Curriculum Vitae

William (Bill) Edward Williams

Data da última atualização »Last update : 11/07/2018

William (Bill) Edward Williams. Concluiu M Sc in Organometallic Chemistry - University College Cork em 1973. É Professor Adjunto no Instituto Politécnico de Setúbal. Publicou 13 artigos em revistas especializadas e 47 trabalhos em actas de eventos, possui 1 livro publicado. Possui 1 item de produção técnica. Actualmente participa em 2 projectos de investigação. Actua nas áreas de Engenharia e Tecnologia com ênfase em Outras Engenharias e Tecnologias e Ciências Sociais com ênfase em Ciências da Educação. Nas suas actividades profissionais interagiu com 30 colaboradores em co-autorias de trabalhos científicos. No seu curriculum DeGóis os termos mais frequentes na contextualização da produção científica, tecnológica e artístico-cultural são: engineering education research, active learning, classroom observation, Engineering knowledge production, engineering practice, online distance training, models, participation in online courses, bibliometric analysis e engagement.

Endereço de acesso a este CV:

Dados pessoais (Personal data)
Nome completo
Full name
William (Bill) Edward Williams
Nome em citações bibliográficas
Quoting name
Williams, Bill
Categoria profissional
Professor Adjunto
Domínio científico de atuação
Scientific domain
Ciências Sociais-Ciências da Educação.
Engenharia e Tecnologia-Outras Engenharias e Tecnologias.
Humanidades-Filosofia, Ética e Religião.
Ciências Sociais-Outras Ciências Sociais.
Ciências Sociais-Economia e Gestão.
Ciências Exactas-Química.
Endereço profissional
Professional address
Instituto Politécnico de Setúbal
Escola Superior de Tecnologia do Barreiro
Área Científica de Matérias complementares
Rua Américo da Silva Marinho
2839-001 Barreiro
Telefone: (+351)212064660
Correio electrónico:

Graus Académicos (Academic Degrees)
2009-2015 Doutoramento
Engineering and Management.
Universidade de Lisboa, Portugal.

1970-1973 Mestrado
Master degree
M Sc in Organometallic Chemistry (2 anos » years) .
University College Cork, Irlanda.

1967-1970 Bacharelato
Bachelor degree
B Sc in Chemistry (4 anos » years) .
University College Cork, Irlanda.

Formação complementar ( studies)
2002-2003 Especialização/ Pós-Graduação
Specialization/ Postgraduation
Online Education and Training.
University of London, Reino Unido.

1993-1994 Especialização/ Pós-Graduação
Specialization/ Postgraduation
Diploma in Teaching of English as a Second Language to Adults.
University of Cambridge, Reino Unido.

1975-1976 Especialização/ Pós-Graduação
Specialization/ Postgraduation
Higher Diploma in Education.
University College Cork, Irlanda.

Vínculos profissionais (Professional Positions)
Instituto Politécnico de Setúbal
Out/2003-Actual Professor Adjunto

Atividades de Ensino (Teaching activities)
Instituto Politécnico de Setúbal
Disciplinas lecionadas»Taught units:

  • Inglês Técnico(Regente)
  • Professional English(Regente)

Projetos de Investigação (Research projects)
Participação como Investigador
Participation as Researcher
O que o Engenheiro faz-What Engineers do
Referência do projeto»Project reference: PTDC/CPE-PEC/112042/2009.
Parceiro(s)»Partners: Universidade Técnica de Lisboa; Instituto Politécnico de Setúbal.
Financiador(es)»Funding: Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia.

Utilização de Metodologias de Aprendizagem Activa e Cooperativa no Ensino da Engenharia: Desenvolvimento de uma ferramenta para acompanhamento das actividades propostas com vista a promover formandos activos e-Implementation and Dissemination of Active Learning and Cooperative Learning Methodologies in Engineering Education: Developing a tool to monitor student activity so as to promote the development of active, autonomous learners
Referência do projeto»Project reference: PTDC/CED/69529/2006.
R&D Projects 2006
Parceiro(s)»Partners: Instituto Politécnico de Lisboa; Instituto Politécnico de Setúbal.
Financiador(es)»Funding: Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia.

