IEFP signs 25 Cooperation Agreements with higher education institutions

02 Jul 2015

IEFP signs 25 Cooperation Agreements with higher education institutions

IEFP has signed 25 Cooperation Agreements with 25 universities and polytechnics in order to complete over 50 training activities within the scope of Working Life.

These training activities - for those unemployed with higher qualifications who are registered at the job centres - shall last from 200 to 300 hours and comprise training in a working environment for a period of time of three to six months. These activities are intended to reach 1400 people, more or less.

Higher education institutions are providing an indispensable contribution in the training of Information and Communications Technology (ICT), particularly in terms of programming, which is oriented towards those unemployed with higher qualifications although not the ones required by the labour market.

This initiative is a part of the Estratégia e Plano de Ação para a Empregabilidade Digital 2015-2020 (Strategy and Action Plan for Digital Employability) goals, which aim at acquiring the skills to leverage conditions for the unemployed to become employed making it easier to (re)enter into the qualified labour market.