Rui Manuel Vitor Cortes
Data da última atualização
»Last update
12/12/2018 |
Dados pessoais (Personal data)
Nome completo
Full name |
Rui Manuel Vitor Cortes |
Nome em citações bibliográficas
Quoting name |
Cortes, Rui Manuel Vitor |
Endereço profissional
Professional address |
Universidade de Trás-os-Montes e Alto Douro Escola de Ciências Agrárias e Veterinárias Ciências Florestais e Arquitectura Paisagista Apart. 1013 Vila Real 5001-801 Vila Real Portugal Apartado: 1013 Telefone: (+351)259350863Extensão: 2263 Fax: (+351)259350480 Correio electrónico: Homepage: |
Gender |
Masculino»Male |
Graus Académicos
(Academic Degrees)
Produção científica, técnica e artística/cultural
(Scientific, technical and artistical/cultural
Artigos em revistas com arbitragem científica Papers in periodics with scientific refereeing |
1. |
Garcês, Andreia; Pires, Isabel; Pacheco, Fernando A; Sanches Fernandes, L. F; Soeiro, Vanessa; Lóio, Sara; Prada, Justina; Cortes, Rui; Queiroga, Felisbina L. 2019. "Preservation of wild bird species in northern Portugal - Effects of anthropogenic pressures in wild bird populations (2008–2017)", Science of The Total Environment 650, 650: 2996 - 3006.
2. |
Terêncio, D.P.S.; Sanches Fernandes, L; CORTES, RMV; Moura, J.P.; Pacheco, F.A.L.. 2018. "Rainwater harvesting in catchments for agro-forestry uses: A study focused on the balance between sustainability values and
storage capacity", Science of The Total Environment 613614, 1: 1079 - 1092.
3. |
Santos, R.M.B.; Sanches Fernandes, L; CORTES, RMV; Varandas, S.G.P.; Jesus, J.J.B.; Pacheco, F.A.L.. 2017. "Integrative assessment of river damming impacts on aquatic fauna in a Portuguese reservoir", Science of The Total Environment 601602, 1: 1108 - 1118.
4. |
Cortes, Rui; Hughes, Samantha; Coimbra, Ana; Monteiro, Sandra; Pereira, Vítor; Lopes, Marisa; Pereira, Sandra; Pinto, Ana; Sampaio, Ana; Santos, Cátia; Carrola, João; de Jesus, J; Varandas, Simone. 2016. "A multiple index integrating different levels of organization", Ecotoxicology and Environmental Safety 132, 132: 270 - 278.
5. |
Valle Junior, R. F; Varandas, Simone G; Pacheco, Fernando A; Pereira, Vítor R; Santos, Cátia F; Cortes, Rui M; Sanches Fernandes, L. F. 2015. "Impacts of land use conflicts on riverine ecosystems", Land Use Policy 43, 43: 48 - 62.
6. |
Boavida, I.; Pinheiro, A.N.; Cortes, R.M.V.. 2010. "Do ecological flows benefit exotic species?", Environmental Hydraulics - Proceedings of the 6th International Symposium on Environmental Hydraulics 2, 1: 1115 - 1118.
Artigos em revistas sem arbitragem científica Papers in periodics without scientific refereeing |
1. |
Sanches Fernandes, L; Fernandes, A.C.P.; Ferreira, A.R.L.; CORTES, RMV; Pacheco, F.A.L.. 2018. "A partial least squares – Path modeling analysis for the understanding of biodiversity loss in rural and urban watersheds
in Portugal", Science of The Total Environment 626, 626: 1069 - 1085.
2. |
Cabecinha, Edna; Hughes, Samantha; Cortes, Rui. 2018. "Consistent, congruent or redundant? Lotic community and organisational response to disturbance", Ecological Indicators 89, 89: 175 - 187.
3. |
Boavida, Isabel; Jesus, Joaquim B; Pereira, Vítor; Santos, Cátia; Lopes, Marisa; Cortes, Rui M. 2018. "Fulfilling spawning flow requirements for potamodromous cyprinids in a restored river segment", Science of The Total Environment 635, 635: 567 - 575.
