António José Arsénia Nogueira
Data da última atualização
»Last update
22/05/2014 |
Dados pessoais (Personal data)
Nome completo
Full name |
António José Arsénia Nogueira |
Nome em citações bibliográficas
Quoting name |
Nogueira, António José Arsénia |
Categoria profissional
Position |
Professor Associado com Agregação |
Domínio científico de atuação
Scientific domain |
Ciências Naturais-Ciências Biológicas. Ciências Naturais-Ciências da Terra e do Ambiente. Ciências Naturais-Outras Ciências Naturais.
Endereço profissional
Professional address |
Universidade de Aveiro Departamento de Biologia Laboratório de Ecologia e Toxicologia Ambiental Campus de Santiago Aveiro 3810-193 Aveiro Portugal Telefone: (+351)23437035Extensão: 22737 Fax: (+351)234372352 Correio electrónico: Homepage: |
Gender |
Masculino»Male |
Graus Académicos
(Academic Degrees)
2005 |
Agregação Aggregation |
Universidade de Aveiro,
1992-1996 |
Doutoramento Phd |
PhD in Aquaculture
(4 anos » years)
Reino Unido. Instituição portuguesa que atribuiu reconhecimento/equivalência/registo » Portuguese Instituition providing acknowledgement/equivalence/registry
: Universidade de Coimbra. Com o tipo » With the type:
Equivalência » Equivalence.
1982-1986 |
Licenciatura Licentiate degree |
Biologia - Ramo de Investigação
(4 anos » years)
Universidade de Coimbra,
Vínculos profissionais
(Professional Positions)
Abr/2005-Actual |
Professor Associado com Agregação |
Línguas (Languages)
Compreende Understandig |
Português (Bem), Inglês (Bem), Espanhol (Bem), Italiano (Razoavelmente). |
Fala Speaking |
Português (Bem), Inglês (Bem), Espanhol (Razoavelmente), Italiano (Pouco). |
Lê Reading |
Português (Bem), Inglês (Bem), Espanhol (Bem), Italiano (Razoavelmente). |
Escreve Writing |
Português (Bem), Inglês (Bem), Espanhol (Razoavelmente). |
Membro de Associações Profissionais/Científicas (Professional/Scientific Association membership)
Jul/1998 - Actual |
Ordem dos Biólogos, Membro.
Mai/1992 - Actual |
Society of Environmental Toxciology and Chemistry, Membro.
Produção científica, técnica e artística/cultural
(Scientific, technical and artistical/cultural
Capítulos de livros publicados Published book chapters |
1. |
Nogueira, Antonio; Baird, Donald; Curtis, Alan. 1992. A New Approach to Individual-Based Dynamic Modelling With Application in Ecotoxicology. In Environmental modelling: the next ten years, ed. A. R. D. Stebbing, K. Travis and P. Matthiessen, 37 - 39. . London, UK: SETAC-Europe.
Artigos em revistas com arbitragem científica Papers in periodics with scientific refereeing |
1. |
Pereira, Susana P; Oliveira, Rhaul; Coelho, Sónia; Musso, Carolina; Soares, Amadeu M; Domingues, Inês; Nogueira, António J. 2014. "From sub cellular to community level: Toxicity of glutaraldehyde to several aquatic organisms", Science of The Total Environment 470, : 147 - 158.
2. |
Quintaneiro, C; Monteiro, M; Soares, A. M. V. M; Ranville, J.; Nogueira, A. J. A. 2014. "Cholinesterase activity on Echinogammarus meridionalis (Pinkster) and Atyaephyra desmarestii (Millet): characterisation and
in vivo effects of copper and zinc", Ecotoxicology, -: na - na.
3. |
Jesus, Fátima T; Martins, Celso; Nogueira, António J. 2014. "Changes in life-history parameters of Daphnia longispina (Cladocera, Crustacea) as a function of water chemistry", Journal of Limnology 73, AoP: AoP - AoP.
4. |
Barbosa, Isabel R; Lopes, Sara; Oliveira, Rhaul; Domingues, Inês; Soares, Amadeu M. V. M; Nogueira, António J. A. 2013. "Determination of 17a-Methyltestosterone in Freshwater Samples of Tilapia Farming by High Performance Liquid Chromatography", American Journal of Analytical Chemistry 4, 4: 207 - 211. |
5. |
Oliveira, R.; McDonough, S.; Ladewig, J.C.L.; Soares, A.M.V.M.; Nogueira, A.J.A.; Domingues, I.. 2013. "Effects of oxytetracycline and amoxicillin on development and biomarkers activities of zebrafish (Danio rerio)", Environmental Toxicology and Pharmacology 36, 3: 903 - 912.
