Curriculum Vitae

Ana Paula Soares Dias Ferreira

Data da última atualização »Last update : 17/02/2015

Ana Paula Soares Dias Ferreira. É Professor Auxiliar na Universidade do Porto. Publicou 154 artigos em revistas especializadas. Recebeu 1 prémio e/ou homenagem. Actua na área de Medicina Básica Nas suas actividades profissionais interagiu com 454 colaboradores em co-autorias de trabalhos científicos.

Endereço de acesso a este CV:

Dados pessoais (Personal data)
Nome completo
Full name
Ana Paula Soares Dias Ferreira
Nome em citações bibliográficas
Quoting name
Soares, P
Categoria profissional
Professor Auxiliar
Domínio científico de atuação
Scientific domain
Ciências Médicas-Medicina Básica.
Ciências Médicas-Medicina Clínica.
Ciências Médicas-Ciências da Saúde.
Endereço profissional
Professional address
Universidade do Porto
Faculdade de Medicina
Grupo - Patologia
Al. Prof. Hernâni Monteiro, 4200 - 319 Porto, PORTUGAL
4200-319 Porto
Correio electrónico:

Graus Académicos (Academic Degrees)
1993-1998 Doutoramento
Biologia Humana (5 anos » years) .
Faculdade de Medicina da Universidade do Porto, Portugal.

1991-1993 Mestrado
Master degree
Oncobiologia (2 anos » years) .
Faculdade de Medicina da Universidade do Porto, Portugal.

1987 Licenciatura
Licentiate degree
Biologia (4 anos » years) .
Universidade do Porto, Portugal.

1983-1986 Bacharelato
Bachelor degree
Anatomia patológica, citológica e tanatologica (3 anos » years) .
Escola Superior de Tecnologia da Saúde do Porto, Portugal.

Vínculos profissionais (Professional Positions)
Universidade do Porto
Jan/2001-Actual Professor Auxiliar

Instituto de Patologia e Imunologia Molecular da Universidade do Porto
Jan/1991-Actual Outra Situação

Projetos de Investigação (Research projects)
Participação como Investigador responsável
Participation as responsible Researcher
Following the “Hits” from a small Cancer Family to a LARGE Tumour-Suppressor Gene: Insights into the involvement of LRP1B (LRP-deleted in tumours) in sporadic and familial non-medullary thyroid cancer.-Following the “Hits” from a small Cancer Family to a LARGE Tumour-Suppressor Gene: Insights into the involvement of LRP1B (LRP-deleted in tumours) in sporadic and familial non-medullary thyroid cancer.
Referência do projeto»Project reference: OBD/101242/2009.

Papel da activação oncogénica do BRAF na carcinogenese da tireoide-Oncogenic role of BRAF activation in thyroid carcinogenesis.
Referência do projeto»Project reference: POCI/SAU-OBS/56175/2004.

Papel da segregação membranar em rafts na modulaçã/alteração das vias de transdução de sinal em tireoide normal e em carcinoma papilar da tireoide.-Role of raft domains in the modulation/alteration of the transducing pathways in normal thyroid and in papillary thyroid carcinoma
Referência do projeto»Project reference: POCTI/NSE/48171/2002.

Identificação dos mecanismos de escape à acção da p53 na carcinogénese humana usando as neoplasias da tireóide como modelo de estudo-Potential mechanisms of tolerance to wild-type p53 in human tumours using differentiated thyroid carcinoma as a prototype.
Referência do projeto»Project reference: POCTI/CBO/41084/2001.

Participação como Investigador
Participation as Researcher
Mapping of genes predisposing to familial thyroid tumours-Mapping of genes predisposing to familial thyroid tumours
Referência do projeto»Project reference: PIC/IC/83037/2007.

Molecular and functional characterization of the mTOR pathway in papillary thyroid carcinoma-Molecular and functional characterization of the mTOR pathway in papillary thyroid carcinoma
Referência do projeto»Project reference: PDTC/SAU-OBD/69787/2006.

Cancer risk and irradiation: an epidemiological and genetic study of a cohort irradiated for Tinea capitis-Irradiação e risco de cancro: estudo epidemiológico de uma cohort irradiada para tratamento da Tinea capitis
Referência do projeto»Project reference: PIC/IC/83154/2007.

Inactivation of mitochondrial complex II tumor suppressor genes in sporadic and familiar paragangliomas and pheochromocytomas-Inactivation of mitochondrial complex II tumor suppressor genes in sporadic and familiar paragangliomas and pheochromocytomas
Referência do projeto»Project reference: 61945.

Línguas (Languages)
Inglês (Bem), Francês (Razoavelmente), Espanhol (Bem).
Inglês (Bem), Francês (Pouco), Espanhol (Pouco).

Inglês (Bem), Francês (Razoavelmente), Espanhol (Bem).
Inglês (Bem), Francês (Pouco), Espanhol (Pouco).

Prémios e títulos (Awards Prizes, and Honours)
2014 Prèmio SPGH melhor trabalho em genética, 18.ª Reunião da Sociedade Portuguesa de Genética Humana.

Produção científica, técnica e artística/cultural (Scientific, technical and artistical/cultural production)
Capítulos de livros publicados
Published book chapters
1. Boaventura, P.; Pereira, D.; Teixeira-Gomes, J.; Soares, P.. 2012. Radiation treatment and alopecia: Past and present concerns.  In Alopecia: Causes, Diagnosis and Treatment, ed. , 1 - 22. ISBN: 978-162081804-6. US: Nova Science Publishers .

