Curriculum Vitae

José Manuel Nunes Salvador Tribolet

Data da última atualização »Last update : 05/12/2013

José Tribolet is Full Professor of Information Systems at the Department of Computer Science and Engineering (DEI) and at the Department of Engineering and Management (DEG) (Joint Appointment) at the Instituto Superior Técnico (IST), Technical University of Lisbon, Portugal. He is senior researcher at the Information Systems Group at INESC-ID and promoter of the Centre for Organizational Design & Engineering at INESC-INOV. He is the coordinator of POSI-E3, the Professional Post-Graduate course in Information Systems and Enterprise Engineering of IST (3rd Degree Bologna Diploma). He serves presently as Chairman of the Department of Computer Science and Engineering (DEI/IST). His main academic interests are in the areas of Enterprise Architecture, Enterprise Engineering and Enterprise Governance, with emphasis on IS Architecture, Business Process Engineering, Enterprise Transformation and Change Management. Since 2000 he has completed with success the supervision of nine Ph.D. students in Enterprise Engineering. He presently supervises 3 Ph.D. candidates, all of which are enterprise professionals. Dr. Tribolet holds a Ph.D. in Electrical Engineering and Computer Science from MIT (1977). He was a member of the research staff of Bell Laboratories, Murray Hill, NJ, from 1977 through 1979. He spent a full sabbatical year (1997-98) at MIT´s Sloan School ofManagement. He was a guest professor at IWI - the Institute for Information Management of the University of St. Gallen, in Switzerland,during the spring term of 2012. He founded in 1980 the first non-state owned research institute in Portugal, INESC – Institute for Systems and Computer Engineering. INESC is today a holding of six research institutes nationwide, three of them having become formal Associated Laboratories of the Portuguese Science System. Dr. Tribolet is the President of INESC. He has been Chairman of the Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering and Chairman and Vice-President for Post- Graduate Studies of the Department of Computer Science and Engineering of IST. He is a founding member of the Portuguese Engineering Academy and a founder of the Informatics Engineering College of the Portuguese Engineers Professional Association. Dr. Tribolet has been playing an active international role in the development of the new area of Enterprise Engineering: he founded and co-chaired the track on “Organizational Engineering” at ACM´s SAC Conferences from 2004 through 2009; he founded and co-chaired the new track on Enterprise Engineering, at the 2007 European Information Systems Conference. He has created, the new track on Enterprise Engineering, at HICSS Conference, starting in 2010. He plays a leading role in the CIAO! consortium. He his co-editor of the Springer Enterprise Engineering book series. Dr. Tribolet maintains an active professional profile, personally advising top executives on matters involving Enterprise Information Systems, Architecture, Engineering, Governance, Str

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Dados pessoais (Personal data)
Nome completo
Full name
José Manuel Nunes Salvador Tribolet
Nome em citações bibliográficas
Quoting name
Tribolet, José Manuel Nunes Salvador
Domínio científico de atuação
Scientific domain
Engenharia e Tecnologia-Engenharia Electrotécnica, Electrónica e Informática.
Endereço profissional
Professional address
Rua Alves Redol 9
1000--029 Lisboa
Telefone: (+351)213100300Extensão: 333
Correio electrónico:

Graus Académicos (Academic Degrees)
1979 Agregação
Universidade Técnica de Lisboa, Portugal.

1972-1977 Doutoramento
Electrical Engineering and Computer Science (5 anos » years) .
Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Estados Unidos.
Instituição portuguesa que atribuiu reconhecimento/equivalência/registo » Portuguese Instituition providing acknowledgement/equivalence/registry : Universidade Técnica de Lisboa.
Com o tipo » With the type: Equivalência » Equivalence.

Produção científica, técnica e artística/cultural (Scientific, technical and artistical/cultural production)
Capítulos de livros publicados
Published book chapters
1. M., Zacarias; A., Caetano; R., Magalhaes; H.S., Pinto; Tribolet, José. 2007. Adding a Human Perspective to Enterprise Architectures.  In 18th International Conference on Database and Expert Systems Applications (DEXA 2007), ed. IEEE Computer Society, 840 - 844. ISBN: 978-0-7695-2932-1. Los Alamos CA 90720-1314, USA: Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers.
2. Aveiro, David; Tribolet, Jose. 2006. An ontology for organizational functions: the recursive self-maintenance mechanism of the enterprise.  In 2006 10th IEEE International Enterprise Distributed Object Computing Conference Workshops (EDOCW06), ed. IEEE Computer Society, 2 - 2. ISBN: 0-7695-2743-4. Los Alamitos, CA, USA: Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers.

