Curriculum Vitae

Ana Luisa Monteiro de Carvalho

Data da última atualização »Last update : 09/10/2013

Ana Luisa Monteiro de Carvalho. É Professor Auxiliar e Professor Auxiliar na Universidade de Coimbra. Publicou 38 artigos em revistas especializadas. Actua na área de Ciências Biológicas Nas suas actividades profissionais interagiu com 161 colaboradores em co-autorias de trabalhos científicos.

Endereço de acesso a este CV:

Dados pessoais (Personal data)
Nome completo
Full name
Ana Luisa Monteiro de Carvalho
Nome em citações bibliográficas
Quoting name
Carvalho, Ana Luisa
Categoria profissional
Professor Auxiliar
Domínio científico de atuação
Scientific domain
Ciências Naturais-Ciências Biológicas.
Endereço profissional
Professional address
Universidade de Coimbra
Centro de Neurociências de Coimbra
CNC-Centro de Neurociências e Biologia Celular & Departamento Ciências da Vida, Universidade Coimbra, Largo Marques Pombal
3004--517 Coimbra
Telefone: (+351)304502910
Correio electrónico:

Graus Académicos (Academic Degrees)
1994-1999 Doutoramento
Biologia Molecular.
Universidade de Coimbra, Portugal.

1988-1993 Licenciatura
Licentiate degree
Bioquimica (4 anos » years) .
Universidade de Coimbra, Portugal.

Vínculos profissionais (Professional Positions)
Universidade de Coimbra
Nov/2004-Actual Professor Auxiliar

Universidade de Coimbra
Out/1999-Actual Professor Auxiliar

Línguas (Languages)
Inglês (Bem), Português (Bem), Francês (Bem).
Inglês (Bem), Português (Bem), Francês (Bem).

Inglês (Bem), Português (Bem), Francês (Bem).
Inglês (Bem), Português (Bem), Francês (Bem).

Membro de Associações Profissionais/Científicas (Professional/Scientific Association membership)
Actual Sociedade Portuguesa de Neurociências, Outros (especifique).
Actual Sociedade Portuguesa de Bioquímica, Outros (especifique).
Actual Society for Neuroscience, Outros (especifique).
Actual American Society for Biochemistry and Molecular Biology, Outros (especifique).

Produção científica, técnica e artística/cultural (Scientific, technical and artistical/cultural production)
Artigos em revistas com arbitragem científica
Papers in periodics with scientific refereeing
1. Catarino, T.; Ribeiro, L.; Santos, S. D; Carvalho, A. L. 2013. "Regulation of synapse composition by protein acetylation: the role of acetylated cortactin", Journal of Cell Science 126, 1: 149 - 162.
2. Santos, S. D; Iuliano, O.; Ribeiro, L.; Veran, J.; Ferreira, J. S; Rio, P.; Mulle, C.; Duarte, C. B; Carvalho, A. L. 2012. "Contactin-associated Protein 1 (Caspr1) Regulates the Traffic and Synaptic Content of  -Amino-3-hydroxy-5-methyl-4-isoxazolepropionic Acid (AMPA)-type Glutamate Receptors", Journal of Biological Chemistry 287, 9: 6868 - 6877.
3. Ferreira, J. S; Rooyakkers, A.; She, K.; Ribeiro, L.; Carvalho, A. L; Craig, A. M. 2011. "Activity and Protein Kinase C Regulate Synaptic Accumulation of N-Methyl-D-aspartate (NMDA) Receptors Independently of GluN1 Splice Variant", Journal of Biological Chemistry 286, 32: 28331 - 28342.
4. Matos, Carlos A; de Macedo-Ribeiro, S; Carvalho, Ana L. 2011. "Polyglutamine diseases: The special case of ataxin-3 and Machado–Joseph disease", Progress in Neurobiology 95, 1: 26 - 48.
5. Lobo, Andrea C; Gomes, João R; Catarino, Tatiana; Mele, Miranda; Fernandez, Pedro; Inácio, Ana R; Bahr, Ben A; Santos, Armanda E; Wieloch, Tadeusz; Carvalho, Ana L; Duarte, Carlos B. 2011. "Cleavage of the vesicular glutamate transporters under excitotoxic conditions", Neurobiology of Disease 44, 3: 292 - 303.
6. Vieira, M.; Fernandes, J.; Burgeiro, A.; Thomas, G.M.; Huganir, R.L.; Duarte, C.B.; Carvalho, A.L.; Santos, A.E.. 2010. "Excitotoxicity through Ca2+-permeable AMPA receptors requires Ca2+-dependent JNK activation", Neurobiology of Disease 40, 3: 645 - 655.
7. Correia, S. S; Duarte, C. B; Faro, C.; PIRES, E; Carvalho, A.L.. 2002. "Protein Kinase Cgamma Associates Directly with the GluR4 alpha -Amino-3-hydroxy-5-methyl-4-isoxazole Propionate Receptor Subunit. EFFECT ON RECEPTOR PHOSPHORYLATION", Journal of Biological Chemistry 278, 8: 6307 - 6313.

