Vitor Hugo Rodrigues Paiva
Data da última atualização
»Last update
12/02/2016 |
Dados pessoais (Personal data)
Nome completo
Full name |
Vitor Hugo Rodrigues Paiva |
Nome em citações bibliográficas
Quoting name |
Paiva, Vitor Hugo Rodrigues |
Categoria profissional
Position |
Investigador Principal |
Domínio científico de atuação
Scientific domain |
Ciências Naturais-Ciências da Terra e do Ambiente.
Gender |
Masculino»Male |
Graus Académicos
(Academic Degrees)
2006-2010 |
Doutoramento Phd |
Biologia, Especialidade Ecologia
(4 anos » years)
Universidade de Coimbra,
2003-2005 |
Mestrado Master degree |
Biologia .
Universidade de Coimbra,
1998-2003 |
Licenciatura Licentiate degree |
Universidade de Coimbra,
Formação complementar ( studies)
2005-2005 |
Curso de curta duração Short course |
Plant-animal interactions.
Universidade de Coimbra,
2005-2005 |
Curso de curta duração Short course |
Plant-animal interactions.
Universidade de Coimbra,
2004-2004 |
Curso de curta duração Short course |
Plant-animal interactions.
Universidade de Coimbra,
2004-2004 |
Curso de curta duração Short course |
Plant-animal interactions.
Universidade de Coimbra,
2004-2004 |
Curso de curta duração Short course |
Plant-animal interactions.
Universidade de Coimbra,
2004-2004 |
Curso de curta duração Short course |
Plant-animal interactions.
Universidade de Coimbra,
2004-2004 |
Curso de curta duração Short course |
Plant-animal interactions.
Universidade de Coimbra,
Vínculos profissionais
(Professional Positions)
Mar/2010-Actual |
Investigador Principal |
Jan/2006-Dez/2009 |
Investigador Auxiliar |
Jul/2005-Jul/2005 |
Investigador Auxiliar |
Set/2002-Set/2003 |
Estagiário Investigador |
Instituto de Conservação da Natureza |
Set/2002-Mai/2003 |
Assistente de Investigação |
Atividades de Investigação e Desenvolvimento (Research and Development activities)
Atividades de Ensino (Teaching activities)
Disciplinas lecionadas»Taught units:
- Biological Conservation -Advanced M.Sc. courses in Ecology and European Master in Applied Ecology(Docente)
- Conservation and Management of Biodiversity - Advanced M.Sc. courses in Ecology and European Master in Applied Ecology(Docente)
- Conservation Biology - First degree in Biology(Docente)
- Biostatistics - First degree in Biology(Docente)
- The role of stable isotopes in Ecology - Advanced Ph.D course in Biosciences(Docente)
Disciplinas lecionadas»Taught units:
- Biostatistics - First degree in Biology(Docente)
- Habitat selection - Advanced M.Sc. courses in Ecology(Docente)
- Marine Important Bird Areas: A sea of data - Advanced M.Sc. courses in Ecology(Docente)
- The use of GIS in seabirds conservation - First degree in Biology(Docente)
Linhas de Investigação (Research fields)
1. |
IMAR/CMA - Centro do Mar e Ambiente (Unidade 284/94 do Programa de Financiamento Plurianual de Unidades de I&D da F.C.T) |
Research line 1 - Wetlands, Transitional Waters and Coastal Marine Ecosystems:
Baseline studies and monitoring in wetlands, transitional waters and coastal marine ecosystems, addressing the response of
biological communities to natural and human induced physical and chemical changes. Populations, Communities, and Ecosystems
will be the focal levels, even if integration with studies at the level of organisms and cells is foreseen through network
analysis and modelling;
Biological conservation and habitat restoration, with emphasis on the feeding and reproductive ecology of seabirds in tropical
and temperate ecosystems. The importance of seabirds as bio-indicators of changes in marine ecosystems, namely climate changes,
and their possible role in defining marine protected areas will be addressed;
Application of the ecosystem services and goods approach in order to integrate the ecological and economic perspectives, linking
different parts’ interests, land use development and ecological systems conservation in a more feasible and balanced way.
The Mondego estuary will be chosen as target. The condition and trends of the main ecosystem services and goods over the last
years will be evaluated and future directions identified. To ecosystem ecological status and the level and extent of services
provided by the ecosystem will be related..
Projetos de Investigação (Research projects)
Participação como Investigador responsável Participation as responsible Researcher |
2013-2019 The impact of recent and future climate changes and Human pressures on marine biodiversity |
Referência do projeto»Project reference: SFRH/BPD/85024/2012. Financiador(es)»Funding:
Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia.