Trabalhos completos/resumidos em eventos com arbitragem científica
Papers in conference proceedings with scientific refereeing
1. Guerreiro, Sérgio L. P. D; Tribolet, José. 2013. "CONCEPTUALIZING ENTERPRISE DYNAMIC SYSTEMS CONTROL FOR RUN-TIME BUSINESS TRANSACTIONS", Trabalho apresentado em 21st European Conference on Information Systems, In ECIS 2013 PROCEEDINGS, Utrecht.
2. Guerreiro, Sérgio L. P. D; Kervel, Steven J. H. v; Vasconcelos, André; Tribolet, José. 2012. "Executing enterprise dynamic systems control with the demo processor: the business transactions transition space validation", Trabalho apresentado em 7th Mediterranean Conference on Information Systems, In Lecture Notes in Business Information Processing, Guimarães.
3. Guerreiro, Sérgio L. P. D; Vasconcelos, André; Tribolet, José. 2012. "Enterprise dynamic systems control enforcement of run-time business transactions", Trabalho apresentado em Enterprise Engineering Working Conference 2012, In Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg, LNBIP 110 series Lecture Notes in Business Information Processing, Delft.
4. Pombinho, Joao; Tribolet, Jose. 2012. "Service System Design and Engineering - A Value-Oriented Approach Based on DEMO", Trabalho apresentado em 3rd International Conference on Exploring Services Sciences, In EXPLORING SERVICES SCIENCE, Geneva, SWITZERLAND.
5. Pascoa, Carlos; Tribolet, Jose; Ferreira, Nelson. 2012. "Construction of Simulators as a fundamental Element of Organizational Self-awareness", Trabalho apresentado em 4th Conference on ENTERprise Information Systems (CENTERIS) - Aligning Technology, Organizations and People / International Conference on Health and Social Care Information Systems and Technologies (HCIST), In 4TH CONFERENCE OF ENTERPRISE INFORMATION SYSTEMS - ALIGNING TECHNOLOGY, ORGANIZATIONS AND PEOPLE (CENTERIS 2012), PORTUGAL.
6. Pascoa, Carlos; Tribolet, Jose; Moreira, Marco. 2012. "Effectiveness Index as an Organizational Cockpit Instrument", Trabalho apresentado em 4th Conference on ENTERprise Information Systems (CENTERIS) - Aligning Technology, Organizations and People / International Conference on Health and Social Care Information Systems and Technologies (HCIST), In 4TH CONFERENCE OF ENTERPRISE INFORMATION SYSTEMS - ALIGNING TECHNOLOGY, ORGANIZATIONS AND PEOPLE (CENTERIS 2012), PORTUGAL.
7. Silva, Sergio; Pascoa, Carlos; Tribolet, Jose. 2012. "EX-ANTE and EX-POST Model applied to the Operational Flying Regime Management", Trabalho apresentado em 4th Conference on ENTERprise Information Systems (CENTERIS) - Aligning Technology, Organizations and People / International Conference on Health and Social Care Information Systems and Technologies (HCIST), In 4TH CONFERENCE OF ENTERPRISE INFORMATION SYSTEMS - ALIGNING TECHNOLOGY, ORGANIZATIONS AND PEOPLE (CENTERIS 2012), PORTUGAL.
8. Vasconcelos, Andre; Tribolet, Jose; Soares, Joao. 2012. "A Bottom-Up Approach for the Representation and Continuous Update of Technology Architectures", Trabalho apresentado em 3rd International Conference on Information Management and Evaluation (ICIME), In PROCEEDINGS OF THE 3RD INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON INFORMATION MANAGEMENT AND EVALUATION, Ankara, TURKEY.
9. Guerreiro, Sérgio L. P. D; Vasconcelos, André; Tribolet, José. 2011. "Dynamic business transactions control, an ontological example: organizational access control with DEMO", Trabalho apresentado em 3rd International Joint Conference on Knowledge Discovery, Knowledge Engineering and Knowledge Management, International Conference on Knowledge Engineering and Ontology Development (KEOD 2011), In Special Session on Enterprise Ontology (SSEO 2011), Paris.
10. Guerreiro, Sérgio L. P. D; Vasconcelos, André; Tribolet, José. 2011. "Enforcing control in the run-time business transactions", Trabalho apresentado em 5th International Conference on Research and Practical Issues of Enterprise Information Systems, In Advances in Enterprise Information Systems II, Aalborg.
11. Guerreiro, Sérgio L. P. D; Vasconcelos, André; Tribolet, José. 2011. "Enterprise Governance enforcement in the operation of the runtime transactions with DEMO and access control", Trabalho apresentado em 11th CIAO! Doctoral Consortium Workshop, In CIAO! 2011, Antwerpen.
12. Pascoa, Carlos; Costa, Ricardo; Tribolet, Jose. 2011. "Change in the Portuguese Air Force", Trabalho apresentado em International Conference on Enterrise Information Systems, In ENTERPRISE INFORMATION SYSTEMS, PT 1, Vilamoura, PORTUGAL.
13. Vasconcelos, Andre; Tribolet, Jose; Soares, Joao. 2011. "A Bottom-Up Approach for the Representation and Continuous Update of Technology Architectures", Trabalho apresentado em 5th European Conference on Information Management and Evaluation (ECIME), In PROCEEDINGS OF THE 5TH EUROPEAN CONFERENCE ON INFORMATION MANAGEMENT AND EVALUATION, Como, ITALY.
14. Pascoa, Carlos; Oliveira, Tiago; Tribolet, Jose. 2011. "A Strategy Map for the Portuguese Air Force", Trabalho apresentado em International Conference on Enterrise Information Systems, In ENTERPRISE INFORMATION SYSTEMS, PT 1, Vilamoura, PORTUGAL.
15. Guerreiro, Sérgio L. P. D; Vasconcelos, André; Tribolet, José. 2010. "Adaptive Access Control Modes enforcement in Organizations", Trabalho apresentado em CENTERIS’2010 - Conference on ENTERprise Information Systems, In Communications in Computer and Information Science, Viana do Castelo.
16. Guerreiro, Sérgio L. P. D; Vasconcelos, André; Tribolet, José. 2008. "Applying control systems state of the art to Organizational Engineering", Trabalho apresentado em ICEIS 2008 , In ICEIS 2008 conference, Barcelona.
17. Santos, Ana M. T.; al, José T. e. 2005. "Arquitectura Organizacional das Administrações Públicas", Trabalho apresentado em Projecto de Arquitectura Organizacional , In EORG_NOVAP, Lisboa.
18. Guerreiro, Sérgio L. P. D; Tribolet, José; Sequeira, João. 2002. "Dynamic Reorganization on Managing Crisis Situations", Trabalho apresentado em CAPSI, In 3ª Conferência Portuguesa de Sistemas de Informação, Coimbra.

