Emanuel João Flores Gonçalves
Data da última atualização
»Last update
19/03/2018 |
Dados pessoais (Personal data)
Nome completo
Full name |
Emanuel João Flores Gonçalves |
Nome em citações bibliográficas
Quoting name |
Gonçalves, E.J. |
Categoria profissional
Position |
Professor Associado |
Domínio científico de atuação
Scientific domain |
Ciências Naturais-Ciências da Terra e do Ambiente.
Endereço profissional
Professional address |
ISPA - Instituto Universitário de Ciências Psicológicas, Sociais e da Vida Unidade de Investigação em Eco-Etologia R. Jardim do Tabaco, 34 Lisboa 1149-041 Lisboa Portugal Telefone: (+351)218811758 Fax: (+351)218860954 Correio electrónico: emanuel@ispa.pt Homepage: http://uiee.ispa.pt/pagina/emanuel-goncalves |
Gender |
Masculino»Male |
Graus Académicos
(Academic Degrees)
1993-1997 |
Doutoramento Phd |
Ecologia e Biossistemática
(3 anos » years)
Universidade de Lisboa,
1984-1990 |
Licenciatura Licentiate degree |
Biologia, ramo Biologia Marinha
(5 anos » years)
Universidade de Lisboa,
Vínculos profissionais
(Professional Positions)
ISPA - Instituto Universitário de Ciências Psicológicas, Sociais e da Vida |
Jun/2009-Actual |
Professor Associado |
Out/2005-Mai/2009 |
Professor Associado |
Jan/2002-Set/2005 |
Professor Associado |
Out/1997-Dez/2001 |
Professor Auxiliar |
Out/1994-Set/1997 |
Assistente Estagiário |
Projetos de Investigação (Research projects)
Participação como Investigador responsável Participation as responsible Researcher |
2013-2015 Conservação dos Habitats Marinhos e Caracterização das Atividades Socioeconómicas no Parque Natural da Arrábida / Sítio de
Importância Comunitário Arrábida-Espichel (BIODIVERS)-Conservation of marine habitats and characterization of socioeconomic activities at the Arrábida Nature Parque (BIODIVERS)
Referência do projeto»Project reference: BIOMARES 2.0. Financiamento privado
2013-2015 REEFFISH - Identificação dos factores associados ao sucesso do recrutamento em peixes de recifes temperados-REEFFISH - Identifying the drivers of recruitment success in temperate reef fish |
Referência do projeto»Project reference: PTDC/MAR-EST/4356/2012. Parceiro(s)»Partners:
Universidade do Algarve. Financiador(es)»Funding:
Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia.
2007-2011 LIFE06 NAT/P/000192:Restoration Biodiversity Marine Park Site Arrábia-Espichel/Task D4:Assess.benefits of conservation/restoration
by monitoring indicators of ecosystem status pre/post-habitat restoration in both habitats 1110 and 1170 and in control area
Referência do projeto»Project reference: PTCON0010.
2007-2010 The role of algal tufts on fish ecology and recruitment – influence of an alien species |
Referência do projeto»Project reference: POCTI/MAR/57934/2004. Financiador(es)»Funding:
Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia.
2005-2007 Ecology and behaviour of the aquatic animals in the Sado estuary and Arrábida coast |
Referência do projeto»Project reference: CONC-REEQ/1122/2001. Financiador(es)»Funding:
Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia.
2002-2004 Monitoring of rocky shore fish communities using non-destructive methods |
Referência do projeto»Project reference: POCTI/BSE/38350/2001. Financiador(es)»Funding:
Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia.
1999-2000 Inventory of the ichthyofauna of the Nature Reserve Mudflat of Castro Marim and Vila Real de Stº António |
Referência do projeto»Project reference: ICN_?. Financiador(es)»Funding:
Instituto da Conservação da Natureza.
1999-2000 Evaluation and monitoring of the drag works on the ichthyological communities of the Ria Formosa Nature Park |
Referência do projeto»Project reference: ICN_?. Financiador(es)»Funding:
Instituto da Conservação da Natureza.
1996-2000 Inventory and ecology of the rocky shore ichthyofauna of the Arrábida-Espichel coast |
Referência do projeto»Project reference: ICN_?. Financiador(es)»Funding:
Instituto da Conservação da Natureza.
Participação como Investigador Participation as Researcher |
2016-2018 Biomares 3.0-Biomares 3.0 |
Referência do projeto»Project reference: Biomares 3.0. Parceiro(s)»Partners:
Universidade do Algarve.
2012-2016 BUFFER – Áreas de proteção parcial como ‘buffers’ para aumentar a resiliência socio-ecológica-BUFFER – Partially protected areas as buffers to increase the linked social-ecological resilience |
Referência do projeto»Project reference: BIODIVERSA/0002/2011. BIODIVERSA Parceiro(s)»Partners:
Centre de Recherches Insulaires et Observatoire de l'Environnement; Universidade do Algarve; Lule University of Tec; Institute of Marine Research; Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences; Universite de Brest. Financiador(es)»Funding:
Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia; Agence Nationale de la Recherche; Swedish Research Council; Swedish Environmental Protection Agency; Research Council of Norway.
2013-2015 ACIDLARVAE – Efeitos da Acidificação em larvas de peixes temperados-ACIDLARVAE – Acidification Effects on Temperate Fish Larvae |
Referência do projeto»Project reference: PTDC/MAR-EST/4627/2012. Parceiro(s)»Partners:
Instituto Nacional de Investigação Agrária e das Pescas; Universidade do Algarve. Financiador(es)»Funding:
Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia.
2011-2014 MATRIX – Understanding connectivity patterns in temperate reef fish populations |
Referência do projeto»Project reference: PTDC/MAR/115226/2009. Financiador(es)»Funding:
Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia.
2010-2012 POSTBIOMARES - “Restoration of Biodiversity in the Marine Park Site Arrábia-Espichel” |
Referência do projeto»Project reference: PTCON0010.
2009-2012 Marine phylogeographic structuring during climate change: the signature of leading and rear edge of range shifting populations |
Referência do projeto»Project reference: ESF_MarinERA_?.
2004-2006 Intertidal rocky shore fish communities during high-tide: patterns of fish behaviour and use of space |
Referência do projeto»Project reference: POCTI/BSE/46825/2002. Financiador(es)»Funding:
Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia.
2001-2004 Biogeography, gene flow and biodiversity of rocky shore fish communities in Portugal |
Referência do projeto»Project reference: PNAT/1999/BIA/15017. Financiador(es)»Funding:
Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia.
1997-2000 Climatic effects on the ecology of littoral fish: a translatitudinal and phenological approach (CLIPE) |
Referência do projeto»Project reference: PRAXIS/3/3.2/EMG/ 1957/95. Financiador(es)»Funding:
Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia.
1997-1999 Neuroethology and behavioural endocrinology of male sexual polimorphism in the blenny Parablennius sanguinolentus parvicornis
from the Azores
Referência do projeto»Project reference: PCNA/C/BIA/94/96. Financiador(es)»Funding:
Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia.
1996-1998 Socio-economic evaluation of the activities depending on the marine environment at the Arrábida-Espichel coast |
Referência do projeto»Project reference: ICN_?. Financiador(es)»Funding:
Instituto da Conservação da Natureza.
1996-1998 Behavioural ecology and phenology of Salaria pavo (Pisces: Blenniidae) at Ria Formosa |
Referência do projeto»Project reference: PBICT/C/MAR/2228/95. Financiador(es)»Funding:
Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia.
1993-1995 Reproductive biology of rocky littoral resident fishes in the Portuguese coast |
Referência do projeto»Project reference: PBIC/1313/MAR/92. Financiador(es)»Funding:
Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia.
Línguas (Languages)
Compreende Understandig |
Português (Bem), Inglês (Bem), Espanhol (Bem), Francês (Bem). |
Fala Speaking |
Português (Bem), Inglês (Bem), Espanhol (Bem), Francês (Pouco). |
Lê Reading |
Português (Bem), Inglês (Bem), Espanhol (Bem), Francês (Bem). |
Escreve Writing |
Português (Bem), Inglês (Bem), Espanhol (Pouco), Francês (Pouco). |
Prémios e títulos (Awards Prizes, and Honours)
2004 |
Best work in the Marine Biology and Ecology Area (Conference: Littoral 2004). |
Membro de Associações Profissionais/Científicas (Professional/Scientific Association membership)
Actual |
Sociedade Portuguesa de Etologia (SPE), Membro fundador.
Membro da Direcção de Setembro de 1991 a Dezembro de 1992
Presidente do Conselho Fiscal de 1994 a 2005
Secretário da Direcção desde 2005.
2004- Actual |
Ecological Society of America (ESA), Membro.
2002- Actual |
The Fisheries Society of the British Isles (FSBI), Membro.
2001- Actual |
Liga para a Protecção da Natureza (LPN), desde 2001, Membro.
Vogal da Direcção em 2005.
2001- Actual |
Sociedade de Ética Ambiental (SEA), Membro fundador.
2000- Actual |
American Society of Ichthyologists and Herpethologists (ASIH), Membro.
2000- Actual |
Sociedade Portuguesa de Ciências Naturais (SPCN), Membro.
Primeiro Secretário da Direção de 2002 a 2005
Vice-Presidente desde 2005.
1995- Actual |
Marine Biological Association of the United Kingdom (MBAUK), Membro.
1990- Actual |
Ordem dos Biólogos, Membro.
Sócio Efectivo nº 971.
1992- 2010 |
Association for the Study of Animal Behaviour (ASAB), Membro.
1998- 1999 |
International Society for Behavioral Ecology (ISBE), Membro.
