1. personal data
2. academic degree
3. area of scientific activity
4. research projects
5. membership in scientific societies
6. referee and editor of scientific journals
7. publications
8. supervising theses
9. language skills
10. other information
1. personal data
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Vítor Hugo Rodrigues Paiva
MARE - Marine and Environmental Sciences Centre, Department of Life Sciences, University of Coimbra, 3004-517 Coimbra, PORTUGAL
contact data
tel. +351 910732345
fax. +351 239855789
email vitorpaiva@ci.uc.pt
Orcid http://orcid.org/0000-0001-6368-9579
2. academic degree
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year academic degree scientific area institution
2003 Graduation Biology University of Coimbra
2005 M.Sc. Ecology University of Coimbra
2010 Ph.D. Biology University of Coimbra and University of Kiel
3. area of scientific activity
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domain of specialization
My research focuses on marine animal ecology, particularly the study of the foraging strategies and ecological roles of seabirds and other apex predators, of wider trophic relationships in marine communities and of migration strategies of birds.
present investigation interests
I'm interested in understanding how these apex predators respond to global change. I’ve already made significant contributions to this field through a broad suite of peer-reviewed publications, and in building and maintaining a wide network of national and international collaborators. I gained diverse field and analytical expertise which allows me to apply powerful techniques such as stable isotope analysis, biologging, ecophysiological analysis, ecosystem modelling and advanced statistical procedures to address a wide range of key and highly topical ecological issues.
other skills/activities

[2006 - 2019] Conservation Biology, First degree in Biology, Univ. of Coimbra.

[2006 - 2019] Advanced M.Sc. courses in Ecology and International Master in Applied Ecology, Univ. of Coimbra: “Biological Conservation”

[2009 - 2013] Biostatistics, First degree in Biology, Univ. of Coimbra

[2014] Invited lecturer to the workshop "Applied Statistics on Biology" at Institute of Molecular Medicine, Faculty of Medicine, University of Lisbon

[2010] Advanced Ph.D course in Biosciences, Univ. of Coimbra: “The role of stable isotopes in Ecology”
4. coordination/participation of research projects
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With Portuguese national financial support

[2016-2017] SEAPLAS - Seabirds as indicators of plastic exposure from neritic to oceanic and temperate to tropical environments
Funding: FCT (5 K €)


[2015] Ecosystem services of Marine Protected Areas (collaborator)
Coordinated by SPEA - Portuguese BirdLife International partner
Funding: Gulbenkian Foundation

[2012-2017] Avaliação da avifauna na área de influência do Aeroporto de Faro e medidas de conservação de avifauna nidificante, em particular da chilreta, Sternula albifrons. Coordinated by IMAR and ICNF - Parque Natural da Ria Formosa
Funding: ANA Aeroportos

[2004] Feeding and Reproductive Ecology of Little Terns in order to generate ecological indicators in estuarine ecosystems. (Contracted field assistant)
Funding: FCT (37385/BSE/2001)

[2004] Field assistant (volunteer regime) of the project Habitat selection by Pin-tailed Sandgrouses (Pterocles alchata), in order to manage part of that area to allow better feeding, resting, and reproductive habitats for the conservation of this endangered species (Volunteer field assistant)

[2003] Feeding and Reproductive Ecology of Little Terns in order to generate ecological indicators in estuarine ecosystems. (Volunteer field assistant)
Funding: FCT (37385/BSE/2001)
With international financial support

[2017-2022] Seabird conservation in the Cape Verde archipelago
Funding: MAVA - Foundation pour La Nature
(1.8 M€)

[2013-2014] Trophic ecology and at-sea movements of the endangered Bugio's petrel
Funding: British Ornithologists' Union
(2 K€)

[2011-2012] Feeding ecology and at-sea movements of Macaronesian Shearwaters (Puffinus baroli) in the North Atlantic
Funding: British Ornithologists' Union
(2 K€)


[2017-2020] Planning in a Liquid World with tropical stakes. Solutions from a EU-Africa-Brasil collaborative network.
Funding: European Commission - A3 - Marie Skłodowska-Curie Research and Innovation Staff Exchange
(1.56 M€)

[2018] Preventing Extinctions Programme (PEP) - Species Guardian Scheme - Pterodroma deserta
Funding: BirdLife International

[2016] Tests with artificial nests for the future translocation of the near threatned Cabo Verde shearwater
Funding: Sociedade Zoológica Cabo Verdiana

[2015-2018] EuroSAP - Coordinated Efforts for International Species Recovery
(Collaborator and scientific consultant)
Funding: LIFE EU (LIFE14 PRE/UK/000002)

[2014-2015] Preventing Extinctions Programme (PEP) - Species Guardian Scheme - Oceanodroma monteiroi
(Collaborator and scientific consultant)
Funding: BirdLife International

[2014-2018] Berlengas – Conserving threatened habitats and species in Berlengas SPA through sustainable management. (Collaborator and scientific consultant)
Funding: LIFE EU (LIFE13 NAT/PT/000458)

[2013-2017] LIFE RECOVER NATURA - Recovery of the species and land habitats of the Natura 2000 sites Ponta de São Lourenço and Desertas Islands.
(Collaborator and scientific consultant)
Funding: LIFE EU (LIFE12 NAT/PT/000195)

[2011-2015] MARPRO – Conservation of Marine Protected Species in Mainland Portugal. (Collaborator and scientific consultant)
Funding: LIFE EU (LIFE09 NAT/PT/000038)

[2010-2014] FAME – The Future of the Atlantic Marine Environment. (Collaborator)
Funding: INTERREG EU (2009-1/089)

[2010-2014] Recovering biodiversity of Ilhéus do Porto Santo. (Collaborator)
Funding: LIFE EU (LIFE09 NAT/PT/000041)

[2009-2012] Safe Islands for Seabirds. (Collaborator)
Funding: LIFE EU (LIFE07+ NAT/PT/000649)

[2005-2009] Important Areas for Seabirds in Portugal. (Collaborator)
Funding: LIFE EU (LIFE04 NAT/PT/000213)

[2008] Marine Important Bird Areas in Italy. Coordinated by LIPU – BirdLife partner in Italy. (Collaborator)
Funding: Italian Environmental Ministry

[2007] Yelkouan shearwater project. Coordinated by BirdLife Malta – BirdLife partner in Malta. (Collaborator)
Funding: LIFE EU (LIFE06 NAT/MT/000097)

[2005] Small Cetaceans of the Atlantic and North Sea, LIFE-SCANS II. University of St. Andrews, Oxford, UK. (Contracted filed assistant)
Funding: LIFE EU (LIFE04 NAT/GB/000245)
Services rendered

[2014-2018] Spatial Ecology of seabird species within the
Berlengas SPA and it's relation with fisheries
Funding: SPEA (through LIFE13 NAT/PT/000458)

[2014-2016] Spatial and Trophic Ecology of Macaronesian
seabirds from Madeira archipelago
Funding: SPEA (through LIFE EU - LIFE09

[2012-2014] Portuguese Atlas of Marine Birds
Funding: SPEA (through INTERREG EU - 2009-1/089)

[2008] Tracking data analysis for the design of Marine Important Bird Areas in Italy.
Funding: LIPU – BirdLife partner in Italy (though the Italian Environmental Ministry)
5. membership in scientific societies
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Board member of the Sociedade Portuguesa para o Estudo das Aves, BirdLife
International Partner in Portugal

Board member of PROAQUA - Association for the promotion of knowledge in Aquatic Ecology

Member of the Working Group on Seabird Ecology (WGSE) from the International Council for the Exploration of the Sea (ICES)
6. referee and editor of scientific journals
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[Since 2018] Associate Editor of JOURNAL OF APPLIED ECOLOGY
[6 edited manuscript]

[Since 2018] Associate Editor of PLOS ONE
[11 edited manuscript]

[Since 2017] Guest Associate Editor of DIVERSITY
[5 edited manuscripts]

[Since 2016] Associate Editor of ZOOLOGIA CABOVERDIANA
[3 edited manuscripts]

[Since 2015] Associate Editor of MARINE BIOLOGY
[45 edited manuscripts]

[Since 2014] Guest Associate Editor of AIRO
[7 edited manuscripts]


Airo [7]
Animal Behaviour
Behavioural Ecology
Behavioural Processes
Biological Conservation
Behavioural Ecology and Sociobiology
Biology Letters
Bird Study [2]
CBM - Cahiers de Biologie Marine
Climate Research
Current Zoology
Deep-Sea Research Part I
Deep-Sea Research Part II
Ecological Modelling [2]
Ecological Indicators [17]
Ecology and Evolution [3]
Ecosphere [2]
Emu - Austral Ornithology
Endangered Species Research [2]
Estuarine Coastal and Shelf Science [3]
Frontiers in Ecology and Evolution
Global Ecology and Conservation
Hydrobiologia [2]
Ibis [10]
ICES Journal of Marine Science
Italian Journal of Zoology [2]
Journal of Agriculture and Ecology Research International
Journal of Avian Biology [4]
Journal of Experimental Marine Biology and Ecology
Journal of Field Ornithology [4]
Journal of Ornithology [2]
Journal of the Royal Society Interface [3]
Journal of Sea Research [2]
Journal of Visualized Experiments
Journal of Zoology [2]
Marine Ecology Progress Series [25]
Marine Environmental Research [2]
Marine Biology [4]
Northeastern Naturalist
Ornis Fennica
PCI Ecology
Peerage of Science
Population Ecology
Ringing & Migration
Royal Society of Open Science
Science of the Total Environment
Scientific Reports [2]
The Science of Nature
The Wilson Journal of Ornithology


[2019] Reviewer for the Netherlands Organisation for Scientific Research, Netherlands.

[2017] Reviewer for the National Geographic Grants Program, USA.

[2016] Reviewer for the The Chilean Antarctic Institute, INACH, Chile.

[2014] Reviewer for the California Sea Grant Program - University of California, USA.

[2014] Reviewer of the project report: "Identification of foraging areas of little tern around breeding colony Spetial Protection Areas (SPAs)" conducted by the Joint Nature Conservation Committee (JNCC) - UK governmental organisation

[2011] Member of the international peer reviewer panel for the joint call of the European ERA-Net Scheme (http://www.netbiome.org/) - (Reviewer of 2 projects)


[2019] X Ornithological conference of SPEA - BirdLife partner in Portugal.

[2016] Scientific Committee of the 6th International Albatross and Petrel Conference, Barcelona, Spain.

[2016] IX Ornithological conference of SPEA and V Iberian Ornithological conference (SPEA + SEO - BirdLife partner in Spain).

[2014] VIII Ornithological conference of SPEA - BirdLife partner in Portugal.
7. publications
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|books| |book chapters| |book reviews| |proceedings (int)|
|proceedings (nat)| |national journals| |technical reports| |oral presentations| |posters|
papers in international scientific periodicals with referee (ISI)
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[Total citations: 1138]
[h-index: 20]
[i10-index: 37]

[Productivity 2010-2016: 6 papers/year]
[Impact 2010-2013: 62.5% of papers in journals with IF 2011 > 2.0]

[Productivity 2006-2009: 1.75 papers/year]
[Impact 2006-2009: 34.8% of papers in journals with IF 2011 > 2.0]

[Cumulative IF 2013: 72.134]
[36% as first author, 16% as second author, 7% as last author]

[Internationalization: 69% with co-authors with foreign affiliation]

[84% of papers on Quartile 1 (Q1); 16 % on Quartile 2 (Q2) - SCImago Journal & Country Rank]


[88] PAIVA, V.H., Ceia, F.R., Weimerskirch, H., Garthe, S., Ramos, J.A. (2018) Driven by the climate: Cory’s shearwater as a sentinel species for the effects of climate on the marine environment. Proceedings of the Royal Society B
[IF 2016: 4.820 - Q1] - FIRST AUTHOR

[87] Pereira, J., Ramos, J.A., Ceia, F.R., Gonçalves, C., Votier, S.C., PAIVA, V.H. (2019) Facing extremes: Cory's shearwaters make different foraging decisions in response to contrasting phases of North Atlantic Oscillation.
[IF 2016: 4.022 - Q1] - SENIOR AUTHOR

[86] Pereira, J., Ramos, J.A., Krüger, L., Ceia, F.R., Votier, S.C., PAIVA, V.H. (2019) Ecological niche coexistence between commercial fisheries and Cory's shearwaters in the northeast Atlantic ocean. Biological Conservation.
[IF 2016: 4.022 - Q1] - SENIOR AUTHOR

[85] Matos, D, Treble, N., Geraldes, P., Rodrigues, I., Melo, T., Ramos, J.A., PAIVA, V.H. (2018) Trophic ecology of the sympatric seabird community of Raso Islet - Cabo Verde. Marine Biology.
[IF 2016: 2.468 - Q1] - SENIOR AUTHOR

[84] Reynolds, S.J., Wearn, C.P., Hughes, J., Dickey, R.C., Walls, S., Fox, J.W., Hughes, F.T., Weber, N., Weber, S.B., Leat, E.H.K., Andrews, K., Godley, B.J., Ramos, J.A., PAIVA, V.H. (2019) Movements of a tropical seabird in and beyond a large-scale marine protected area in the South Atlantic

[83] Sarmento, I., Vieira, C, Ramos, J.A., Araújo, P.M., Rodrigues, I., PAIVA, V.H. (2019) Accessing diet quality and foraging ecology of seabirds breeding in Cabo Verde.