Artigos em revistas sem arbitragem científica
Papers in periodics without scientific refereeing
1. Dietz, Jan L; Hoogervorst, Jan A; Albani, Antonia; Aveiro, David; Babkin, Eduard; Barjis, Joseph; Caetano, Artur; Huysmans, Philip; Iijima, Junichi; Kervel, Steven J. V; Mulder, Hans; ', Martin O; Land, t; Proper, Henderik A; Sanz, Jorge; Terlouw, Linda; Tribolet, José; Verelst, Jan; Winter, Robert. 2013. "The discipline of enterprise engineering", International Journal of Organisational Design and Engineering 3, 1: 86 - 86.
2. Castela, Nuno; Dias, Paulo; Zacarias, Marielba; Tribolet, José M. 2012. "Collaborative maintenance of business process models", International Journal of Organisational Design and Engineering 2, 1: 61 - 61.
3. Páscoa, Carlos; Belo, Nuno; Tribolet, José. 2012. "Business Objectives and Business Processes", Information Resources Management Journal 25, 2: 52 - 68.
4. Aveiro, David; Silva, A. R; Tribolet, Jose. 2011. "Towards a G.O.D. theory for Organisational Engineering: modelling the (re)Generation, Operation and Discontinuation of the enterprise", International Journal of Internet and Enterprise Management 7, 1: 64 - 64.
5. Zacarias, M.; Pinto, H.S.; Magalhães, R.; Tribolet, J.. 2010. "A ‘context-aware’ and agent-centric perspective for the alignment between individuals and organizations", Information Systems 35, 4: 441 - 466.
6. Zacarias, M.; Pinto, H.S.; Magalhães, R.; Tribolet, J.. 2010. "A â¿¿context-awareâ¿¿? and agent-centric perspective for the alignment between individuals and organizations", Information Systems 35, 4: 441 - 466.
7. Zacarias, M.; Magalhaes, R.; Pinto, H.S.; Tribolet, J.. 2010. "Defining an architectural view for human resources", International Journal of Business Information Systems 5, 2: 121 - 121.
8. Zacarias, Marielba; Serendero, Patricia; Pinto, Helena S; Tribolet, José. 2008. "Capturing and Modelling Work Practice. A Context-based Methodological Approach", Revue dintelligence artificielle 22, 5: 669 - 688.
9. Santos, Carlos; Sousa, Pedro; Ferreira, Carla; Tribolet, José. 2008. "Conceptual Model for Continuous Organizational Auditing with Real Time Analysis and Modern Control Theory", Journal of Emerging Technologies in Accounting 5, 1: 37 - 63.
10. Trancoso, I.M.; Tribolet, J.M.. 1989. "Harmonic postprocessing off speech synthesised by stochastic coders", IEE Proceedings I Communications, Speech and Vision 136, 2: 141 - 141.
11. Trancoso, I.M.; Tribolet, J.M.. 1989. "Harmonic postprocessing of speech synthesised by stochastic coders", IEE Proceedings I: Solid State and Electron Devices 136, 2: 141 - 144.
12. Trancoso, Isabel M; Almeida, Luis B; Rodrigues, Joaquim S; Marques, Jorge S; Tribolet, JoséM.. 1988. "Harmonic coding - state of the art and future trends", Speech Communication 7, 2: 239 - 245.
13. Delgado, Jose C; Tribolet, Jose M. 1987. "MULTIPROCESSOR COMPUTING: A SURVEY.", Tecnica (Lisbon) 87, 1: 33 - 42.
14. Serralheiro, Antonio J; Tribolet, Jose M. S. 1987. "Application of Hidden Markov Models for Recognition of Isolated Words. | USO DE MODELOS DE MARKOV NAO OBSERVAVEIS NO RECONHECIMENTO DE PALAVRAS ISOLADAS.", Tecnica (Lisbon) 86, 3-4: 40 - 51.
15. Delgado, J.; Tribolet, J.. 1984. "Analog Full-Duplex Speech Scrambling Systems", IEEE Journal on Selected Areas in Communications 2, 3: 456 - 459.
16. Ortigueira, M.D.; Tribolet, J.M.. 1984. "Global versus local minimization in least-squares AR spectral estimation", Signal Processing 7, 3: 267 - 281.
17. Delgado, Jose C; Tribolet, Jose M. 1984. "ANALOG FULL-DUPLEX SPEECH SCRAMBLING SYSTEMS.", IEEE Journal on Selected Areas in Communications SAC-2, 3: 456 - 459.
18. Almeida, L.; Tribolet, J.. 1983. "Nonstationary spectral modeling of voiced speech", IEEE Transactions on Acoustics, Speech, and Signal Processing 31, 3: 664 - 678.
19. Cox, R. V; Tribolet, J. M. 1983. "Analog Voice Privacy Systems Using TFSP Scrambling: Full Duplex and Half Duplex", Bell System Technical Journal 62, 1: 47 - 61.
