Turismo de Lisboa – www.visitlisboa.com

Friday, 19 November 2010
Welcome reception for Heads of State and/or Government, Heads of Delegation, the Secretary General, Ministers and their Spouses
Meeting of the NAC Heads of State and/or Government
Opening Session of the NAC Heads of State and/or Government
- With the participation of the President of the EU Council
- Media pool coverage for ceremony and opening remarks
- Ceremony honoring NATO Military personnel for service in operational theatres of the Alliance
- Opening remarks by the Secretary General
- Welcome by the Host Nation
The Press leaves
- Address by the President of the NATO Parliamentary Assembly
Working Session of NAC
End of working Session
Official portrait
Secretary General press conference at the Media Centre in Pavillion 3
NAC Working Dinner
NAC Working Dinner for Heads of State and/or Government chaired by the Secretary General and co-hosted by the President of the Portuguese Republic as Honorary Host
Informal Working Dinner for NATO Ministers for Foreign Affairs and the EU High Representatives chaired by the Deputy Secretary General
Informal Working Dinner for NATO Ministers of Defence, chaired by the Portuguese Minister of Defence

Saturday, 20 November 2010

Meeting of the Heads of State and/or Government on Afghanistan
With the participation of the Afghan President, the UN Secretary General, the President of the EU Council, the President of the EU Commission, the President of the World Bank and Japan
Opening Session of the Meeting of Heads of State and/or Government on Afghanistan
- Media Pool coverage for the Secretary General Opening Remarks
The Press leaves
Working Session
End of Working Session
Press Conference with the Secretary General, President Karzai and the UN Secretary General Ban Ki Moon
Meeting of the NAC Heads of State and/or Government
Working Session of the NAC Heads of State and/or Government
- With the participation of the President of the EU Council
Meeting of NRC Heads of State and/or Government
Opening Session of the Meeting of NATO-Russia Council Heads of State and/or Government
- Media Pool coverage for the Opening Remarks by the Chairman of the NRC
The Press leaves
Working Session
End of Working Session