Curriculum Vitae

Ana Maria dos Santos Rosa da Costa

Data da última atualização »Last update : 11/02/2016

Ana Maria dos Santos Rosa da Costa Publicou 33 artigos em revistas especializadas. Nas suas actividades profissionais interagiu com 119 colaboradores em co-autorias de trabalhos científicos.

Endereço de acesso a este CV:

Dados pessoais (Personal data)
Nome completo
Full name
Ana Maria dos Santos Rosa da Costa
Nome em citações bibliográficas
Quoting name
Costa, Ana Maria dos Santos Rosa da
Endereço profissional
Professional address
Universidade do Algarve
Faculdade de Ciências e Tecnologia
Departamento de Química e Bioquímica
Edifício 2, Campus de Gambelas
8005-139 Faro
Telefone: (+351)289800900Extensão: 7618
Fax: (+351)289800066
Correio electrónico:

Graus Académicos (Academic Degrees)

Produção científica, técnica e artística/cultural (Scientific, technical and artistical/cultural production)
Artigos em revistas sem arbitragem científica
Papers in periodics without scientific refereeing
1. Oliveira, Ana V; Marcelo, Adriana; Rosa da C. A. M; Silva, Gabriela A. 2016. "Evaluation of cystamine-modified hyaluronic acid/chitosan polyplex as retinal gene vector", Materials Science and Engineering C 58, 1: 264 - 272.
2. André, E.M.; Pensado, A.; Resnier, P.; Braz, L.; Rosa da C. A; Passirani, C.; Sanchez, A.; Montero-Menei, C.N.. 2016. "Characterization and comparison of two novel nanosystems associated with siRNA for cellular therapy", International Journal of Pharmaceutics 497, 1: 255 - 267.
3. Costa, Maria C; Almeida, Ruben; Assunção, Ana; Rosa da C. A. M; Nogueira, Carlos; Paiva, Ana P. 2016. "N,N'-tetrasubstituted succinamides as new molecules for liquid–liquid extraction of Pt(IV) from chloride media", Separation and Purification Technology 158, 1: 409 - 416.
4. Rocha, Luciana S; Botero, Wander G; Alves, Nuno G; Moreira, José A; da Costa, A. M. R; Pinheiro, José P. 2015. "LIGAND SIZE POLYDISPERSITY EFFECT ON SSCP SIGNAL INTERPRETATION", Electrochimica Acta 166, 1: 395 - 402.
5. Hardoim, P. R; Guerra, R.; Rosa da C. A. M; Serrano, M. S; Sánchez, M. E; Coelho, A. C. 2015. "Temporal metabolic profiling of theQuercus suber-Phytophthora cinnamomisystem by middle-infrared spectroscopy", Forest Pathology, 1: 1 - 10.
6. Paiva, Ana P; Carvalho, Gonçalo I; Costa, Maria C; Costa, Ana M. R.; Nogueira, Carlos. 2014. "The Solvent Extraction Performance ofN,N’-Dimethyl-N,N’-Dibutylmalonamide Towards Platinum and Palladium in Chloride Media", Separation Science and Technology 49, 1: 966 - 973.
7. Costa, Patrícia; Grevenstuk, Tomás; Rosa da C. A. M; Gonçalves, Sandra; Romano, Anabela. 2014. "Antioxidant and anti-cholinesterase activities of Lavandula viridis L’Hér extracts after in vitro gastrointestinal digestion", Industrial Crops and Products 55, 1: 83 - 89.
8. Perestrelo, Ana R; Grenha, Ana; Rosa da C. A. M; Belo, José A. 2014. "Locust bean gum as an alternative polymeric coating for embryonic stem cell culture", Materials Science and Engineering C 40, 1: 336 - 344.