Línguas (Languages)
Português (Bem), Inglês (Bem), Irlandês (Razoavelmente).
Português (Bem), Inglês (Bem), Irlandês (Razoavelmente).

Português (Bem), Inglês (Bem), Irlandês (Bem).
Português (Bem), Inglês (Bem), Irlandês (Pouco).

Membro de Associações Profissionais/Científicas (Professional/Scientific Association membership)
Mai/2014 - Actual Research in Engineering Education Network, Outros (especifique).
REEN: Elected to the Governing Board as representative of the European Zone .
Dez/2010 - Actual SPEE - Portuguese Society for Engineering Education , Membro fundador.
Fev/2009 - Actual European Working Group on Engineering Education Research (SEFI), Outros (especifique).
Member of Governing Board (co-opted).
Dez/2008 - Actual ASEE, Membro.
American Society for Engineering Education.
Dez/2008 - Actual Centre for Management Studies, Technical University of Lisbon (CEG-IST), collaborador.

Produção científica, técnica e artística/cultural (Scientific, technical and artistical/cultural production)
Livros publicados/organizados ou edições
Published/organized books or Editions
1. Williams, Bill; Figueiredo, Jose; Trevelyan, James. 2013. Engineering Practice in a Global Context: Understanding the Technical and the Social. ed. 1, ISBN: 9780415636964. Leiden: CRCPress/Taylor&Francis Group.

Capítulos de livros publicados
Published book chapters
1. Williams, Bill; Carvalho, Luísa C. 2016. A Perfect Couple: The Winery and Rural Tourism .  In Managing Globalization New Business Models, Strategies and Innovation, ed. Demestris Vrontis, Stefano Bresciani, Matteo Rossi, 77 - 91. ISBN: 978-1-4438-8897-4. Reino Unido: Cambridge Scholars Publishing.
2. Williams, Bill; Neto, Pedro. 2015. Critical Thinking in Engineering Education: IT Tools to Cultivate Higher-Order Skills.  In Pensamento Crítico na Educação: Desafios Atuais, ed. Caroline Dominguez , 221 - 232. ISBN: 978-989-704-207-2. Vila Real: UTAD.
3. Williams, Bill. 2013. Finding workable solutions: Portuguese engineering experience.  In Engineering Practice in a Global Context: Understanding the Technical and the Social, ed. Bill Williams, José Figueiredo and James Trevelyan, 159 - 184. ISBN: 9780415636964. Leiden: CRCPress,Taylor & Francis Group.