2013-2014 Trophic ecology and at-sea movements of the endangered Bugio's petrel |
Referência do projeto»Project reference: ************. Financiador(es)»Funding:
British Ornithologists' Union.
2012-2013 Portuguese Atlas of Marine Birds |
Referência do projeto»Project reference: INTERREG EU (2009-1/089). INTERREG EU Financiador(es)»Funding:
Sociedade Portuguesa para o Estudo das Aves.
2010-2013 Spatio-temporal dynamics of seabird-marine prey interactions in the Portuguese coast |
Referência do projeto»Project reference: SFRH/BPD/63825/2009. Financiador(es)»Funding:
Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia.
2011-2012 Feeding ecology and at-sea movements of Macaronesian Shearwaters (Puffinus baroli) in the North Atlantic |
Referência do projeto»Project reference: ************. Financiador(es)»Funding:
British Ornithologists' Union.
2006-2009 Sea area usage, foraging tactics and at-sea activity of Cory's Shearwaters (Calonectris diomedea borealis) |
Referência do projeto»Project reference: SFRH/BD/21557/2005. Financiador(es)»Funding:
Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia.
Participação como Investigador Participation as Researcher |
2011-2015 MARPRO – Conservation of Marine Protected Species in Mainland Portugal |
Referência do projeto»Project reference: LIFE09 NAT/PT/000038. LIFE EU Financiador(es)»Funding:
European Commission.
2010-2014 FAME – The Future of the Atlantic Marine Environment |
Referência do projeto»Project reference: 2009-1/089. INTERREG EU Financiador(es)»Funding:
European Commission.
2010-2014 Recovering biodiversity of Ilhéus do Porto Santo |
Referência do projeto»Project reference: LIFE09 NAT/PT/000041. LIFE EU Financiador(es)»Funding:
European Commission.
2011-2013 Strategic project from the Univ. of Coimbra, Univ. of Évora and Univ. of Algarve |
Referência do projeto»Project reference: PEst-C/MAR/UI0284/2011. Financiador(es)»Funding:
Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia.
2009-2012 Safe Islands for Seabirds |
Referência do projeto»Project reference: LIFE07+ NAT/PT/000649. LIFE EU Financiador(es)»Funding:
European Commission.
2005-2009 Important Areas for Seabirds in Portugal |
Referência do projeto»Project reference: LIFE04 NAT/PT/000213. LIFE EU Financiador(es)»Funding:
European Commission.
2008-2008 Marine Important Bird Areas in Italy. Coordinated by LIPU – BirdLife partner in Italy |
Referência do projeto»Project reference: ************. Financiador(es)»Funding:
Ministry of the Environment and Protection of Land and Sea.
2007-2007 Yelkouan shearwater project. Coordinated by BirdLife Malta – BirdLife partner in Malta |
Referência do projeto»Project reference: LIFE06 NAT/MT/000097. LIFE EU Financiador(es)»Funding:
European Commission.
2005-2005 Small Cetaceans of the Atlantic and North Sea, LIFE-SCANS II. University of St. Andrews, Oxford, UK |
Referência do projeto»Project reference: LIFE04 NAT/GB/000245. LIFE EU Financiador(es)»Funding:
European Commission.
Participação como Desenvolvimento técnico Participation as Technical developer |
2004-2004 Feeding and Reproductive Ecology of Little Terns in order to generate ecological indicators in estuarine ecosystems |
Referência do projeto»Project reference: 37385/BSE/2001. Financiador(es)»Funding:
Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia.
2004-2004 Habitat selection by Pin-tailed Sandgrouses (Pterocles alchata), in order to manage part of that area to allow better feeding,
resting, and reproductive habitats for the conservation of this endangered species
Referência do projeto»Project reference: ************.
2003-2003 Feeding and Reproductive Ecology of Little Terns in order to generate ecological indicators in estuarine ecosystems |
Referência do projeto»Project reference: 37385/BSE/2001. Financiador(es)»Funding:
Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia.
Línguas (Languages)
Compreende Understandig |
Português (Bem), Inglês (Bem), Espanhol (Bem), Francês (Razoavelmente). |
Fala Speaking |
Português (Bem), Inglês (Bem), Espanhol (Bem), Francês (Pouco). |
Lê Reading |
Português (Bem), Inglês (Bem), Espanhol (Bem), Francês (Razoavelmente). |
Escreve Writing |
Português (Bem), Inglês (Bem), Espanhol (Bem), Francês (Razoavelmente). |
Prémios e títulos (Awards Prizes, and Honours)
2007 |
The winning project on the 1st edition of the BES Biodiversity & Business Prize: Marine Important Bird Areas (IBAs) –conducted
by the SPEA-BirdLife International Partner in Portugal and considered to be of exceptional quality (€25000),
Banco Espírito Santo.