9. Bitoque, Diogo B; Simão, Sónia; Oliveira, Ana V; Machado, Susana; Duran, Margarita R; Lopes, Eduardo; da Costa, A. M. R; Silva, Gabriela A. 2014. "Efficiency of RAFT-synthesized PDMAEMA in gene transfer to the retina", JOURNAL OF TISSUE ENGINEERING AND REGENERATIVE MEDICINE, 1: 1 - 10.
10. Nogueira, C.A.; Paiva, A.P.; Oliveira, P.C.; Costa, M.C.; da Costa, A. R. 2014. "Oxidative leaching process with cupric ion in hydrochloric acid media for recovery of Pd and Rh from spent catalytic converters", Journal of Hazardous Materials 278, 1: 82 - 90.
11. Mouffouk, Fouzi; Dornelle, Daniel; Lopes, André; Martins, Jorge; Abu-Salah, Khalid; da Costa, A; dos Santos, N; Sau, Pablo; Simão, Teresa; Alrokayan, Salman. 2014. "Self-assembled polymeric nanoparticles as new, smart contrast agents for cancer early detection using magnetic resonance imaging", International Journal of Nanomedicine 10, 1: 63 - 76.
12. Paiva, Ana P; Carvalho, Goncalo I; Costa, Maria C; Rosa da C. A. M; Nogueira, Carlos. 2014. "The Solvent Extraction Performance of N,N'-Dimethyl-N,N'-Dibutylmalonamide Towards Platinum and Palladium in Chloride Media", Separation Science and Technology 49, 7: 966 - 973.
13. Costa, Maria C; Assunção, Ana; da Costa, A. M. R; Nogueira, Carlos; Paiva, Ana P. 2013. "Liquid-Liquid Extraction of Platinum from Chloride Media byN,N'-Dimethyl-N,N'-Dicyclohexyltetradecylmalonamide", Solvent Extraction and Ion Exchange 31, 1: 12 - 23.
14. Silva, GabrielaA; Rosa da C. A; Bitoque, DiogoB; Oliveira, AnaV; Silva, AndreiaP. 2013. "Transfection efficiency of chitosan and thiolated chitosan in retinal pigment epithelium cells: A comparative study", Journal of Pharmacy and BioAllied Sciences 5, 1: 111 - 118.
15. Ulloa, Pablo A; Guerra, Rui; Cavaco, Ana M; Rosa da C. A. M; Figueira, Ana C; Brigas, Amadeu F. 2013. "Determination of the botanical origin of honey by sensor fusion of impedance e-tongue and optical spectroscopy", Computers and Electronics in Agriculture 94, 1: 1 - 11.
16. Pessêgo, M.; Moreira, J. A; da Costa, A. M. R; Corrochano, P.; Poblete, F. J; Garcia-Rio, L.. 2013. "Electrostatic Repulsion between Cucurbit[7]urils Can Be Overcome in [3]Pseudorotaxane without Adding Salts", Journal of Organic Chemistry 78, 1: 3886 - 3894.
17. Dionísio, Marita; Cordeiro, Clara; Remuñán-López, Carmen; Seijo, Begoña; Rosa da C. A. M; Grenha, Ana. 2013. "Pullulan-based nanoparticles as carriers for transmucosal protein delivery", European Journal of Pharmaceutical Sciences 50, 1: 102 - 113.
18. Perestrelo, Ana R; Mouffouk, Fouzi; da Costa, A. M. R; Belo, José A. 2013. "Novel triblock co-polymer nanofibre system as an alternative support for embryonic stem cells growth and pluripotency", JOURNAL OF TISSUE ENGINEERING AND REGENERATIVE MEDICINE, 1: 1 - 10.
19. Paiva, Ana P; Carvalho, Gonçalo I; Costa, Maria C; da Costa, A. M. R; Nogueira, Carlos. 2013. "Recovery of Platinum and Palladium from Chloride Solutions by a Thiodiglycolamide Derivative", Solvent Extraction and Ion Exchange 32, 1: 78 - 94.
20. Pesseîgo, M.; Moreira, J.A.; Da Costa, A; Corrochano, P.; Poblete, F.J.; Garcia-Rio, L.. 2013. "Electrostatic repulsion between cucurbit[7]urils can be overcome in [3]pseudorotaxane without adding salts", Journal of Organic Chemistry 78, 8: 3886 - 38.