Produção científica, técnica e artística/cultural
(Scientific, technical and artistical/cultural
Livros publicados/organizados ou edições Published/organized books or Editions |
1. |
Patzner, R.A.; Gonçalves, E.J.; Hastings, P.; Kapoor, B.G.. eds. 2009. The Biology of Blennies ed. 1. Enfield, NH.: Science Publishers. |
2. |
Almada, V.C.; Oliveira, Rui F; Gonçalves, E.J.. 1999. Behaviour and Conservation of Littoral Fishes. ed. 1. Lisboa: ISPA. |
Capítulos de livros publicados Published book chapters |
1. |
Borges, R.; Faria, C.; Gil, F.; Gonçalves, E.J.. 2011. Early Development of Gobies. In The Biology of Gobies, ed. R.A. Patzner, J.L. Van Tassell, M. Kovacic & B.G. Kapoor , 1 - 20. . Enfield, NH: Science Publishers. |
2. |
Almada, V.C.; Robalo, J.I.; Gonçalves, E.J.; Levy, A.; Patzner, R.A.. 2009. Blennies in Temperate Seas. In The Biology of Blennies, ed. R.A. Patzner, E. Gonçalves, P. Hastings, B.G. Kapoor, 1 - 20. . Enfield, NH: Science Publishers. |
3. |
Patzner, R.A.; Hastings, P.; Springer, V.G.; Wirtz, P.; Gonçalves, E.J.. 2009. List of Valid Species of Blennies. In The Biology of Blennies, ed. R.A. Patzner, E. Gonçalves, P. Hastings, B.G. Kapoor, 1 - 20. . Enfield, NH: Science Publishers. |
4. |
Gonçalves, E.J.; Faria, C.. 2009. Patterns of Microhabitat Utilisation. In The Biology of Blennies, ed. R.A. Patzner, E. Gonçalves, P. Hastings, B.G. Kapoor, 1 - 20. . Enfield, NH: Science Publishers. |
5. |
Henriques, M.; Gonçalves, E.J.; Almada, V.C.. 1999. The conservation of littoral fish communities: a case study at Arrábida coast (Portugal). In Behaviour and Conservation of Littoral Fishes, ed. Almada, V. C., Oliveira, R. F. & Gonçalves, E. J., 473 - 519. . Lisboa: ISPA. |
6. |
Almada, V.C.; Henriques, M.; Gonçalves, E.J.. 1999. Ecology and behaviour of reef fishes in the temperate north-eastern Atlantic and adjacent waters. In Behaviour and Conservation of Littoral Fishes, ed. Almada, V. C., Oliveira, R. F. & Gonçalves, E. J. , 33 - 69. . Lisboa: ISPA. |
Artigos em revistas com arbitragem científica Papers in periodics with scientific refereeing |
1. |
Magliozzi, Laura; Almada, Frederico; Robalo, Joana; Mollo, Ernesto; Polese, Gianluca; Gonçalves, Emanuel J; Felline, Serena; Terlizzi, Antonio; D’Aniello, Biagio; Higgs, Dennis M. 2017. "Cryptic effects of biological invasions: Reduction of the aggressive behaviour of a native fish under the influence of an
“invasive¿? biomolecule", PLOS ONE 12, 9: e0185620 - e0185620.
2. |
Solomon, F. N; Rodrigues, D.; Gonçalves, E. J; Serrão, E. A; Borges, R.. 2017. "Larval development and allometric growth of the black-faced blenny Tripterygion delaisi ", Journal of Fish Biology, 90: 2239 - 2254.
3. |
Horta e C. B; Claudet, Joachim; Franco, Gustavo; Erzini, Karim; Caro, Anthony; Gonçalves, Emanuel J. 2017. "A regulation-based classification system for marine protected areas: A response to Dudley et al. [9]", Marine Policy 77, n/a: 193 - 195.
4. |
Castro, Joana M; Amorim, M. C. P; Oliveira, Ana P; Gonçalves, Emanuel J; Munday, Philip L; Simpson, Stephen D; Faria, Ana M; Radford, Craig A. 2017. "Painted Goby Larvae under High-CO2 Fail to Recognize Reef Sounds", PLOS ONE 12, 1: e0170838 - e0170838.
5. |
Almada, F.; Carpi, P.; Carlos, F.; Francisco, S. M; Faria, A. M; Lungu, R.; Duarte-Coelho, P.; Neto, J.; Gonçalves, E. J; Robalo, J. I. 2017. "Identification of adult and juvenile Atherina presbyter Cuvier, 1829 in a marine coastal area adjacent to Tagus estuary (NE
Atlantic): A molecular tool for an ecological question", Journal of Applied Ichthyology 33, 2: 168 - 173.
6. |
Ferrari, Maud C; McCormick, Mark I; Mitchell, Matthew D; Allan, Bridie J; Gonçalves, Emanuel J; Chivers, Douglas P. 2017. "Daily variation in behavioural lateralization is linked to predation stress in a coral reef fish", Animal Behaviour 133, n/a: 189 - 193.
7. |
Faria, Ana M; Filipe, Soraia; Lopes, Ana F; Oliveira, Ana P; Gonçalves, Emanuel J; Ribeiro, Laura. 2017. "Effects of high pCO2 on early life development of pelagic spawning marine fish", Marine and Freshwater Research 68, 11: 2106 - 2106.
8. |
Klein, Maria; Teixeira, Sara; Assis, Jorge; Serrão, Ester A; Gonçalves, Emanuel J; Borges, Rita; Patterson, Heather M. 2016. "High Interannual Variability in Connectivity and Genetic Pool of a Temperate Clingfish Matches Oceanographic Transport Predictions", PLOS ONE 11, 12: e0165881 - e0165881.
9. |
Chivers, Douglas P; McCormick, Mark I; Allan, Bridie J. M; Mitchell, Matthew D; Gonçalves, Emanuel J; Bryshun, Reid; Ferrari, Maud C. O. 2016. "At odds with the group: changes in lateralization and escape performance reveal conformity and conflict in fish schools", Proceedings of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences 283, 1841: 20161127 - 20161127.
10. |
Lopes, A. F; Morais, P.; Pimentel, M.; Rosa, R.; Munday, P. L; Gonçalves, E. J; Faria, A. M. 2016. "Behavioural lateralization and shoaling cohesion of fish larvae altered under ocean acidification", Marine Biology 163, 12: 1 - 10.
11. |
Horta e C. B; Claudet, Joachim; Franco, Gustavo; Erzini, Karim; Caro, Anthony; Gonçalves, Emanuel J. 2016. "A regulation-based classification system for Marine Protected Areas (MPAs)", Marine Policy 72, n/a: 192 - 198.
12. |
Pimentel, Marta S; Faleiro, Filipa; Marques, Tiago; Bispo, Regina; Dionísio, Gisela; Faria, Ana M; Machado, Jorge; Peck, Myron A; Pörtner, Hans; Pousão-Ferreira, Pedro; Gonçalves, Emanuel J; Rosa, Rui. 2016. "Foraging behaviour, swimming performance and malformations of early stages of commercially important fishes under ocean acidification
and warming", Climatic Change 137, 3-4: 495 - 509.
13. |
Beveren, Elisabeth V; Klein, Maria; Serrão, Ester A; Gonçalves, Emanuel J; Borges, Rita. 2016. "Early life history of larvae and early juvenile Atlantic horse mackerel Trachurus trachurus off the Portuguese west coast", Fisheries Research 183, n/a: 111 - 118.
14. |
Rodrigues, Diana; Horta e C. B; Cabral, Henrique N; Gonçalves, Emanuel J. 2015. "Habitat associations and behavioural patterns of Symphodus spp. (Pisces: Labridae)", acta ethologica, 0: 1 - 14.
15. |
Abecasis, D; Horta e C. B; Afonso, P; Gonçalves, E.J.; Erzini, K.. 2015. "Early reserve effects linked to small home ranges of a commercial fish, Diplodus sargus, Sparidae", Marine Ecology Progress Series 518, 0: 255 - 266.
16. |
Batista, M.I.; Horta e C. B; Gonçalves, L.; Henriques, M.; Erzini, K.; Caselle, JE; Gonçalves, E.J.; Cabral, H.N.. 2015. "Assessment of catches, landings and fishing effort as useful tools for MPA management", Fisheries Research 172, 1: 197 - 208.
17. |
Ferreira, Maria A; Calado, Helena; Pereira da S. C; Abreu, António D; Andrade, Francisco; Fonseca, Catarina; Gonçalves, Emanuel J; Guerreiro, José; Noronha, Francisco; Pereira, Margarida; Pinto Lopes, C; Ribeiro, Marta C; Stratoudakis, Yorgos; Vasconcelos, Lia. 2015. "Contributions towards maritime spatial planning (MSP) in Portugal – Conference report", Marine Policy 59, 1: 61 - 63.
18. |
Malone, Thomas C; DiGiacomo, Paul M; Gonçalves, Emanuel J; Knap, Anthony H; Talaue-McManus, Liana; de Mora, S. 2014. "A global ocean observing system framework for sustainable development", Marine Policy 43, 1: 262 - 272.
19. |
Horta e C. B; Assis, J.; Franco, G.; Erzini, K.; Henriques, M.; Gonçalves, E.J.; Caselle, JE. 2014. "Tropicalization of fish assemblages at temperate biogeographic transition zones", Marine Ecology Progress Series, 1: 241 - 252.
20. |
Faria, A. M; Borges, R.; Gonçalves, E. J. 2014. "Critical swimming speeds of wild-caught sand-smelt Atherina presbyter larvae", Journal of Fish Biology 85, 3: 953 - 959.
21. |
Malone, Thomas C; DiGiacomo, Paul M; Gonçalves, Emanuel J; Knap, Anthony H; Talaue-McManus, Liana; de Mora, S; Muelbert, Jose. 2014. "Enhancing the Global Ocean Observing System to meet evidence based needs for the ecosystem-based management of coastal ecosystem
services", Natural Resources Forum 38, 3: 168 - 181.
22. |
Cunha, Alexandra H; Erzini, Karim; Serrão, Ester A; Gonçalves, Emanuel; Borges, Rita; Henriques, Miguel; Henriques, Victor; Guerra, Miriam; Duarte, Carlos; Marbá, Núria; Fonseca, Mark. 2014. "Biomares, a LIFE project to restore and manage the biodiversity of Prof. Luiz Saldanha Marine Park", Journal of Coastal Conservation 18, 6: 643 - 655.
23. |
Horta e C. B; Erzini, K.; Caselle, JE; Folhas, H.; Gonçalves, E.J.. 2013. "‘Reserve effect’ within a temperate marine protected area in the north-eastern Atlantic (Arrábida Marine Park, Portugal)", Marine Ecology Progress Series 481, n/a: 11 - 24.
24. |
Horta e C. B; Gonçalves, Emanuel J. 2013. "First occurrence of the Monrovia doctorfish Acanthurus monroviae (Perciformes: Acanthuridae) in European Atlantic waters", Marine Biodiversity Records 6, e20: 1 - 4.
25. |
Horta e C. B; Batista, Marisa I; Gonçalves, Leonel; Erzini, Karim; Caselle, Jennifer E; Cabral, Henrique N; Gonçalves, Emanuel J. 2013. "Fishers’ Behaviour in Response to the Implementation of a Marine Protected Area", PLoS ONE 8, 6: e65057 - e65057.
26. |
Horta e C. B; Gonçalves, Leonel; Gonçalves, E.J.. 2013. "Vessels’ site fidelity and spatio-temporal distribution of artisanal fisheries before the implementation of a temperate multiple-use
marine protected area", Fisheries Research 148, n/a: 27 - 37.
27. |
Tojeira, I.; Faria, A.M.; Henriques, S.; Faria, C.; Gonçalves, E.J.. 2012. "Early development and larval behaviour of two clingfishes, Lepadogaster purpurea and Lepadogaster lepadogaster (Pisces: Gobiesocidae)", Environmental Biology of Fishes 93, 4: 449 - 459.