Artigos em revistas com arbitragem científica
Papers in periodics with scientific refereeing
1. Boaventura, Paula; Pereira, Dina; Mendes, Adélia; Teixeira-Gomes, José; Sobrinho-Simões, Manuel; Soares, Paula. 2014. "Thyroid and parathyroid tumours in patients submitted to X-ray scalp epilation during the tinea capitis eradication campaign in the North of Portugal (1950–1963)", Virchows Archiv 465, 4: 445 - 452.
2. Pópulo, H.; Boaventura, P.; Vinagre, J.; Batista, R.; Mendes, A.; Caldas, R.; Pardal, J.; Azevedo, F.; Honavar, M.; Guimarães, I.; Manuel Lopes, J; Sobrinho-Simões, M.; Soares, P.. 2014. "TERT promoter mutations in skin cancer: The effects of sun exposure and X-irradiation", Journal of Investigative Dermatology 134, 8: 2251 - 22.
3. Melo, Miguel; da Rocha, A. G; Vinagre, João; Batista, Rui; Peixoto, Joana; Tavares, Catarina; Celestino, Ricardo; Almeida, Ana; Salgado, Catarina; Eloy, Catarina; Castro, Patrícia; Prazeres, Hugo; Lima, Jorge; Amaro, Teresina; Lobo, Cláudia; Martins, Maria J; Moura, Margarida; Cavaco, Branca; Leite, Valeriano; Cameselle-Teijeiro, José M; Carrilho, Francisco; Carvalheiro, Manuela; Máximo, Valdemar; Sobrinho-Simões, Manuel; Soares, Paula. 2014. "TERT Promoter Mutations Are a Major Indicator of Poor Outcome in Differentiated Thyroid Carcinomas", The Journal of Clinical Endocrinology & Metabolism 99, 5: E754 - E765.
4. Vinagre, J.; Pinto, V.; Celestino, R.; Reis, M.; Pópulo, H.; Boaventura, P.; Melo, M.; Catarino, T.; Lima, J.; Lopes, J.M.; Máximo, V.; Sobrinho-Simões, M.; Soares, P.. 2014. "Telomerase promoter mutations in cancer: An emerging molecular biomarker?", Virchows Archiv 465, 2: 119 - 133.
5. Soares, P.; Celestino, R.; Melo, M.; Fonseca, E.; Sobrinho-Simões, M.. 2014. "Prognostic biomarkers in thyroid cancer", Virchows Archiv 464, 3: 333 - 346.
6. Soares, P.; Celestino, R.; Gaspar Da R. A; Sobrinho-Simões, M.. 2014. "Papillary thyroid microcarcinoma: How to diagnose and manage this epidemic?", International Journal of Surgical Pathology 22, 2: 113 - 119.
7. Lyra, J.; Vinagre, J.; Batista, R.; Pinto, V.; Prazeres, H.; Rodrigues, F.; Eloy, C.; Sobrinho-Simões, M.; Soares, P.. 2014. "mTOR activation in medullary thyroid carcinoma with RAS mutation", European Journal of Endocrinology 171, 5: 633 - 640.
8. Boaventura, P.; Pereira, D.; Mendes, A.; Batista, R.; da Silva, A; Guimarães, I.; Honavar, M.; Teixeira-Gomes, J.; Lopes, J.M.; Máximo, V.; Soares, P.. 2014. "Mitochondrial D310 D-Loop instability and histological subtypes in radiation-induced cutaneous basal cell carcinomas", Journal of Dermatological Science 73, 1: 31 - 39.
9. Cameselle-Teijeiro, José; Ladra, María J; Abdulkader, Ihab; Eloy, Catarina; Soares, Paula; Barreiro, Francisco; Sobrinho-Simões, Manuel; Beiras-Iglesias, Andrés. 2014. "Increased lymphangiogenesis in Riedel thyroiditis (Immunoglobulin G4-related thyroid disease)", Virchows Archiv 465, 3: 359 - 364.
10. Nakazawa, T.; Cameselle-Teijeiro, J.M.; Vinagre, J.; Soares, P.; Rousseau, E.; Eloy, C.; Sobrinho-Simões, M.. 2014. "C-cell-derived calcitonin-free neuroendocrine carcinoma of the thyroid: The diagnostic importance of cgrp immunoreactivity", International Journal of Surgical Pathology 22, 6: 530 - 535.
11. Santos, Liliana R; Durães, Cecília; Mendes, Adélia; Prazeres, Hugo; Alvelos, Maria I; Moreira, Carla S; Canedo, Paulo; Esteves, César; Neves, Celestino; Carvalho, Davide; Sobrinho-Simões, Manuel; Soares, Paula. 2014. " A Polymorphism in the Promoter Region of the Selenoprotein S Gene ( SEPS1 ) Contributes to Hashimoto's Thyroiditis Susceptibility ", The Journal of Clinical Endocrinology & Metabolism 99, 4: E719 - E723.
12. Bolfi, Fernanda; Domingues, Maria A. C; Sobrinho-Simões, Manuel; Soares, Paula; Celestino, Ricardo; Castilho, Emanuel C; Carelli, Guareide; Paes, Norberto S; Mazeto, Glaucia M. F. S. 2014. "Primary Squamous Cell Carcinoma of the Thyroid Diagnosed as Anaplastic Carcinoma: Failure in Fine-Needle Aspiration Cytology?", Case Reports in Pathology 2014, 301780: 1 - 4.
13. Melo, M.; Costa, G.; Ribeiro, C.; Carrilho, F.; Martins, M.J.; Da Rocha, A; Sobrinho-Simões, M.; Carvalheiro, M.; Soares, P.. 2013. "Stimulated thyroglobulin at recombinant human TSH-aided ablation predicts disease-free status one year later", Journal of Clinical Endocrinology and Metabolism 98, 11: 4364 - 43.
14. Ziros, Panos G; Manolakou, Stavroula D; Habeos, Ioannis G; Lilis, Ioannis; Chartoumpekis, Dionysios V; Koika, Vasiliki; Soares, Paula; Kyriazopoulou, Venetsana E; Scopa, Chrisoula D; Papachristou, Dionysios J; Sykiotis, Gerasimos P. 2013. "Nrf2 Is Commonly Activated in Papillary Thyroid Carcinoma, and It Controls Antioxidant Transcriptional Responses and Viability of Cancer Cells", The Journal of Clinical Endocrinology & Metabolism 98, 8: E1422 - E1427.
15. Celestino, R.; Lima, J.; Faustino, A.; Vinagre, J.; Maximo, V.; Gouveia, A.; Soares, P.; Lopes, J.M.. 2013. "Molecular alterations and expression of succinate dehydrogenase complex in wild-type kit/pdgfra/braf gastrointestinal stromal tumors", European Journal of Human Genetics 21, 5: 503 - 510.
16. Alvelos, M.I.; Vinagre, J.; Fonseca, E.; Barbosa, E.; Teixeira-Gomes, J.; Sobrinho-Simões, M.; Soares, P.. 2013. "MEN1 intragenic deletions may represent the most prevalent somatic event in sporadic primary hyperparathyroidism", European Journal of Endocrinology 168, 2: 119 - 128.
17. Boaventura, P.; Pereira, D.; Celestino, R.; Mendes, A.; Nakasawa, T.; Teixeira-Gomes, J.; Sobrinho-Simões, M.; Soares, P.. 2013. "Genetic alterations in thyroid tumors from patients irradiated in childhood for tinea capitis treatment", European Journal of Endocrinology 169, 5: 673 - 679.
18. Pópulo, Helena; Tavares, Sandra; Faustino, Alexandra; Nunes, Joana B; Lopes, José M; Soares, Paula. 2013. "GNAQ and BRAF mutations show differential activation of the mTOR pathway in human transformed cells", PeerJ 1, 00: e104 - e104.
19. Nakazawa, T.; Celestino, R.; MacHado, J.C.; Cameselle-Teijeiro, J.M.; Vinagre, J.; Eloy, C.; Benserai, F.; Lameche, S.; Soares, P.; Sobrinho-Simões, M.. 2013. "Cribriform-morular variant of papillary thyroid carcinoma displaying poorly differentiated features", International Journal of Surgical Pathology 21, 4: 379 - 389.
20. Vinagre, João; Almeida, Ana; Pópulo, Helena; Batista, Rui; Lyra, Joana; Pinto, Vasco; Coelho, Ricardo; Celestino, Ricardo; Prazeres, Hugo; Lima, Luis; Melo, Miguel; Rocha, Adriana G.; Preto, Ana; Castro, Patrícia; Castro, Ligia; Pardal, Fernando; Lopes, José M; Santos, Lúcio L; Reis, Rui M; Cameselle-Teijeiro, José; Sobrinho-Simões, Manuel; Lima, Jorge; Máximo, Valdemar; Soares, Paula. 2013. "Frequency of TERT promoter mutations in human cancers", Nature Communications 4, 2185: 0000 - 0000.
