Curriculum Vitae

Brígida da Costa Ferreira

Data da última atualização »Last update : 02/09/2014

Brígida da Costa Ferreira. É do Instituto Politécnico do Porto. Publicou 31 artigos em revistas especializadas e 7 trabalhos em actas de eventos, possui 10 capítulos de livros publicados. Possui 1 processo ou técnica e outros 85 itens de produção técnica. Recebeu 1 prémio e/ou homenagem. Actua na área de Ciências da Saúde Nas suas actividades profissionais interagiu com 112 colaboradores em co-autorias de trabalhos científicos.

Endereço de acesso a este CV:

Dados pessoais (Personal data)
Nome completo
Full name
Brígida da Costa Ferreira
Nome em citações bibliográficas
Quoting name
Ferreira, Brígida da Costa
Domínio científico de atuação
Scientific domain
Ciências Médicas-Ciências da Saúde.
Endereço profissional
Professional address
Instituto Politécnico do Porto
Escola Superior de Tecnologia da Saúde do Porto
Rua Valente Perfeito, 322
Vila Nova de Gaia
4400--330 Vila Nova de Gaia
Telefone: (+351)222061000
Fax: (+351)222061001
Correio electrónico:

Graus Académicos (Academic Degrees)
2004 Doutoramento
Medical Radiation Physics (2 anos » years) .
Stockholm University, Suécia.

1997 Mestrado
Master degree
Engenharia Física (5 anos » years) .
UL.Faculdade de Ciências da Universidade de Lisboa, Portugal.

Vínculos profissionais (Professional Positions)
Universidade de Coimbra
Out/2009-2014 Outra Situação

Universidade de Aveiro
Out/2006-2014 Outra Situação

Stockholm University
Out/2002-2006 Outra Situação

Universidade de Lisboa
Out/1998-1999 Outra Situação

Hospital de Santa Maria
Out/1996-1997 Estagiário

Gustave Roussy
Out/1996-1997 Estagiário

Atividades de Ensino (Teaching activities)

Universidade de Aveiro
Disciplinas lecionadas»Taught units:

  • Medical Physics (Docente)

Estágios realizados (Traineeships)

Hospital de Santa Maria
Estágios realizados»Traineeships:

   - Training period, to finish the Physics degree, in the Department of Radiotherapy

Gustave Roussy
Estágios realizados»Traineeships:

   - Training period, to finish the Physics degree

Atividades de Serviços técnicos especializados (Specialized technical services activities)

Stockholm University
Serviço realizado»Executed service:

Laboratory assistant in the course Interaction of Radiation with Matter in the Medical Radiation Degree

Universidade de Lisboa
Serviço realizado»Executed service:

Laboratory assistant in the course Experimental Physics II at the Physics Department

Atividades de Extensão Universitária (Other services rendered through University)
Universidade de Aveiro
Atividade de extensão realizada»Extension activity rendered:

   - Researcher at the I3N-Physics Department (program CIENCIA 2008)

Atividade de extensão realizada»Extension activity rendered:

   - Implementação IMRT

Stockholm University
Atividade de extensão realizada»Extension activity rendered:

   - Researcher in the field of treatment plan optimization

Projetos de Investigação (Research projects)
Outro Tipo de Participação
Other kind of participation
BAO, Beam Angle Optimization
Referência do projeto»Project reference: PTDC/EIA-CCO/121450/2010.

Prémios e títulos (Awards Prizes, and Honours)
Prize Galileo Galilei for best paper in Physica Medica 2005-2006.

Produção científica, técnica e artística/cultural (Scientific, technical and artistical/cultural production)
Capítulos de livros publicados
Published book chapters
1. Dias, Joana M; Rocha, Humberto; Ferreira, Brígida; do Carmo L. M. 2014. IMRT Beam Angle Optimization Using DDS with a Cross-Validation Approach for Configuration Selection.  In Computational Science and Its Applications – ICCSA 2014, ed. Beniamino MurganteSanjay MisraAna Maria A. C. RochaCarmelo TorreJorge Gustavo RochaMaria Irene FalcãoDavid TaniarBernady O. ApduhanOsvaldo Gervasi, 1 - 16. ISBN: 978-3-319-09128-0. Cham: Springer International Publishing.
2. Dias, J.; Rocha, H.; Ferreira, B.; Lopes, M. C. 2014. IMRT Beam Angle Optimization Using Dynamically Dimensioned Search.  In The International Conference on Health Informatics, ed. Yuan-Ting Zhang, 1 - 4. ISBN: 978-3-319-03004-3. Cham: Springer International Publishing.
3. Rocha, Humberto; Rocha, Ana M. A. C; Dias, Joana M; Ferreira, Brigida; do Carmo L. M. 2014. IMRT Beam Angle Optimization Using Electromagnetism-Like Algorithm.  In Computational Science and Its Applications – ICCSA 2014, ed. Beniamino MurganteSanjay MisraAna Maria A. C. RochaCarmelo TorreJorge Gustavo RochaMaria Irene FalcãoDavid TaniarBernady O. ApduhanOsvaldo Gervasi, 278 - 289. ISBN: 978-3-319-09128-0. Cham: Springer International Publishing.
4. Rocha, Humberto; Dias, Joana M; Ferreira, Brígida; do Carmo L. M. 2014. IMRT Beam Angle Optimization Using Non-descent Pattern Search Methods.  In Computational Science and Its Applications – ICCSA 2014, ed. Beniamino MurganteSanjay MisraAna Maria A. C. RochaCarmelo TorreJorge Gustavo RochaMaria Irene FalcãoDavid TaniarBernady O. ApduhanOsvaldo Gervasi, 17 - 31. ISBN: 978-3-319-09128-0. Cham: Springer International Publishing.
5. Rocha, Humberto; Dias, Joana M; Ferreira, Brigida C; Carmo Lopes, M. 2013. On the Use of a Priori Knowledge in Pattern Search Methods: Application to Beam Angle Optimization for Intensity-Modulated Radiation Therapy.  In Computational Science and Its Applications – ICCSA 2013, ed. Beniamino MurganteSanjay MisraMaurizio CarliniCarmelo M. TorreHong-Quang NguyenDavid TaniarBernady O. ApduhanOsvaldo Gervasi, 279 - 292. ISBN: 978-3-642-39636-6. Berlin, Heidelberg: Springer Berlin Heidelberg.
6. Rocha, Humberto; Dias, Joana M; Ferreira, Brigida C; Carmo Lopes, M. 2012. Incorporating Radial Basis Functions in Pattern Search Methods: Application to Beam Angle Optimization in Radiotherapy Treatment Planning.  In Computational Science and Its Applications – ICCSA 2012, ed. Beniamino MurganteOsvaldo GervasiSanjay MisraNadia NedjahAna Maria A. C. RochaDavid TaniarBernady O. Apduhan, 1 - 16. ISBN: 978-3-642-31136-9. Berlin, Heidelberg: Springer Berlin Heidelberg.
7. Rocha, Humberto; Dias, Joana M; Ferreira, Brigida C; Carmo Lopes, M. 2011. Influence of Sampling in Radiation Therapy Treatment Design.  In Computational Science and Its Applications - ICCSA 2011, ed. Beniamino MurganteOsvaldo GervasiAndrés IglesiasDavid TaniarBernady O. Apduhan, 215 - 230. ISBN: 978-3-642-21930-6. Berlin, Heidelberg: Springer Berlin Heidelberg.
8. Lopes, M. C; Capela, M; Ferreira, B. C; Ventura, T.. 2009. Conformity of brain lesions treated with radiosurgery and fractionated stereotactic radiotherapy.  In World Congress on Medical Physics and Biomedical Engineering, September 7 - 12, 2009, Munich, Germany, ed. Olaf DösselWolfgang C. Schlegel, 133 - 136. ISBN: 978-3-642-03472-5. Berlin, Heidelberg: Springer Berlin Heidelberg.
9. Ferreira, B. C; Lopes, M. C; Capela, M. 2009. Dosimetric advantages of Stereotactic IMRT of brain lesions delivered with a micro-multileaf collimator.  In World Congress on Medical Physics and Biomedical Engineering, September 7 - 12, 2009, Munich, Germany, ed. Olaf DösselWolfgang C. Schlegel, 352 - 355. ISBN: 978-3-642-03472-5. Berlin, Heidelberg: Springer Berlin Heidelberg.
10. Mavroidis, P.; Ferreira, B. C; Papanikolaou, N.; Svensson, R.; Lind, B. K; Brahme, A.. 2009. Radiobiological analysis of planned and delivered IMRT dose distributions.  In World Congress on Medical Physics and Biomedical Engineering, September 7 - 12, 2009, Munich, Germany, ed. Olaf DösselWolfgang C. Schlegel, 381 - 384. ISBN: 978-3-642-03472-5. Berlin, Heidelberg: Springer Berlin Heidelberg.

