Turismo de Lisboa – www.visitlisboa.com
2010 Lisbon Young Atlanticist Summit - 17-20 November

The activities on the margins of the NATO 2010 Summit in Lisbon include a high-level international conference, jointly organised by the Portuguese Atlantic Committee (CPA), the Atlantic Council of the United States (ACUS) and the Atlantic Treaty Association (ATA), under the sponsorship of the Portuguese Foreign Ministry and NATO Public Diplomacy Division. This event includes, among the participants, several international and Portuguese students and academics.

The Young Atlanticist Summit in Lisbon will bring together top young leaders from NATO, Partnership for Peace and Mediterranean Dialogue countries in conjunction with the 2010 NATO Summit. Here, these Young Atlanticists will meet with heads of state and senior NATO officials, with whom they will discuss the Strategic Concept and the issues facing the Alliance. Participants will also engage in discussion with one another about their views on NATO and its future.

In addition to these meetings, the delegates will be providing their unique insights on the happenings of the Summit, which they will be sharing throughout the summit.

Please check in regularly for delegate blog posts, photo updates and video coverage of select meetings - your inside track to the Young Atlanticist Summit!

If you would like to join the discussion, feel free to comment on posts, or even write your own. You can also follow the Summit on Facebook or Twitter.

For more on the 2010 Lisbon Young Atlanticist Summit, go to www.youngatlanticist.org.