20. Almeida, Luis B; Tribolet, Jose M. 1983. "NONSTATIONARY SPECTRAL MODELING OF VOICED SPEECH.", IEEE Transactions on Acoustics, Speech, and Signal Processing ASSP-, 3: 664 - 678.
21. Cox, Richard V; Tribolet, Jose M. 1983. "ANALOG VOICE PRIVACY SYSTEMS USING TFSP SCRAMBLING - FULL DUPLEX AND HALF DUPLEX.", The Bell System technical journal 62, 1 pt 1: 47 - 61.
22. Tribolet, J. M; Rabiner, L. R; Wilpon, J. G. 1982. "An Improved Model for Isolated Word Recognition", Bell System Technical Journal 61, 9: 2289 - 23.
23. Tribolet, Jose M; Rabiner, Lawrence R; Wilpon, Jay G. 1982. "IMPROVED MODEL FOR ISOLATED WORD RECOGNITION.", Bell System Technical Journal 16, 9 pt 1: 2289 - 23.
24. Crochiere, R.; Tribolet, J.; Rabiner, L.. 1980. "An interpretation of the log likelihood ratio as a measure of waveform coder performance", IEEE Transactions on Acoustics, Speech, and Signal Processing 28, 3: 318 - 323.
25. Crochiere, Ronald E; Tribolet, Jose M; Rabiner, Lawrence R. 1980. "INTERPRETATION OF THE LOG LIKELIHOOD RATIO AS A MEASURE OF WAVEFORM CODER PERFORMANCE.", IEEE Transactions on Acoustics, Speech, and Signal Processing ASSP-, 3: 318 - 323.
26. Tribolet, J.; Rabiner, L.; Sondhi, M.. 1979. "Statistical properties of an LPC distance measure", IEEE Transactions on Acoustics, Speech, and Signal Processing 27, 5: 550 - 558.
27. Tribolet, J.; Crochiere, R.. 1979. "Frequency domain coding of speech", IEEE Transactions on Acoustics, Speech, and Signal Processing 27, 5: 512 - 530.
28. Tribolet, J. M; Noll, P.; McDermott, B. J; Crochiere, R. E. 1979. "A Comparison of the Performance of Four Low-Bit-Rate Speech Waveform Coders", Bell System Technical Journal 58, 3: 699 - 712.
29. Flanagan, J.; Schroeder, M.; Atal, B.; Crochiere, R.; Jayant, N.; Tribolet, J.. 1979. "Correction to â¿¿Speech codingâ¿¿?", IEEE Transactions on Communications 27, 6: 932 - 932.
30. Flanagan, J.; Schroeder, M.; Atal, B.; Crochiere, R.; Jayant, N.; Tribolet, J.. 1979. "Speech Coding", IEEE Transactions on Communications 27, 4: 710 - 737.
31. Tribolet, Jose M; Rabiner, Lawrence R; Sondhi, Man M. 1979. "STATISTICAL PROPERTIES OF AN LPC DISTANCE MEASURE.", IEEE Transactions on Acoustics, Speech, and Signal Processing ASSP-, 5: 550 - 558.
32. Tribolet, Jose M; Noll, Peter; McDermott, Barbara J; Crochiere, Ronald E. 1979. "COMPARISON OF THE PERFORMANCE OF FOUR LOW-BIT-RATE SPEECH WAVEFORM CODERS.", Bell Syst Tech J 58, 3: 699 - 712.
33. Flanagan, James L; Schroeder, Manfred R; Atal, Bishnu S; Crochiere, Ronald E; Jayant, Nuggehally S; Tribolet, Jose M. 1979. "SPEECH CODING.", IEEE Trans Commun COM-27, 4: 710 - 736.
34. Tribolet, Jose M; Crochiere, Ronald E. 1979. "FREQUENCY DOMAIN CODING OF SPEECH.", IEEE Transactions on Acoustics, Speech, and Signal Processing ASSP-, 5: 512 - 530.
35. Flanagan, J.; Schroeder, M.; Atal, B.; Crochiere, R.; Jayant, N.; Tribolet, J.. 1979. "Correction to â Speech codingâ ?", IEEE Transactions on Communications 27, 6: 932 - 932.
36. Tribolet, JoséM.. 1978. "Applications of short-time homomorphic signal analysis to seismic wavelet estimation", Geoexploration 16, 1-2: 75 - 96.
38. Kopec, G.; Oppenheim, A.; Tribolet, J.. 1977. "Speech analysis homomorphic prediction", IEEE Transactions on Acoustics, Speech, and Signal Processing 25, 1: 40 - 49.
39. Tribolet, J.. 1977. "A new phase unwrapping algorithm", IEEE Transactions on Acoustics, Speech, and Signal Processing 25, 2: 170 - 177.
40. Tribolet, Jose M. 1977. "NEW PHASE UNWRAPPING ALGORITHM.", IEEE Transactions on Acoustics, Speech, and Signal Processing ASSP-, 2: 170 - 177.
41. Kopec, G.E.; Oppenheim, A.V.; Tribolet, J.M.. 1977. "Speech analysis by homomorphic prediction", IEEE Transactions on Acoustics, Speech, and Signal Processing 25, 1: 40 - 49.
42. Oppenheim, A.; Kopec, G.; Tribolet, J.. 1976. "Signal analysis by homomorphic prediction", IEEE Transactions on Acoustics, Speech, and Signal Processing 24, 4: 327 - 332.
43. Oppenheim, Alan V; Kopec, Gary E; Tribolet, Jose M. 1976. "SIGNAL ANALYSIS BY HOMOMORPHIC PREDICTION.", IEEE Transactions on Acoustics, Speech, and Signal Processing ASSP-, 4: 327 - 332.