6. |
Sousa, R.; Freitas, F.E.P.; Mota, M.; Nogueira, A.J.A.; Antunes, C.. 2013. "Invasive dynamics of the crayfish Procambarus clarkii (Girard, 1852) in the international section of the River Minho (NW of
the Iberian Peninsula)", Aquatic Conservation: Marine and Freshwater Ecosystems 23, 5: 656 - 666.
7. |
Jesus, F.T.; Oliveira, R.; Silva, A.; Catarino, A.L.; Soares, A.M.V.M.; Nogueira, A.J.A.; Domingues, I.. 2013. "Lethal and sub lethal effects of the biocide chlorhexidine on aquatic organisms", Ecotoxicology 22, 9: 1348 - 13.
8. |
Sousa, A.C.A.; De Sá T. I; Marques, B.; Vilhena, H.; Vieira, L.; Soares, A.M.V.M.; Nogueira, A.J.A.; Lillebø, A.I.. 2013. "Mercury, pets' and hair: Baseline survey of a priority environmental pollutant using a noninvasive matrix in man's best friend", Ecotoxicology 22, 9: 1435 - 14. |
9. |
Santos, S.A.P.; Santos, C.; Silva, S.; Pinto, G.; Torres, L.M.; Nogueira, A.J.A.. 2013. "The effect of sooty mold on fluorescence and gas exchange properties of olive tree", Turkish Journal of Biology 37, 5: 620 - 628. |
10. |
Fernandes, Marco; Oliveira, Rhaul; Jesus, Maria; Aguiar, Sara; Pereira, Susana; Vitorino, Rui; Nogueira, António J. A; Amado, Francisco. 2013. "Ecotoxicoproteomics as an early tool for molecular events: exposure to silver nanoparticles", Current Opinion in Biotechnology 24, : S66 - S66.
11. |
Ramiro Pastorinho, M; Sousa, Ana C; Nogueira, António J; Ranville, James F. 2013. "Charting the (impacted) waters: Chlorella vulgaris and SPOS as a biosensor", Current Opinion in Biotechnology 24, : S65 - S65.
12. |
Sousa, Ana C; Bastos, Verónica; Pastorinho, M. R; Vilhena, Hugo; Miranda, Sónia; Pinho, Susana; Teixeira, João P; Santos, Conceição; Oliveira, Helena; Nogueira, António J. 2013. "A pilot observational study on pets DNA damage", Current Opinion in Biotechnology 24, : S76 - S76.
13. |
Ramiro Pastorinho, M; Telfer, T.C.; Nogueira, A.J.A.; Soares, A.M.V.M.; Ranville, J.F.. 2012. "An evaluation of trace metal distribution, enrichment factors and risk in sediments of a coastal lagoon (Ria de Aveiro, Portugal)", Environmental Earth Sciences 67, 7: 2043 - 20. |
14. |
Passos, H.; Sousa, A.C.A.; Pastorinho, M.R.; Nogueira, A.J.A.; Rebelo, L.P.N.; Coutinho, J.A.P.; Freire, M.G.. 2012. "Ionic-liquid-based aqueous biphasic systems for improved detection of bisphenol A in human fluids", Analytical Methods 4, 9: 2664 - 26. |
15. |
Oliveira, Helena; Sousa, Alexandra; Alves, Artur; Nogueira, António J; Santos, Conceição. 2012. "Inoculation with Ophiostoma novo-ulmi subsp. americana affects photosynthesis, nutrition and oxidative stress in in vitro
Ulmus minor plants", Environmental and Experimental Botany 77, : 146 - 155.
