Paula Alexandra Martins de Oliveira
Data da última atualização
»Last update
12/06/2019 |
Dados pessoais (Personal data)
Nome completo
Full name |
Paula Alexandra Martins de Oliveira |
Nome em citações bibliográficas
Quoting name |
Oliveira, Paula Alexandra Martins de |
Categoria profissional
Position |
Professor Associado com Agregação |
Domínio científico de atuação
Scientific domain |
Ciências Médicas-Medicina Básica. Ciências Médicas-Ciências da Saúde.
Endereço profissional
Professional address |
Universidade de Trás-os-Montes e Alto Douro Escola de Ciências Agrárias e Veterinárias Departamento de Ciências Veterinárias Quinta de Prados Vila Real 5000--801 Vila Real Portugal Telefone: (+351)259350600Extensão: 2651 Fax: (+351)259350480 Correio electrónico: |
Gender |
Feminino»Female |
Graus Académicos
(Academic Degrees)
2010 |
Agregação Aggregation |
Universidade de Trás-os-Montes e Alto Douro,
2003-2006 |
Doutoramento Phd |
Ciências Veterinárias.
Universidade de Trás-os-Montes e Alto Douro,
1990-1996 |
Licenciatura Licentiate degree |
Licenciatura em Medicina Veterinária
(6 anos » years)
Universidade de Trás-os-Montes e Alto Douro,
Vínculos profissionais
(Professional Positions)
Universidade de Trás-os-Montes e Alto Douro |
Mar/2013-Actual |
Professor Associado com Agregação |
Universidade de Trás-os-Montes e Alto Douro |
Mar/2013-Actual |
Professor Associado com Agregação |
Abr/2011-Mar/2013 |
Professor Auxiliar com Agregação |
Abr/2010-Mar/2011 |
Professor Auxiliar com Agregação |
Jul/2006-Mar/2010 |
Professor Auxiliar |
Abr/2001-Jul/2006 |
Assistente |
Dez/1996-Abr/2001 |
Assistente Estagiário |
Out/1993-Dez/1996 |
Outra Situação Monitor |
Línguas (Languages)
Compreende Understandig |
Inglês (Bem), Espanhol (Bem), Francês (Razoavelmente). |
Fala Speaking |
Inglês (Bem), Espanhol (Razoavelmente), Francês (Pouco). |
Lê Reading |
Inglês (Bem), Espanhol (Bem), Francês (Razoavelmente). |
Escreve Writing |
Inglês (Bem), Espanhol (Razoavelmente), Francês (Pouco). |
Prémios e títulos (Awards Prizes, and Honours)
2011 |
National Scholar Award 2011,
UEGW Stockholm .
2008 |
Bolsa de Investigação ABBOTT Urologia 2008. |
2001 |
Melhor comunicação oral do Congresso ,
VI Congresso Nacional de anatomia Patológica.
2000 |
Melhor poster ,
IV Jornadas Internacionais de Clínica de Pequenos Animais.
1997 |
Prémio Senado Universitário-Prémio do melhor aluno por ter terminado a licenciatura em Medicina Veterinária com a classificação
de 16 valores,
Universidade de Trás-os-Montes e Alto Douro.
1997 |
Prémio da Fundação Eng. António de Almeida atribuído ao licenciado com a mais elevada classificação em Medicina Veterinária
Fundação Eng. António de Almeida.
Membro de Associações Profissionais/Científicas (Professional/Scientific Association membership)
Fev/2016 - Actual |
Sociedade Portuguesa de Farmacologia, Membro.
Mar/1996 - Actual |
Ordem dos médicos veterinários, Membro.
Produção científica, técnica e artística/cultural
(Scientific, technical and artistical/cultural
Capítulos de livros publicados Published book chapters |
1. |
Alves-Pimenta, Sofia; Colaço, Bruno; Oliveira, Paula A; Venâncio, Carlos. 2018. Biological Concerns on the Selection of Animal Models for Teratogenic Testing. In Teratogenicity Testing, ed. Luís Félix, 61 - 93. ISBN: 978-1-4939-7882-3. New York, NY: Springer New York.
2. |
Oliveira, Paula A; Vasconcelos-Nóbrega, Cármen; Gil da C. R. M; Arantes-Rodrigues, Regina. 2018. The N-butyl-N-4-hydroxybutyl Nitrosamine Mouse Urinary Bladder Cancer Model. In Urothelial Carcinoma, ed. Wolfgang A SchulzMichèle J. HoffmannGünter Niegisch, 155 - 167. ISBN: 978-1-4939-7233-3. New York, NY: Springer New York.
3. |
Alves-Pimenta, Sofia; Félix, Luís; Colaço, Bruno; Oliveira, Paula A; Venâncio, Carlos. 2018. Teratology Study Guidelines: An Overview. In Teratogenicity Testing, ed. Luís Félix, 33 - 59. ISBN: 978-1-4939-7882-3. New York, NY: Springer New York.
4. |
Gil da C. R. M; Silva, António R; Rocha, Ana F; Oliveira, Paula A; Gabriel, Joaquim; Abrantes, Ana M; Botelho, Maria F. 2017. Thermography in Animal Models of Cancer. In Innovative Research in Thermal Imaging for Biology and Medicine, ed. Ricardo Vardasca e Joaquim Gabriel Mendes, 237 - 263. ISBN: 9781522520726. IGI Global: IGI Global.
Artigos em revistas com arbitragem científica Papers in periodics with scientific refereeing |
1. |
Oliveira, Paula A. M.. 2018. "Curcumin and Rutin Down-regulate Cyclooxygenase-2 and Reduce Tumor-associated Inflammation in HPV16-Transgenic Mice", Anticancer Research 38, 3: 1461 - 1466.
