
2 days / 15 conferences
New guides for better routes

March 22nd/ 23rd

Lisbon Commerce and Trade School

Lisbon Commerce and Trade School (ECL) is a private vocational school with public funding with 28 years of existence. It is recognised as a leading provider of vocational education in Portugal and well-resourced to play a key role in local economic development. ECL belongs to Group Ensinus and it has a social partner as promoter: the Commerce Confederation of Portugal. It offers national vocational qualification level 4 courses on Commerce-Services, Hospitality-Restaurant and Computer Communication and Network Management and it has a Qualifica Center, a center which targets adult qualification and is aimed to increase the levels of education and training, contributing to the improvement of employability. ECL is also a mobility certified organization since 2010 and it was awarded with the Erasmus+ Mobility Charter since 2015 (in 2017 ECL received the Erasmus+ Best Practices Prize). In 2016 we started implementing a new pedagogical model and as a result the cluster joined the Portuguese Ministry of Education Project AFC – Autonomy and Curricular Flexibility. Moreover, it was the winner of Junior Achievement TES – The Entrepreneurial School Awards 2017, as “The Entrepreneurial School of the Year”, an annual European recognition in which fifteen schools across Europe are selected at national level for their entrepreneurial vision and outstanding implementation of entrepreneurship education programmes.


Piedade Redondo Pereira

(+351) 218 540 240