16. |
Pastorinho, M.R.; Telfer, T.C.; Soares, A.M.V.M.; Nogueira, A.J.A.. 2011. "A feeding inhibition based prediction of the toxic effect of dissolved metal mixtures upon Echinogammarus marinus (Crustacea:
Amphipoda) at field relevant concentrations across a latitudinal gradient", Journal of Environmental Monitoring 13, 12: 3343 - 33. |
17. |
Coelho, S.; Oliveira, R.; Pereira, S.; Musso, C.; Domingues, I.; Bhujel, R.C.; Soares, A.M.V.M.; Nogueira, A.J.A.. 2011. "Assessing lethal and sub-lethal effects of trichlorfon on different trophic levels", Aquatic Toxicology 103, 3-4: 191 - 198. |
18. |
Silva, H.; Pinho, R.; Lopes, L.; Nogueira, A.J.A.; Silveira, P.. 2011. "Illustrated plant identification keys: An interactive tool to learn botany", Computers and Education 56, 4: 969 - 973. |
19. |
Bicho, R. C. S; Pitanga, F. L; Ladewig, J. C. L; McDonough, S.; Oliveira, R.; Nogueira, A. J. A; Soares, A. M. V. M; Domingues, I.. 2011. "Efeito do hipoclorito de sódio em diferentes níveis tróficos do ambiente aquático", CAPTAR - ciência para todos 3, 1: 78 - 78. |
20. |
Pires, S.; Nogueira, A.J.A.; Pinho, O.; Delgado, T.; Sousa, M.; Santos, R.; Jorge, P.. 2011. "Statistical approach to prenatal zygosity assessment following a decade of molecular aneuploidy screening", Twin Research and Human Genetics 14, 3: 221 - 227. |
21. |
Domingues, I.; Agra, A.R.; Monaghan, K. A; Soares, A.M.V.M.; Nogueira, A.J.A.. 2010. "Cholinesterase and glutathione-S-transferase activities in freshwater invertebrates as biomarkers to assess pesticide contamination", Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry 29, 1: 5 - 18. |
22. |
Santos, S.A.P.; Pereira, J.A.; Raimundo, A.; Torres, L.M.; Nogueira, A.J.A.. 2010. "Response of coccinellid community to the dimethoate application in olive groves in northeastern Portugal | Respuesta de la
comunidad de coccinélidos a la aplicación de dimetoato en olivares del nordeste de Portugal", Spanish Journal of Agricultural Research 8, 1: 126 - 134. |
23. |
Daam, M.A.; Satapornvanit, K.; Van den B. P; Nogueira, A.J.A.. 2010. "Direct and indirect effects of the fungicide carbendazim in tropical freshwater microcosms", Archives of Environmental Contamination and Toxicology 58, 2: 315 - 324. |
24. |
Santos, S.A.P.; Pereira, J.A.; Torres, L.M.; Nogueira, A.J.N.. 2010. "Voracity of Coccinellid species on different phenological stages of the olive pest Saissetia Oleae (Homoptera, Coccidae)", Applied Ecology and Environmental Research 7, 4: 359 - 365. |
25. |
Santos, S.A.P.; Pereira, J.A.; Raimundo, A.; Torres, L.M.; Nogueira, A.J.A.. 2010. "Seasonal synchrony between Saissetia oleae and coccinellid species in Portuguese olive groves in different management systems", Bulletin of Insectology 63, 1: 51 - 57. |
26. |
Daam, M.A.; Van den B. P; Nogueira, A.J.A.. 2009. "Comparison of fate and ecological effects of the herbicide linuron in freshwater model ecosystems between tropical and temperate
regions", Ecotoxicology and Environmental Safety 72, 2: 424 - 433. |
27. |
Tim-Tim, A.L.S.; Morgado, F.; Moreira, S.; Rangel, R.; Nogueira, A.J.A.; Soares, A.M.V.M.; Guilhermino, L.. 2009. "Cholinesterase and glutathione S-transferase activities of three mollusc species from the NW Portuguese coast in relation
to the 'Prestige' oil spill", Chemosphere 77, 11: 1465 - 14. |
28. |
Santos, S.A.P.; Pereira, J.A.; Conceição Rodrigues, M; Torres, L.M.; Pereira, A.M.N.; Nogueira, A.J.A.. 2009. "Identification of predator - Prey relationships between coccinellids and Saissetia oleae (Hemiptera: Coccidae), in olive groves,
using an enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay", Journal of Pest Science 82, 2: 101 - 108. |
29. |
Daam, M.A.; Rodrigues, A.M.F.; Van den B. P; Nogueira, A.J.A.. 2009. "Ecological effects of the herbicide linuron in tropical freshwater microcosms", Ecotoxicology and Environmental Safety 72, 2: 410 - 423. |
30. |