2. |
Faustino-Rocha, Ana I; Rodrigues, D.; Gil da C. R; Diniz, C.; Aragao, S.; Talhada, D.; Botelho, M.; Colaco, A.; Pires, M. J; Peixoto, F.; Oliveira, P. A. 2016. "Trihalomethanes in Liver Pathology: Mitochondrial Dysfunction and Oxidative Stress in the Mouse", Environmental Toxicology 31, 8: 1009 - 10. |
3. |
Faustino-Rocha, Ana I; Rodrigues, D.; da Costa, R. G; Diniz, C.; Aragão, S.; Talhada, D.; Botelho, M.; Colaço, A.; Pires, M. J; Peixoto, F.; Oliveira, P. A. 2015. "Trihalomethanes in liver pathology: Mitochondrial dysfunction and oxidative stress in the mouse", Environmental Toxicology, Jan 9: n/a - n/a.
4. |
Padrão, Ana I; Moreira-Gonçalves, Daniel; Oliveira, Paula A; Teixeira, Catarina; Faustino-Rocha, Ana I; Helguero, Luísa; Vitorino, Rui; Santos, Lúcio L; Amado, Francisco; Duarte, José A; Ferreira, Rita. 2015. "Endurance training prevents TWEAK but not myostatin-mediated cardiac remodelling in cancer cachexia", Archives of Biochemistry and Biophysics 567, Feb 1: 13 - 21.
5. |
Paiva, Isabel; Gil da C. R. M; Ribeiro, Joana; Sousa, Hugo; Bastos, Margarida; Rocha, Ana F. C; Oliveira, Paula A; Medeiros, Rui; Calin, George. 2015. "A Role for MicroRNA-155 Expression in Microenvironment Associated to HPV-Induced Carcinogenesis in K14-HPV16 Transgenic Mice", PLOS ONE 10, 1: e0116868 - e0116868.
6. |
Alvarado, A.; Arantes-Rodrigues, R.; Vasconcelos-Nóbrega, C.; Da Costa, R; Pinto-Leite, M.R.; Faustino-Rocha, A.I.; Oliveira, P.A.. 2015. "Urinary bladder chemical carcinogenesis in laboratory rodents as an experimental model | Carcinogénesis química de vejiga
urinaria en roedores de laboratorio como modelo experimental", Revista Venezolana de Oncologia 27, 1: 57 - 63. |
7. |
Faustino-Rocha, Ana I; Ferreira, Rita; Oliveira, Paula A; Gama, Adelina; Ginja, Mário. 2015. "N-Methyl-N-nitrosourea as a mammary carcinogenic agent", Tumor Biology, 1: 1 - 23.
8. |
Paiva, Isabel; Gil da C. R. M; Ribeiro, Joana; Sousa, Hugo; Bastos, Margarida M; Faustino-Rocha, Ana; Lopes, Carlos; Oliveira, Paula A; Medeiros, Rui. 2015. "MicroRNA-21 expression and susceptibility to HPV-induced carcinogenesis — role of microenvironment in K14-HPV16 mice model", Life Sciences 128, 128: 8 - 14.
9. |
Ferreira, R.; Oliveira, P. A; Martins, T.; Magalhães, S.; Trindade, F.; Pires, M.J.; Colaço, B.; Barros, A.; Santos, L.; Amado, F.; Vitorino, R.. 2015. "Comparative proteomic analyses of urine from rat urothelial carcinoma chemically induced by exposure to N-butyl-N-(4-hydroxybutyl)-nitrosamine", Molecular BioSystems 11, 6: 1594 - 16. |
10. |
Carneiro, Manuela; Colaço, Bruno; Brandão, Ricardo; Azorín, Beatriz; Nicolas, Olga; Colaço, Jorge; Pires, Maria J; Agustí, Susana; Casas-Díaz, Encarna; Lavin, Santiago; Oliveira, Paula A. 2015. "Assessment of the exposure to heavy metals in Griffon vultures (Gyps fulvus) from the Iberian Peninsula", Ecotoxicology and Environmental Safety 113, 0: 295 - 301.
11. |
Botelho, Monica C; Costa, Carla; Silva, Susana; Costa, Solange; Dhawan, Alok; Oliveira, Paula A; Teixeira, João P. 2014. "Effects of titanium dioxide nanoparticles in human gastric epithelial cells in vitro", Biomedicine & Pharmacotherapy 68, 1: 59 - 64.
12. |
Pinto-Leite, R.; Arantes-Rodrigues, R.; Ferreira, R.; Palmeira, C.; Oliveira, P.A.; Santos, L.. 2014. "Treatment of muscle invasive urinary bladders tumors: A potential role of the mTOR inhibitors", Biomedicine and Aging Pathology 4, 3: 169 - 178.
13. |
Henriques, A.; Arantes-Rodrigues, R.; Faustino-Rocha, A.I.; Teixeira-Guedes, C.I.; Pinho-Oliveira, J.; Talhada, D.; Teixeira, J.H.; Andrade, A.; Colaço, B.; Paiva-Cardoso, M.N.; Pires, M.J.; Ferreira, A.M.V.D.; Nunes, F.M.; Oliveira, P.A.. 2014. "The effects of whole green tea infusion on mouse urinary bladder chemical carcinogenesis", Iranian Journal of Basic Medical Sciences 17, 2: 145 - 148. |
14. |
Faustino-Rocha, A.I.; Oliveira, P.A.; Colaço, B.; Alvarado, A.. 2014. "Re: Establishment of novel rat models for premalignant breast disease", Chinese Medical Journal 127, 24: 4296 - 4296.
15. |
Gil da C. R; Oliveira, P.A.; Bastos, M.M.S.M.; Lopes, C.C.; Lopes, C.. 2014. "Ptaquiloside-induced early-stage urothelial lesions show increased cell proliferation and intact ß-catenin and E-cadherin
expression", Environmental Toxicology 29, 7: 763 - 769.