[82] Miranda, C.O., Marcelo, A., Nóbrega, C., Sereno, J., Castelhano, J., PAIVA, V.H., Castelo-Branco, M. and de Almeida, L.P. (2018) A single intracerebroventricular transplantation of mesenchymal stem cells transiently alleviates motor impairments on a mouse model of Machado-Joseph disease by up-regulating both the excitatory Glutamate and the inhibitory γ-aminobutyric acid (GABA) neurotransmitters in the cerebellum.


[81] Carreiro, A., PAIVA, V.H., Medeiros, R., Franklin, K., Oliveira, N., Fagundes, A.I., Ramos, J.A. (2019) Metabarcoding, Stables Isotopes and Tracking: unraveling the trophic ecology of a winter-breeding storm-petrel with a multimethod approach. Marine Biology
[IF 2016: 2.468 - Q1]

[80] Morera, V., Péron, C., Catry, P., Magalhães, M., Reyes-González, J.M., Granadeiro, J.P., Militão, T., Dias, M.P., Oro, D., Dell’Omo, G., Muller, M., Paiva, V.H., Metzger, B., Neves, V., Navarro, J., Karris, G., Xirouchakis, S., Zamora-López, A., Forero, M.G., De Felipe, F., Zajková, Z., Cruz-Flores, M., Grémillet, D., González-Solís, J., Ramos, R. (2019) Recurrent biases and solutions in tracking studies. Methods in Ecology and Evolution
[IF 2017: 6.36 - Q1]
[First Review]

[79] Calado, J., PAIVA, V.H., Velando, A., Ramos, J.A., Munilla, F. (2018) Decadal changes in the diet of an opportunistic seabird. ICES Journal of Marine Science
[IF 2016: 2.760 - Q1]
[First Review]

[78] Bastos, R., Martins, B., PAIVA, V.H., Ramos, J.A., Pereira, J., Ceia, F.R., Gouveia, C., Rodrigues, I., Santos, M., Cabral, J. (2018) Does moonlight mediates shearwaters' nest attendance behaviour? Changing patterns revealed throughout the lunar cycle. Journal of Animal Ecology.
[IF 2017: 4.460 - Q1]
[First Review]

[77] Krüger, L., PAIVA, V.H., Finger, J.V.G., Petersen, E., Xavier, J.C., Petry, M.V., Ramos, J.A. (2018) Non-breeding sexual and intra-sexual differences in ecological niche of a highly dimorphic Antarctic seabird species. Aquatic Sciences
[IF 2016: 2.800 - Q1]
[First Review]



[76] Ramos, R., PAIVA, V.H., Zajková, Z., Precheur, C., Fagundes, A.I., Jodice, P.G.R., Mackin, W., Neves, V., Zino, F., Bretagnolle, V., González-Solís, J. (2018) Spatial ecology of closely-related taxa: the case of the little shearwater complex in the North Atlantic Ocean. Diversity & Distribution.
[IF 2012: 6.122 - Q1]

[75] Krüger, L., Pereira, J., PAIVA, V.H., Ramos, J.A. (2018) Personality influences foraging of a seabird under contrasting environmental conditions. Journal of Experimental Biology and Ecology.
[IF 2017: 2.180 - Q1]

[74] Reynolds, S.J., Hughes, B.J., Wearn, C.P., Dickey, R.C., Brown, J., PAIVA, V.H., Ramos, J.A. (2019) Human-induced dietary shifts in a pelagic seabird explain its rapid and precipitous population decline. Global Change Biology. DOI: 10.1111/gcb.14560
[IF 2015: 8.997 - Q1]

[73] Malta, T., Coll, M., Angélico. M. M., Azevedo, M. M., Farias, I., Garrido, S., Lourenço, S., Marçalo, A., Marques, V., Moreno, A., Oliveira, P. B., PAIVA, V.H., Prista, N., Silva, C., Sobrinho-Gonçalves, L., Vingada, J. and Silva, A. (2018) Trophic structure of the Portuguese continental shelf ecosystem: insights on the role and status of sardine. Marine Ecology Progress Series. DOI: 10.3354/meps12724
[IF 2016: 2.292 - Q1]


[72] PAIVA, V.H., Ramos, J.A., Nava, C., Neves, V., Bried, J., Magalhães, M. (2018) Inter-sexual habitat and isotopic niche segregation of the endangered Monteiro’s storm-petrel during breeding. Zoology 126: 29-35. DOI: 10.1016/j.zool.2017.12.006
[IF 2015: 2.259 - Q1] - FIRST AUTHOR

[71] Krüger, L., Ramos, J.A., Xavier, J.C., Grémillet, D., González-Solís, J., Petry, M.V., Phillips, R.A., Wanless, R.M., PAIVA, V.H. (2018) Projected distributions of Southern Ocean albatrosses, petrels and fisheries as a consequence of climatic change. Ecography 41: 195-208. DOI: 10.1111/ecog.02590.
[IF 2016: 5.355 - Q1] - SENIOR AUTHOR

[70] Matos, D., Ramos, J.A., Calado, J., Ceia, F.R., PAIVA, V.H. (2018) How fishing intensity affects the spatial and trophic ecology of two gull species breeding in sympatry. ICES Journal of Marine Science 75: 1949-1964. DOI: 10.1093/icesjms/fsy096
[IF 2016: 2.760 - Q1] - SENIOR AUTHOR

[69] Krüger, L., Pereira, J., Ramírez, I., Ramos, J.A., PAIVA, V.H. (2018) How the future climate may modulate the non-breeding distribution of a Vulnerable gadfly petrel. Marine Ecology Progress Series 599: 253-266. DOI: 10.3354/meps12637
[IF 2016: 2.292 - Q1] - SENIOR AUTHOR

[68] Ramos, J.A., Rodrigues, I., Melo, T., Geraldes, P., PAIVA, V.H. (2018) Variation in ocean conditions affects chick growth, trophic ecology, and foraging range in Cape Verde Shearwater. The Condor 120: 283-290. DOI: 10.1650/CONDOR-17-220.1
[IF 2016: 1.871 - Q1] - SENIOR AUTHOR

[67] Pereira, J.M., Krüger, L., Oliveira, N., Ramos, J.A., PAIVA, V.H. (2018) Using a multi-model ensemble forecasting approach to identify key marine protected areas for top predators in the Portuguese coast. Ocean and Coastal Management 153: 98-107. DOI: 10.1016/j.ocecoaman.2017.12.014
[IF 2017: 1.861 - Q1] - SENIOR AUTHOR

[66] Miranda, C.O., Marcelo, A., Nóbrega, C., Sereno, J., Castelhano, J., PAIVA, V.H., Castelo-Branco, M. and de Almeida, L.P. (2018) Mesenchymal stromal cells repeated treatment sustainably alleviates Machado-Joseph disease. Annals of Neurology. DOI: 10.1016/j.ymthe.2018.07.007
[IF 2016: 9.890 - Q1]

[65] Abolaffio, M., Reynolds, A., Cecere, J., PAIVA, V.H., Focardi, S. (2018) Empirical evidence of olfactory-cued navigation in pelagic birds. Scientific Reports 8: 11590. DOI: 10.1038/s41598-018-29919-0
[IF 2015: 5.470 - Q1]

[64] Ceia, F.R., Cherel, Y., PAIVA, V.H., Ramos, J.A. (2018) Stable isotope dynamics (δ13C and δ15N) in neritic and oceanic waters of the North Atlantic inferred from GPS-tracked Cory’s shearwaters. Frontiers in Marine Science. DOI: 10.3389/fmars.2018.00377
[IF 2016: 2.480 - Q1]

[63] Pereira, J.M., PAIVA, V.H., Phillips, R.A., Xavier, J.C. (2018) No sexual segregation in the foraging ecology of wandering albatrosses during an extreme austral winter. Marine Biology 165: 55. DOI: 10.1007/s00227-018-3316-0
[IF 2016: 2.468 - Q1]

[62] Mendes, R., Ramos, J.A., PAIVA, V.H., Calado, J., Matos, D., Ceia, F.R. (2018) Foraging strategies of a generalist seabird species, the yellow-legged gull, from GPS tracking and stable isotope analyses. Marine Biology.
[IF 2016: 2.468 - Q1]

[61] Krüger, L., PAIVA, V.H., Finger, V.J., Petersen, E.S., Xavier, J.C., Petry, M.V., Ramos, J.A. (2018) Intra-population variability of the non-breeding distribution of southern giant petrels Macronectes giganteus is mediated by individual body size. Antarctic Science. DOI: 10.1017/S0954102018000238
[IF 2016: 1.711 - Q1]

[60] Dimitrijević, D., PAIVA, V.H., Ramos, J.A., Seco, J., Chipev, N., Valente, T., Barbosa, A. and Xavier, J.C. (2018) Isotopic niches of sympatric Gentoo and Chinstrap Penguins: evidence of competition for Antarctic krill? Polar Biology 41: 1655-1669. DOI: 10.1007/s00300-018-2306-5.
[IF 2015: 1.711 - Q1]


[59] PAIVA, V.H., Pereira, J., Ceia, F.R., Ramos, J.A. (2017) Environmental driven sexual segregation in a marine predator. Scientific Reports 7: 2590. DOI:10.1038/s41598-017-02854-2
[IF 2015: 5.470 - Q1] - FIRST AUTHOR

[58] Krüger, L., Ramos, J.A., Xavier, J.C., Grémillet, D., González-Solís, J., Kolbeinsson, Y., Militão ,T., Navarro, J., Petry, M.V., Phillips, R.A., Ramírez, I., Reyes-González, J.M., Ryan, P.G., Sigurdsson, A., Wales, R.M., Van Sebille, E., PAIVA, V.H. (2017) Identification of candidate marine protected areas through a seabird seasonal-, multispecific- and extinction risk-based approach. Animal Conservation. DOI: 10.1111/acv.12339.
[IF 2012: 2.788 - Q1] - SENIOR AUTHOR

[57] Ramírez, I., Tarzia, M., Dias, M.P., Ramos, J.A., Garthe, S., PAIVA, V.H. (2017) How well is the EU protecting its seabirds? Progress in implementing the Birds Directive at sea. Marine Policy 81: 179-184. DOI: 10.1016/j.marpol.2017.03.034.
[IF 2016: 2.453 - Q1] - SENIOR AUTHOR

[56] Calado, J., Ramos, J.A., Ceia, F.R., Matos, D., Moniz, F., Granadeiro, J.P., PAIVA, V.H. (2017) Inter-annual variation of the trophic and feeding ecology of two sympatric gull species. Journal of Avian Biology. DOI: 10.1111/jav.01463
[IF 2016: 2.192 - Q1] - SENIOR AUTHOR

[55] Krüger, L., Ramos, J.A., Petry, V., PAIVA, V.H. (2017) Seabird breeding population size on the Antarctic Peninsula related to fisheries activities in non-breeding ranges off South America. Antarctic Science
[IF 2016: 1.336 - Q2] - SENIOR AUTHOR

[54] Avalos, M., Ramos, J.A., Soares, M., Ceia, F.R., Fagundes, A.I., Gouveia, C., Menezes, D., PAIVA, V.H. (2017) Comparing the foraging strategies of a seabird predator, when recovering from a drastic climatic event. Marine Biology 164:48. DOI: 10.1007/s00227-017-3082-4.
[IF 2012: 2.468 - Q1] - SENIOR AUTHOR