CairrãO, E.; Pereira, M.J.; Morgado, F.; Nogueira, A.J.A.; Guilhermino, L.; Soares, A.M.V.M.. 2009. "Phenotypic variation of fucus ceranoides, f. spiralis and F. vesiculosus in a temperate coast (nw portugal)", Botanical Studies 50, 2: 205 - 215. |
31. |
Domingues, I.; Guilhermino, L.; Soares, A.M.V.M.; Nogueira, A.J.A.; Monaghan, K.A.. 2009. "Influence of exposure scenario on pesticide toxicity in the midge Kiefferulus calligaster (Kieffer)", Ecotoxicology and Environmental Safety 72, 2: 450 - 457. |
32. |
Abrantes, N.; Nogueira, A. J. A; Gonçalves, F.. 2009. "Short-term dynamics of cladocerans in a eutrophic shallow lake during a shift in the phytoplankton dominance", Annales de Limnologie 45, 4: 237 - 245. |
33. |
Daam, M.A.; Satapornvanit, K.; Brink, P.J.V.d.; Nogueira, A.J.A.. 2009. "Sensitivity of macroinvertebrates to carbendazim under semi-field conditions in Thailand: Implications for the use of temperate
toxicity data in a tropical risk assessment of fungicides", Chemosphere 74, 9: 1187 - 11. |
34. |
Santos, S. A. P; Pereira, J. A; Torres, L. M; Nogueira, A. J. A. 2009. "Voracity of coccinellid species on different phenological stages of the olive pest Saissetia oleae (Homoptera, Coccidae)", Applied Ecology and Environmental Research 7, 4: 359 - 365. |
35. |
Barbosa, I.R.; Nogueira, A.J.A.; Soares, A.M.V.M.. 2008. "Acute and chronic effects of testosterone and 4-hydroxyandrostenedione to the crustacean Daphnia magna", Ecotoxicology and Environmental Safety 71, 3: 757 - 764. |
36. |
Macedo-Sousa, J.A.; Gerhardt, A.; Brett, C.M.A.; Nogueira, A.J.A.; Soares, A.M.V.M.. 2008. "Behavioural responses of indigenous benthic invertebrates (Echinogammarus meridionalis, Hydropsyche pellucidula and Choroterpes
picteti) to a pulse of Acid Mine Drainage: A laboratorial study", Environmental Pollution 156, 3: 966 - 973. |
37. |
Jorge, P.; Pires, S.; Rodrigues, L. B; Maia, N.; Oliveira, J.; Nogueira, A. J. A; Santos, R.. 2008. "A 10-year review of prenatal zygosity determination by microsatellite analysis in amniotic fluid", Journal of Medical Genetics 45, : S89 - S89. |
38. |
Sousa, R.; Nogueira, A.J.A.; Antunes, C.; Guilhermino, L.. 2008. "Growth and production of Pisidium amnicum in the freshwater tidal area of the River Minho estuary", Estuarine, Coastal and Shelf Science 79, 3: 467 - 474. |
39. |
Daam, M.A.; Van Den B. P; Nogueira, A.J.A.. 2008. "Impact of single and repeated applications of the insecticide chlorpyrifos on tropical freshwater plankton communities", Ecotoxicology 17, 8: 756 - 771. |
40. |
Daam, M.A.; Crum, S.J.H.; Van Den B. P; Nogueira, A.J.A.. 2008. "Fate and effects of the insecticide chlorpyrifos in outdoor plankton-dominated microcosms in Thailand", Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry 27, 12: 2530 - 25. |
41. |
Sousa, R.; Nogueira, A.J.A.; Gaspar, M.B.; Antunes, C.; Guilhermino, L.. 2008. "Growth and extremely high production of the non-indigenous invasive species Corbicula fluminea (Müller, 1774): Possible implications
for ecosystem functioning", Estuarine, Coastal and Shelf Science 80, 2: 289 - 295. |
42. |
Carvalho, P.; Nogueira, A.J.A.; Soares, A.M.V.M.; Fonseca, C.. 2008. "Ranging behaviour of translocated roe deer in a Mediterranean habitat: Seasonal and altitudinal influences on home range size
and patterns of range use", Mammalia 72, 2: 89 - 94. |
43. |
Abreu, S.N.; Soares, A.M.V.M.; Nogueira, A.J.A.; Morgado, F.. 2008. "Tree rings, Populus nigra L., as mercury data logger in aquatic environments: Case study of an historically contaminated environment", Bulletin of Environmental Contamination and Toxicology 80, 3: 294 - 299. |
44. |
Domingues, I.; Satapornvanit, K.; Yakupitiyage, A.; Soares, A.M.V.M.; Nogueira, A.J.A.. 2008. "In situ assay with the midge Kiefferulus calligaster for contamination evaluation in aquatic agro-systems in central Thailand", Chemosphere 71, 10: 1877 - 18. |
45. |
Faria, M.S.; Lopes, R.J.; Malcato, J.; Nogueira, A.J.A.; Soares, A.M.V.M.. 2008. "In situ bioassays with Chironomus riparius larvae to biomonitor metal pollution in rivers and to evaluate the efficiency of