16. |
Paula Santos, N; Colaço, A.; Gil da C. R; Manuel Oliveira, M; Peixoto, F.; Alexandra Oliveira, P. 2014. "N-diethylnitrosamine mouse hepatotoxicity: Time-related effects on histology and oxidative stress", Experimental and Toxicologic Pathology 66, 9-10: 429 - 436. |
17. |
Ferreira, R.; Vitorino, R.; Padrão, A.I.; Espadas, G.; Mancuso, F.M.; Moreira-Gonçalves, D.; Castro-Sousa, G.; Henriques-Coelho, T.; Oliveira, P.A.; Barros, A.S.; Duarte, J.A.; Sabidó, E.; Amado, F.. 2014. "Lifelong exercise training modulates cardiac mitochondrial phosphoproteome in rats", Journal of Proteome Research 13, 4: 2045 - 20. |
18. |
Antunes, D.; Padrão, A.I.; Maciel, E.; Santinha, D.; Oliveira, P. A; Vitorino, R.; Moreira-Gonçalves, D.; Colaço, B.; Pires, M.J.; Nunes, C.; Santos, L.L.; Amado, F.; Duarte, J.A.; Domingues, M.R.; Ferreira, R.. 2014. "Molecular insights into mitochondrial dysfunction in cancer-related muscle wasting", Biochimica et Biophysica Acta - Molecular and Cell Biology of Lipids 1841, 6: 896 - 905. |
19. |
Pinto-Leite, R.; Carreira, I.; Melo, J.; Ferreira, S.I.; Ribeiro, I.; Ferreira, J.; Filipe, M.; Bernardo, C.; Arantes-Rodrigues, R.; Oliveira, P. A; Santos, L.. 2014. "Genomic characterization of three urinary bladder cancer cell lines: Understanding genomic types of urinary bladder cancer", Tumor Biology 35, 5: 4599 - 46. |
20. |
Carneiro, M.; Colaço, B.; Brandão, R.; Ferreira, C.; Santos, N.; Soeiro, V.; Colaço, A.; Pires, M.J.; Oliveira, P.A.; Lavín, S.. 2014. "Biomonitoring of heavy metals (Cd, Hg, and Pb) and metalloid (As) with the Portuguese common buzzard (Buteo buteo)", Environmental Monitoring and Assessment 186, 11: 7011 - 70.
21. |
Santos, N.P.; Oliveira, P.A.; Arantes-Rodrigues, R.; Faustino-Rocha, A.I.; Colaço, A.; Lopes, C.; Gil da C. R. 2014. "Cytokeratin 7/19 expression in N-diethylnitrosamine-induced mouse hepatocellular lesions: Implications for histogenesis", International Journal of Experimental Pathology 95, 3: 191 - 198. |
22. |
Teixeira-Guedes, C.I.; Faustino-Rocha, A.I.; Talhada, D.; Duarte, J.A.; Ferreira, R.; Seixas, F.; Oliveira, P.A.. 2014. "A liver schwannoma observed in a female Sprague-Dawley rat treated with MNU", Experimental and Toxicologic Pathology 66, 2-3: 125 - 128. |
23. |
Oliveira, P.A.; Arantes-Rodrigues, R.; Vasconcelos-Nóbrega, C.. 2014. "Animal models of urinary bladder cancer and their application to novel drug discovery", Expert Opinion on Drug Discovery 9, 5: 485 - 503. |
24. |
Faustino-Rocha, A.I.; Silva, A.; Gabriel, J.; Teixeira-Guedes, C.I.; Lopes, C.; Gil da C. R; Gama, A.; Ferreira, R.; Oliveira, P.A.; Ginja, M.. 2013. "Ultrasonographic, thermographic and histologic evaluation of MNU-induced mammary tumors in female Sprague-Dawley rats", Biomedicine and Pharmacotherapy 67, 8: 771 - 776.
25. |
Pinto-Leite, R.; Arantes-Rodrigues, R.; Ferreira, R.; Palmeira, C.; Colaço, A.; Moreira da S. V; Oliveira, P. A; Lara Santos, L. 2013. "Temsirolimus improves cytotoxic efficacy of cisplatin and gemcitabine against urinary bladder cancer cell lines", Urologic Oncology: Seminars and Original Investigations 32, 1: e1141e22 - e1141e22.
26. |
Orellana-james, N.G.; Ginja, M.M.; Regueiro, M.; Oliveira, P. A; Gama, A.; Rodriguez-Altonaga, J.A.; Gonzalo-orden, J.M.. 2013. "Sub-acute and chronic MRI findings in bilateral canine fibrotic contracture of the infraspinatus muscle", Journal of Small Animal Practice 54, 8: 428 - 431.
27. |
Soares-Maia, R.; Faustino-Rocha, A.I.; Teixeira-Guedes, C.I.; Pinho-Oliveira, J.; Talhada, D.; Rema, A.; Faria, F.; Ginja, M.; Ferreira, R.; Gil da C. R; Oliveira, P.A.; Lopes, C.. 2013. "MNU-induced rat mammary carcinomas: Immunohistology and estrogen receptor expression", Journal of Environmental Pathology, Toxicology and Oncology 32, 2: 157 - 163. |
28. |
Oliveira, M.M.; Teixeira, J.C.; Vasconcelos-Nóbrega, C.; Felix, L.M.; Sardão, V.A.; Colaço, A.A.; Oliveira, P.A.; Peixoto, F.P.. 2013. "Mitochondrial and liver oxidative stress alterations induced by N-butyl-N-(4-hydroxybutyl)nitrosamine: Relevance for hepatotoxicity", Journal of Applied Toxicology 33, 6: 434 - 443. |
29. |
Arantes-Rodrigues, R.; Pinto-Leite, R.; Fidalgo-Gonçalves, L.; Gaivão, I.; Colaço, A.; Oliveira, P. A; Santos, L.. 2013. "Meloxicam synergistically enhances the in vitro effects of sunitinib malate on bladder-cancer cells", Journal of Applied Biomedicine 11, 2: 79 - 92. |
30. |
Vasconcelos-Nóbrega, C.; Pinto-Leite, R.; Arantes-Rodrigues, R.; Ferreira, R.; Brochado, P.; Cardoso, M.L.; Palmeira, C.; Salvador, A.; Guedes-Teixeira, C.I.; Colaço, A.; Palomino, L.F.; Lopes, C.; Santos, L.; Oliveira, P.A.. 2013. "In vivo and in vitro effects of RAD001 on bladder cancer", Urologic Oncology: Seminars and Original Investigations 31, 7: 1212 - 12. |
31. |
Arantes-Rodrigues, R.; Colaço, A.; Pinto-Leite, R.; Oliveira, P.A.. 2013. "In Vitro and In Vivo experimental models as tools to investigate the efficacy of antineoplastic drugs on urinary bladder cancer", Anticancer Research 33, 4: 1273 - 12. |
32. |
Pinto-Leite, R.; Arantes-Rodrigues, R.; Palmeira, C.; Colaço, B.; Lopes, C.; Colaço, A.; Costa, C.; da Silva, V; Oliveira, P. A; Santos, L.. 2013. "Everolimus combined with cisplatin has a potential role in treatment of urothelial bladder cancer", Biomedicine and Pharmacotherapy 67, 2: 116 - 121. |
33. |
Faustino-Rocha, A.I.; Oliveira, P.A.; Pinho-Oliveira, J.; Teixeira-Guedes, C.I.; Soares-Maia, R.; Da Costa, R; Colaço, B.; Pires, M.J.; Colaço, J.; Ferreira, R.; Ginja, M.. 2013. "Estimation of rat mammary tumor volume using caliper and ultrasonography measurements", Lab Animal 42, 6: 217 - 224. |
34. |
Teixeira, C.; Franco, E.; Oliveira, P.A.; Colaco, B.; Gama, A.; Carrola, J.; Pires, C.A.; Colaco, A.; Pires, M.J.M.. 2013. "Effects of nebivolol on liver fibrosis induced by bile duct ligation in wistar rats", In Vivo 27, 5: 635 - 640. |
35. |
Vasconcelos-Nóbrega, C.; Costa, C.; Vala, H.; Colaço, A.; Santos, L.; Lopes, C.; Oliveira, P.A.. 2013. " E-Cadherin and B-Catenin Expression during Urothelial Carcinogenesis Induced by N -butyl- N-(4-hydroxybutyl) nitrosamine
in Mice ", Urologia Internationalis 91, 4: 462 - 466.