28. |
Fenberg, Phillip B; Caselle, Jennifer E; Claudet, Joachim; Clemence, Michaela; Gaines, Steven D; Antonio García-Charton, J; Gonçalves, Emanuel J; Grorud-Colvert, Kirsten; Guidetti, Paolo; Jenkins, Stuart R; Jones, Peter J; Lester, Sarah E; McAllen, Rob; Moland, Even; Planes, Serge; Sørensen, Thomas K. 2012. "The science of European marine reserves: Status, efficacy, and future needs", Marine Policy 36, 5: 1012 - 1021.
29. |
Faria, A.M.; Chícharo, M.A.; Gonçalves, E.J.. 2011. "Effects of starvation on swimming performance and body condition of pre-settlement Sparus aurata larvae", Aquatic Biology 12, 3: 281 - 289.
30. |
Costa, Silvia S; Andrade, Rui; Carneiro, Luis A; Gonçalves, E.J.; Kotrschal, Kurt; Oliveira, Rui F. 2011. "Sex Differences in the Dorsolateral Telencephalon Correlate with Home Range Size in Blenniid Fish", Brain, Behavior and Evolution 77, 1: 55 - 64.
31. |
dos Santos, M; Couchinho, M.N.; Luís, A.R.; Gonçalves, E.J.. 2010. "Monitoring underwater explosions in the habitat of resident bottlenose dolphins", Journal of the Acoustical Society of America 128, 3: 3805 - 3808.
32. |
Faria, A.M.; Gonçalves, E.J.. 2010. "Ontogeny of swimming behaviour of two temperate clingfishes, Lepadogaster lepadogaster and L. purpurea (Gobiesocidae)", Marine Ecology Progress Series 414, 0: 237 - 248.
33. |
Faria, A.M.; Ojanguren, AF; Fuiman, LA; Gonçalves, E.J.. 2009. "Ontogeny of critical swimming speed of wild-caught and laboratory-reared red drum Sciaenops ocellatus larvae", Marine Ecology Progress Series 384, 0: 221 - 230.
34. |
Borges, R.; Vaz, J.; Serrão, E.A.; Gonçalves, E.J.. 2009. "Short-term temporal fluctuation of very-nearshore larval fish assemblages at the Arrábida Marine Park (Portugal)", Journal of Coastal Research, SI 56: 376 - 380.
35. |
Monteiro, J.; Borges, R.; Robalo, J.; Almada, V.C.; Henriques, S.; Gonçalves, E.J.. 2008. "Larval development of Gobius xanthocephalus with genetic validation of larval identification", Journal of Fish Biology 73, 1: 123 - 138.
36. |
Beldade, R.; Pedro, T.; Gonçalves, E.J.. 2007. "Pelagic larval duration of 10 temperate cryptobenthic fishes", Journal of Fish Biology 71, 2: 376 - 382.
37. |
Beldade, R.; Gonçalves, E.J.. 2007. "An interference visual census technique applied to cryptobenthic fish assemblages", Vie Milieu 57, 1/2: 61 - 66. |
38. |
Henriques, M.; Gonçalves, E.J.; Almada, V.C.. 2007. "Rapid shifts in a marine fish assemblage follow fluctuations in winter sea conditions", Marine Ecology Progress Series 340, 0: 259 - 270.
39. |
Beldade, R.; Ben-Hamadou, Radhouan; Chícharo, M.A.; Ré, Pedro; Gonçalves, E.J.. 2007. "Horizontal spatial and temporal distribution patterns of nearshore larval fish assemblages at a temperate rocky shore", Estuarine, Coastal and Shelf Science 71, 3-4: 412 - 428.
40. |
Borges, R.; Beldade, R.; Gonçalves, E.J.. 2006. "Vertical structure of very nearshore larval fish assemblages in a temperate rocky coast", Marine Biology 151, 4: 1349 - 1363.
41. |
Beldade, R.; Borges, R.; Gonçalves, E.J.. 2006. "Depth distribution of nearshore temperate fish larval assemblages near rocky substrates", Journal of Plankton Research 28, 11: 1003 - 1013.
42. |
Beldade, R.; Erzini, K.; Gonçalves, E.J.. 2006. "Composition and temporal dynamics of a temperate rocky cryptobenthic fish assemblage", Journal of the Marine Biological Association of the United Kingdom 86, 05: 1221 - 1228.
43. |
Beldade, R.; Van Tassell, J. L; Gonçalves, E.J.. 2006. "First record of Chromogobius britoi(Teleostei: Gobiidae) on the mainland European coast", Journal of Fish Biology 68, 2: 608 - 612.
44. |
Gonçalves, E.J.; Beldade, R.; Henriques, M.. 2005. "Opeatogenys gracilis(Pisces: Gobiesocidae): an overlooked species or another 'Mediterranean endemism' found in Atlantic waters?", Journal of Fish Biology 67, 2: 481 - 489.
45. |
Borges, R.; Faria, C.; Gil, F.; Gonçalves, E.J.; Almada, V.C.. 2003. "Embryonic and larval development of Gobius paganellus (Pisces: Gobiidae)", Journal of the Marine Biological Association of the United Kingdom 83, 5: 1151 - 1156. |
46. |
Oliveira, Rui F; Carvalho, N.; Miranda, Jason; Gonçalves, E.J.; Grober, M.S.; Santos, Ricardo S. 2002. "The Relationship Between the Presence of Satellite Males and Nest-Holders' Mating Success in the Azorean Rock-Pool Blenny
Parablennius sanguinolentus parvicornis ", Ethology 108, 3: 223 - 235.
47. |
Gil, F.; Borges, R.; Faria, C.; Gonçalves, E.J.. 2002. "Early development of the red mouthed goby, Gobius cruentatus (Pisces: Gobiidae)", Journal of the Marine Biological Association of the United Kingdom 82, 1: 161 - 163. |
48. |
Faria, C.; Borges, R.; Gil, F.; Almada, V.C.; Gonçalves, E.J.. 2002. "Embryonic and larval development of Lipophrys pholis (Pisces: Blenniidae)", Scientia Marina 66, 1: 21 - 26. |
49. |
Gonçalves, E.J.; Barbosa, M.; Cabral, H.; Henriques, M.. 2002. "Ontogenetic shifts in patterns of microhabitat utilization in the small-headed clingfish, Apletodon dentatus (Gobiesocidae)", Environmental Biology of Fishes 63, 3: 333 - 339. |
50. |
Oliveira, Rui F; Gonçalves, E.J.; Santos, Ricardo S. 2001. "Gonadal investment of young males in two blenniid fishes with alternative mating tactics", Journal of Fish Biology 59, 2: 459 - 462.
51. |
Almada, V.C.; Oliveira, Rui F; Gonçalves, E.J.; Almeida, Armando J; Santos, Ricardo S; Wirtz, P.. 2001. "Patterns of diversity of the north-eastern Atlantic blenniid fish fauna (Pisces: Blenniidae)", Global Ecology and Biogeography 10, 4: 411 - 422.
52. |
Oliveira, Rui F; Almada, V.C.; Gonçalves, E.J.; Forsgren, E.; Canário, A.V.M.. 2001. "Androgen levels and social interactions in breeding males of the peacock blenny", Journal of Fish Biology 58, 4: 897 - 908.
53. |
Almada, V.C.; Henriques, M.; Gonçalves, E.J.. 2001. "The study of inshore fishes in Portugal: a brief history and prospects for the future", Boletim do Museu Municipal do Funchal, 6: 289 - 310. |
54. |
Oliveira, Rui F; Miranda, J.A.; Carvalho, N.; Gonçalves, E.J.; Grober, M.S.; Santos, Ricardo S. 2000. "Male mating success in the Azorean rock-pool blenny: the effects of body size, male behaviour and nest characteristics", Journal of Fish Biology 57, 6: 1416 - 1428.
55. |
Oliveira, Rui F; Almada, V.C.; Forsgren, E.; Gonçalves, E.J.. 1999. "Temporal variation in male traits, nesting aggregations and mating success in the peacock blenny", Journal of Fish Biology 54, 3: 499 - 512.
56. |
Faria, C.; Almada, V.C.; Gonçalves, E.J.; Gil, F.; Baptista, C.; Carreiro, H.. 1998. "Notes on the social behaviour of Gobius cobitis (Pisces, Gobiidae)", Acta Ethologica 1, 1-2: 49 - 56. |
57. |
Goncalves, D.M.; Gonçalves, E.J.; Almada, V.C.; Almeida, S. P. 1998. "Comparative behaviour of two species of Lepadogaster (Pisces: Gobiesocidae) living at different depths", Journal of Fish Biology 53, 2: 447 - 450.
58. |
Gonçalves, E.J.; Almada, V.C.. 1998. "A comparative study of territoriality in intertidal and subtidal blennioids (Teleostei: Blennioidei)", Environmental Biology of Fishes 51, 3: 257 - 264.
59. |
Gil, F.; Gonçalves, E.J.; Faria, C.; Almada, V.C.; Baptista, C.; Carreiro, H.. 1997. "Embryonic and larval development of the giant goby Gobius cobitis (Pisces: Gobiidae) ", Journal of Natural History 31, 5: 799 - 804.
60. |
Gonçalves, E.J.; Almada, V.C.. 1997. "Sex differences in resource utilization by the peacock blenny", Journal of Fish Biology 51, 3: 624 - 633.
61. |
Almada, V.C.; Carreiro, H.; Faria, C.; Gonçalves, E.J.. 1996. "The breeding season of Coryphoblennius galerita in Portuguese waters", Journal of Fish Biology 48, 2: 295 - 297.
62. |
Faria, C.; Almada, V.C.; Gonçalves, E.J.. 1996. "Juvenile recruitment, growth and maturation of Lipophrys pholis (Pisces: Blenniidae), from the west coast of Portugal", Journal of Fish Biology 49, 4: 727 - 730.
63. |
Gonçalves, E.J.; Almada, V.C.; Almeida, S. P; Goncalves, D.M.; Repas, M.; Simoes, N.. 1996. "Observations on the agonistic behaviour of Lepadogaster lepadogaster purpurea (Pisces: Gobiesocidae)", Journal of Fish Biology 49, 2: 367 - 369.
64. |
Gonçalves, E.J.; Almada, V.C.; Oliveira, Rui F; Santos, António J. 1996. "Female Mimicry as a Mating Tactic in Males of the Blenniid Fish Salaria Pavo", Journal of the Marine Biological Association of the United Kingdom 76, 02: 529 - 538.
