Curriculum Vitae

Tania Mesquita Nobre

Data da última atualização »Last update : 27/10/2015

Coming from a strong background in ecology, I have moved towards evolutionary biology as main scientific area of activity. In the study of the evolutionary processes that have given rise to the present diversity of life, I am mainly interested in questions such as adaptation and speciation, the evolution of cooperation and the interplay between the different evolutionary forces. I have been using mainly two different approaches: a)Looking to present patterns to infer "what and when". An approach in the interaction between phylogenetics and ecology, making use of molecular genetics and computational techniques. b) Using controlled experiments to test hypotheses and evolutionary theories. An interdisciplinary approach that (re)plays processes in the lab, conducted within the context of the environment and evolution of the organism. I have worked in different disciplines ranging from pest control to evolutionary biology, including ecology and genetics, and in this way I developed the appetite for working on the interplay of different disciplines, bringing together methods and techniques that are often dissociated. Within the scientific area, my main technical skills are on microbial and molecular laboratory techniques; on methodologies of phylogenetic reconstruction and on population genetics; on fungal genetics; on morphometrics and on distribution modelling; and also competencies in concepts of biogeography, life-history and symbiosis evolution. My area of scientific activity is also shown by looking at the journals that I have been publishing in. My research to date resulted in 10 first author publications on ISI-Web of Science indexed journals (best publications: Proceedings of the Royal Society of London Series B [1]; Molecular Ecology [2]; Bulletin of Entomological Research [1]; Heredity [1]), two invited book chapters and one invited review paper. And because the understanding of science by the general public is crucial for its impact, the press has also covered my work at three different occasions: Schone schimmeltuintjes – Bionieuws (April 2010, in Dutch); Termites travel with fungi as take-away food - Resource Magazine followed by in the national newspaper De Pers (October 2009, in Dutch); Térmitas, uma ameaça - television magazine of scientific divulgation (November 2002, in Portuguese). Researcher ID: C-9925-2012; Google scholar profile: T Nobre

Endereço de acesso a este CV:

Dados pessoais (Personal data)
Nome completo
Full name
Tania Mesquita Nobre
Nome em citações bibliográficas
Quoting name
Nobre, Tania
Domínio científico de atuação
Scientific domain
Ciências Naturais-Ciências Biológicas.
Endereço profissional
Professional address
Wageningen University
Laboratório de Biologia Molecular, ICAAM, Universidade de Évora
Pólo da Mitra
7002-554 Évora
Apartado: 94
Telefone: (+351)266760800Extensão: 24310
Correio electrónico:

Graus Académicos (Academic Degrees)
2003-2007 Doutoramento
Life Sciences.
University of London, Reino Unido.

1993-1998 Licenciatura
Licentiate degree
Biologia Aplicada aos Recursos Animais (5 anos » years) .
Universidade de Lisboa, Portugal.

Vínculos profissionais (Professional Positions)
Universidade de Évora
Abr/2013-Actual Outra Situação

Wageningen University
Out/2011-Out/2012 Outra Situação

Wageningen University
Set/2010-Out/2011 Outra Situação
Mai/2008-Ago/2010 Outra Situação

Wageningen University
Out/2007-Mai/2008 Outra Situação

University of London
Jan/2003-Fev/2007 Outra Situação

Laboratório Nacional de Engenharia Civil
Dez/1999-Dez/2002 Outra Situação

Línguas (Languages)
Português (Bem), Inglês (Bem), Holandês (Bem), Espanhol (Razoavelmente).
Português (Bem), Inglês (Bem), Holandês (Bem), Espanhol (Pouco).

Português (Bem), Inglês (Bem), Holandês (Bem), Espanhol (Bem).
Português (Bem), Inglês (Bem), Holandês (Razoavelmente), Espanhol (Pouco).

Prémios e títulos (Awards Prizes, and Honours)
1997 Best scientific poster for young researcher, Estuarine & Coastal Sciences Association (ECSA).
2001 Short Term Scientific Mission grant, European COST Action E22 .
2003 Ron Cockroft Award , International Research Group on Wood Preservation.
2008 Marie Curie Intra-European Fellowship, EU 7th FP.
2012 Marie Curie Career Integration Grant , EU 7th FP.

Produção científica, técnica e artística/cultural (Scientific, technical and artistical/cultural production)
Livros publicados/organizados ou edições
Published/organized books or Editions
1. Nobre, Tania. ed. 2007. Foraging ecology of Reticulitermes grassei (Clément) with reference to its management as a pest of timber. (PhD thesis) ed. 1. University of London: University of London .

