extended and adapted to the Wine Industry, and used to classify adverse events root causes. Logic Programming was used as a knowledge representation and reasoning mechanism, allowing one to model the universe of discourse in terms of defective data, information and knowledge.
11. João Borges Farinha, Characterization of Glycopeptide Complexes Obtained from Cultures of Mushrooms - Application of Artificial Neural Networks, 2011. Trabalho de Conclusão de Curso (Licenciatura em Biotecnologia) - Universidade de Évora (Orientador).
12. Cláudia Sofia Pita Grazina, Predicting the Quality of the Raw Water of the Monte Novo Reservoir, 2009. Trabalho de Conclusão de Curso (Licenciatura em Ciências do Ambiente Ramo de Qualidade do Ambiente) - Universidade de Évora (Orientador).
13. Gabriel José Magarreiro de Deus, Physicochemical Analytical Control of Wastewater Treatment Plant of Torres Novas, 2009. Trabalho de Conclusão de Curso (Licenciatura em Engenharia Química) - Universidade de Évora (Orientador).
14. Patrícia Alexandra Pereira Boieiro, Water Quality Modelling of the Vigia Reservoir, 2008. Trabalho de Conclusão de Curso (Licenciatura em Química) - Universidade de Évora (Orientador).

Participação no júri de Graus Académicos
Academic Degrees jury participation

1. Vicente, Henrique. Participação no júri de Maria Manuel Bastos Salazar. Qualidade da Informação no Processo de Tomada de Decisão em Grupo, 2017. Tese (Programa Doutoral em Engenharia Biomédica) - Universidade do Minho.
2. Vicente, Henrique. Participação no júri de César Manuel Ferreira Quintas. Disponibilidade, Desempenho e Confiança em Sistemas de Bases de Dados Hospitalares - Suporte à Decisão Inteligente para Previsão de Falhas, 2017. Tese (Programa Doutoral em Engenharia Biomédica) - Universidade do Minho.
3. Vicente, Henrique. Participação no júri de Pedro Manuel Queirós Faria Gonçalves. Monitorização, Previsão e Deteção de Erros com Sistemas Automáticos de Aquisição de Dados em Ambiente Hospitalar, 2016. Tese (Programa Doutoral em Engenharia Biomédica) - Universidade do Minho.
4. Vicente, Henrique. Participação no júri de Júlio Miguel Marques Duarte. Improving Quality of Information in Health Records with Medical Ontologies, 2015. Tese (Programa Doutoral em Engenharia Biomédica) - Universidade do Minho.
5. Vicente, Henrique. Participação no júri de José Alberto Cardoso Marques. Inteligência Ambiente em Serviços de Saúde baseada em Ontologias e na Descoberta de Conhecimento em Bases de Dados e/ou Bases de Conhecimento, 2014. Tese (Programa Doutoral em Engenharia Biomédica) - Universidade do Minho.
6. Vicente, Henrique. Participação no júri de Paulo Alexandre da Costa Ferreira Brandão Pereira. Erro em Imagiologia Médica, 2013. Tese (Programa Doutoral em Engenharia Biomédica) - Universidade do Minho.
7. Vicente, Henrique. Participação no júri de Luís Miguel Mesquita Miranda. Archetype Based Intelligent System for Healthcare Interoperability, 2013. Tese (Programa Doutoral em Engenharia Biomédica) - Universidade do Minho.