[53] Ramos, R., Carlile, N., Medeiros, J., Ramírez, I., PAIVA, V.H., Dinis, H., Zino, F., Biscoito, M., Leal, G., Bugoni, L., Jodice, P., Ryan, P.G., González-Solís, J. (2017) The time for oceanic seabirds: tracking year-round distribution of gadfly petrels across the Atlantic Ocean. Diversity Distribution. DOI: 10.1111/ddi.12569.
[IF 2012: 6.122 - Q1]

[52] Pereira, J.M., PAIVA, V.H., Xavier, J.C. (2017) Seabirds mapping the distribution of elusive pelagic cephalopod species. Marine Ecology Progress Series. https://doi.org/10.3354/meps12020
[IF 2012: 2.620 - Q1]

[51] Krüger, L., PAIVA, V.H., Ramos, J.A., Petry, M.V., Montone, R. (2017) Population estimate of Trindade Petrel Pterodroma arminjoniana by the use of predictive nest habitat modelling. Bird Conservation International 28: 197-207. DOI: 10.1017/S0959270916000289
[IF 2015: 1.784 - Q1]


[50] PAIVA, V.H., Fagundes, I. Fidalgo, V., Gouveia, C., Ramos, J.A. (2016) Population-scale foraging in an apex predator on the North Atlantic. PLoS ONE 11(3): e0151340. DOI:10.1371/journal.pone.0151340.
[IF 2012: 3.534 - Q1] - FIRST AUTHOR

[49] Fagundes, A.I., Ramos, J.A., Ramos, U., Medeiros, R., PAIVA, V.H. (2016) Breeding biology of a winter-breeding procellariiform in the North Atlantic, the Macaronesian Shearwater Puffinus baroli. Zoology 119: 421-429. DOI: 10.1016/j.zool.2016.05.014
[IF 2012: 1.670 - Q1] - SENIOR AUTHOR

[48] Correia, A., Ramos, J.A., PAIVA, V.H. (2016) Identifying the diet of Little Terns (Sternula albifrons). Waterbirds 39: 318-322. DOI: 10.1675/063.039.0313
[IF 2014: 0.648 - Q2] - SENIOR AUTHOR

[47] Reynolds, A., PAIVA, V.H., Cecere, J., Focardi, S. (2016) Lévy patterns in seabirds are multifaceted describing both spatial and temporal patterning. Frontiers in Zoology 13: 29. DOI: 10.1186/s12983-016-0160-2
[IF 2015: 3.051 - Q1]

[46] Ramos, R., Ramírez, I., PAIVA, V.H., Militão, T., Biscoito, M., Menezes, D., Phillips, R.A., Zino, F., González-Sólis, J. (2016) Global spatial ecology of three closely-related gadfly petrels that breed in Macaronesia. Scientific Reports 6, 23447. DOI: 10.1038/srep23447
[IF 2015: 5.578 - Q1]

[45] Garthe, S., Schwemmer, P., PAIVA, V.H., Corman, A-M., Fock, H., Voigt, C.C., Adler, S. (2016) Terrestrial and marine foraging strategies of an opportunistic seabird species breeding in the Wadden Sea. Pos ONE 11(8): e0159630. DOI:10.1371/journal.pone.0159630
[IF 2012: 3.534 - Q1]

[44] Munilla, F., Genovart, M., PAIVA, V.H., Velando, A. (2016) Colony foundation in an oceanic seabird. PLoS ONE 11(2): e0147222.. DOI: 10.1371/journal.pone.0147222
[IF 2012: 3.534 - Q1]

[43] Krüger, L., PAIVA, V.H., Petry, M.V., Ramos, J.A. (2016) Strange lights in the night: using abnormal night peaks of light in geolocator data to infer interaction of seabirds with nocturnal fishing vessels. Polar Biology. DOI: 10.1007/s00300-016-1933-y
[IF 2013: 2.006 - Q1]

[42] Araújo, M.P., Tenreiro, P.Q., Silva, L.P., PAIVA, V.H., Ramos, J.A. (2016) Reedbed passerines migrating through Portugal: environmental influence on stopover ecology throughout over the last decade. Zoology. DOI: 10.1016/j.zool.2016.01.005
[IF 2012: 1.670 - Q1]

[41] Krüger, L., PAIVA, V.H., Ramos, J.A., Colabuono, F.I., Petry, M.V., Montone, R. (2016) Year-round spatial movements and trophic ecology of Trindade Petrels (Pterodroma arminjoniana). Journal of Field Ornithology. DOI: 10.1111/jofo.12175
[IF 2012: 0.978 - Q2]


[40] PAIVA, V.H., Geraldes, P., Rodrigues, I., Melo, T., Ramos, J.A. (2015) The foraging ecology of Cape Verde Shearwater, a sentinel species for marine conservation off West Africa. PLoS ONE 10(10): e0139390. DOI: 10.1371/journal.pone.0139390
[IF 2012: 3.534 - Q1] - FIRST AUTHOR

[39] Missagia, R., Ramos, J.A., Louzao, M., Delord, K., Weimerskirch, H., PAIVA, V.H. (2015) Year-round distribution suggests spatial segregation of Cory’s Shearwaters based on breeding experience. Marine Biology 162: 2279-2289. DOI: 10.1007/s00227-015-2762-1
[IF 2012: 2.468 - Q1] - SENIOR AUTHOR

[38] Ramos, J.A., Fagundes, I., Xavier, J.C., Fidalgo, V., Ceia, F.R., Medeiros, R., PAIVA, V.H. (2015) A switch in the Atlantic Oscillation correlates with inter-annual changes in foraging location and food habits of Macaronesian shearwaters (Puffinus baroli) nesting on two islands of the sub-tropical Atlantic Ocean. Deep-Sea Research I 104: 60-71. DOI:10.1016/j.dsr.2015.07.001
[IF 2012: 2.825 - Q1] - SENIOR AUTHOR

[37] Lopes, C., Ramos, J.A., PAIVA, V.H. (2015) Changes in vegetation cover explain shifts of colony sites by Little Terns (Sternula albifrons) in coastal Portugal. Waterbirds 38: 260-268. DOI: 10.1675/063.038.0306.
[IF 2014: 0.648 - Q2] - SENIOR AUTHOR

[36] Reynolds, A., Cecere, J., PAIVA, V.H., Ramos, J.A., Focardi, S. (2015) Pelagic seabirds under natural conditions rely on olfactory maps for general oceanic navigation. Proceedings of the Royal Society B. DOI: 10.1098/rspb.2015.0468.
[IF 2013: 5.683 - Q1]

[35] Ceia, F.R., PAIVA, V.H., Ceia, R.S., Hervías, S., Garthe, S., Marques, J.C., Ramos, J.A. (2015) Spatial foraging segregation by close neighbours of a highly mobile seabird species. Oecologia 177: 431-440. DOI: 10.1007/s00442-014-3109-1
[IF 2012: 3.011 - Q1]

[34] Ramírez, I., PAIVA, V.H., Fagundes, I., Menezes, D., Silva, I., Ceia, F., Phillips, R.A., Ramos, J.A., Garthe, S. (2015) Conservation implications of consistent foraging and trophic ecology in a rare petrel species. Animal Conservation. DOI:10.1111/acv.12227
[IF 2012: 2.524 - Q1]

[33] Pedro, S., Xavier, J.C., Tavares, S., Ratcliffe, N., Trathan, P.N., PAIVA, V.H., Pereira, E., Cherel, Y., Pardal, M.A. (2015) Feathers as a tool to assess mercury contamination in gentoo penguins: variations at the individual level. PLoS ONE 10(9): e0137622. DOI: 10.1371/journal.pone.0137622
[IF 2012: 3.534 - Q1]

[32] Haug, F.D., PAIVA, V.H., Werner, A.C., Ramos, J.A. (2015) Foraging by experienced and inexperienced Cory’s shearwater along a 3-year period of ameliorating foraging conditions. Marine Biology 162: 649-660. DOI: 10.1007/s00227-015-2612-1.
[IF 2012: 2.468 - Q1

[31] Pedro, S., Xavier, J.C., Tavares, S., Trathan, P.N., Ratcliffe, N., PAIVA, V.H., Medeiros, R., Pereira, E., Pardal, M.A. (2015) Mercury accumulation in Gentoo penguins Pygoscelis papua: spatial, temporal and sexual intraspecific variations. Polar Biology. DOI: 10.1007/s00300-015-1697-9.
[IF 2013: 2.006 - Q1]

[30] Seco, J., Roberts, J., Ceia, F., Beata, A., Ramos, J.A., PAIVA, V.H., Xavier, J.C. (2015) Distribution, habitat and trophic ecology of Antactic cephalopods: inferences from predators and stable isotopes. Polar Biology. DOI: 10.1007/s00300-015-1675-2.
[IF 2013: 2.006 - Q1]


[29] Monticelli, D., Ramos, J.A., Pedro, P., Catry, T., PAIVA, V.H. (2014) Reproductive parameters of tropical lesser noddies respond to local variations in oceanographic conditions and weather. Estuarine, Coastal and Shelf Science 139: 110-118. DOI: 10.1016/j.ecss.2013.12.026
[IF 2012: 2.324 - Q1] - SENIOR AUTHOR

[28] Robert, A., PAIVA, V.H., Bolton, M., Jiguet, F., Bried, J. (2014) Nest fidelity is driven by multi-scale information in a long-lived seabird. Proceedings of the Royal Society B 281. DOI: 10.1098/rspb.2014.1692
[IF 2013: 5.683 - Q1]

[27] Rubolini, D., Maggini, I., Ambrosini, R., Imperio, S., PAIVA, V.H., Gaibini, G., Saino, N., Cecere, J.G. (2014) The effect of moonlight on Scopoli’s shearwater Calonectris diomedea colony attendance patterns and nocturnal foraging: a test of the foraging efficiency hypothesis. Ethology 120: 1-16. DOI: 10.1111/eth.12338
[IF 2012: 1.947 - Q1]

[26] Ceia, F.R., PAIVA, V.H., Garthe, S., Marques, J.C., Ramos, J.A. (2014) Can variations in the spatial distribution at sea and isotopic niche width be associated with consistency in the isotopic niche of a pelagic seabird species? Marine Biology 161: 1861-1872. DOI: 10.1007/s00227-014-2468-9
[IF 2012: 2.468 - Q1]

[25] Werner, A., PAIVA, V.H., Ramos, J.A. (2014). On the "real estate market", individual quality and the foraging ecology of male Cory's shearwaters. The Auk 131: 265-274. DOI: 10.1642/AUK-13-172.1
[IF 2012: 2.404 - Q1]

[24] Ceia, F.R., PAIVA, V.H., Fidalgo, V., Morais, L., Baeta, A., Crisóstomo, P., Mourato, E., Garthe, S., Marques, J.C., Ramos, J.A. (2014) Annual and seasonal consistency in the feeding ecology of an opportunistic species, the yellow-legged gull (Larus michahellis). Marine Ecology Progress Series 497: 273-284. DOI: 10.3354/meps10586.
[IF 2012: 2.546 - Q1]

[23] Pedro, P., Monticelli, D., PAIVA, V.H., Ramos, J.A. (2014) Diet of tropical Roseate Tern chicks on Aride Island and the role of local oceanographic conditions and age of chicks on food provisioning. Emu 114(2) 146-153. http://dx.doi.org/10.1071/MU13024
[IF 2012: 1.895 - Q1]


[22] PAIVA, V.H., Geraldes, P., Marques, V., Rodríguez, R., Garthe, S., Ramos, J.A. (2013). Effects of environmental variability on different trophic levels of the North Atlantic food web. Marine Ecology Progress Series 477: 15-28. DOI: 10.3354/meps10180
[IF 2012: 2.546 - Q1] - FIRST AUTHOR

[21] PAIVA, V.H., Werner, A., Geraldes, P., Ramirez, I., Garthe, S., Ramos, J.A. (2013). Overcoming difficult times: The behavioural resilience of a marine predator when facing environmental stochasticity. Marine Ecology Progress Series 486: 277-288. DOI: 10.3354/meps10332.
[IF 2012: 2.546 - Q1] - FIRST AUTHOR