Artigos em revistas sem arbitragem científica
Papers in periodics without scientific refereeing
1. Dias, Joana; Rocha, Humberto; Ferreira, Brígida; Lopes, Maria C. 2013. "A genetic algorithm with neural network fitness function evaluation for IMRT beam angle optimization", Central European Journal of Operations Research 22, 3: 431 - 455.
2. Rocha, H.; Dias, J.M.; Ferreira, B.C.; Lopes, M.C.. 2013. "Pattern search methods framework for beam angle optimization in radiotherapy design", Applied Mathematics and Computation 219, 23: 10853 - 10865.
3. Rocha, Humberto; Dias, Joana M; Ferreira, Brígida C; Lopes, Maria C. 2013. "Beam angle optimization for intensity-modulated radiation therapy using a guided pattern search method", Physics in Medicine and Biology 58, 9: 2939 - 2953.
4. Mavroidis, Panayiotis; Ferreira, Brigida C; Papanikolaou, Nikos; Lopes, Maria C. 2013. "Analysis of fractionation correction methodologies for multiple phase treatment plans in radiation therapy", Medical Physics 40, 3: 031715 - 031715.
5. Tzikas, A.; Komisopoulos, G.; Ferreira, B. C. 2012. "Radiobiological Evaluation of Breast Cancer Radiotherapy Accounting for the Effects of Patient Positioning and Breathing in Dose Delivery. A Meta Analysis", Technology in Cancer Research & Treatment 12, 1: 31 - 44.
6. Rocha, H.; Dias, J. M; Ferreira, B. C; Lopes, M. C. 2012. "Selection of intensity modulated radiation therapy treatment beam directions using radial basis functions within a pattern search methods framework", Journal of Global Optimization 57, 4: 1065 - 1089.
7. Rocha, H.; Dias, J.M.; Ferreira, B.C.; Lopes, M.C.. 2012. "Discretization of optimal beamlet intensities in IMRT: A binary integer programming approach", Mathematical and Computer Modelling 55, 7-8: 1969 - 1980.
8. Rocha, H.; Dias, J.M.; Ferreira, B.C.; Lopes, M.C.. 2012. "Combinatorial optimization for an improved transition from fluence optimization to fluence delivery in IMRT treatment planning", Optimization 61, 8: 969 - 987.
9. Mavroidis, P.; Ferreira, B.C.; Lopes, M. C. 2012. "EP-1492 THE IMPACT OF DIFFERENT FRACTIONATION CORRECTION APPROACHES IN THE RADIOBIOLOGICAL EVALUATION OF CRT AND IMRT", Radiotherapy and Oncology 103, Supl. 1: S570 - S570.
10. Mavroidis, Panayiotis; Ferreira, Brigida C; Lopes, Maria C. 2011. "Response-probability volume histograms and iso-probability of response charts in treatment plan evaluation", Medical Physics 38, 5: 2382 - 2397.
11. Rocha, H.; Dias, J. M; Ferreira, B. C; Lopes, M.D.C.. 2011. "315 oral BEAM ANGLE OPTIMIZATION USING DERIVATIVE-FREE ALGORITHMS", Radiotherapy and Oncology 99, Supp. 1: S125 - S126.
12. Mavroidis, P.; Shi, C.; Plataniotis, G. A; Delichas, M. G; Costa Ferreira, B; Rodriguez, S.; Lind, B. K; Papanikolaou, N.. 2010. "Comparison of the helical tomotherapy against the multileaf collimator-based intensity-modulated radiotherapy and 3D conformal radiation modalities in lung cancer radiotherapy", British Journal of Radiology 84, 998: 161 - 172.
13. Ferreira, Brigida C; do Carmo L. M; Mateus, Josefina; Capela, Miguel; Mavroidis, Panayiotis. 2010. "Radiobiological evaluation of forward and inverse IMRT using different fractionations for head and neck tumours", Radiation Oncology 5, 1: 57 - 57.
14. Su, Fan-Chi; Mavroidis, Panayiotis; Shi, Chengyu; Ferreira, Brigida C; Papanikolaou, Niko. 2010. "A graphic user interface toolkit for specification, report and comparison of dose–response relations and treatment plans using the biologically effective uniform dose", Computer Methods and Programs in Biomedicine 100, 1: 69 - 78.
15. Ferreira, B. C; Lopes, M. C; Capela, M. 2009. "Evaluation of an Epson flatbed scanner to read Gafchromic EBT films for radiation dosimetry", Physics in Medicine and Biology 54, 4: 1073 - 1085.
16. Mavroidis, P.; Ferreira, Brígida C; Shi, C.; Delichas, M. G; Lind, B. K; Papanikolaou, N.. 2009. "Comparison of the helical tomotherapy and MLC-based IMRT radiation modalities in treating brain and cranio-spinal tumors", Technology in cancer research & treatment 8, 1: 3 - 14.
17. Ferreira, B. C; Mavroidis, P.; Lopes, M.D.C.. 2009. "ANALYSIS OF FRACTIONATION CORRECTION METHODOLOGIES FOR RADIATION THERAPY BASED ON MULTIPLE TREATMENT PLANS", Radiotherapy and Oncology 92, Supp. 1: S199 - S199.
18. Karaiskos, P.; Mavroidis, P.; Ferreira, B. C; Papanikolaou, N.; Sandilos, P.; Koutsouveli, E.; Scarleas, C.; Dardoufas, K.. 2009. "INVESTIGATING THE IMPACT OF USING CT VS. CT-MRI IMAGES DURING ORGAN DELINEATION AND TREATMENT PLANNING IN PROSTATE CANCER RADIOTHERAPY", Radiotherapy and Oncology 92, Supp. 1: S161 - S161.
19. Su, F.C.; Mavroidis, P.; Ferreira, B. C; Shi, C.; Papanikolaou, N.. 2009. "A RADIOBIOLOGICAL-BASED TOOLKIT FOR TREATMENT PLAN EVALUATION AND OUTCOME PREDICTION", Radiotherapy and Oncology 92, Supp. 1: S237 - S237.
20. Komisopoulos, G.; Mavroidis, P.; Costa Ferreira, B; Papanikolaou, N.; Stathakis, S.; Plataniotis, G.; Lind, B.. 2009. "Dose-response Parameters for Different Tumors and Normal Tissues", International Journal of Radiation Oncology*Biology*Physics 75, 3: S621 - S622.
21. Ferreira, Brigida C; Mavroidis, Panayiotis; Adamus-Górka, Magdalena; Svensson, Roger; Lind, Bengt K. 2008. "The impact of different dose–response parameters on biologically optimized IMRT in breast cancer", Physics in Medicine and Biology 53, 10: 2733 - 2752.
22. Mavroidis, Panayiotis; Ferreira, Brígida C; Shi, C.; Lind, B. K; Papanikolaou, Nikos. 2008. "Comparison of the 3D-conformal, helical tomotherapy and multileaf collimators-based intensity modulated radiotherapy modalities using radiobiological measures", Journal of B.U.ON. 13, 1: 75 - 86.
23. Hyodynmaa, S; Mavroidis, P.; Ferreira, B.; Axelsson, S.; Papanikolaou, N.; Lind, B.. 2008. "SU-GG-T-421: Radiobiological Optimization of Breast Cancer Radiotherapy Taking Into Account Patient Positioning, Breathing and Radiation Pneumonitis Scoring", Medical Physics 35, 6: 2821 - 2821.
24. Swanson, G.; Shi, C.; Mavroidis, P.; Stathakis, S.; Su, F; Ramer, R; Sarkar, V.; Ferreira, B.; Komisopoulos, G.; Giantsoudi, D.; Papanikolaou, N.. 2008. "SU-GG-T-425: Radiobiologically Quantified Treatment Setup Uncertainties Based On Megavoltage (MV) CT Imaging", Medical Physics 35, 6: 2822 - 2822.
25. Delichas, M; Ferreira, B.; Shi, C.; Gutie¿?rrez, A; Lind, B.; Papanikolaou, N.; Mavroidis, P.. 2008. "SU-GG-T-422: Radiobiological Effectiveness of 3D-Conformal Radiotherapy, MLC-Based IMRT and Helical Tomotherapy in Lung Cancer", Medical Physics 35, 6: 2821 - 2821.
26. Esquivel, C.; Mavroidis, P.; Shi, C.; Ferreira, B.; Lind, B.; Gutie¿?rrez, A; Stathakis, S.; Papanikolaou, N.. 2008. "SU-GG-T-423: Radiobiological Comparison of Helical Tomotherapy and MLC-Based IMRT for Brain and Cranio-Spinal Tumors", Medical Physics 35, 6: 2822 - 2822.
27. Qatarneh, S.M.; Kiricuta, I.C.; Brahme, A.; Noz, M.E.; Ferreira, B.; Kim, W.C.; Lind, B.K.. 2007. "Lymphatic atlas-based target volume definition for intensity-modulated radiation therapy planning", Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research Section A: Accelerators, Spectrometers, Detectors and Associated Equipment 580, 2: 1134 - 1139.
28. Mavroidis, Panayiotis; Ferreira, Brigida C; Shi, Chengyu; Lind, Bengt K; Papanikolaou, Nikos. 2007. "Treatment plan comparison between helical tomotherapy and MLC-based IMRT using radiobiological measures", Physics in Medicine and Biology 52, 13: 3817 - 3836.
29. Ferreira, Brigida C; Svensson, Roger; Lind, Bengt; Johansson, Jonas; Brahme, Anders. 2006. "Effective beam directions using radiobiologically optimized IMRT of node positive breast cancer", Physica Medica 22, 1: 3 - 15.
30. Mavroidis, P.; Ferreira, B.C.; Papanikolaou, N.; Svensson, R.; Kappas, C.; Lind, B.K.; Brahme, A.. 2006. "Assessing the Difference between Planned and Delivered Intensity-modulated Radiotherapy Dose Distributions based on Radiobiological Measures", Clinical Oncology 18, 7: 529 - 538.
31. Ferreira, Brigida C; Svensson, Roger; Löf, Johan; Brahme, Anders. 2003. "The Clinical Value of Non-Coplanar Photon Beams in Biologically Optimized Intensity Modulated Dose Delivery on Deep-Seated Tumours", Acta Oncologica 42, 8: 852 - 864.

