Curriculum Vitae


Data da última atualização »Last update : 23/11/2018

JOSE MANUEL GONZALEZ MEIJOME. É Professor Associado com Agregação do Departamento de Física da Universidade do Minho. Concluiu doutoramento em Ciências pela Universidade do Minho em 2008. Publicou 33 artigos em revistas especializadas. Possui 135 itens de produção técnica. Nas suas actividades profissionais interagiu com 103 colaboradores em co-autorias de trabalhos científicos. No seu curriculum DeGóis os termos mais frequentes na contextualização da produção científica, tecnológica e artístico-cultural são: orthokeratology, refractive errors, peripheral refraction, Contact Lenses, LASIK, myopia progression, Congresso Optometria, non-contact tonometry, intraocular pressure e rebound tonometer.

Endereço de acesso a este CV:

Dados pessoais (Personal data)
Nome completo
Full name
Nome em citações bibliográficas
Quoting name
Domínio científico de atuação
Scientific domain
Ciências Médicas-Ciências da Saúde.
Endereço profissional
Professional address
Universidade do Minho
Escola de Ciências
Departamento de Física
Campus de Gualtar
4710-057 Braga
Telefone: (+351)253604320Extensão: 604072
Fax: (+351)253604061
Correio electrónico:

Graus Académicos (Academic Degrees)
2012 Agregação

2004-2007 Doutoramento
Doutoramento em Ciências (Física) (3 anos » years) .
Universidade do Minho, Portugal.

2003 Provas de Aptidão Pedagógica/Capacidade Científica
Evaluation of Pedagogic Readiness/Cientific Ability
Provas de Aptidão Pedagógica e Capacidade Científica (1 anos » years) .
Universidade do Minho, Portugal.

1994-1997 Bacharelato
Bachelor degree

Prémios e títulos (Awards Prizes, and Honours)
2012 1º Membro Honorífico da Sociedade Galega de Optometria Clínica, Sociedade Galega de Optometria Clínica.
2014 "Prémio La Caixa" à Melhor Comunicação Livre no Congresso ViSER Meeting 2014 - Helena Neves (Orientanda Doutoramento), Sociedade Galega de Optometria Clínica.

Produção científica, técnica e artística/cultural (Scientific, technical and artistical/cultural production)
Capítulos de livros publicados
Published book chapters
1. MEIJOME, JOSE M. G. 2014. Silicone Hydrogel Materials for Contact Lens Applications.  In Concise Encyclopedia of High Performance Hydrogels, ed. M. Atul Tiwari and Mark D. Soucek , 293 - 308. ISBN: 978-1-118-46965. Estados Unidos: Scrivener Publishing LLC (John Wiley & Sonss, Inc).
2. MEIJOME, JOSE M. G. 2012. Contactologia Especializada.  In Optometría: Aspectos Avanzados y Consideraciones Especiales, ed. R. Montés-Micó, 121 - 167. ISBN: 978-84- 8086-890-. Espanha: Elsevier.
3. MEIJOME, JOSE M. G. 2012. Contact Lens Care Solutions And Ocular Surface.  In Ocular Surface, ed. M. Morales, R. Martin Herranz, 312 - 325. ISBN: 978-15-7808-740-2. Florida, USA: CRC Press.
4. MEIJOME, JOSE M. G. 2012. Tonometria e Histéresis Corneal.  In Optometría: Aspectos Avanzados y Consideraciones Especiales, ed. R. Montés-Micó, 189 - 208. ISBN: 978-84- 8086-890-. Espanha: Elsevier.
5. MEIJOME, JOSE M. G. 2012. Atención Optométrica en Patologia Ocular.  In Optometría: Aspectos Avanzados y Consideraciones Especiales, ed. R. Montés-Micó, 209 - 284. ISBN: 978-84- 8086-890-. Espanha: Elsevier.
6. González-Méijome, JM; Almeida, JB; Parafita, MA. 2011. Analysis of Surface Mechanical Properties of Unworn and Worn Silicone Hydrogel Contact Lenses Using Nanoindentation with AFM.  In Microscopy: Science, Technology, Applications and Education, ed. Mendez-Vilas A., Diaz J., 554 - 559. ISBN: 978-84-614-6191-2. Badajoz: Formatex.