21. Martins, R. G; Nunes, J. B; MAXIMO, V; Peixoto, J.; Catarino, T.; Rito, T.; Soares, P.; Pereira, L.; SOBRINHO-SIMOES, M; Santos, A. P; Couto, J.; Henrique, R.; Matos-Loureiro, J.; Dias, P.; Torres, I.; Lima, J.. 2013. "A founder SDHB mutation in Portuguese paraganglioma patients", Endocrine Related Cancer 20, 6: L23 - L26.
22. Pópulo, H.; Lopes, J.M.; Soares, P.. 2012. "The mTOR signalling pathway in human cancer", International Journal of Molecular Sciences 13, 2: 1886 - 19.
23. Eloy, C.; Santos, J.; Cameselle-Teijeiro, J.M.; Soares, P.; Sobrinho-Simoes, M.. 2012. "TGF-beta/Smad pathway and BRAF mutation play different roles in circumscribed and infiltrative papillary thyroid carcinoma", Virchows Archiv 460, 6: 587 - 600.
24. MAXIMO, V; Lima, J.; Prazeres, H.; Soares, P.; SOBRINHO-SIMOES, M. 2012. "The biology and the genetics of Hurthle cell tumors of the thyroid", Endocrine Related Cancer 19, 4: R131 - R147.
25. Couto, J. P; Daly, L.; Almeida, A.; Knauf, J. A; Fagin, J. A; SOBRINHO-SIMOES, M; Lima, J.; MAXIMO, V; Soares, P.; Lyden, D.; Bromberg, J. F. 2012. "STAT3 negatively regulates thyroid tumorigenesis", Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 109, 35: E2361 - E2370.
26. Celestino, R.; Sigstad, E.; Løvf, M.; Thomassen, G.O.S.; Grøholt, K.K.; Jørgensen, L.H.; Berner, A.; Castro, P.; Lothe, R.A.; Bjøro, T.; Sobrinho-Simões, M.; Soares, P.; Skotheim, R.I.. 2012. "Survey of 548 oncogenic fusion transcripts in thyroid tumors supports the importance of the already established thyroid fusions genes", Genes Chromosomes and Cancer 51, 12: 1154 - 11.
27. de Vries, M; Celestino, R.; Castro, P.; Eloy, C.; Máximo, V.; van der W. J; Plukker, J.T.M.; Links, T.P.; Hofstra, R.M.W.; Sobrinho-Simões, M.; Soares, P.. 2012. "RET/PTC rearrangement is prevalent in follicular Hürthle cell carcinomas", Histopathology 61, 5: 833 - 843.
28. Alvarenga, C.A.; Lopes, J.M.; Vinagre, J.; Paravidino, P.I.; Alvarenga, M.; Prando, A.; Castilho, L.N.; Soares, P.; Billis, A.. 2012. "Paraganglioma of seminal vesicle and chromophobe renal cell carcinoma: A case report and literature review | Paraganglioma da vesícula seminal e carcinoma de células renais cromófobo: Um relato de caso e revisão da literature", Sao Paulo Medical Journal 130, 1: 57 - 60.
29. Vala, H.; Pópulo, H.; Mesquita, J.R.; Esteves, F.; Santos, C.; Soares, P.; Lopes, J.M.. 2012. "Melanocytic Tumour in a Black Sheep never exposed to Ultraviolet Radiation", Journal of Comparative Pathology 146, 2-3: 160 - 164.
30. Faustino, Alexandra; Couto, Joana P; Pópulo, Helena; Rocha, Ana S; Pardal, Fernando; Cameselle-Teijeiro, José M; Lopes, José M; Sobrinho-Simões, Manuel; Soares, Paula. 2012. "mTOR Pathway Overactivation in BRAF Mutated Papillary Thyroid Carcinoma", The Journal of Clinical Endocrinology & Metabolism 97, 7: E1139 - E1149.
31. Cameselle-Teijeiro, J.M.; Alberte-Lista, L.; Peteiro-González, D.; Abdulkader-Nallib, I.; Reyes-Santías, R.; Soares, P.; Sobrinho-Simões, M.. 2012. "CDX2 expression in some variants of papillary thyroid carcinoma", American Journal of Clinical Pathology 138, 6: 907 - 910.
32. Pópulo, H.; Soares, P.; Lopes, J.M.. 2012. "Insights into melanoma: Targeting the mTOR pathway for therapeutics", Expert Opinion on Therapeutic Targets 16, 7: 689 - 705.
33. Boaventura, P.; Oliveira, R.; Pereira, D.; Soares, P.; Teixeira-Gomes, J.. 2012. "Head and neck basal cell carcinoma prevalence in individuals submitted to childhood X-ray epilation for tinea capitis treatment", European Journal of Dermatology 22, 2: 225 - 230.
34. Cameselle-Teijeiro, Jose; Ferreira, Rute; Carames, Nuria; Abdulkader, Ihab; Maximo, Valdemar; Soares, Paula; Sobrinho-Simoes, Manuel. 2012. "Absence of the BRAF and the GRIM-19 Mutations in Oncocytic (Hurthle Cell) Solid Cell Nests of the Thyroid", American Journal of Clinical Pathology 137, 4: 612 - 618.
35. Celestino, R.; Lima, J.; Faustino, A.; Máximo, V.; Gouveia, A.; Vinagre, J.; Soares, P.; Lopes, J.M.. 2012. "A novel germline SDHB mutation in a gastrointestinal stromal tumor patient without bona fide features of the Carney-Stratakis dyad", Familial Cancer 11, 2: 189 - 194.
36. Couto, Joana P; Almeida, Ana; Daly, Laura; Sobrinho-Simões, Manuel; Bromberg, Jacqueline F; Soares, Paula; Fusco, Alfredo. 2012. "AZD1480 Blocks Growth and Tumorigenesis of RET- Activated Thyroid Cancer Cell Lines", PLoS ONE 7, 10: e46869 - e46869.
37. Falcão, M.S.; Vinagre, J.; Soares, P.; Lopes, J.M.; Brandão, E.; Carneiro, A.M.. 2012. "A clear cell renal cell carcinoma inhibiting the response to intravitreal antivascular endothelial growth factor therapy in wet age-related macular disease", Case Reports in Ophthalmology 3, 3: 443 - 451.
38. Eloy, C.; Vinagre, J.; CAMESELLE-TEIJEIRO, J; Paiva, M. E; Soares, P.; Sobrinho-Simoes, M.. 2011. "Tumor-in-Tumor of the Thyroid With Basaloid Differentiation: A Lesion With a Solid Cell Nest Neoplastic Component?", International Journal of Surgical Pathology 19, 2: 276 - 280.
39. Pinto, M.; Soares, P.; Ribatti, D.. 2011. "Thyroid hormone as a regulator of tumor induced angiogenesis", Cancer Letters 301, 2: 119 - 126.
40. Goncalves, AP; Maximo, V.; Lima, J.; Singh, KK; Soares, P.; Videira, A.. 2011. "Involvement of p53 in cell death following cell cycle arrest and mitotic catastrophe induced by rotenone", Biochimica Et Biophysica Acta-Molecular Cell Research 1813, 3: 492 - 499.
41. Populo, H; Soares, P.; Faustino, A.; Rocha, AS; Silva, P; Azevedo, F.; Lopes, JM. 2011. "mTOR pathway activation in cutaneous melanoma is associated with poorer prognosis characteristics", Pigment Cell & Melanoma Research 24, 1: 254 - 257.
42. Prazeres, Hugo; Couto, Joana P; Rodrigues, Fernando; Vinagre, Joao; Torres, Joana; Trovisco, Vitor; Martins, Teresa C; Sobrinho-Simoes, Manuel; Soares, Paula. 2011. "In vitro transforming potential, intracellular signaling properties, and sensitivity to a kinase inhibitor (sorafenib) of RET proto-oncogene variants Glu511Lys, Ser649Leu, and Arg886Trp", Endocrine-Related Cancer 18, 4: 401 - 412.
43. Eloy, C.; Santos, J.; Soares, P.; Sobrinho-Simoes, M.. 2011. "Intratumoural lymph vessel density is related to presence of lymph node metastases and separates encapsulated from infiltrative papillary thyroid carcinoma", Virchows Archiv 459, 6: 595 - 605.
44. Moreira, S.; Correia, M.; Soares, P.; Máximo, V.. 2011. "GRIM-19 function in cancer development", Mitochondrion 11, 5: 693 - 699.