36. |
Arantes-Rodrigues, R.; Pinto-Leite, R.; Da Costa, R; Colaço, A.; Lopes, C.; Oliveira, P. A. 2013. "Cytogenetic characterization of an N-butyl-N-(4-hydroxybutyl) nitrosamine-induced mouse papillary urothelial carcinoma", Tumor Biology 34, 5: 2691 - 26. |
37. |
Padrão, A.I.; Oliveira, P. A; Vitorino, R.; Colaço, B.; Pires, M.J.; Márquez, M.; Castellanos, E.; Neuparth, M.J.; Teixeira, C.; Costa, C.; Moreira-Gonçalves, D.; Cabral, S.; Duarte, J.A.; Santos, L.L.; Amado, F.; Ferreira, R.. 2013. "Bladder cancer-induced skeletal muscle wasting: Disclosing the role of mitochondria plasticity", International Journal of Biochemistry and Cell Biology 45, 7: 1399 - 14. |
38. |
Faustino-Rocha, A.I.; Oliveira, P.A.; Duarte, J.A.; Ferreira, R.; Ginja, M.. 2013. "Ultrasonographic evaluation of Gastrocnemius muscle in a rat model of N-methyl-N-nitrosourea-induced mammary tumor", In Vivo 27, 6: 803 - 807. |
39. |
Arantes-Rodrigues, Regina; Pinto-Leite, Rosário; Fidalgo-Gonçalves, Lio; Palmeira, Carlos; Santos, Lúcio; Colaço, Aura; Oliveira, Paula. 2013. "Synergistic Effect between Cisplatin and Sunitinib Malate on Human Urinary Bladder-Cancer Cell Lines", BioMed Research International 2013, 2013: 1 - 11.
40. |
Vasconcelos-Nóbrega, C.; Costa, C.; Vala, H.; Colaço, A.; Santos, L.; Lopes, C.; Oliveira, P.A.. 2013. "E-cadherin and ß-catenin expression during urothelial carcinogenesis induced by N-butyl-N-(4-hydroxybutyl) nitrosamine in
mice", Urologia Internationalis 91, 4: 462 - 466. |
41. |
Arantes-Rodrigues, R.; Henriques, A.; Pinto-Leite, R.; Faustino-Rocha, A.I.; Pinho-Oliveira, J.; Teixeira-Guedes, C.I.; Seixas, F.; Gama, A.; Colaço, B.; Colaço, A.; Oliveira, P.A.. 2012. "The effects of repeated oral gavage on the health of male CD-1 mice", Lab Animal 41, 5: 129 - 134. |
42. |
Altónaga, J.R.; Ginja, M.M.; Regueiro-Purriños, M.; Melo-Alonso, B.; Oliveira, P.A.; Gonzalo-Orden, J.M.. 2012. "Osteolysis with a cartilage flap in an OCD-like lesion of the femoral head in a mature dog", Australian Veterinary Practitioner 42, 1: 206 - 209. |
43. |
Gil da C. R; Oliveira, P.A.; Bastos, M.M.S.M.; Lopes, C.C.; Lopes, C.. 2012. "Ptaquiloside-induced early-stage urothelial lesions show increased cell proliferation and intact ß-catenin and e-cadherin
expression", Environmental Toxicology 13, 4: 763 - 769.
44. |
Pinto-Leite, R.; Arantes-Rodrigues, R.; Palmeira, C.; Gaivo, I.; Cardoso, M.L.; Colaço, A.; Santos, L.; Oliveira, P. A. 2012. "Everolimus enhances gemcitabine-induced cytotoxicity in bladder-cancer cell lines", Journal of Toxicology and Environmental Health - Part A: Current Issues 75, 13-15: 788 - 799. |
45. |
Botelho, M.C.; Ribeiro, R.; Vale, N.; Oliveira, P. A; Medeiros, R.; Lopes, C.; Machado, J.C.; Correia Da C. J. 2012. "Inactivation of estrogen receptor by Schistosoma haematobium total antigen in bladder urothelial cells", Oncology Reports 27, 2: 356 - 362. |
46. |
Vasconcelos-Nóbrega, C.; Colaço, A.; Lopes, C.; Oliveira, P.A.. 2012. "BBN as an urothelial carcinogen", In Vivo 26, 4: 727 - 739. |
47. |
Gil da C. R; Bastos, M.M.S.M.; Oliveira, P.A.; Lopes, C.. 2012. "Bracken-associated human and animal health hazards: Chemical, biological and pathological evidence", Journal of Hazardous Materials 203, 204: 1 - 12.
