Curriculum Vitae

Marco Paulo Seabra dos Reis

Data da última atualização »Last update : 28/06/2013

Marco Paulo Seabra dos Reis Publicou 41 artigos em revistas especializadas. Actua na área de Engenharia Química Nas suas actividades profissionais interagiu com 54 colaboradores em co-autorias de trabalhos científicos.

Endereço de acesso a este CV:

Dados pessoais (Personal data)
Nome completo
Full name
Marco Paulo Seabra dos Reis
Nome em citações bibliográficas
Quoting name
Reis, Marco Paulo Seabra dos
Domínio científico de atuação
Scientific domain
Engenharia e Tecnologia-Engenharia Química.

Graus Académicos (Academic Degrees)

Produção científica, técnica e artística/cultural (Scientific, technical and artistical/cultural production)
Artigos em revistas com arbitragem científica
Papers in periodics with scientific refereeing
1. Pinheiro, Ineide; Ferreira, Paulo J; Garcia, Fernando A; Reis, Marco S; Pereira, Ana C; Wandrey, Christine; Ahmadloo, Hamideh; Amaral, Jose L; Hunkeler, David; Rasteiro, Maria G. 2013. "An experimental design methodology to evaluate the importance of different parameters on flocculation by polyelectrolytes", Powder Technology 238, .: 2 - 13.
2. Reis, Marco S. 2013. "Network-Induced Supervised Learning: Network-Induced Classification (NI-C) and Network-Induced Regression (NI-R)", Aiche Journal 59, 5: 1570 - 1587.
3. Dias, Paulo A. N; Alves, Jose A. C; Fagg, Duncan P; Reis, Marco S; Gil, Maria H. 2012. "Development of semitransparent wood-polymer composites", Journal of Vinyl & Additive Technology 18, 2: 95 - 104.
4. Gomes, Veronique M; Pereira, Ana C; Saraiva, Pedro M; Reis, Marco S. 2012. "Development of Generalized Platforms for the Analysis of Complex Datasets", Quality and Reliability Engineering International 28, 5: 508 - 523.
5. Rato, Tiago J; Reis, Marco S. 2012. "A new data driven index for control performance monitoring", 22 European Symposium on Computer Aided Process Engineering 30, .: 852 - 856.
6. Reis, Marco S; Delgado, Pedro. 2012. "A large-scale statistical process control approach for the monitoring of electronic devices assemblage", Computers & Chemical Engineering 39, .: 163 - 169.
7. Reis, Marco S; Saraiva, Pedro M. 2012. "Prediction of Profiles in the Process Industries", Industrial & Engineering Chemistry Research 51, 11: 4254 - 4266.
8. Cantarero, S.; Camino-Sánchez, F.J.; Zafra-Gómez, A.; Ballesteros, O.; Navalón, A.; Vílchez, J.L.; Verge, C.; Reis, M.S.; Saraiva, P.M.. 2012. "Evaluation of the presence of major anionic surfactants in marine sediments", Marine Pollution Bulletin 64, 3: 587 - 594.
9. de Almeida, G. M; Reis, Marco S; Park, Song W. 2012. "A Signal Processing Approach for Fault Detection Problem: Application to the DAMADICS Actuator Benchmark Problem ", 22 EUROPEAN SYMPOSIUM ON COMPUTER AIDED PROCESS ENGINEERING Book Series: Computer-Aided Chemical Engineering 30, .: 857 - 861.
10. Cantarero, Samuel; Zafra-Gomez, Alberto; Ballesteros, Oscar; Navalon, Alberto; Reis, Marco S; Saraiva, Pedro M; Vilchez, Jose L. 2011. "Environmental monitoring study of linear alkylbenzene sulfonates and insoluble soap in Spanish sewage sludge samples", Journal of Environmental Science and Health Part a-Toxic/Hazardous Substances & Environmental Engineering 46, 6: 617 - 626.
11. Pereira, Ana C; Reis, Marco S; Saraiva, Pedro M; Marques, Jose C. 2011. "Development of a fast and reliable method for long- and short-term wine age prediction", Talanta 86, .: 293 - 304.