[20] Ramos, J.A., Pedro, P., Matos, A., PAIVA, V.H. (2013) Relation between climatic factors, diet and reproductive parameters of Little Terns over a decade. Acta Oecologica 53: 56-62. DOI: 10.1016/j.actao.2013.09.001
[IF 2012: 1.621 - Q1] - SENIOR AUTHOR

[19] Pedro, P., Ramos, J.A., Neves, V., PAIVA, V.H. (2013) Past and Present Trophic Position and Decadal Changes in the diet of Yellow-legged gull in the Azores Archipelago, NE Atlantic. European Journal of Wildlife Research 59: 833-845. DOI 10.1007/s10344-013-0737-4.
[IF 2012: 1.208 - Q1] - SENIOR AUTHOR

[18] Xavier, J. C., Barbosa, A., Agusti, S., Alonso-Sáez, L., Ameneiro, J., Avila, C., Baeta, A., Canário, J., Carmona, R., Catry, P., Ceia, F., Cruz, B., Duarte, C.M., Gili, J.M., Gonçalves, A. R., Gordillo, F.J.L., Granadeiro, J. P., Isla, E., Jiménez, C., Lourenço, S.,Marques, J. C., Moreira, E., Mota, A. M., Nogueira, M., PAIVA, V. H., et al. (2013) Polar marine biology science in Portugal and Spain: Recent advances and future perspectives. Journal of Sea Research 83: 9-29. DOI: 10.1016/j.seares.2013.05.013
[IF 2012: 1.829 - Q1]

[17] Ramos, R., Granadeiro, J.P., Rodríguez, B., Navarro, J., PAIVA, V.H., Bécares, J., Reyes-González, J.M., Fagundes, I., Ruiz, A., Arcos, P., González-Sólis, J., Catry, P. (2013) Meta-population foraging grounds of Cory’s shearwater in the subtropical Atlantic Ocean: implications for the definition of Marine Protected Areas based on tracking studies. Diversity and Distributions 19: 1284–1298. DOI: 10.1111/ddi.12088.
[IF 2012: 6.122 - Q1]

[16] Ramírez, I., PAIVA, V.H., Menezes, D., Phillips, R., Ramos, J.A., Garthe, S. (2013) Year-round distribution and habitat preferences of Bugio petrel. Marine Ecology Progress Series 476: 269-284. DOI: 10.3354/meps10083
[IF 2012: 2.546 - Q1]


[15] Robert, A., PAIVA, V.H., Bolton, M., Jiguet, F. & Bried, J. (2012) The interaction between reproductive cost and individual quality is mediated by oceanic conditions in a long-lived bird. Ecology 93:1944–1952. DOI: 10.1890/11-1840.1.
[IF 2012: 5.175 - Q1]

[14] Alonso, H., Granadeiro, J.P., PAIVA, V.H., Dias, A.S., Ramos, J.A. & Catry, P. (2012) Stable isotopes and tracking reveal a link between foraging strategy and the level of dietary segregation between parents and offspring in Cory’s shearwaters. Marine Biology 159: 1197-1207. DOI:10.1007/s00227-012-1900-2.
[IF 2012: 2.468 - Q1]


[13] Xavier, J.C., Magalhães, M.C., Mendonça, A.S., Antunes, M., Carvalho, N., Machete, M., Santos, R.S., PAIVA, V.H., Hamer, K.C. (2011) Changes in diet of Cory’s Shearwaters Calonectris diomedea breeding in the Azores . Marine Ornithology 39: 129-134.
[IF 2012: 0.450 - Q2]


[12] PAIVA, V.H., Geraldes, P., Ramirez, I., Meirinho, A., Garthe, S. & Ramos, J.A. (2010). Foraging plasticity in a pelagic seabird species along a marine productivity gradient. Marine Ecology Progress Series 398: 259-274. DOI:10.3354/meps08319.
[IF 2012: 2.546 - Q1] - FIRST AUTHOR

[11] PAIVA, V.H., Geraldes, P., Ramirez, I., Ramos, J.A. & Garthe, S. (2010). How Area Restricted search of a pelagic seabird changes while performing a dual foraging strategy. Oikos 119: 1423-1434. DOI: 10.1111/j.1600‐0706.2010.18294.
[IF 2012: 3.322 - Q1] - FIRST AUTHOR

[10] PAIVA, V.H., Xavier, J., Geraldes, P., Ramirez, I., Meirinho, A., Ramos, J.A. & Garthe, S. (2010). Foraging ecology of Cory’s shearwaters in different ecological environments of the North Atlantic. Marine Ecology Progress Series 410: 257-268. DOI:10.3354/meps08617.
[IF 2012: 2.546 - Q1] - FIRST AUTHOR

[9] PAIVA, V.H., Geraldes, P., Ramirez, I., Meirinho, A., Ramos, J.A. & Garthe, S. (2010). Oceanographic characteristics of areas used by Cory’s shearwaters during short and long foraging trips in the North Atlantic. Marine Biology 157: 1385-1399. DOI:10.1007/s00227­‐010-­1417‐5.
[IF 2012: 2.468 - Q1] - FIRST AUTHOR

[8] PAIVA, V.H., Geraldes, P., Guilford, T., Meade, J., Ramos, J.A. & Garthe, S. (2010). Flight dynamics of Cory’s Shearwater foraging in a coastal environment. Zoology 113: 47-56. DOI:10.1016/j.zool.2009.05.003.
[IF 2012: 1.471 - Q1] - FIRST AUTHOR


[7] PAIVA, V.H., Ramos, J.A. & Tavares, P.C. (2008). The influence of diet on mercury intake by Little Tern chicks. Archives of Environmental Contamination and Toxicology 55: 317-328. DOI:10.1007/s00244-­007‐9118‐x.
[IF 2012: 2.012 - Q1] - FIRST AUTHOR

[6] PAIVA, V.H., Ramos, J.A., Martins, J., Almeida, A. & Carvalho, A. (2008). Foraging habitat selection of Little Terns Sterna albifrons in an estuarine lagoon system of southern Portugal. Ibis 150: 18-31. DOI: 10.1111/j.1474-919X.2007.00722.x
[IF 2012: 2.361 - Q1] - FIRST AUTHOR


[5] Bried, J., Geraldes, P. & PAIVA, V.H. (2007) First attempted breeding of Manx Shearwater (Puffinus puffinus Branch, 1764) on Santa Maria, Azores. Arquipélago - Life and Marine Sciences 24: 61-63.
[IF 2012: 1.094 - Q2] - SENIOR AUTHOR

[4] Medeiros, R., Ramos, J.A., PAIVA, V.H., Almeida, A., Pedro, P. & Sandra, A. (2007). Signage reduces the impact of human disturbance on little tern nesting success in Portugal. Biological Conservation 135(1): 99-106. DOI:10.1016/j.biocon.2006.10.001.
[IF 2012: 3.794 - Q1]


[3] PAIVA, V.H., Ramos, J.A., Machado, D., Penha-Lopes, G., Bouslama, M.F., Dias, N. & Nielsen, S. (2006). Importance of marine prey to growth of estuarine tern chicks: evidence from an energetic balance model. Ardea 94 (2): 241-255.
[IF 2012: 0.886 - Q2] - FIRST AUTHOR

[2] PAIVA, V.H., Ramos, J.A., Catry, T., Pedro, P., Medeiros, R. & Palma, J. (2006). Influence of environmental factors and nutritive value of food on Little Tern Sterna albifrons chick growth and food delivery. Bird Study 53: 1-11. DOI:10.1080/00063650609461410.
[IF 2012: 1.017 - Q2] - FIRST AUTHOR

[1] Catry, T., Ramos, J.A., Martins, J., Peste, F., Trigo, S., Paiva, V.H., Almeida, A., Luís, A., Palma, J. & Andrade, P. (2006). Intercolony and annual differences in the diet and feeding ecology of Little Tern adults and chicks in Portugal. The Condor 108: 366-376. DOI:10.1650/0010-­5422(2006)108[366:iaadit]2.0.co;2.
[IF 2012: 1.370 - Q1]
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[3] Meirinho, A., Barros, N., Oliveira, N., Catry, P., Lecoq, M., Paiva, V.H., Geraldes, P., Granadeiro, J.P., Ramírez, I. & Andrade, J. (2014) Atlas das Aves Marinhas de Portugal. Projeto FAME - Sociedade Portuguesa para o Estudo das Aves. Lisboa.

[2] Ramírez, I., Geraldes, P., Meirinho, A., Amorim, P., Paiva, V.H. (eds.) (2008) Important Areas for Seabirds in Portugal. Project LIFE04NAT/PT/000213 - Sociedade Portuguesa Para o Estudo das Aves. Lisboa. http://lifeibasmarinhas.spea.pt/pt/y-book/ibasmarinhas/

[1] Atlas, Equipa. (2008) Atlas das Aves Nidificantes em Portugal (1999-2005). ed. 1. Lisboa: Assírio & Alvim
book chapters
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proceedings of international meetings with referee
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national journals, from portugal or from abroad, with peer review
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proceedings of portuguese national meetings
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editorial and book reviews
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technical reports
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[6] Geraldes, P., J. Kelly, T. Melo, Rodrigues, I., PAIVA, V.H. and P. Donald 2016. The Restoration of Santa Luzia, Republic of Cabo Verde, Feasibility Study and Restoration action plan 2016-2020.Protecting Threatened and Endemic Species in Cape Verde: A Major Island Restoration Project (Critical Ecosystems Partnership Fund). – Sociedade Portuguesa para o Estudo das Aves

[5] PAIVA, V.H., I. Fagundes, E. Favaro, V. Fidalgo, U. Ramos, C. Gouveia, F. Nunes, L. Barcelló, M. Gozalbez, R. Medeiros, J. Xavier, J. A. Ramos (2012). Feeding ecology and at-sea movements of Macaronesian shearwaters in the North Atlantic. BOU Ornithological Research report

[4] BirdLife International (2011). Habitat modelling using satellite tracking data: a workshop to advance this process. Results from a workshop held 21 – 23 September 2011 at University of Coimbra, Portugal. BirdLife International report. Cambridge, UK.

[3] BirdLife International (2010). Marine Important Bird Areas toolkit: standardized techniques for identifying priority sites for the conservation of seabirds at-sea. BirdLife International, Cambridge UK. Version 1.1: May 2010

[2] Final LIFE official report (2009): Marine Important Bird areas LIFE04 NAT/PT/000213 (http://lifeibasmarinhas.spea.pt/documentos/Relatorio%20LIFE%20IBAs%20Marinhas.pdf)

[1] "Portuguese Marine Important Bird Areas Guidelines. (2008) " A summary of the two workshops organized within the LIFE04NAT/PT/000213 Project. SPEA & BirdLife International.
oral presentations
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[48] Morera-Pujol, V., Péron, C; Catry, P., Reyes-González, J.M., Granadeiro, J.P., Militão, T., Dias, M.P., Oro, D., Dell’Omo, G., Muller, M., PAIVA, V.H., Metzger, B., Neves, V., Navarro, J., Karris, G., Xirouchakis, S., Zamora-López, A., Forero, M.G., De Felipe, F., Zajková, Z., Cruz- Flores, M., Grémillet, D., González-Solís, J., Ramos, R. (2017) The big picture for pelagic shearwaters: global distribution of Calonectris shearwaters across the Mediterranean, Atlantic and Indian Oceans.British Ornithologists’ Union (BOU) annual conference, Warwick, UK.


[47] PAIVA, VH, Ramírez, I, Fagundes, I, Menezes, D, Silva, I, Ceia, FR, Garthe, S, Ramos, JA (2016) Conservation implications of consistent foraging and trophic ecology in a rare Pterodroma sp species. Pan-African Ornithological Congress, Dakar (Sénégal).

[46] PAIVA, VH, Ceia, FR, Krüger, L, Geraldes, P, Garthe, S, Ramos, JA (2016) Driven by the climate: Cory’s shearwater as a sentinel species for the effects of climate on the marine environment. 6th International Albatross and Petrel Conference, Barcelona (Spain).

[45] PAIVA, VH, Ramirez, I, Fagundes, AI, Ceia, FR, Phillips, R, Garthe, S, Ramos, JA (2016) Consistency on the foraging behaviour of Deserta’s petrel: implications for the species’ conservation. 6th International Albatross and Petrel Conference, Barcelona (Spain).