48. |
Gil da C. R; Oliveira, P.A.; Vilanova, M.; Bastos, M.M.S.M.; Lopes, C.C.; Lopes, C.. 2011. "Ptaquiloside-induced, B-cell lymphoproliferative and early-stage urothelial lesions in mice", Toxicon 58, 6-7: 543 - 549. |
49. |
Botelho, M.C.; Oliveira, P.A.; Lopes, C.; Correia da C. J; Machado, J.C.. 2011. "Urothelial dysplasia and inflammation induced by Schistosoma haematobium total antigen instillation in mice normal urothelium", Urologic Oncology: Seminars and Original Investigations 29, 6: 809 - 814. |
50. |
Vasconcelos-Nóbrega, C.; Colaço, A.; Santos, L.; Vala, H.; Palomino, L.F.; Lopes, C.; Oliveira, P.A.. 2011. "Experimental study of the anticancer effect of gemcitabine combined with sirolimus on chemically induced urothelial lesions", Anticancer Research 31, 5: 1637 - 16. |
51. |
Arantes-Rodrigues, R.; Henriques, A.; Pires, M.J.; Colaço, B.; Calado, A.M.; Rema, P.; Colaço, A.; Fernandes, T.; De la C. P; Lopes, C.; Fidalgo-Gonçalves, L.; Vilela, S.; Pedrosa, T.; Peixoto, F.; Oliveira, P.A.. 2011. "High doses of olive leaf extract induce liver changes in mice", Food and Chemical Toxicology 49, 9: 1989 - 19. |
52. |
Palmeira, C.; Lameiras, C.; Amaro, T.; Lima, L.; Koch, A.; Lopes, C.; Oliveira, P.A.; Santos, L.. 2011. "CIS is a surrogate marker of genetic instability and field carcinogenesis in the urothelial mucosa", Urologic Oncology: Seminars and Original Investigations 29, 2: 205 - 211. |
53. |
Rodríguez, J.J.; Oliveira, P.A.; Fidalgo, L.E.; Ginja, M.M.D.; Silvestre, A.M.; Ez, C.O.; Serantes, A.E.; Gonzalo-Orden, J.M.; Orden, M.A.. 2010. "Lead toxicity in captive and wild mallards (Anas platyrhynchos) in Spain", Journal of Wildlife Diseases 46, 3: 854 - 863. |
54. |
Botelho, M.C.; Oliveira, P.A.; Vieira, P.; Delgado, M.L.; Lourenço, L.; Lopes, C.; Machado, J.C.; da Costa, J. 2010. "Granulomatous-like immune reaction and hepatic fibrosis induced by Schistosoma haematobium immature worms", Virulence 1, 3: 123 - 129. |
55. |
Sánchez, J.; Gonzalo-Orden, J.M.; Ginja, M.; Oliveira, P.A.; Reyes, L.E.; Serantes, A.E.; Orden, M.A.. 2010. "Imaging diagnosis - medullary tibial infarction in a horse", Veterinary Radiology and Ultrasound 51, 2: 159 - 161. |
56. |
Palmeira, C.; Oliveira, P. A; Lameiras, C.; Amaro, T.; Silva, V.M.; Lopes, C.; Santos, L.. 2010. "Biological similarities between murine chemical-induced and natural human bladder carcinogenesis", Oncology Letters 1, 2: 373 - 377. |
57. |
Botelho, M.; Oliveira, P. A; Gomes, J.; Gartner, F.; Lopes, C.; Correia Da C. J; MacHado, J.C.. 2009. "Tumourigenic effect of Schistosoma haematobium total antigen in mammalian cells", International Journal of Experimental Pathology 90, 4: 448 - 453. |
58. |
Pinto-Leite, Rosario; Botelho, Pedro; Ribeiro, Eufemia; Oliveira, Paula A; Santos, Lucio. 2009. "Effect of sirolimus on urinary bladder cancer T24 cell line", Journal of Experimental & Clinical Cancer Research 28, 1: 3 - 3.
59. |
Palmeira, C.; Oliveira, P.A.; Arantes-Rodrigues, R.; Colaço, A.; de La C. P; Lopes, C.; Santos, L.. 2009. "DNA cytometry and kinetics of rat urothelial lesions during chemical carcinogenesis", Oncology Reports 21, 1: 247 - 252. |
60. |
Oliveira, P.A.; Arantes-Rodrigues, R.; Sousa-Diniz, C.; Colaço, A.; Lourenço, L.; De La C. P. L; Da Silva, V; Afonso, J.; Lopes, C.; Santos, L.. 2009. "The effects of sirolimus on urothelial lesions chemically induced in ICR mice by BBN", Anticancer Research 29, 8: 3221 - 32. |
61. |
Oliveira, P.A.; Pires, M.J.; Nóbrega, C.; Arantes-Rodrigues, R.; Calado, A.M.; Carrola, J.; Ginja, M.; Colaço, A.. 2009. "Technical report: Technique of bladder catheterization in female mice and rats for intravesical instillation in models of
bladder cancer", Scandinavian Journal of Laboratory Animal Science 36, 1: 5 - 9. |
62. |
Palmeira, C.A.; Oliveira, P.A.; Seixas, F.; Pires, M.A.; Lopes, C.; Santos, L.. 2008. "DNA image cytometry in bladder cancer: State of the art", Anticancer Research 28, 1 B: 443 - 450. |
63. |
Oliveira, P. A; Palmeira, C.; Colaço, A.; De La C. P. L; Lopes, C.. 2008. "Cell proliferation and DNA content in rat urothelial lesions after repeat intravesical instillations of mitomycin C and bacillus
calmette-guérin", Urologia Internationalis 80, 1: 90 - 97. |
64. |
Oliveira, P.A.; Adega, F.; Palmeira, C.A.; Chaves, R.M.; Colaço, A.A.; Guedes-Pinto, H.; De La C. P. L; Lopes, C.A.. 2007. "DNA study of bladder papillary tumours chemically induced by N-butyl-N-(4-hydroxybutyl) nitrosamine in Fisher rats", International Journal of Experimental Pathology 88, 1: 39 - 46. |