Trabalhos completos/resumidos em eventos sem arbitragem científica
Papers in conference proceedings without scientific refereeing
1. Rocha, Humberto; Dias, J.; Ferreira, Brigida; Lopes, M. C. 2012. "BEAM ANGLE OPTIMIZATION IN IMRT USING PATTERN SEARCH METHODS: INITIAL MESH-SIZE CONSIDERATIONS", Trabalho apresentado em 1st International Conference on Operations Research and Enterprise Systems, In Proceedings of the 1st International Conference on Operations Research and Enterprise Systems, Vilamoura, Algarve, Portugal.
2. Cunha, Micaela; Pinto, Marco; Ferreira, Brigida; Lopes, Maria C; Fonte, Paulo; Crespo, Paulo. 2011. "Dose-free monitoring of radiotherapy treatments with scattered photons: Concept and simulation study", Trabalho apresentado em 2011 IEEE Nuclear Science Symposium and Medical Imaging Conference (2011 NSS/MIC), In 2011 IEEE Nuclear Science Symposium Conference Record, Valencia, Spain.
3. Rocha, Humberto; Dias, J.; Ferreira, Brígida C; Lopes, M. C. 2011. "On the transition from fluence map optimization to fluence map delivery in intensity modulated radiation therapy treatment planning", Trabalho apresentado em VII ALIO/EURO - Workshop on Applied Combinatorial Optimization, In Proc. of the VII ALIO/EURO - Workshop on Applied Combinatorial Optimization, Porto.
4. Simoes, Hugo; Pinto, Marco; Cunha, Micaela; Goncalves, Joana; Sampaio, Liliana; Ferreira, Ricardo J; Saraiva, Henrique M; Barbeiro, Ana R; Capela, Miguel; Ferreira, Brigida; Fonte, Paulo; Ghithan, Sharif; Leal Plaza, A; Lopes, Maria C; Martins, Paulo; Crespo, Paulo. 2011. "Dose-free monitoring of radiotherapy treatments with scattered photons: First experimental results at a 6-MV Linac", Trabalho apresentado em 2011 IEEE Nuclear Science Symposium and Medical Imaging Conference (2011 NSS/MIC), In 2011 IEEE Nuclear Science Symposium Conference Record, Valencia, Spain.
5. Ferreira, Brígida C; Lopes, M. C; Capela, M. 2009. "Dosimetric advantages of Stereotactic IMRT of brain lesions delivered with a micro-multileaf collimator", Trabalho apresentado em WCMP, In IFMBE Proceedings, Munique.
6. Lopes, M. C; Capela, M; Ferreira, Brígida C; Ventura, T.. 2009. "Conformity of brain lesions treated with radiosurgery and fractionated stereotactic radiotherapy ", Trabalho apresentado em WCMP, In IFMBE Proceedings , Munique.
7. Mavroidis, P.; Ferreira, Brígida C; Papanikolaou, N.; Svensson, R.; Lind, B. K; Brahme, A.. 2009. "Radiobiological analysis of planned and delivered IMRT dose distributions", Trabalho apresentado em WCMP, In Proceedings of the World Congress on Medical Physics. IFMBE Proceedings, Munique.