12. Pereira, Ana C; Reis, Marco S; Saraiva, Pedro M; Marques, Jose C. 2011. "Madeira wine ageing prediction based on different analytical techniques: UV-vis, GC-MS, HPLC-DAD", Chemometrics and Intelligent Laboratory Systems 105, 1: 43 - 55.
13. Rato, Tiago J; Reis, Marco S. 2011. "Statistical Process Control of Multivariate Systems with Autocorrelation ", 21ST EUROPEAN SYMPOSIUM ON COMPUTER AIDED PROCESS ENGINEERING Book Series: Computer-Aided Chemical Engineering 29, .: 497 - 501.
14. Pereira, Ana C; Reis, Marco S; Saraiva, Pedro M; Marques, Jose C. 2010. "Analysis and assessment of Madeira wine ageing over an extended time period through GC-MS and chemometric analysis", Analytica Chimica Acta 660, 1-2: 8 - 21.
15. Pereira, Ana C; Reis, Marco S; Saraiva, Pedro M; Marques, Jose C. 2010. "Aroma ageing trends in GC/MS profiles of liqueur wines", Analytica Chimica Acta 659, 1-2: 93 - 101.
16. Rato, Tiago J; Reis, Marco S. 2010. "Statistical Monitoring of Control Loops Performance: An Improved Historical-data Benchmark Index", Quality and Reliability Engineering International 26, 8: 831 - 844.
17. Reis, Marco S; Bauer, Armin. 2010. "Image-based classification of paper surface quality using wavelet texture analysis", Computers & Chemical Engineering 34, 12: 2014 - 2021.
18. Reis, Marco S; Saraiva, Pedro M. 2010. "Analysis and Classification of the Paper Surface", Industrial & Engineering Chemistry Research 49, 5: 2493 - 2502.
19. Pereira, Ana C; Reis, Marco S; Saraiva, Pedro M; Marques, Jose C. 2010. "Multivariate Statistical Monitoring of Wine Ageing Processes ", 20TH EUROPEAN SYMPOSIUM ON COMPUTER AIDED PROCESS ENGINEERING Book Series: Computer-Aided Chemical Engineering 28, .: 247 - 252.
20. Reis, Marco S; Delgado, Pedro. 2010. " "Mega"-variate statistical process control in electronic devices assembling", 20TH EUROPEAN SYMPOSIUM ON COMPUTER AIDED PROCESS ENGINEERING Book Series: Computer-Aided Chemical Engineering Volume: 28 Pages: 523-528  28, .: 523 - 528.
21. Pereira, Ana C; Reis, Marco S; Saraiva, Pedro M. 2009. "Quality Control of Food Products using Image Analysis and Multivariate Statistical Tools", Industrial & Engineering Chemistry Research 48, 2: 988 - 998.
22. Reis, Marco S. 2009. "A multiscale empirical modeling framework for system identification", Journal of Process Control 19, 9: 1546 - 1557.
23. Reis, Marco S; Abreu, Cidalia T; Heitor, Maria J; Ataide, Jose; Saraiva, Pedro M. 2009. "A new procedure for the routine assessment of paper diagonal curl", Tappi Journal 8, 10: 20 - 26.
24. Reis, Marco S; Bauer, Armin. 2009. "Wavelet texture analysis of on-line acquired images for paper formation assessment and monitoring", Chemometrics and Intelligent Laboratory Systems 95, 2: 129 - 137.
25. Portugal, Paula A. G; Reis, Marco S; Baptista, Cristina M. S. G. 2009. "Extending model prediction ability for the formation of nitrophenols in benzene nitration ", ICHEAP-9: 9TH INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON CHEMICAL AND PROCESS ENGINEERING, PTS 1-3 Book Series: Chemical Engineering Transactions Pages: 117-122  17, .: 117 - 122.
26. Reis, Marco S; Bauer, Armin. 2009. "Using Wavelet Texture Analysis in Image-Based Classification and Statistical Process Control of Paper Surface Quality ", 10TH INTERNATIONAL SYMPOSIUM ON PROCESS SYSTEMS ENGINEERING Book Series: Computer-Aided Chemical Engineering 27, .: 1209 - 1214.