2010 |
Fellowship from the Pacific Seabird Group to participate on the 1st World Seabird Conference, Victoria, Canada (€1000),
Pacific Seabird Group.
2011 |
Small Ornithological Research Grant from the British Ornithologists’ Union (the maximum amount they provide) to support the
project: “Feeding ecology and at-sea movements of Macaronesian Shearwaters in the North Atlantic” (€2350),
British Ornithologists’ Union .
2011 |
Scientific Community Support Program (FACC) given by the Portuguese Foundation for Science and Technology (FCT) to held the
International Workshop: “Ideal Methodologies for Habitat Modelling of Top Marine Predators using remote tracking data: the
tools to,
Portuguese Foundation for Science and Technology (FCT).
2011 |
Best poster "Dramatic inter-annual change in the foraging distribution and effort of Cory’s Shearwater (Calonectris borealis)
breeding in Berlenga" at VII Congresso de Ornitologia da Sociedade Portuguesa para o Estudo das Aves e I Jornadas Macaronésicas
Sociedade Portuguesa para o Estudo das Aves.
2012 |
Small Ornithological Research Grant from the British Ornithologists Union to support the project: Trophic ecology and at-sea
movements of the endangered Bugio's petrel ( 2030),
British Ornithologists Union .
Membro de Associações Profissionais/Científicas (Professional/Scientific Association membership)
Actual |
National Geographic Society, Membro.
Actual |
SPEA – BirdLife Partner in Portugal, Membro.
Actual |
Working Group on Seabird Ecology (WGSE) from the International Council for the Exploration of the Sea (ICES), Membro.
Produção científica, técnica e artística/cultural
(Scientific, technical and artistical/cultural
Livros publicados/organizados ou edições Published/organized books or Editions |
1. |
Paiva, V. H. R. 2008. Important Areas for Seabirds in Portugal. ed. 234. Lisboa: SA. |
2. |
Paiva, V. H. R. 2008. Atlas, Equipa. 2008. Atlas das Aves Nidificantes em Portugal. ed. 1. Lisboa: Assírio & Alvim. |
Artigos em revistas com arbitragem científica Papers in periodics with scientific refereeing |
1. |
Xavier, José C; Barbosa, Andrés; Agusti, Susana; Alonso-Sáez, Laura; Alvito, Pedro; Ameneiro, Julia; ¿?vila, Conxita; Baeta, Alexandra; Canário, João; Carmona, Raquel; Catry, Paulo; Ceia, Filipe; Clark, Melody S; Cristobo, Francisco J; Cruz, Bruno; Duarte, Carlos M; Figuerola, Blanca; Gili, Josep-Maria; Gonçalves, Ana R; Gordillo, Francisco J; Granadeiro, José P; Guerreiro, Miguel; Isla, Enrique; Jiménez, Carlos; López-González, Pablo J; Lourenço, Sílvia; Marques, João C; Moreira, Elena; Mota, Ana M; Nogueira, Marta; Núñez-Pons, Laura; Orejas, Covadonga; Paiva, Vitor H; Palanques, Albert; Pearson, Gareth A; Pedrós-Alió, Carlos; Cantero, ¿?lvaro L. P; Power, Deborah M; Ramos, Jaime A; Rossi, Sergi; al., et. 2013. "Polar marine biology science in Portugal and Spain: Recent advances and future perspectives", Journal of Sea Research 83, 1: 9 - 29.
2. |
Pedro, Patrícia I; Ramos, Jaime A; Neves, Verónica C; Paiva, Vítor H. 2013. "Past and present trophic position and decadal changes in diet of Yellow-legged Gull in the Azores Archipelago, NE Atlantic", European Journal of Wildlife Research 59, 1: 833 - 845.
3. |
Ramos, Jaime A; Pedro, P.; Matos, A.; Paiva, Vitor H. 2013. "Relation between climatic factors, diet and reproductive parameters of Little Terns over a decade", Acta Oecologica 53, 1: 56 - 62. |
4. |
Ramírez, I; Paiva, VH; Menezes, D; Silva, I; Phillips, RA; Ramos, J.A.; Garthe, S. 2013. "Year-round distribution and habitat preferences of the Bugio petrel", Marine Ecology Progress Series 476, 1: 269 - 284.