4. |
Pragana, I.; Boavida, I.; Cortes, R.; Pinheiro, A.. 2017. "Hydropower Plant Operation Scenarios to Improve Brown Trout Habitat", River Research and Applications 33, 3: 364 - 376.
5. |
Ferreira-Rodríguez, Noé; Fernández, Ignacio; Varandas, Simone; Cortes, Rui; Cancela, M. L; Pardo, Isabel. 2017. "The role of calcium concentration in the invasive capacity of Corbicula fluminea in crystalline basins", Science of The Total Environment 580, 580: 1363 - 1370.
6. |
Ferreira, A.R.L.; Sanches Fernandes, L; CORTES, RMV; Pacheco, F.A.L.. 2017. "Assessing anthropogenic impacts on riverine ecosystems using nested partial least squares regression", Science of The Total Environment 583, 583: 466 - 477.
7. |
Terêncio, D.P.S.; Sanches Fernandes, L; CORTES, RMV; Pacheco, F.A.L.. 2017. "Improved framework model to allocate optimal rainwater harvesting sites in small watersheds for agro-forestry uses", Journal of Hydrology 550, 550: 318 - 330.
8. |
Tupinambás, Taynan H; Cortes, Rui M. V; Hughes, Samantha J; Varandas, Simone G; Callisto, Marcos. 2016. "Macroinvertebrate responses to distinct hydrological patterns in a tropical regulated river", Ecohydrology 9, 3: 460 - 471.
9. |
Bellu, Annalisa; Sanches Fernandes, L. F; Cortes, Rui M; Pacheco, Fernando A. 2016. "A framework model for the dimensioning and allocation of a detention basin system: The case of a flood-prone mountainous watershed", Journal of Hydrology 533, 533: 567 - 580.
10. |
Hughes, Samantha J; Cabral, João A; Bastos, Rita; Cortes, Rui; Vicente, Joana; Eitelberg, David; Yu, Huirong; Honrado, João; Santos, Mário. 2016. "A stochastic dynamic model to assess land use change scenarios on the ecological status of fluvial water bodies under the
Water Framework Directive", Science of The Total Environment 565, 565: 427 - 439.
11. |
Feio, M.J.; Calapez, A.R.; Elias, C.L.; CORTES, RMV; Graça, M.A.S.; Pinto, P.; Almeida, S.F.P.. 2016. "The paradox of expert judgment in rivers ecological monitoring", Journal of Environmental Management 184, 184: 609 - 616.
12. |
Santos, R.M.B.; Sanches Fernandes, L; Varandas, S.G.P.; Pereira, M.G.; Sousa, R.; Teixeira, A.; Lopes-Lima, M.; CORTES, RMV; Pacheco, F.A.L.. 2015. "Impacts of climate change and land-use scenarios on Margaritifera margaritifera, an environmental indicator and endangered
species", Science of The Total Environment 511, 152: 477 - 488.
13. |
Santos, R.M.B.; Sanches Fernandes, L; Pereira, M.G.; CORTES, RMV; Pacheco, F.A.L.. 2015. "Water resources planning for a river basin with recurrent wildfires", Science of The Total Environment 526, 556: 1 - 13.
14. |
Santos, R.M.B.; Sanches Fernandes, L; Pereira, M.G.; CORTES, RMV; Pacheco, F.A.L.. 2015. "A framework model for investigating the export of phosphorus to surface waters in forested watersheds: Implications to management", Science of The Total Environment 536, 537: 295 - 305.
15. |
Tupinambás, Taynan H; Cortes, Rui M. V; Varandas, Simone G; Hughes, Samantha J; França, Juliana S; Callisto, Marcos. 2014. "Taxonomy, metrics or traits? Assessing macroinvertebrate community responses to daily flow peaking in a highly regulated Brazilian
river system", Ecohydrology 7, 2: 828 - 842.