Capítulos de livros publicados
Published book chapters
1. Nobre, Tania. 2015. AOX in parasitic nematodes – a matter of lifestyle?.  In Alternative respiratory pathways in higher plants., 315 - 319. ISBN: 978-1-118-79046-5. Oxford: John Wiley & Sons, Inc..
2. McDonald, AE; Costa, JL; Nobre, Tania; Melo, DF; Arnholdt-Schmitt, Birgit. 2015. Evolution of AOX genes across kingdoms and the challenge of classification..  In Alternative respiratory pathways in higher plants., 267 - 272. ISBN: 978-1-118-79046-5. Oxford: John Wiley & Sons, Inc..
3. Brussaard, Lijbert; Aanen, Duur K; Briones, Maria J. . I. ; Decaëns, Thibaud; Deyn, Gerlinde B. . D. e; Fayle, Tom M. ; James, Samuel W. ; Nobre, Tania. 2012. Biogeography and Phylogenetic Community Structure of Soil Invertebrate Ecosystem Engineers: Global to Local Patterns, Implications for Ecosystem Functioning and Services and Global Environmental Change Impacts.  In Soil Ecology and Ecosystem Services, ed. D.H. Wall, R.D. Bardgett, V. Behan-Pelletier, J. E. Herrick, T. Hefin Jones, K. Ritz, J. Six, D. R. Strong and W.H. van der Putten, 201 - 238. ISBN: 978-0-19-957592-3. Oxford Uk: Oxford University Pr.
4. Nobre, Tânia; Rouland-Lefèvre, Corinne; Aanen, Duur K. 2011. Comparative Biology of Fungus Cultivation in Termites and Ants.  In Biology of Termites: a Modern Synthesis, ed. David Edward BignellYves RoisinNathan Lo, 193 - 210. ISBN: 978-90-481-3976-7. Dordrecht: Springer Netherlands.

Artigos em revistas com arbitragem científica
Papers in periodics with scientific refereeing
1. Nogales, Amaia; NOBRE, TÂNIA; Valadas, Vera; Ragonezi, Carla; Döring, Matthias; Polidoros, Alexios; Arnholdt-Schmitt, Birgit. 2015. "Can functional hologenomics aid tackling current challenges in plant breeding?", Briefings in Functional Genomics, na: elv030 - elv030.
2. Nobre, Tânia; Aanen, Duur K. 2012. "Fungiculture or Termite Husbandry? The Ruminant Hypothesis", Insects 3, 4: 307 - 323.
3. NOBRE, T.; KONÉ, N. A; KONATÉ, S.; LINSENMAIR, K. E; AANEN, D. K. 2011. "Dating the fungus-growing termites’ mutualism shows a mixture between ancient codiversification and recent symbiont dispersal across divergent hosts", Molecular Ecology 20, 12: 2619 - 2627.
4. Nobre, Tânia; Fernandes, Cecília; Boomsma, J J; Korb, J; Aanen, Duur K. 2011. "Farming termites determine the genetic population structure of Termitomyces fungal symbionts", Molecular Ecology 20, 9: 2023 - 2033.
5. Visser, Anna A; Nobre, Tânia; Currie, Cameron R; Aanen, Duur K; Poulsen, Michael. 2011. "Exploring the Potential for Actinobacteria as Defensive Symbionts in Fungus-Growing Termites", Microbial Ecology 63, 4: 975 - 985.
6. Nobre, T.; Eggleton, P.; Aanen, D. K. 2010. "Vertical transmission as the key to the colonization of Madagascar by fungus-growing termites?", Proceedings of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences 277, 1680: 359 - 365.
7. Nobre, Tânia; Aanen, Duur K. 2010. "Dispersion and colonisation by fungus-growing termites: vertical transmission of the symbiont helps, but then…?", Communicative & Integrative Biology 3, 3: 248 - 250.
8. Nobre, T.; Nunes, L.; Bignell, D.E.. 2009. "Survey of subterranean termites (Isoptera: Rhinotermitidae) in a managed silvicultural plantation in Portugal, using a line-intersection method (LIS)", Bulletin of Entomological Research 99, 01: 11 - 11.
9. Nobre, T.; Nunes, L.; Bignell, D. E. 2008. "Colony interactions in Reticulitermes grassei population assessed by molecular genetic methods", Insectes Sociaux 55, 1: 66 - 73.
10. NOBRE, TÂNIA; NUNES, LINA; BIGNELL, DAVID E. 2007. "Tunnel geometry of the subterranean termite Reticulitermes grassei (Isoptera: Rhinotermitidae) in response to sand bulk density and the presence of food", Insect Science 14, 6: 511 - 518.
11. Nobre, T.; Nunes, L.; Bignell, D.E.. 2007. "Estimation of foraging territories of Reticulitermes grassei through mark?release?recapture", Entomologia Experimentalis et Applicata 123, 2: 119 - 128.
12. Nobre, Tania; Nunes, L.. 2007. "Non-traditional approaches to subterranean termite control in buildings.", Wood Material Science and Engineering  2, 3: 147 - 156.
13. Nobre, T; Nunes, L; Eggleton, P; Bignell, D E. 2006. "Distribution and genetic variation of Reticulitermes (Isoptera: Rhinotermitidae) in Portugal", Heredity 96, 5: 403 - 409.
14. Nunes, L.; Nobre, Tania; Gigante, Bárbara; Silva, Ana M. 2004. "Toxicity of pine resin derivatives to subterranean termites (Isoptera: Rhinotermitidae)", Management of Environmental Quality: An International Journal, 15: 521 - 528.
15. Nobre, Tania; Nunes, L.. 2001. "Preliminary Assessment of the Termite Distribution in Portugal", Silva Lusitana 9, 2: 217 - 224.
16. Chaves, L; Marques, T; Nobre, Tania; Geraldes, P; Serrano, A. 2001. "Distribuição e abundância de Coleópteros em relação a uma estrada na região de Corroios (Portugal)", Boletim da Sociedade Portuguesa de Entomologia, 6: 23 - 32.
17. Nobre, Tania; Meierrose, Carola. 2000. "The species composition, whitin-plant distribution, and possible predatory role of spiders(Araneae) in a vineyard in Southern Portugal", Ecology(Bratislava), 19: 193 - 200.
18. Nobre, Tania; Meierrose, Carola; De Oliveira, N. G. 2000. "Comparison of sampling techniques for vineyard foliage spiders (Araneae)", Ecology/Bratislava, 19: 201 - 206.