Artigos em revistas sem arbitragem científica
Papers in periodics without scientific refereeing
1. Castilho, A.F.; Liberal, J.T.; Baptista, F.I.; Gaspar, J.M.; Carvalho, A.L.; Ambrósio, A.F.. 2012. "Elevated glucose concentration changes the content and cellular localization of AMPA receptors in the retina but not in the hippocampus", Neuroscience 219, -: 23 - 32.
2. She, K.; Ferreira, J. S; Carvalho, A. L; Craig, A. M. 2012. "Glutamate Binding to the GluN2B Subunit Controls Surface Trafficking of N-Methyl-D-aspartate (NMDA) Receptors", Journal of Biological Chemistry 287, 33: 27432 - 27445.
3. Santos, Sandra D; Manadas, Bruno; Duarte, Carlos B; Carvalho, Ana L. 2010. "Proteomic Analysis of an Interactome for Long-Form AMPA Receptor Subunits", Journal of Proteome Research 9, 4: 1670 - 1682.
4. Moult, P. R; Cross, A.; Santos, S. D; Carvalho, A.-L.; Lindsay, Y.; Connolly, C. N; Irving, A. J; Leslie, N. R; Harvey, J.. 2010. "Leptin Regulates AMPA Receptor Trafficking via PTEN Inhibition", Journal of Neuroscience 30, 11: 4088 - 4101.
5. Santos, S.D.; Carvalho, A.L.; Caldeira, M.V.; Duarte, C.B.. 2009. "Regulation of AMPA receptors and synaptic plasticity", Neuroscience 158, 1: 105 - 125.
6. Macedo-Ribeiro, Sandra; Cortes, Luísa; Maciel, Patrícia; Carvalho, Ana L. 2009. "Nucleocytoplasmic Shuttling Activity of Ataxin-3", PLoS ONE 4, 6: e5834 - e5834.
7. Alves, S.; Regulier, E.; Nascimento-Ferreira, I.; Hassig, R.; Dufour, N.; Koeppen, A.; Carvalho, A. L; Simoes, S.; de Lima, M. C. P; Brouillet, E.; Gould, V. C; Deglon, N.; de Almeida, L. P. 2008. "Striatal and nigral pathology in a lentiviral rat model of Machado-Joseph disease", Human Molecular Genetics 17, 14: 2071 - 2083.
8. Nunes-Correia, Isabel; Rodríguez, Javier M; Eulálio, Ana; Carvalho, Ana L; Citovsky, Vitaly; Simões, Sérgio; Faro, Carlos; Salas, María L; Pedroso de L. M. C. 2008. "African swine fever virus p10 protein exhibits nuclear import capacity and accumulates in the nucleus during viral infection", Veterinary Microbiology 130, 1-2: 47 - 59.
9. Gomes, André R; Ferreira, Joana S; Paternain, Ana V; Lerma, Juan; Duarte, Carlos B; Carvalho, Ana L. 2008. "Characterization of alternatively spliced isoforms of AMPA receptor subunits encoding truncated receptors", Molecular and Cellular Neuroscience 37, 2: 323 - 334.
10. Carvalho, A L; Caldeira, M V; Santos, S D; Duarte, C B. 2008. "Role of the brain-derived neurotrophic factor at glutamatergic synapses", British Journal of Pharmacology 153, S1: S310 - S324.
11. Caldeira, Margarida V; Melo, Carlos V; Pereira, Daniela B; Carvalho, Ricardo F; Carvalho, Ana L; Duarte, Carlos B. 2007. "BDNF regulates the expression and traffic of NMDA receptors in cultured hippocampal neurons", Molecular and Cellular Neuroscience 35, 2: 208 - 219.