45. Boaventura, P.; Soares, P.; Pereira, D.; Teixeira-Gomes, J.; Sobrinho-Simões, M.. 2011. "Head and neck lesions in a cohort irradiated in childhood for tinea capitis treatment", The Lancet Infectious Diseases 11, 3: 163 - 164.
46. Prazeres, Hugo; Torres, Joana; Rodrigues, Fernando; Couto, Joana P; Vinagre, João; Sobrinho-Simões, Manuel; Soares, Paula. 2011. "How to Treat a Signal? Current Basis for RET-Genotype-Oriented Choice of Kinase Inhibitors for the Treatment of Medullary Thyroid Cancer", Journal of Thyroid Research 2011, 0: 1 - 10.
47. Costa, B.M.; Viana-Pereira, M.; Fernandes, R.; Costa, S.; Linhares, P.; Vaz, R.; Lima, J.; Soares, P.; Silva, A.; Pardal, F.; Amorim, J.; Nabiço, R.; Almeida, R.; Alegria, C.; Pires, M.M.; Pinheiro, C.; Carvalho, E.; Oliveira, P.; Lopes, J.M.; Reis, R.M.. 2011. "Impact of EGFR genetic variants on glioma risk and patient outcome", Cancer Epidemiology Biomarkers and Prevention 20, 12: 2610 - 26.
48. Soares, P.; Sobrinho-Simões, M.. 2011. "Cancer: Small papillary thyroid cancers-is BRAF of prognostic value?", Nature Reviews Endocrinology 7, 1: 9 - 10.
49. Pópulo, H.; Vinagre, J.; Lopes, J.M.; Soares, P.. 2011. "Analysis of GNAQ mutations, proliferation and MAPK pathway activation in uveal melanomas", British Journal of Ophthalmology 95, 5: 715 - 719.
50. Soares, P.; Lima, J.; Preto, A.; Castro, P.; Vinagre, J.; Celestino, R.; Couto, J.P.; Prazeres, H.; Eloy, C.; Máximo, V.; Sobrinho-Simões, M.. 2011. "Genetic alterations in poorly differentiated and undifferentiated thyroid carcinomas", Current Genomics 12, 8: 609 - 617.
51. Lima, R.T.; Seca, H.; Soares, P.; Nascimento, M.S.J.; Vasconcelos, M.H.. 2011. "EBV interferes with the sensitivity of burkitt lymphoma akata cells to etoposide", Journal of Cellular Biochemistry 112, 1: 200 - 210.
52. Prazeres, H.; Torres, J.; Rodrigues, F.; Pinto, M.; Pastoriza, M.C.; Gomes, D.; Cameselle-Teijeiro, J.M.; Vidal, A.; Martins, T.C.; Sobrinho-Simões, M.; Soares, P.. 2011. "Chromosomal, epigenetic and microRNA-mediated inactivation of LRP1B, a modulator of the extracellular environment of thyroid cancer cells", Oncogene 30, 11: 1302 - 13.
53. Bonin, S.; Hlubek, F.; Benhattar, J.; Denkert, C.; Dietel, M.; Fernandez, P.L.; Höfler, G.; Kothmaier, H.; Kruslin, B.; Mazzanti, C.M.; Perren, A.; Popper, H.; Scarpa, A.; Soares, P.; Stanta, G.; Groenen, P.J.T.A.. 2010. "Multicentre validation study of nucleic acids extraction from FFPE tissues", Virchows Archiv 457, 3: 309 - 317.
54. SOBRINHO-SIMOES, M; Eloy, C.; Vinagre, J.; Soares, P.. 2010. "Molecular Pathology of Thyroid Tumors: Diagnostic and Prognostic Relevance", International Journal of Surgical Pathology 18, 3 Suppl: 209S - 212S.
55. Prazeres, H.; Torres, J.; Soares, P.; Sobrinho-Simoes, M.. 2010. "Review Article: The Familial Counterparts of Follicular Cell--Derived Thyroid Tumors", International Journal of Surgical Pathology 18, 4: 233 - 242.
56. Costa, BM; Viana-Pereira, M.; Costa, S.; Lima, J.; Soares, P.; Amorim, J.; Linhares, P.; Pinheiro, C.; Oliveira, P.; Reis, RM. 2010. "Associations between functional EGFR polymorphisms and glioma risk", Ejc Supplements 8, 5: 25 - 25.
57. POPULOA, H; SOARES, P; ROCHA, AS; SILVA, P; LOPES, JM. 2010. "Evaluation of the mTOR pathway in ocular (uvea and conjunctiva) melanoma", MELANOMA RESEARCH 20, 2: 107 - 117.
58. Boaventura, P.; Bastos, J; Pereira, D.; Soares, P.; Teixeira-Gomes, JM. 2010. "Alopecia in women submitted to childhood X-ray epilation for tinea capitis treatment", British Journal of Dermatology 163, 3: 643 - 644.
59. Lado-Abeal, J; Celestino, R.; Bravo, S. B; Garcia-Rendueles, M. E. R; De La C. J; Castro, I; Castro, P.; Espadinha, C; Palos, F; Soares, P.; Alvarez, C. V; Sobrinho-Simoes, M.; CAMESELLE-TEIJEIRO, J. 2010. "Identification of a paired box gene 8-peroxisome proliferator-activated receptor gamma (PAX8-PPAR ) rearrangement mosaicism in a patient with an autonomous functioning follicular thyroid carcinoma bearing an activating mutation in the TSH receptor", Endocrine Related Cancer 17, 3: 599 - 610.
60. SOBRINHO-SIMOES, M; MAGALHAES, J; Soares, P.. 2010. "Hot Topics in Papillary Thyroid Carcinoma", International Journal of Surgical Pathology 18, 3 Suppl: 190S - 193S.
61. Soares, P.; Sobrinho-Simões, M.. 2009. "Is BRAF mutation screening useful for preoperative risk stratification in papillary thyroid cancer?", Future Oncology 5, 8: 1225 - 12.
62. Pinto Couto, J; Prazeres, H.; Castro, P.; Lima, J.; Maximo, V.; Soares, P.; Sobrinho-Simões, M.. 2009. "How molecular pathology is changing and will change the therapeutics of patients with follicular cell-derived thyroid cancer", Journal of Clinical Pathology 62, 5: 414 - 421.
63. Preto, Ana; Gonçalves, Joana; Rebocho, Ana P; Figueiredo, Joana; Meireles, Ana M; Rocha, Ana S; Vasconcelos, Helena M; Seca, Hugo; Seruca, Raquel; Soares, Paula; Sobrinho-Simões, Manuel. 2009. "Proliferation and survival molecules implicated in the inhibition of BRAF pathway in thyroid cancer cells harbouring different genetic mutations", BMC Cancer 9, 1: 387 - 387.
64. Máximo, Valdemar; Lima, Jorge; Soares, Paula; Sobrinho-Simões, Manuel. 2009. "Mitochondria and cancer", Virchows Archiv 454, 5: 481 - 495.
65. BERTAGNOLLI, AC; SOARES, P; VAN ASCH, B; AMORIM, A; CIRNES, L; MAXIMO, V; CASSALI, GD. 2009. "An assessment of the clonality of the components of canine mixed mammary tumours by mitochondrial DNA analysis", VETERINARY JOURNAL 182, 2: 269 - 274.
66. Soares, P.; Preto, A.; Sobrinho-Simões, M.. 2009. "BRAFV600E mutation in papillary thyroid carcinoma: A potential target for therapy?", Expert Review of Endocrinology and Metabolism 4, 5: 467 - 480.
67. Cameselle-Teijeiro, J.M.; Menasce, L.P.; Yap, B.K.; Colaco, R.J.; Castro, P.; Celestino, R.; Ruíz-Ponte, C.; Soares, P.; Sobrinho-Simões, M.. 2009. "Cribriform-morular variant of papillary thyroid carcinoma molecular characterization of a case with neuroendocrine differentiation and aggressive behavior", American Journal of Clinical Pathology 131, 1: 134 - 142.
68. Celestino, Ricardo; Magalhães, João; Castro, Patricia; Triller, Marie; Vinagre, João; Soares, Paula; Sobrinho-Simões, Manuel. 2009. "A follicular variant of papillary thyroid carcinoma in struma ovarii. Case report with unique molecular alterations", Histopathology 55, 4: 482 - 487.
69. Rocha, A.S.; Paternot, S.; Coulonval, K.; Dumont, J.E.; Soares, P.; Roger, P.P.. 2008. "Cyclic AMP inhibits the proliferation of thyroid carcinoma cell lines through regulation of CDK4 phosphorylation", Molecular Biology of the Cell 19, 11: 4814 - 48.