5. |
Paiva, VH; Geraldes, P; Marques, V; Rodríguez, R; Garthe, S; Ramos, J.A.. 2013. "Effects of environmental variability on different trophic levels of the North Atlantic food web", Marine Ecology Progress Series 477, 1: 15 - 28.
6. |
Robert, Alexandre; Paiva, Vítor H; Bolton, Mark; Jiguet, Frédéric; Bried, Joël. 2012. "The interaction between reproductive cost and individual quality is mediated by oceanic conditions in a long-lived bird", Ecology 93, 8: 1944 - 1952.
7. |
Alonso, Hany; Granadeiro, José P; Paiva, Vitor H; Dias, Ana S; Ramos, Jaime A; Catry, Paulo. 2012. "Stable isotopes and tracking reveal a link between foraging strategy and the level of dietary segregation between parents
and offspring in Cory’s shearwaters", Marine Biology 159, 6: 1197 - 1207.
8. |
Xavier, J.C.; Magalhães, M.C.; Mendonça, A.S.; Antunes, M.; Carvalho, N.; Machete, M.; Santos, R.S.; Paiva, V. H. R; Hamer, K.C.. 2011. "Changes in diet of Cory’s Shearwaters Calonectris diomedea breeding in the Azores", Marine Ornithology 39, 1: 129 - 134. |
9. |
Paiva, VH; Geraldes, P; Ramírez, I; Meirinho, A; Garthe, S; Ramos, JA. 2010. "Foraging plasticity in a pelagic seabird species along a marine productivity gradient", Marine Ecology Progress Series 398, 1: 259 - 274.
10. |
Paiva, Vitor H; Geraldes, Pedro; Ramírez, Iván; Garthe, Stefan; Ramos, Jaime A. 2010. "How area restricted search of a pelagic seabird changes while performing a dual foraging strategy", Oikos 119, 9: 1423 - 1434.
11. |
Paiva, VH; Xavier, J; Geraldes, P; Ramirez, I; Garthe, S; Ramos, JA. 2010. "Foraging ecology of Cory’s shearwaters in different oceanic environments of the North Atlantic", Marine Ecology Progress Series 410, 1: 257 - 268.
12. |
MEDEIROS, R; RAMOS, J; PAIVA, V; ALMEIDA, A; PEDRO, P; ANTUNES, S. 2007. "Signage reduces the impact of human disturbance on little tern nesting success in Portugal", Biological Conservation 135, 1: 99 - 106.
13. |
Bried, J.; Geraldes, P.; Paiva, V. H. R. 2007. "First attempted breeding of Manx Shearwater (Puffinus puffinus Brünnich, 1764) on Santa Maria, Azores", Arquipélago - Life and Marine Sciences 24, 1: 61 - 63. |
14. |
Catry, Teresa; Ramos, Jaime A; Paiva, Vitor H; Martins, Jorge; Almeida, Ana.; Palma, Jorge.; Andrade, Pedro J; Peste, Filipa; Trigo, Sandra; Lu¿?s, António.. 2006. "Intercolony and annual differences in the diet and feeding ecology of Little Tern adults and chicks in Portugal", The Condor 108, 2: 366 - 366.
Artigos em revistas sem arbitragem científica Papers in periodics without scientific refereeing |
1. |
Ceia, Filipe R; Paiva, Vitor H; Ceia, Ricardo S; Hervías, Sandra; Garthe, Stefan; Marques, João C; Ramos, Jaime A. 2015. "Spatial foraging segregation by close neighbours in a wide-ranging seabird", Oecologia 177, 1: 431 - 440.
2. |
Monticelli, David; Ramos, Jaime A; Catry, Teresa; Pedro, Patricia; Paiva, Vitor H. 2014. "Reproductive parameters of tropical lesser noddies respond to local variations in oceanographic conditions and weather", Estuarine, Coastal and Shelf Science 139, 1: 110 - 118.
3. |
Chiu Werner, A; Paiva, Vitor H; Ramos, Jaime A. 2014. "On the "real estate market": Individual quality and the foraging ecology of male Cory's Shearwaters", The Auk 131, 3: 265 - 274.
4. |
Ceia, F.R.; Paiva, V.H.; Fidalgo, V.; Morais, L.; Baeta, A; Crisóstomo, P.; Mourato, E.; Garthe, S; Marques, J.C.; Ramos, J.A.. 2014. "Annual and seasonal consistency in the feeding ecology of an opportunistic species, the yellow-legged gull Larus michahellis", Marine Ecology Progress Series 497, 1: 273 - 284.