[44] Gonçalves, C, Ramos, JA, Ceia, FR, Krüger, L, PAIVA, VH, (2016) Chick provisioning regulation on a pelagic seabird: is there a coordination among the pair? IX Congresso de Ornitologia da SPEA & VI Congresso Ibérico de Ornitologia, Vila Real (Portugal).

[43] Lopes, C, Ramos, JA, PAIVA, VH, (2016) Vegetative cover and environmental variability in explaining fluctuations in Little Terns' breeding population size. IX Congresso de Ornitologia da SPEA & VI Congresso Ibérico de Ornitologia, Vila Real (Portugal).

[42] Faria, J, Ramos, JA, Ceia, FR, Krüger, L, PAIVA, VH, (2016) Assessing the overlap of Marine Protected Areas network for mainland Portugal with the distribution of marine top predators. IX Congresso de Ornitologia da SPEA & VI Congresso Ibérico de Ornitologia, Vila Real (Portugal).

[41] Calado, J, PAIVA, VH, Ramos, JA (2016) Stable isotopes and regurgitations reveal differential consumption of fishery discards by Yellow-legged and Audouin's gulls breeding in sympatry. IX Congresso de Ornitologia da SPEA & VI Congresso Ibérico de Ornitologia, Vila Real (Portugal).

[40] PAIVA, VH (2015) Seabirds as sentinels of the Berlenga Biosphere Reserve. I Journeys for the knowledge of the Berlengas Biosphere Reserve, Peniche (Portugal).


[39] Reynolds, A., Cecere, J., PAIVA, V.H., Ramos, J.A., Focardi, S. (2015) Pelagic seabird flight patterns are consistent with a reliance on olfactory maps for oceanic navigation. XIV International Ornithological Conference of North Eurasia, Almaty (Kazakhstan).

[38] PAIVA, VH, Haug, F.D., Ceia, F.R., Ramos, J.A. (2015) Foraging by experienced and inexperienced Cory's shearwater along a 5-year period of ameliorating environmental conditions. 2nd World Seabird Conference, Cape Town (South Africa).

[37] Araújo, PM, da Silva, LP, PAIVA, VH, Ramos, JA (2015) Reed warblers migrating through Portugal. a climatic influence on stopover ecology over the last decade. European Ornithologists' Union Conference, Badajoz (Spain).


[36] Garcia, S., Reyes-González, J.M., Macias, D., PAIVA, V.H., Ramos, R., Navarro, J., Forero, M.F., González-Solís, J. (2014) Longline fisheries in the NE Atlantic, a threat for seabirds? Ecosystem Approach to the Management of Fisheries and the Marine Environment in West African Waters Conference, Dakar (Senegal).

[35] Xavier, J.C., Lourenço, S., Seco, J., Pedro, S., Loureiro, J., Tavares, S., Kruger, L., Ferreira, S., Azinhaga, P., Cruz, B., Velez, N., Dimitrijevic, D., Guimarães, B., Araújo, M., Ceia, F.R., PAIVA, V.H., Ramos, J.A., Marques, J.C. (2014) Southern Ocean ecosystems: a review of potential impacts of environmental change in the future. VI Portuguese Polar Conference, Oporto (Portugal).

[34] Pedro, S., Xavier, J.C., Tavares, S., Ratcliffe, N., Trathan, P.N., PAIVA, V.H., Pereira, E., Cherel, Y., Pardal, M.A. (2014) Feathers as a tool to assess mercury contamination in Gentoo penguins: variations at the individual level. VI Portuguese Polar Conference, Oporto (Portugal).

[33] Krüger, L., Ramos, J.A., Xavier, J.C., PAIVA, V.H., Petry, M.V. (2014) Oceanographic characteristics explain sexual segregation in foraging habitats by giant petrels. SCAR Open Science Conference, Auckland (New Zealand).

[32] Missagia, R., Ramos, J.A., PAIVA, V.H. (2014) Year-round distribution suggestes spatial segregation of Cory's shearwaters (Calonectris diomedea borealis), based on breeding experience. Oceanographic Brazilian Conference, Itajaí (Brazil).

[31] Robert, A., PAIVA, V.H., Bolton, M., Jiguet, F., Bried, J. (2014) Nest fidelity is driven by multi-scale information in a long-lived seabird. 99th ESA Annual Meeting, Sacramento (USA).

[30] PAIVA, V.H., Haug, F., Missagia, R., Garthe, S., Ramos, J.A. (2014) Quando a experiência importa: as opções de procura de alimento de um predador de topo do oceano Atlântico durante todo o ano. VIII Congresso de Ornitologia da Sociedade Portuguesa para o Estudo das Aves, Almada (Portugal).

[29] PAIVA, V.H., Geraldes, P., Fortes, I., Melo, T., MElo, J., Ramos, J.A. (2014) Identificação das áreas de alimentação da Cagarra de Cabo-Verde com recurso a GPS-loggers. VIII Congresso de Ornitologia da Sociedade Portuguesa para o Estudo das Aves, Almada (Portugal).

[28] Ramos, J.A., PAIVA, V.H., Marques, V., Garthe, S. (2014) A cagarra: um bio-indicador dos efeitos da variabilidade ambiental no Atlântico Norte. VIII Congresso de Ornitologia da Sociedade Portuguesa para o Estudo das Aves, Almada (Portugal).

[27] Andrade, J., Meirinho, A., Ramírez, I., Barros, N., Oliveira, N., Geraldes, P., PAIVA, V.H. (2014) Atlas das Aves Marinhas de Portugal. VIII Congresso de Ornitologia da Sociedade Portuguesa para o Estudo das Aves, Almada (Portugal).

[26] Pedro, P.I., Ramos, J.A., Costa, V.N., PAIVA, V.H. (2014) Posição trófica no passado e no presente e alterações na dieta de Gaivotas de patas amarelas Larus michahellis atlantis ao longo de uma década no arquipélago dos Açores, Atlântico Nordeste. VIII Congresso de Ornitologia da Sociedade Portuguesa para o Estudo das Aves, Almada (Portugal).


[25] Xavier, J.C., Lourenço, S., Ceia, F.R., Tavares, S., Kruger, L., Seco, J., Alvito, P., Guerreiro, M., Gonçalves, A.R., Pedro, S., Valente, T., Velez, N., Azinhaga, P., Cruz, B., PAIVA, V.H., Ramos, J.A., Marques, J.C. (2013). Effects of environmental change in the structure and function of the Southern Ocean. 5th Portuguese Conference on Polar Sciences, University of Algarve, Faro (Portugal)

[24] Ramos, J.A., PAIVA, V.H., Marques, V., Garthe, S. (2013) Cory's shearwaters as sentinels of the effects of environmental variability in North Atlantic marine food webs. 37th Annual Meeting of the Waterbirds Society. Wilhelmshaven (Germany).


[23] PAIVA, V.H. (2012) Conservação aplicada ao meio marinho: o uso das novas tecnologias na marcação de aves marinhas. Workshop ICNF - Mata Nacional do Choupal. Coimbra (Portugal).

[22] Xavier, J.C., Lourenço, S., Ceia, F.R., Collins, M., Vieira, R. P., PAIVA, V.H., Cruz, B., Phillips, R. A., Cherel, Y., Murphy, E., Johnston, N., Alvito, P., Bloom, S., Guerreiro, M., Seco, J., Gonçalves, A. R., Velez, N., Ramos, J. A., Marques, J.C. (2012) Marine Resources in the Southern Ocean: Insights from Top Predator Diets on the Role of Krill and Cephalopods. IV Portuguese Conference on Polar Science. Lisbon (Portugal).


[21] PAIVA, V.H., Werner, A., Angélico, M., Marques, V., Rodríguez, R., Ramírez, I., Ramos, J.A., Garthe, S., Stratoudakis, Y. (2011) Revealing the whole story: Small-scale habitat use by breeders, non-breeders, males and females of Cory’s Shearwaters around Berlengas Island. VII Congresso de Ornitologia da Sociedade Portuguesa para o Estudo das Aves e I Jornadas Macaronésicas de Ornitologia, Machico (Portugal). (http://www.spea.pt/fotos/editor2/livro_resumos_cong2011.pdf)

[20] Ceia, F., PAIVA, V.H., Ceia, R., Ramos, J.A. (2011) Spatial segregation in the search of food of two neighbour Cory’s shearwaters populations. VII Congresso de Ornitologia da Sociedade Portuguesa para o Estudo das Aves e I Jornadas Macaronésicas de Ornitologia, Machico (Portugal). URL: http://www.spea.pt/fotos/editor2/livro_resumos_cong2011.pdf

[19] Ramos, J.A., Werner, A.C., Granadeiro, J.P., Catry, P., PAIVA, V.H. (2011) Sexual dimorphism and at-sea foraging behavior of Cory’s shearwater breeding in Selvagem Grande and Berlengas. VII Congresso de Ornitologia da Sociedade Portuguesa para o Estudo das Aves e I Jornadas Macaronésicas de Ornitologia, Machico (Portugal). (http://www.spea.pt/fotos/editor2/livro_resumos_cong2011.pdf)

[18] Ramírez, I; PAIVA, V.H., Phillips, R., Ramos, J.A., Garthe, S. (2011) Winter holidays in different areas: Bugio’s petrel make the most of the Atlantic Ocean. VII Congresso de Ornitologia da Sociedade Portuguesa para o Estudo das Aves e I Jornadas Macaronésicas de Ornitologia, Machico (Portugal). (http://www.spea.pt/fotos/editor2/livro_resumos_cong2011.pdf)

[17] Xavier, J.C., Ramos, J.A., Ceia, F.R., Collins, M., Lourenço, S., Vieira, R.P., PAIVA, V.H., Cruz, B., Phillips, R.A., Cherel, Y., Murphy, E., Wadley, V., Van de Putte, A., Baeseman, J., Marques, J.C. (2011) Project POLAR: Major Results on Antarctic Marine Ecology. III Portuguese Conference for Polar Sciences, Coimbra (Portugal).


[16] Amorim, P., PAIVA, V.H., Geraldes, P., Ramírez, I., Meirinho, A. (2010) Important areas for seabirds in Azores. 1st World Seabird Conference, Victoria (Canada).

[15] PAIVA, V.H., Geraldes, P., Ramírez, I., Meirinho, A., Ramos, J.A., Garthe, S. (2010) The foraging plasticity of a pelagic seabird species feeding along a marine productivity gradient. 1st World Seabird Conference, Victoria (Canada).


[14] PAIVA, V.H., Geraldes, P., Meirinho, A., Ramírez, I., Ramos, J.A., Garthe, S. (2009) Foraging along a marine productivity gradient: The plasticity of a pelagic seabird species, the Cory’s shearwater. VI Congresso de Ornitologia da Sociedade Portuguesa para o Estudo das Aves e IV Congresso Ibérico de Ornitologia, Elvas (Portugal).

[13] PAIVA, V.H. (2009) Setting thresholds for how much data is enough? Using seabird satellite tracking data to identify marine IBAs. An international workshop to determine how to achieve this goal, Chizé (France).

[12] PAIVA, V.H. (2009) Setting limits for hotspot and IBA identification in Portugal. Using seabird satellite tracking data to identify marine IBAs. An international workshop to determine how to achieve this goal, Chizé (France).

[11] PAIVA, V.H., Geraldes, P., Meirinho, A., Ramírez, I., Ramos, J.A., Garthe, S. (2009) Foraging along a marine productivity gradient: The plasticity of a pelagic seabird species, the Cory’s shearwater. Seabird Group 10th International Conference, Bruges (Belgium).


[10] PAIVA, V.H., Geraldes, P., Meirinho, A., Ramírez, I., Ramos, J.A., Garthe, S. (2007) Temporal patterns on Foraging Activity and at-Sea Distribution of Cory’s Shearwaters in the Macaronesian Region. 31st Annual Meeting of the Waterbird Society, Barcelona (Spain).

[9] Pep, A., Bécares, J., Ramírez, I., Geraldes, P., PAIVA, V.H., Meirinho, A. (2007) Marine IBA developments in Spain and Portugal. 31st Annual Meeting of the Waterbird Society, Barcelona (Spain).

[8] PAIVA, V.H., Ramírez, I., Tavares, J. (2007) Integrating biodiversity protection into marine resource use and planning – Identification of marine protected areas for offshore seabirds in the Mediterranean – A new project idea for territorial co-operation projects on 'Environment and Economy‘. Greening Development Regional Programs. Logroño (Spain).