16. |
Coelho, Diana; Hughes, Samantha J; Varandas, Simone; Cortes, Rui M. V. 2014. "Conservation benefits of riparian buffers in urban areas: the case of the Rio Corgo (north Portugal)", Fundamental and Applied Limnology / Archiv für Hydrobiologie 185, 1: 55 - 70.
17. |
Cortes, R.M.V.; Hughes, S.J.; Pereira, V.R.; Varandas, S.D.G.P.. 2013. "Tools for bioindicator assessment in rivers: The importance of spatial scale, land use patterns and biotic integration", Ecological Indicators 34, 10: 460 - 477. |
18. |
Pereira, S.; Pinto, A.L.; Cortes, R.M.V.; Fontaínhas-Fernandes, A.; Coimbra, A.M.; Monteiro, S.M.. 2013. "Gill histopathological and oxidative stress evaluation in native fish captured in Portuguese northwestern rivers", Ecotoxicology and Environmental Safety 90, 10: 157 - 166. |
19. |
Varandas, S.D.G.P.; Lopes-Lima, M.; Teixeira, A.; Hinzmann, M.; Reis, J.; Cortes, R.M.V.; Machado, J.; Sousa, R.. 2013. "Ecology of southern European pearl mussels (Margaritifera margaritifera): First record of two new populations on the rivers
Terva and Beça (Portugal)", Aquatic Conservation: Marine and Freshwater Ecosystems 23, 3: 374 - 389. |
20. |
Oliveira, João M; Segurado, Pedro; Santos, José M; Teixeira, Amílcar; Ferreira, Maria T; Cortes, Rui V; de Leaniz, C. G. 2012. "Modelling Stream-Fish Functional Traits in Reference Conditions: Regional and Local Environmental Correlates", PLoS ONE 7, 9: e45787 - e45787.
21. |
Sousa, R.; Varandas, S.D.G.P.; Cortes, R.M.V.; Teixeira, A.; Lopes-Lima, M.; MacHado, J.; Guilhermino, L.. 2012. "Massive die-offs of freshwater bivalves as resource pulses", Annales de Limnologie 48, 1: 105 - 112.
22. |
Matono, P.; Bernardo, J.M.; Ferreira, M.T.; Formigo, N.; Raposo de A. P; Cortes, R.; Ilhéu, M.. 2012. "Fish-based groups for ecological assessment in rivers: the importance of environmental drivers on taxonomic and functional
traits of fish assemblages", Knowledge and Management of Aquatic Ecosystems, 405: 04 - 04.
23. |
Boavida, I.; Santos, J. M; Cortes, R.; Pinheiro, A.; Ferreira, M. T. 2012. "BENCHMARKING RIVER HABITAT IMPROVEMENT", River Research and Applications 28, 10: 1768 - 1779.
24. |
Hughes, Samantha J; Cabecinha, Edna; Andrade dos S. J. C; Mendes Andrade, C. M; Mendes Lopes, D. M; da Fonseca T. H. M; dos Santos C. J. A. F. A; dos Santos, M. G. S; Lourenço, José M. M; Marques Aranha, J. T; Sanches Fernandes, L. F; Morais, Maria M; Mendonça Leite, M. S; de Oliveira, P. C. R. C; Vitor Cortes, R. M. 2012. "A predictive modelling tool for assessing climate, land use and hydrological change on reservoir physicochemical and biological
properties", Area 44, 4: 432 - 442.
25. |
Cortes, R.M.V.; Varandas, S.D.G.P.; Teixeira, A.; Hughes, S.J.; Magalhães, M.; Barquín, J.; ¿?lvarez-Cabria, M.; Fernández, D.. 2011. "Effects of landscape metrics and land-use variables on macroinvertebrate communities and habitat characteristics", Limnetica 30, 2: 347 - 362.
26. |
Ferreira, J.; Pádua, J.; Hughes, S.J.; Cortes, R.M.V.; Varandas, S.D.G.P.; Holmes, N.; Raven, P.. 2011. "Adapting and adopting River Habitat Survey: Problems and solutions for fluvial hydromorphological assessment in Portugal", Limnetica 30, 2: 263 - 272.