12. ¿?lvaro, Ana R; Rosmaninho-Salgado, Joana; Santiago, Ana R; Martins, João; Aveleira, Célia; Santos, Paulo F; Pereira, Tiago; Gouveia, Denisa; Carvalho, Ana L; Grouzmann, Eric; Ambrósio, António F; Cavadas, Cláudia. 2007. "NPY in rat retina is present in neurons, in endothelial cells and also in microglial and Müller cells", Neurochemistry International 50, 5: 757 - 763.
13. Caldeira, M. V; Melo, C. V; Pereira, D. B; Carvalho, R.; Correia, S. S; Backos, D. S; Carvalho, A. L; Esteban, J. A; Duarte, C. B. 2007. "Brain-derived Neurotrophic Factor Regulates the Expression and Synaptic Delivery of -Amino-3-hydroxy-5-methyl-4-isoxazole Propionic Acid Receptor Subunits in Hippocampal Neurons", Journal of Biological Chemistry 282, 17: 12619 - 12628.
14. Gomes, André R; Correia, Susana S; Esteban, José A; Duarte, Carlos B; Carvalho, Ana L. 2007. "PKC Anchoring to GluR4 AMPA Receptor Subunit Modulates PKC-Driven Receptor Phosphorylation and Surface Expression", Traffic 8, 3: 259 - 269.
15. Ferro, Anabela; Carvalho, Ana L; Teixeira-Castro, Andreia; Almeida, Carla; Tomé, Ricardo J; Cortes, Luísa; Rodrigues, Ana-João; Logarinho, Elsa; Sequeiros, Jorge; Macedo-Ribeiro, Sandra; Maciel, Patrícia. 2007. "NEDD8: A new ataxin-3 interactor", Biochimica et Biophysica Acta (BBA) - Molecular Cell Research 1773, 11: 1619 - 1627.
16. CORTES, L; CARVALHO, A; TODOBOM, A; FARO, C; PIRES, E; VERISSIMO, P. 2006. "Purification of a novel aminopeptidase from the pollen of Parietaria judaica that alters epithelial integrity and degrades neuropeptides", Journal of Allergy and Clinical Immunology 118, 4: 878 - 884.
17. Eulalio, A.; Nunes-Correia, I.; Carvalho, A. L; Faro, C.; Citovsky, V.; Salas, J.; Salas, M. L; Simoes, S.; de Lima, M. C. P. 2006. "Nuclear Export of African Swine Fever Virus p37 Protein Occurs through Two Distinct Pathways and Is Mediated by Three Independent Signals", Journal of Virology 80, 3: 1393 - 1404.
18. Santos, A E; Duarte, C B; Iizuka, M; Barsoumian, E L; Ham, J; Lopes, M C; Carvalho, A P; Carvalho, A L. 2005. "Excitotoxicity mediated by Ca2+-permeable GluR4-containing AMPA receptors involves the AP-1 transcription factor", Cell Death and Differentiation 13, 4: 652 - 660.
19. Eulalio, A.; Nunes-Correia, I.; Carvalho, A. L; Faro, C.; Citovsky, V.; Simoes, S.; Pedroso de L. M. C. 2004. "Two African Swine Fever Virus Proteins Derived from a Common Precursor Exhibit Different Nucleocytoplasmic Transport Activities", Journal of Virology 78, 18: 9731 - 9739.
20. Gomes, Andre R; Cunha, Paulo; Nuriya, Mutsuo; Faro, Carlos J; Huganir, Richard L; Pires, Euclides V; Carvalho, Ana L; Duarte, Carlos B. 2004. "Metabotropic glutamate and dopamine receptors co-regulate AMPA receptor activity through PKA in cultured chick retinal neurones: effect on GluR4 phosphorylation and surface expression", Journal of Neurochemistry 90, 3: 673 - 682.