Trabalhos completos/resumidos em eventos com arbitragem científica
Papers in conference proceedings with scientific refereeing
1. Poulsen, Michael; Li, C; Hu, H; Nobre, Tania; KORB, JUDITH; AANEN, D. K; BOOMSMA, JACOBUS J; Zhang, G. 2012. "Genomic analyses suggest metabolic complementary between fungus-growing termites, their mutualistic fungus and termite gut communities. ", Trabalho apresentado em 5th Congress of the European Section of the International Union for the Study of Social Insects , In IUSSI V, Tuscany .
2. Nobre, Tania. 2012. "From pattern to process in fungus-growing termites: the ruminant hypothesis.", Trabalho apresentado em 7th International Symbiosis Congress, In Book of abstracts of the 7th International Symbiosis Congress, Krakow.
Invited speaker at the symposium on "Interdisciplinary approaches to symbiotic inquiry" organized by Dr. Arnold [USA] and Dr. Lutzoni [USA].
3. Nobre, Tania; Aanen, Duur K; Eggleton, P. 2010. "Colonization of Madagascar by fungus-growing termites raises adaptive radiation hypothesis.", Trabalho apresentado em XVI Congress of the International Union for the Study of Social Insects (IUSSI), In XVI Congress of the International Union for the Study of Social Insects (IUSSI), Copenhagen.
4. Nobre, Tania; Eggleton, P; Aanen, Duur K. 2009. "Termitomyces and fungus-growing termites: the origin of this symbiosis on Madagascar.", Trabalho apresentado em Annual Meeting of the Nederlandse Vereniging voor Microbiologie (NVvM), In Annual Meeting of the Nederlandse Vereniging voor Microbiologie (NVvM), Utrecht.
5. Nobre, Tania; Eggleton, P; Aanen, Duur K. 2008. "Colonization of Madagascar by fungus-growing termites and the role of symbiont transmission mode", Trabalho apresentado em 4th European Meeting of the International Union for the Study of Social Insects (IUSSI), In 4th European Meeting of IUSSI, La Roche-en-Ardenne.
6. Nobre, Tania; Nunes, L.; Bignell, D.E.. 2007. "Tunneling patterns of the subterranean termite species Reticulitermes grassei (Isoptera: Rhinotermitidae).", Trabalho apresentado em The International Research Group on Wood Protection, In IRG Doc. nº IRG/WP 07-10619, Stockolm.
7. Nobre, Tania; Nunes, L.; Eggleton, P; Bignell, D.E.. 2006. "Distribution and genetic variation of Reticulitermes (Isoptera: Rhinotermitidae) in Portugal", Trabalho apresentado em The International Research Group on Wood Protection, In IRG Doc. Nº IRG/WP 06-105181, Stockolm.
8. Nobre, Tania; Nunes, L.; Bignell, D.E.. 2002. "Seasonal variation of termite occupancy in a forest field.", Trabalho apresentado em X Congresso Ibérico de Entomologia, In Actas do X Congresso Ibérico de Entomologia, Zamora.
9. Nobre, Tania; Nunes, L.; Bignell, D.E.; Gabriel, S; Pereira, I; Santos, A. 2002. "The line-intercept method: an application to subterranean termites.", Trabalho apresentado em X Congresso Ibérico de Entomologia, In Actas do X Congresso Ibérico de Entomologia, Zamora.
10. Nunes, L.; Nobre, Tania. 2001. "Strategies of Subterranean Termite Control in Buildings", Trabalho apresentado em III International Seminar on Historical Constructions., In Proceedings of the III International Seminar on Historical Constructions. Structural Analysis of Historical Constructions – Possibilities of numerical and experimental techniques, Guimarães.
11. Nobre, Tania; Meierrose, Carola; Quartau, J A. 1998. "Biodiversidade da aracnofauna associada à vinha – comparação de metodologias. ", Trabalho apresentado em VIII Congresso Ibérico de Entomologia, In VIII Congresso Ibérico de Entomologia, Évora.