5. |
Ceia, Filipe R; Paiva, Vitor H; Garthe, Stefan; Marques, João C; Ramos, Jaime A. 2014. "Can variations in the spatial distribution at sea and isotopic niche width be associated with consistency in the isotopic
niche of a pelagic seabird species?", Marine Biology 161, 8: 1861 - 1872.
6. |
Robert, A.; Paiva, V. H; Bolton, M.; Jiguet, F.; Bried, J.. 2014. "Nest fidelity is driven by multi-scale information in a long-lived seabird", Proceedings of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences 281, 1793: 20141692 - 20141692.
7. |
Ramos, R.; Granadeiro, J.P.; Rodríguez, B.; Navarro, J.; Paiva, V.H.; Bécares, J.; Reyes-González, J.M.; Fagundes, I.; Ruiz, A.; Arcos, P.; González-Solís, J.; Catry, P.. 2013. "Meta-population feeding grounds of cory's shearwater in the subtropical atlantic ocean: Implications for the definition of
marine protected areas based on tracking studies", Diversity and Distributions 19, 10: 1284 - 12. |
8. |
Paiva, V.H.; Geraldes, P; Ramirez, I; Werner, A.C.; Garthe, S; Ramos, J.A.. 2013. "Overcoming difficult times: the behavioural resilience of a marine predator when facing environmental stochasticity", Marine Ecology Progress Series 486, 1: 277 - 288.
9. |
Alonso, H.; Granadeiro, J.P.; Paiva, V.H.; Dias, A.S.; Ramos, J.A.; Catry, P.. 2012. "Parent-offspring dietary segregation of Cory's shearwaters breeding in contrasting environments", Marine Biology 159, 6: 1197 - 12. |
10. |
Paiva, V.H.; Guilford, T.; Meade, J.; Geraldes, P.; Ramos, J.A.; Garthe, S.. 2010. "Flight dynamics of Cory's shearwater foraging in a coastal environment", Zoology 113, 1: 47 - 56. |
11. |
Paiva, V.H.; Geraldes, P.; Ramírez, I.; Meirinho, A.; Garthe, S.; Ramos, J.A.. 2010. "Oceanographic characteristics of areas used by Cory's shearwaters during short and long foraging trips in the North Atlantic", Marine Biology 157, 6: 1385 - 13. |
12. |
Paiva, V.H.; Tavares, P.C.; Ramos, J.A.; Pereira, E.; Antunes, S.; Duarte, A.C.. 2008. "The influence of diet on mercury intake by little tern chicks", Archives of Environmental Contamination and Toxicology 55, 2: 317 - 328. |
13. |
Paiva, V.H.; Ramos, J.A.; Martins, J.; Almeida, A.; Carvalho, A.. 2008. "Foraging habitat selection by Little Terns Sternula albifrons in an estuarine lagoon system of southern Portugal", Ibis 150, 1: 18 - 31. |
14. |
Paiva, V.H.; Ramos, J.A.; Machado, D.; Penha-Lopes, G.; Bouslama, M.F.; Dias, N.; Nielsen, S.. 2006. "Importance of marine prey to growth of estuarine tern chicks: Evidence from an energetic balance model", Ardea 94, 2: 241 - 255. |
15. |
Paiva, V.H.; Ramos, J.A.; Catry, T.; Pedro, P.; Medeiros, R.; Palma, J.. 2006. "Influence of environmental factors and energetic value of food on Little Tern Sterna albifrons chick growth and food delivery", Bird Study 53, 1: 1 - 11. |
Apresentação oral de trabalho Oral work presentation |
1. |
Xavier, J.C.; Lourenço, S.; Ceia, F.R.; Collins, M.; Vieira, R. P; Paiva, Vitor H; Cruz, B.; Phillips, R. A; Cherel, Y.; Murphy, E.; Johnston, N.; Alvito, P.; Bloom, S.; Guerreiro, M.; Seco, J.; Gonçalves, A. R; Velez, N.; Ramos, J.A.; Marques, J.C.. Marine Resources in the Southern Ocean: Insights from Top Predator Diets on the Role of Krill and Cephalopods,IV Portuguese Conference on Polar Science,Lisbon,2012 (Comunicação). |
2. |
Ceia, F.; Fidalgo, V.; Paiva, V. H; Ramos, J.A.. Preliminary data on foraging movements of yellow-legged gull (Larus michahellis) in Berlenga Island, Portugal,International Meeting on Marine Resources, Peniche,2012 (Poster). |
3. |
Paiva, V. H. R. Conservação aplicada ao meio marinho: o uso das novas tecnologias na marcação de aves marinhas,Workshop ICNF - Mata Nacional do Choupal,Coimbra,2012 (Comunicação). |
4. |
Paiva, V. H; Xavier, J; Geraldes, P; Ramírez, I.; Garthe, S; Ramos, J.A.. Feeding ecology of Cory´s shearwaters in different oceanic environments of the North Atlantic: the role of cephalopods,CIAC Science Conference,Florianópolis,2012 (Poster). |
5. |
Ceia, F.R.; Fidalgo, V.; Paiva, V. H; Ramos, J.A.. Temporal consistency in the feeding ecology of an opportunistic species, the yellow-legged gull (Larus michahellis) in Portugal,8th ISOECOL - International Conference on Applications of Stable Isotope Techniques to Ecological Studies,Brest,2012 (Poster). |
6. |
Ceia, F.; Paiva, V. H; Ceia, R.; Ramos, J.A.. Spatial segregation in the search of food of two neighbour Cory’s shearwaters populations,VII Congresso de Ornitologia da Sociedade Portuguesa para o Estudo das Aves e I Jornadas Macaronésicas de Ornitologia,Machico, Madeira,2011 (Comunicação).