[7] Tavares, P.C., Pires, A.E., Simões, F., PAIVA, V.H., Ramos, J.A., Bried, J., Santos, R.S., Lecoq, M., Geraldes, P., Pereira, M.E., Duarte, A.C., Furness, R.W. (2007) Can molecular biomarkers be related to contamination in wildlife birds? Preliminary data using DNA strand breakage and mercury contamination levels in chicks. Congresso internacional SETAC, Aveiro (Portugal).

[6] Tavares, P.C., Pires, A.E., Simões, F., PAIVA, V.H., Ramos, J.A., Bried, J., Santos, R.S., Lecoq, M., Geraldes, P., Pereira, M.E., Duarte, A.C., Furness, R.W. (2007) Can molecular biomarkers be related to contamination in wildlife birds? Preliminary data using DNA strand breakage and mercury contamination levels in chicks. 7th International Symposium on the Biology of Terrestrial Isopods, Tunis (Tunisia).

[5] Amorim, P., PAIVA, V.H., Geraldes, P., Ramírez, I., Meirinho, A. (2007) Marine Important Bird Areas: towards the effective protection of seabirds at sea. European Marine Protected Areas Symposium, Murcia (Spain).


[4] PAIVA, V.H., Ramos, J.A., Pedro, P., Medeiros, R. (2006) Ecologia alimentar e modelação do crescimento de crias de Chilreta na Ria Formosa, Portugal. V Congresso de Ornitologia da Sociedade Portuguesa para o Estudo das Aves, Oeiras (Portugal).


[3] PAIVA, V.H., Ramos, J.A., Medeiros, R., Pedro, P., Almeida, A. (2004) Estudo do crescimento e dieta de crias de Sterna albifrons na Ria Formosa, Portugal, de 2002 a 2004. 9th National Meeting on Ecology. Ecology Portuguese Society, Coimbra (Portugal).


[2] PAIVA, V.H., Ramos, J.A., Catry, T., Pedro, P. (2003) Crescimento e dieta de crias de Chilreta no Algarve, Portugal. IV Congresso de Ornitologia da Sociedade Portuguesa para o Estudo das Aves e II Jornadas Ibéricas de Ornitologia, Aveiro (Portugal).

[1] Medeiros, R., Pedro, P., PAIVA, V.H., Ramos, J.A. (2003) Selecção de habitat e parâmetros reprodutores de Chilreta Sterna albifrons em praias e salinas da Ria Formosa. IV Congresso de Ornitologia da Sociedade Portuguesa para o Estudo das Aves e II Jornadas Ibéricas de Ornitologia, Aveiro (Portugal).
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[48] Malta, T, Coll, M, Angélico, AA, Azevedo, AA, Farias, I, Lourenço, S, Marçalo, A, Moreno, A, Oliveira, PB, PAIVA, VH, Prista, N, Silva, C, Sobrinho-Gonçalves, A, Vingada, J, Silva, A (2017) The role of small pelagic fish in the western Iberian upwelling ecosystem. ICES/PICES Symposium on Drivers of dynamics of small pelagic fish resources, Victoria (Canada).


[47] PAIVA, VH, Fagundes, AI, Xavier, JC, Ceia, FR, Medeiros, R, Ramos, JA (2016) The climatic influence on the inter-annual changes in the spatial, feeding and trophic ecology of two sub-populations of Micronesian shearwaters. 6th International Albatross and Petrel Conference, Barcelona (Spain).

[46] PAIVA, VH, Fagundes, AI, Ramos, JA (2016) Population-scale foraging segregation in an apex predator of the North Atlantic. IX Congresso de Ornitologia da SPEA & VI Congresso Ibérico de Ornitologia, Vila Real (Portugal).

[45] PAIVA, VH, Ramírez, I, Fagundes, AI, Menezes, D, Silva, I, Ceia, FR, Garthe, S, Ramos, JA (2016) Conservation implications of consistent foraging and trophic ecology in a rare Pterodroma sp species. IX Congresso de Ornitologia da SPEA & VI Congresso Ibérico de Ornitologia, Vila Real (Portugal).

[44] PAIVA, VH, Geraldes, P, Rodrigues, I, Melo, T, Ramos, JA (2016) The Foraging Ecology of the Endangered Cape Verde Shearwater, a Sentinel Species for Marine Conservation off West Africa. IX Congresso de Ornitologia da SPEA & VI Congresso Ibérico de Ornitologia, Vila Real (Portugal).

[43] Pereira, J, PAIVA, VH, Phillips, RA, Xavier, JC (2016) The influence of sex and age on the foraging ecology of Wandering albatross (Diomedea exulans). IX Congresso de Ornitologia da SPEA & VI Congresso Ibérico de Ornitologia, Vila Real (Portugal).

[42] Matos, D, Ramos, JA, Ceia, FR, Krüger, L, PAIVA, VH (2016) Where do gulls spend their weekends? IX Congresso de Ornitologia da SPEA & VI Congresso Ibérico de Ornitologia, Vila Real (Portugal).

[41] Krüger, L, Ramos, JA, Ceia, FR, Misgave, R, Xavier, JC, PAIVA, VH (2016) Isotopic niche of Cory’s Shearwaters (Calonectris borealis) and fisheries: a comparison based on the individual experience. IX Congresso de Ornitologia da SPEA & VI Congresso Ibérico de Ornitologia, Vila Real (Portugal).

[40] Gonçalves, HJ, PAIVA, VH, Rodrigues, I, Geraldes, P, Ramos, JA (2016) Linking oceanographic variability to the reproductive phenology of seabirds in the North Atlantic. IX Congresso de Ornitologia da SPEA & VI Congresso Ibérico de Ornitologia, Vila Real (Portugal).

[39] Correia, A, PAIVA, VH, Lopes, C, Ramos, JA (2016) The diet of Little Terns: otholits or scales? IX Congresso de Ornitologia da SPEA & VI Congresso Ibérico de Ornitologia, Vila Real (Portugal).


[38] Melo, T., Ramos, J.A., Geraldes, P., Rodrigues, I., Melo, J., PAIVA, V.H. (2015) Identification of the foraging areas of the Cape Verde shearwater Calonectris edwardsii with GPS-loggers. 2nd World Seabird Conference, Cape Town (South Africa).

[37] Krüger L, Finger J, Petersen E, Ramos JA, PAIVA VH, Xavier JC, Petry MV (2015) Sex differences in non-breeding distribution exposes an Antarctic population of Southern Giant Petrel to fisheries in South America. International Conference on Antarctic Science, Montvideo (Uruguay).

[36] PAIVA, VH, Fagundes, I., Ramos, J.A. (2015) Population-scale foraging segregation in an apex predator of the North Atlantic. 2nd World Seabird Conference, Cape Town (South Africa).


[35] Krüger, L. Petersen, E., Ramos, J.A., Xavier, J.C., PAIVA, V.H., Petry, M.V. (2014) Where they go? Does year-round movements of Southern Giant petrels from Antarctica reveals a migration pattern? SCAR Open Science Conference, Auckland (New Zealand).

[34] Krüger, L., Ceia, F.R., Missagia, R., PAIVA, V.H., Xavier, J.C., Ramos, J.A. (2014) Experience matters: a preliminary analysis on the relation between seabird niche and overlap with fisheries during the non breeding season. 12th International Conference of the Seabird Group 2014, Oxford (UK).

[33] Ceia FR, PAIVA VH, Ceia RS, Hervías S, Garthe S, Marques JC, Ramos JA (2014) Spatial foraging segregation by close neighbours in a wide-ranging seabird. 12th International Conference of the Seabird Group 2014, Oxford (UK).

[32] PAIVA, V.H., Fagundes, I., Xavier, J.C., Medeiros, R., Ramos, J.A. (2014) Quando migrar não é uma opção: Ecologia espacial, de alimentação e trófica do Pintaínho no Atlântico Norte. VIII Congresso de Ornitologia da Sociedade Portuguesa para o Estudo das Aves, Almada (Portugal).

[31] Soares, M., Fagundes, I., Ramos, J.A., PAIVA, V.H. (2014) Guiada pelos oceanos: a variabilidade oceanográfica determina a escolha de locais de alimentação da Calonectris diomedea borealis, Cagarra, em Porto Santo. VIII Congresso de Ornitologia da Sociedade Portuguesa para o Estudo das Aves, Almada (Portugal).

[30] Ceia, F.R., PAIVA, V.H., Fidalgo, V., Morais, L., Beata, A., Crisóstomo, P., Mourato, E., Garthe, S., Marques, J.C., Ramos, J.A. (2014) Mudanças inter-anuais no comportamento de forrageamento da gaivotas-de-patas-amarelas (Larus michahellis) desencadeada pela disponibilidade de pilado (Polybius henslowii). VIII Congresso de Ornitologia da Sociedade Portuguesa para o Estudo das Aves, Almada (Portugal).


[29] Krüger, L., Petersen, ES, Ramos, JA, Xavier, JC, PAIVA, VH, Petry, MV (2013) Where do they go? Does Year-round movements of Southern Giant Petrels from Antarctica reveals a migration pattern? 5th Portuguese Conference on Polar Sciences, Faro (Portugal).

[28] Krüger, L., Ramos, JA, Xavier, JC, PAIVA, VH, Petry, MV (2013) Oceanographic characteristics to explain sexual segregation in foraging habitats by Giant Petrels. 5th Portuguese Conference on Polar Sciences, Faro (Portugal).

[27] Ceia, F.R., PAIVA, V.H., Garthe, S., Marques, J.C., Ramos, J.A. (2013) Spatial foraging variation and width of trophic niche: testing the niche variation hypothesis in a pelagic seabird species. 37th Annual Meeting of the Waterbird Society, Wilhelmshaven (Germany).

[26] Krüger, L., Ramos, J.A., Xavier, J.C., PAIVA, V.H., Phillips, R., Petry, M.V. (2013) Year-round at-sea distribution of Giant Petrels from the Antarctic Peninsula. SCAR COnference, Barcelona (Spain).

[25] Krüger, L., Ramos, J.A., Xavier, J.C., PAIVA, V.H., Petersen, E., Petry, M.V. (2013) Oceanographic conditions to explain sexual segregation in foraging habitats of Giant Petrels. SCAR Conference, Barcelona (Spain).


[24] PAIVA, V.H., Xavier, J., Geraldes, P., Ramirez, I., Garthe, S., Ramos, J.A. (2012) Feeding ecology of Cory´s shearwaters in different oceanic environments of the North Atlantic: the role of cephalopods. CIAC Science Conference, Florianópolis, (Brazil)

[23] Ceia, F.R., Fidalgo, V., PAIVA, V., Ramos, J.A. (2012) Temporal consistency in the feeding ecology of an opportunistic species, the yellow-legged gull (Larus michahellis) in Portugal. 8th ISOECOL - International Conference on Applications of Stable Isotope Techniques to Ecological Studies, Brest (France)

[22] Ceia, F., Fidalgo, V., PAIVA, V.H., Ramos, J.A. (2012) Preliminary data on foraging movements of yellow-legged gull (Larus michahellis) in Berlenga Island, Portugal. International Meeting on Marine Resources, Peniche (Portugal).


[21] PAIVA, V.H., Geraldes, P., Ramírez, I., Ramos, J.A., Garthe, S. (2011) Dramatic inter-annual change in the foraging distribution and effort of Cory’s Shearwater (Calonectris borealis) breeding in Berlenga. VII Congresso de Ornitologia da Sociedade Portuguesa para o Estudo das Aves e I Jornadas Macaronésicas de Ornitologia, Machico (Portugal). (http://www.spea.pt/fotos/editor2/livro_resumos_cong2011.pdf)

[20] Fagundes, I., PAIVA, V.H., Phillips, R., Ramos, J.A. (2011) The importance of the Canary Current and North-West African upwelling system for the foraging and trophic ecology of Macaronesian Shearwaters breeding in Selvagens. VII Congresso de Ornitologia da Sociedade Portuguesa para o Estudo das Aves e I Jornadas Macaronésicas de Ornitologia, Machico (Portugal). (http://www.spea.pt/fotos/editor2/livro_resumos_cong2011.pdf)

[19] Andrade,J., Barros, N., Lecoq, M., PAIVA, V.H., Ramírez, I. (2011) Long-term monitoring of the breeding population of Cory’s Shearwater of Berlenga island. VII Congresso de Ornitologia da Sociedade Portuguesa para o Estudo das Aves e I Jornadas Macaronésicas de Ornitologia, Machico (Portugal). (http://www.spea.pt/fotos/editor2/livro_resumos_cong2011.pdf)

[18] Xavier, J.C., Ramos, J.A., Ceia, F.R., Lourenço, S., Vieira, R.P., Bloom, S., PAIVA, V.H., Monticelli, D., Guerreiro, M., Alvito, P., Cruz, B., Seco, J., Marques, J.C. (2011) POLAR SCIENCE: at the Institute of Marine Research (IMAR-CMA), University of Coimbra. III Portuguese Conference for Polar Sciences, Coimbra (Portugal).