Artigos em revistas com arbitragem científica
Papers in periodics with scientific refereeing
1. Williams, Bill; Trevelyan, James. 2018. "Value creation in the engineering enterprise: an educational perspective", European Journal of Engineering Education, 0: 1 - 23.
2. Williams, Bill; Trevelyan, James. 2017. "Literacies of Entrepreneurship and Value Creation", Philosophical and Educational Perspectives on Engineering and Technological Literacy, 4: 14 - 16.
3. Williams, Bill; Wankat, Phillip C; Neto, Pedro. 2016. "Not so global: a bibliometric look at engineering education research", European Journal of Engineering Education 41, 4: 1 - 11.
4. Malmi, Lauri; Adawi, Tom; Curmi, Ronald; de Graaff, E; Duffy, Gavin; Kautz, Christian; Kinnunen, Päivi; Williams, Bill. 2016. "How authors did it – a methodological analysis of recent engineering education research papers in the European Journal of Engineering Education", European Journal of Engineering Education 41, 6: 40 - 65.
5. Williams, Bill; Wankat, Phil. 2016. "The Global Interconnections of Engineering Education Research", Journal of Engineering Education 105, 4: 533 - 539.
6. Williams, Bill; Adams, Robin; Siddiqui, Junaid; ALLENDOERFER, Cheryl. 2016. "Integration of Scholarship: Interconnections among Three Studies on Becoming an Engineering Education Researcher", International Journal of Engineering Education  32, 6 : 2352 - 2377.
7. Williams, Bill; Carvalho, Luísa C. 2016. "Application of a case-study approach to entrepreneurship teaching and learning via studies of the Portuguese SMEs PELCOR and YDreams", Revista de Empreendedorismo e Gestão de Micro e Pequenas Empresas  1, 6: 34 - 42.
8. Williams, Bill; Hattum, Natascha v; Oliveira, José M. N.. 2015. "Engineering Education Research in Portugal, an Emerging Field", International Journal of Engineering Education 31, 2: 674 - 684.
9. Wankat, Phillip C; Williams, Bill; Neto, Pedro. 2014. " Engineering education research in the European Journal of Engineering Education and the Journal of Engineering Education : citation and reference discipline analysis ", European Journal of Engineering Education 39, 1: 7 - 17.
10. Williams, Bill; Figueiredo, Jose. 2014. "From Academia to Start-up: A Case Study with Implications for Engineering Education", International Journal of Engineering Pedagogy (iJEP) 4, 2: 24 - 31.
11. Williams, Bill; Carvalho, Luísa C. 2014. "Let the cork fly: creativity and innovation in a family business", International Journal of Entrepreneurship and Innovation 15, 3: 127 - 134.
12. Williams, Bill; Figueiredo, Jose. 2014. "Lessons from an Innovation-leader and Tools to Learn Them", Journal of Industrial Engineering and Management 7, 4: 932 - 960.
13. Williams, Bill; Figueiredo, Jose. 2014. "L’INGENIERIE HETEROGENE PORTUGAISE À la découverte de solutions viables", La Revue d’Anthropologie des Connaissances 8, 2: 279 - 306.
14. Williams, Bill; Neto, Pedro; Wankat, Phillip C. 2014. "Taking a Snapshot: Four Bibliometric Indicators to Track Engineering Education Research Evolution", International Journal of Engineering Pedagogy (iJEP) 4, 4: 16 - 22.
15. Williams, Bill; Hattum, Natascha v; Oliveira, José M. N.. 2013. "Investigação em Educação em Engenharia em Portugal: um campo emergente", Revista de Ensino de Engenharia de ABENGE 32, 2: 51 - 62.
16. Williams, Bill; Neto, Pedro; Restivo, Teresa; Carvalho, Carlos V.; Magalhães, Fernão; Rasteiro, Mª G; Cardoso, Alberto; Zutin, Danilo. 2012. "ITs in Engineering Education: Joining Efforts Between SPEE and IGIP ", International Journal of Engineering Pedagogy (iJEP) 2, 1: 4 - 11.
17. Williams, Bill; Neto, Pedro. 2012. "Tracking Engineering Education Research and Development – Contributions from Bibliometric Analysis ", International Journal of Engineering Pedagogy (iJEP)  2, 2: 37 - 44.
18. Williams, Bill; Neto, Pedro; Carvalho, Isabel. 2011. "Keeping them involved - Encouraging and Monitoring Student Activity", Journal of Technical Education and Training 3, 2: 33 - 43.
19. Williams, Bill; Carvalho, Isabel. 2006. "A Systematic Approach to Course Design at Subject Level on a Mechanical Engineering Course so as to Encourage Active Learning", WSEAS Transactions on Advances in Engineering Education 3, 6: 482 - 487.
20. Williams, Bill. 2006. "Participation in online discussions - international participant experience on an online training course", WSEAS Transactions on Information Science and Applications 2, 3: 328 - 335.
21. Williams, Bill. 2005. "Formal online discussions: reflections on process", Journal of Educational Technology & Society 8, 1: 1 - 7.
22. Williams, Bill. 2004. "Participation in on-line courses – how essential is it?", Journal of Educational Technology & Society 7, 2: 1 - 8.
23. Lalor, Fergus; Williams, Bill. 1973. "Synthetic Applications of the Reaction of Silver (I) Salts with the Bis-[dicarbonyl(pi-cyclopentadienyl)iron] Complex", Journal of the Chemical Society, Dalton Transactions, , December 1973, -: 1329 - 1332.