Artigos em revistas com arbitragem científica
Papers in periodics with scientific refereeing
1. Faria-Ribeiro, Miguel; Amorim-de-Sousa, Ana; González-Méijome, José M. 2018. "Predicted accommodative response from image quality in young eyes fitted with different dual-focus designs", Ophthalmic and Physiological Optics 38, 3: 309 - 316.
2. Fernandes, Paulo; Amorim-de-Sousa, Ana; Queirós, António; Escandón-Garcia, Santiago; McAlinden, Colm; González-Méijome, José M. 2018. "Light disturbance with multifocal contact lens and monovision for presbyopia", Contact Lens and Anterior Eye 41, 4: 393 - 399.
3. González-Pérez, Javier; Queiruga Piñeiro, J; Sánchez García, ¿; González Méijome, J. M. 2018. "Comparison of Central Corneal Thickness Measured by Standard Ultrasound Pachymetry, Corneal Topography, Tono-Pachymetry and Anterior Segment Optical Coherence Tomography", Current Eye Research 43, 7: 866 - 872.
4. Macedo-de-Araújo, Rute J; Amorim-de-Sousa, Ana; Queirós, António; van der W. E; González-Méijome, José M. 2018. "Relationship of placido corneal topography data with scleral lens fitting parameters", Contact Lens and Anterior Eye, 1: 1 - 1.
5. Amorim-de-Sousa, Ana; Vieira, Ana C; González-Méijome, José M; Queirós, António. 2018. "Age-Related Variations in Corneal Asphericity and Long-Term Changes", Eye & Contact Lens: Science & Clinical Practice, 1: 1 - 1.
6. González-Méijome, José M; Carracedo, Gonzalo; Lopes-Ferreira, Daniela; Faria-Ribeiro, Miguel A; Peixoto-de-Matos, Sofia C; Queirós, António. 2016. "Stabilization in early adult-onset myopia with corneal refractive therapy", Contact Lens and Anterior Eye 39, 1: 72 - 77.
7. Carracedo, Gonzalo; Martin-Gil, Alba; Peixoto-de-Matos, Sofia C; Abejón-Gil, Pilar; Macedo-de-Araújo, Rute; González-Méijome, Jose M. 2016. "Symptoms and Signs in Rigid Gas Permeable Lens Wearers During Adaptation Period", Eye & Contact Lens: Science & Clinical Practice, 1: 1 - 1.
8. González-Méijome, José M; Faria-Ribeiro, Miguel A; Lopes-Ferreira, Daniela P; Fernandes, Paulo; Carracedo, Gonzalo; Queiros, Antonio. 2016. "Changes in Peripheral Refractive Profile after Orthokeratology for Different Degrees of Myopia", Current Eye Research, 1: 1 - 9.
9. González-Méijome, José M; Peixoto-de-Matos, Sofia C; Faria-Ribeiro, Miguel; Lopes-Ferreira, Daniela P; Jorge, Jorge; Legerton, Jerry; Queiros, Antonio. 2016. "Strategies to Regulate Myopia Progression With Contact Lenses", Eye & Contact Lens: Science & Clinical Practice 42, 1: 24 - 34.
10. Pauné, Jaume; Thivent, Solène; Armengol, Jesús; Quevedo, Lluisa; Faria-Ribeiro, Miguel; González-Méijome, José M. 2016. "Changes in Peripheral Refraction, Higher-Order Aberrations, and Accommodative Lag With a Radial Refractive Gradient Contact Lens in Young Myopes", Eye & Contact Lens: Science & Clinical Practice 42, 6: 380 - 387.
11. Wolffsohn, James S; Calossi, Antonio; Cho, Pauline; Gifford, Kate; Jones, Lyndon; Li, Ming; Lipener, Cesar; Logan, Nicola S; Malet, Florence; Matos, Sofia; MEIJOME, JOSE M. G; Nichols, Jason J; Orr, Janis B; Santodomingo-Rubido, Jacinto; Schaefer, Tania; Thite, Nilesh; van der W. E; Zvirgzdina, Madara. 2016. "Global trends in myopia management attitudes and strategies in clinical practice", Contact Lens and Anterior Eye 39, 2: 106 - 116.
12. Carracedo, Gonzalo; González-Méijome, José M; Martín-Gil, Alba; Carballo, Jesús; Pintor, Jesús. 2016. "The influence of rigid gas permeable lens wear on the concentrations of dinucleotides in tears and the effect on dry eye signs and symptoms in keratoconus", Contact Lens and Anterior Eye 39, 5: 375 - 379.
13. Faria-Ribeiro, Miguel; Belsue, Rafael N; López-Gil, Norberto; González-Méijome, José M. 2016. "Morphology, topography, and optics of the orthokeratology cornea", Journal of Biomedical Optics 21, 7: 075011 - 075011.
14. Martín-Montañez, Vicente; Enríquez-de-Salamanca, Amalia; López-de la R. A; López-Miguel, Alberto; Fernández, Itziar; Calonge, Margarita; González-Méijome, José M; González-García, María J. 2016. "Effect of Environmental Conditions on the Concentration of Tear Inflammatory Mediators During Contact Lens Wear", Cornea 35, 9: 1192 - 1198.
15. Faria-Ribeiro, Miguel; Navarro, Rafael; González-Méijome, José M. 2016. "Effect of Pupil Size on Wavefront Refraction during Orthokeratology", Optometry and Vision Science 93, 11: 1399 - 1408.
16. Macedo-de-Araújo, Rute; Ferreira-Neves, Helena; Rico-del-Viejo, Laura; Peixoto-de-Matos, Sofia C; González-Méijome, José M. 2016. "Light distortion and spherical aberration for the accommodating and nonaccommodating eye", Journal of Biomedical Optics 21, 7: 075003 - 075003.
17. Compañ, V.; Aguilella-Arzo, M.; Del Castillo, L. F; Hernández, S. I; Gonzalez-Meijome, J. M. 2016. "Analysis of the application of the generalized monod kinetics model to describe the human corneal oxygen-consumption rate during soft contact lens wear", Journal of Biomedical Materials Research Part B: Applied Biomaterials 105, 4: 1 - 13.
18. García-Porta, Nery; Rico-del-Viejo, Laura; Martin-Gil, Alba; Carracedo, Gonzalo; Pintor, Jesus; González-Méijome, José M. 2016. "Differences in Dry Eye Questionnaire Symptoms in Two Different Modalities of Contact Lens Wear: Silicone-Hydrogel in Daily Wear Basis and Overnight Orthokeratology", BioMed Research International 2016, 1242845: 1 - 9.
19. Santolaria-Sanz, Elena; Cerviño, Alejandro; González-Méijome, José M. 2016. "Corneal Aberrations, Contrast Sensitivity, and Light Distortion in Orthokeratology Patients: 1-Year Results", Journal of Ophthalmology 2016, 8453462: 1 - 8.
20. Queirós, António; Lopes-Ferreira, Daniela; González-Méijome, José M. 2016. "Astigmatic Peripheral Defocus with Different Contact Lenses: Review and Meta-Analysis", Current Eye Research 41, 8: 1005 - 1015.
21. Tesón, Marisa; López-Miguel, Alberto; Neves, Helena; Calonge, Margarita; González-García, María J; González-Méijome, José M. 2015. "Influence of Climate on Clinical Diagnostic Dry Eye Tests", Optometry and Vision Science 92, 9: e284 - e289.
22. Romero-Jiménez, Miguel; Santodomingo-Rubido, Jacinto; Flores-Rodríguez, Patricia; González-Méijome, Jose-Manuel. 2015. "Short-term corneal changes with gas-permeable contact lens wear in keratoconus subjects: A comparison of two fitting approaches", Journal of Optometry 8, 1: 48 - 55.
23. Romero-Jiménez, Miguel; Santodomingo-Rubido, Jacinto; González-Meijóme, Jose-Manuel; Flores-Rodriguez, Patricia; Villa-Collar, Cesar. 2015. "Which soft lens power is better for piggyback in keratoconus? Part II", Contact Lens and Anterior Eye 38, 1: 48 - 53.
24. Pauné, Jaume; Queiros, Antonio; Lopes-Ferreira, Daniela; Faria-Ribeiro, Miguel; Quevedo, Lluisa; Gonzalez-Meijome, Jose M. 2015. "Efficacy of a Gas Permeable Contact Lens to Induce Peripheral Myopic Defocus", Optometry and Vision Science 92, 5: 596 - 603.
25. Martín-Montañez, Vicente; López-de la R. A; López-Miguel, Alberto; Pinto-Fraga, José; González-Méijome, José M; González-García, María J. 2015. "End-of-day dryness, corneal sensitivity and blink rate in contact lens wearers", Contact Lens and Anterior Eye 38, 3: 148 - 151.
26. Lopes-Ferreira, Daniela P; Neves, Helena I; Faria-Ribeiro, Miguel; Queirós, António; Fernandes, Paulo R; González-Méijome, José M. 2015. "Peripheral refraction with eye and head rotation with contact lenses", Contact Lens and Anterior Eye 38, 2: 104 - 109.
27. Ferreira-Neves, Helena; Macedo-de-Araújo, Rute; Rico-del-Viejo, Laura; da-Silva, Ana C; Queirós, António; González-Méijome, José M. 2015. "Validation of a method to measure light distortion surrounding a source of glare", Journal of Biomedical Optics 20, 7: 075002 - 075002.
28. Compañ, Vicente; Aguilella-Arzo, M.; Montero, Alvaro E; Mollá, Sergio; Oliveira, C.; Peixoto-De-Matos, S.C.; González-Méijome, J.M.. 2015. "Comments to paper entitled: Predicting scleral GP lens entrapped tear layer oxygen tensions", Contact Lens and Anterior Eye 38, 5: 391 - 391.
29. Brito, Pedro; Salgado-Borges, José; Neves, Helena; Gonzalez-Meijome, José; Monteiro, Manuel. 2015. "Light-distortion analysis as a possible indicator of visual quality after refractive lens exchange with diffractive multifocal intraocular lenses", Journal of Cataract & Refractive Surgery 41, 3: 613 - 622.
30. Pauné, Jaime; Morales, Hari; Armengol, Jesús; Quevedo, Lluisa; Faria-Ribeiro, Miguel; González-Méijome, José M. 2015. "Myopia Control with a Novel Peripheral Gradient Soft Lens and Orthokeratology: A 2-Year Clinical Trial", BioMed Research International 2015, 1: 1 - 10.
31. Martín-Montañez, Vicente; López-Miguel, Alberto; Arroyo, Cristina; Mateo, María E; González-Méijome, José M; Calonge, Margarita; González-García, María J. 2014. " Influence of environmental factors in the in vitro dehydration of hydrogel and silicone hydrogel contact lenses ", Journal of Biomedical Materials Research Part B: Applied Biomaterials 102, 4: 764 - 771.
32. van der W. E; Bornman, Dina; Ferreira, Daniela L; Faria-Ribeiro, Miguel; Garcia-Porta, Nery; González-Meijome, José M. 2014. "Modern scleral contact lenses: A review", Contact Lens and Anterior Eye 37, 4: 240 - 250.
33. Faria-Ribeiro, Miguel; López-Gil, Norberto; Navarro, Rafael; Lopes-Ferreira, Daniela; Jorge, Jorge; González-Méijome, Jose M. 2014. "Computing Retinal Contour from Optical Biometry", Optometry and Vision Science 91, 4: 430 - 436.
34. Carracedo, Gonzalo; González-Méijome, José M; Lopes-Ferreira, Daniela; Carballo, Jesús; Batres, Laura. 2014. "Clinical Performance of a New Hybrid Contact Lens for Keratoconus", Eye & Contact Lens: Science & Clinical Practice 40, 1: 2 - 6.
35. Arance-Gil, ¿?ngeles; Gutiérrez-Ortega, ¿?ngel R; Villa-Collar, César; Nieto-Bona, Amelia; Lopes-Ferreira, Daniela; González-Méijome, José M. 2014. "Corneal cross-linking for Acanthamoeba keratitis in an orthokeratology patient after swimming in contaminated water", Contact Lens and Anterior Eye 37, 3: 224 - 227.
36. Pozuelo, J.; Compañ, V.; González-Méijome, J.M.; González, M.; Mollá, S.. 2013. "Oxygen and ionic transport in hydrogel and silicone-hydrogel contact lens materials: An experimental and theoretical study", Journal of Membrane Science 452, 1: 62 - 72.
37. Fernandes, P.R.B.; Neves, H.I.F.; Lopes-Ferreira, D.P.; Jorge, J.M.M.; González-Meijome, J.M.. 2013. "Adaptation to multifocal and monovision contact lens correction", Optometry and Vision Science 90, 3: 228 - 235.
38. Romero-Jiménez, M.; Santodomingo-Rubido, J.; González-Méijome, J.M.. 2013. "An assessment of the optimal lens fit rate in keratoconus subjects using three-point-touch and apical touch fitting approaches with the rose K2 lens", Eye and Contact Lens 39, 4: 269 - 272.
39. Jorge, J.M.M.; Rosado, J.L.; Díaz-Rey, J.A.; González-Méijome, J.M.. 2013. "Central corneal thickness and anterior chamber depth measurement by sirius® Scheimpfug tomography and ultrasound", Clinical Ophthalmology 7, 1: 417 - 422.
40. Higueras-Esteban, A.; Ortiz-Gomariz, A.; Gutiérrez-Ortega, R.; Villa-Collar, C.; Abad-Montes, J.P.; Fernandes, P.R.B.; González-Méijome, J.M.. 2013. "Intraocular pressure after implantation of the Visian implantable Collamer lens with CentraFLOW without iridotomy", American Journal of Ophthalmology 156, 4: 800 - 805.
41. González-Méijome, J.M.; da Silva, A; Faria-Ribeiro, M.; Lopes-Ferreira, D.P.; Peixoto-de-Matos, S.C.. 2013. "Multi-site clinical assessment of Complete Revitalens MPDS in 2981 contact lens wearers across Europe and USA", Contact Lens and Anterior Eye 36, 6: 289 - 293.
42. Jones, L.; Brennan, N.A.; González-Méijome, J.M.; Lally, J.; Maldonado-Codina, C.; Schmidt, T.A.; Subbaraman, L.; Young, G.; Nichols, J.J.. 2013. "The TFOS International Workshop on Contact Lens Discomfort: Report of the contact lens materials, design, and care subcommittee", Investigative Ophthalmology and Visual Science 54, 11: TFOS37 - TFOS70.
43. MEIJOME, JOSE M. G. 2013. "Correction of negative dysphotopsia in Crystalens “Z syndrome”", Journal of Emmetropia 4, 2: 101 - 104.
44. MEIJOME, JOSE M. G. 2013. "Quality of vision with spectacles, special silicone hydrogel and gas permeable contact lenses in keratoconic patients", Int J Kerat Ect Cor Dis 2, 2: 56 - 59.
45. Lopez-Gil, N.; Peixoto-de-Matos, S. C; Thibos, L. N; Gonzalez-Meijome, J. M. 2012. "Shedding light on night myopia", Journal of Vision 12, 5: 4 - 4.
46. Abengózar-Vela, Antonio; Pinto, Francisco J; González-Méijome, JM; Ralló, Miquel; Serés, Carmen; Calonge, Margarita; González-García, María J. 2011. "Contact Lens Case Cleaning Procedures Affect Storage Solution pH and Osmolality", Optometry and Vision Science 88, 12: 1414 - 1421.
47. González-Pérez, Javier; González-Méijome, JM; Rodriguez-Ares, Maria T; Parafita, MA. 2011. "Topographic Paracentral Corneal Thickness With Pentacam and Orbscan: Effect of Acoustic Factor", Eye & Contact Lens: Science & Clinical Practice 37, 6: 348 - 353.
48. Queirós, A; Villa-Collar, César; Gutiérrez, AR; Jorge, J; Ribeiro-Queirós, MS; Peixoto-de-Matos, Sofia C; González-Méijome, JM. 2011. "Anterior and Posterior Corneal Elevation After Orthokeratology and Standard and Customized LASIK Surgery", Eye & Contact Lens: Science & Clinical Practice 37, 6: 354 - 358.
49. Cerviño, Alejandro; Villa-Collar, César; González-Méijome, JM; Ferrer-Blasco, T; García-Lázaro, Santiago. 2011. "Retinal straylight and light distortion phenomena in normal and post-LASIK eyes", Graefe's Archive for Clinical and Experimental Ophthalmology 249, 10: 1561 - 1566.
50. Fernandes, P; González-Méijome, JM; Madrid-Costa, David; Ferrer-Blasco, T; Jorge, J; Montes-Mico, R. 2011. "Implantable Collamer Posterior Chamber Intraocular Lenses: A Review of Potential Complications", Journal of Refractive Surgery 27, 10: 765 - 776.
51. Ortiz-Gomariz, Amanda; Higueras-Esteban, Alejandro; Gutiérrez, AR; González-Méijome, JM; Arance-Gil, Angeles; Villa-Collar, César. 2011. "Late-onset Candida keratitis after Descemet stripping automated endothelial keratoplasty: clinical and confocal microscopic report", European Journal of Ophthalmology 21, 4: 498 - 502.
52. Alfonso, José; Baamonde, Begoña; Fernández-Vega, Luis; Fernandes, P; González-Méijome, JM; Montes-Mico, R. 2011. "Posterior chamber collagen copolymer phakic intraocular lenses to correct myopia: Five-year follow-up", Journal of Cataract & Refractive Surgery 37, 5: 873 - 880.
53. Jorge, J; González-Méijome, JM; Queirós, A; Fernandes, P; Diaz-Rey, JA. 2011. "A comparison of the NCT Reichert R7 with Goldmann applanation tonometry and the Reichert ocular response analyzer", Ophthalmic and Physiological Optics 31, 2: 174 - 179.
54. González-Pérez, Javier; González-Méijome, JM; Rodriguez-Ares, Maria T; Parafita, MA. 2011. "Central Corneal Thickness Measured With Three Optical Devices and Ultrasound Pachometry", Eye & Contact Lens: Science & Clinical Practice 37, 2: 66 - 70.
55. González-Méijome, JM; Cerviño, Alejandro; Carracedo, Gonzalo; Queirós, A; García-Lázaro, Santiago; Ferrer-Blasco, T. 2010. "High-Resolution Spectral Domain Optical Coherence Tomography Technology for the Visualization of Contact Lens to Cornea Relationships", Cornea 29, 12: 1359 - 1367.
56. Jorge, J; Ramoa-Marques, Rui; Lourenço, Adelaide; Silva, Sandra; Nascimento, S; Queirós, A; González-Méijome, JM. 2010. "IOP Variations in the Sitting and Supine Positions", Journal of Glaucoma 19, 9: 609 - 612.
57. Jorge, J; Fernandes, P; Queirós, A; Ribeiro, P.; Garcês, C.; González-Méijome, JM. 2010. "Comparison of the IOPen® and iCare® rebound tonometers with the Goldmann tonometer in a normal population", Ophthalmic and Physiological Optics 30, 1: 108 - 112.
58. Queirós, A.; Villa-Collar, C.; González-Méijome, J.M.; Jorge, J.M.M.; Gutiérrez, A.R.. 2010. "Effect of Pupil Size on Corneal Aberrations Before and After Standard Laser In Situ Keratomileusis, Custom Laser In Situ Keratomileusis, and Corneal Refractive Therapy", American Journal of Ophthalmology 150, 1: 97 - 102.
59. Alfonso, J.F.; Lisa, C.; Palacios, A.; Fernandes, P.R.B.; González-Méijome, J.M.; Montés-Micó, R.. 2009. "Objective vs Subjective Vault Measurement After Myopic Implantable Collamer Lens Implantation", American Journal of Ophthalmology 147, 6: 978 - 983.
60. Queirós, A; González-Méijome, JM; Fernandes, P; Jorge, J; Almeida, JB; Parafita, MA. 2006. "Non-contact tonometry synchronized with cardiac rhythm and its relationship with blood pressure", Ophthalmic and Physiological Optics 26, 4: 384 - 391.
61. González-Méijome, JM; Jorge, J; Queirós, A; Fernandes, P; Montes-Mico, R; Almeida, JB; Parafita, MA. 2006. "Age differences in central and peripheral intraocular pressure using a rebound tonometer", British Journal of Ophthalmology 90, 12: 1495 - 1500.
62. Jorge, J; Queirós, A; González-Méijome, JM; Fernandes, P; Almeida, JB; Parafita, MA. 2005. "The influence of cycloplegia in objective refraction", Ophthalmic and Physiological Optics 25, 4: 340 - 345.
63. Fernandes, P; Diaz-Rey, JA; Queirós, A; González-Méijome, JM; Jorge, J. 2005. "Comparison of the ICareR rebound tonometer with the Goldmann tonometer in a normal population", Ophthalmic and Physiological Optics 25, 5: 436 - 440.