65. |
Almada, V.C.; Gonçalves, E.J.; Oliveira, Rui F; Santos, António J. 1995. "Courting females: ecological constraints affect sex-roles in a natural population of the blenniid fish Salaria pavo", Animal Behaviour 49, 4: 1125 - 1127.
66. |
Almada, V.C.; Gonçalves, E.J.; Santos, António J; Baptista, C.. 1994. "Breeding ecology and nest aggregations in a population of Salaria pavo (Pisces: Blenniidae) in an area where nest sites are
very scarce", Journal of Fish Biology 45, 5: 819 - 830.
67. |
Almada, V.C.; Oliveira, Rui F; Gonçalves, E.J.; Almeida, Armando J; Barata, E. N. 1993. "A new northern limit for the distribution range of Lipophrys canevae (Pisces: Blenniidae) in the Atlantic Ocean", Arquivos do Museu Bocage, 2: 379 - 384. |
68. |
Gonçalves, E.J.; Almada, V.C.; Almeida, Armando J; Oliveira, Rui F. 1993. "On the Occurrence of Parablennius Sanguinolentus (Pisces: Blenniidae) on the Portuguese Coast", Journal of the Marine Biological Association of the United Kingdom 73, 02: 465 - 467.
69. |
Ré, Pedro; Gonçalves, E.J.. 1993. "Growth of sprat (Sprattus sprattus) larvae in the German Bight (North Sea) as inferred by otolith microstructure", Marine Ecology Progress Series 96, 0: 139 - 145. |
70. |
Almada, V.C.; Gonçalves, E.J.; Oliveira, Rui F; Barata, E. N. 1992. "Some features of the territories in the breeding males of the intertidal blenny Lipophrys pholis (Pisces: Blenniidae)", Journal of the Marine Biological Association of the United Kingdom 72, 01: 187 - 197.
71. |
Oliveira, Rui F; Almada, V.C.; Almeida, Armando J; Santos, Ricardo S; Gonçalves, E.J.. 1992. "A checklist of the blennioid fishes (Teleostei, Blennioidei) occurring in portuguese waters", Life & Earth Sciences 10, 0: 23 - 37. |
72. |
Almada, V.C.; Barata, E. N; Gonçalves, E.J.; Oliveira, Rui F. 1990. "On the breeding season of Lipophrys pholis (Pisces: Blenniidae) at Arrábida, Portugal", Journal of the Marine Biological Association of the United Kingdom 70, 04: 913 - 916.
73. |
Almada, V.C.; Oliveira, Rui F; Barata, E. N; Gonçalves, E.J.; Rito, A.P.. 1990. "Field observations on the behaviour of the breeding males of Lipophrys pholis (Pisces: Blenniidae)", Portugaliae Zoologica 1, 4: 27 - 36.
Trabalhos completos/resumidos em eventos com arbitragem científica Papers in conference proceedings with scientific refereeing |
1. |
Catarino, A.I.; Garcia, J.; Cabral, H.; Gonçalves, E.J.. 2004. "Biogeographic considerations on Crustacea (Anomura and Brachyura) and Echinodermata assemblages in the central coast of Portugal", Trabalho apresentado em Conference Littoral 2004, In Proceedings of the Conference Littoral 2004, Aberdeen. |
2. |
Gonçalves, E.J.; Henriques, M.; Almada, V.C.. 2002. "Use of a temperate reef-fish community to identify priorities in the establishment of a marine protected area", Trabalho apresentado em World Congress on Aquatic Protected Areas, In Aquatic Protected Areas: What Works Best And How Do We Know? Proceedings of the World Congress on Aquatic Protected Areas, Cairns. |
3. |
Gonçalves, E.J.; Almada, V.C.. 1997. "Territoriality in intertidal and subtidal blennioids: the influence of turbulence on behaviour", Trabalho apresentado em XXV International Ethological Conference, In Advances in Ethology, Viena. |
4. |
Gonçalves, E.J.; Almada, V.C.. 1997. "Sex differences in resource allocation for reproduction in the peacock blenn", Trabalho apresentado em XXV International Ethological Conference, In Advances in Ethology, Viena. |
Artigos em revistas sem arbitragem científica Papers in periodics without scientific refereeing |
1. |
Friedlander, Alan M; Ballesteros, Enric; Clemente, Sabrina; Gonçalves, Emanuel J; Estep, Andrew; Rose, Paul; Sala, Enric; Bianchi, Carlo N. 2017. "Contrasts in the marine ecosystem of two Macaronesian islands: A comparison between the remote Selvagens Reserve and Madeira
Island", PLOS ONE 12, 11: e0187935 - e0187935.
Trabalhos completos/resumidos em eventos sem arbitragem científica Papers in conference proceedings without scientific refereeing |
1. |
Ré, Pedro; Gonçalves, E.J.. 1993. "Growth of sprat (Sprattus sprattus) larvae at stratified and mixed sites in the German Bight (North Sea)", Trabalho apresentado em 2º Encontro de Planctonologistas Portugueses, In Boletim UCA, Universidade do Algarve, 2º Encontro de Planctonologistas Portugueses, Faro. |
2. |
Ré, Pedro; Gonçalves, E.J.. 1993. "of eggs and larvae of the anchovy (Engraulis encrasicolus) at Mira estuary. 8 years of study (1985/1992)", Trabalho apresentado em 2º Encontro de Planctonologistas Portugueses, In Boletim UCA, Universidade do Algarve, 2º Encontro de Planctonologistas Portugueses, Faro. |
Apresentação oral de trabalho Oral work presentation |
1. |
Duarte-Coelho, P.; Silva, Gonçalo; Quiles-Pons, Carla; Franco, G.; Gonçalves, E.J.. Reproductive output of a temperate reef-associated fish: characterization of the breeding population and temporal variation
of egg production of the ringneck blenny Parablennius pilicornis (Cuvier, 1829),International Meeting on Marine Research 2016 (IMMR’16),Peniche,2016 (Poster). |
2. |
Martins, Sara; Lopes, A. F; Gonçalves, E.J.; Faria, A.M.. Effect of ocean acidification on the early life stages of clingfish, Lepadogaster lepadogaster,International Meeting on Marine Research 2016 (IMMR’16),Peniche,2016 (Poster). |
3. |
Silva, Sofia; Lemos, Marco; Lopes, A. F; Faria, A.M.; Gonçalves, E.J.; Novais, Sara. Sand smelt ability to cope and recover from CO2-induced ocean acidification stress assessed through development and biochemical
responses,International Meeting on Marine Research 2016 (IMMR’16),Peniche,2016 (Poster). |
4. |
Sousa, I.; Horta e C. B; Gonçalves, Jorge M; Gonçalves, E.J.; Erzini, K.. Effect of spatial protection on size-based metrics of soft bottom fish communities: the case of the Luiz Saldanha Marine Park
(Portugal),Second Mares Conference on Marine Ecosystems Health and Conservation,Olhão,2016 (Comunicação). |
5. |
Horta e C. B; Claudet, Joachim; Franco, G.; Erzini, K.; Gonçalves, E.J.. A new classification system for marine protected areas,13th International Coral Reefs Symposium,Honolulu,2016 (Comunicação). |
6. |
Faria, A.M.; Lopes, A. F; Gonçalves, E.J.. CO2-induced ocean acidification on reproductive output of the two-spotted goby, Gobiusculus flavescens,40th Annual Larval Fish Conference,Solomons,2016 (Comunicação). |
7. |
Sousa, I.; Horta e C. B; Gonçalves, Jorge M; Gonçalves, E.J.; Erzini, K.. Marine Protected Areas and small-scale fisheries: analysis of landings and size composition in a coastal MPA,Second Mares Conference on Marine Ecosystems Health and Conservation,Olhão,2016 (Poster). |
8. |
Silva, Gonçalo; Duarte-Coelho, P.; Quiles-Pons, Carla; Folhas, H.; Rodrigues, Diana; Gonçalves, E.J.. "Bigger is better?" The contribution of father's phenotype on offspring attributes in the temperate cryptobenthic reef fish
ringneck blenny Parablennius pilicornis,International Meeting on Marine Research 2016 (IMMR’16),Peniche,2016 (Poster). |
9. |
Horta e C. B; Claudet, Joachim; Franco, G.; Erzini, K.; Caro, Anthony; Gonçalves, E.J.. A new regulation-based classification system for marine protected areas,International Marine Conservation Congress – IMCC4,St. John's,2016 (Comunicação). |
10. |
Zupan, Mirta; Fragkopoulou, Eliza; Claudet, Joachim; Erzini, K.; Horta e C. B; Gonçalves, E.J.. Assessing the effectiveness of marine partially protected areas,International Meeting on Marine Research 2016 (IMMR’16),Peniche,2016 (Comunicação). |
11. |
Solomon, F.; Afonso, J.; Rodrigues, Diana; Gonçalves, E.J.; Serrão, Ester A; Borges, R.. Larval development and early life history of a temperate reef fish implications for the design and implementation of MPAs,Second Mares Conference on Marine Ecosystems Health and Conservation,Olhão,2016 (Comunicação). |
12. |
Rodrigues, Diana; Horta e C. B; Cabral, Henrique N; Gonçalves, E.J.. Habitat associations and behavioural patterns of Symphodus spp. (Pisces: Labridae),VIII Congresso Nacional de Etologia,Lisboa,2015 (Comunicação). |
13. |
Magliozzi, L.; Almada, F.; Felline, Serene; Gonçalves, E.J.; Mollo, Ernesto; Polese, Gianluca; Robalo, J.; Terlizzi, Antonio; D’Aniello, Biagio. Can caulerpin induce changes on fish behaviour? Unexpected conservation problems from invasive alien species,VIII Congresso Nacional de Etologia,Lisboa,2015 (Comunicação). |
14. |
Silva, Sofia; Novais, Sara; Lemos, Marco; Faria, A.M.; Gonçalves, E.J.. Evaluating the effects of ocean acidification on sand-smelt larvae: a case study addressing biochemical biomarkers and swimming
ability.,SETAC – Society of Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry 25th Annual Meeting,Barcelona,2015 (Poster). |
15. |
Faria, A.M.; Lopes, A. F; Oliveira, Ana P; Munday, P.; Gonçalves, E.J.. CO2-induced ocean acidification increases risk of predation in coastal temperate fish larvae,2015 ICES Annual Science Conference (ASC),Copenhagen,2015 (Comunicação). |
16. |
Lopes, A. F; Munday, P.; Pimentel, M.; Rosa, R.; Gonçalves, E.J.; Faria, A.M.. Disruption of behavioural lateralization and shoaling cohesion on sand smelt (Atherina presbyter) larvae under ocean acidification,2015 ICES Annual Science Conference (ASC),Copenhagen,2015 (Comunicação). |
17. |
Klein, M.; Teixeira, S.; Assis, J.; Serrão, Ester A; Gonçalves, E.J.; Borges, R.. High annual variability in the genetic pool of the temperate clingfish (Lepadogaster lepadogaster, Bonnaterre 1788),39th Annual Larval Fish Conference,Viena,2015 (Comunicação). |