Processo sem registo ou patente
Process without patent or official record
1. Ferreira, Brígida C; Khouri, Leila; Lopes, M. C; Ferreira, H.. Sistema de registo clínico eletrónico para radioterapia e investigação radiobiológica,2013.
Tipo de processo ou técnica: Outro.
National patent 106898A .

Apresentação oral de trabalho
Oral work presentation
1. Guardado, Maria J; Ferreira, Brígida C; Lopes, M. C; Khouri, Leila. Persistência tumoral após tratamento no cancro de Cabeça e Pescoço,Encontros da Primavera Oncologia,Évora ,2014 (Comunicação).
Presented by MJG.
2. Ferreira, Brígida C. RESPONSE, an electronic health information system dedicated to Radiation Therapy,Encontro Nacional dos Estudantes de Física,Aveiro,2014 (Comunicação).
3. Ferreira, Brígida C; Santos, Tânia; Marques, Rui V; Khouri, Leila; do Carmo L. M. Assessment and topographic characterization of local-regional recurrences in Head and Neck tumours,ESTRO 33,Viena,2014 (Poster).
4. Mousinho, Filipa; Ferreira, Brígida C; Lopes, M. C; Khouri, Leila. Estratégia preventiva da mucosite oral em doentes com tumores de cabeça e pescoço. Experiência com fosfato de cálcio,Encontros da Primavera Oncologia,Évora,2014 (Poster).
5. Ventura, T.; do Carmo L. M; Ferreira, Brígida C. Multichannel absolute film dosimetry for EBT3 GafChromic films,ESTRO 33,Viena,2014 (Poster).
6. Rocha, Humberto; Dias, J.; Ferreira, Brígida C; Lopes, M. C. On the Use of A Priori Knowledge in Pattern Search Methods: Application to Beam Angle Optimization for Intensity-Modulated Radiation Therapy,13th International Conference on Computational Science and Its Applications (ICCSA 2013),Ho Chi Minh City,2013 (Comunicação).
Presented by H Rocha.
7. Lopes, M. C; Ferreira, Brígida C; Mateus, Josefina; Ventura, T.. Deformable image registration for radiation therapy planning using Velocity AI software,2nd ESTRO Forum ,Genebra ,2013 (Poster).
8. Khouri, Leila; Lopes, M. C; Ferreira, Brígida C; Xavier, C.. Head and neck IMRT treatments: six years’ experience,2nd ESTRO Forum,Genebra,2013 (Poster).
9. Rocha, Humberto; Dias, Joana M; Ferreira, Brígida C; Lopes, M. C. Beam angle optimization using derivative-free algorithms incorporating beam’s-eye-view dose metrics,2nd ESTRO Forum ,Genebra ,2013 (Comunicação).
presented by MC Lopes.
10. Ferreira, Brígida C. RESPONSE, an electronic health information system dedicated to Radiation Therapy ,5as Jornadas do Departamento de Física e Matemática,Coimbra,2013 (Comunicação).
11. Ferreira, Brígida C; Khouri, Leila; Lopes, M. C; Rocha, Humberto. Application for the registration of patient response to RT,2nd ESTRO Forum, Genebra ,2013 (Poster).
12. Lopes, M. C; Capela, Miguel; Mateus, Josefina; Ventura, T.; Ferreira, Brígida C. Quality assessment of radiosurgery and fractionated stereotactic radiotherapy brain treatment planning,BrainLab 4Th European RT user meeting,Copenhagen,2012 (Comunicação).
presented by MC Lopes.
13. Rocha, Humberto; Dias, Joana M; Ferreira, Brígida C; Lopes, M. C. Beam angle optimization using derivative-free algorithms.,11th Biennial ESTRO Conference on Physics and Radiation technology for Clinical Radiotherapy,London ,2011 (Comunicação).
presented by H Rocha.
14. Tzikas, A.; Mavroidis, P.; Hyödynmaa, S.; Ferreira, Brígida C; Axelsson, S.; Papanikolaou, N.; Lind, B. K. The impact of patient positioning and breathing in the delivery of breast cancer radiotherapy ,11th Biennial ESTRO Conference,London,2011 (Poster).
15. Rocha, Humberto; Dias, Joana M; Ferreira, Brígida C; Lopes, M. C. On the transition from fluence map optimization to fluence map delivery in intensity modulated radiation therapy treatment planning,VII ALIO/EURO Workshop on Applied Combinatorial Optimization,Porto,2011 (Comunicação).
presented by H Rocha.
16. Rocha, Humberto; Dias, Joana M; Ferreira, Brígida C; Lopes, M. C. Influence of sampling in radiation therapy treatment design ,The International Conference on Computational Science and its Applications,Santander,2011 (Comunicação).
presented by H Rocha.
17. Ferreira, Brígida C. Photon External Radiation Therapy,Portuguese Physics for Health Summer School, Covilhã,2011 (Comunicação).
18. Cunha, Micaela; Pinto, Marco; Ferreira, Brígida C; Lopes, M. C; Fonte, Paulo; Crespo, Paulo. Dose-Free Monitoring of radiotherapeutic treatments with scattered photons: concept and simulation study,IEEE Medical Imaging Conference,Valencia,2011 (Poster).
19. Ferreira, Brígida C. IMRT for head and neck tumours and brain lesions ,3as Jornadas do Departamento de Física e Matemática,Coimbra,2011 (Comunicação).
20. Ferreira, Brígida C; Mavroidis, P.; Lopes, M. C. Response-probability charts and response-probability volume histograms for RT treatment plan evaluation,ICMP 2011 ,Porto Alegre,2011 (Poster).
21. Lopes, M. C; Ferreira, Brígida C; Khouri, Leila; Mateus, Josefina; Capela, M. Follow-up of forward and inverse IMRT for patients with head and neck tumours,ESTRO 29 ,Barcelona,2010 (Poster).
22. Mavroidis, P.; Ferreira, Brígida C; Lopes, M. C. The use of probability volume histograms (PVH) and iso-probability of response charts in treatment plan evaluation,ESTRO 29 ,Barcelona,2010 (Poster).
23. Komisopoulos, G.; Mavroidis, P.; Ferreira, Brígida C; Papanikolaou, N.; Stathakis, S.; Sakellaropoulos, G. C; Lind, B. K; Nikiforidis, G. C. Recently determined dose-response relations for different normal tissues,ESTRO 29 ,Barcelona,2010 (Poster).
24. Ferreira, Brígida C; Lopes, M. C. Estratégias de optimização em SIMRT,FISICA 2010,Vila Real,2010 (Comunicação).
Oral presentation done by BC Ferreira.