27. |
Carvalho, Liliana; Cortes, Rui; Bordalo, Adriano A. 2010. "Evaluation of the ecological status of an impaired watershed by using a multi-index approach", Environmental Monitoring and Assessment 174, 1-4: 493 - 508.
28. |
Santos, José M; Reino, Luís; Porto, Miguel; Oliveira, João; Pinheiro, Paulo; Almeida, Pedro R; Cortes, Rui; Ferreira, Maria T. 2010. "Complex size-dependent habitat associations in potamodromous fish species", Aquatic Sciences 73, 2: 233 - 245.
29. |
Boavida, I.; Santos, J. M; Cortes, R. V; Pinheiro, A. N; Ferreira, M. T. 2010. "Assessment of instream structures for habitat improvement for two critically endangered fish species", Aquatic Ecology 45, 1: 113 - 124.
30. |
Varandas, Simone G; Cortes, Rui M. V. 2009. "Evaluating macroinvertebrate biological metrics for ecological assessment of streams in northern Portugal", Environmental Monitoring and Assessment 166, 1-4: 201 - 221.
31. |
Cortes, Rui M. V; Hughes, Samantha J; Varandas, Simone G. P; Magalhães, Marco; Ferreira, Maria T. 2009. "Habitat variation at different scales and biotic linkages in lotic systems: consequences for monitorization", Aquatic Ecology 43, 4: 1107 - 1120.
32. |
Cabecinha, Edna; Cortes, Rui; Cabral, João A; Ferreira, Teresa; Lourenço, Martinho; Pardal, Miguel Â. 2009. "Multi-scale approach using phytoplankton as a first step towards the definition of the ecological status of reservoirs", Ecological Indicators 9, 2: 240 - 255.
33. |
Lopes, M.; Sampaio, A.; Costa, M.R.; Cortes, R.M.V.. 2009. "Distribution of yeasts and filamentous fungi in polluted and non polluted streams of douro basin, ne portugal", 9th International Multidicsciplinary Scientific Geoconference and EXPO - Modern Management of Mine Producing, Geology and
Environmental Protection, SGEM 2009 2, 2: 495 - 502. |
34. |
Cabecinha, Edna; Van den B. P. J; Cabral, João A; Cortes, Rui; Lourenço, Martinho; Pardal, Miguel Â. 2009. "Ecological relationships between phytoplankton communities and different spatial scales in European reservoirs: implications
at catchment level monitoring programmes", Hydrobiologia 628, 1: 27 - 45.
35. |
Oliveira, João M; Ferreira, Maria T; Morgado, Paula; Hughes, Robert M; Teixeira, Amílcar; Cortes, Rui M; Bochechas, Jorge H. 2009. "A Preliminary Fishery Quality Index for Portuguese Streams", North American Journal of Fisheries Management 29, 5: 1466 - 1478.
36. |
Cabecinha, Edna; Cortes, Rui; Pardal, Miguel Â; Cabral, João A. 2009. "A Stochastic Dynamic Methodology (StDM) for reservoir's water quality management: Validation of a multi-scale approach in
a south European basin (Douro, Portugal)", Ecological Indicators 9, 2: 329 - 345.
37. |
Hughes, Samantha J; Ferreira, Teresa; Cortes, Rui V. 2008. "Hierarchical spatial patterns and drivers of change in benthic macroinvertebrate communities in an intermittent Mediterranean
river", Aquatic Conservation: Marine and Freshwater Ecosystems 18, 5: 742 - 760.
38. |
Sampaio, A.; Rodríguez-González, P.; Varandas, S.D.G.P.; Cortes, R.M.V.; Ferreira, M.T.. 2008. "Leaf litter decomposition in western Iberian forested wetlands: Lentic versus lotic response", Limnetica 27, 1: 93 - 106. |
39. |
Cortes, R.M.V.; Varandas, S.D.G.P.; Hughes, S.J.; Ferreira, M.T.. 2008. "Combining habitat and biological characterization: Ecological validation of the river habitat survey", Limnetica 27, 1: 39 - 56.