18. |
Klein, M.; Beveren, Elisabeth V; Rodrigues, Diana; Serrão, Ester A; Gonçalves, E.J.; Borges, R.. Impact of Environmental Factors on Recruitment and Hatching patterns of Atlantic Horse Mackerel,XV European Congress of Ichthyology,Porto,2015 (Comunicação). |
19. |
Solomon, F.; Serrão, Ester A; Gonçalves, E.J.; Borges, R.; Rodrigues, Diana; Afonso, J.. Larval growth and development of the black-faced blenny, Tripterygion delaisi from the Arrábida Marine Park, Portugal,39th Annual Larval Fish Conference,Viena,2015 (Comunicação). |
20. |
Klein, Maria; Beveren, Elisabeth V; Gonçalves, E.J.; Borges, R.; Serrão, Ester A. Early Life History Traits of Atlantic Horse Mackerel Recruiting to a Nearshore Rocky Reef Area,39th Annual Larval Fish Conference,Viena,2015 (Poster). |
21. |
Sousa, I.; Gonçalves, Jorge M; Bentes, L.; Coelho, R.; Cabral, S.; Afonso, Pedro; Gonçalves, E.J.; Erzini, Karim. Assessing the effectiveness of small MPAs for the recovery of the thornback ray in temperate waters,2015 Annual Symposium of the Fisheries Society of the British Isles,Plymouth,2015 (Poster). |
22. |
Lungu, R.; Duarte-Coelho, P.; Neto, J.; Rodrigues, Diana; Faria, A.M.; Borges, R.; Gonçalves, E.J.; Almada, F.. Patterns of recruitment of the sand smelt (Atherina presbyter) on rocky intertidal habitats,XV European Congress of Ichthyology,Porto,2015 (Comunicação). |
23. |
Faria, A.M.; Castro, J.; Lopes, A.F.; Borges, R.; Simpson, S.; Munday, P.; Pimentel, M.; Rosa, R.; Gonçalves, E.J.. Effects of ocean acidification on the response of late stage larvae of two temperate fish species, painted goby (Pomatochistus
pictus) and sand smelt (Atherina presbyter), to daytime reef sounds,ECSA 54 Conference - Coastal systems under change: tuning assessment and management tools,Sesimbra,2014 (Comunicação). |
24. |
Pimentel, M.; Diniz, M.; Faria, A.M.; Gonçalves, E.J.; Machado, J.; Rosa, R.. Behaviour and physiology of gilthead seabream early life stages under ocean warming and acidification,11th International Conference on the Biology of Fish,Edimburgo,2014 (Comunicação). |
25. |
Horta e C. B; Franco, G.; Erzini, K.; Claudet, Joachim; Gonçalves, E.J.. How to characterize and classify the large variability of marine partially protected areas – the BUFFER project case study.,First Mares Conference on Marine Ecosystems Health and Conservation,Olhão,2014 (Comunicação). |
26. |
Solomon, F.; Serrão, E.A.; Gonçalves, E.J.; Borges, R.. Extended pelagic larval duration coupled with evidence of local growth in the black-faced blenny (Tripterygion delaisi) in
the Arrabida Marine Park, Portugal,ECSA 54 Conference - Coastal systems under change: tuning assessment and management tools,Sesimbra,2014 (Comunicação). |
27. |
Gonçalves, E.J.; Serrão, E.A.; Borges, R.; Klein, M.; Teixeira, S.. High annual variability in the genetic pool of the intertidal temperate clingfish Lepadogaster lepadogaster,ECSA 54 Conference - Coastal systems under change: tuning assessment and management tools,Sesimbra,2014 (Comunicação). |
28. |
Gonçalves, E.J.; Klein, Maria; Beveren, Elisabeth V; Serrão, Ester A; Caselle, Jennifer E; Borges, R.. Early stages of Trachurus trachurus show local growth and lunar periodicity at a nearshore rocky reef system in a Marine Protected
Area,First Mares Conference on Marine Ecosystems Health and Conservation,Olhão,2014 (Comunicação). |
29. |
Faria, A.M.; Gonçalves, E.J.; Borges, R.. Critical swimming behaviour of sand-smelt larvae (Atherina presbyter, Cuvier 1829) – implications for larval dispersal and
comparison with other temperate species,37th Annual Larval Fish Conference,Miami,2013 (Comunicação). |
30. |
Horta e C. B; Batista, Marisa I; Gonçalves, Leonel; Erzini, K.; Caselle, JE; Cabral, H.N.; Gonçalves, E.J.. Patterns of redistribution of fishing effort following implementation of a marine protected area,3rd World Marine Protected Areas Congress (IMPAC 3),Marseilles and Corsica,2013 (Comunicação). |
31. |
Sousa, I.; Coelho, R.; Claudet, Joachim; Gonçalves, J.M.S.; Gonçalves, E.J.; Erzini, K.. Soft bottom fisheries resources and spatial management: the case of the Arrábida Marine Park,3rd World Marine Protected Areas Congress (IMPAC 3),Marseilles and Corsica,2013 (Comunicação). |
32. |
Horta e C. B; Assis, J.; Franco, G.; Caselle, JE; Erzini, K.; Henriques, M.; Gonçalves, E.J.. Tropicalization of marine fish in a biogeographic transition zone (Arrábida Marine Park, Portugal),Simpósio de Ciências Marinhas 2013,Lisboa,2013 (Comunicação). |
33. |
Batista, Marisa I; Horta e C. B; Gonçalves, Leonel; Erzini, K.; Caselle, JE; Gonçalves, E.J.. The importance of fisheries monitoring in a marine protected area: can official fisheries statistics provide a reliable approach?,3rd World Marine Protected Areas Congress (IMPAC 3),Marseilles and Corsica,2013 (Poster). |
34. |
Klein, M.; Pessanha, F.; Serrão, E.A.; Caselle, JE; Gonçalves, E.J.; Borges, R.. Testing the use of SMURFS to monitor nearshore recruitment of rocky reef fishes at a shallow coastal reef,10th International Larval Biology Symposium,2012 (Poster). |
35. |
Borges, R.; Klein, M.; Van Beveren, E; Serrão, E.A.; Gonçalves, E.J.. Early stages of Trachurus trachurus show local growth and lunar periodicity at a nearshore rocky reef system in a Marine Protected
Area,10th International Larval Biology Symposium,2012 (Poster). |
36. |
Borges, R.; Serrão, E.A.; Afonso, J.; Vaz, J.; Gonçalves, E.J.. Vertical structure of very-nearshore temperate fish larval assemblages sampled with tow nets and light traps,9th International Temperate Reefs Symposium,Plymouth,2011 (Simpósio). 27-30 Junho
Oral presentation by Rita Borges. |
37. |
Gonçalves, E.J.; Costa, B.H.; Casselle, J.; Erzini, K.. The reserve effect of a temperate MPA in the NW Atlantic (The Arrábida Marine Park, Portugal),9th International Temperate Reefs Symposium,Plymouth,2011 (Simpósio). 27-30 Junho. |
38. |
Horta e C. B; Gonçalves, E.J.; Casselle, J.; Erzini, K.. Evaluation of the first effects of conservation measures on reef fish communities in the Arrábida Marine Park,International Conference on Coastal Conservation and Management in the Atlantic and Mediterranean,Estoril,2010 (Poster). 11-17 de Abril. |
39. |
Horta e C. B; Gonçalves, E.J.; Casselle, J.; Erzini, K.. Evaluation of the first effects of conservation measures on the reef fish communities in the Arrábida Marine Park,International Meeting on Marine Resources 2009,Peniche,2009 (Outra). 16-18 de Novembro
Oral presentation by Bárbara Costa. |
40. |
Borges, R.; Folhas, H.; Franco, G.; Gonçalves, E.J.. Linking (or not) larval occurrence nearshore with early life traits of a temperate cryptobenthic reef fish species from otolith
analysis,4th International Otolith Symposium,Monterey (California),2009 (Simpósio). 23-28 de Agosto
Oral presentation by Rita Borges. |
41. |
Borges, R.; Serrão, E.A.; Gonçalves, E.J.. Different mechanisms for different species – small scale differences in the occurrence and distribution of temperate reef
fish larvae,90th Annual Meeting of the Western Society of Naturalists,Seaside, Monterey (California),2009 (Outra). 12-15 de Novembro
Oral presentation by Rita Borges. |
42. |
Gonçalves, E.J.; Borges, R.. Interannual fluctuations in the structure of temperate reef-fish larval assemblages at the Arrábida Marine Park,33rd Annual Larval Fish Conference,Portland (Oregon),2009 (Conferência ou palestra). 23-27 de Julho. |
43. |
Folhas, H.; Franco, G.; Fernandes, V.; Cabral, H.N.; Gonçalves, E.J.. Early life history traits of five temperate cryptobenthic reef fish species inferred from otolith microstruture and RNA/DNA
ratios,European Marine Biology Symposium,Liverpool,2009 (Poster). 7-11 de Setembro
Poster apresentado por Henrique Folhas. |
44. |
Franco, G.; Folhas, H.; Melo, R.; Cabral, H.N.; Gonçalves, E.J.. Spatial and temporal patterns of fish recruitment on macroalgae cover of a temperate reef,European Marine Biology Symposium,Liverpool,2009 (Simpósio). 7-11 de Setembro
Oral presentation by Gustavo Franco. |
45. |
Gonçalves, E.J.; Borges, R.; Folhas, H.; Franco, G.. Planktonic larval duration of eleven species of temperate cryptobenthic reef fishes: relation with possible dispersive and
retention patterns at the Arrábida Marine Park,4th International Otolith Symposium,Monterey (California),2009 (Simpósio). 23-28 de Agosto. |
46. |
Folhas, H.; Franco, G.; Fernandes, V.; Cabral, H.N.; Gonçalves, E.J.. Relation between growth rates inferred by otolith microstruture and RNA/DNA ratios in two temperate cryptobenthic fishes,4th International Otolith Symposium, Monterey,Monterey (California),2009 (Poster). 23-28 de Agosto
Poster apresentado por Henrique Folhas. |
47. |
Franco, G.; Folhas, H.; Gonçalves, E.J.. Early life history traits of five temperate cryptobenthic species determined by otolith microstructure analysis,4th International Otolith Symposium,Monterey (California),2009 (Poster). 23-28 de Agosto
Poster apresentado por Gustavo Franco. |
48. |
dos Santos, M; Couchinho, M.N.; Luís, A.R.; Gonçalves, E.J.. Underwater explosions in dolphin country: safety procedures, monitoring and acoustic measurements,18th Biennial Conference on the Biology of Marine Mammals,Québec City (Québec),2009 (Conferência ou palestra). 12-16 Outubro
Oral presentation by Manuel Eduardo dos Santos. |
49. |