Trabalhos completos/resumidos em eventos sem arbitragem científica
Papers in conference proceedings without scientific refereeing
1. Pombinho, Joao; Aveiro, David; Tribolet, Jose. 2012. "Business Service Definition in Enterprise Engineering - A Value-oriented Approach", Trabalho apresentado em 2012 16th IEEE International Enterprise Distributed Object Computing Conference Workshops (EDOCW), In 2012 IEEE 16th International Enterprise Distributed Object Computing Conference Workshops, Beijing, China.
2. Caetano, Artur; Assis, Aurelio; Tribolet, Jose. 2012. "Using Business Transactions to Analyse the Consistency of Business Process Models", Trabalho apresentado em 2012 45th Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences (HICSS), In 2012 45th Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences, Maui, HI, USA.
3. Caetano, Artur; Silva, António R; Tribolet, José. 2010. "A method for business process decomposition based on the separation of concerns principle", Trabalho apresentado em the 2010 ACM Symposium, In Proceedings of the 2010 ACM Symposium on Applied Computing - SAC '10, Sierre, Switzerland.
4. Aveiro, David; Silva, A. R; Tribolet, José. 2010. "Towards a GOD-theory for organizational engineering", Trabalho apresentado em the 2010 ACM Symposium, In Proceedings of the 2010 ACM Symposium on Applied Computing - SAC '10, Sierre, Switzerland.
5. Caetano, Artur; Silva, António R; Tribolet, José. 2009. "A role-based enterprise architecture framework", Trabalho apresentado em the 2009 ACM symposium, In Proceedings of the 2009 ACM symposium on Applied Computing - SAC '09, Honolulu, Hawaii.