7. |
Ramírez, I.; Paiva, V. H; Phillips, R.; Ramos, J.A.; Garthe, S.. Winter holidays in different areas: Bugio’s petrel make the most of the Atlantic Ocean,VII Congresso de Ornitologia da Sociedade Portuguesa para o Estudo das Aves e I Jornadas Macaronésicas de Ornitologia,Machico, Madeira,2011 (Comunicação).
8. |
Fagundes, I.; Paiva, Vitor H; Phillips, R.; Ramos, J.A.. The importance of the Canary Current and North-West African upwelling system for the foraging and trophic ecology of Macaronesian
Shearwaters breeding in Selvagens.,VII Congresso de Ornitologia da Sociedade Portuguesa para o Estudo das Aves e I Jornadas Macaronésicas de Ornitologia, Machico, Madeira,2011 (Poster).
9. |
Ramos, J.A.; Werner, A.C.; Granadeiro, J.P.; Catry, P.; Paiva, V. H. Sexual dimorphism and at-sea foraging behavior of Cory’s shearwater breeding in Selvagem Grande and Berlengas,VII Congresso de Ornitologia da Sociedade Portuguesa para o Estudo das Aves e I Jornadas Macaronésicas de Ornitologia,Machico, Madeira,2011 (Comunicação).
10. |
Paiva, Vitor H; Werner, A.; Angélico, M.; Marques, V.; Rodríguez, R.; Ramírez, I.; Ramos, J.A.; Garthe, S.; Stratoudakis, Y.. Revealing the whole story: Small-scale habitat use by breeders, non-breeders, males and females of Cory’s Shearwaters around
Berlengas Island,VII Congresso de Ornitologia da Sociedade Portuguesa para o Estudo das Aves e I Jornadas Macaronésicas de Ornitologia,Machico, Madeira,2011 (Comunicação).
11. |
Paiva, Vitor H; Geraldes, P; Ramírez, I.; Garthe, S. Dramatic inter-annual change in the foraging distribution and effort of Cory’s Shearwater (Calonectris borealis) breeding
in Berlenga,VII Congresso de Ornitologia da Sociedade Portuguesa para o Estudo das Aves e I Jornadas Macaronésicas de Ornitologia,Machico, Madeira,2011 (Poster).