25. Goncalves, Joana; Sampaio, Liliana; Ferreira, Brígida C; Fonte, Paulo; Lopes, M. C; Martins, Paulo; Crespo, Paulo. A prompt-gamma-camera designed for monitoring photon radiotherapy,FISICA 2010 ,Vila Real,2010 (Poster).
26. Ferreira, Brígida C; Lopes, M. C; Capela, M. Evaluation of Gafchromic EBT2 films for radiation dosimetry,ESTRO 29,Barcelona,2010 (Poster).
27. Ferreira, Brígida C. Estratégias de optimização em IMRT estereotaxia fraccionada,Workshop Novos Desenvolvimentos em Dosimetria Clínica e IMRT– Nucletron,Coimbra,2010 (Comunicação).
28. Rocha, Humberto; Dias, Joana M; Ferreira, Brígida C; Lopes, M. C. Sampling issues for intensity modulated radiation therapy (IMRT) treatment planning,24th European Conference on Operational Research,Lisboa,2010 (Comunicação).
presented by H Rocha.
29. Ventura, T.; Ferreira, Brígida C; Lopes, M. C. CUANTO – uma ferramenta de análise em dosimetria clínica,FISICA 2010 ,Vila Real ,2010 (Poster).
30. Lopes, M. C; Ferreira, Brígida C; Mateus, Josefina; Capela, M. Implementing IMRT for Head & Neck – the steps of the process,International Conference on Advances in Radiation Oncology (ICARO),Vienna,2009 (Poster).
31. Komisopoulos, G.; Mavroidis, P.; Ferreira, Brígida C; Papanikolaou, N.; Stathakis, S.; Plataniotis, G.; Lind, B.K.. Dose-response Parameters for Different Tumors and Normal Tissues,51st Annual Meeting of the American-Society-for-Radiation-Oncology,Chicago,2009 (Poster).
32. Ferreira, Brígida C. Planeamentos de cabeça e pescoço análise comparativa das diferentes técnicas de tratamento,Seminar at IPOCFG, E.P.E.,Coimbra,2009 (Comunicação).
33. Ferreira, Brígida C; Mavroidis, P.; Lopes, M. C. Analysis of fractionation correction methodologies for radiation therapy based on multiple treatment plans,10th Biennial ESTRO Meeting on Physics and Radiation Technology For Clinical Radiotherapy,Maastricht,2009 (Poster).
34. Ferreira, Brígida C. Clinical Implementation of IMRT for Head and Neck tumours,Workshop in Medical Physics Where is Portugal in the Medical Physics World? ,Aveiro,2009 (Comunicação).
35. Su, F.C.; Mavroidis, P.; Ferreira, Brígida C; Shi, C.; Papanikolaou, N.. A radiobiological-based toolkit for treatment planning evaluation and outcome prediction,ESTRO,Maastricht,2009 (Poster).
36. Ferreira, Brígida C. Implementation of IMRT for Head and Neck and Brain tumours ,Workshop on Biomedical Engineering, Faculty of Sciences - University of Lisbon IBEB,Lisboa,2009 (Comunicação).
37. Karaiskos, P.; Mavroidis, P.; Ferreira, Brígida C; Papanikolaou, N.; Sandilos, P.; Koutsouveli, E.; Scarleas, C.; Dardoufas, K.. Investigating the impact of using CT vs. CT-MRI images during organ delineation and treatment planning in prostate cancer radiotherapy,ESTRO,Maastricht,2009 (Comunicação).
38. Ventura, T.; Lopes, M. C; Ferreira, Brígida C; Neves, A. J; Chaves, A.; Capela, M. Electron beams commissioning and validation of Monte Carlo calculation module in Oncentra MasterPlan,ESTRO Conference,Goteborg,2008 (Poster).
39. Qatarneh, S.M.; Ferreira, Brígida C; Kiricuta, I.C.; Brahme, A.; Noz, M.E.; Kim, W.C.; Lind, B.. Lymph Atlas Based Target Volume Definition for Radiation Therapy Planning,IOMP,Dubai,2008 (Poster).
40. Stathakis, S.; Shi, C.; Mavroidis, P.; Swanson, G.; Ramer, C.; Sarkar, V.; Ferreira, Brígida C; Komisopoulos, G.; Giantsoudi, D.; Papanikolaou, N.. Treatment setup uncertainties quantified by megavoltage CT imaging,ESTRO Conference,Goteborg,2008 (Poster).
41. Delichas, M. G; Ferreira, Brígida C; Shi, C.; Gutie¿?rrez, A; Lind, B.; Papanikolaou, N.; Mavroidis, P.. Radiobiological effectiveness of 3D-Conformal Radiotherapy, MLC-based IMRT and Helical Tomotherapy in lung cancer. ,50th AAPM Annual Meeting, Houston, Texas,2008 (Comunicação).
oral presentation by MG Delichas.
42. Shi, C.; Mavroidis, P.; Esquivel, C.; Ferreira, Brígida C; Diaz, A.; Papanikolaou, N.. Brain and cranio-spinal cancer treatment using Helical Tomotherapy and MLC-based IMRT,50th ASTRO Annual Meeting,Boston, MA,2008 (Comunicação).
43. Ferreira, Brígida C. Radioterapia de Intensidade Modulada ,Ciência 2008 ,Lisbon,2008 (Comunicação).
44. Delichas, M. G; Mavroidis, P.; Ferreira, Brígida C; Shi, C.; Gutie¿?rrez, A; Lind, B. K; Papanikolaou, N.; Ha, C.. Comparison of 3D-CRT, MLC-Based IMRT and Helical Tomotherapy for Lung Cancer Radiotherapy,50th ASTRO Annual Meeting,Boston, MA,2008 (Comunicação).
45. Ferreira, Brígida C; Mavroidis, P.; Adamus-Górka, Magdalena; Svensson, R.; Lind, B.. Potential of Individual Biologically Optimized IMRT for Breast Cancer,ESTRO,Goteborg ,2008 (Poster).
Oral presentation of the Poster selected in the session for Young scientist award.
46. Ferreira, Brígida C. Lung cancer radiotherapy using 3D-CRT, MLC-based IMRT and Helical Tomotherapy,ESTRO Conference,Goteborg,2008 (Poster).
47. Stathakis, S.; Shi, C.; Mavroidis, P.; Swanson, G.; Ramer, C.; Sarkar, V.; Ferreira, Brígida C; Komisopoulos, G.; Giantsoudi, D.; Papanikolaou, N.. Use of Megavoltage CT imaging for quantifying treatment setup uncertainties,50th ASTRO Annual Meeting,Boston, MA,2008 (Comunicação).
48. Lopes, M. C; Ferreira, Brígida C; Capela, M. IMRT of Head and Neck tumours at the IPOC-FG,EFOMP ,Cracóvia ,2008 (Poster).
49. Shi, C.; Mavroidis, P.; Esquivel, C.; Ferreira, Brígida C; Diaz, A.; Papanikolaou, N.. Helical Tomotherapy and MLC-based IMRT in treating brain and cranio-spinal tumors,ESTRO Conference,Goteborg,2008 (Poster).
50. Ferreira, Brígida C. Investigating the expected effects of patient positioning, breathing and radiation pneumonitis scoring in breast cancer radiotherapy,ESTRO Conference,Goteborg,2008 (Poster).