restoration measures in mine areas", Environmental Pollution 151, 1: 213 - 221. |
46. |
Macedo-Sousa, J.A.; Pestana, J.L.T.; Gerhardt, A.; Nogueira, A.J.A.; Soares, A.M.V.M.. 2007. "Behavioural and feeding responses of Echinogammarus meridionalis (Crustacea, Amphipoda) to acid mine drainage", Chemosphere 67, 8: 1663 - 16. |
47. |
Pestana, J.L.T.; Ré, A.; Nogueira, A.J.A.; Soares, A.M.V.M.. 2007. "Effects of Cadmium and Zinc on the feeding behaviour of two freshwater crustaceans: Atyaephyra desmarestii (Decapoda) and
Echinogammarus meridionalis (Amphipoda)", Chemosphere 68, 8: 1556 - 15. |
48. |
Loureiro, S.; Nogueira, A.J.A.; Soares, A.M.V.M.. 2007. "A microbial approach in soils from contaminated mine areas: The jales mine (Portugal) case study", Fresenius Environmental Bulletin 16, 12 B: 1648 - 16. |
49. |
Domingues, I.; Guilhermino, L.; Soares, A.M.V.M.; Nogueira, A.J.A.. 2007. "Assessing dimethoate contamination in temperate and tropical climates: Potential use of biomarkers in bioassays with two chironomid
species", Chemosphere 69, 1: 145 - 154. |
50. |
Barata, C.; Baird, D.J.; Nogueira, A.J.A.; Agra, A.R.; Soares, A.M.V.M.. 2007. "Life-history responses of Daphnia magna Straus to binary mixtures of toxic substances: Pharmacological versus ecotoxicological
modes of action", Aquatic Toxicology 84, 4: 439 - 449. |
51. |
Faria, M.S.; Lopes, R.J.; Nogueira, A.J.A.; Soares, A.M.V.M.. 2007. "In situ and laboratory bioassays with Chironomus riparius larvae to assess toxicity of metal contamination in rivers: The
relative toxic effect of sediment versus water contamination", Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry 26, 9: 1968 - 19. |
52. |
Monteiro, M.; Quintaneiro, C.; Nogueira, A.J.A.; Morgado, F.; Soares, A.M.V.M.; Guilhermino, L.. 2007. "Impact of chemical exposure on the fish Pomatoschistus microps Krøyer (1838) in estuaries of the Portuguese Northwest coast", Chemosphere 66, 3: 514 - 522. |
53. |
Santos, S.A.P.; Pereira, J.A.; Torres, L.M.; Nogueira, A.J.A.. 2007. "Evaluation of the effects, on canopy arthropods, of two agricultural management systems to control pests in olive groves from
north-east of Portugal", Chemosphere 67, 1: 131 - 139. |
54. |
Faria, M.S.; Nogueira, A. J. A; Soares, A.M.V.M.. 2007. "The use of Chironomus riparius larvae to assess effects of pesticides from rice fields in adjacent freshwater ecosystems", Ecotoxicology and Environmental Safety 67, 2: 218 - 226. |
55. |
Loureiro, S.; Sampaio, A.; Brandão, A.; Nogueira, A.J.A.; Soares, A.M.V.M.. 2006. "Feeding behaviour of the terrestrial isopod Porcellionides pruinosus Brandt, 1833 (Crustacea, Isopoda) in response to changes
in food quality and contamination", Science of the Total Environment 369, 1-3: 119 - 128. |
56. |
Quintaneiro, C.; Monteiro, M.; Pastorinho, R.; Soares, A.M.V.M.; Nogueira, A.J.A.; Morgado, F.; Guilhermino, L.. 2006. "Environmental pollution and natural populations: A biomarkers case study from the Iberian Atlantic coast", Marine Pollution Bulletin 52, 11: 1406 - 14. |
57. |
Faria, M.S.; Ré, A.; Malcato, J.; Silva, P.C.L.D.; Pestana, J. L. T; Agra, A.R.; Nogueira, A.J.A.; Soares, A.M.V.M.. 2006. "Biological and functional responses of in situ bioassays with Chironomus riparius larvae to assess river water quality and
contamination", Science of the Total Environment 371, 1-3: 125 - 137. |
58. |
Barata, C.; Baird, D.J.; Nogueira, A.J.A.; Soares, A.M.V.M.; Riva, M.C.. 2006. "Toxicity of binary mixtures of metals and pyrethroid insecticides to Daphnia magna Straus. Implications for multi-substance
risks assessment", Aquatic Toxicology 78, 1: 1 - 14. |
59. |
Loureiro, S.; Santos, C.; Pinto, G.; Costa, A.; Monteiro, M.; Nogueira, A.J.A.; Soares, A.M.V.M.. 2006. "Toxicity assessment of two soils from Jales mine (Portugal) using plants: Growth and biochemical parameters", Archives of Environmental Contamination and Toxicology 50, 2: 182 - 190. |
60. |