[17] Ramírez, I., PAIVA, V.H., Geraldes, P., Meirinho, A., Amorim, P. (2010) Identifying marine IBAs in Portugal, setting a methodology universally applicable. VII Congreso del Grupo Ibérico de Aves Marinas (GIAM), Santurtzi, Vizcaya (Spain).

[16] PAIVA, V.H., Geraldes, P., Ramírez, I., Garthe, S., Ramos, J.A. (2010) Foraging ecology of Cory’s shearwaters in the North Atlantic region. VII Congreso del Grupo Ibérico de Aves Marinas (GIAM), Santurtzi, Vizcaya (Spain).

[15] Ramírez, I., PAIVA, V.H., Geraldes, P., Meirinho, A., Amorim, P. (2010) Identifying marine IBAs in Portugal, setting a methodology universally applicable. 1st World Seabird Conference, Victoria (Canada).

[14] PAIVA, V.H., Geraldes, P., Ramírez, I., Garthe, S., Ramos, J.A. (2010) Foraging ecology of Cory’s shearwaters in different oceanic environments of the North Atlantic. 1st World Seabird Conference, Victoria (Canada).

[13] Meirinho, A., Ramírez, I., Geraldes, P., PAIVA, V.H., Andrade, J. (2010) A utilização de SIG para a identificação de Áreas Importantes para Aves Marinhas em Portugal. Encontro Nacional de utilizadores de SIG, Lisboa (Portugal).


[12] PAIVA, V.H., Geraldes, P., Ramírez, I., Garthe, S., Ramos, J.A. (2009) How Cory’s shearwaters Calonectris diomedea Area Restricted Search changes across a marine productivity gradient. VI Congresso de Ornitologia da SPEA e IV Congresso Ibérico de Ornitologia. Elvas (Portugal).

[11] PAIVA, V.H., Guilford, T., Meade,J., Geraldes, P., Ramos, J.A., Garthe, S. (2009) Flight dynamics of a pelagic seabird foraging in a coastal environment: The Cory’s Shearwater Calonectris diomedea case. VI Congresso de Onitologia da SPEA e IV Congresso Ibérico de Ornitologia. Elvas, (Portugal).

[10] PAIVA, V.H., Geraldes, P., Ramírez, I., Garthe, S., Ramos, J.A. (2009) How Cory's shearwaters area restricted search changes across a marine productivity gradient. Seabird Group 10th International Conference, Bruges, (Belgium).

[9] PAIVA, V.H., Guilford, T., Meade,J., Geraldes, P., Ramos, J.A., Garthe, S. (2009) Flight dynamics of a pelagic seabird foraging in a coastal environment: the Cory's shearwater case. Seabird Group 10th International Conference, Bruges, (Belgium).


[8] PAIVA, V.H., Tavares, P., Ramos, J.A., Pereira, E., Antunes, S. (2007) The influence of diet on mercury intake by Little Tern chicks. 31 st Annual Meeting of the Waterbirds Society, Barcelona, (Spain).

[7] PAIVA, V.H., Ramos, J.A., Martins, J., Almeida, A., Carvalho, A. (2007) Foraging habitat selection by Little Terns Sternula albifrons in an estuarine lagoon system of Southern Portugal. 31 st Annual Meeting of the Waterbirds Society, Barcelona, (Spain).


[6] PAIVA, V.H., Ramos, J.A., Ramírez, I, Geraldes, P., Meirinho, A. (2006) Estudo-piloto do comportamento alimentar e distribuição em alto-mar de Cagarra Calonectris diomedea borealis nas Berlengas, Portugal. V Congresso de Ornitologia da Sociedade Portuguesa para o Estudo das Aves. Oeiras (Portugal).

[5] PAIVA, V.H., Ramos, J.A., Almeida, A., Antunes, S., Carvalho, A. (2006) Selecção de habitats de alimentação por Chilreta a nidificar na Ria Formosa, Portugal. V Congresso de Ornitologia da Sociedade Portuguesa para o Estudo das Aves. Oeiras, (Portugal).


[4] PAIVA, V.H., Ramos, J.A., Pacheco, C. (2004) Range contraction on distribution of Pin-tailed sandgrouse Pterocles alchata in Portugal. International Congress: Rural ecosystems and biological richness, main threats and conservation measures. Liga para a Protecção da Natureza, Castro Verde (Portugal).

[3] Almeida, A., Ramos, J.A. PAIVA, V.H. (2004) Parâmetros reprodutores de aves nidificantes em salinas e praias no Parque Natural da Ria Formosa. 1st International Congress Birds of the Atlantic, Sociedade Portuguesa para o Estudo das Aves. S. Vicente, Madeira, (Portugal).

[2] PAIVA, V.H., Ramos, J.A., Pacheco, C. (2004) Range contraction and habitat selection of Pin-tailed sandgrouse Pterocles alchata in International Tejo Natural Park, Portugal. International Symposium on Ecology and Conservation of Steppe-Land Birds, Lérida, (Spain).


[1] Catry, T., Ramos, J.A., Medeiros, R., PAIVA, V.H., Pedro, P., Luís, A., Ministro, J., Lopes., R. (2003) Alterações no uso do habitat de nidificação da Andorinha-do-mar-anã Sterna albifrons no último século: uma resposta à acção antropogénica. Segundas Jornadas Ibéricas de Ornitologia da Sociedad Española de Ornitologia e da Sociedade Portuguesa para o Estudo das Aves, Aveiro (Portugal)
8. supervising theses
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=Conclusion in 2022=

[9]"Metagenomic assessment of trophic networks for a sustainable conservation of Cabo Verde Seabirds" Ph.D. work of Ana Carreiro to obtain the doctor degree in Biology (Co-supervision with Jaime Ramos, University of Coimbra, Portugal, and Ricardo Lopes, University of Coimbra, Portugal).


[8] "Tropical seabirds as indicators of Human stressors and as tools for marine spatial planning in the Tropical Atlantic" Ph.D. work of Nathalie Melo to obtain the doctor degree in Biology (Co-supervision with Jaime Ramos, University of Coimbra, Portugal and Teresa Militão, University of Barcelona, Spain).

[7] "Phenological differences among tropical seabirds from Cabo Verde archipelago" Ph.D. work of Gilson Semedo to obtain the doctor degree in Biology (Co-supervision with Jaime Ramos, University of Coimbra, Portugal and Teresa Militão, University of Barcelona, Spain).

[6] "The physiology and health condition of urban dweller gulls in increasingly urbanized areas" Ph.D. work of Catarina Lopes (SFRH/BD/122945/2016) to obtain the doctor degree in Biology (Co-supervision with Jaime Ramos, University of Coimbra, Portugal, Ana Gonçalves, University of Coimbra, Portugal and Carlos Palmeira, University of Coimbra, Portugal).

[5] "Gulls and Humans: an increasingly complicated relationship" Ph.D. work of Joana Faria (SFRH/BD/118861/2016) to obtain the doctor degree in Biology (Co-supervision with Jaime Ramos, University of Coimbra, Portugal and Ana Gonçalves, University of Coimbra, Portugal).

[4] "Cory’s shearwater as an indicator of Human stressors and marine spatial planning in the North Atlantic" Ph.D. work of Jorge Pereira (SFRH/BD/123499/2016) to obtain the doctor degree in Biology (Co-supervision with Jaime Ramos, University of Coimbra, Portugal and Steve Voitier, University of Exeter, UK).


[3] "Seagulls as sentinels of the effectiveness of the Common Fisheries Policy" Ph.D. work of Joana Calado (PD/BD/127991/2016) to obtain the doctor degree in Biology (Co-supervision with José Vingada, University of Minho, Portugal and Alberto Velando, University of Vigo, Spain).


[2] “Describing the distribution and identifying key areas for pelagic seabirds in Macaronesia: Building the scientific basis for the selection of offshore marine protected areas.” Ph.D work of Iván Ramírez to obtain the doctor degree in Ecology, University of Kiel (Co-supervision with Stefan Garthe, FTZ, University of Kiel).


[1] “Seabird conservation on a latitude gradient: how seabird species from temperate to polar regions react to environmental change and Human stressors” Ph.D work of Lucas Krüger Garcia to obtain the doctor degree in Biology, University of Coimbra (Co-supervision with Jaime A. Ramos and José Xavier, University of Coimbra and Virginia Petry, University of Vale do Rio dos Sinos).


=Conclusion in 2020=

[38] "Decadal abundance and distribution of the seabird community along the Portuguese coastal". M.Sc. Work of Ana Isabel Fagundes to obtain the master degree in Ecology, University of Évora (Co-supervision with Rui Lourenço, University of Évora).

[37] "The trophic ecology of the seabird community of Cabo Verde". M.Sc. Work of Catelene Monteiro to obtain the master degree in Ecology, University of Barcelona (Co-supervision with Teresa Militão, University of Barcelona).

[36] "The effect of foreign objects at gull nests to the breeding success and chick's condition". M. Sc. Work of João Oliveira to obtain the master degree in Ecology, University of Coimbra (Co-supervision with Jaime A. Ramos, University of Coimbra).

[35] "The effect of omega-3 supplementation on chick growth and foraging ecology of Cory's shearwaters". M. Sc. Work of Sara Santos to obtain the master degree in Ecology, University of Coimbra (Co-supervision with Jaime A. Ramos, University of Coimbra).

[34] "The effect of omega-3 supplementation on chick growth and foraging ecology of Cape Verde shearwaters". M. Sc. Work of Beatriz Martins to obtain the master degree in Ecology, University of Coimbra (Co-supervision with Jaime A. Ramos, University of Coimbra).

[33] "Foraging ecology of a tropical seabird community". M. Sc. Work of Isabel Rodrigues to obtain the master degree in Ecology, University of Cabo Verde (Co-supervision with Jaime A. Ramos, University of Coimbra).


[32] "Fine-scale foraging ecology of a Vulnerable seabird: the deserta's petrel". International Master of Science in Marine Biological Resources of Luzia Solothurnmann.

[31] "Gulls as dispersers of pathogen agents". M.Sc. degree in Veterinary Medicine of Raquel Antunes.

[30] "Isotopic signatures and contaminant concentration on the diet of penguins from Bird Island". M. Sc. Work of Hugo Guímaro to obtain the master degree in Ecology, University of Coimbra (Co-supervision with José C. Xavier, University of Coimbra).

[29] "Implications of annual and inter-annual changes in productivity for the foraging strategies of Cabo Verde shearwaters". M. Sc. Work of Lara Cerveira to obtain the master degree in Ecology, University of Coimbra (Co-supervision with Jaime A. Ramos, University of Coimbra).

[28] "Assessing foraging segregation between neighbouring colonies of a marine top predator in a upwelling system". M. Sc. Work of Mafalda Marques to obtain the master degree in Ecology, University of Coimbra (Co-supervision with Jaime A. Ramos, University of Coimbra).

[27] "Comparing reproductive and behavioural parameters between urban and natural nesting yellow-legged gulls". M. Sc. Work of Rita Soares to obtain the master degree in Ecology, University of Coimbra (Co-supervision with Jaime A. Ramos, University of Coimbra).

[26] "Do gulls like fast food?". M. Sc. Work of Patrícia Vaz to obtain the master degree in Ecology, University of Coimbra (Co-supervision with Jaime A. Ramos, University of Coimbra).

[25] "Influence of environmental factors on breeding population size and reproductive parameters of Little Terns". M. Sc. Work of Ana Oliveira to obtain the master degree in Ecology, University of Coimbra (Co-supervision with Jaime A. Ramos, University of Coimbra).


[24] "Seabird-fisheries interactions in the Portuguese coast". M. Sc. Work of Nelson Coito to obtain the master degree in Ecology, University of Coimbra (Co-supervision with Jaime A. Ramos, University of Coimbra).