51. Swanson, G.; Shi, C.; Mavroidis, P.; Stathakis, S.; Su, F.C.; Ramer, C.; Sarkar, V.; Ferreira, Brígida C; Komisopoulos, G.; Giantsoudi, D.; Papanikolaou, N.. Radiobiologically Quantified Treatment Setup Uncertainties based on Megavoltage (MV) CT Imaging,50th AAPM Annual Meeting,Houston, Texas,2008 (Poster).
52. Esquivel, C.; Mavroidis, P.; Shi, C.; Ferreira, Brígida C; Lind, B.K.; Gutie¿?rrez, A; Stathakis, S.; Papanikolaou, N.. Radiobiological comparison of Helical Tomotherapy and MLC-based IMRT for brain and cranio-spinal tumors,50th AAPM Annual Meeting,Houston, Texas,2008 (Comunicação).
53. Ferreira, Brígida C; Lopes, M. C; Capela, M. Workflow for the verification of IMRT in the clinical routine at IPOC-FG,Conferência IOMP ,Dubai,2008 (Poster).
54. Mateus, Josefina; Ventura, T.; Lopes, M. C; Ferreira, Brígida C. CC versus PB algorithm in different pathologies – clinical implications,ESTRO Conference,Goteborg,2008 (Poster).
55. Karaiskos, P.; Mavroidis, P.; Ferreira, Brígida C. Investigating the impact of using CT vs CT-MRI images during organ delineation and treatment planning in prostate cancer radiotherapy,ESTRO Conference,Goteborg,2008 (Poster).
56. Ferreira, Brígida C; Lopes, M. C; Capela, M. IMRT para tumores de cabeça e pescoço no IPO de Coimbra,FISICA ,2008 (Poster).
57. Lopes, M. C; Ferreira, Brígida C; Mateus, Josefina; Capela, M. Improvement treatment planning process for head and neck radiation therapy,ESTRO Conference,Goteborg,2008 (Poster).
58. Hyödynmaa, S.; Mavroidis, P.; Ferreira, Brígida C; Axelsson, S.; Papanikolaou, N.; Lind, B.. Radiobiological optimization of breast cancer radiotherapy taking into account patient positioning, breathing and radiation pneumonitis scoring,50th AAPM Annual Meeting,Houston, Texas,2008 (Comunicação).
59. Ventura, T.; Lopes, M. C; Ferreira, Brígida C; Castro, J.; Capela, M; Chaves, A.; Neves, A. J. CUANTO: a new tool for quality control of treatment planning systems,ESTRO Conference,Barcelona,2007 (Poster).
60. Mavroidis, P.; Ferreira, Brígida C; Shi, C.; Lind, B. K; Papanikolaou, N.. Comparing the Expected Effectiveness of Helical Tomotherapy and MLC-based IMRT using Biological Measures,Conferência AAPM,Minneapolis,2007 (Poster).
61. Mavroidis, P.; Ferreira, Brígida C; Papanikolaou, N.; Svensson, R.; Lind, B. K; Brahme, A.. Expected Clinical Impact of the Differences between Planned and Delivered IMRT Dose Distributions,Conferência AAPM,Minneapolis,2007 (Poster).
62. Castro, J.; Lopes, M. C; Ventura, T.; Ferreira, Brígida C; Capela, M; Neves, A. J; Chaves, A.. Data processing and validation of photon dose calculation algorithms in Oncentra MasterPlan,ESTRO Conference,Barcelona,2007 (Poster).
63. Ferreira, Brígida C; Lopes, M. C; Capela, M; Castro, J.. Evaluation of an Epson flat bed scanner to read Gafchromic EBT films for radiation dosimetry,ESTRO Conference,Barcelona,2007 (Poster).
64. Lopes, M. C; Ventura, T.; Ferreira, Brígida C; Castro, J.; Chaves, A.; Capela, M; Neves, A. J. A comprehensive program of quality assurance of Oncentra MasterPlan treatment planning system,12ª International Conference Optimal Use Of Avanced Radiotherapy in Multimodality Oncology,Roma,2007 (Poster).
65. Ferreira, Brígida C; Qatarneh, S.M.; Kiricuta, I.C.; Brahme, A.; Noz, M.E.; Kim, W.C.; Lind, B.K.. Lymph Atlas Based Target Volume Definition for Radiation Therapy Planning,International Conference on Imaging Techniques in Subatomic Physics, Astrophysics, Medicine, Biology and Industry,Stockholm ,2006 (Comunicação).
66. Mavroidis, P.; Ferreira, Brígida C; Shi, C.; Penagaricano, P.; Lind, B. K; Papanikolaou, N.. Comparison of dose distribuitions from tomotherapy and IMRT treatment plans using the biologically effective uniform dose,ESTRO Conference,Leipzig,2006 (Poster).
67. Ferreira, Brígida C; Mavroidis, P.; Lind, B.; Brahme, A.. Quantification of deviations in IMRT dose delivery,ESTRO Conference ,Lisboa,2005 (Poster).
68. Ferreira, Brígida C. Biological optimized radiation therapy for early breast cancer ,International Symposium on the Definition of target volumes in Radiation Therapy ,Limburg,2005 (Comunicação).
69. Mavroidis, P.; Papanikolaou, N.; Shi, C.; Ferreira, Brígida C; Kappas, C.; Penagaricano, P.. Plan evaluation using the biologically uniform dose concept ,ESTRO Conference,Lisboa,2005 (Poster).
70. Zapotoczna, A.; Ferreira, Brígida C; Svensson, R.; Brahme, A.. Influence of number of multileaf collimator segments and beam portals on the treatment outcome in radiobiologically optimized radiation therapy,ESTRO Conference ,Lisboa,2005 (Poster).
71. Ferreira, Brígida C. Biological optimized radiation therapy for advanced cervix cancer ,International Symposium on the Definition of target volumes in Radiation Therapy,Limburg,2005 (Comunicação).
72. Ferreira, Brígida C; Adamus-Górka, Magdalena; Mavroidis, P.; Svensson, R.; Brahme, A.; Lind, B.. The influence of radiation response variations on the treatment outcome in biologically optimized breast cancer treatments,ESTRO Conference ,Lisboa,2004 (Poster).
73. Ferreira, Brígida C; Svensson, R.; Brahme, A.; Lind, B.; Johansson, Jonas. Radiobiologically optimized intensity modulated therapy for early breast cancer,World congress of Medical Physics,Sydney ,2003 (Poster).
74. Ferreira, Brígida C; Svensson, R.; Brahme, A.; Lind, B.; Johansson, Jonas. Radiobiologically optimized intensity modulated therapy for early breast cancer,ESTRO conference ,Genebra,2003 (Poster).
75. Ferreira, Brígida C; Svensson, R.; Löf, Johan; Brahme, A.. The role of noncoplanar photon beams in advanced tumors for radiobiological optimized radiation therapy,ESTRO Conference,Seville,2001 (Comunicação).
(Oral presentation done by BC Ferreira).