Borges, R.; Vaz, J.; Serrão, E.A.; Gonçalves, E.J.. Short-term temporal fluctuation of very-nearshore larval fish assemblages at the Arrábida Marine Park,10th International Coastal Symposium,Lisboa,2009 (Simpósio). 13-18 Abril
Oral presentation by Rita Borges. |
50. |
Borges, R.; Vaz, J.; Serrão, E.A.; Gonçalves, E.J.. Tidal and vertical distribution of nearshore fish larval assemblages at a temperate rocky shore,33rd Annual Larval Fish Conference,Portland (Oregon),2009 (Conferência ou palestra). 23-27 de Julho
Oral presentation by Rita Borges. |
51. |
Horta e C. B; Gonçalves, E.J.; Casselle, J.; Erzini, K.. Evaluation of the first effects of conservation measures on the reef fish communities in the Arrábida Marine Park, Portugal,Workshop de Estrategias para la Planificación y Conservación de los Recursos Marinos de Canarias,La Palma (Gran Canaria),2009 (Outra). 21-24 de Julho
Oral presentation by Bárbara Costa. |
52. |
Cunha, A.H.; Erzini, K.; Serrão, E.A.; Gonçalves, E.J.; Farinha, J.C.; Henriques, M.; Henriques, V.; Guerra, M.; Duarte, C.; Marbá, N.. Biomares, um projecto LIFE para a recuperação e gestão da biodiversidade do parque marinho Luiz Saldanha, na Arrábida,Biomares, um projecto LIFE para a recuperação e gestão da biodiversidade do parque marinho Luiz Saldanha, na Arrábida,Porto,2008 (Seminário). 26-28 de Maio
Oral presentation by Alexandra Cunha. |
53. |
Faria, A.M.; Ojanguren, AF; Fuiman, LA; Gonçalves, E.J.. Ontogeny of critical swimming speed of wild-caught and laboratory-reared red drum larvae (Sciaenops ocellatus),8th Larval Biology Symposium,Lisboa,2008 (Simpósio). 7-11 Julho
Oral presentation by Ana Faria. |
54. |
Faria, A.M.; Ojanguren, AF; Fuiman, LA; Gonçalves, E.J.. Ontogeny of critical swimming speed of wild-caught and laboratory-reared red drum larvae (Sciaenops ocellatus),32nd Larval Fish Conference,Kiel,2008 (Conferência ou palestra). 4-7 Agosto
Oral presentation by Ana Faria. |
55. |
Borges, R.; Gonçalves, E.J.. Evidence of nearshore fish larval retention at the Arrábida Marine Park (Portugal),8th Larval Biology Symposium,Lisboa,2008 (Simpósio). 7-11 Julho
Oral presentation by Rita Borges. |
56. |
Gonçalves, E.J.; Henriques, M.; Almada, V.C.. Influence of the North Atlantic Oscillation (NAO) on rapid shifts in a marine fish assemblage,43rd Estuarine & Coastal Sciences Association – International Symposium: Climate Change Impacts on South-European Coastal
Ecosystems,Lisboa,2008 (Simpósio). 7-9 de Fevereiro. |
57. |
Faria, A.M.; Ojanguren, AF; Fuiman, LA; Gonçalves, E.J.. Ontogeny of critical swimming speed of wild-caught and laboratory-reared red drum larvae (Sciaenops ocellatus),VIII Congresso Nacional de Etologia,Lisboa,2008 (Congresso). 14-16 de Janeiro Oral presentation by Ana Faria. |
58. |
Borges, R.; Arnaud-Haond, S.; Gonçalves, E.J.; Serrão, E.A.. Testing the suitability of a new fixative both for morphological identification and DNA extraction of fish larvae,32nd Larval Fish Conference,Kiel,2008 (Poster). 4-7 Agosto. |
59. |
Borges, R.; Faria, A.M.; Gonçalves, E.J.. Larval fishes occurring at night in a temperate rocky shore: a comparison between towed nets and light traps,31st Larval Fish Conference,St. John’s, Newfoundland,2007 (Poster). 9-12 July. |
60. |
Borges, R.; Ben-Hamadou, Radhouan; Gonçalves, E.J.. An integrated approach to the study of very-nearshore larval fish assemblages in the Arrábida marine park (Portugal),4th International Zooplankton Production Symposium,Hiroshima,2007 (Poster). 28 May to 1 June. |
61. |
Gonçalves, E.J.; Borges, R.. Very-nearshore larval fish assemblages at the Arrábida Marine Park (Portugal),31st Larval Fish Conference,St. John’s, Newfoundland,2007 (Conferência ou palestra). 9-12 July. |
62. |
Faria, A.M.; Borges, R.; Gonçalves, E.J.. School composition and small-scale temporal variation of very nearshore larval assemblages occurring at the bottom at a temperate
rocky shore,30rd Larval Fish Conference,Lake Placid (New York State),2006 (Conferência ou palestra). Oral presentation by Ana Faria
10-14 September. |
63. |
Borges, R.; Ben-Hamadou, Radhouan; Chícharo, M.A.; Ré, Pedro; Gonçalves, E.J.. Temporal dynamics of very-nearshore larval fish assemblages at a temperate rocky shore,30rd Larval Fish Conference,Lake Placid (New York State),2006 (Conferência ou palestra). Presentation by Rita Borges
10-14 September . |
64. |
Monteiro, J.; Borges, R.; Robalo, J.; Almada, V.C.; Henriques, S.; Gonçalves, E.J.. Early ontogeny of Gobius xanthocephalus from plankton collections, with genetic validation of larval identification,30rd Larval Fish Conference,Lake Placid (New York State),2006 (Poster). 10-14 September. |
65. |
Beldade, R.; Borges, R.; Gonçalves, E.J.. Depth distribution of late stage larvae near the substrate in a temperate rocky fish assemblage,29th Annual Larval Fish Conference,Barcelona,2005 (Conferência ou palestra). Oral presentation by Ricardo Beldade
11-14 July . |
66. |
Gonçalves, E.J.; Borges, R.; Beldade, R.. A comparative analysis of fish larval assemblages at different very-nearshore habitats in a temperate rocky coast,29th Annual Larval Fish Conference,Barcelona,2005 (Conferência ou palestra). 11-14 July . |
67. |
Borges, R.; Beldade, R.; Gonçalves, E.J.. Vertical distribution of very-nearshore fish larval assemblages in a temperate rocky coast,29th Annual Larval Fish Conference,Barcelona,2005 (Conferência ou palestra). Oral presentation by Rita Borges. |
68. |
Borges, R.; Gonçalves, E.J.. Coastal larval community of the Arrábida Marine Park (Portugal) and possible evidence of larval retention nearshore,Plankton Symposium III,Figueira da Foz,2005 (Simpósio). Oral presentation by Rita Borges
17-20 March. |
69. |
Garcia, J.; Catarino, A.I.; Cabral, H.; Gonçalves, E.J.. Habitat use by rocky shore Brachyura and Anomura (Crustacea Decapoda) communities in a protected area,Littoral 2004,Aberdeen,2004 (Conferência ou palestra). Oral presentation by Joana Garcia
20-22 September. |
70. |
Borges, R.; Gonçalves, E.J.. Composition and possible retention of a nearshore larval community in a Portuguese rocky coast,28th Annual Larval Fish Conference,Clemson,2004 (Conferência ou palestra). Oral presentation by Rita Borges
23-26 May. |
71. |
Catarino, A.I.; Garcia, J.; Cabral, H.; Gonçalves, E.J.. Habitat use by rocky shore Echinodermata in a marine protected area,Littoral 2004,Aberdeen,2004 (Conferência ou palestra). Oral presentation by Ana Catarino
20-22 September. |
72. |
Catarino, A.I.; Garcia, J.; Cabral, H.; Gonçalves, E.J.. Biogeographic considerations on Crustacea (Anomura and Brachyura) ad Echinodermata assemblages in the central coast of Portugal,Littoral 2004,Aberdeen (Scotland),2004 (Poster). 20-22 September. |
73. |
Gonçalves, E.J.; Henriques, M.; Almada, V.C.; Lourenço, R.. Reproductive bioenergetics and comparative behaviour in intertidal and subtidal blennioid fishes,5th National Ethology Congress,Faro,2003 (Congresso). 18-19 September. |
74. |
Gonçalves, E.J.; Henriques, M.; Almada, V.C.; Lourenço, R.. Reproductive bioenergetics and comparative behaviour in intertidal and subtidal blennioid fishes,XXVIII International Ethological Conference,Florianópolis,2003 (Conferência ou palestra). 20-26 August. |
75. |
Gonçalves, E.J.. Marine Protected Areas and Biodiversity of Temperate Reef Fish Communities - A Case Study,Biodiversity of Coastal Marine Ecosystems – A Functional Approach to Coastal Marine Biodiversity,Renesse,2003 (Conferência ou palestra). High Level Scientific Conferences
11-15 May. |
76. |
Silva, I.; Gonçalves, E.J.; Oliveira, Rui F. Evaluation of the impact of visitors on the behaviour of some teleosts at the Lisbon Oceanarium,5th National Ethology Congress,Faro,2003 (Congresso). Oral presentation by Isabel Silva
18-19 September. |
77. |
Beldade, R.; Borges, R.; Gonçalves, E.J.. Habitat differences in the presence of late stage larvae in a rocky fish community: implications for conservation,World Congress on Aquatic Protected Areas 2002,Cairns, Queensland,2002 (Poster). 14-17 August. |
78. |
Gonçalves, E.J.; Henriques, M.; Almada, V.C.. Structure of a temperate reef fish community prior to the establishment of a Marine Protected Area,World Congress on Aquatic Protected Areas 2002,Cairns, Queensland,2002 (Congresso). 14-17 August . |
79. |
Gonçalves, E.J.. The role of Marine Protected Areas in the preservation of marine biodiversity: a case study (Arrábida Marine Park – Portugal),Global Challenges of Parks and Protected Areas Management – International Symposium on Society and Resource Management,La Maddalena (Sardenha),2002 (Simpósio). 10-13 October. |
80. |
Gonçalves, E.J.. Ethical questions in the use and exploitation of the marine environment,Workshop: Environmental Ethics and Sustainable Development,Lisboa,2002 (Outra). 22-23 March
Comunicação por convite. |
81. |
Gonçalves, E.J.. Fish Communities at the Arrábida Marine Park,1st Symposium on the Ecology of the Sado Estuary and Perspectives for the Conservation of bottlenose dolphins,Lisboa,2002 (Simpósio). 22-24 May
Comunicação por convite
. |
82. |
Borges, R.; Beldade, R.; Gonçalves, E.J.. Behavioural patterns of coastal fish larvae and its relevance to ecology and larval retention studies,4th National Ethology Congress,Lisboa,2002 (Poster). 3-4 October. |
83. |
Gonçalves, E.J.. The role of Marine Protected Areas on biodiversity conservation in Portugal,Management and Governance of the Oceans and Coastal Areas,Lisboa,2002 (Outra). 22 May