70. Máximo, V.; Lima, J.; Soares, P.; Silva, A.; Bento, I.; Sobrinho-Simões, M.. 2008. "GRIM-19 in health and disease", Advances in Anatomic Pathology 15, 1: 46 - 53.
71. Cameselle-Teijeiro, J.M.; Pardal, F.; Eloy, C.; Ruiz-Ponte, C.; Celestino, R.; Castro, P.; Soares, P.; Sobrinho-Simões, M.. 2008. "Follicular thyroid carcinoma with an unusual glomeruloid pattern of growth", Human Pathology 39, 10: 1540 - 15.
72. Prazeres, H.J.; Rodrigues, F.; Soares, P.; Naidenov, P.; Figueiredo, P.; Campos, B.; Lacerda, M.; Martins, T.C.. 2008. "Loss of heterozygosity at 19p13.2 and 2q21 in tumours from familial clusters of non-medullary thyroid carcinoma", Familial Cancer 7, 2: 141 - 149.
73. Sobrinho-Simões, M.; Máximo, V.; Rocha, A.S.; Trovisco, V.; Castro, P.; Preto, A.; Lima, J.; Soares, P.. 2008. "Intragenic Mutations in Thyroid Cancer", Endocrinology and Metabolism Clinics of North America 37, 2: 333 - 362.
74. Bertagnolli, A.C.; Máximo, V.; Van Asch, B; Amorim, A.; Cirnes, L.; Soares, P.; Cassali, G.D.. 2008. "Optimization of methods to assess mitochondrial DNA in archival paraffin-embedded tissues from mammary canine tumors", Jornal Brasileiro de Patologia e Medicina Laboratorial 44, 4: 305 - 308.
75. Trovisco, V.; Couto, J.P.; Cameselle-Teijeiro, J.M.; De Castro, I; Fonseca, E.; Soares, P.; Sobrinho-Simões, M.. 2008. "Acquisition of BRAF gene mutations is not a requirement for nodal metastasis of papillary thyroid carcinoma", Clinical Endocrinology 69, 4: 683 - 685.
76. PRETO, A; MOUTINHO, C; VELHO, S; al., et. 2007. "A subset of colorectal carcinomas express c-KIT protein independently of BRAF and/or KRAS activation", VIRCHOWS ARCHIV 450, 6: 619 - 626.
77. Meireles, A.M.; Preto, A.; Rocha, A.S.; Rebocho, A.P.; Máximo, V.; Pereira-Castro, I.; Moreira, S.; Feijão, T.; Botelho, T.; Marques, R.; Trovisco, V.; Cirnes, L.; Alves, C.; Velho, S.; Soares, P.; Sobrinho-Simões, M.. 2007. "Molecular and genotypic characterization of human thyroid follicular cell carcinoma-derived cell lines", Thyroid 17, 8: 707 - 715.
78. Trovisco, V.; Soares, P.; Preto, A.; Castro, P.; Máximo, V.; Sobrinho-Simões, M.. 2007. "Molecular genetics of papillary thyroid carcinoma - Great expectations...", Arquivos Brasileiros de Endocrinologia e Metabologia 51, 5: 643 - 653.
79. ROCHA, AS; MARQUES, R; BENTO, I; al., et. 2007. "Thyroid hormone receptor beta mutations in the 'hot-spot region' are rare events in thyroid carcinomas", JOURNAL OF ENDOCRINOLOGY 192, 1: 83 - 86.
80. Rocha, A.S.; Marques, R.; Bento, I.; Soares, R.; Magalhães, J.; de Castro, I; Soares, P.. 2007. "Thyroid hormone receptor ß mutations in the 'hot-spot region' are rare events in thyroid carcinomas", Journal of Endocrinology 192, 1: 83 - 86.
81. Rocha, A.S.; Risberg, B.; Magalhães, J.; Trovisco, V.; de Castro, I; Lazarovici, P.; Soares, P.; Davidson, B.; Sobrinho-Simões, M.. 2006. "The p75 neurotrophin receptor is widely expressed in conventional papillary thyroid carcinoma", Human Pathology 37, 5: 562 - 568.
82. Trovisco, V.; Soares, P.; Sobrinho-Simões, M.. 2006. "B-RAF mutations in the etiopathogenesis, diagnosis, and prognosis of thyroid carcinomas", Human Pathology 37, 7: 781 - 786.
83. Fonseca, E.; Soares, P.; Cardoso-Oliveira, M.; Sobrinho-Simões, M.. 2006. "Diagnostic criteria in well-differentiated thyroid carcinomas", Endocrine Pathology 17, 2: 109 - 117.
84. Castro, P.; Soares, P.; Gusmão, L.; Seruca, R.; Sobrinho-Simões, M.. 2006. "H-RAS 81 polymorphism is significantly associated with aneuploidy in follicular tumors of the thyroid", Oncogene 25, 33: 4620 - 46.
85. FIGUEIREDO, C; MAXIMO, V; SOARES, P; al., et. 2006. "Mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) mutations in Helicobacter pylori chronic gastritis and gastric carcinoma", GASTROENTEROLOGY 130, 4: A54 - A54.
86. Prazeres, H.J.; Rodrigues, F.; Figueiredo, P.; Naidenov, P.; Soares, P.; Bugalho, M.J.; Lacerda, M.; Campos, B.; Martins, T.C.. 2006. "Occurrence of the Cys611Tyr mutation and a novel Arg886Trp substitution in the RET proto-oncogene in multiple endocrine neoplasia type 2 families and sporadic medullary thyroid carcinoma cases originating from the central region of Portugal", Clinical Endocrinology 64, 6: 659 - 666.
87. Castro, P.; Rebocho, A.P.; Soares, R.J.; Magalhães, J.; Roque, L.; Trovisco, V.; Vieira De C. I; Cardoso-De-Oliveira, M.; Fonseca, E.; Soares, P.; Sobrinho-Simões, M.. 2006. "PAX8-PPAR¿ rearrangement is frequently detected in the follicular variant of papillary thyroid carcinoma", Journal of Clinical Endocrinology and Metabolism 91, 1: 213 - 220.
88. Cameselle-Teijeiro, J.M.; Preto, A.; Soares, P.; Sobrinho-Simões, M.; Burstein, D.E.; Unger, P.; Nagi, C.; Wang, B.Y.. 2005. "A stem cell role for thyroid solid cell nests [1] (multiple letters)", Human Pathology 36, 5: 590 - 592.
89. Castro, P.; Eknæs, M.; Teixeira, M.R.; Danielsen, H.E.; Soares, P.; Lothe, R.A.; Sobrinho-Simoões, M.. 2005. "Adenomas and follicular carcinomas of the thyroid display two major patterns of chromosomal changes", Journal of Pathology 206, 3: 305 - 311.
90. Trovisco, V.; Soares, P.; Soares, R.; Magalhães, J.; Sá-Couto, P.; Sobrinho-Simões, M.. 2005. "A new BRAF gene mutation detected in a case of a solid variant of papillary thyroid carcinoma", Human Pathology 36, 6: 694 - 697.
91. Máximo, V.; Lima, J.; Soares, P.; Botelho, T.; Gomes, L.; Sobrinho-Simões, M.. 2005. "Mitochondrial D-Loop instability in thyroid tumours is not a marker of malignancy", Mitochondrion 5, 5: 333 - 340.
92. Cameselle-Teijeiro, J.M.; Abdulkader, I.; Soares, P.; Alfonsín-Barreiro, N.; Moldes-Boullosa, J.; Sobrinho-Simões, M.. 2005. "Cystic tumor of the atrioventricular node of the heart appears to be the heart equivalent of the solid cell nests (ultimobranchial rests) of the thyroid", American Journal of Clinical Pathology 123, 3: 369 - 375.
93. Sobrinho-Simões, M.; Máximo, V.; De Castro, I; Fonseca, E.; Soares, P.; Garcia-Rostan, G.; De Oliveira, M. 2005. "Hürthle (oncocytic) cell tumors of thyroid: Etiopathogenesis, diagnosis and clinical significance", International Journal of Surgical Pathology 13, 1: 29 - 35.
94. Máximo, Valdemar; Preto, Ana; Crespo, Ana; Rocha, Ana; Machado, José; Soares, Paula; Sobrinho-Simões, Manuel. 2004. "Core I gene is overexpressed in Hürthle and non-Hürthle cell microfollicular adenomas and follicular carcinomas of the thyroid", BMC Cancer 4, 1: 12 - 12.
95. Fonseca, E.; Soares, P.; Rossi, S.; Sobrinho-Simões, M.. 1997. "Prognostic factors in thyroid carcinomas.", Verhandlungen der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Pathologie 81, 00: 82 - 96.

