
2 days / 15 conferences
New guides for better routes

March 22nd/ 23rd

Eça de Queirós Secondary School

Nowadays, the school cluster is one of the promoting organisations of the Qualifica Network. The school community comprises about 200 teaching staff, more than fifty non-teaching staff, as higher technicians and technical and operational assistants, as well as around 2000 students (among children, youngsters and adults), in an extensive and diverse educational offer, from the pre-school to the secondary school, on a regular or professional basis. The school cluster educational project is founded in the principles of lifelong education and training, thus supporting the development skills, the promotion of knowledge and qualification, as well as the recognition, validation and certification of skills acquired by adult students either in formal or non-formal contexts. In order to promote school and educational success, we make use of diverse strategies, inside and outside the classroom (e.g. within the scope of curricular, extra-curricular or many curriculum complement activities such as clubs and projects, Erasmus+ partnerships, national and international contests and participations). Numerous protocols and partnerships are established. Being aware of the importance of foreign language learning, the school cluster is deeply committed to the development of English language teaching (the cluster is engaged in a nationwide pilot experience intended to extend the English bilingual teaching for the entire 1st cycle of elementary education). In the constant search for the continuous improvement of school performance, the school cluster invests strongly in quality, efficiency and effectiveness, aiming to achieve excellence in all its schools.


Maria José Soares

(+351) 218 540 710