40. |
Ferreira, M. T; Sousa, L.; Santos, J. M; Reino, L.; Oliveira, J.; Almeida, P. R; Cortes, R. V. 2007. "Regional and local environmental correlates of native Iberian fish fauna", Ecology of Freshwater Fish 16, 4: 504 - 514.
41. |
Ferreira, T.; Oliveira, J.M.; Caiola, N.; de Sostoa, A; Casals, F.; Cortes, R.M.V.; Economou, A.; Zogaris, S.; Garcia-Jalon, D.; Ilhéu, M.; Martinez-Capel, F.; Pont, D.; Rogers, C.; Prenda, J.. 2007. "Ecological traits of fish assemblages from Mediterranean Europe and their responses to human disturbance", Fisheries Management and Ecology 14, 6: 473 - 481. |
42. |
Teixeira, Amílcar; Cortes, Rui M. V. 2007. "PIT telemetry as a method to study the habitat requirements of fish populations: application to native and stocked trout movements", Hydrobiologia 582, 1: 171 - 185.
43. |
Cabecinha, Edna; Silva-Santos, Pedro; Cortes, Rui; Cabral, João A. 2007. "Applying a stochastic-dynamic methodology (StDM) to facilitate ecological monitoring of running waters, using selected trophic
and taxonomic metrics as state variables", Ecological Modelling 207, 2-4: 109 - 127.
44. |
Teixeira, A.; Cortes, R.M.V.; Oliveira, D.. 2006. "Habitat use by native and stocked trout (Salmo trutta L.) in two northeast streams, Portugal", BFPP - Bulletin Francais de la Peche et de la Protection des Milieux Aquatiques, 382: 1 - 18. |
45. |
Oliveira, S.V.; Cortes, R.M.V.. 2006. "Environmental indicators of ecological integrity and their development for running waters in northern Portugal", Limnetica 25, 1-2: 479 - 498. |
46. |
Santos, N.P.; Fontaínhas-Fernandes, A.A.; Faria, R.; Torres-Castro, L.F.; Anjos, M.R.; Cortes, R.M.V.; Alexandrino, P.. 2006. "Genetic evidence for limited introgression between wild and stocked individuals in Portuguese brown trout, Salmo trutta populations", Folia Zoologica 55, 4: 433 - 443. |
47. |
Teixeira, A.; Cortes, R.M.V.. 2006. "Diet of stocked and wild trout, Salmo trutta: Is there competition for resources?", Folia Zoologica 55, 1: 61 - 73. |
48. |
Oliveira, S. V; Cortes, R. M. V. 2006. "Combining Logistic Models with Multivariate Methods for the Rapid Biological Assessment of Rivers Using Macroinvertebrates", Environmental Monitoring and Assessment 112, 1-3: 93 - 113.
49. |
Oliveira, S.V.; Cortes, R.M.V.. 2005. "A biologically relevant habitat condition index for streams in northern Portugal", Aquatic Conservation: Marine and Freshwater Ecosystems 15, 2: 189 - 210.
50. |
Sampaio, Ana; Cortes, Rui V; Le¿o, Cec¿lia. 2004. "Yeast and Macroinvertebrate Communities Associated with Leaf Litter Decomposition in a Second Order Stream", International Review of Hydrobiology 89, 5-6: 453 - 466.
51. |
Santos, J.M.; Godinho, F.; Ferreira, M.T.; Cortes, R.M.V.. 2004. "The organisation of fish assemblages in the regulated Lima basin, Northern Portugal", Limnologica 34, 3: 224 - 235. |
52. |
Graça, Manuel A. S; Pinto, Paulo; Cortes, Rui V; Coimbra, Nuno; Oliveira, Simone; Morais, Manuela; Carvalho, Maria J; Malo, Jorge. 2004. "Factors Affecting Macroinvertebrate Richness and Diversity in Portuguese Streams: a Two-Scale Analysis", International Review of Hydrobiology 89, 2: 151 - 164.