Trabalhos completos/resumidos em eventos com arbitragem científica
Papers in conference proceedings with scientific refereeing
1. Williams, Bill; Neto, Pedro. 2017. "The European Journal of Engineering Education as a venue for engineering education research publication: a meta view", Trabalho apresentado em 45th Annual SEFI Conference., In Proceedings of the 45th Annual SEFI Conference, Terceira, Azores.
2. Williams, Bill; Chance, Shannon. 2017. "A Longitudinal Study of Middle Eastern Women’s Experiences Studying Engineering Abroad", Trabalho apresentado em Fifth Annual Symposium of the UK & Ireland Engineering Education Research Network, In Proceedings of the Fifth Annual Symposium of the UK & Ireland Engineering Education Research Network, London.
3. Williams, Bill; Nyamapfene, Abel. 2017. "Evolution of Engineering Education Research as a Field of Inquiry in the UK", Trabalho apresentado em 7th Research in Engineering Education Symposium (REES 2017), In 7th Research in Engineering Education Symposium (REES 2017): Research in Engineering Education, Bogota, Colombia.
4. Williams, Bill; Figueiredo, Jose. 2016. "Engineering Practice as an Emerging Field of Inquiry: a Historical Overview", Trabalho apresentado em 2016 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition, In 2016 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition Proceedings, New Orleans, Louisiana.
5. Williams, Bill; Madhavan, Krishna. 2016. "Detecting phase transitions in community structures using big data analysis of the engineering education research landscape: a European perspective", Trabalho apresentado em SEFI Annual Conference 2016, In Proceedings of SEFI 2016, Tampere.
6. Williams, Bill; Chance, Shannon. 2016. "A phenomenological study of Irish and Portuguese women’s experiences of receiving family support when studying STEM subjects at technical institutes", Trabalho apresentado em Annual SEFI conference 2016, In Proceedings of the 2016 SEFI Annual Conference, Tampere.
7. Williams, Bill. 2015. "Globalization of engineering education research: Citation Analysis of ASEE and SEFI Conference Papers", Trabalho apresentado em 43rd SEFI Annual Conference, In Proceedings of the 43rd SEFI Annual Conference, Orleans.
8. Williams, Bill; Figueiredo, Jose. 2015. "Interaction in the engineering workplace: Examining a network of actors representation", Trabalho apresentado em 2015 IEEE International Conference on Engineering, Technology and Innovation/ International Technology Management Conference (ICE/ITMC), In 2015 IEEE International Conference on Engineering, Technology and Innovation/ International Technology Management Conference (ICE/ITMC), Belfast, United Kingdom.
9. Williams, Bill; Figueiredo, Jose. 2015. "Evolution of a community of scholars: a design science research approach", Trabalho apresentado em Research in Engineering Education Symposium (REES2015), 13 -15 July 2015, In Proceedings of REES 2015, Dublin.
10. Williams, Bill; Carvalho, Luísa C. 2015. "Educação para o empreendedorismo e incubadoras empresariais: estudos de caso em Portugal e no Brasil", Trabalho apresentado em I Jornadas de Educação para o Empreendedorismo, Instituto Pedro Nunes, 8 de Abril de 2015, , In Acta das I Jornadas de Educação para o Empreendedorismo, Coimbra.
11. Williams, Bill. 2015. "Finding Workable Solutions: Engineering Practice as a Field of Inquiry", Trabalho apresentado em Thesis defense for PhD in Engineering and Management , In PhD Thesis, IST- Universidade de Lisboa , Lisbon.
12. Williams, Bill; Duffy, Gavin; Oliveira, José M. N.; Sorby, Sheryl; Brabazon, Dermot. 2014. "A history of engineering education research in Portugal and Ireland", Trabalho apresentado em 121st Annual Conference of the American Society for Engineering Education (ASEE), , In Proceedings , Indianapolis.
13. Williams, Bill; Neto, Pedro; Wankat, Phillip C; Tiago, Carlos. 2014. "Is Engineering Education Research Global? The Answer May Surprise You.", Trabalho apresentado em 121st Annual Conference of the American Society for Engineering Education (ASEE), , In Proceedings, Indianapolis.
14. Williams, Bill; Neto, Pedro. 2014. "From word-clouds to video: IT tools in the service of learning", Trabalho apresentado em 42nd SEFI Annual Conference, In Proceedings, Birmingham.
15. Williams, Bill; Figueiredo, Jose. 2013. "What We Know and What We Don’t Know - Engineering Practice as an Emergent Field of Study", Trabalho apresentado em 2013 IEEE International Technology Management Conference & 19th ICE Conference , In Responsible Innovation and Entrepreneurship, Haia.
16. Williams, Bill; Adams, Robin; Siddiqui, Junaid. 2013. "Swelling the ranks – three studies of scholars’ pathways to engineering education research ", Trabalho apresentado em 2013 RESEARCH IN ENGINEERING EDUCATION SYMPOSIUM, In REES 2013, Kuala Lumpur.