Organização de evento
Event organization
1. Ferreira, Brígida C. Euro-mini Conference Improving Healtcare: new challenges, new approaches,2015 (Conferência).
2. Ferreira, Brígida C. Medical Physics Workshop 2009 Where is Portugal in the medical physics world?,2009 (Simpósio).

Relatório de investigação
Technical report
1. Rocha, H.; Dias, Joana M; Ferreira, Brígida C; Lopes, M. C. Beam angle optimization in intensity-modulated radiation therapy using radial basis functions within the pattern search methods framework,2012.
INESC Research Reports, nr. 1.
2. Rocha, Humberto; Dias, Joana M; Ferreira, Brígida C; Lopes, M. C. From fluence map optimization to fluence map delivery: the role of combinatorial optimization,2011.
INESCC Research Reports, nr.5.
3. Rocha, Humberto; Dias, Joana M; Ferreira, Brígida C; Lopes, M. C. Towards efficient transition from optimized to delivery fluence maps in inverse planning of radiotherapy design,2010.
INESCC Research Reports, nr.7.
4. Rocha, Humberto; Dias, Joana M; Ferreira, Brígida C; Lopes, M. C. Direct search applied to beam angle optimization in radiotherapy design,2010.
INESCC Research Reports.
5. Zapotoczna, A.; Ferreira, Brígida C; Svensson, R.; Brahme, A.. Optimal number of collimator segments and beam portals in biologically optimized radiation therapy,2006.
Karolinska Institutet, Stockholm Sweden.
6. Zapotoczna, A.; Ferreira, Brígida C; Mavroidis, P.; Svensson, Roger; Lind, Bengt; Brahme, A.. Biological evaluation of the accuracy in IMRT dose delivery,2006.
Karolinska Institutet, Stockholm Sweden.
7. Ferreira, Brígida C; Brahme, A.. Biological optimized radiation therapy for early breast cancer,2005.
8. Ferreira, Brígida C; Zapotoczna, A.; Brahme, A.. Biological optimized radiation therapy for advanced cervix cancer,2005.