Artigos em revistas sem arbitragem científica
Papers in periodics without scientific refereeing
1. Macedo-de-Araújo, Rute J; van der W. E; González-Méijome, José M. 2018. "On-eye breakage and recovery of mini-scleral contact lens without compromise for the ocular surface", Contact Lens and Anterior Eye 41, 3: 311 - 314.
2. Cerviño, Alejandro; Radhakrishnan, Hema; Alfonso, José F; Brautaset, Rune; González-Meijome, José M. 2018. "Effects of Ageing on the Anterior Segment of the Eye Structure and Function", Journal of Ophthalmology 2018, 1: 1 - 2.
3. Santolaria Sanz, E; Cerviño, Alejandro; Queiros, Antonio; Villa-Collar, Cesar; Lopes-Ferreira, Daniela; González-Méijome, Jose M. 2015. "Corrigendum to “Short-Term Changes in Light Distortion in Orthokeratology Subjects¿?", BioMed Research International 2015, 1: 1 - 3.
4. González-Méijome, José M. 2015. "Tribute to Professor Brien A. Holden, OD, PhD, DSc (1940–2015)", Journal of Optometry 8, 4: 221 - 222.
5. Faria-Ribeiro, Miguel; Lopes-Ferreira, Daniela; López-Gil, Norberto; Jorge, Jorge; González-Méijome, José M. 2014. "Errors Associated with IOLMaster Biometry as a Function of Internal Ocular Dimensions", Journal of Optometry 7, 2: 75 - 78.
6. Gonzalez-Meijome, Jose M; Peixoto-de-Matos, Sofia C; Soares, Anabela; Queiros, Antonio; Diaz-Rey, Alberto; Salgado-Borges, Jose; Barbara, Adel. 2014. "Topographical Irregularity and Keratoconic Findings in Five Siblings and their Parents", International Journal of Keratoconus and Ectatic Corneal Diseases 3, 3: 130 - 135.
7. Compañ, Vicente; Oliveira, Cristina; Aguilella-Arzo, Marcel; Mollá, Sergio; Peixoto-de-Matos, Sofia C; González-Méijome, José M. 2014. "Oxygen Diffusion and Edema With Modern Scleral Rigid Gas Permeable Contact Lenses", Investigative Opthalmology & Visual Science 55, 10: 6421 - 6421.
8. Morgan, P.B.; Efron, N.; Woods, C.A.; Awasthi, S.; Belousov, V.; Bendo-rienen, J.; Chandrinos, A.; Chane, P.; Sun Chu, B; Davila-Garcia, E.; Erdinest, N.; Fine, P.; González-Méijome, J.M.; Grein, H.J.; Grupcheva, C.N.; Gustafsson, J.; Helland, M.; Hreinsson, H.I.; Hsiao, J.; Itoi, M.; Johansson, O.; Jones, D.; Knajian, R.; Lam, W.; Mack, C.J.; Malet, F.; Marani, E.; Marx, S.; Montani, G.; Nichols, J.J; Pesinova, A.; Phillips, G.; Radu, S.; Ravn, O.; Runberg, S.E.; Santodomingo, J.; Silih, M.S.; al., et. 2013. "An international survey of daily disposable contact lens prescribing", Clinical and Experimental Optometry 96, 1: 58 - 64.
9. González-Méijome, J.M.; da Silva, A; Neves, H.I.F.; Lopes-Ferreira, D.P.; Queirós, A.; Jorge, J.M.M.. 2013. "Clinical performance and ", Contact Lens and Anterior Eye 36, 2: 86 - 92.
10. Wolffsohn, J.S.; van der W. E; de Brabander, J; Bakker, E.; Bangma, I.; Beerten, R.; Beks, P.A.C.; Bennett, E.; Bliekendaal, J.; Borst, W.; Brindha, K.; van Bruggen, H; Buijs, N.; Cassim, Z.; Chisholm, C.; Cochrane, A.; Conway, R.; Christie, C.; Dave, J.; De Winter, M; Dorst, R.; van Duijn, C; Eek, H.; Dunning, D.; Egan, D.; van Etten, R; Evenhuis, I.T.; Forrest, I.; Fuller, D.; Gertzen, L.D.; van Gerven, J; van Gerven-Stoppelenburg, S; González-Méijome, J.M.; Groen-Vegt, P.S.; Groet, A.; Harknett, T.; Helsen, K.; Janssen, E.; Kamst, A.; Kerst, N.J.; al., et. 2013. "Consensus on recording of gas permeable contact lens fit", Contact Lens and Anterior Eye 36, 6: 299 - 303.
11. Faria-Ribeiro, M.; Queirós, A.; Lopes-Ferreira, D.P.; Jorge, J.M.M.; González-Méijome, J.M.. 2013. "Peripheral refraction and retinal contour in stable and progressive myopia", Optometry and Vision Science 90, 1: 9 - 15.
12. Lopes-Ferreira, D.P.; Ribeiro, C.; Neves, H.I.F.; Faria-Ribeiro, M.; Queirós, A.; Villa-Collar, C.; Jorge, J.M.M.; González-Méijome, J.M.. 2013. "Peripheral refraction with dominant design multifocal contact lenses in young myopes", Journal of Optometry 6, 2: 85 - 94.
13. Romero-Jiménez, M.; Santodomingo-Rubido, J.; González-Méijome, J.-M.. 2013. "The thinnest, steepest, and maximum elevation corneal locations in noncontact and contact lens wearers in keratoconus", Cornea 32, 3: 332 - 337.
14. Linhares, J.M.M.; Neves, H.; Lopes-Ferreira, D.; Faria-Ribeiro, M.; Peixoto-De-Matos, S.C.; Gonzalez-Meijome, J.M.. 2013. "Radiometric characterization of a novel LED array system for visual assessment", Journal of Modern Optics 60, 14: 1136 - 1144.
15. Santolaria, Elena; Cerviño, Alejandro; Queirós, António; Brautaset, Rune; González-Méijome, José M. 2013. "Subjective Satisfaction in Long-term Orthokeratology Patients", Eye & Contact Lens: Science & Clinical Practice 39, 6: 388 - 393.
16. González-Méijome, JM. 2012. "Clinical performance and “ex vivo” dehydration of silicone hydrogel contact lenses with two new multipurpose solutions", Contact Lens & Anterior Eye, 1: 1 - 10.
17. Romero-Jiménez, Miguel; Santodomingo-Rubido, Jacinto; Flores-Rodriguez, Patricia; González-Méijome, JM. 2012. "Which soft contact lens power is better for piggyback fitting in keratoconus?", Contact Lens & Anterior Eye, 1: 1 - 10.
18. Alfonso, José; Fernández-Vega, Luis; Fernandes, P; González-Méijome, JM; Montes-Mico, R. 2012. "Comparison of visual and refractive results of Toric Implantable Collamer Lens with bioptics for myopic astigmatism", Graefes Arch Clin Exp Ophthalmol, 1: 1 - 10.
19. Oliveira, Silvia; Jorge, J; González-Méijome, JM. 2012. "Dynamic accommodative response to different visual stimuli (2D vs 3D) while watching television and while playing Nintendo 3DS console", Ophthalmic Physiol Opt, 1: 1 - 10.
20. Carracedo, Gonzalo; González-Méijome, JM; Pintor, Jesus. 2012. "Changes in diadenosine polyphosphates during alignment-fit and orthokeratology rigid gas permeable lens wear", Invest Ophthalmol Vis Sci 53, 1: 4426 - 4432.
21. Romero-Jiménez, Miguel; Santodomingo-Rubido, Jacinto; González-Méijome, JM. 2012. "The Thinnest, Steepest, and Maximum Elevation Corneal Locations in Noncontact and Contact Lens Wearers in Keratoconus", Cornea, 1: 1 - 10.
22. Lopez-Gil, Norberto; Peixoto-de-Matos, Sofia C; Thibos, Larry N; González-Méijome, JM. 2012. "Shedding light on night myopia", Journal of Vision 12, 4: 1 - 9.
23. Alfonso, José; Fernández-Vega, Luis; Lisa, Carlos; Fernandes, P; González-Méijome, JM; Montes-Mico, R. 2012. "Long-term evaluation of the central vault after phakic Collamer® lens (ICL) implantation using OCT", Graefes Arch Clin Exp Ophthalmol 250, 12: 1807 - 1812.
24. González-Méijome, JM; González-Pérez, Javier; García-Porta, Nery; Diaz-Rey, JA; Parafita, MA. 2012. "Pigmented corneal ring associated with orthokeratology in Caucasians: case reports", Clin Exp Optom 95, 4: 548 - 552.
25. González-Pérez, Javier; Villa-Collar, César; Sobrino Moreiras, T; Lema Gesto, I; González-Méijome, JM; Rodriguez-Ares, Maria T. 2012. "Tear film inflammatory mediators during continuous wear of contact lenses and corneal refractive therapy", Br J Ophthalmol 96, 8: 1092 - 1098.
26. Carracedo, G.; González-Méijome, J.M.; Pintor, J.. 2012. "Changes in Diadenosine Polyphosphates during Alignment-Fit and Orthokeratology Rigid Gas Permeable Lens Wear", Investigative Ophthalmology and Visual Science 53, 8: 4426 - 44.
27. Gutiérrez, R.; Lopez, I.; Villa-Collar, C.; González-Méijome, J.M.. 2012. "Corneal transparency after cross-linking for keratoconus: 1-Year follow-up", Journal of Refractive Surgery 28, 11: 781 - 785.
28. López-Gil, N.; González-Méijome, J.M.. 2012. "Howland brothers: Pioneers of clinical aberrometry", Journal of Optometry 5, 3: 107 - 109.
29. Oliveira, S.; Jorge, J.M.M.; González-Méijome, J.M.. 2012. "Dynamic accommodative response to different visual stimuli (2D vs 3D) while watching television and while playing Nintendo 3DS Console", Ophthalmic and Physiological Optics 32, 5: 383 - 389.
30. González-Pérez, J.; Villa-Collar, C.; González-Méijome, J.M.; García Porta, N; Parafita, M.A.. 2012. "Long-term changes in corneal structure and tear inflammatory mediators after orthokeratology and LASIK", Investigative Ophthalmology and Visual Science 53, 9: 5301 - 53.
31. Queirós, A.; Villa-Collar, C.; Jorge, J.M.M.; Gutiérrez, ¿?.R.; González-Méijome, J.M.. 2012. "Multi-aspheric description of the myopic cornea after different refractive treatments and its correlation with corneal higher order aberrations", Journal of Optometry 5, 4: 171 - 181.
32. González-Méijome, J.M.; González-Pérez, J.; Garcia-Porta, N.; Diaz-Rey, A.; Parafita-Mato, M.A.. 2012. "Pigmented corneal ring associated with orthokeratology in caucasians: Case reports", Clinical and Experimental Optometry 95, 5: 548 - 552.
33. Queirós, A.; Villa-Collar, C.; Gutiérrez, A.R.; Jorge, J.M.M.; González-Méijome, J.M.. 2012. "Quality of life of myopic subjects with different methods of visual correction using the NEI RQL-42 questionnaire", Eye and Contact Lens 38, 2: 116 - 121.
34. González-Pérez, Javier; Villa-Collar, César; González-Méijome, JM; García-Porta, Nery; Parafita, MA. 2011. "Long-term changes in corneal structure and tear inflammatory mediators after orthokeratology and LASIK.", Invest Ophthalmol Vis Sci 53, 53: 5301 - 5311.
35. Queirós, A; Villa-Collar, César; Jorge, J; Gutiérrez, AR; González-Méijome, JM. 2011. "Peripheral refraction in myopic eyes after LASIK surgery", Optom Vis Sci 89, 1: 977 - 983.
36. González-Méijome, JM; González-Pérez, Javier; García-Porta, Nery; Diaz-Rey, JA; Parafita, MA. 2011. "Pigmented corneal ring associated with orthokeratology in Caucasians: case reports", Clin Exp Optom 95, 1: 548 - 552.
37. Queirós, A.; Villa-Collar, C.; Gutiérrezá, A.R.; Jorge, J.M.M.; Ribeiro-Queirós, M.S.; Peixoto-De-Matos, S.C.; González-Méijome, J.M.. 2011. "Anterior and posterior corneal elevation after orthokeratology and standard and customized lasik surgery", Eye and Contact Lens 37, 6: 354 - 358.
38. González-Méijome, J.M.; Carracedo, G.; González-Pérez, J.; Peral, A.; Jorge, J.M.M.; Peixoto-De-Matos, S.C.. 2011. "Comfort and vision scores at insertion and removal during 1 month of wear of paragon CRT for corneal reshaping", Eye and Contact Lens 37, 5: 302 - 306.
39. Abengózar-Vela, A.; Pinto, F.J.; González-Méijome, J.M.; Ralló, M.; Serés, C.; Calonge, M.; González-García, M.J.. 2011. "Contact lens case cleaning procedures affect storage solution pH and osmolality", Optometry and Vision Science 88, 12: 1414 - 14.
40. González-Pérez, J.; González-Méijome, J.M.; Rodríguez Ares, M; Parafita, M.A.. 2011. "Central corneal thickness measured with three optical devices and ultrasound pachometry", Eye and Contact Lens 37, 2: 66 - 70.
41. Ortiz-Gomariz, A.; Higueras-Esteban, A.; Gutiérrez-Ortega, ¿?.R.; González-Méijome, J.M.; Arance-Gil, A.; Villa-Collar, C.. 2011. "Late-onset Candida keratitis after Descemet stripping automated endothelial keratoplasty: Clinical and confocal microscopic report", European Journal of Ophthalmology 21, 4: 498 - 502.
42. Fernandes, P.R.B.; González-Méijome, J.M.; Madrid-Costa, D.; Ferrer-Blasco, T.; Jorge, J.M.M.; Montés-Micó, R.. 2011. "Implantable collamer posterior chamber intraocular lenses: A review of potential complications", Journal of Refractive Surgery 27, 10: 765 - 776.
43. González-Méijome, J.M.; Montés-Micó, R.; Villa-Collar, C.. 2011. "Two-year retrospective analysis of the international impact of Journal of Optometry: Part II", Journal of Optometry 4, 1: 1 - 3.
44. González-Pérez, J.; González-Méijome, J.M.; Rodríguez Ares, M; Parafita, M.A.. 2011. "Topographic paracentral corneal thickness with pentacam and orbscan: Effect of acoustic factor", Eye and Contact Lens 37, 6: 348 - 353.
45. Jorge, J.M.M.; Fernandes, P.R.B.; QueiróS, A.; Ribeiro, P.; Ferreira, A.; Gonzalez-Meijome, J.M.. 2010. "Clinical evaluation of the IOPen® in a glaucomatous population", Ophthalmic and Physiological Optics 30, 6: 860 - 864.
46. Ferrer-Blasco, T.; García-Lázaro, S.; Montés-Micó, R.; Cerviño, A.; González-Méijome, J.M.. 2010. "Dynamic changes in the air-tear film interface modulation transfer function", Graefe's Archive for Clinical and Experimental Ophthalmology 248, 1: 127 - 132.
47. Jorge, J.M.M.; Fernandes, P.R.B.; Queirós, A.; Ribeiro, P.; Garcês, C.; Gonzalez-Meijome, J.M.. 2010. "Comparison of the IOPen® and iCare® rebound tonometers with the Goldmann tonometer in a normal population", Ophthalmic and Physiological Optics 30, 1: 108 - 112.
48. Alfonso, J.F.; Fernández-Vega, L.; Lisa, C.; Fernandes, P.R.B.; González-Méijome, J.M.; Montés-Micó, R.. 2010. "Collagen copolymer toric posterior chamber phakic intraocular lens in eyes with keratoconus", Journal of Cataract and Refractive Surgery 36, 6: 906 - 916.
49. Alfonso, J.F.; Fernández-Vega, L.; Fernandes, P.R.B.; González-Méijome, J.M.; Montés-Micó, R.. 2010. "Collagen copolymer toric posterior chamber phakic intraocular lens for myopic astigmatism. One-year follow-up", Journal of Cataract and Refractive Surgery 36, 4: 568 - 576.
50. Queirós, A.; González-Méijome, J.M.; Villa-Collar, C.; Gutiérrez, A.R.; Jorge, J.M.M.. 2010. "Local steepening in peripheral corneal curvature after corneal refractive therapy and LASIK", Optometry and Vision Science 87, 6: 432 - 439.
51. Jorge, J.M.M.; Ramoa-Marques, R.; Lourenço, A.; Silva, S.; Nascimento, S.; Queirós, A.; Gonzalez-Méijome, J.M.. 2010. "IOP variations in the sitting and supine positions", Journal of Glaucoma 19, 9: 609 - 612.