65. |
Oliveira, P.A.; Colaço, A.; Chaves, R.M.; Guedes-Pinto, H.; De-La-Cruz, L.F.P.; Lopes, C.. 2007. "Chemical carcinogenesis", Anais da Academia Brasileira de Ciencias 79, 4: 593 - 916. |
66. |
Oliveira, P.A.; Colaço, A.A.; Palmeira, C.A.; De La C. P. L; Lopes, C.A.. 2007. "A phyllodes tumor of the urinary bladder in a rat", Experimental Oncology 29, 2: 159 - 161. |
67. |
Oliveira, P.A.; Colaço, A.; De La C. P. L; Lopes, C.. 2006. "E-cadherin expression during urothelial carcinogenesis induced by N-butyl-N-(4-hydroxybutyl) nitrosamine in rats", Journal of Experimental and Clinical Cancer Research 25, 3: 425 - 432. |
68. |
Oliveira, P.A.; Palmeira, C.; Colaço, A.; De La C. P. L; Lopes, C.. 2006. "DNA content analysis, expression of Ki-67 and p53 in rat urothelial lesions induced by N-butyl-N-(4-hydroxybutyl) nitrosamine
and treated with mitomycin C and Bacillus Calmette-Gue'rin", Anticancer Research 26, 4 B: 2995 - 30. |
69. |
Oliveira, P.A.; Colaço, A.; De La C. P. L; Lopes, C.. 2006. "Experimental bladder carcinogenesis-rodent models", Experimental Oncology 28, 1: 2 - 11. |
70. |
Oliveira, P.A.; Palmeira, C.; Lourenço, L.M.; Lopes, C.A.. 2005. "Evaluation of DNA content in preneoplastic changes of mouse urinary bladder induced by N-butyl-N-(4-hydroxybutyl) nitrosamine", Journal of Experimental and Clinical Cancer Research 24, 4: 609 - 616. |
71. |
Oliveira, P. A; Pires, M.A.; Rodrigues, P.; Ginja, M.; Pires, M.J.; Pires, I.; Cardoso, L.; Antunes, L.; Rodrigues, M.. 2005. "Opisthorchis felineus in cat: Case report", Arquivo Brasileiro de Medicina Veterinaria e Zootecnia 57, 4: 556 - 558. |
72. |
Ferreira, A.J.A.; Jaggy, A.; Varejäo, A.P.; Ferreira, M.L.P.; Correia, J.M.J.; Mulas, J.M.; Almeida, O.; Oliveira, P. A; Prada, J.. 2000. "Brain and ocular metastases from a Transmissible Venereal Tumour in a dog", Journal of Small Animal Practice 41, 4: 165 - 168. |
Artigos em revistas sem arbitragem científica Papers in periodics without scientific refereeing |
1. |
Padrão, Ana I; Nogueira-Ferreira, Rita; Vitorino, Rui; Carvalho, Dulce; Correia, Catarina; Neuparth, Maria J; Pires, Maria J; Faustino-Rocha, Ana I; Santos, Lúcio L; Oliveira, Paula A; Duarte, José A; Moreira-Gonçalves, Daniel; Ferreira, Rita. 2018. "Exercise training protects against cancer-induced cardiac remodeling in an animal model of urothelial carcinoma", Archives of Biochemistry and Biophysics 645, 1 May 2018: 12 - 18.
2. |
Oliveira, Paula A. M.. 2018. "Intense Pulsed Light: Friend or Foe? Molecular Evidence to Clarify Doubts", Anticancer Research 38, 2: 779 - 786.
3. |
Nascimento-Gonçalves, Elisabete; Faustino-Rocha, Ana I; Seixas, Fernanda; Ginja, Mário; Colaço, Bruno; Ferreira, Rita; Fardilha, Margarida; Oliveira, Paula A. 2018. "Modelling human prostate cancer: Rat models", Life Sciences 203, 2018 Jun15: 210 - 224.
4. |
Peirone, C.; Mestre, V.F.; Medeiros-Fonseca, B.; Colaço, B.; Pires, M.J.; Martins, T.; Gil da C. R; Neuparth, M.J.; Medeiros, R.; Bastos, M.M.S.M.; Marques-Magallanes, J.A.; Oliveira, P.A.. 2018. "Ozone therapy prevents the onset of dysplasia in HPV16-transgenic mice—A pre-clinical efficacy and safety analysis", Biomedicine & Pharmacotherapy 104, 2018 Aug: 275 - 279.
5. |
Martins, Tânia; Colaço, Bruno; Venâncio, Carlos; Pires, Maria J; Oliveira, Paula A; Rosa, Eduardo; Antunes, Luís M. 2018. "Potential effects of sulforaphane to fight obesity", Journal of the Science of Food and Agriculture 98, 8: 2837 - 2844.
6. |
Araújo, Rita; Santos, Joana M. O; Fernandes, Mara; Dias, Francisca; Sousa, Hugo; Ribeiro, Joana; Bastos, Margarida M. S. M; Oliveira, Paula A; Carmo, Diogo; Casaca, Fátima; Silva, Sandra; Medeiros, Rui; Gil da C. R. M. 2017. "Expression profile of microRNA-146a along HPV-induced multistep carcinogenesis: a study in HPV16 transgenic mice", Journal of Cancer Research and Clinical Oncology 144, 2: 241 - 248.
7. |
Faustino-Rocha, Ana I; Gama, Adelina; Oliveira, Paula A; Vanderperren, Katrien; Saunders, Jimmy H; Pires, Maria J; Ferreira, Rita; Ginja, Mário. 2017. "Modulation of mammary tumor vascularization by mast cells: Ultrasonographic and histopathological approaches", Life Sciences 176, May 1: 35 - 41.
8. |
Santos, Joana M; Fernandes, Mara; Araújo, Rita; Sousa, Hugo; Ribeiro, Joana; Bastos, Margarida M; Oliveira, Paula A; Carmo, Diogo; Casaca, Fátima; Silva, Sandra; Teixeira, Ana L; Gil da C. R. M; Medeiros, Rui. 2017. "Dysregulated expression of microRNA-150 in human papillomavirus-induced lesions of K14-HPV16 transgenic mice", Life Sciences 175, Apr 15: 31 - 36.