Master degree
1. Vicente, Henrique. Participação no júri de Margarida Isabel Martins Pires. Caracterização Polifásica de Agentes Fúngicos Biodeteriogénicos de Bens Patrimoniais, 2016.  Dissertação (Mestrado em Bioquímica) - Universidade de Évora.
2. Vicente, Henrique. Participação no júri de Augusto António Rita Candeias. Utilização de Software Educativo no Ensino da Física e Química no Ensino Secundário, 2014.  Dissertação (Mestrado em Química em Contexto Escolar) - Universidade de Évora.
3. Vicente, Henrique. Participação no júri de Raquel das Chagas Franco de Abreu Gomes. Aprendizagem ao Ar Livre: O Ensino da Física e da Química no 3.º Ciclo e a Formação do Indivíduo através do Projecto Escola na Natureza, 2014.  Dissertação (Mestrado em Química em Contexto Escolar) - Universidade de Évora.
4. Vicente, Henrique. Participação no júri de Catarina Isabel Sanches Rafael. As simulações online como estratégia de Ensino – Aprendizagem nas aulas de Física e de Química, 2013.  Dissertação (Mestrado em Química em Contexto Escolar) - Universidade de Évora.
5. Vicente, Henrique. Participação no júri de Sara Margarida Ramos Daniel. Mapeamento do teor de chumbo em aquíferos da mina de Neves Corvo por técnicas voltamétricas, 2013.  Dissertação (Mestrado em Análises Químicas Ambientais) - Universidade de Évora.
6. Vicente, Henrique. Participação no júri de Pedro Nogueira Duro. Desenvolvimento de Métodos Electroquímicos para Quantificação de Pesticidas Neonicotinóides em Amostras de Água Contaminadas, 2013.  Dissertação (Mestrado em Análises Químicas Ambientais) - Universidade de Évora.
7. Vicente, Henrique. Participação no júri de Maria da Luz Martinho Fernandes. O ensino da Física e Química numa perspectiva Ciência – Tecnologia – Sociedade – Ambiente, 2013.  Dissertação (Mestrado em Química em Contexto Escolar) - Universidade de Évora.
8. Vicente, Henrique. Participação no júri de Maria Amélia Fialho Gancho Coelho. A Aprendizagem das Ciências em Contextos Não Formais e suas Implicações Pedagógicas. Contributo do "Cantinho das Ciências" para o aumento da motivação na disciplina de Ciências Físico-Químicas, 2012.  Dissertação (Mestrado em Química em Contexto Escolar) - Universidade de Évora.
9. Vicente, Henrique. Participação no júri de Dário Filipe Veiga Zabumba. Análise Quimiométrica Aplicada à Determinação Voltamétrica de Compostos de Tributilestanho em Amostras Biológicas e Não-Biológicas, 2012.  Dissertação (Mestrado em Análises Químicas Ambientais) - Universidade de Évora.
10. Vicente, Henrique. Participação no júri de Maria de Lurdes Azevedo e Silva da Cruz Esteves. Caracterização do Trabalho Experimental Realizado no Ensino Secundário e Estudo da Importância do mesmo na Aprendizagem da Química, 2011.  Dissertação (Mestrado em Química em Contexto Escolar) - Universidade de Évora.
11. Vicente, Henrique. Participação no júri de Catarina Ferreira Gomes. Estudo sobre as Necessidades de Formação Contínua em Química e Planificação de uma Acção de Formação, 2011.  Dissertação (Mestrado em Química em Contexto Escolar) - Universidade de Évora.
12. Vicente, Henrique. Participação no júri de Maria Emília Mão de Ferro dos Santos Alves Coelho. A Problemática da Água no Âmbito da Educação Ambiental, no Ensino das Ciências Físico-Químicas no 3º Ciclo do Ensino Básico, 2011.  Dissertação (Mestrado em Química em Contexto Escolar) - Universidade de Évora.
13. Vicente, Henrique. Participação no júri de Susana Rute Guerra Dias. Modelação da Qualidade da Água em Sistemas de Abastecimento Público, 2011.  Dissertação (Mestrado em Química) - Universidade de Évora.
14. Vicente, Henrique. Participação no júri de Jorge Guerreiro dos Santos Garcia. Estudo do Comportamento Ambiental do Azoto em Zonas de Intensa Actividade Agro-Pecuária, 2011.  Dissertação (Mestrado em Zootecnia) - Universidade de Évora.
15. Vicente, Henrique. Participação no júri de Catarina Raquel Costa do Couto. Avaliação e Controlo da Qualidade da Água de Albufeiras com base em Modelos Dinâmicos, 2010.  Dissertação (Mestrado em Análises Químicas Ambientais) - Universidade de Évora.
16. Vicente, Henrique. Participação no júri de Ana Teresa Moreirinha Vila Fernandes. Previsão da Classificação da Qualidade dos Efluentes da Indústria Petrolífera com Recurso a Sistemas Inteligentes, 2009.  Dissertação (Mestrado em Análises Químicas Ambientais) - Universidade de Évora.
17. Vicente, Henrique. Participação no júri de Ana Mafalda Filipe de Matos Pinto. Aplicação de Sistemas Inteligentes à Optimização de um Sistema de Tratamento de Águas, 2009.  Dissertação (Mestrado em Análises Químicas Ambientais) - Universidade de Évora.