Comunicação por convite. |
84. |
Gonçalves, E.J.. Ethics and the Marine Environment,Second edition of International Bioethics Institute,Lisboa,2001 (Comunicação). 30 June to 6 July
Comunicação por convite. |
85. |
Henriques, M.; Gonçalves, E.J.. Biological diversity of the Arrábida Marine Park: perspectives for its utilization and conservation,2nd National Congress of Nature Conservation,Lisboa,2001 (Poster). 2-5 October. |
86. |
Gonçalves, E.J.; Henriques, M.. The role of Marine Protected Areas on the conservation of marine biodiversity in Portugal,2nd National Congress of Nature Conservation,Lisbon,2001 (Congresso). 2-5 October. |
87. |
Faria, C.; Borges, R.; Almada, V.C.; Gonçalves, E.J.; Gil, F.. Features of early development and recruitment of benthic rocky shore fish,Plankton Symposium,Espinho,2001 (Poster). 20-22 September. |
88. |
Gonçalves, E.J.; Henriques, M.; Almada, V.C.. Structure of a temperate reef fish community prior to the establishment of a Marine Protected Area,80th Annual Meeting of the American Society of Ichthyologists and Herpetologists,La Paz, Baja California Sur,2000 (Outra). 14-20 June. |
89. |
Gonçalves, E.J.; Santos, António J; Oliveira, Rui F; Almada, V.C.. Behavioural patterns in the peacock blenny Salaria pavo (Pisces: Blenniidae),ASAB Summer Meeting 1999 "Communication and Social Ethology",Lisboa,1999 (Poster). 14 to 16 July. |
90. |
Oliveira, Rui F; Grober, M.S.; Canário, A.V.M.; Santos, Ricardo S; Gonçalves, E.J.; Almada, V.C.. Male sexual polymorphism in blennies: integrating proximate and life-history decisions,XXVI International Ethological Conference. Symposium: Indeterminate growth and life history evolution,Bangalore,1999 (Conferência ou palestra). 2 to 9 August. |
91. |
Magalhães, A.; Gião, M.; Gonçalves, E.J.. Territoriality and social interactions in Pomatoschistus pictus (Pisces: Gobiidae),ASAB Summer Meeting 1999 "Communication and Social Ethology",Lisboa,1999 (Poster). 14 to 16 July. |
92. |
Henriques, M.; Almada, V.C.; Gonçalves, E.J.. Behaviours and patterns of microhabitat use by juveniles in a shallow water littoral fish community,3rd National Ethology Congress,Coimbra,1998 (Congresso). 11 to 12 December
Oral presentation by M. Henriques . |
93. |
Oliveira, Rui F; Grober, M.S.; Canário, A.V.M.; Gonçalves, E.J.; Almada, V.C.. Male sexual polymorphism in the peacock blenny, Salaria pavo: integrating ultimate and proximate levels of analysis,ASAB Summer Meeting 1998 "Intraspecific Variation in Behaviour",Urbino,1998 (Poster). 2 to 4 September. |
94. |
Gonçalves, E.J.; Almada, V.C.. Comparative behaviour and territoriality in intertidal and subtidal fish,Seventh International Behavioral Ecology Congress,Monterey (California),1998 (Congresso). 27 July to 1 August. |
95. |
Oliveira, Rui F; Grober, M.S.; Canário, A.V.M.; Santos, Ricardo S; Gonçalves, E.J.; Almada, V.C.. Sexual polymorphism in blennies: a causal and functional approach,3rd National Ethology Congress,Coimbra,1998 (Congresso). 11 to 12 December. |
96. |
Faria, C.; Gil, F.; Gonçalves, E.J.; Almada, V.C.; Baptista, C.; Carreiro, H.. Some notes on the reproductive behaviour and on the embryonic and larval development of Gobius cobitis (Pisces, Gobiidae),3rd National Ethology Congress,Coimbra,1998 (Poster). 11 to 12 December . |
97. |
Gonçalves, E.J.. Littoral fish communities and conservation: a case study at Arrábida coast (Portugal),Symposium “Behaviour and Conservation of Littoral Fishes”,Lisboa,1998 (Simpósio). 15 to 18 April. |
98. |
Gonçalves, E.J.; Almada, V.C.; Lourenço, R.. Sexual differences in reproductive bioenergetics in rocky littoral fishes of the temperate zone,3rd National Ethology Congress,Coimbra,1998 (Congresso). 11 to 12 December. |
99. |
Simoes, N.; Goncalves, D.M.; Almada, V.C.; Gonçalves, E.J.; Almeida, S. P; Repas, M.. Reproductive biology of Lepadogaster lepadogaster purpurea (Pisces: Gobiesocidae) on the Portuguese coast,Symposium “Behaviour and Conservation of Littoral Fishes”,Lisboa,1998 (Poster). 15 to 18 April. |
100. |
Faria, C.; Borges, R.; Gil, F.; Almada, V.C.; Gonçalves, E.J.. Preliminary study on the embryonic and larval development of Lipophrys pholis (Pisces: Blenniidae),3rd National Ethology Congress,Coimbra,1998 (Poster). 11 to 12 December . |
101. |
Magalhães, A.; Gião, M.; Gonçalves, E.J.. Behavioural patterns and territoriality in Pomatoschistus pictus (Pisces, Gobiidae),3rd National Ethology Congress,Coimbra ,1998 (Poster). 11 to 12 December. |
102. |
Goncalves, D.M.; Almada, V.C.; Gonçalves, E.J.; Almeida, S. P. Contrasts in the behaviour of two sympatric species of Lepadogaster (Pisces: Gobiesocidae) and its relation to turbulence,Symposium “Behaviour and Conservation of Littoral Fishes”,ISPA,1998 (Poster). 15 to 18 April. |
103. |
Goncalves, D.M.; Almada, V.C.; Almeida, S. P; Gonçalves, E.J.. Comparative study of agonistic behaviour in Lepadogaster candollei and Lepadogaster lepadogaster purpurea (Pisces: Gobiesocidae),3rd National Ethology Congress,Coimbra,1998 (Poster). 11 to 12 December . |
104. |
Lourenço, R.; Gonçalves, E.J.; Almada, V.C.; Henriques, M.. Feeding patterns and sexual differences in the reproductive effort of Lipophrys pholis (Pisces: Blenniidae),3rd National Ethology Congress,Coimbra,1998 (Poster). 11 to 12 December. |
105. |
Gonçalves, E.J.; Almada, V.C.. Sex differences in resource allocation for reproduction in the peacock blenny,XXV International Ethological Conference,Viena,1997 (Conferência ou palestra). 20 to 27 de August. |
106. |
Gonçalves, E.J.; Almada, V.C.. Territoriality in intertidal and subtidal blennioids: the influence of turbulence on behaviour,XXV International Ethological Conference,Viena,1997 (Conferência ou palestra). 20 to 27 August. |
107. |
Gonçalves, E.J.; Almada, V.C.; Oliveira, Rui F; Santos, António J. Female mimicry in sneaking males of the blenniid fish Salaria pavo,Symposium “Ecological & Evolutionary Ethology of Fishes”,Albuquerque (New Mexico),1996 (Simpósio). 25 to 30 May . |
108. |
Almada, V.C.; Gonçalves, E.J.; Oliveira, Rui F; Santos, António J. Sex role reversal in a population of Salaria pavo (Pisces: Blenniidae),2nd National Ethology Congress,Lisboa,1996 (Congresso). 12 to 13 February. |
109. |
Gonçalves, E.J.; Ré, Pedro. Development of Engraulis encrasicolus (Linnaeus, 1758) in captivity,1st Iberic Congress of Plankton,Coimbra,1995 (Poster). 6 to10 December. |
110. |
Almada, V.C.; Gonçalves, E.J.; Oliveira, Rui F; Santos, António J. Females are the courting sex in a population of Salaria pavo (Pisces: Blenniidae),XXIV International Ethological Conference,Honolulu (Hawaii),1995 (Conferência ou palestra). 10 to 17 August. |
111. |
Almada, V.C.; Gonçalves, E.J.; Faria, C.. The littoral fishes,Meeting "Ethology and Nature Conservation",Lisboa,1993 (Outra). December 2-3. |
112. |
Almada, V.C.; Gonçalves, E.J.; Oliveira, Rui F; Barata, E. N. Eco-ethological study of the parental males of the blenniid fish Lipophrys pholis (Pisces: Blenniidae),IV National and I Iberoamerican Ethological Conference,Cáceres,1992 (Poster). September 28 October 2. |
Edição técnica Technical edition |
1. |
Patzner, R.A.; Gonçalves, E.J.; Hastings, P.; Kapoor, B.G.. The Biology of Blennies,2009 (Livro). |
2. |
Almada, V.C.; Oliveira, Rui F; Gonçalves, E.J.. Behaviour and Conservation of Littoral Fishes,1999 (Livro). |
Dados Complementares (Additional data)
Tese de Doutoramento Phd Thesis |
1. |
Ana Margarida da Silva Faria , Understanding temperate reef fish larvae behaviour and implications for population connectivity, 2011. Tese (Biologia Marinha) - Universidade do Algarve, Bolseiro(a) de Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia (Co-orientador). Postdoctorate supervision
SFRH/BPD/68673/2010 - FCT grant
Co-supervised by Dr. Jeff Leis of the Australiam Musem (Sydney, Australia). |
2. |
Maria Klein, Recruitment patterns and processes of reef fish species in a temperate coastal system, 2011. Tese (Biologia Marinha) - Universidade do Algarve, Bolseiro(a) de Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia (Co-orientador). FCT Grant - SFRH/BD/72970/2011
Co-supervised by Dr. Rita Borges and Dr. Ester Serrão of CCMAR from Algarve University and Jennifer Casselle of the Marine
Science Institute of the University of California at Santa Barbara (USA). |
3. |
Sónia Cristina Cobra Cardoso , Small scale spatial patterns of variation of reef fish larvae – implications for retention, 2009. Bolseiro(a) de Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia (Co-orientador). SFRH/BD/41683/2007 - FCT Grant
Co-supervised by Dr. Ester Serrão and Dr. Rita Borges from CCMAR of the Algarve University. |
4. |
Bárbara Bastos Horta e Costa , The effect of conservation measures on the spatial and temporal variation of rocky fish assemblages in the Arrábida Marine
Park, 2008. Bolseiro(a) de Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia (Co-orientador). SFRH/BD/41262/2007 - FCT grant
Co-supervised by Dr. Karim Erzini of CCMAR Algarve University and Dr. Jennifer Casselle of the Marine Science Institute of
the University of California at Santa Barbara (USA). |
5. |
Manuel Ricardo do Ó de Oliveira Beldade, Patterns and processes of variation of a rocky bottom cryptobenthic fish assemblage, 2006. Bolseiro(a) de Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia (Co-orientador).