52. González-Méijome, J.M.; Montés-Micó, R.; Villa-Collar, C.. 2010. "Two-year retrospective analysis of the international impact of Journal of Optometry: Part i", Journal of Optometry 3, 4: 175 - 177.
53. González-Méijome, J.M.; Jorge, J.M.M.; Queirós, A.; Peixoto-De-Matos, S.C.; Parafita, M.A.. 2010. "Two single descriptors of endothelial polymegethism and pleomorphism", Graefe's Archive for Clinical and Experimental Ophthalmology 248, 8: 1159 - 11.
54. Alfonso, J.F.; Ferrer-Blasco, T.; González-Méijome, J.M.; García-Manjarres, M.; Peixoto-de-Matos, S.C.; Montés-Micó, R.. 2010. "Pupil size, white-to-white corneal diameter, and anterior chamber depth in patients with myopia", Journal of Refractive Surgery 26, 11: 891 - 898.
55. Queirós, A.; González-Méijome, J.M.; Jorge, J.M.M.; Villa-Collar, C.; Gutiérrez, A.R.. 2010. "Peripheral refraction in myopic patients after orthokeratology", Optometry and Vision Science 87, 5: 323 - 329.
56. Queirós, A.; Jorge, J.M.M.; González-Méijome, J.M.. 2009. "Influence of fogging lenses and cycloplegia on peripheral refraction", Journal of Optometry 2, 2: 83 - 89.
57. González-Méijome, J.M.; López-Alemany, A.; Almeida, J.B.; Parafita, M.A.. 2009. "Dynamic in vitro dehydration patterns of unworn and worn silicone hydrogel contact lenses", Journal of Biomedical Materials Research - Part B Applied Biomaterials 90, 1: 250 - 258.
58. Cerviño, A.; Gonzalez-Meijome, J.M.; Ferrer-Blasco, T.; Garcia-Resua, C.; Montes-Mico, R.; Parafita, M.A.. 2009. "Determination of corneal volume from anterior topography and topographic pachymetry: Application to healthy and keratoconic eyes", Ophthalmic and Physiological Optics 29, 6: 652 - 660.
59. González-Méijome, J.M.; Montés-Micó, R.. 2009. "Biomedical research ", Journal of Optometry 2, 4: 159 - 161.
60. Ferrer-Blasco, T.; Montes-Mico, R.; Peixoto-de-Matos, S.C.; González-Méijome, J.M.; Cerviño, A.. 2009. "Reply: Corneal cylinder in cataractous eyes", Journal of Cataract and Refractive Surgery 35, 6: 958 - 959.
61. Villa-Collar, C.; González-Méijome, J.M.; Queirós, A.; Jorge, J.M.M.. 2009. "Short-term corneal response to corneal refractive therapy for different refractive targets", Cornea 28, 3: 311 - 316.
62. Ferrer-Blasco, T.; Montés-Micó, R.; Cerviño, A.; Alfonso, J.F.; González-Méijome, J.M.. 2009. "Stereoacuity after refractive lens exchange with AcrySof ReSTOR intraocular lens implantation", Journal of Refractive Surgery 25, 11: 1000 - 10.
63. González-Méijome, J.M.; Löpez-Alemany, A.; Almeida, J.B.; Parafita, M.A.. 2009. "Surface AFM microscopy of unworn and worn samples of silicone hydrogel contact lenses", Journal of Biomedical Materials Research - Part B Applied Biomaterials 88, 1: 75 - 82.
64. Villa-Collar, C.; González-Méijome, J.M.; Gutiérrez-Ortega, R.. 2009. "Objective evaluation of the visual benefit in contact lens fitting after complicated LASIK", Journal of Refractive Surgery 25, 7: 591 - 598.
65. González-Méijome, J.M.; Montés-Micó, R.. 2009. "Ocular development, peripheral refraction and custom optical design: The new wave in optometry and visual science research", Journal of Optometry 2, 1: 1 - 2.
66. Ferrer-Blasco, T.; Montés-Micó, R.; Peixoto-de-Matos, S.C.; González-Méijome, J.M.; Cerviño, A.. 2009. "Prevalence of corneal astigmatism before cataract surgery", Journal of Cataract and Refractive Surgery 35, 1: 70 - 75.
67. Gonzalez-Meijome, J.M.; Compañ-Moreno, V.; Riande, E.. 2008. "Determination of oxygen permeability in soft contact lenses using a polarographic method: Estimation-of relevant physiological parameters", Industrial and Engineering Chemistry Research 47, 10: 3619 - 36.
68. Cerviño, A.; Gonzalez-Meijome, J.M.; Linhares, J.M.M.; Hosking, S.L.; Montes-Mico, R.. 2008. "Effect of sport-tinted contact lenses for contrast enhancement on retinal straylight measurements", Ophthalmic and Physiological Optics 28, 2: 151 - 156.
69. Queirós, A.; González-Méijome, J.M.; Jorge, J.M.M.. 2008. "Influence of fogging lenses and cycloplegia on open-field automatic refraction", Ophthalmic and Physiological Optics 28, 4: 387 - 392.
70. González-Méijome, J.M.; Villa-Collar, C.; Queirós, A.; Jorge, J.M.M.; Parafita, M.A.. 2008. "Pilot study on the influence of corneal biomechanical properties over the short term in response to corneal refractive therapy for myopia", Cornea 27, 4: 421 - 426.
71. Cerviño, A.; Hosking, S.L.; Ferrer-Blasco, T.; Montes-Mico, R.; Gonzalez-Meijome, J.M.. 2008. "A pilot study on the differences in wavefront aberrations between two ethnic groups of young generally myopic subjects", Ophthalmic and Physiological Optics 28, 6: 532 - 537.
72. Ferrer-Blasco, T.; González-Méijome, J.M.; Montés-Micó, R.. 2008. "Age-related changes in the human visual system and prevalence of refractive conditions in patients attending an eye clinic", Journal of Cataract and Refractive Surgery 34, 3: 424 - 432.
73. Montés-Micó, R.; Ferrer-Blasco, T.; Cerviño, A.; González-Méijome, J.M.; Puchades, C.. 2008. "Clinical use of the ocular point spread function for retinal image quality assessment", Expert Review of Ophthalmology 3, 5: 523 - 527.
74. Jorge, J.M.M.; González-Méijome, J.M.; Queirós, A.; Fernandes, P.R.B.; Parafita, M.A.. 2008. "Correlations between corneal biomechanical properties measured with the ocular response analyzer and ICare rebound tonometry", Journal of Glaucoma 17, 6: 442 - 448.
75. Montés-Micó, R.; González-Méijome, J.M.. 2008. "Welcome to the journal of optometry", Journal of Optometry 1, 1: 1 - 2.
76. González-Méijome, J.M.; Montés-Micó, R.. 2008. "Spanish optometry: Demanding its place in the international scientific publication scene", Journal of Optometry 1, 2: 41 - 42.
77. Ferrer-Blasco, T.; Cerviño, A.; González-Méijome, J.M.; García, S.; Alfonso, J.F.. 2008. "Retinal straylight before and after penetrating keratoplasty in an eye with a post-herpetic corneal scar", Journal of Optometry 1, 2: 50 - 52.
78. Sañudo-Buitrago, F.; González-Méijome, J.M.; Bueno-Jimeno, I.; Navarrete-Sanchís, J.N.; León-Jiménez, N.. 2008. "Topographic and refractive changes in a patient with contact lens intolerance associated with Behçet disease", British Journal of Ophthalmology 92, 3: 438 - 440.
79. Yebra-Pimentel, E.; González-Méijome, J.M.; García-Resúa, C.; Giráldez-Fernández, M.J.. 2008. "The relationships between ocular optical components and implications in the process of emmetropization | Relación entre los componentes ópticos oculares e implicaciones en el proceso de emetropización", Archivos de la Sociedad Espanola de Oftalmologia 83, 5: 307 - 316.
80. Queirós, A; González-Méijome, JM; Fernandes, P; Jorge, J; Montes-Mico, R; Almeida, JB; Parafita, MA. 2007. "Technical Note: A comparison of central and peripheral intraocular pressure using rebound tonometry", OPHTHALMIC AND PHYSIOLOGICAL OPTICS, 27: 506 - 511.
81. Queirós, A; González-Méijome, JM; Fernandes, P; Jorge, J; Almeida, JB; Parafita, MA. 2007. "Technical Note: Accuracy and repeatability of a new portable ultrasound pachymeter", OPHTHALMIC AND PHYSIOLOGICAL OPTICS, 27: 190 - 193.
82. González-Méijome, J.M.; Villa-Collar, C.; Montés-Micó, R.; Gomes, A.. 2007. "Asphericity of the anterior human cornea with different corneal diameters", Journal of Cataract and Refractive Surgery 33, 3: 465 - 473.
83. González-Méijome, J.M.; López-Alemany, A.; Lira, M.; Almeida, J.B.; Real Oliveira, M; Parafita, M.A.. 2007. "Equivalences between refractive index and equilibrium water content of conventional and silicone hydrogel contact lenses from automated and manual refractometry", Journal of Biomedical Materials Research - Part B Applied Biomaterials 80, 1: 184 - 191.
84. González-Méijome, J.M.; Jorge, J.M.M.; Almeida, J.B.; Parafita, M.A.. 2007. "Contact lens fitting profile in Portugal in 2005: Strategies for first fits and refits", Eye and Contact Lens 33, 2: 81 - 88.
85. González-Méijome, J.M.; Parafita, M.A.; Yebra-Pimentel, E.; Almeida, J.B.. 2007. "Symptoms in a population of contact lens and noncontact lens wearers under different environmental conditions", Optometry and Vision Science 84, 4: 296 - 302.
86. Queirós, A.; González-Méijome, J.M.; Fernandes, P.R.B.; Jorge, J.M.M.; Almeida, J.B.; Parafita, M.A.. 2007. "Technical note: Accuracy and repeatability of a new portable ultrasound pachymeter", Ophthalmic and Physiological Optics 27, 2: 190 - 193.
87. Villa, C.; Gutiérrez, R.; Jiménez, J.R.; González-Méijome, J.M.. 2007. "Night vision disturbances after successful LASIK surgery", British Journal of Ophthalmology 91, 8: 1031 - 10.
88. González-Méijome, J.M.; Queirós, A.; Jorge, J.M.M.; Fernandes, P.R.B.; Cerviño, A.; De Almeida, J. 2007. "External factors affecting data acquisition during corneal topography examination", Eye and Contact Lens 33, 2: 91 - 97.
89. González-Méijome, J.M.; López-Alemany, A.; Almeida, J.B.; Parafita, M.A.; Refojo, M.F.. 2007. "Qualitative and quantitative characterization of the in vitro dehydration process of hydrogel contact lenses", Journal of Biomedical Materials Research - Part B Applied Biomaterials 83, 2: 512 - 526.
90. González-Méijome, J.M.; Villa-Collar, C.. 2007. "Nomogram, corneal topography, and final prescription relations for corneal refractive therapy", Optometry and Vision Science 84, 1: 59 - 64.
91. García-ResúA, C.; González-Meijome, J.M.; Gilino, J.; Yebra-Pimentel, E.. 2006. "Accuracy of the new ICare rebound tonometer vs. other portable tonometers in healthy eyes", Optometry and Vision Science 83, 2: 102 - 107.
92. González-Méijome, J.M.; Lira, M.; López-Alemany, A.; Almeida, J.B.; Parafita, M.A.; Refojo, M.F.. 2006. "Refractive index and equilibrium water content of conventional and silicone hydrogel contact lenses", Ophthalmic and Physiological Optics 26, 1: 57 - 64.
93. González-Méijome, J.M.; Jorge, J.M.M.; De Almeida, J; Parafita, M.A.. 2006. "Soft contact lenses for keratoconus: Case report", Eye and Contact Lens 32, 3: 143 - 147.
94. López-Alemany, A.; González-Méijome, J.M.; Almeida, J.B.; Parafita, M.A.; Refojo, M.F.. 2006. "Oxygen transmissibility of piggyback systems with conventional soft and silicone hydrogel contact lenses", Cornea 25, 2: 214 - 219.
95. González-Méijome, J.M.; López-Alemany, A.; Almeida, J.B.; Parafita, M.A.; Refojo, M.F.. 2006. "Microscopic observation of unworn siloxane-hydrogel soft contact lenses by atomic force microscopy", Journal of Biomedical Materials Research - Part B Applied Biomaterials 76, 2: 412 - 418.
96. González-Méijome, J.M.; López-Alemany, A.; Almeida, J.B.; Parafita, M.A.; Refojo, M.F.. 2006. "Microscopic observations of superficial ultrastructure of unworn siloxane-hydrogel contact lenses by cryo-scanning electron microscopy", Journal of Biomedical Materials Research - Part B Applied Biomaterials 76, 2: 419 - 423.
97. González-Méijome, J.M.; Sañudo-Buitrago, F.; López-Alemany, A.; Almeida, J.B.; Parafita, M.A.. 2006. "Correlations between central and peripheral changes in anterior corneal topography after myopic LASIK and their implications in postsurgical contact lens fitting", Eye and Contact Lens 32, 4: 197 - 202.
98. González-Méijome, JM; Jorge, J; Queirós, A; Almeida, JB; Parafita, MA. 2004. "A comparison of the ARK-700A autokeratometer and Medmont E300 corneal topographer when measuring peripheral corneal curvature", OPHTHALMIC AND PHYSIOLOGICAL OPTICS, 24: 391 - 398.
99. González-Méijome, J.M.; González-Pérez, J.; Cerviño, A.; Yebra-Pimentel, E.; Parafita, M.A.. 2003. "Changes in corneal structure with continuous wear of high-Dk soft contact lenses: A pilot study", Optometry and Vision Science 80, 6: 440 - 446.
100. Jorge, J.M.M.; González-Méijome, J.M.; Díaz-Rey, J.A.; Almeida, J.B.; Ribeiro, P.; Parafita, M.A.. 2003. "Clinical performance of non-contact tonometry by Reichert AT550® in glaucomatous patients", Ophthalmic and Physiological Optics 23, 6: 503 - 506.
101. González-Méijome, J.M.; Cerviño, A.; Yebra-Pimentel, E.; Parafita, M.A.. 2003. "Central and peripheral corneal thickness measurement with Orbscan II and topographical ultrasound pachymetry", Journal of Cataract and Refractive Surgery 29, 1: 125 - 132.
102. Jorge, J.M.M.; Díaz-Rey, J.A.; González-Méijome, J.M.; Almeida, J.B.; Parafita, M.A.. 2002. "Clinical performance of the Reichert AT550: A new non-contact tonometer", Ophthalmic and Physiological Optics 22, 6: 560 - 564.
103. Parafita, M.A.; González-Meijome, J.M.; Díaz-Rey, J.A.; González-Pérez, J.; Yebra-Pimentel, E.. 2000. "Corneal thickness mapping by topographical ultrasonic pachometry", International Contact Lens Clinic 27, 1: 12 - 21.
104. Parafita, M.A.; González-Meijome, J.M.; Díaz, J.A.; Yebra-Pimentel, E.. 2000. "Topographical pachymetry and pachymetric topography in circumscribed posterior keratoconus | Paquimetría topográfica y topografía paquimétrica en el queratocono posterior circunscrito.", Archivos de la Sociedad Espanola de Oftalmologia 75, 9: 633 - 636.
105. Parafita, M.A.; Yebra-Pimentel, E.; Giraldez, M.J.; González-Pérez, J.; Pérez-Martín, M.V.; González-Meijome, J.M.. 1999. "Further information on the knowledge of topographical corneal thickness", International Contact Lens Clinic 26, 5: 128 - 136.