27. Reis, Marco S; Saraiva, Pedro M; Bakshi, Bhavik R. 2008. "Multiscale statistical process control using wavelet packets", Aiche Journal 54, 9: 2366 - 2378.
28. Reis, M. S; Saraiva, P. M. 2006. "Multiscale statistical process control with multiresolution data", Aiche Journal 52, 6: 2107 - 2119.
29. Reis, M. S; Saraiva, P. M. 2006. "Heteroscedastic latent variable modelling with applications to multivariate statistical process control", Chemometrics and Intelligent Laboratory Systems 80, 1: 57 - 66.
30. Reis, Marco S; Saraiva, Pedro M. 2006. "Generalized multiresolution decomposition frameworks for the analysis of industrial data with uncertainty and missing values", Industrial & Engineering Chemistry Research 45, 18: 6330 - 6338.
31. Reis, Marco S; Saraiva, Pedro M. 2006. "Multiscale Analysis and Monitoring of Paper Surface ", 16TH EUROPEAN SYMPOSIUM ON COMPUTER AIDED PROCESS ENGINEERING AND 9TH INTERNATIONAL SYMPOSIUM ON PROCESS SYSTEMS ENGINEERING Book Series: Computer-Aided Chemical Engineering 21, .: 1173 - 1178.
32. Reis, Marco S; Saraiva, Pedro M. 2006. "Multiscale SPC in the Presence of Multiresolution Data ", 16TH EUROPEAN SYMPOSIUM ON COMPUTER AIDED PROCESS ENGINEERING AND 9TH INTERNATIONAL SYMPOSIUM ON PROCESS SYSTEMS ENGINEERING Book Series: Computer-Aided Chemical Engineering 21, .: 1359 - 1364.
33. Reis, Marco S; Saraiva, Pedro M. 2006. "Multiscale Statistical Process Control with Multiresolution Data", AIChE Journal 52, 6: 2107 - 2119.
34. Costa, R.; Angelico, D.; Reis, M. S; Ataide, J. M; Saraiva, P. M. 2005. "Paper superficial waviness: Conception and implementation of an industrial statistical measurement system", Analytica Chimica Acta 544, 1-2: 135 - 142.
35. Quadros, P. A; Reis, M. S; Baptista, Cmsg. 2005. "Different modeling approaches for a heterogeneous liquid-liquid reaction process", Industrial & Engineering Chemistry Research 44, 25: 9414 - 9421.
36. Reis, M. S; Saraiva, P. A. 2005. "Integration of data uncertainty in linear regression and process optimization", Aiche Journal 51, 11: 3007 - 3019.
37. Reis, M. S; Saraiva, P. M. 2005. "Integrating data uncertainty in multiresolution analysis ", European Symposium on Computer-Aided Process Engineering-15, 20A and 20B Book Series: COMPUTER-AIDED CHEMICAL ENGINEERING Parts: A & B 20, .: 1501 - 1506.
38. Reis, M. S; Saraiva, P. M. 2004. "A comparative study of linear regression methods in noisy environments", Journal of Chemometrics 18, 12: 526 - 536.
39. Dourado, C.; Madrigal, A.; Seabra, M.. 2004. "Prediction of traqueal tube size in children using multiple variables: A-599", European Journal of Anaesthesiology 21, .: 146 - 147.
40. Reis, M. S; Saraiva, P. M. 2004. "Accounting for measurement uncertainties in industrial data analysis ", EUROPEAN SYMPOSIUM ON COMPUTER-AIDED PROCESS ENGINEERING - 14 Book Series: COMPUTER-AIDED CHEMICAL ENGINEERING  18, .: 751 - 756.
41. dos Reis, M. P. S; Saraiva, P. M. 2003. "Multiscale latent variable analysis of industrial data ", PROCESS SYSTEMS ENGINEERING 2003, PTS A AND B Book Series: COMPUTER-AIDED CHEMICAL ENGINEERING Part: A&B  15, .: 1340 - 1345.

Indicadores de produção (Production indicators)

Produção científica
Scientific production

Artigos científicos em revistas
Papers in periodics
Com arbitragem científica
With scientific refereeing

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