Turismo de Lisboa – www.visitlisboa.com
Accreditations - Media

Media representatives wishing to cover the NATON Summit of Heads of States and Government held on 19 and 20 November should pick up their media credential at the Feira Internacional de Lisboa - FIL.

The accreditation process is carried out by clicking on the NATO electronic page, https://my.hq.nato.int/, and applications should be submitted no later than 11:00 a.m. GMT, on Monday 15th November.

Applications received later than the deadline are likely to be delayed or entirely refused. Even if an application is received after 11:00 a.m GMT, the applicant will not be considered for any pool.

We recommend that you print the data confirmation when you pick up your media credential.

Media credential is strictly personal and non-transferable and should always be visible. At any moment, Media representatives may be requested by security personnel to show personal identification.

Information on accreditations:

Delivery of NATO's Summit Media credentials

Media credentials must be collected in person upon presentation of a valid photo ID card or passport, and national press card or letter of accreditation from a recognized media organization.

The NATO Media Accreditation Centre is located in Pavilion 4 in the Alameda dos Oceanos- FIL during the following hours:

Wednesday, 17 November8:00 am – 10:00 pm
Thursday, 18 November8:00 am – 10:00 pm
Friday, 19 November8:00 am – 10:00 pm
Saturday, 20 November7:00 am – 3:00 pm

Accreditation Form

English version by Marie Ange Bechet