Artigos em revistas sem arbitragem científica
Papers in periodics without scientific refereeing
1. Nobre, Tania; Koopmanschap, Bertha; Baars, Johan J; Sonnenberg, Anton S; AANEN, DUUR K. 2014. "The scope for nuclear selection within Termitomyces fungi associated with fungus-growing termites is limited", BMC Evolutionary Biology 14, 1: 121 - 121.
2. Poulsen, Michael; Hu, Haofu; Li, Cai; Chen, Zhensheng; Xu, Luohao; Otani, Saria; Nygaard, Sanne; Nobre, Tania; Klaubauf, Sylvia; Schindler, Philipp M; Hauser, Frank; Pan, Hailin; Yang, Zhikai; Sonnenberg, Anton S. M; de Beer, Z. W; Zhang, Yong; Wingfield, Michael J; Grimmelikhuijzen, Cornelis J. P; de Vries, R. P; KORB, JUDITH; AANEN, DUUR K; Wang, Jun; BOOMSMA, JACOBUS J; Zhang, Guojie. 2014. "Complementary symbiont contributions to plant decomposition in a fungus-farming termite", Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 111, 40: 14500 - 14505.
3. Nobre, Tania M. 2014. "Identifying the core microbial community in the gut of fungus-growing termites", Molecular Ecology 23, 18: 4631 - 4644.