Loureiro, S.; Ferreira, A.L.G.; Soares, A.M.V.M.; Nogueira, A.J.A.. 2005. "Evaluation of the toxicity of two soils from Jales Mine (Portugal) using aquatic bioassays", Chemosphere 61, 2: 168 - 177. |
61. |
Amorim, M.J.B.; Römbke, J.; Scheffczyk, A.; Nogueira A.J.A.,; Soares, A.M.V.M.. 2005. "Effects of different soil types on the collembolans Folsomia candida and Hypogastrura assimilis using the herbicide Phenmedipham", Archives of Environmental Contamination and Toxicology 49, 3: 343 - 352. |
62. |
Loureiro, S.; Soares, A.M.V.M.; Nogueira, A.J.A.. 2005. "Terrestrial avoidance behaviour tests as screening tool to assess soil contamination", Environmental Pollution 138, 1: 121 - 131. |
63. |
Nogueira, A.J.A.; Baird, D.J.; Soares, A.M.V.M.. 2004. "Testing physiologically-based resource allocation rules in laboratory experiments with Daphnia magna Straus", Annales de Limnologie 40, 4: 257 - 267. |
64. |
Vieira, L.; Morgado, F.; Re, P.; Nogueira, A. J. A; Pastorinho, R.; Pereira, M.; Bacelar-Nicolau, P.; Marques, J.C.; Azeiteiro, U.M.. 2003. "Population dynamics of Acartia clausi from a temperate estuary (Mondego Estuary, Western Portugal)", Invertebrate Reproduction and Development 44, 1: 9 - 15. |
65. |
Alves, F.; Chícharo, L.; Nogueira, A. J. A; Regala, J.. 2003. "Changes in benthic community structure due to clam dredging on the Algarve coast and the importance of seasonal analysis", Journal of the Marine Biological Association of the United Kingdom 83, 4: 719 - 729. |
66. |
Loureiro, S.; Sousa, J.P.; Nogueira, A.J.A.; Soares, A.M.V.M.. 2002. "Assimilation efficiency and toxicokinetics of 14C-lindane in the terrestrial isopod Porcellionides pruinosus: The role of
isopods in degradation of persistent soil pollutants", Ecotoxicology 11, 6: 481 - 490. |
67. |
De Barros A. M; Paulo Sousa, J; Nogueira, A.J.A.; Soares, A.M.V.M. 2002. "Bioaccumulation and elimination of 14C-lindane by Enchytraeus albidus in artificial (OECD) and a natural soil", Chemosphere 49, 3: 323 - 329. |
68. |
Amorim, M.J.; Sousa, J.P.; Nogueira, A.J.A.; Soares, A.M.V.M.. 2002. "Bioavailability and toxicokinetics of 14C-lindane (¿-HCH) in the enchytraeid Enchytraeus albidus in two soil types: The aging
effect", Archives of Environmental Contamination and Toxicology 43, 2: 221 - 228. |
69. |
Lopes, I.; Gonçalves, F.; Nogueira, A. J. A; Soares, A.M.V.M.; Ribeiro, R.. 2001. "Field validation of specific ecotoxicological tools for aquatic systems impacted with acid mine drainage", International Journal of Environmental Studies 58, 1: 3 - 20. |
70. |
Sobral, O.; Chastinet, C.; Nogueira, A. J. A; Soares, A.M.V.M.; Gonçalves, F.; Ribeiro, R.. 2001. "In vitro development of parthenogenetic eggs: A fast ecotoxicity test with Daphnia magna?", Ecotoxicology and Environmental Safety 50, 3: 174 - 179. |
71. |
Ribeiro, S.; Sousa, J.P.; Nogueira, A.J.A.; Soares, A.M.V.M.. 2001. "Effect of endosulfan and parathion on energy reserves and physiological parameters of the terrestrial isopod Porcellio dilatatus", Ecotoxicology and Environmental Safety 49, 2: 131 - 138. |
72. |
Guilhermino, L.; Lacerda, M.N.; Nogueira, A.J.A.; Soares, A.M.V.M.. 2000. "In vitro and in vivo inhibition of Daphnia magna acetylcholinesterase by surfactant agents: Possible implications for contamination
biomonitoring", Science of the Total Environment 247, 2-3: 137 - 141. |
73. |
Caseiro, I.; Santos, S. A. P; Sousa, J.P.; Nogueira, A.J.A.; Soares, A.M.V.M.. 2000. "Optimization of culture conditions of Porcellio dilatatus (Crustacea: Isopoda) for laboratory test development", Ecotoxicology and Environmental Safety 47, 3: 285 - 291. |
74. |
Sousa, J.P.; Loureiro, S.; Pieper, S.; Frost, M.; Kratz, W.; Nogueira, A.J.A.; Soares, A.M.V.M.. 2000. "Soil and plant diet exposure routes and toxicokinetics of lindane in a terrestrial isopod", Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry 19, 10: 2557 - 25. |
75. |