[23] "Year-round Feeding Ecology of Yellow-legged Gulls in a gradient of fishery discards' availability". M. Sc. Work of Sara Nujo to obtain the master degree in Ecology, University of Coimbra (Co-supervision with Jaime A. Ramos, University of Coimbra).

[22] "Mesopelagic fish: the food of the future?". M. Sc. Work of Ivo Santos to obtain the master degree in Ecology, University of Coimbra (Co-supervision with Jaime A. Ramos and Miguel Araújo, University of Coimbra).

[21] "Feeding Ecology of Cabo Verde shearwater". M. Sc. Work of Cristiana Vieira to obtain the master degree in Ecology, University of Coimbra (Co-supervision with Jaime A. Ramos, University of Coimbra).


[20] "Driven by the moon: the foraging behaviour of procellariiforms at night". M. Sc. Work of Eduardo Lobato to obtain the master degree in Ecology, University of Coimbra (Co-supervision with Jaime A. Ramos, University of Coimbra).

[19] "Year-round distribution and feeding and trophic ecology of Madeiran storm-petrel at Farilhões, Berlengas". M. Sc. Work of Ana Carreiro to obtain the master degree in Ecology, University of Coimbra (Co-supervision with Jaime A. Ramos, University of Coimbra).


[18] “Foraging ecology of Wandering Albatross". M. Sc. Work of Jorge Pereira to obtain the master degree in Geographic Engineer, University of Coimbra (Co-supervision with José Xavier, FCTUC, University of Coimbra).

[17] “Chick provisioning regulation on a pelagic seabird: is there a coordination between the pair?". M. Sc. Work of Carlos Gonçalves to obtain the master degree in Ecology, University of Coimbra (Co-supervision with Jaime A. Ramos, FCTUC, University of Coimbra).

[16] “Demographic parameters of seabirds in the North Atlantic along a marine productivity gradient". M. Sc. Work of Henrique Gonçalves to obtain the master degree in Ecology, University of Coimbra (Co-supervision with Jaime A. Ramos, FCTUC, University of Coimbra).

[15] “How fishery discards affect the spatial and trophic ecology of two gull species breeding in sympatry". M. Sc. Work of Diana Matos to obtain the master degree in Ecology, University of Coimbra (Co-supervision with Jaime A. Ramos, FCTUC, University of Coimbra).

[14] “Breeding success and feeding ecology of Little Tern (Sternula albifrons) in Ria Formosa, Algarve”. M. Sc. Work of Ana Correia to obtain the master degree in Biology, University of Coimbra (Co-supervision with Jaime A. Ramos, FCTUC, University of Coimbra).


[13] “Contrasting foraging strategies of two populations of a seabird predator of the North Atlantic”. M.Sc. work of Milton Avalos to obtain the master degree in the International Master in Applied Ecology (ERASMUS MUNDUS program), University of Coimbra (Co-supervision with Jaime A. Ramos, FCTUC, University of Coimbra).

[12] "Environmental driven sexual segregation in a marine predator." M. Sc. Work of Justin Pereira to obtain the master degree in Ecology, University of Coimbra (Co-supervision with Jaime A. Ramos, FCTUC, University of Coimbra).

[11] "The trophic and feeding ecology of two gull species breeding in sympatry." M. Sc. Work of Joana Calado to obtain the master degree in Ecology, University of Coimbra (Co-supervision with Jaime A. Ramos, FCTUC, University of Coimbra).


[10] “The impact of the abandonment of Human salt-pans on the nesting habitat selection by estuarine birds”. M. Sc. Work of Catarina Lopes to obtain the master degree in Ecology, University of Coimbra (Co-supervision with Jaime A. Ramos, FCTUC, University of Coimbra).

[9] “How the at-sea distribution of a seabird flagship species may help to understand the usefulness of Marine Protected Areas (MPAs) as a tool for marine conservation”. M. Sc. Work of Joana Faria to obtain the master degree in Ecology, University of Coimbra (Co-supervision with Jaime A. Ramos, FCTUC, University of Coimbra).

[8] "Spatial Ecology of Yellow-legged Gulls". M. Sc. Work of Rahel Borrmann to obtain the master degree in Environmental Management, University of Kiel, Gemany (Co-supervision with Stefan Garthe, University of Kiel, Gemany).


[7] “At-sea behaviour of a pelagic predator on its wintering grounds”. M.Sc. work of Rogério Missagia to obtain the master degree in the International Master in Applied Ecology (ERASMUS MUNDUS program), University of Coimbra (Co-supervision with Jaime A. Ramos, FCTUC, University of Coimbra).

[6] “Breeding Ecology of Macaronesian shearwaters” M. Sc. Work of Urtelinda Ramos to obtain the master degree in Ecology, University of Coimbra (Co-supervision with Jaime A. Ramos, FCTUC, University of Coimbra).

[5] “Foraging Ecology of Cory’s shearwater breeding in Porto Santo islets” M. Sc. Work of Margarida Soares to obtain the master degree in Ecology, University of Coimbra (Co-supervision with Jaime A. Ramos, FCTUC, University of Coimbra).


[4] “The role of breeding experience on the foraging specialization of a pelagic marine predator, the Cory's shearwater” M.Sc. work of Fredrik Duvholt Haug to obtain the master degree in the International Master in Applied Ecology (ERASMUS MUNDUS program), University of Coimbra (Co-supervision with Jaime A. Ramos, FCTUC, University of Coimbra).

[3] “Foraging ecology and at-sea usage of Yellow-legged Gull in the Portuguese coast” M.Sc. work of Vera Fidalgo to obtain the master degree in Ecology, University of Coimbra (Co-supervision with Jaime A. Ramos, FCTUC, University of Coimbra).


[2] “Nest site selection and breeding parameters of Little Shearwaters in the North Atlantic” M.Sc. work of Enrico Favaro to obtain the master degree in Ecology, University of Coimbra (Co-supervision with Jaime A. Ramos, FCTUC, University of Coimbra).


[1] “Pre-breeding period in Cory’s shearwater: bird quality and foraging behaviour” M.Sc. work of Antje Chiu Werner to obtain the master degree in the International Master in Applied Ecology (ERASMUS MUNDUS program), University of Coimbra (Co-supervision with Jaime A. Ramos, FCTUC, University of Coimbra).



[5] "The lipid profile of a tropical seabird community". Work of Elisa Naessens (ERASMUS student), University of Gent (Co-supervision with Brita Muysen, University of Gent, Belgium).


[4] "Seabirds as indicators of plastic pollution". Work of Lisa Schilman (ERASMUS student), University of Gent (Co-supervision with Brita Muysen, University of Gent, Belgium).


[3] "Trophic and fatty acid ecology of seabirds". Work of Thomas Benoot (ERASMUS student), University of Gent (Co-supervision with Brita Muyssen, University of Gent, Belgium).

[2] "Seasonal variation in gull diet within mainland Portugal". Work of Jessica Treble (ERASMUS student), University of Cardiff (Co-supervision with Jaime A. Ramos, University of Coimbra, Portugal and Renata Medeiros, University of Cardiff, UK).


[1] "Trophic ecology of a tropical seabird community". Work of Naomi Treble (ERASMUS student), University of Cardiff (Co-supervision with Jaime A. Ramos, University of Coimbra, Portugal and Renata Medeiros, University of Cardiff, UK).
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Ph.D. Examination

[2019] José Costa, University of Coimbra. Title: "The structure and disruption of mutualistic networks"

[2018] Edna Correia, University of Lisbon. Title: "Small pelagics, predatory fish and seabirds: trophic and behavioural interactions in a marine protected area in GuineaBissau"

[2017] Marisa Isabel da Silva Gomes, University of Coimbra. Title: "Birds in interfaces: The role of riparian bird communities in ecosystem processes"

[2017] Pedro Rodrigues, University of Aveiro. Title: "Seabird distribution as a tool for marine conservation"

[2016] Isabel Afán, University of Barcelona. Title: "Ecological response of marine predators to environmental heterogeneity and spatio-temporal variability in resource availability"

[2013] Hany Alonso, University of Coimbra. Title: "Feeding Ecology of Cory's shearwater"

M.Sc. Examination

[2017] Roberto Mendes, University of Coimbra. Title: "Foraging ecology of Yellow-legged gulls with a marine strategy" (Opponent).

[2017] Filipa Mendes, University of Coimbra. Title: "The impact of introduced animals and plants on the São Tomé seed-dispersal network".

[2015] Danijela Dimitrijevic, University of Coimbra. Title: "Antarcitc food-webs".

[2014] Maria Alho, University of Lisbon. Title: "Movements and migratory activity of a pelagic bird: the bulwer's petrel (Bulweria bulweria)".

[2014] Tiago Valente, University of Coimbra. Title: "Feeding ecology of gentoo penguins Pygoscelis papua at Livingston Island (Antarctic)".

[2012] Sue Bloom, University of Coimbra. Title: “Behaviour ecology of white chinned petrels: feeding and diving ecology and its implications in conservation” (Opponent).

[2012] Vera Romão, University of Coimbra. Title: “Trophic Ecology of Pelagic and Coastal Seabirds” (Opponent).

[2010] Antje Chiu Werner, University of Coimbra. Title: “Pre-breeding period in Cory’s shearwater: bird quality and foraging behaviour” (Opponent).

[2010] Pedro Amorim, University of Coimbra. Title: “Dieta e Ecologia Alimentar de Garajau-rosado (Sterna dougallii) no Oceano Índico” (Opponent).


[2018] Merit on international scientific publications by the Faculty of Sciences and Technology, University of Coimbra

[2016] Small Grant from the MARE for the project SEAPLAS - Seabirds as indicators of plastic exposure from neritic to oceanic and temperate to tropical environments (€5000)

[2015] Travel award to participate on the 2nd World Seabird Conference, Cape Town, South Africa (€1400)

[2014] Best poster "When migrating is not an option: Spatial, feeding and trophic ecology of Macaronesian shearwater in the North Atlantic" VIII Congresso de Ornitologia da Sociedade Portuguesa para o Estudo das Aves, Almada (Portugal).

[2012] Small Ornithological Research Grant from the British Ornithologists’ Union to support the project: “Trophic ecology and at-sea movements of the endangered Bugio's petrel” (€2030)

[2011] Best poster "Dramatic inter-annual change in the foraging distribution and effort of Cory’s Shearwater (Calonectris borealis) breeding in Berlenga" at VII Congresso de Ornitologia da Sociedade Portuguesa para o Estudo das Aves e I Jornadas Macaronésicas de Ornitologia, Machico (Portugal)

[2011] Scientific Community Support Program (FACC) given by the Portuguese Foundation for Science and Technology (FCT) to held the International Workshop: “Ideal Methodologies for Habitat Modelling of Top Marine Predators using remote tracking data: the tools to help the design of Pelagic Marine Protected Areas” (€500)

[2011] Small Ornithological Research Grant from the British Ornithologists’ Union (the maximum amount they provide) to support the project: “Feeding ecology and at-sea movements of Macaronesian Shearwaters in the North Atlantic” (€2350)

[2010] Fellowship from the Pacific Seabird Group to participate on the 1st World Seabird Conference, Victoria, Canada (€1000)

[2008] The winning project on the 1st edition of the BES Biodiversity Prize: Marine Important Bird Areas (IBAs) –conducted by the Portuguese Society for the Study of Birds and considered to be of exceptional quality (€50000)


[2015] Press releases related with the publication "Pelagic seabirds under natural conditions rely on olfactory maps for general oceanic navigation"

[2013] Press releases coming out on over 42 media entities, including paper journals, radio stations and public television. Featuring the decrease in marine resources (namely commercial fish species) along the Portuguese coast during recent years, and it's relation with climate change and (possible) overfishing

[2008] CD-Rom. Project Marine Important Bird Areas. LIFE04 NAT/PT/000213

[2008] Laymans report. Project Marine Important Bird Areas. LIFE04 NAT/PT/000213

[2007] TV interview for the national Portuguese “Bioesfera” program (RTP1), under the theme: young scientists career

[2007] Brochure-Leaflet on the Importance of marine IBAs for conservation (published in English, Portuguese and Spanish) (http://lifeibasmarinhas.spea.pt/pdfs/Brochura_IBA_Marinha_ Portugues_2007.pdf)

[2007] Article on SEACHANGE 2007, The newsletter of the Global Seabird Program (BirdLife International)