17. Williams, Bill; Neto, Pedro; Wankat, Phillip. 2013. "Tracking evolution of engineering education research – 4 bibliometric indicators ", Trabalho apresentado em 2013 RESEARCH IN ENGINEERING EDUCATION SYMPOSIUM, In REES 2013, Kuala Lumpur.
18. Williams, Bill; Trevelyan, James; Figueiredo, Jose. 2013. "Engineering Practice as an Emergent Field of Study – Implications for Engineering Educators", Trabalho apresentado em 2013 Research in Engineering Education Symposium, In REES 2013, Kuala Lumpur.
19. Williams, Bill; Figueiredo, Jose. 2013. "Portuguese engineering practice: Two empirical studies and a 15th century perspective", Trabalho apresentado em 1st International Conference of the Portuguese Society for Engineering Education (CISPEE), In Proceedings of the 1st International Conference of the Portuguese Society for Engineering Education (CISPEE), Porto.
20. Williams, Bill; Neto, Pedro. 2013. "More activity, less lectures A technology stewardship approach applied to undergraduate engineering learning", Trabalho apresentado em 1st International Conference of the Portuguese Society for Engineering Education (CISPEE) , In Proceedings of the 1st International Conference of the Portuguese Society for Engineering Education (CISPEE) , Porto.
21. Williams, Bill; Oliveira, José M. N.; Hattum, Natascha v. 2013. "Investigação em Educação em Engenharia: um campo emergente", Trabalho apresentado em 1st International Conference of the Portuguese Society for Engineering Education (CISPEE) , In Proceedings of the 1st International Conference of the Portuguese Society for Engineering Education (CISPEE), Porto.
22. Williams, Bill; Wankat, Phillip; Neto, Pedro. 2013. "Keynote Address: Past, Present and Future of Engineering Education", Trabalho apresentado em SEFI 2013 Annual Conference, In Proceedings of the SEFI 2013 Annual Conference, Leuven.
23. Williams, Bill; Malmi, Lauri; Curmi, Ronald; Kauz, Christian; Duffy, Gavin; Kinnunen, Päivi; deGraaf, Erik; Adawi, Tom. 2013. "Methodological Analysis of SEFI EER papers", Trabalho apresentado em SEFI 2013 Annual Conference, In Proceedings of the SEFI 2013 Annual Conference, Leuven.
24. Williams, Bill; Neto, Pedro. 2012. "Self and Peer Assessment Tools – a Technology Stewardship Perspective.", Trabalho apresentado em Conference on Higher Education Pedagogy, In Transactions of the 4th Conference on Higher Education Pedagogy, Blacksburg, Virginia.
25. Williams, Bill; Neto, Pedro. 2012. "Taxonomical classification of engineering education research publications - an IT perspective", Trabalho apresentado em 2012 IEEE Global Engineering Education Conference (EDUCON), In Proceedings of the 2012 IEEE Global Engineering Education Conference (EDUCON), Marrakech, Morocco.
26. Williams, Bill; Figueiredo, Jose. 2012. "International Scholars’ Pathways to Engineering Education Research", Trabalho apresentado em EE2012 International Conference on Innovation, Practice and Research in Engineering Education, In Proceedings, Coventry.
27. Williams, Bill; Kinnunen, Päivi; Kauz, Christian; Duffy, Gavin; Curmi, Ronald; deGraaf, Erik; Malmi, Lauri; Adawi, Tom. 2012. "Developing a Methodological Taxonomy of EER papers", Trabalho apresentado em SEFI Annual Conference, In Proceedings of the 40th SEFI Annual Conference, Thessaloniki.
28. Williams, Bill; Figueiredo, José D. 2012. "Representing Engineering Practice", Trabalho apresentado em SEFI Annual Conference, In Proceeding of the 40th SEFI Annual Conference, Thessaloniki.
29. Williams, Bill; Neto, Pedro. 2012. "Bibliometric analysis of engineering education research publications - A reference discipline approach", Trabalho apresentado em SEFI Annual Conference, In Proceedings fo the 40th SEFI Annual Conference, Thessaloniki.
30. Williams, Bill; Figueiredo, Jose. 2011. "Engineering practice - inputs for course design", Trabalho apresentado em 2011 IEEE Global Engineering Education Conference (EDUCON), In 2011 IEEE Global Engineering Education Conference (EDUCON), Amman, Jordan.
31. Williams, Bill; Figueiredo, Jose. 2011. "Strategy and technology management: An innovation-leader case study", Trabalho apresentado em 2011 IEEE International Technology Management Conference (ITMC), In First International Technology Management Conference, San Jose, CA, USA.
32. Williams, Bill; Neto, Pedro. 2011. "Macro and micro lenses – linking Institutional and Departmental Research in a Portuguese engineering education context", Trabalho apresentado em 4th UK & Ireland Institutional Research conference, In Proceedings of the 4th UK & Ireland Institutional Research conference, Kingston.
33. Williams, Bill; Figueiredo, José D. 2011. "Engineering practice – an empirical study", Trabalho apresentado em SEFI Annual Conference 2011, In Proceedings of the SEFI Annual Conference 2011, Lisbon.