12. |
Xavier, J.C.; Ramos, J.A.; Ceia, F.R.; Collins, M.; Lourenço, S.; Vieira, R. P; Paiva, Vítor H; Cruz, B.; Phillips, R. A; Cherel, Y.; Murphy, E.; Wadley, V.; Van de P. A; Baeseman, J.; Marques, J.C.. Project POLAR: Major Results on Antarctic Marine Ecology,III Portuguese Conference for Polar Sciences,Coimbra,2011 (Comunicação). |
13. |
Amorim, P.; Paiva, V. H; Geraldes, P.; Ramírez, I.; , Meirinho. Important areas for seabirds in Azores,1st World Seabird Conference, Victoria ,2010 (Comunicação). |
14. |
Paiva, V. H; Geraldes, P.; Ramírez, I.; , Meirinho; Ramos, J.A.; Garthe, S. The foraging plasticity of a pelagic seabird species feeding along a marine productivity gradient,1st World Seabird Conference,Victoria,2010 (Comunicação). |
15. |
Paiva, V. H. R. Setting limits for hotspot and IBA identification in Portugal. Using seabird satellite tracking data to identify marine IBAs,An international workshop to determine how to achieve this goal,Chizé,2009 (Comunicação). |
16. |
Paiva, V. H; Geraldes, P; Ramírez, I.; Ramos, J.A.. Foraging along a marine productivity gradient: The plasticity of a pelagic seabird species, the Cory’s shearwater,VI Congresso de Ornitologia da Sociedade Portuguesa para o Estudo das Aves e IV Congresso Ibérico de Ornitologia,Elvas,2009 (Comunicação). |
17. |
Paiva, Vitor H. Setting thresholds for how much data is enough? Using seabird satellite tracking data to identify marine IBAs,An international workshop to determine how to achieve this goal,Chizé,2009 (Comunicação). |
18. |
Paiva, V. H; Geraldes, P; , Meirinho; Ramírez, I.; Ramos, J.A.; Garthe, S. Foraging along a marine productivity gradient: The plasticity of a pelagic seabird species, the Cory’s shearwater,Seabird Group 10th International Conference,Bruges ,2009 (Comunicação). |
19. |
Tavares, P.C.; Pires, A.E.; Simões, F.; Paiva, V. H; Ramos, J.A.; Bried, J.; Santos, R.S.; Lecoq, M.; Geraldes, P; Pereira, M.E.; Duarte, A.C.; Furness, R.W.. Can molecular biomarkers be related to contamination in wildlife birds? Preliminary data using DNA strand breakage and mercury
contamination levels in chicks,Congresso internacional SETAC,Aveiro,2007 (Comunicação). |
20. |
Paiva, V. H; Geraldes, P.; Meirinho, A; Ramírez, I.; Ramos, J.A.; Garthe, S. Temporal patterns on Foraging Activity and at-Sea Distribution of Cory’s Shearwaters in the Macaronesian Region,31st Annual Meeting of the Waterbird Society,Barcelona,2007 (Comunicação). |
21. |
Amorim, P.; Paiva, V. H; Geraldes, P; Ramírez, I.; Meirinho, A. Marine Important Bird Areas: towards the effective protection of seabirds at sea,European Marine Protected Areas Symposium,Murcia,2007 (Comunicação). |
22. |
Pep, A.; Bécares, J.; Ramírez, I.; Geraldes, P; Paiva, V. H; , Meirinho. Marine IBA developments in Spain and Portugal,31st Annual Meeting of the Waterbird Society,Barcelona ,2007 (Comunicação). |
23. |
Paiva, V. H; Ramírez, I.; Tavares, J.. Integrating biodiversity protection into marine resource use and planning – Identification of marine protected areas for offshore
seabirds in the Mediterranean – A new project idea for territorial co-operation projects on 'Environment and Economy‘,Greening Development Regional Programs,Logroño,2007 (Comunicação). |
24. |
Tavares, P.C.; Pires, A.E.; Simões, F.; Paiva, V. H; Ramos, J.A.; Bried, J.; Santos, R.S.; Lecoq, M.; Geraldes, P; Pereira, M.E.; Duarte, A.C.; Furness, R.W.. Can molecular biomarkers be related to contamination in wildlife birds? Preliminary data using DNA strand breakage and mercury
contamination levels in chicks,7th International Symposium on the Biology of Terrestrial Isopods,Tunis,2007 (Comunicação). |
25. |
Paiva, V. H; Ramos, J.A.; Pedro, P.; Medeiros, R.. Ecologia alimentar e modelação do crescimento de crias de Chilreta na Ria Formosa, Portugal,V Congresso de Ornitologia da Sociedade Portuguesa para o Estudo das Aves,Oeiras,2006 (Comunicação). |
26. |
Paiva, V. H. Little Terns as indicators of environmental change in coastal areas,Annual Meeting of the Institutes of Marine Research,Faro,2004 (Poster). |
27. |
Paiva, V. H. Estudo do crescimento e dieta de crias de Sterna albifrons na Ria Formosa, Portugal, de 2002 a 2004,9º Encontro Nacional de Ecologia. Sociedade Portuguesa de Ecologia,Coimbra,2004 (Comunicação). |