SFRH/BD/1013/2000 - FCT grant
Co-supervised by Dr. Karim Erzini of CCMAR Algarve
Submitted at the Faculdade de Ciências do Mar e do Ambiente of the Algarve University. |
6. |
Ana Margarida da Silva Faria, Ontogenetic variation of behavioural and sensorial capabilities in coastal larval fish, 2006. Bolseiro(a) de Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia (Co-orientador). SFRH/BD/21742/2005 - FCT grant
Co-supervised by Dr. Alexandra Chícharo of CCMAR Algarve University. |
7. |
Rita Alexandra Duarte Borges , Composition, Temporal and Spatial Patterns of Very-nearshore Larval Fish Assemblages at the Arrábida Marine Park, 2006. Bolseiro(a) de Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia (Co-orientador). SFRH/BD/4852/2001 - FCT grant
Co-supervised by Dr. Alexandra Chícharo of CCMAR Algarve University and Dr. Pedro Ré of the Faculty of Sciences of Lisbon
Presented at the Faculdade de Ciências do Mar e do Ambiente of the Algarve University on the 22nd of May. |
1. |
Inês Isabel Gralho Correia de Sousa , Spatio-temporal dynamics of soft bottom fish communities and small-scale fisheries in a Marine Protected Area: use of ecological
and fisheries data in the management of the Professor Luiz Saldanha Marine Park, 2011. Tese (Biologia Marinha) - Universidade do Algarve, Bolseiro(a) de Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia (Co-orientador). Postdoctorate supervision
(SFRH/BD/80771/2011 - FCT grant
Co-supervised by Dr. Karim Erzini of CCMAR Algarve University. |
Dissertação de Mestrado Master degree dissertation |
1. |
Diana Duarte Rodrigues, Habitat associations and behaviour of wrasses of the genus Symphodus (Rafinesque, 1810) at the Arrábida Marine Park, Portugal, 2010. Dissertação (Ecologia Marinha) - Universidade de Lisboa (Co-orientador). Co-supervised by Dr. Henrique Cabral (Faculty of Sciences of Lisbon University). |
2. |
João Marcos da Silva Afonso, Vertical and interannual patters in larval fish assemblages of nearshore rocky reefs at the Arrábida Marine Park, 2010. Dissertação (Biologia Marinha) - Universidade do Algarve (Co-orientador). Co-supervised by Dr. Ester Serrão and Dr. Rita Borges (CCMAR Algarve University. |
3. |
Patrícia Carolina Rendall Rocha, Larval description of Tripterygion delaisi (Pisces: Tripterygiidae), 2010. Dissertação (Biologia Marinha) - Universidade do Algarve (Co-orientador). Co-supervised by Dr. Ester Serrão and Dr. Rita Borges (CCMAR Algarve University). |
4. |
Miguel Barreto Chora da Silva Marques , Importance of rocky habitats and sea grasses to the larval stage of coastal fish at the Arrábida Marine Park Luiz Saldanha, 2010. Dissertação (Biologia Marinha) - Universidade do Algarve (Co-orientador). Co-supervised by Dr. Ester Serrão and Dr. Rita Borges (CCMAR Algarve University. |
5. |
João Vaz Agnelo Borges Medeiros, Tidal influence on the vertical distribution of rocky reef fish larvae and choice of settlement habitats at the Luiz Saldanha
Marine Park, 2009. Dissertação (Biologia Marinha) - Universidade do Algarve (Co-orientador). Co-supervised by Dr. Ester Serrão and Dr. Rita Borges (CCMAR Algarve University). |
6. |
Henrique Miguel Morais Folhas, Relationship between RNA/DNA condition index and planktonic larval duration in larval fish, 2008. Dissertação (Ecologia Marinha) - Universidade de Lisboa (Orientador). |
7. |
Sandra Cláudia Matias Rodrigues, Characterisation of the population of soft corals (Octocorallia: Alcyonacea) at the Luiz Saldanha Marine Park, 2008. Dissertação (Biologia e Gestão dos Recursos Marinhos) - Universidade de Lisboa (Co-orientador). Co-supervised by Dr. Henrique Cabral (Faculty of Sciences of Lisbon University). |
8. |
Sandra Cláudia Matias Rodrigues, Ecological data of soft corals (Octocorallia, Gorgonacea) – A contribution to the conservation and management of underwater
activities on the Professor Luiz Saldanha Marine Park (Portugal), 2008. Dissertação (Biologia e Gestão dos Recursos Marinhos) - Universidade de Lisboa (Orientador). |
9. |
Gustavo Fernando Gomes Franco , Spatial and temporal patterns of fish recruitment in macroalgae cover of a temperate reef, 2008. Dissertação (Ecologia Marinha) - Universidade de Lisboa (Orientador). |
10. |
Tânia Sofia Santiago Pedro , Characterization of larval growth patterns in Pomatoschistus pictus (Pisces: Gobiidae), 2007. Dissertação (Biologia Marinha e Pescas) - Universidade do Algarve (Orientador). |
11. |
José António Morais e Silva, Analysis and evaluation of management approaches applied to different species and populations of seagrasses. Design of a management
plan for seagrasses in the Arrábida Marine Park, 2004. Dissertação (Sustainable Development of Marine and Coastal Systems) - Universidad de Barcelona (Orientador). |
12. |
Isabel Maria Sousa Lima Marques da Silva, Evaluation of the impact of visitors on the behaviour of some teleosts at the Lisbon Oceanarium, 2003. Dissertação (Etologia) - ISPA - Instituto Universitário de Ciências Psicológicas, Sociais e da Vida (Orientador). |
13. |
Ana Isabel Ferreira de Magalhães, Territoriality and space utilization in the goby Pomatoschistus pictus (Pisces: Gobiidae, 1999. Dissertação (Etologia) - ISPA - Instituto Universitário de Ciências Psicológicas, Sociais e da Vida (Orientador). |
Trabalho de conclusão de curso de Bacharelato/Licenciatura Bachelor/Licenciate degree conclusion work |
1. |
Ivo Manuel Duarte Gama , GIS of the Arrábida Marine Park – paradigm of integrated coastal zone management, 2007. Trabalho de Conclusão de Curso (Licenciatura em Engenharia Biofísica, Planeamento e Gestão Ambiental) - Universidade de Évora (Orientador). |
2. |
Marta de Morais Espeçada, Habitat selection in larvae of Lepadogaster lepadogaster (Bonnaterre, 1788) and Lepadogaster purpurea (Bonnaterre, 1788), 2007. Trabalho de Conclusão de Curso (Licenciatura em Biologia Marinha) - Universidade Lusófona de Humanidades e Tecnologias (Orientador). |
3. |
Tânia Sofia Santiago Pedro, Growth patterns characterizatio of Pomatoschistus pictus larvae (Pisces: Gobiidae), 2005. Trabalho de Conclusão de Curso (Licenciatura em Biologia Marinha) - Universidade do Algarve (Orientador). |
4. |
Inês Cerqueira Afonso Tojeira , Embryonic and larval in Lepadogaster: comparison between Lepadogaster purpurea (Bonaterre, 1788) and Lepadogaster lepadogaster
(Bonaterre, 1788) (Pisces: Gobiesocidae), 2005. Trabalho de Conclusão de Curso (Licenciatura em Biologia Marinha) - Universidade Lusófona de Humanidades e Tecnologias (Orientador). |
5. |
Leonel Batista Cordeiro Gonçalves, Spatial and temporal characterization of anthropogenic activities within the Luiz Saldanha Marine Park - Arrábida Nature, 2004. (Orientador). Submitted at the Department of Agricultural Sciences of the Azores university. |
6. |
Joana Freire de Castiço Monteiro, Larval development and growth of Gobius xanthocephalus (Pisces: Gobiidae), 2004. Trabalho de Conclusão de Curso (Licenciatura em Biologia Marinha) - Universidade do Algarve (Orientador). Submitted at the Faculdade de Ciências do Mar e do Ambiente of the Algarve University. |
7. |
Ana Isabel dos Ramos Catarino, Ecology, distribution and abundance of Equinodermata at Arrábida Marine Park, 2002. (Orientador). Submitted at the Sciences Faculty of the University of Lisbon. |
8. |
Joana Cristina Projecto Garcia, Ecology, distribution and abundance of Crustacea Natantia at Arrábida Marine Park, 2002. (Orientador). |
9. |
Miguel Barbosa, Distribution patterns and abundance of Apletodon dentatus (Facciola, 1887) (Gobiesocidae: Pisces) at the Arrábida Marine Park, 1999. (Orientador). |
Orientação de outra natureza Other orientation |
1. |
Gonçalo Jorge Franco Silva intitulada , Ecology and conservation of temperate reef communities, 2015. Bolseiro(a) de ISPA - Instituto Universitário de Ciências Psicológicas, Sociais e da Vida (Orientador). |
2. |
Ana Margarida da Silva Faria, Understanding temperate reef fish larvae behaviour and implications for population connectivity, 2015. Bolseiro(a) de Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia (Orientador). |
Indicadores de produção
(Production indicators)
Produção científica
Scientific production |
Produção técnica
Technical production |
Dados complementares
data |
Produção científica Scientific production |
88 |
Livros e capítulos Books and book chapters |
8 |
Livros publicados ou organizados Published or organized books |
2 |
Capítulos de livros publicados Published book chapters |
6 |
Artigos científicos em revistas Papers in periodics |
74 |
Com arbitragem científica With scientific refereeing |
73 |
Sem arbitragem científica Without scientific refereeing |
1 |
Trabalhos em eventos Papers in conference proceedings |
6 |
Com arbitragem científica With scientific refereeing |
4 |
Sem arbitragem científica Without scientific refereeing |
2 |
Produção técnica Technical production |
114 |
Outros tipos de produção técnica Other technical production |
114 |
Dados complementares (Additional data) |
32 |
Orientações Orientations |
32 |
Visualizações do curriculum [
Página gerada pela Plataforma de Curricula DeGóis promovida pela FCT e pelo Gávea/DSI/UM
Plataforma de Curricula DeGóis: http://www.degois.pt | Icons by Axialis Team |