34. Williams, Bill; Carvalho, Isabel; Neto, Pedro. 2011. "Encouraging and monitoring student engagement during interdependent and intradependent team-work", Trabalho apresentado em SEFI Annual conference 2011, In Proceedings of the SEFI Annual Conference 2011, Lisbon.
35. Williams, Bill; Alias, Maizam. 2011. "Strategic Pathways to Engineering Education Research: case study of a top-down initiative", Trabalho apresentado em Research in Engineering Education Symposium (REES 2011), In Proceedings of tte Research in Engineering Education Symposium (REES 2011), Madrid.
36. Williams, Bill; Carvalho, Isabel; Neto, Pedro. 2011. "Towards technology stewardship: tools for encouraging student engagement", Trabalho apresentado em Research in Engineering Education Symposium 2011 , In Proceedings of the Research in Engineering Education Symposium 201, Madrid.
37. Williams, Bill; Carvalho, Isabel. 2011. "The bigger picture - capturing value creation for an engineering school as it initiates engineering education research", Trabalho apresentado em Research in Engineering Education Symposium REES 2011, In Proceedings of the Research in Engineering Education Symposium 2011, Madrid.
38. Williams, Bill; Figueiredo, José D. 2011. " Models of engineering practice and implications for education of engineers", Trabalho apresentado em Engineering Practice Roundtable, In Proceedings of the 2011 Engineering Practice Roundtable, Madrid.
39. Williams, Bill; Figueiredo, José D. 2010. "Engineers and their practice: A case study", Trabalho apresentado em EDUCON, 2010 IEEE , In Education Engineering (EDUCON), 2010 IEEE , Madrid.
40. Williams, Bill; Neto, Pedro; Carvalho, Isabel. 2010. "Comparing tools for encouraging active learning inside and outside class", Trabalho apresentado em ICCCBE 2010 -International conference on computing in civil and building engineering , In Proceedings of the Joint International IGIP-SEFI Annual Conference , Trnava.
41. Williams, Bill; Carvalho, Isabel. 2010. "Using a peer and self observation approach to facilitate the adoption of active learning", Trabalho apresentado em 13th Toulon-Verona Conference, “Organizational Excellence in Service”, , In Proceedings of the 13th Toulon-Verona Conference, “Organizational Excellence in Service”, Coimbra.
42. Williams, Bill; Neto, Pedro; Carvalho, Isabel. 2010. "Engaging learners inside and outside the classroom ", Trabalho apresentado em International Conference on Computing in Civil and Building Engineering, ICBEEE 2010, In Proceedings of the International Conference on Computing in Civil and Building Engineering, ICBEEE 2010, Nottingham.
43. Williams, Bill; Figueiredo, José D. 2010. "Models of engineering practice: from a design-based to an empirical perspective", Trabalho apresentado em 9th American Society for Engineering Education (ASEE) Global Colloquium on Engineering Education, In Proceedings of the 9th American Society for Engineering Education (ASEE) Global Colloquium on Engineering Education, Singapore.
44. Williams, Bill; Carvalho, Isabel. 2010. "Using the LAMM classroom observation system to facilitate the adoption of active learning methodologies in engineering education", Trabalho apresentado em Annual Conference of the European Society for Engineering Education (SEFI), In Proceedings of the Annual Conference of the European Society for Engineering Education (SEFI), Trnava.
45. Williams, Bill; Figueiredo, José D. 2009. "Phase change in engineering knowledge production – from an academic to an entrepreneurial context", Trabalho apresentado em Research in Engineering Education Symposium 2009, In Proceedings of the Research in Engineering Education Symposium 2009, Palm Cove, Queensland.
46. Williams, Bill; Pereira, Cristiana; Carvalho, Isabel. 2009. "Monitoring Active Learning in Engineering Education using Classroom Observation: a case study", Trabalho apresentado em First SEFI Ibero-American Symposium on Project Approaches in Engineering Education, In Proceedings of the First SEFI Ibero-American Symposium on Project Approaches in Engineering Education, Guimarães.
47. Williams, Bill; Carvalho, Isabel; Neto, Pedro. 2009. "Cultivating Active Learning during and outside class", Trabalho apresentado em 37th Annual Conference of the European Society for Engineering Education (SEFI), In Proceedings of the 37th Annual Conference of the European Society for Engineering Education (SEFI), Rotterdam, July 1-4 , Roterdão.
48. Williams, Bill; Carvalho, Isabel. 2009. "Facilitating the adoption and dissemination of Active Learning Methodologies in Engineering Education using a Classroom Observation approach", Trabalho apresentado em 37th Annual Conference of the European Society for Engineering Education (SEFI), , In Proceedings of the 37th Annual Conference of the European Society for Engineering Education (SEFI), Rotterdam, The Netherlands, July 1-4, 2009, Roterdão.