9. |
Santos, Nuno P; Colaço, Aura A; Oliveira, Paula A. 2017. "Animal models as a tool in hepatocellular carcinoma research: A Review", Tumor Biology 39, 3: 101042831769592 - 10.
10. |
Faustino-Rocha, Ana I; Ferreira, Rita; Gama, Adelina; Oliveira, Paula A; Ginja, Mário. 2017. "Antihistamines as promising drugs in cancer therapy", Life Sciences 172, 2017 Mar 1: 27 - 41.
11. |
Alvarado, Antonieta; Faustino-Rocha, Ana I; Colaço, Bruno; Oliveira, Paula A. 2017. "Experimental mammary carcinogenesis - Rat models", Life Sciences 173, Mar 15: 116 - 134.
12. |
Faustino-Rocha, Ana I; Gama, Adelina; Oliveira, Paula A; Alvarado, Antonieta; Ferreira, Rita; Ginja, Mário. 2017. "A spontaneous high-grade undifferentiated mammary carcinoma in a seven-week-old female rat", Experimental and Toxicologic Pathology 69, 5: 241 - 244.
13. |
Gil da C. R. M; Aragão, Sofia; Moutinho, Magda; Alvarado, Antonieta; Carmo, Diogo; Casaca, Fátima; Silva, Sandra; Ribeiro, Joana; Sousa, Hugo; Ferreira, Rita; Nogueira-Ferreira, Rita; Pires, Maria J; Colaço, Bruno; Medeiros, Rui; Venâncio, Carlos; Oliveira, Maria M; Bastos, Margarida M; Lopes, Carlos; Oliveira, Paula A. 2017. "HPV16 induces a wasting syndrome in transgenic mice: Amelioration by dietary polyphenols via NF-¿B inhibition", Life Sciences 169, Jan 15: 11 - 19.
14. |
Alvarado, Antonieta; Lopes, Ana C; Faustino-Rocha, Ana I; Cabrita, António M; Ferreira, Rita; Oliveira, Paula A; Colaço, Bruno. 2017. "Prognostic factors in MNU and DMBA-induced mammary tumors in female rats", Pathology - Research and Practice 213, 5: 441 - 446.
15. |
Faustino-Rocha, Ana I; Gama, Adelina; Oliveira, Paula A; Vanderperren, Katrien; Saunders, Jimmy H; Pires, Maria J; Ferreira, Rita; Ginja, Mário. 2017. "A Contrast-Enhanced Ultrasonographic Study About the Impact of Long-term Exercise Training on Mammary Tumor Vascularization", Journal of Ultrasound in Medicine 36, 12: 2459 - 24.
16. |
Alvarado, Antonieta; Gil da C. R. M; Faustino-Rocha, Ana I; Ferreira, Rita; Lopes, Carlos; Oliveira, Paula A; Colaço, Bruno. 2017. "Effects of exercise training on breast cancer metastasis in a rat model", International Journal of Experimental Pathology 98, 1: 40 - 46.
17. |
Oliveira, Paula A. M.. 2017. "Implementation of Human Endpoints in a Urinary Bladder Carcinogenesis Study in Rats", In Vivo 31, 6: 1073 - 1080.
18. |
Oliveira, Paula A. M.. 2017. "Mast Cells in Mammary Carcinogenesis: Host or Tumor Supporters?", Anticancer Research 37, 3: 1013 - 10.
19. |
Nogueira, António; Vala, Helena; Vasconcelos-Nóbrega, Carmen; Faustino-Rocha, Ana I; Pires, Carlos A; Colaço, Aura; Oliveira, Paula A; Pires, Maria J. 2017. "Long-term treatment with chaethomellic acid A reduces glomerulosclerosis and arteriolosclerosis in a rat model of chronic
kidney disease", Biomedicine & Pharmacotherapy 96, Dec: 489 - 496.
20. |
Oliveira, Paula A. M.. 2017. "Regulation of miRNA-146a and miRNA-150 Levels by Celecoxib in Premalignant Lesions of K14-HPV16 Mice", Anticancer Research 37, 6: 2913 - 2918.
21. |
NOGUEIRA, ANTÓNIO; PIRES, MARIA J; OLIVEIRA, PAULA A. 2017. "Pathophysiological Mechanisms of Renal Fibrosis: A Review of Animal Models and Therapeutic Strategies", In Vivo 31, 1: 1 - 22.
22. |
Nogueira, António; Peixoto, Francisco; Oliveira, Maria M; Pires, Carlos A; Colaço, Bruno; Oliveira, Paula A; Pires, Maria J. 2017. "The Effects of Long-Term Chaetomellic Acid A Administration on Renal Function and Oxidative Stress in a Rat Model of Renal
Mass Reduction", BioMed Research International 2017, 5125980: 1 - 10.
23. |
Oliveira, Paula A. M.. 2017. "Synergistic Effect of Carboplatin and Piroxicam on Two Bladder Cancer Cell Lines", Anticancer Research 37, 4: 1737 - 17.
24. |
Santos, C.; Neto, T.; Ferreirinha, P.; Sousa, H.; Ribeiro, J.; Bastos, M.M.S.M.; Faustino-Rocha, A.I.; Oliveira, P.A.; Medeiros, R.; Vilanova, M.; Da Costa, R. 2016. "Celecoxib promotes degranulation of CD8<sup>+</sup> T cells in HPV-induced lesions of K14-HPV16 transgenic mice", Life Sciences 157, 157: 67 - 73.
25. |
Oliveira, P.A.; Gil da C. R; Vasconcelos-N{\'o. 2016. "Challenges with in vitro and in vivo experimental models of urinary bladder cancer for novel drug discovery", Expert Opinion on Drug Discovery 11, 6: 599 - 607. |
26. |
Faustino-Rocha, A.I.; Silva, A.; Gabriel, J.; Gil da C. R; Moutinho, M.; Oliveira, P.A.; Gama, A.; Ferreira, R.; Ginja, M.. 2016. "Long-term exercise training as a modulator of mammary cancer vascularization", Biomedicine and Pharmacotherapy, 81: 273 - 280.