Dados Complementares (Additional data)


Dissertação de Mestrado
Master degree dissertation
1. Cláudia Xavier, Derivation of dose-response parameters for organs at risk from head and neck tumour cases treated with radiation therapy, 2014. Dissertação (Engenharia Biomédica) - Universidade de Coimbra (Orientador).
Project performed in partnership with the Medical Physics Department of IPOCFG and the Division of Medical Physics and Department of Radiation Oncology do Cancer Therapy and Research Center from University of Texas .
2. Rita Sabrosa , Registo deformável de imagem em planeamento de Radioterapia usando o software Velocity AI: CT versus CBCT, 2013. Dissertação (Engenharia Biomédica) - Universidade de Coimbra (Co-orientador).
Project performed in the Medical Physics Department of IPOCFG under the supervision of Maria do Carmo Lopes .
3. Joana Barbosa, Validação do uso de kV-CBCT em planeamentos dosimétricos de Radioterapia, 2013. Dissertação (Radioterapia) - Instituto Politécnico de Lisboa (Orientador).
4. Tânia Marques, Registo deformável de imagem em planeamento de Radioterapia usando o software Velocity AI: Implicações de volume e dose em doentes com tumores de cabeça e pescoço, 2013. Dissertação (Engenharia Biomédica) - Universidade de Coimbra (Orientador).
Project performed in the Medical Physics Department of IPOCFG also under the supervision of Maria do Carmo Lopes.
5. Afonso Estima, Otimização Angular em Radioterapia de Intensidade Modulada para Tumores de Cabeça e Pescoço, 2011. Dissertação (Física Médica) - Universidade do Porto (Co-orientador).
Project under the supervision of Maria do Carmo Lopes from the Medical Physics Department of IPOCFG and Humberto Rocha from INESC .
6. Tiago Ventura , Controlo de qualidade de um sistema de planeamento de radioterapia externa, 2007. Dissertação (Engenharia física) - Universidade de Aveiro (Co-orientador).
Project under the supervision of Maria do Carmo Lopes from the Medical Physics Department of IPOCFG .
7. Magda Kodura , Radiobiological optimization in radiation therapy of breast cancer, 2003. Dissertação (Medical Physics ) - Stockholm University (Co-orientador).
supervision of Roger Svensson .
Em curso
1. Ana Catarina Souto, Desenvolvimento de uma base de dados de parâmetros radiobiológicos, 2012. Dissertação (Engenharia física) - Universidade de Aveiro (Orientador).

Orientação de outra natureza
Other orientation
1. Nuno Oliveira, Estudo do programa de registo clínico RESPONSE e atualização do manual, 2013. Universidade de Aveiro (Orientador).
2. Laura Rodrigues, Exportação dos dados demográficos e dosimétricos de planos de tratamento em radioterapia de intensidade modulada, 2013. Universidade de Coimbra (Orientador).
Project being made in the Medical Physics Department of IPOCFG.
3. Tânia Santos, Cálculo da dose total acumulada em doentes com tumores de cabeça e pescoço através do registo deformável em radioterapia de intensidade modulada, 2013. Universidade de Coimbra (Orientador).
Project being made in the Medical Physics Department of IPOCFG.
4. Cláudia Xavier , Exportação de dados dosimétricos e demográficos em radioterapia conformal, 2012. Universidade de Coimbra (Orientador).
Project being made in the Medical Physics Department of IPOCFG.
5. Mariana Cerqueira , Implementação do manual o utilizador para o software de registo clínico eletrónico RESPONSE, 2012. Universidade de Coimbra (Orientador).
Project being made in the Medical Physics Department of IPOCFG.
6. Pedro Reis, Conversão de papel para digital usando o sistema RESPONSE , 2011. Universidade de Coimbra (Orientador).
Project being made in the Medical Physics Department of IPOCFG .

Participação no júri de Graus Académicos
Academic Degrees jury participation

Master degree
1. Ferreira, Brígida da Costa. Participação no júri de Joana Medeiros. Validação do uso de KV-CBCT de um Linac para a realização de estudos dosimétricos, 2013.  Dissertação (Mestrado em Radioterapia) - IPL.Escola Superior de Tecnologia da Saúde de Lisboa.
2. Ferreira, Brígida da Costa. Participação no júri de Afonso Xavier Abrantes Estima. Optimização angular em radioterapia de intensidade modulada para tumores de cabeça e pescoço , 2011.  Dissertação (Mestrado em Física Médica) - UP.Faculdade de Ciências da Universidade do Porto.
3. Ferreira, Brígida da Costa. Participação no júri de Annica Hall . Clinical evaluation of a surface rendering patient positioning system for external beam radiation therapy , 2005.  Dissertação (Medical Radiation Physics) - Stockholm University.

Degree of licentiate
1. Ferreira, Brígida da Costa. Participação no júri de Joana Daniela Ferreira Gonçalves; Liliana Margarida Sampaio. Investigação e desenvolvimento de um detector para monitorização de radioterapia com fotões , 2010. Trabalho de Conclusão de Curso (Bacharelato/Licenciatura em Engenharia Biomédica - Ramo de Bioelectrónica) - IPC.Instituto Superior de Engenharia de Coimbra.

Participação editorial em revistas
Magazine editorial participation
1. Ferreira, Brígida da Costa. Reports of Practical Oncology and Radiotherapy , Função ou tipo de participação: Reviewer, Editora: editor Angeles Rovirosa.

Indicadores de produção (Production indicators)

Produção científica
Scientific production

Livros e capítulos
Books and book chapters
Capítulos de livros publicados
Published book chapters
Artigos científicos em revistas
Papers in periodics
Sem arbitragem científica
Without scientific refereeing
Trabalhos em eventos
Papers in conference proceedings
Sem arbitragem científica
Without scientific refereeing

Produção técnica
Technical production

Processos ou técnicas
Processes or techiniques
Processos ou técnicas sem registo ou patente
Processes or techiniques without patent or official record
Outros tipos de produção técnica
Other technical production

Dados complementares
(Additional data)

Participação no Júri de Graus Académicos
Academic Degrees jury participation
Participação editorial em revistas
Magazine editorial participation

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