49. Williams, Bill. 2008. "Emergent Areas in Engineering Education over the Last Two Decades", Trabalho apresentado em Proceeding of the Global Perspectives on Engineering Workshop, International Network of Engineering Studies (INES), , In Proceeding of the Global Perspectives on Engineering Workshop, International Network of Engineering Studies (INES), October 14 -15, 2008, Lisbon, Portugal, Lisboa.
50. Williams, Bill; Carvalho, Isabel. 2008. "Facilitating the adoption and dissemination of Active and Cooperative Learning methodologies in Engineering Education", Trabalho apresentado em Research in Engineering Education Symposium (REES 2009), , In Proceedings of the Research in Engineering Education Symposium (REES), 7-10 July 2008, Davos, Switzerland., Davos.
51. Williams, Bill; Carvalho, Isabel; Vinagre Santos, J; Dias, Otilia. 2008. "Using ICT and Web 2.0 tools to support engineering faculty introducing Active Learning techniques in undergraduate Engineering Education", Trabalho apresentado em Annual Conference of the European Distance and E-learning Network (EDEN), In Proceedings of the Annual Conference of the European Distance and E-learning Network (EDEN), 11-14 June, 2008, Lisbon, Portugal., Lisboa.
52. Williams, Bill. 2007. "Design and Implementation of a one week face-to-face course to prepare participants in Mozambique for an online distance training course", Trabalho apresentado em IADIS Conference on Web Based Communities , In roceedings of the IADIS (International Association for Development of the Information Society) Conference on Web Based Communities 2007, 18 – 20 February, Salamanca, Spain, pp 317 - 321, , Salamanca.
53. Williams, Bill; Figueiredo, José D. 2007. "Communication outcomes and Bologna: an approach to Professional English for Engineering students", Trabalho apresentado em 4th WSEAS/IASME International Conference on Engineering Education, In Proceedings of the 4th WSEAS/IASME International Conference on Engineering Education, Crete, 24 - 26 July, , Agios Nikolaos.
54. Williams, Bill. 2007. "Engineers, communication and Bologna: designing a Professional English course for Engineering students", Trabalho apresentado em 6th Annual Conference of the European Association of Languages for Specific Purposes (AELFE), In Proceedings of the 6th Annual Conference of the European Association of Languages for Specific Purposes (AELFE), 13-15 September, Lisbon, 2007, Lisboa.
55. Williams, Bill; Carvalho, Isabel. 2006. "Including Cooperative Online Learning at Subject Level on a Mechanical Engineering Course", Trabalho apresentado em 3rd WSEAS/IASME International Conference on Engineering Education, , In Proceedings of the 3rd WSEAS/IASME International Conference on Engineering Education, Vouliagmeni, Greece, July 11-13, 2006 , Atenas.
56. Williams, Bill. 2005. "Keeping them involved – factors which encourage participation in online discussions on an international online training course", Trabalho apresentado em International Conference on Educational Technologies, WSEAS, In roceedings of the World Scientific and Engineering Academy and Society, International Association of Mechanical Engineers, International Conference on Educational Technologies, Canary Islands, Spain, December 16-18, 2005 , Tenerife.
57. Williams, Bill. 2005. "Uma checklist de factores importantes para encorajar a participação num módulo de um curso online", Trabalho apresentado em Congresso eLES 04 eLearning no Ensino Superior, In Actas de Congresso eLES 04 eLearning no Ensino Superior, Universidade de Aveiro 27 and 30 October 2005, Aveiro.
58. Williams, Bill. 2004. "Workshop: Considering learner participation when planning a module for an online learning course", Trabalho apresentado em IADIS international conference on Web-based Communities, In I Procceedings of the International Association for Development of the Information Society (IADIS) international conference on “Web-based Communities” Lisbon, 24-26 March 2004 , Lisboa.
59. Williams, Bill. 2003. "Use of a Personal Language Organiser in language Classes for Business English students", Trabalho apresentado em II Congresso da Associação Europeia de Línguas para Fins Específicos (AELFE), In Proceedings of II Congresso da Associação Europeia de Línguas para Fins Específicos (AELFE), Porto.
60. Williams, Bill. 2000. "Teaching mixed-level students – a case study", Trabalho apresentado em X Congresso Luso/Espanhol de Línguas Aplicadas às Ciências e às Tecnologias, In Actas do X Congresso Luso/Espanhol de Línguas Aplicadas às Ciências e às Tecnologias, Portalegre.