Apresentação oral de trabalho
Oral work presentation
1. Filipa, Correia; Conceição, Silva; Jorge, J; González-Méijome, JM; Queirós, A. Condições refrativas e parâmetros biométricos em crianças do ensino básico (prémio melhor comunicação formato poster),CIOCV 2013 - Congresso Internacional Optometria e Ciências da Visão,Braga, 13-14 de Abril,2013 (Poster).
2. N, Dias; González-Méijome, JM; Fernandes, P; Queirós, A; Jorge, J. Alterações morfológicas maculares associadas ao estado refrativo analisadas através de tomografia de coerência ótica,CIOCV 2013 - Congresso Internacional Optometria e Ciências da Visão,Braga, 13-14 de Abril,2013 (Poster).
3. L, Santos; Queirós, A; González-Méijome, JM; Jorge, J. Alterações papilares associadas ao erro refrativo analisado através de tomografia de coerência ótica,CIOCV 2013 - Congresso Internacional Optometria e Ciências da Visão,Braga, 13-14 de Abril,2013 (Poster).
4. Queirós, A; Faria-Ribeiro, Miguel; Lopes-Ferreira, Daniela; Fernandes, P; González-Méijome, JM. Astigmatic peripheral refraction patterns in orthokeratology for different myopic treatments,37th BCLA (clinical conference & exhibition),Manchester, UK,2013 (Poster).
5. Lopes-Ferreira, Daniela; Neves, Helena; Faria-Ribeiro, Miguel; Queirós, A; Fernandes, P; González-Méijome, JM. Refração periférica através de rotação do olho e da cabeça com lentes de contacto,CIOCV 2013 - Congresso Internacional Optometria e Ciências da Visão,Braga, 13-14 de Abril,2013 (Poster).
6. Conceição, Silva; Filipa, Correia; Jorge, J; Queirós, A; González-Méijome, JM. Hábitos de estudo e atividades ao ar livre numa população do ensino básico dos 6 aos 16 anos,CIOCV 2013 - Congresso Internacional Optometria e Ciências da Visão,Braga, 13-14 de Abril,2013 (Poster).
7. Queirós, A; Faria-Ribeiro, Miguel; Lopes-Ferreira, Daniela; Fernandes, P; Peixoto-de-Matos, Sofia C; González-Méijome, JM. Changes in Total and Corneal Wavefront Aberrations During Orthokeratology,EurOK Meeting 2013 - BrusselsOK,Brussels,2013 (Congresso).
8. Faria-Ribeiro, Miguel; Queirós, A; Jorge, J; González-Méijome, JM. Longitud axial y refracción periférica en miopes progresivos y no progresivos,22º Congreso Internacional de Optometría, Contactología y Óptica Oftálmica,Madrid,2012 (Congresso).
9. Lopes-Ferreira, Daniela; Neves, Helena; Isla-Paradelo, Leticia; Madrid-Costa, David; Jorge, J; Queirós, A; González-Méijome, JM. Alteraciones de la agudeza visual de alto y bajo contraste con tres tipos de lentes de contacto multifocales hidrofílicas,22º Congreso Internacional de Optometría, Contactología y Óptica Oftálmica,Madrid,2012 (Congresso).
10. Queirós, A; B, Yeoh; S, Issacs; Villa-Collar, César; Jorge, J; González-Méijome, JM. Impacto da ortoqueratologia nos parâmetros topográficos corneais,VI Colóquio de Optometria e Ciências da Visão,Covilhã,2012 (Conferência ou palestra).
11. Queirós, A; García-Porta, Nery; B, Yeoh; S, Issacs; Villa-Collar, César; González-Méijome, JM. Refractive and axial length changes in myopic Singaporean children and adolescents during one year of orthokeratology,1st EurOK – European Academy of Orthokeratology,Madrid,2012 (Congresso).
12. Santolaria Sanz, E; A, Cerviño; Queirós, A; González-Méijome, JM. SINTOMAS VISUAIS EM PACIENTES SUBMETIDOS A TRATAMENTO DE ORTOQUERATOLOGIA NOTURNA,IX congresso internacional de optometria e ciências da visão,Braga,2012 (Poster).
13. González-Méijome, JM; AC, Silva; Lopes-Ferreira, Daniela; Neves, Helena; Queirós, A. CLINICAL PERFORMANCE AND “EX-VIVO” DEHYDRATION OF SILICONE HYDROGEL CONTACT LENSES WITH TWO NEW MULTIPURPOSE SOLUTIONS,ARVO Global Meeting 2012,Fort Lauderdale (Florida, USA), ,2012 (Poster).
14. Santolaria Sanz, E; A, Cerviño; Queirós, A; González-Méijome, JM. Long-term satisfaction of orthokeratology patients,MadridOK - 1st EurOK – European Academy of Orthokeratology”,Madrid ,2012 (Congresso).
15. Jorge, J; A, Pinho; Queirós, A; Fernandes, P; González-Méijome, JM; Santodomingo-Rubido, Jacinto; Mallen, Edward. PERFIL HORIZONTAL DE LA RETINA EN MIOPES, EMÉTROPES E HIPERMÉTROPES,22º Congreso Internacional de Optometría, Contactología y Óptica Oftálmica,Madrid,2012 (Poster).
16. Santolaria Sanz, E; González-Méijome, JM; Queirós, A. Sintomatología en pacientes usuarios de ortoqueratología nocturna,22º Congreso Internacional de Optometría, Contactología y Óptica Oftálmica,Madrid,2012 (Congresso).
17. Queirós, A; Villa-Collar, César; Gutiérrez, AR; Jorge, J; González-Méijome, JM. CAMBIOS EN EL ESPESOR CORNEAL PERIFÉRICO DESPUÉS DE LASER IN SITU KERATOMILEUSIS (LASIK) Y QUERATECTOMÍA FOTORREFRACTIVA (PRK),22º Congreso Internacional de Optometría, Contactología y Óptica Oftálmica,Madrid,2012 (Poster).
18. Queirós, A; Jorge, J; Lopes-Ferreira, Daniela; Villa-Collar, César; Gutiérrez, AR; González-Méijome, JM. 3-D REPRESENTATION OF RELATIVE PERIPHERAL REFRACTION ACROSS 360º AFTER ORTHOKERATOLOGY,36th BCLA (clinical conference & exhibition),Birmingham, UK,2012 (Poster).
19. González-Méijome, JM; Montes-Mico, R; A, Cerviño; Peixoto-de-Matos, Sofia C; T, Ferrer-Blasco; Jorge, J; Queirós, A; Fernandes, P. Accommodative Micro-Fluctuations With Low Add Soft Contact Lenses In Pre-Presbyopes And Early Presbyopes. ,Conference of European Contact Lens Society Of Ophthalmologists (ECLSO).,Varsovia (Polónia),,2012 (Conferência ou palestra).
20. Santolaria Sanz, E; González-Méijome, JM; Queirós, A. ANÁLISIS DE LAS ABERRACIONES PARA DIFERENTES DIÂMETROS PUPILARES EN USUARIOS DE ORTOQUERATOLOGÍA NOCTURNA,22º Congreso Internacional de Optometría, Contactología y Óptica Oftálmica,Madrid,2012 (Poster).
21. Queirós, A; B, Yeoh; S, Issacs; Villa-Collar, César; González-Méijome, JM. Alterações da Refração e Parâmetros Topográficos Corneais na Ortoqueratologia ao Longo de 1 Ano,IX congresso internacional de optometria e ciências da visão,Braga,2012 (Comunicação).
22. Queirós, A. Peripheral refraction in Ortho-k,1st EurOK – European Academy of Orthokeratology,Madrid,2012 (Congresso).
23. Lopes-Ferreira, Daniela; Neves, Helena; Isla-Paradelo, Leticia; Queirós, A; Madrid-Costa, David; González-Méijome, JM. VISUAL ACUITY CHANGES IN PRESBYOPIC PATIENTS FITTED WITH 3 MULTIFOCAL CONTACT LENSES,36th BCLA (clinical conference & exhibition),Birmingham, UK,2012 (Poster).
24. González-Méijome, JM; Neves, Helena; Peixoto-de-Matos, Sofia C; Queirós, A; Jorge, J. Reduction of haloes by reducing the positive spherical aberration of the eye with a silicone hydrogel contact lens,XXX Congress of the ESCRS,Milão,2012 (Congresso).
25. Queirós, A; Villa-Collar, César; Santodomingo-Rubido, Jacinto; Gutiérrez, AR; Jorge, J; Ribeiro-Queirós, MS; Peixoto-de-Matos, Sofia C; González-Méijome, JM. CAMBIOS EN LA ELEVACIÓN EN LA CURVATURA ANTERIOR Y POSTERIOR DE LA CÓRNEA ANTES Y DESPUÉS DE ORTOQUERATOLOGÍA CON DIFERENTES LENTES DE CONTACTO,22º Congreso Internacional de Optometría, Contactología y Óptica Oftálmica,Madrid,2012 (Poster).
26. Queirós, A; Jorge, J; Lopes-Ferreira, Daniela; Faria-Ribeiro, Miguel; Villa-Collar, César; Gutiérrez, AR; González-Méijome, JM. 3-D REPRESENTATION OF RELATIVE PERIPHERAL REFRACTION ACROSS 360º AFTER LASIK SURGERY,XXX Congress of the ESCRS,Milão, Itália,2012 (Poster).
27. Jorge, J; A, Pinho; González-Méijome, JM; Fernandes, P; Queirós, A; Santodomingo-Rubido, Jacinto; Mallen, Edward. REPETITIVIDAD DEL IOLMASTER EN POSICIONES EXCÉNTRICAS DA RETINA,22º Congreso Internacional de Optometría, Contactología y Óptica Oftálmica,Madrid,2012 (Poster).
28. Queirós, A; Villa-Collar, César; Jorge, J; González-Méijome, JM; Gutiérrez, AR. Off-axis Peripheral Refraction in Myopic Eyes after LASIK Surgery,8th International Conference of Optometry and Vision Science,Braga,2011 (Congresso).
29. Queirós, A; González-Méijome, JM; Jorge, J; Villa-Collar, César; Gutiérrez, AR. Qualidade de Vida (NEI-RQL42) com Lentes de Contacto,V Colóquio de Optometria e Ciências da Visão,Covilhã,2011 (Conferência ou palestra).
30. Queirós, A; Villa-Collar, César; Jorge, J; Gutiérrez, AR; González-Méijome, JM. RELATIVE DIFFERENCES BETWEEN OFF-AXIS PERIPHERAL REFRACTION IN MYOPIC EYES AFTER LASIK SURGERY AND ORTHOKERATOLOGY ,XXIX Congress European Society of Cataract & Refractive Surgeons ,Vienna,2011 (Poster).
31. Queirós, A; González-Méijome, JM; Jorge, J; Villa-Collar, César; Gutiérrez, AR. Refracção Periférica - Ortoqueratologia vs LASIK,V Colóquio de Optometria e Ciências da Visão,Covilhã,2011 (Conferência ou palestra).
32. Lopes-Ferreira, Daniela; Ribeiro, Claudia; Maia, Raquel; Jorge, J; Queirós, A; Villa-Collar, César; González-Méijome, JM. Peripheral myopisation with multifocal contact lenses dominat design in myopic patients,British Contact Lens Association (BCLA) - Meeting 2011,Manchester,2011 (Congresso).
33. González-Méijome, JM; A, Catarino; Lopes-Ferreira, Daniela; Queirós, A; Peixoto-de-Matos, Sofia C; García-Lázaro, Santiago; T, Ferrer-Blasco. Proclear EP vs placebo: visual outcomes and symptoms of asthenopia in non-presbyopes and early presbyopes,British Contact Lens Association (BCLA) - Meeting 2011,Manchester ,2011 (Congresso).
34. Queirós, A; Villa-Collar, César; Gutiérrez, AR; Jorge, J; González-Méijome, JM. OFF-AXIS PERIPHERAL REFRACTION IN MYOPIC EYES AFTER LASIK SURGERY,II Congress of the ASETCIRC,Barcelona,2011 (Poster).
35. Queirós, A; Villa-Collar, César; Gutiérrez, AR; Peixoto-de-Matos, Sofia C; Jorge, J; González-Méijome, JM. QUALITY OF LIFE WITH DIFFERENT MODES OF VISUAL CORRECTION,British Contact Lens Association (BCLA) - Meeting 2011. 26-29/05/2011,Manchester ,2011 (Poster).
36. Pauné, Jaume; Lopes-Ferreira, Daniela; Neves, Helena; Queirós, A; Quevedo, Lluisa. Performance of a new Peripheral Refraction Control GP Lenses for Myopia Stabilization,8th International Conference of Optometry and Vision Science ,Braga,2011 (Congresso).
37. Neves, Helena; Peixoto-de-Matos, Sofia C; Queirós, A; Jorge, J; Villa-Collar, César; González-Méijome, JM. IMPACT OF IN VIVO SOFT CONTACT LENS DEHYDRATION IN PERCEPTION OF LIGHT DISTORTION,British Contact Lens Association (BCLA) Meeting 2011. 26-29/5/2011,Manchester ,2011 (Poster).
38. Queirós, A; Neves, Helena; Jorge, J; González-Méijome, JM. Ensaio Clinico Lente de Contacto “Purevision High Definition”,Purevision High Definition,Lisboa,2011 (Conferência ou palestra).
39. Lopes-Ferreira, Daniela; Ribeiro, Claudia; Maia, Raquel; Villa-Collar, César; Queirós, A; Fernandes, P; Jorge, J; González-Méijome, JM. AXIAL AND OFF-AXIS REFRACTION WITH MULTIFOCAL CONTACT LENSES IN MYOPES: REPORT OF CASES WITH LOW, MODERATE AND HIGH MYOPIA,7th International Conference of Optometry and Visual Science,Braga,2010 (Poster).
40. Queirós, A; González-Méijome, JM; Jorge, J; Villa-Collar, César; Gutiérrez, AR. Refracção periférica em pacientes míopes depois da ortoqueratología,IV Colóquio de Optometria e Ciências da Visão – Optometria no século XXI: o futuro da visão,Covilhã,2010 (Simpósio).
41. González-Méijome, JM; Queirós, A; Villa-Collar, César; Gutiérrez, AR; Jorge, J. Off-Axis Refraction After Orthokeratology For Myopia Correction,British Contact Lens Association Clinical Conference (BCLA). ,Birminghan (Reino Unido).,2010 (Congresso).
42. Queirós, A; González-Méijome, JM; Jorge, J; Villa-Collar, César; Gutiérrez, AR. Refracción periférica en pacientes miopes después de ortoqueratología,21º Congreso Internacional de Optometría, Contactología y Óptica Oftálmica,2010 (Congresso).
Purpose: The purpose of this study was to characterize the central and peripheral refraction across the horizontal meridian of the visual field before and after myopic corneal refractive therapy (CRT) with contact lenses.
43. Vidal López, M; Vidal López, J; Queirós, A; González-Méijome, JM; Ruiz Alcocer, J; Signes Soler, I; Díaz Alejo, J. CURSO DE CAPACITACIÓN PARA TÉCNICOS DE TALLER DE ÓPTICA. MOZAMBIQUE 2008,21º Congreso Internacional de Optometría, Contactología y Óptica Oftálmica,Madrid,2010 (Poster).
44. Nogueira, Sofia; Queirós, A; González-Méijome, JM; Pascoal, AR; JG, Carracedo R; Jorge, J. CORNEAL TOPOGRAPHY DURING SHORT-TERM ORTHOKERATOLOGY DISCONTINUATIONS,7th International Conference of Optometry and Visual Science,Braga,2010 (Poster).
45. Osório, Paula R; Jorge, J; Queirós, A; Fernandes, P; Montes-Mico, R; González-Méijome, JM. OCULAR ACCOMMODATIVE RESPONSE FOR DIFFERENT FIXATION STIMULI: MALTESSE CROSS, CALIBRATED TEXT AND NON-CALIBRATED TEXT,7th International Conference of Optometry and Visual Science,Braga,2010 (Poster).
46. Ruiz Alcocer, J; Romero, M; Lara, F; Queirós, A; Jorge, J; González-Méijome, JM. AN EPIDEMIOLOGICAL STUDY OF VISUAL HEALTH IN MOZAMBIQUE,7th International Conference of Optometry and Visual Science,Braga,2010 (Poster).
47. Queirós, A; González-Méijome, JM; Jorge, J; Villa-Collar, César; Gutiérrez, AR. PERIPHERAL REFRACTION IN MYOPIC PATIENTS AFTER ORTHOKERATOLOGY,7th International Conference of Optometry and Visual Science,Braga,2010 (Comunicação).
48. Rios, L.; Neves, Helena; Osório, Paula R; González-Méijome, JM; Jorge, J; Queirós, A; Fernandes, P. Factors of Variability in Light Distortion in Mesopics Conditions. ,7º Congresso Internacional de Optometria e Ciências da Visão – CIOCV’10. Universidade do Minho. Braga (Portugal),2010 (Poster).
49. Nogueira, S.; González-Méijome, JM; Jorge, J; Queirós, A; Fernandes, P. Corneal Topography During Short-term Orthokeratology Discontinuations.,7º Congresso Internacional de Optometria e Ciências da Visão – CIOCV’10. Universidade do Minho. Braga ,2010 (Poster).
50. Ribeiro, Claudia; Lopes-Ferreira, Daniela; Maia, Raquel; Queirós, A; Villa-Collar, César; González-Méijome, JM. Miopización parafoveal con lentes de contacto multifocales de diseño dominante,21º Congreso Internacional de Optometría, Contactología y Óptica Oftálmica,Madrid,2010 (Congresso).