Trabalhos completos/resumidos em eventos sem arbitragem científica
Papers in conference proceedings without scientific refereeing
1. Otani, Saria; Mikaelyan, A; Nobre, Tania; Hansen, LH; KONÉ, N. A; Sørensen, SJ; Aanen, D. K; BOOMSMA, JACOBUS J; Brune, A; Poulsen, Michael. 2014. "Identifying the core microbial community in the gut of fungus-growing termites.", Trabalho apresentado em Danish OIKOS annual meeting 2014, In Danish OIKOS annual meeting 2014, Odense.
2. Cardoso, H; Velada, I; Nobre, Tania; Nogales, Amaia; Svensson, J; Arnholdt-Schmitt, Birgit. 2014. "Screening natural variability for carrot breeding application - a target gene approach.", Trabalho apresentado em International Symposium on "Carrot and other Apiaceae", In (in publication), Angers.
3. Nobre, Tania; Ragonezi, C; Arnholdt-Schmitt, Birgit. 2014. "Unravelling wild carrot differentiation in Europe - a candidate gene approach.", Trabalho apresentado em International Symposium on "Carrot and other Apiaceae", In (in publication), Angers.
4. Nogales, Amaia; Cardoso, H; Nobre, Tania; Döring, Matthias; Svensson, J; Campos, C; Schneider, C; Arnholdt-Schmitt, Birgit. 2013. "Calorespirometria: una nueva tecnologia para el estudio de la efectividad de las interacciones entre plantas y hongos micorrícicos", Trabalho apresentado em Second Workshop on Mycorrhiza Research in Spain , In Workshop on Mycorrhiza Research in Spain, Barcelona.
5. Otani, Saria; Nobre, Tania; Mikaelyan, A; Hansen, LH; Sørensen, SJ; AANEN, D. K; BOOMSMA, JACOBUS J; Brune, A; Poulsen, Michael. 2013. "Culture-independent characterisation of the core gut microbiome of fungus-growing termites.", Trabalho apresentado em XIV Congress of the European Society for Evolutionary Biology (ESEB), In XIV Congress of the European Society for Evolutionary Biology, Lisbon.
6. Nunes, L.; Nobre, Tania. 2007. "The subterranean termite Reticulitermes grassei in mainland Portugal and its potential impact in the Azores", Trabalho apresentado em Workshop: “Medidas para a Gestão e Combate das Térmitas nos Açores”, In P.A.V. Borges & T. Myles (eds.), Térmitas dos Açores, Horta.
7. Nobre, Tania; Nunes, L.. 2006. "Non-traditional approaches to subterranean termite control.", Trabalho apresentado em 2nd International Conference on Environmental-Compatible Forest Products, In 2nd International Conference on Environmental-Compatible Forest Products, Porto.
8. Nunes, L.; Nobre, Tania; Welzbacher, C; Rapp, A. 2006. "Termite response to oil-heat-treated Norway spruce, scots pine and eucalyptus wood. ", Trabalho apresentado em The International Research Group on Wood Protection, In IRG Doc. Nº IRG/WP 06-20325, Stockolm.
9. Nobre, Tania; Nunes, L.. 2005. "Subterranean termite control through baiting. What can be learned from behavioural studies.", Trabalho apresentado em COST Action E37 “Sustainability Through New Technologies For Enhanced Wood Durability”, In COST Action E37 online, Oslo.
10. Nunes, L.; Cruz, H; Fragoso, M; Nobre, Tania; Machado, J S; Soares, A. 2005. "Impact of drywood termites in the Islands of Azores", Trabalho apresentado em IABSE Symposium on Structures and Extreme Events, In Proceedings of the IABSE Symposium on Structures and Extreme Events, Lisbon.
11. Nobre, Tania; Nunes, L.; Bignell, D.E.. 2004. "Avaliação de presença de Reticulitermes (Insecta: Isoptera) em Portugal.", Trabalho apresentado em XI Congresso Ibérico de Entomologia, In Actas do XI Congresso Ibérico de Entomologia, Funchal.
12. Nunes, L.; Nobre, Tania; Rapp, A. 2004. "Thermally modified wood in choice tests with subterranean termites.", Trabalho apresentado em COST Action E37 “Sustainability Through New Technologies For Enhanced Wood Durability”, In COST Action E37 online, Reinbek.
13. Nobre, Tania; Nunes, L.; Bignell, D.E.. 2004. "Evaluation of mark-release-recapture dyes for Reticulitermes grassei (Clément) (Isoptera: Rhinotermitidae). ", Trabalho apresentado em The International Research Group on Wood Protection, In IRG Doc. Nº IRG/WP 04-20305, Stockholm.
14. Nobre, Tania; Nunes, L.; Brinca, L; Bignell, D.E.. 2003. "Subterranean termite attack potential of field-test sites: assessment methods and field characterization.", Trabalho apresentado em The International Research Group on Wood Protection, In IRG Doc. Nº IRG/WP 03-10472, Stockholm.
15. Nobre, Tania; Nunes, L.. 2003. "Model of termite distribution in Portugal. Follow-up. ", Trabalho apresentado em The International Research Group on Wood Protection, In IRG Doc. Nº IRG/WP 03-10475, Stockholm.
16. Nobre, Tania; Soares, A; Nunes, L. 2004. "One year monitoring of the traits of attack in the soil by subterranean termites", Trabalho apresentado em COST Action E22 “Environmental optimisation of wood protection”, In COST Action E22 online, Lisbon.
17. Nunes, L.; Nobre, Tania. 2002. "Methods for the evaluation of termite attack potential of field test sites. ", Trabalho apresentado em COST Action E22 “Environmental optimisation of wood protection”, In COST Action E22 online, Madrid.
18. Nunes, L.; Nobre, Tania. 2002. "Notes on the presence of wood-boring beetles in Portugal. ", Trabalho apresentado em COST Action E22 “Environmental optimisation of wood protection”, In COST Action E22 online, Madrid.
19. Nobre, Tania; Nunes, L.. 2002. "Subterranean termites in Portugal. Tentative model of distribution", Trabalho apresentado em The International Research Group on Wood Protection, In IRG Doc. Nº IRG/WP 02-10420, Stockholm.
20. Nunes, L.; Nobre, Tania; Gigante, Bárbara; Silva, Ana M. 2001. "Utilização de derivados da colófonia na protecção de madeira contra térmitas subterrâneas", Trabalho apresentado em 4º Congresso Florestal Nacional. Sociedade Portuguesa de Ciências Florestais, In 4º Congresso Florestal Nacional. Sociedade Portuguesa de Ciências Florestais, Évora.
21. Nunes, L.; Nobre, Tania; Saporiti, M. 2000. "Degradação e Reabilitação de Estruturas de Madeira. Importância da acção de térmitas subterrâneas", Trabalho apresentado em Encontro Nacional sobre Conservação e Reabilitação de Estruturas, In Actas do Encontro Nacional sobre Conservação e Reabilitação de Estruturas, Lisboa.