Trabalhos completos/resumidos em eventos sem arbitragem científica
Papers in conference proceedings without scientific refereeing
1. Williams, Bill. 2002. "Participação e colaboração em online learning internacional", Trabalho apresentado em 1º Colóquio Intercultural da Associação Portuguesa para o Desenvolvimento, a Formação e Investigação em Comunicação Intercultura, In Actas do 1º Colóquio Intercultural da Associação Portuguesa para o Desenvolvimento, a Formação e Investigação em Comunicação Intercultura, Almada.

Relatório de investigação
Technical report
1. Williams, Bill; Malmi, Lauri; deGraaf, Erik; Adawi, Tom; Curmi, Ronald; Duffy, Gavin; Kauz, Christian; Kinnunen, Päivi. Deliverable 6: Research methodologies for Engineering Education Research in Europe,2012.

Indicadores de produção (Production indicators)

Produção científica
Scientific production

Livros e capítulos
Books and book chapters
Livros publicados ou organizados
Published or organized books
Capítulos de livros publicados
Published book chapters
Artigos científicos em revistas
Papers in periodics
Com arbitragem científica
With scientific refereeing
Trabalhos em eventos
Papers in conference proceedings
Com arbitragem científica
With scientific refereeing
Sem arbitragem científica
Without scientific refereeing

Produção técnica
Technical production

Outros tipos de produção técnica
Other technical production

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