Artigos em revistas sem arbitragem científica
Papers in periodics without scientific refereeing
1. Eloy, C.; Santos, J.; Soares, P.; Sobrinho-Simoes, M.. 2011. "The preeminence of growth pattern and invasiveness and the limited influence of BRAF and RAS mutations in the occurrence of papillary thyroid carcinoma lymph node metastases", Virchows Archiv 459, 3: 265 - 276.
2. Gonçalves, A.P.; Videira, A.; Máximo, V.; Soares, P.. 2011. "Synergistic growth inhibition of cancer cells harboring the RET/PTC1 oncogene by staurosporine and rotenone involves enhanced cell death", Journal of Biosciences 36, 4: 639 - 648.
3. Goncalves, A. P; Videira, A.; Soares, P.; Maximo, V.. 2011. "Orthovanadate-induced cell death in RET/PTC1-harboring cancer cells involves the activation of caspases and altered signaling through PI3K/Akt/mTOR", Life Sciences 89, 11-12: 371 - 377.
4. BAUER, J; WENG, J; KEBEBEW, E; al., et. 2009. "Germline variation of the melanocortin-1 receptor does not explain shared risk for melanoma and thyroid cancer", EXPERIMENTAL DERMATOLOGY 18, 6: 548 - 552.
5. Preto, A.; Figueiredo, J.; Velho, S.; Ribeiro, A.S.; Soares, P.; Oliveira, C.; Seruca, R.. 2008. "BRAF provides proliferation and survival signals in MSI colorectal carcinoma cells displaying BRAFV600E but not KRAS mutations", Journal of Pathology 214, 3: 320 - 327.
6. Trovisco, V.; Soares, P.; Preto, A.; De Castro, I; Lima, J.; Castro, P.; Máximo, V.; Botelho, T.; Moreira, S.; Meireles, A.M.; Magalhães, J.; Abrosimov, A.; Cameselle-Teijeiro, J.M.; Sobrinho-Simões, M.. 2005. "Type and prevalence of BRAF mutations are closely associated with papillary thyroid carcinoma histotype and patients' age but not with tumour aggressiveness", Virchows Archiv 446, 6: 589 - 595.
7. Lima, J.; Trovisco, V.; Soares, P.; Máximo, V.; Magalhães, J.; Salvatore, G.; Santoro, M.; Bogdanova, T.; Tronko, M.; Abrosimov, A.; Jeremiah, S.; Thomas, G.; Williams, D.; Sobrinho-Simões, M.. 2005. "Reply to: Low prevalence of BRAF mutations in radiation-induced thyroid tumors in contrast to sporadic papillary carcinomas", Cancer Letters 230, 1: 149 - 150.
8. Máximo, V.; Botelho, T.; Capela, J.; Soares, P.; Lima, J.; Taveira, A.; Amaro, T.; Barbosa, A.P.; Preto, A.; Harach, H.R.; Williams, D.; Sobrinho-Simões, M.. 2005. "Somatic and germline mutation in GRIM-19, a dual function gene involved in mitochondrial metabolism and cell death, is linked to mitochondrion-rich (Hürthle cell) tumours of the thyroid", British Journal of Cancer 92, 10: 1892 - 18.
9. FIGUEIREDO, C; MAXIMO, V; SOARES, P; al., et. 2005. "mtDNA alterations in Helicobacter pylori chronic gastritis and gastric carcinoma", HELICOBACTER 10, 5: 473 - 474.
10. Basto, D.; Trovisco, V.; Lopes, J.M.; Martins, A.; Pardal, F.; Soares, P.; Reis, R.M.. 2005. "Mutation analysis of B-RAF gene in human gliomas", Acta Neuropathologica 109, 2: 207 - 210.
11. Sobrinho-Simões, M.; Preto, A.; Rocha, A.S.; Castro, P.; Máximo, V.; Fonseca, E.; Soares, P.. 2005. "Molecular pathology of well-differentiated thyroid carcinomas", Virchows Archiv 447, 5: 787 - 793.
12. Preto, A.; Cameselle-Teijeiro, J.M.; Moldes-Boullosa, J.; Soares, P.; Cameselle-Teijeiro, J.F.; Silva, P.; Reis-Filho, J.S.; Reyes-Santías, R.M.; Alfonsín-Barreiro, N.; Forteza, J.; Sobrinho-Simoes, M.. 2004. "Telomerase expression and proliferative activity suggest a stem cell role for thyroid solid cell nests", Modern Pathology 17, 7: 819 - 826.
13. Rocha, A.S.; De Wever, O; Moreira, S.; Costa, M.J.; Vandekerckhove, J.; Mareel, M.; Soares, P.. 2004. "Mutated E-cadherin: Genomic and functional characterization in thyroid cells from the KAT family", Thyroid 14, 11: 902 - 909.
14. Soares, P.; Trovisco, V.; Rocha, A.S.; Feijão, T.; Rebocho, A.P.; Fonseca, E.; De Castro, I; Cameselle-Teijeiro, J.M.; Cardoso-Oliveira, M.; Sobrinho-Simões, M.. 2004. "BRAF mutations typical of papillary thyroid carcinoma are more frequently detected in undifferentiated than in insular and insular-like poorly differentiated carcinomas", Virchows Archiv 444, 6: 572 - 576.
15. Lima, J.; Trovisco, V.; Soares, P.; Máximo, V.; Magalhães, J.; Salvatore, G.; Santoro, M.; Bogdanova, T.; Tronko, M.; Abrosimov, A.; Jeremiah, S.; Thomas, G.; Williams, D.; Sobrinho-Simões, M.. 2004. "BRAF mutations are not a major event in post-chernobyl childhood thyroid carcinomas", Journal of Clinical Endocrinology and Metabolism 89, 9: 4267 - 42.
16. Trovisco, V.; de Castro, I; Soares, P.; Máximo, V.; Silva, P.; Magalhães, J.; Abrosimov, A.; Guiu, X.M.; Sobrinho-Simões, M.. 2004. "BRAF mutations are associated with some histological types of papillary thyroid carcinoma", Journal of Pathology 202, 2: 247 - 251.
17. Lima, J.; Teixeira-Gomes, J.; Soares, P.; Máximo, V.; Honavar, M.; Williams, D.; Sobrinho-Simões, M.. 2003. "Germline Succinate Dehydrogenase Subunit D Mutation Segregating with Familial Non-RET C Cell Hyperplasia", Journal of Clinical Endocrinology and Metabolism 88, 10: 4932 - 49.
18. Rocha, A.S.; Soares, P.; Fonseca, E.; Cameselle-Teijeiro, J.M.; Oliveira, M.C.; Sobrinho-Simões, M.. 2003. "E-cadherin loss rather than ß-catenin alterations is a common feature of poorly differentiated thyroid carcinomas", Histopathology 42, 6: 580 - 587.
19. REIS, J; MARTINS, A; PRETO, A; al., et. 2003. "Distribution of p63, cytokeratin 5/6 and cytokeratin 14 in 51 normal and 450 neoplastic human tissue samples using TARP-4 multi-tumor tissue microarray", MODERN PATHOLOGY 16, 1: 326A - 32.
20. Soares, P.; Trovisco, V.; Rocha, A.S.; Lima, J.; Castro, P.; Preto, A.; Máximo, V.; Botelho, T.; Seruca, R.; Sobrinho-Simões, M.. 2003. "BRAF mutations and RET/PTC rearrangements are alternative events in the etiopathogenesis of PTC", Oncogene 22, 29: 4578 - 45.
21. Castro, P.; David, L.; Soares, P.; Carneiro, F.; Fonseca, E.; Sobrinho-Simões, M.. 2003. "Vascular invasion in thyroid and gastric carcinomas", Ultrastructural Pathology 27, 1: 41 - 48.
22. Reis-Filho, J.S.; Preto, A.; Soares, P.; Ricardo, S.; Cameselle-Teijeiro, J.M.; Sobrinho-Simões, M.. 2003. "p63 expression in solid cell nests of the thyroid: Further evidence for a stem cell origin", Modern Pathology 16, 1: 43 - 48.
23. Soares, P.; Máxima, V.; Sobrinho-Simöes, M.. 2003. "Molecular pathology of the papillary, follicular and Hürthle cell carcinomas of the thyroid", Arkhiv Patologii 65, 2: 45 - 47.
24. Pignatelli, D.; Ferreira, J.; Soares, P.; Costa, M.J.; Magalhães, M.C.. 2003. "Immunohistochemical study of heat shock proteins 27, 60 and 70 in the normal human adrenal and in adrenal tumors with suppressed ACTH production", Microscopy Research and Technique 61, 3: 315 - 323.
25. Lesueur, F.; Corbex, M.; McKay, J.D.; Lima, J.; Soares, P.; Griseri, P.; Burgess, J.; Ceccherini, I.; Landolfi, S.; Papotti, M.; Amorim, A.; Goldgar, D.E.; Romeo, G.. 2002. "Specific haplotypes of the RET proto-oncogene are over-represented in patients with sporadic papillary thyroid carcinoma", Journal of Medical Genetics 39, 4: 260 - 265.
26. Sobrinho-Simoes, M.; Sambade, C.; Fonseca, E.; Soares, P.. 2002. "Poorly differentiated carcinomas of the thyroid gland: A review of the clinicopathologic features of a series of 28 cases of a heterogeneous, clinically aggressive group of thyroid tumors", International Journal of Surgical Pathology 10, 2: 123 - 131.
27. Preto, A.; Reis-Filho, J.S.; Ricardo, S.; Soares, P.. 2002. "P63 expression in papillary and anaplastic carcinomas of the thyroid gland: Lack of an oncogenetic role in tumorigenesis and progression", Pathology Research and Practice 198, 7: 449 - 454.
28. Ivanova, R.; Soares, P.; Castro, P.; Sobrinho-Simões, M.. 2002. "Diffuse (or multinodular) follicular variant of papillary thyroid carcinoma: A clinicopathologic and immunohistochemical analysis of ten cases of an aggressive form of differentiated thyroid carcinoma", Virchows Archiv 440, 4: 418 - 424.