51. Pascoal, AR; González-Méijome, JM; Jorge, J; Fernandes, P; Queirós, A. Dynamic "in vivo" Dehydration of Daily Disposable Contact Lenses Using a Gravimetric Method.,7º Congresso Internacional de Optometria e Ciências da Visão – CIOCV’10. ,2010 (Poster).
52. Neves, Helena; Rios, L.; Osório, Paula R; González-Méijome, JM; Jorge, J; Queirós, A; Fernandes, P. Characterization of the Impact of Multifocal Contact Lens in Light Distortion under Night Vision Conditions,7º Congresso Internacional de Optometria e Ciências da Visão – CIOCV’10.,Braga ,2010 (Poster).
53. JG, Carracedo R; González-Méijome, JM; Queirós, A; Peral Cerdá, A; Jorge, J; Peixoto-de-Matos, Sofia C. EVALUACIÓN DEL CONFORT Y LA VISIÓN SUBJETIVA EN PACIENTES DE TERAPIA,21º Congreso Internacional de Optometría, Contactología y Óptica Oftálmica,Madrid,2010 (Poster).
54. Queirós, A; González-Méijome, JM; Jorge, J; Villa-Collar, César; Gutiérrez, AR. INDIVIDUAL OFF-AXIS REFRACTION PATTERNS IN ORTHOKERATOLOGY FOR DIFFERENT MYOPIC TREATMENTS,13th International Myopia Conference,Tübingen,2010 (Poster).
55. Rios, Lúcia; Queirós, A; Neves, Helena; Jorge, J; Marques, Alípio; J, Linhares; González-Méijome, JM. FACTORS OF VARIABILITY IN LIGHT DISTORTION IN MESOPICS CONDITIONS,7th International Conference of Optometry and Visual Science,Braga,2010 (Poster).
56. Queirós, A; Villa-Collar, César; González-Méijome, JM; Jorge, J; Gutiérrez, AR. INFLUENCIA DEL TAMAÑO PUPILAR EN LAS ABERRACIONES CORNEALES DESPUÉS DE CIRUGÍA REFRACTIVA Y ORTOQUERATOLOGÍA,21º Congreso Internacional de Optometría, Contactología y Óptica Oftálmica,Madrid,2010 (Poster).
57. Villa-Collar, César; Queirós, A; Gutiérrez, AR; Jorge, J; Ribeiro-Queirós, MS; Peixoto-de-Matos, Sofia C; González-Méijome, JM. Cambios en la elevación de la superfície anterior y posterior de la córnea antes y después de ortoqueratología, cirugía LASIK estándar y personalizada,Conferencia Internacional en Optometria y Contactología OC’10,Valencia,2010 (Simpósio).
58. Queirós, A; González-Méijome, JM; Villa-Collar, César; Gutiérrez, AR; Jorge, J. POTÊNCIA DA SUPERFÍCIE ANTERIOR DA CÓRNEA ANTES E DEPOIS DA TERAPIA REFRACTIVA CORNEAL (ORTOQUERATOLOGIA), LASIK STANDARD E LASIK PERSONALIZADO ,6th International Conference of Optometry and Vision Science,2009,2009 (Poster).
59. Queirós, A; González-Méijome, JM; Villa-Collar, César; Jorge, J; Gutiérrez, AR. Qualidade de visão com 3 técnicas refractivas corneais (CRT, LASIK personalizado e LASIK standard).,6th International Conference of Optometry and Vision Science ,Braga,2009 (Comunicação).
60. González-Méijome, JM; Villa-Collar, César; Jorge, J; Queirós, A; S, Escandón-García. LUMINOUS DISTORTION WITH MULTIFOCAL CONTACT LENSES UNDER MESOPIC LIGHTING CONDITIONS,Winter School in Optometry & Vision Sciences Research,Valencia,2009 (Poster).
61. González-Méijome, JM; Queirós, A; Villa-Collar, César; Gutiérrez, AR; Jorge, J; Montes-Mico, R; T, Ferrer-Blasco; A, Cerviño. Corneal First surface aberrations after LASIK and Corneal Refractive Therapy. ,Refractiva Internacional & Wavefront Congress.,Alicante (Espanha),2009 (Conferência ou palestra).
62. González-Méijome, JM; Peixoto-de-Matos, Sofia C; AS, Soares; Queirós, A; Jorge, J. Queratocone em quatro irmãos incluindo dois gémeos monozigóticos. ,6th International Conference of Optometry and Vision Science held at the University of Minho.,Braga (Portugal).,2009 (Congresso).
63. Jorge, J; González-Méijome, JM; Queirós, A; Fernandes, P. Tonometria não invasiva.,6th International Conference of Optometry and Vision Science held at the University of Minho.,Braga (Portugal).,2009 (Comunicação).
64. Queirós, A; González-Méijome, JM; Villa-Collar, César; Gutiérrez, AR; Jorge, J. MULTI-ASPHERIC DESCRIPTION AND CORNEAL FIRST SURFACE ABERRATIONS AFTER LASIK AND CORNEAL REFRACTIVE THERAPY,XXVII Congress European Society of Cataract & Refractive Surgeons ,Barcelona,2009 (Poster).
65. Jorge, J; Queirós, A; Fernandes, P; R, Ramoa-Marques; C, Casal; González-Méijome, JM. SPORT ACTIVITY AND MYOPIA: A PILOT STUDY,Third Annual Conference on Translational Research “Fifty years after the Orinda Study”,Berkeley (U.S.A.),2009 (Poster).
66. R, Ramoa-Marques; A, Lourenço; S, Silva; Nascimento, S; Queirós, A; González-Méijome, JM; Jorge, J. Variação da Pressão Intra-Ocular entre as posições de pé e decúbito supino.,6th International Conference of Optometry and Vision Science held at the University of Minho.,Braga (Portugal),2009 (Congresso).
67. González-Méijome, JM; A, Cerviño; Queirós, A; Montes-Mico, R; Peixoto-de-Matos, Sofia C; Jorge, J. Changes in peripheral refraction with accommodation in myopic and emmetropic subjects.,Refractiva Internacional & Wavefront Congress.,Alicante (Espanha) ,2009 (Conferência ou palestra).
68. González-Méijome, JM; S, Escandón-García; Villa-Collar, César; Queirós, A; Jorge, J. Luminous distortion with multifocal contact lenses under scotopic lighting conditions,British Contact Lens Association (BCLA) Meeting 2009.,Birminghan (Reino Unido).,2009 (Congresso).
69. Queirós, A; González-Méijome, JM; Villa-Collar, César; Gutiérrez, AR; Jorge, J. MYOPIC SHIFT IN PERIPHERAL CORNEAL CURVATURE POWER AFTER ORTHOKERATOLOGY, STANDARD AND CUSTOM LASIK FOR DIFFERENT DEGREES OF MYOPIC CORRECTION,Third Annual Conference on Translational Research “Fifty years after the Orinda Study",Berkeley (U.S.A.),2009 (Poster).
70. Queirós, A; González-Méijome, JM; Villa-Collar, César; Gutiérrez, AR; Jorge, J. MYOPIC SHIFT IN PERIPHERAL CORNEAL CURVATURE POWER AFTER ORTHOKERATOLOGY, STANDARD AND CUSTOM LASIK,Winter School in Optometry & Vision Sciences Research. 8-9 March 2009.,Valencia (SPAIN). ,2009 (Poster).
71. Jorge, J; A, Pinho; Queirós, A; González-Méijome, JM. SUGESTÃO PARA UMA NOVA CLASSIFICAÇÃO DA MIOPIA,5th International Conference of Optometry and Visual Science,Braga,2009 (Poster).
72. Queirós, A; González-Méijome, JM; Villa-Collar, César; Jorge, J; Gutiérrez, AR. MULTI-ASPHERIC DESCRIPTION OF THE CORNEA AFTER DIFFERENT REFRACTIVE TREATMENTS AND CORRELATION WITH HIGHER ORDER ABERRATIONS,Winter School in Optometry & Vision Sciences Research. 8-9 March.,Valencia (SPAIN). ,2009 (Poster).
73. Jorge, J; A, Pinho; Queirós, A; González-Méijome, JM. MYOPIA DEFINITION: DIFFERENT TECHNIQUES OF MEASUREMENTS, THE SAME PREVALENCE,12th International Myopia Conference,Cairns,2008 (Poster).
74. González-Méijome, JM; Villa-Collar, César; Queirós, A; Jorge, J. A pilot study on the influence of corneal biomechanical properties over the short-term in response to corneal refractive therapy for myopia.,British Contact Lens Association (BCLA) Meeting 2008,Birminghan ,2008 (Congresso).
75. V, Carneiro; V, Fernandes; Nascimento, S; Queirós, A; González-Méijome, JM; Jorge, J. DFAC – detecção de factores ambliogénicos em crianças,CIOCV 2008,Braga,2008 (Poster).
76. Queirós, A; Jorge, J; González-Méijome, JM. Influence of Fogging Lenses and Cycloplegia in Peripheral Refraction,12th International Myopia Conference,Cairns,2008 (Congresso).
77. Queirós, A; González-Méijome, JM; Villa-Collar, César; Gutiérrez, AR; Jorge, J. Myopic Shift in Peripheral Corneal Curvature Power After Orthokeratology, Standard and Custom LASIK,12th International Myopia Conference,Cairns,2008 (Poster).
78. Jorge, J; A, Pinho; Queirós, A; González-Méijome, JM. SUGGESTION FOR A NEW MYOPIA CLASSIFICATION,12th International Myopia Conference,Cairns,2008 (Poster).
79. Queirós, A; A, Cerviño; González-Méijome, JM; Montes-Mico, R; Jorge, J. PERIPHERAL REFRACTION WITH ACCOMMODATION IN YOUNG EMMETROPIC AND MYOPIC SUBJECTS,12th International Myopia Conference,Cairns,2008 (Poster).
80. Jorge, J; Queirós, A; A, Cerviño; Montes-Mico, R; González-Méijome, JM. ON THE SYMMETRY BETWEEN EYES OF PERIPHERAL REFRACTION VALUES,12th International Myopia Conference,Cairns,2008 (Poster).
81. Queirós, A; González-Méijome, JM; Jorge, J. Qual a melhor alternativa ao uso do cicloplégico na refracção objectiva?,International Conference of Optometry and Vision Science,Braga,2008 (Congresso).
85. Queirós, A; González-Méijome, JM; Jorge, J; Parafita, MA. Microscopia especular de não contacto para a avaliação do endotélio corneal em pacientes normais e pacientes com diabetes,International Conference of Optometry and Vision Science,Braga,2007 (Congresso).
88. González-Méijome, JM; Jorge, J; Queirós, A; Fernandes, P; Almeida, JB; Parafita, MA. SHORT-TERM CORNEAL RESPONSE TO CORNEAL REFRACTIVE THERAPY FOR DIFFERENT REFRACTIVE TARGETS. A PILOT STUDY,CIOCV 2007,Braga,2007 (Poster).
89. Jorge, J; González-Méijome, JM; Queirós, A; Almeida, JB; Parafita, MA. Differences in ametropia prevalence obtained with different methods of refraction,EVER 2006 Annual Meeting,Vilamoura - Portugal,2006 (Congresso).
90. Fernandes, P; González-Méijome, JM; Jorge, J; Queirós, A; Almeida, JB; Parafita, MA. Differences in Central and Peripheral Tonometry with ICare Rebound Tonometry as a Function of Age,Ever 2006, October 4-7,Vilamoura,2006 (Poster).
91. Queirós, A; González-Méijome, JM; Villa-Collar, César; Jorge, J; Almeida, JB; Parafita, MA. Short-term Effects of Contact Lens Corneal Refractive Therapy on Corneal Topography,Ever 2006, October 4-7,Vilamoura,2006 (Poster).
92. González-Méijome, JM; Jorge, J; Queirós, A; Fernandes, P; Almeida, JB; Parafita, MA. Diferenças na tonometria central e periférica em função da idade com tonometro ICARE.,International Conference of Optometry and Vision Sciences,Braga,2006 (Poster).
93. González-Méijome, JM; Jorge, J; Queirós, A; Fernandes, P; Almeida, JB; Parafita, MA. DIFFERENCES IN CENTRAL AND PERIPHERAL TONOMETRY WITH ICARE® REBOUND TONOMETRY AS A FUNCTION OF AGE,3rd International Conference of Optometry and Visual Science,Braga,2006 (Poster).
94. Queirós, A; González-Méijome, JM; Fernandes, P; Jorge, J; Almeida, JB; Parafita, MA. ACCURACY AND REPEATABILITY OF A NEW PORTABLE ULTRASOUND PACHYMETER,3rd International Conference of Optometry and Visual Science,Braga,2006 (Comunicação).
95. Queirós, A; González-Méijome, JM; Fernandes, P; Jorge, J; Almeida, JB; Parafita, MA. NON-CONTACT TONOMETRY SYNCHRONIZED WITH CARDIAC RHYTHM AND ITS RELATIONSHIPS WITH BLOOD PRESSURE ,3rd International Conference of Optometry and Visual Science,Braga,2006 (Poster).
96. González-Méijome, JM; Villa-Collar, César; Queirós, A; Diaz-Rey, JA. Short-term corneal response to sigmoid reverse geometry paragon CRT contact lenses,Congress of the Spanish Contact Lens Society,Spain,2006 (Conferência ou palestra).
97. Fernandes, P; González-Méijome, JM; Queirós, A; Jorge, J; Almeida, JB; Parafita, MA. Relação entre pressão intra-ocular central e periférica medida com o tonometro ICARE: implicações clínicas,3rd International Conference of Optometry and Vision Sciences,Braga,2006 (Poster).
98. Fernandes, P; González-Méijome, JM; Queirós, A; Jorge, J; Almeida, JB; Parafita, MA. RELATIONSHIP BETWEEN CENTRAL AND PERIPHERAL IOP AS MEASURED WITH ICARE REBOUND TONOMETER: CLINICAL IMPLICATIONS,3rd International Conference of Optometry and Visual Science,Braga,2006 (Poster).
99. Fernandes, P; González-Méijome, JM; Queirós, A; Jorge, J; Diaz-Rey, JA; Almeida, JB. Within and Between Session Repeatability of Topographic Data Using Medmont E-300 Corneal Topographer,EVER 2005, October 5-8,Vilamoura,2005 (Poster).
100. Queirós, A; Jorge, J; González-Méijome, JM; Fernandes, P; Almeida, JB; Parafita, MA. Prospective Study on the Prevalence of Refractive Conditions in the North of Portugal,Ever 2005, October 5-8,Vilamoura,2005 (Poster).
102. Fernandes, P; Diaz-Rey, JA; Queirós, A; González-Méijome, JM; Jorge, J. Comparison of the ICare® rebound tonometer with the Goldmann tonometer in a normal population,Ever 2005, October 5-8,Vilamoura,2005 (Poster).
103. Queirós, A; González-Méijome, JM; Jorge, J; Franco, S. Ocular components data in young adults and their correlation with the refractive error,Ever 2005, October 5-8,Vilamoura,2005 (Poster).
104. Jorge, J; Fernandes, P; Queirós, A. A INFLUÊNCIA DO CICLOPLÉGICO NA REFRACÇÃO OBJECTIVA,CIOCV 2005,Braga,2005 (Poster).
105. A, Cerviño; González-Méijome, JM; Queirós, A; Jorge, J. FACTORS AFFECTING REPEATABILITY OF PERIPHERAL CORNEAL TOPOGRAPHY MEASURES ,ARVO Global Meeting 2005,Florida, USA,2005 (Poster).
106. Jorge, J; Queirós, A; Almeida, JB; Parafita, MA. Refractive error changes in young adults during a period of 3 years,Ever 2005, October 5-8,Vilamoura,2005 (Poster).
107. Queirós, A; Jorge, J; González-Méijome, JM. PERFIL REFRACTIVO NUMA POPULAÇÃO ENTRE OS 4 E OS 89 ANOS NO NORTE DE PORTUGAL,CIOCV 2005,Braga,2005 (Poster).
108. Queirós, A; Jorge, J; Fernandes, P; Almeida, JB; Parafita, MA. The AC/A ratio in university students in Portugal ,EVER 2004,Vilamoura,2004 (Poster).
109. González-Méijome, JM; Diaz-Rey, JA; F, Sañudo; Queirós, A; Almeida, JB; Parafita, MA. Topographical changes in anterior corneal curvature after lasik ,EVER 2004,Vilamoura,2004 (Poster).
110. Jorge, J; Fernandes, P; Queirós, A; Almeida, JB; Parafita, MA. The prevalence of refractive errors in university students in Portugal,EVER 2004,Vilamoura,2004 (Poster).
111. Queirós, A; Jorge, J; Fernandes, P; Almeida, JB; Parafita, MA. Variations in ocular biometry in university students in portugal ,EVER 2004,Vilamoura,2004 (Poster).
112. Jorge, J; González-Méijome, JM; Diaz-Rey, JA; Queirós, A; Almeida, JB; Ribeiro, P.; Parafita, MA. Clinical Performance of NCT by REICHERT AT550 in Glaucomatous Patients,Ever 2003,Alicante,2003 (Poster).
113. González-Méijome, JM; Queirós, A; Jorge, J; Almeida, JB. Where does ARK-700A actually measures peripheral corneal curvature? A comparison with medmont videokeratoscope,EVER 2003,Alicante,2003 (Poster).
114. Queirós, A; González-Méijome, JM. Soluções ópticas para a presbiopia,1st simpósio de Optometria Geriátrica,Braga,2002 (Simpósio).