21. Kiazadeh, Asal; Gomes, Henrique L; Rosa da C. A. M; Moreira, José A; de Leeuw, D. M; Meskers, Stefan C. 2012. "Intrinsic and extrinsic resistive switching in a planar diode based on silver oxide nanoparticles", Thin Solid Films 522, 1: 407 - 411.
22. Rodrigues, Susana. 2012. "Chitosan/carrageenan nanoparticles: Effect of cross-linking with tripolyphosphate and charge ratios", Carbohydrate Polymers 89, 1: 282 - 289.
23. Moreira, José A; Rosa da C. A. M; García-Río, Luís; Pessêgo, Márcia. 2011. "Equilibrium constants and protonation site for N-methylbenzenesulfonamides", Beilstein Journal of Organic Chemistry 7, 1: 1732 - 1738.
24. Pessêgo, Márcia; Rosa da C. A. M; Moreira, José A. 2011. "Importance of phenols structure on their activity as antinitrosating agents: A kinetic study", Journal of Pharmacy and BioAllied Sciences 3, 1: 128 - 134.
25. Kiazadeh, Asal; Gomes, Henrique L; Rosa da C. A. M; Moreira, José A; de Leeuw, D. M; Meskers, Stephan C. 2011. "Non-volatile memory device using a polymer modified nanocrystal", Materials Science and Engineering B 176, 1: 1552 - 1555.
26. Brigas, A.; Rosa Da C. A; Serra, A.; Pires, C.. 2011. "Photosensitizers for photodynamic therapy: One-pot heterogeneous catalytic transfer reduction of porphyrins", Journal of Pharmacy and Bioallied Sciences 3, 2: 294 - 297.
27. Mouffouk, F.; Rosa da C. A; Martins, J.; Zourob, M.; Abu-Salah, K.M.; Alrokayan, S.A.. 2011. "Development of a highly sensitive bacteria detection assay using fluorescent pH-responsive polymeric micelles", Biosensors and Bioelectronics 26, 8: 3517 - 35.
28. Martins, M.; Faleiro, M.L.; da Costa, A; Chaves, S.; Tenreiro, R.; Matos, A.P.; Costa, M.C.. 2010. "Mechanism of uranium (VI) removal by two anaerobic bacterial communities", Journal of Hazardous Materials 184, 1-3: 89 - 96.
29. Aires-de-Sousa, J.; Prabhakar, S.; Lobo, A.M.; Rosa, A.M.; Gomes, M.J.S.; Corvo, M.C.; Williams, D.J.; White, A.J.P.. 2002. "Asymmetric synthesis of N-aryl aziridines", Tetrahedron Asymmetry 12, 24: 3349 - 33.
30. Rosa, A.M.; Lobo, A.M.; Branco, P.S.; Prabhakar, S.; Pereira, A.M.D.L.. 1997. "Synthesis of phenanthridines by radical C(aryl)-C(aryl) coupling", Tetrahedron 53, 1: 269 - 284.
31. Rosa, A.M.; Lobo, A.M.; Branco, P.S.; Prabhakar, S.; Sá-Da-Costa, M.. 1997. "New syntheses of the Amaryllidacaea alkaloids vasconine, assoanine, oxoassoanine, pratosine and ismine by radical cyclisation", Tetrahedron 53, 1: 299 - 306.
32. Rosa, A.M.; Lobo, A.M.; Branco, P.S.; Prabhakar, S.. 1997. "The chemistry and reactivity of aryl radicals - The C-C bond formation from o-bromobenzylphenylethers with tin hydride and azobisisobutyronitrile", Tetrahedron 53, 1: 285 - 298.
33. Rosa, A.M.; Prabhakar, S.; Lobo, A.M.. 1990. "Aryl-aryl coupling induced by n-tributylstannyl hydride. An efficient phenanthridine synthesis", Tetrahedron Letters 31, 13: 1881 - 18.

Indicadores de produção (Production indicators)

Produção científica
Scientific production

Artigos científicos em revistas
Papers in periodics
Sem arbitragem científica
Without scientific refereeing

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