Degree of licentiate
1. Vicente, Henrique. Participação no júri de João Borges Farinha. Caracterização de Complexos Glicopeptídicos obtidos a partir de Culturas de Cogumelos – Aplicação de Redes Neuronais Artificiais, 2011. Trabalho de Conclusão de Curso (Bacharelato/Licenciatura em Biotecnologia) - Universidade de Évora.
2. Vicente, Henrique. Participação no júri de Cláudia Sofia Pita Grazina. Modelação da Qualidade da Água do Monte Novo, 2009. Trabalho de Conclusão de Curso (Bacharelato/Licenciatura em Ciências do Ambiente Ramo de Qualidade do Ambiente) - Universidade de Évora.
3. Vicente, Henrique. Participação no júri de Gabriel José Magarreiro de Deus. Controlo Analítico Físico-Químico de Águas Residuais da ETAR de Torres Novas, 2009. Trabalho de Conclusão de Curso (Bacharelato/Licenciatura em Engenharia Química) - Universidade de Évora.
4. Vicente, Henrique. Participação no júri de José Eduardo Caldeira Moreira. Análise da Qualidade da Água de Abastecimento do Concelho de Portalegre, 2009. Trabalho de Conclusão de Curso (Bacharelato/Licenciatura em Licenciatura em Bioquímica) - Universidade de Évora.
5. Vicente, Henrique. Participação no júri de Tiago Parente. Optimização do Gama-Metrics e Caracterização Química e Geoquímica das Pedreiras, 2009. Trabalho de Conclusão de Curso (Bacharelato/Licenciatura em Engenharia Química) - Universidade de Évora.
6. Vicente, Henrique. Participação no júri de Patrícia Alexandra Pereira Boieiro. Modelação da Qualidade da Água da Albufeira da Vigia, 2008. Trabalho de Conclusão de Curso (Bacharelato/Licenciatura em Química) - Universidade de Évora.
7. Vicente, Henrique. Participação no júri de José Cordeiro. Estudo do Comportamento das ETARs de Arraiolos e de Viana do Alentejo, 2006. Trabalho de Conclusão de Curso (Bacharelato/Licenciatura em Engenharia de Recursos Hídricos) - Universidade de Évora.
8. Vicente, Henrique. Participação no júri de Olga Lopes Miranda. Hydrogeochemical Comparison Between Portalegre District (Portugal) and Krusné Hory (Czech Republic) Groundwaters, 2005. Trabalho de Conclusão de Curso (Bacharelato/Licenciatura em Engenharia de Recursos Hídricos) - Universidade de Évora.
9. Vicente, Henrique. Participação no júri de Vitorina Maria Madeira Pinto. Utilização do Sistema de Electroforese Capilar no Controlo da Qualidade da Água da Albufeira do Monte Novo, 2000. Trabalho de Conclusão de Curso (Bacharelato/Licenciatura em Engenharia de Recursos Hídricos) - Universidade de Évora.

Participação editorial em revistas
Magazine editorial participation
1. Vicente, Henrique. International Journal of Digital Healthcare, desde 2016/09/23, Função ou tipo de participação: Corpo editorial, Editora: Graphy Publications.
2. Vicente, Henrique. Journal of the Taiwan Institute of Chemical Engineers, desde 2014/03/17, Função ou tipo de participação: Reviewer, Editora: Elsevier BV.
3. Vicente, Henrique. Journal of Water Supply: Research and Technology - AQUA, desde 2012/11/27, Função ou tipo de participação: Reviewer, Editora: IWA Publishing.
4. Vicente, Henrique. International Journal of Computational Methods and Experimental Measurements, desde 2012/11/07, Função ou tipo de participação: Reviewer, Editora: WIT Press.
5. Vicente, Henrique. Computers and Electronics in Agriculture, desde 2012/10/04, Função ou tipo de participação: Reviewer, Editora: Elsevier BV.
6. Vicente, Henrique. Chemical Industry and Chemical Engineering Quarterly, desde 2012/07/09, Função ou tipo de participação: Reviewer, Editora: Association of the Chemical Engineers of Serbia - AChE.
7. Vicente, Henrique. Journal of Petroleum Science and Engineering, desde 2011/12/22, Função ou tipo de participação: Reviewer, Editora: Elsevier BV.
8. Vicente, Henrique. Preparative Biochemistry and Biotechnology, desde 2011/11/23, Função ou tipo de participação: Reviewer, Editora: Marcel Dekker Inc..
9. Vicente, Henrique. Microbial Cell Factories, desde 2014/01/10, de 2014/01/10 até 2014/01/10, Função ou tipo de participação: Reviewer, Editora: BioMed Central.

Indicadores de produção (Production indicators)

Produção científica
Scientific production

Livros e capítulos
Books and book chapters
Capítulos de livros publicados
Published book chapters
Artigos científicos em revistas
Papers in periodics
Com arbitragem científica
With scientific refereeing
Trabalhos em eventos
Papers in conference proceedings
Com arbitragem científica
With scientific refereeing
Outros tipos de produção científica
Other scientific production

Produção técnica
Technical production

Outros tipos de produção técnica
Other technical production

Dados complementares
(Additional data)

Participação no Júri de Graus Académicos
Academic Degrees jury participation
Participação editorial em revistas
Magazine editorial participation

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