Curso de curta duração lecionado
Taught short course
1. Jorge, J; González-Méijome, JM; Queirós, A. Importância da refracção periferica na miopia , 2011 (Extensão), promovido por CibaVision Portugal (7 e 8 de Maio e 14 e 15 de Maio) .
Duração: 12 horas. Local: Universidade do Minho, Cidade: Braga, Tipo de participação: Docente.
2. González-Méijome, JM. Curso de Técnicos de Óptica em Moçambique, 2008 (Especialização), promovido por Visão sem Fronteiras / MISAU.
Duração: 55 horas. Local: CENTRO REGIONAL DE DESENVOLVIMENTO SANITARIO (CRDS), Cidade: Maputo, Tipo de participação: Docente.
3. González-Méijome, JM; Jorge, J; Queirós, A. 1ª curso de FORMAÇÃO EM ORTOQUERATOLOGIA PARA A COMPENSAÇÃO DA MIOPIA, 2008 (Especialização), promovido por Departamento de Física. Escola de Ciências.
Duração: 8 horas. Local: Universidade do Minho, Cidade: Braga, Tipo de participação: Docente.

Desenvolvimento de material didáctico ou pedagógico
Didactic and pedagogic material development
1. González-Méijome, JM; Jorge, J; Queirós, A; A, Pinho; J, Linhares; M, Lira; Franco, S. Sebenta do Curso de Técnicos de Óptica em Moçambique,2008. 