53. |
Lopes, L.F.G.; Do Carmo, J; Cortes, R.M.V.; Oliveira, D.. 2004. "Hydrodynamics and water quality modelling in a regulated river segment: Application on the instream flow definition", Ecological Modelling 173, 2-3: 197 - 218. |
54. |
Cabecinha, Edna; Cortes, Rui; Cabral, João A. 2004. "Performance of a stochastic-dynamic modelling methodology for running waters ecological assessment", Ecological Modelling 175, 3: 303 - 317.
55. |
Silva-Santos, P.M.; Oliveira, S.V.; Cortes, R.M.V.; Albuquerque, A.C.. 2004. "Natural and anthropogenic variations in a channelized water course in Centre of Portugal", Limnetica 23, 3-4: 257 - 270. |
56. |
Coelho, A.C.; Fontaínhas-Fernandes, A.; Santos, S.; Cortes, R.M.V.; Rodrigues, J.. 2003. "Mucormycosis due to Rhizopus sp. in fishes: First case described in Portugal | Mucormicose por Rhizopus sp. em peixes: Apresentação
do primeiro caso em Portugal", Arquivo Brasileiro de Medicina Veterinaria e Zootecnia 55, 2: 234 - 237. |
57. |
Cortes, R.M.V.; Ferreira, M.T.; Oliveira, S.V.; Oliveira, D.. 2002. "Macroinvertebrate community structure in a regulated river segment with different flow conditions", River Research and Applications 18, 4: 367 - 382. |
58. |
Sampaio, A.; Cortes, R.M.V.; Leão, C.. 2001. "Invertebrate and microbial colonisation in native and exotic leaf litter species in a mountain stream", International Review of Hydrobiology 86, 4-5: 527 - 540. |
59. |
Cortes, R.M.V.; Ferreira, M.T.; Oliveira, S.V.; Godinho, F.. 1998. "Contrasting impact of small dams on the macroinvertebrates of two Iberian mountain rivers", Hydrobiologia, 389: 51 - 61. |
60. |
Godinho, F.N.; Ferreira, M.T.; Cortes, R.V.. 1997. "Composition and spatial organization of fish assemblages in the lower Guadiana basin, southern Iberia", Ecology of Freshwater Fish 6, 3: 134 - 143. |
61. |
Godinho, F.N.; Ferreira, M.T.; Cortes, R.V.. 1997. "The environmental basis of diet variation in pumpkinseed sunfish, Lepomis gibbosus, and largemouth bass, Micropterus salmoides,
along an Iberian river basin", Environmental Biology of Fishes 50, 1: 105 - 115. |
62. |
Cortes, R.M.V.; Abelho, M.; Rebelo, S.B.. 1997. "The macroinvertebrate colonization of leaf bags: Is there a pattern?", Limnetica 13, 2: 71 - 75. |
63. |
Coimbra, CN; Graca, MAS; Cortes, RMV. 1996. "The effects of a basic effluent on macroinvertebrate community structure in a temporary Mediterranean river", Environmental Pollution 94, 3: 301 - 307. |
64. |
Cortes, R.M.V.; Teixeira, A.; Pereira, C.A.. 1996. "Is supplemental stocking of brown trout (Salmo trutta) worthwhile in low productive streams?", Folia Zoologica 45, 4: 371 - 381. |
65. |
Cortes, R.M.V.; Graca, M.A.; Vingada, J.N.; De Oliveira, S. 1995. "Stream typology and dynamics of leaf processing", Annales de Limnologie 31, 2: 119 - 131. |
66. |
ON THE SPATIAL STRUCTURE OF THOSE COMMUNITIES", Archiv Fur Hydrobiologie 126, 1: 85 - 103. |
67. |
DEJALON, DG; CORTES, RMV; KNOBEN, R. 1987. "THE LARVA OF CALAMOCERAS-MARSUPUS BRAUER, 1865", Archiv Fur Hydrobiologie 110, 4: 617 - 622. |
Indicadores de produção
(Production indicators)
Produção científica
Scientific production |
Produção científica Scientific production |
73 |
Artigos científicos em revistas Papers in periodics |
73 |
Com arbitragem científica With scientific refereeing |
6 |
Sem arbitragem científica Without scientific refereeing |
67 |
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