29. Carvalho, R.; Kayademir, T.; Soares, P.; Canedo, P.; Sousa, S.; Oliveira, C.; Leistenschneider, P.; Seruca, R.; Gött, P.; Blin, N.; Carneiro, F.; Machado, J.C.. 2002. "Loss of heterozygosity and promoter methylation, but not mutation, may underlie loss of TFF1 in gastric carcinoma", Laboratory Investigation 82, 10: 1319 - 13.
30. Máximo, V.; Soares, P.; Lima, J.; Cameselle-Teijeiro, J.M.; Sobrinho-Simões, M.. 2002. "Mitochondrial DNA somatic mutations (point mutations and large deletions) and mitochondrial DNA variants in human thyroid pathology: A study with emphasis on Hürthle cell tumors", American Journal of Pathology 160, 5: 1857 - 18.
31. Rocha, A.S.; Soares, P.; Machado, J.C.; Máximo, V.; Fonseca, E.; Franssila, K.; Sobrinho-Simões, M.. 2002. "Mucoepidermoid carcinoma of the thyroid: A tumour histotype characterised by P-cadherin neoexpression and marked abnormalities of E-cadherin/catenins complex", Virchows Archiv 440, 5: 498 - 504.
32. Rocha, A.S.; Soares, P.; Seruca, R.; Máximo, V.; Matias-Guiu, X.; Cameselle-Teijeiro, J.M.; Sobrinho-Simões, M.. 2001. "Abnormalities of the E-cadherin/catenin adhesion complex in classical papillary thyroid carcinoma and in its diffuse sclerosing variant", Journal of Pathology 194, 3: 358 - 366.
33. Machado, J.C.; Oliveira, C.; Carvalho, R.; Soares, P.; Berx, G.; Caldas, C.; Seruca, R.; Carneiro, F.; Sobrinho-Simöes, M.. 2001. "E-cadherin gene (CDH1) promoter methylation as the second hit in sporadic diffuse gastric carcinoma", Oncogene 20, 12: 1525 - 15.
34. Castro, P.; Sansonetty, F.; Soares, P.; Dias, A.; Sobrinho-Simões, M.. 2001. "Fetal adenomas and minimally invasive follicular carcinomas of the thyroid frequently display a triploid or near triploid DNA pattern", Virchows Archiv 438, 4: 336 - 342.
35. Máximo, V.; Soares, P.; Seruca, R.; Rocha, A.S.; Castro, P.; Sobrinho-Simões, M.. 2001. "Microsatellite instability, mitochondrial DNA large deletions, and mitochondrial DNA mutations in gastric carcinoma", Genes Chromosomes and Cancer 32, 2: 136 - 143.
36. Alves, C.; Silva, F.; Gusmão, L.; Seruca, R.; Soares, P.; Reis, R.M.; Amorim, A.. 2000. "Extended structural variation of a pentanucleotide repeat in the GSTP1 gene: Characterisation in a normal population and in thyroid and gastric tumours", European Journal of Human Genetics 8, 7: 540 - 544.
37. Máximo, V.; Soares, P.; Machado, J.C.; Seruca, R.; Sobrinho-Simöes, M.; Habano, W.; Nakamura, S.I.. 2000. "Mitochondrial DNA alteration in gastric cancer [5]", Gastroenterology 119, 6: 1808 - 18.
38. Alves, P.; Soares, P.; Fonseca, E.; Sobrinho-Simões, M.. 1999. "Papillary thyroid carcinoma overexpresses fully and underglycosylated mucins together with native and sialylated simple mucin antigens and histo- blood group antigens", Endocrine Pathology 10, 4: 315 - 324.
39. Tallini, G.; Soares, P.; Sobrinho-Simoes, M.; L Carcangiu, M; Santoro, M.; Fusco, A.. 1999. "RET/PTC oncogene activation defines a subset of papillary thyroid carcinomas lacking evidence of progression to poorly differentiated or undifferentiated tumor phenotype [2] (multiple letters)", Clinical Cancer Research 5, 11: 3724 - 37.
40. Alves, P.; Soares, P.; Rossi, S.; Fonseca, E.; Sobrinho-Simões, M.. 1999. "Clinicopathologic and prognostic significance of the expression of mucins, simple mucin antigens and histo-blood group antigens in papillary thyroid carcinoma", Endocrine Pathology 10, 4: 305 - 313.
41. Maximo, V.; Soares, P.; Seruca, R.; Sobrinho-Simoes, M.. 1999. "Comments on: Mutations in mitochondrial control region DNA in gastric tumours of Japanese patients, Tamura, et al. Eur J Cancer 1999, 35, 316-319", European Journal of Cancer 35, 9: 1407 - 14.
42. SOARES, P. 1999. "Correspondence re: G. Tallini et at., RET/PTC oncogene activation defines a subset of papillary thyroid carcinomas lacking evidence of progression to poorly differentiated or undifferentiated tumor phenotype. Clin. Cancer Res., 4 : 287-294, 1998.", CLINICAL CANCER RESEARCH 5, 11: 3724 - 37.
43. Machado, J.C.; Soares, P.; Carneiro, F.; Rocha, A.G.D.; Beck, S.; Blin, N.; Berx, G.; Sobrinho-Simões, M.. 1999. "E-cadherin gene mutations provide a genetic basis for the phenotypic divergence of mixed gastric carcinomas", Laboratory Investigation 79, 4: 459 - 465.
44. MAXIMO, V; SORES, P; ROCHA, AS; al., et. 1998. "The common deletion of mitochondrial DNA is found in goiters and thyroid tumors with and without oxyphil cell change", ULTRASTRUCTURAL PATHOLOGY 22, 3: 271 - 273.
45. Soares, P.; Fonseca, E.; Wynford-Thomas, D.; Sobrinho-Simões, M.. 1998. "Sporadic ret-rearranged papillary carcinoma of the thyroid: A subset of slow growing, less aggressive thyroid neoplasms?", Journal of Pathology 185, 1: 71 - 78.
46. Soares, P.; Berx, G.; Van Roy, F; Sobrinho-Simões, M.. 1997. "E-cadherin gene alterations are rare events in thyroid tumors", International Journal of Cancer 70, 1: 32 - 38.
47. Soares, P.; Dos Santos, N; Seruca, R.; Lothe, R.A.; Sobrinho-Simo¿s, M.. 1997. "Benign and malignant thyroid lesions show instability at microsatellite loci", European Journal of Cancer Part A 33, 2: 293 - 296.
48. Soares, P.; Sobrinho-Simoes, M.. 1995. "Recent advances in cytometry, cytogenetics and molecular genetics of thyroid tumours and tumour-like lesions", Pathology Research and Practice 191, 4: 304 - 317.
49. Soares, P.; Sambade, C.; Sobrinho-Simoes, M.. 1994. "Expression of C-erb B2 in tumours and tumour-like lesions of the thyroid [2]", International Journal of Cancer 56, 3: 459 - 461.
50. Soares, P.; Sobrinho-Simoes, M.; Shimizu, T.; Yamanda, T.; Sugenoya, A.; Iida, F.; Usuda, N.. 1994. "Proliferative activity of human thyroid tumors evaluated by proliferating cell nuclear antigen/cyclin immunohistochemical studies", Cancer 73, 11: 2879 - 28.
51. Soares, P.; Cameselle-Teijeiro, J.M.; Sobrinho-Simoes, M.. 1994. "Immunohistochemical detection of p53 in differentiated, poorly differentiated and undifferentiated carcinomas of the thyroid", Histopathology 24, 3: 205 - 210.
52. Roque, L.; Soares, J.; Soares, P.; Castedo, S.. 1993. "Genetic markers in thyroid tumors", Surgery 113, 5: 595 - 596.
53. Seruca, R.; Castedo, S.; Correia, C.; Gomes, P.; Carneiro, F.; Soares, P.; de Jong, B; Sobrinho-Simões, M.. 1993. "Cytogenetic findings in eleven gastric carcinomas", Cancer Genetics and Cytogenetics 68, 1: 42 - 48.
54. Roque, L.; Gomes, P.; Correia, C.; Soares, P.; Soares, J.; Castedo, S.. 1993. "Thyroid nodular hyperplasia. Chromosomal studies in 14 cases", Cancer Genetics and Cytogenetics 69, 1: 31 - 34.
55. Roque, L.; Castedo, S.; Gomes, P.; Soares, P.; Clode, A.; Soares, J.. 1993. "Cytogenetic findings in 18 follicular thyroid adenomas", Cancer Genetics and Cytogenetics 67, 1: 1 - 6.
56. Castedo, S.; Correia, C.; Gomes, P.; Seruca, R.; Soares, P.; Carneiro, F.; Sobrinho-Simões, M.. 1992. "Loss of Y chromosome in gastric carcinoma. Fact or artifact?", Cancer Genetics and Cytogenetics 61, 1: 39 - 41.
57. Seruca, R.; Carneiro, F.; Soares, P.; Fonseca, E.; Castedo, S.. 1992. "Clonal cytogenetic abnormalities and telomeric associations in a fibroxanthoma of the stomach", Genes Chromosomes and Cancer 5, 4: 407 - 409.
58. Carneiro, F.; Moutinho-Ribeiro, M.; David, L.; Seixas, M.; Sansonetty, F.; Soares, P.; Serrano, A.; Sobrinho-Simoes, M.. 1992. "Signet ring cell carcinoma of the stomach: A morphometric, ultrastructural, and DNA cytometric study", Ultrastructural Pathology 16, 6: 603 - 614.
59. David, L.; Seruca, R.; Nesland, J.M.; Soares, P.; Sansonetty, F.; Holm, R.; Børresen, A.L.; Sobrinho-Simões, M.. 1992. "c-erbB-2 expression in primary gastric carcinomas and their metastases.", Modern pathology : an official journal of the United States and Canadian Academy of Pathology, Inc 5, 4: 384 - 390.