Textos em jornais ou revistas
Texts in newspapers or magazines
1. Nunes, L.; Nobre, Tania. 20 jun. 2006. "Presença de térmitas na madeira aplicada na construção." Pedra e Cal, 10 - 12.
2. Nobre, Tania; Nunes, L.. 20 maio 2005. "Bulletin of the European Network of Building Research Institute" Bulletin of the European Network of Building Research InstituteBulletin of the European Network of Building Research Institutes , 0 - 0.
3. Nunes, L.; Nobre, Tania. 20 mar. 2003. "Térmitas subterrâneas em Portugal. " Naturlink, 0 - 0.

Outra produção científica
Other scientific production
1. Nobre, Tania. 2012. "Fungus-growing termites mutualism: it takes more than two to tango. ". Laboratory of Microbiology, WU: Seminar organized by Mr. Dimitrov and Mr. Westra (PhD students) .
Invited seminar/lecture.
2. Nobre, Tania. 2011. "On the origin and co-evolution of fungus growing termites". Universidade de Évora: Invited lecture/seminar at Centro de Escola de Ciências e Tecnologia.
3. Nobre, Tania. 2010. "Termitomyces and fungus-growing termites: the origin of the symbiosis on Madagascar. ". WUR: Invited lecture, course Population and Quantitative Genetics. .
4. Nobre, Tania. 2004. "The impact of termites in soil properties.". FCUL: Invited lecture, course Terrestrial Arthropods Ecology.
5. Nobre, Tania. 2002. "Termites as timber pests". FCUL: Invited lecture, course Entomology and Pest Management.

Apresentação oral de trabalho
Oral work presentation
1. Nobre, Tania. Utilização de derivados da colófonia na protecção de madeira contra térmitas subterrâneas.,2001 (Poster).
2. Nobre, Tania. Biodiversidade da aracnofauna associada à vinha comparação de metodologias.,1998 (Poster).
3. Nobre, Tania. Acumulação de metais pesados (Pb, Cu, Zn e Cd) em sapais do Estuário do Tejo e do Rio Trancão,1997 (Poster).

Indicadores de produção (Production indicators)

Produção científica
Scientific production

Livros e capítulos
Books and book chapters
Livros publicados ou organizados
Published or organized books
Capítulos de livros publicados
Published book chapters
Artigos científicos em revistas
Papers in periodics
Com arbitragem científica
With scientific refereeing
Sem arbitragem científica
Without scientific refereeing
Trabalhos em eventos
Papers in conference proceedings
Com arbitragem científica
With scientific refereeing
Sem arbitragem científica
Without scientific refereeing
Textos em jornais ou revistas
Texts in journals or magazines
Outros tipos de produção científica
Other scientific production

Produção técnica
Technical production

Outros tipos de produção técnica
Other technical production

Outras informações relevantes
Current research interests include: evolutionary origin and stability of symbioses; host-symbionts-environment interactions; coevolution and speciation; evolutionary and ecological determinants of species distribution and population structure and life history evolution; Specifically, I want to explore the emerging view of symbiosis as an evolution unit.
This implies that the “survival of the fittest” must be seen broader: natural selection works by giving entities (individuals or a group of genetically different entities) better adapted to a set of environmental conditions an advantage over those that are not as well adapted.
Interactions among partners affect the fitness not only of the host but also of the symbiont.
I want to explore this interplay using suitable model systems (ex.
fungus-growing termites, arbuscular mycorrhiza), a combination of classical evolutionary biology and experimental evolution, and also upcoming techniques (ex.
NGS, digital PCR, ancestral gene resurrection).

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