Outra produção científica
Other scientific production
1. Guerreiro, Sérgio L. P. D; Tribolet, José; Sequeira, João. 2003. "Business Modelling for Robot Mission Control". Lisboa: ISR.

Dados Complementares (Additional data)

Outros Trabalhos
Other production
1. Tribolet, José M. N. S. An Application of the ¿-Theory to the Analysis of Business Process Models, 2013.
2. Tribolet, José M. N. S. Transformation of Multi-level Systems – Theoretical Grounding and Consequences for Enterprise Architecture Management, 2013.
3. Tribolet, José M. N. S. Value-Oriented Solution Development Process: Uncovering the Rationale behind Organization Components, 2013.
4. Tribolet, José M. N. S. A Value-Oriented Approach to Business/IT Alignment – Towards Formalizing Purpose in System Engineering, 2012.
5. Tribolet, José M. N. S. Enterprise Dynamic Systems Control Enforcement of Run-Time Business Transactions, 2012.
6. Tribolet, José M. N. S. Executing Enterprise Dynamic Systems Control with the Demo Processor: The Business Transactions Transition Space Validation, 2012.
7. Tribolet, José M. N. S. Organizational Configuration Actor Role Modeling Using DEMO, 2012.
8. Tribolet, José M. N. S. Service System Design and Engineering – A Value-Oriented Approach Based on DEMO, 2012.
9. Tribolet, José M. N. S. Towards Objective Business Modeling in Enterprise Engineering – Defining Function, Value and Purpose, 2012.
10. Tribolet, José M. N. S. Towards Value-Oriented Enterprise Engineering – Relativity in Service System Networks, 2012.
11. Tribolet, José M. N. S. Using DEMO to analyse the consistency of business process models, 2012.
12. Tribolet, José M. N. S. Cost Per Flying Hour – Use of Information from the Integrated Management System, 2011.
13. Tribolet, José M. N. S. Towards a G.O.D. Organization for Organizational Self-Awareness, 2010.
14. Tribolet, José M. N. S. Discovering Multitasking Behavior at Work: A Context-Based Ontology, 2007.
15. Tribolet, José M. N. S. Integrating Engineering, Cognitive and Social Approaches for a Comprehensive Modeling of Organizational Agents and Their Contexts, 2007.
16. Tribolet, José M. N. S. Modeling Contexts for Business Process Oriented Knowledge Support, 2005.
17. Tribolet, José M. N. S. An Object-Oriented Framework for Goal and Process Modeling, 2001.
18. Tribolet, José M. N. S. Understanding Strategy: a Goal Modeling Methodology, 2001.

Indicadores de produção (Production indicators)

Produção científica
Scientific production

Livros e capítulos
Books and book chapters
Capítulos de livros publicados
Published book chapters
Artigos científicos em revistas
Papers in periodics
Sem arbitragem científica
Without scientific refereeing
Trabalhos em eventos
Papers in conference proceedings
Com arbitragem científica
With scientific refereeing
Sem arbitragem científica
Without scientific refereeing
Outros tipos de produção científica
Other scientific production

Dados complementares
(Additional data)

Outros Trabalhos
Other production

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