Organização de evento
Event organization
1. González-Méijome, JM; Queirós, A; M, Lira; Jorge, J. 8ª Jornada Científico-Técnica de Contactologia ,2013 (Simpósio / Organização).
2. González-Méijome, JM; Jorge, J; Queirós, A; M, Lira; Fernandes, P; Diaz-Rey, JA; A, Pinho; A, Baptista; A, Macedo. CIOCV'13 - 10º Congresso Internacional de Optometria de Ciências da Visão,2013 (Congresso).
3. González-Méijome, JM; Jorge, J; Queirós, A; M, Lira. 7ª Jornadas Contactologia,2012 (Simpósio / Organização).
4. González-Méijome, JM; Jorge, J; Queirós, A; Fernandes, P. CIOCV'12 - 9º Congresso Internacional de Optometria de Ciências da Visão,2012 (Congresso / Organização).
5. González-Méijome, JM; Jorge, J; Queirós, A; Fernandes, P; J, Linhares. CIOCV'11 - 8º Congresso Internacional de Optometria de Ciências da Visão,2011 (Congresso / Organização).
6. González-Méijome, JM; Jorge, J; Queirós, A; M, Lira. 6ªs Jornada Científico-Técnica de Contactologia ,2011 (Simpósio / Organização).
7. González-Méijome, JM; Jorge, J; Queirós, A. CIOCV'10 - 7º Congresso Internacional de Optometria de Ciências da Visão,2010 (Congresso / Organização).
8. Jorge, J; P, Pinto; González-Méijome, JM; Queirós, A; Franco, S; M, Lira; J, Linhares; Fernandes, P; A, Baptista. CIOCV'09 - 6º Congresso Internacional de Optometria de Ciências da Visão,2009 (Congresso / Organização).
9. Jorge, J; González-Méijome, JM; Queirós, A; P, Pinto; A, Baptista; J, Linhares; M, Lira; Franco, S. CIOCV'08 - 5º Congresso Internacional de Optometria de Ciências da Visão,2008 (Congresso / Organização).
10. Jorge, J; González-Méijome, JM; Queirós, A; Fernandes, P; M, Lira; P, Pinto; J, Linhares; Franco, S. CIOCV'07 - 4º Congresso Internacional de Optometria de Ciências da Visão,2007 (Congresso / Organização).
11. Jorge, J; González-Méijome, JM; Queirós, A; Fernandes, P. CIOCV'06 - 3º Congresso Internacional de Optometria de Ciências da Visão,2006 (Congresso / Organização).
12. Jorge, J; González-Méijome, JM; J, Rosado; Queirós, A; Fernandes, P; M, Lira; Franco, S; S, Oliveira. CIO'05 - 2º Congresso Internacional de Optometria,2005 (Congresso / Organização).
13. Jorge, J; González-Méijome, JM; J, Rosado; Queirós, A; Fernandes, P; M, Lira; Franco, S. CIO'04 - 1º Congresso Internacional de Optometria,2004 (Congresso / Organização).

Indicadores de produção (Production indicators)

Produção científica
Scientific production

Livros e capítulos
Books and book chapters
Capítulos de livros publicados
Published book chapters
Artigos científicos em revistas
Papers in periodics
Com arbitragem científica
With scientific refereeing
Sem arbitragem científica
Without scientific refereeing

Produção técnica
Technical production

Outros tipos de produção técnica
Other technical production

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