27. |
Padr{\~a. 2016. "Long-term exercise training prevents mammary tumorigenesis-induced muscle wasting in rats through the regulation of TWEAK
signalling", Acta Physiologica, X: 1 - 11.
28. |
Faustino-Rocha, A.I.; Rodrigues, D.; Ferreira, R.; Cola?o, B.; Gomes, P.S.; Pires, M.J.; Gama, A.; Oliveira, P.A.. 2016. "The effects of intense pulsed light in a mouse model of skin carcinogenesis", British Journal of Dermatology 174, 1: 216 - 218. |
29. |
Pinto-Leite, R.; Arantes-Rodrigues, R.; Sousa, N.; Oliveira, P.A.; Santos, L.. 2016. "mTOR inhibitors in urinary bladder cancer", Tumor Biology, X: 1 - 11.
30. |
Carneiro, Manuela; Colaço, Bruno; Colaço, Jorge; Faustino-Rocha, Ana I; Colaço, Aura; Lavin, Santiago; Oliveira, Paula A. 2016. "Biomonitoring of metals and metalloids with raptors from Portugal and Spain: a review", Environmental Reviews 24, 1: 63 - 83.
31. |
Faustino-Rocha, A.I.; Gama, A.; Oliveira, P.A.; Alvarado, A.; Neuparth, M.J.; Ferreira, R.; Ginja, M.. 2016. "Effects of lifelong exercise training on mammary tumorigenesis induced by MNU in female Sprague?Dawley rats", Clinical and Experimental Medicine, X: 1 - 10.
32. |
Faustino-Rocha, A.I.; Calado, A.M.; Gama, A.; Ferreira, R.; Ginja, M.; Oliveira, P.A.. 2016. "Electron Microscopy Findings in N-Methyl-N-Nitrosourea-Induced Mammary Tumors", Microscopy and Microanalysis, X: 1 - 6. |
33. |
Santos, C.; Ferreirinha, P.; Sousa, H.; Ribeiro, J.; Bastos, M.M.S.M.; Neto, T.; Oliveira, P.A.; Medeiros, R.; Vilanova, M.; Gil da C. R. 2016. "Ptaquiloside from bracken (Pteridium spp.) inhibits tumour-infiltrating CD8<sup>+</sup> T cells in HPV-16 transgenic mice", Food and Chemical Toxicology, 97: 277 - 285.
34. |
Da Costa, R; Bastos, M.M.S.M.; Medeiros, R.; Oliveira, P.A.. 2016. "The NFkB signaling pathway in papillomavirus-induced lesions: Friend or foe?", Anticancer Research 36, 5: 2073 - 20. |
35. |
Faustino-Rocha, Ana I; Gama, Adelina; Oliveira, Paula A; Alvarado, Antonieta; Fidalgo-Goncalves, Lio; Ferreira, Rita; Ginja, Mario M. 2016. "Ultrasonography as the Gold Standard for In Vivo Volumetric Determination of Chemically-induced Mammary Tumors", In Vivo 30, 4: 465 - 472. |
36. |
Oliveira, Paula A. M.. 2016. "Prognostic Factors in an Exercised Model of Chemically-induced Mammary Cancer.", Anticancer Research 36, 5: 2181 - 2188. |
37. |
NOGUEIRA, ANTÓNIO; ROCHA, ANA F; GINJA, MARIO; OLIVEIRA, PAULA A; PIRES, MARIA J. 2016. "Ultrasonographic Evaluation of the Kidney in 5/6 Nephrectomized Rats: Correlation with Biochemical and Histopathological Findings", In Vivo 30, 6: 829 - 834.
38. |
DVM,, Manuela A. C; Oliveira, Paula A; Brandão, Ricardo; Francisco, Olga N; Velarde, Roser; Lavín, Santiago; Colaço, Bruno. 2016. " Lead Poisoning Due to Lead-Pellet Ingestion in Griffon Vultures ( Gyps fulvus ) From
the Iberian Peninsula ", Journal of Avian Medicine and Surgery 30, 3: 274 - 279.
39. |
Costa, C.; Pereira, S.; Lima, L.; Peixoto, A.; Fernandes, E.; Neves, D.; Neves, M.; Gaiteiro, C.; Tavares, A.; Da Costa, R; Cruz, R.; Amaro, T.; Oliveira, P.A.; Ferreira, J.A.; Santos, L.L.. 2015. "Abnormal protein glycosylation and activated PI3K/Akt/mTOR pathway: Role in bladder cancer prognosis and targeted therapeutics", PLoS ONE 10, 11: 1 - 19.
40. |
Gil da C. R; Oliveira, P.A.; Vasconcelos-N{\'o. 2015. "Altered expression of CKs 14/20 is an early event in a rat model of multistep bladder carcinogenesis", International Journal of Experimental Pathology 96, 5: 319 - 325. |
41. |
Talhada, D.; Andrade, A.; Faustino-Rocha, A.I.; Teixeira-Guedes, C.I.; Teixeira, J.H.; Arantes-Rodrigues, R.; Vasconcelos-N{\'o. 2015. "Recommendations for urine and urinary bladder collection in chemical carcinogenesis assays with rodents", Scandinavian Journal of Laboratory Animal Science 41, 8: 1 - 8. |
42. |
Da Costa, R; Paula-Santos, N.; Rocha, A.F.C.; Colaç, A.; Lopes, C.; Oliveira, P.A.. 2014. "The N-nitrosodiethylamine mouse model: Sketching a timeline of evolution of chemically-induced hepatic lesions", Anticancer Research 34, 12: 7029 - 70. |
Indicadores de produção
(Production indicators)
Produção científica
Scientific production |
Produção científica Scientific production |
118 |
Livros e capítulos Books and book chapters |
4 |
Capítulos de livros publicados Published book chapters |
4 |
Artigos científicos em revistas Papers in periodics |
114 |
Com arbitragem científica With scientific refereeing |
72 |
Sem arbitragem científica Without scientific refereeing |
42 |
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