Fernandes, M.A.S.; Proença, M.T.; Nogueira, A.J.A.; Oliveira, L.M.V.; Santiago, B.; Santana, I.; Oliveira, C.R.. 1999. "Effects of apolipoprotein E genotype on blood lipid composition and membrane platelet fluidity in Alzheimer's disease", Biochimica et Biophysica Acta - Molecular Basis of Disease 1454, 1: 89 - 96. |
76. |
Fernandes, M.A.S.; Proenca, M.T.; Nogueira, A.J.A.; Grazina, M.M.; Oliveira, L.M.V.; Fernandes, A.I.; Santiago, B.; Santana, I.; Oliveira, C.R.. 1999. "Influence of apolipoprotein E genotype on blood redox status of Alzheimer's disease patients.", International journal of molecular medicine 4, 2: 179 - 186. |
77. |
Fernandes, M.A.S.; Proenca, M.T.; Nogueira, A.J.A.; Oliveira, L.M.V.; Santiago, B.; Santana, I.; Oliveira, C.R.. 1999. "Apolipoprotein e genotype has no effect on the free intracellular Ca 2+ concentration of platelets from Alzheimer's disease
patients", International Journal of Molecular Medicine 3, 4: 431 - 434. |
78. |
Fernandes, M.A.S.; Oliveira, C.R.; Oliveira, L.M.V.; Nogueira, A.J.A.; Santiago, B.; Santana, I.. 1999. "Apolipoprotein E e4 allele is a risk factor for Alzheimer's disease: The central region of Portugal (Coimbra) as a case study", European Neurology 42, 3: 183 - 184. |
79. |
Amorim, M.J.; Sousa, J.P.; Nogueira, A.J.A.; Soares, A.M.V.M.. 1999. "Comparison of chronic toxicity of Lindane (¿-HCH) to Enchytraeus albidus in two soil types: The influence of soil pH", Pedobiologia 43, 6: 635 - 640. |
80. |
Marques, J.C.; Rodrigues, L.B.; Nogueira, A.J.A.. 1993. "Intertidal macrobenthic communities structure in the Mondego Estuary (western Portugal): reference situation", Vie et Milieu 43, 2-3: 177 - 187. |
81. |
Da Gama, M; Nogueira, A. J. A; Murias Dos S. A. 1991. "Effects of reafforestation by Eucalyptus globulus on the edaphic Collembola | Effets de reboisement par Eucalyptus globulus
sur les Collemboles edaphiques", Revue d'Ecologie et de Biologie du Sol 28, 1: 9 - 18. |
82. |
MARQUES, Joao C; Nogueira, Antonio. 1991. "Life cycle, dynamics, and production of Echinogammarus marinus [Leach (Amphipoda)] in the Mondego estuary (Portugal)", Oceanologica Acta 11, sp: 213 - 223. |
Trabalhos completos/resumidos em eventos com arbitragem científica Papers in conference proceedings with scientific refereeing |
1. |
Ribeiro, H.; Ramalho, A.; NOGUEIRA, A.; Salgado, T.M.; Caneira Silva, M; Rebelo, M.L.; Ribeiro, H.M.. 2007. "Effect of bisabolol on the in vitro transdermal permeation of glycolic acid from hydrogels", Trabalho apresentado em 3rd Congress of the Board of Pharmaceutical Sciences of FIP, In 3rd Congress of the Board of Pharmaceutical Sciences of FIP, Amsterdam. |
2. |
da Gama, M. M; Lopes, C.M.N.; Nogueira, A. J. A. 1989. "Étude comparé de populations de Collemboles de plusieurs biotopes de l'Algarve (Portugal)", Trabalho apresentado em Proceedings of the 3rd International Seminar on Apterygota, In Proceedings of the 3rd International Seminar on Apterygota, Siena. |
3. |
da Gama, M. M; Murias dos S. A. F. A; Nogueira, A. J. A. 1989. "Comparaison de la Composition de Populations de Collemboles de Peuplements d'Eucalyptus (Eucalyptus globulus) et de Chêne-Liége
(Quercus suber)", Trabalho apresentado em 3rd International Seminar on Apterygota, In 3rd International Seminar on Apterygota, Siena. |
Artigos em revistas sem arbitragem científica Papers in periodics without scientific refereeing |
1. |
Khan, Farhan R; Kennaway, Gabrielle M; Croteau, Marie-Noële; Dybowska, Agnieszka; Smith, Brian D; Nogueira, António J; Rainbow, Philip S; Luoma, Samuel N; Valsami-Jones, Eugenia. 2014. "In vivo retention of ingested Au NPs by Daphnia magna: No evidence for trans-epithelial alimentary uptake", Chemosphere 100, -: 97 - 104.
2. |
Rico, Andreu; Oliveira, Rhaul; McDonough, Sakchai; Matser, Arrienne; Khatikarn, Jidapa; Satapornvanit, Kriengkrai; Nogueira, António J; Soares, Amadeu M; Domingues, Inês; Van den B. P. J. 2014. "Use, fate and ecological risks of antibiotics applied in tilapia cage farming in Thailand", Environmental Pollution 191, -: 8 - 16.