Dados Complementares (Additional data)


Tese de Doutoramento
Phd Thesis
1. Ricardo Celestino, Efeitos estruturais e Funcionais dos Rearranjos Cromossómicos em Tumores Sólidos. Lesões Neoplásicas da Tiróide como Modelo, 2012. Tese (Patologia e genética) - Instituto de Ciencias Biomédicas Abel Salazar, Bolseiro(a) de Fundação Calouste Gulbenkian.
2. Joana Silva, Signal Transducer and Activator of Transcription (STAT) 3 in tumors with oncogenic BRAF activation, 2012. Tese (Biologia Humana) - Universidade do Porto, Bolseiro(a) de Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia (Orientador).
3. Helena Pópulo, Relevance of mTOR pathway in the initiation/progression of human tumours, 2011. Tese (Biologia Humana) - Universidade do Porto, Bolseiro(a) de Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia (Orientador).
4. Hugo Prazeres, Molecular and functional alterations in familial non-medullary thyroid tumours., 2011. Tese (Biomedicina) - Faculdade de Medicina da Universidade do Porto, Bolseiro(a) de Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia (Orientador).
Em curso
1. Luciana Bueno Ferreira, osteopontina, 2012. Tese (Biomedicina) - Faculdade de Medicina da Universidade do Porto, Bolseiro(a) de Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (Orientador).
2. Ana Catarina Marques Gomes Tavares, Sodium/Iodide symporter restoration in thyroid tumors: overcoming therapy resistance, 2012. Tese (Biologia Humana) - Faculdade de Medicina da Universidade do Porto, Bolseiro(a) de Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia (Orientador).
3. Ana lourenço Almeida, An approach to thyroid cancer targeted-therapy using transgenic zebrafish as a model , 2011. Tese (Patologia e genética) - Instituto de Ciencias Biomédicas Abel Salazar, Bolseiro(a) de Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia (Orientador).
4. João Vinagre, Unraveling the genetics of neuroendocrine tumors by high throughput methods, 2011. Tese (Patologia e genética) - Instituto de Ciencias Biomédicas Abel Salazar, Bolseiro(a) de Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia (Orientador).
5. José Miguel de Melo, Biomarcadores moleculares de prognóstico e selecção terapêutica em carcinomas da tiróide de diferenciação folicular., 2010. Tese (Medicina) - Faculdade de Medicina da Universidade de Coimbra (Co-orientador).

Indicadores de produção (Production indicators)

Produção científica
Scientific production

Livros e capítulos
Books and book chapters
Capítulos de livros publicados
Published book chapters
Artigos científicos em revistas
Papers in periodics
Com arbitragem científica
With scientific refereeing
Sem arbitragem científica
Without scientific refereeing

Dados complementares
(Additional data)


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