21. Gomes, André R; Correia, Susana S; Carvalho, Ana L; DUARTE, CARLOS B. 2003. "Regulation of AMPA receptor activity, synaptic targeting and recycling: Role in synaptic plasticity", Neurochemical Research 28, 10: 1459 - 1473.
22. Carvalho, Ana L; Correia, Susana; Faro, Carlos J; Duarte, Carlos B; Carvalho, Arselio P; Pires, Euclides M. V. 2002. "Phosphorylation of GluR4 AMPA-type glutamate receptor subunit by protein kinase C in cultured retina amacrine neurons", European Journal of Neuroscience 15, 3: 465 - 474.
23. Carvalho, Ana L; Duarte, Carlos B; Faro, Carlos J; Carvalho, Arsélio P; Pires, Euclides V. 2002. "Calcium Influx Through AMPA Receptors and Through Calcium Channels Is Regulated by Protein Kinase C in Cultured Retina Amacrine-Like Cells", Journal of Neurochemistry 70, 5: 2112 - 2119.
24. Santos, Armanda E; CARVALHO, ANA L; Lopes, Maria C; Carvalho, Ars¿lio P. 2001. "Differential postreceptor signaling events triggered by excitotoxic stimulation of different ionotropic glutamate receptors in retinal neurons", Journal of Neuroscience Research 66, 4: 643 - 655.
25. Carvalho, Ana L; DUARTE, CARLOS B; CARVALHO, ARSÉLIO P. 2000. "Regulation of AMPA receptors by phosphorylation", Neurochemical Research 25, 9/10: 1245 - 1255.
26. Carvalho, Ana L; Kameyama, K.; Huganir, R.L.. 1999. "Characterization of phosphorylation sites on the glutamate receptor 4 subunit of the AMPA receptors.", Journal of Neuroscience 12, 19: 4748 - 4748.
27. Santos, Paulo F; Carvalho, Ana L; Carvalho, Arsélio P; Duarte, Carlos B. 1998. "Differential acetylcholine and GABA release from cultured chick retina cells", European Journal of Neuroscience 10, 8: 2723 - 2730.
28. Duarte, Carlos B; Ferreira, Ildete L; Santos, Paulo F; Carvalho, Ana L; Agostinho, Paula M; Carvalho, Arsélio P. 1998. "Glutamate in Life and Death of Retinal Amacrine Cells*", General Pharmacology: The Vascular System 30, 3: 289 - 295.
29. Carvalho, Ana L. 1998. "Photoacoustic Measurements of Porphyrin Triplet-State Quantum Yields and Singlet-Oxygen Efficiencies", Chemistry - A European Journal 4, 11: 2299 - 2307.
30. Osborne, N.N; Cazevieille, C; Carvalho, A.L.; Larsen, A.K; DeSantis, L. 1997. "In vivo and in vitro experiments show that betaxolol is a retinal neuroprotective agent", Brain Research 751, 1: 113 - 123.
31. CARVALHO, ARSÉLIO P; FERREIRA, ILDETE L; CARVALHO, ANA L; DUARTE, CARLOS B. 1995. "Glutamate Receptor Modulation of [3H]GABA Release and Intracellular Calcium in Chick Retina Cellsa", Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences 757, 1: 439 - 456.

Indicadores de produção (Production indicators)

Produção científica
Scientific production

Artigos científicos em revistas
Papers in periodics
Com arbitragem científica
With scientific refereeing
Sem arbitragem científica
Without scientific refereeing

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