Trabalhos completos/resumidos em eventos sem arbitragem científica Papers in conference proceedings without scientific refereeing |
1. |
Jesus, Fátima T; Aguiar, Sara; Fernandes, Marco A. F; Oliveira, Rhaul; Pereira, Susana; Nogueira, A.J.A.. 2013. " Long-term effects of silver nanoparticles in Lemna minor: the influence of nanoparticles size", Trabalho apresentado em 8th International Conference on the Environmental Effects of Nanoparticles and Nanomaterials, In Abstract Book - 8th International Conference on the Environmental Effects of Nanoparticles and Nanomaterials, Aix-en-Provence. |
2. |
Pereira, Susana; Fernandes, Marco A. F; Oliveira, Rhaul; Jesus, Fátima T; Gray, Evan; Ranville, James; Nogueira, A.J.A.. 2013. "Uptake of silver nanoparticles by Danio rerio eleutheroembryos", Trabalho apresentado em 23rd Annual Meeting of the Society of Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry (SETAC Europe), In Abstract Book - 23rd Annual Meeting of the Society of Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry (SETAC Europe), Glasgow.
3. |
Fernandes, Marco A. F; Jesus, Fátima T; Nogueira, A.J.A.. 2011. " Assessment of silver toxicity to aquatic organisms: effect comparison of silver nanoparticles with ionic silver", Trabalho apresentado em 21st Annual Meeting of the Society of Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry (SETAC), In Abstract Book - 21st Annual Meeting of the Society of Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry (SETAC), Milan. |
4. |
Fernandes, Marco A. F; Jesus, Fátima T; Nogueira, A.J.A.. 2010. " Evaluation of silver nanoparticles toxicity on a freshwater trophic web", Trabalho apresentado em 20th Annual Meeting of the Society of Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry (SETAC), In Abstract Book - 20th Annual Meeting of the Society of Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry (SETAC), Seville. |
Apresentação oral de trabalho Oral work presentation |
1. |
PEREIRA, SUSANA P. P; NOGUEIRA, ANTÓNIO; BUJHEL, RAM. Potential impact of chemicals used aquaculture ponds system: benzalkonium chloride, formaldehyde and glutaraldehyde,VIII Simpósio de Pós-Graduação do Departamento de Biologia,Aveiro,2009 (Comunicação). |
2. |
Domingues, Inês; Satapornvanit, Kriengkrai; SOARES, A.M.V.M.; Nogueira, A. J. A; Yakupitiyage, A. Biochemical Biomarkers as a tool to assess Aquatic Pesticide Contamination using the midge Kiefferulus calligaster (Kieffer).
,SETAC North America, 27th Annual meeting,Montreal,2006 (Poster). |
3. |
Quintaneiro, C.; Monteiro, M.; NOGUEIRA, A.; Morgado, F.; Guilhermino, L.; SOARES, A.M.V.M.. Environmental contamination on natural populations in estuaries of the Iberian Atlantic Coast: a biomarkers approach,SETAC Europe – 14th Annual Meeting,2004 (Poster). |
4. |
Monteiro, M.; Quintaneiro, C.; Morgado, F.; NOGUEIRA, A.; SOARES, A.M.V.M.; GUILHERMINO, L.. Impact of chemical exposure on natural populations of Pomatoschistus microps KrØyer (1838) in estuaries of the Portuguese
Northwest coast,SETAC Europe – 14th Annual Meeting,2004 (Poster). |
Indicadores de produção
(Production indicators)
Produção científica
Scientific production |
Produção técnica
Technical production |
Produção científica Scientific production |
92 |
Livros e capítulos Books and book chapters |
1 |
Capítulos de livros publicados Published book chapters |
1 |
Artigos científicos em revistas Papers in periodics |
84 |
Com arbitragem científica With scientific refereeing |
82 |
Sem arbitragem científica Without scientific refereeing |
2 |
Trabalhos em eventos Papers in conference proceedings |
7 |
Com arbitragem científica With scientific refereeing |
3 |
Sem arbitragem científica Without scientific refereeing |
4 |
Produção técnica Technical production |
4 |
Outros tipos de produção técnica Other technical production |
4 |
Outras informações relevantes
António José Arsénia Nogueira. Concluiu a Agregação - em 2005. É Professor Associado com Agregação na Universidade
de Aveiro. Publicou 84 artigos em revistas especializadas e 7 trabalhos em actas de eventos. Possui 4 itens de produção
técnica. Actua nas áreas de Ciências Naturais com ênfase em Ciências Biológicas, Ciências Naturais com ênfase em Ciências
da Terra e do Ambiente e Ciências Naturais com ênfase em Outras Ciências Naturais. Nas suas actividades profissionais
interagiu com 219 colaboradores em co-autorias de trabalhos científicos. No seu curriculum DeGóis os termos mais frequentes
na contextualização da produção científica, tecnológica e artístico-cultural são: Aquacultura, Daphnia magna, Desinfectantes,
Ecotoxicologia, Ecotoxicolologia, Impacto ambiental e Sudeste Asiático.
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