28. |
Paiva, V. H. Habitat selection of Pin-tailed sandgrouse Pterocles alchata in International Tejo Natural Park, Portugal,International Symposium on Ecology and Conservation of Steppe-Land Birds,Lleida,2004 (Poster). |
29. |
Paiva, V. H. Range contraction on distribution of Pin-tailed sandgrouse Pterocles alchata in Portugal,International Congress: Rural ecossystems and biological richness, main threats and conservation measures,Castro Verde ,2004 (Poster). |
30. |
Paiva, V. H. Reproduction parameters of breeding birds of salinas and beaches at Ria Formosa Natural Park, I International Congress "Birds of the Atlantic"-Sociedade Portuguesa para o estudo das Aves,São Vicente, Madeira,2004 (Poster). |
31. |
Paiva, V. H. Selecção de habitat e parâmetros reprodutores de Chilreta Sterna albifrons em praias e salinas da Ria Formosa,II Jornadas Ibéricas de Ornitologia,Aveiro,2003 (Comunicação). |
32. |
Paiva, V. H. Alterações ao uso do habitat de nidificação da Andorinha-do-mar-anã Sterna albifrons no último século: uma resposta à acção
antropogénica, IV Congresso de Ornitologia da SPEA e II Jornadas Ibéricas de Ornitologia,Aveiro,2003 (Poster). |
33. |
Paiva, V. H. Crescimento e dieta de crias de Sterna albifrons na Ria Formosa,IV Congresso de Ornitologia da Sociedade Portuguesa para o Estudo das Aves ,Aveiro ,2003 (Comunicação). |
Programa de rádio ou TV Radio or TV show |
1. |
Paiva, V. H. R. Bioesfera,2007 (Entrevista). |
Relatório de investigação Technical report |
1. |
Fagundes, I.; Favaro, E.; Fidalgo, V.; Ramos, U.; Gouveia, C.; Nunes, F.; Barcelló, L.; Gozalbez, M.; Medeiros, R.; Xavier, J.; Ramos, J. A. Feeding ecology and at-sea moviments of Macaronesian shearwaters in the North Atlantic,2012. BOU Ornithological. |
2. |
Paiva, V. H. R. BirdLife International. Habitat modelling using satellite tracking data: a workshop to advance this process. Results from
a workshop held 21 – 23 September 2011 at University of Coimbra, Portugal. BirdLife International report. Cambridge, UK.,2011. |
3. |
Paiva, V. H. R. BirdLife International. Marine Important Bird Areas toolkit: standardized techniques for identifying priority sites for the
conservation of seabirds at-sea. BirdLife International, Cambridge UK. Version 1.1: May 2010,2010. |
4. |
Paiva, V. H. R. Final LIFE official report: Marine Important Bird areas LIFE04 NAT/PT/000213 (,2009. |
5. |
Paiva, V. H. R. Portuguese Marine Important Bird Areas Guidelines. A summary of the two workshops organized within the LIFE04NAT/PT/000213
Project. SPEA & BirdLife International.,2008. |
Dados Complementares (Additional data)
Tese de Doutoramento Phd Thesis |
1. |
Lucas Krüger Garcia, Seabird conservation on a latitude gradient: how seabird species from temperate to polar regions react to environmental change
and Human stressors, 2016. Tese (Biologia) - Universidade de Coimbra (Co-orientador). Co-supervision with Jaime A. Ramos and José Xavier, University of Coimbra and Virginia Petry, University of Vale do Rio dos
Sinos. |
2. |
Isabel Fagundes, Feeding ecology and at-sea movements of Little Shearwaters in the North Atlantic, 2014. Tese (Biologia, Especialidade Ecologia) - Universidade de Coimbra (Co-orientador). Co-supervision with Jaime A. Ramos, FCTUC, University of Coimbra. |
3. |
Iván Ramírez, Describing the distribution and identifying key areas for pelagic seabirds in Macaronesia: Building the scientific basis for
the selection of offshore marine protected areas, 2013. Tese (Ecology) - Universitat Kiel (Christian-Albrechts) (Co-orientador). Co-supervision with Stefan Garthe, FTZ, University of Kiel. |
Dissertação de Mestrado Master degree dissertation |
1. |
Fredrik Duvholt Haug, How body size, sex and age modulates the foraging strategies and at-sea behaviour of closely related marine top predator species, 2012. Dissertação (International Master in Applied Ecology) - Universidade de Coimbra (Co-orientador). (ERASMUS MUNDUS program)
Co-supervision with Jaime A. Ramos, FCTUC, University of Coimbra. |
2. |
Vera Fidalgo, Foraging ecology and at-sea usage of Yellow-legged Gull in the Portuguese coast, 2012. Dissertação (Biologia, Especialidade Ecologia) - Universidade de Coimbra (Co-orientador). Co-supervision with Jaime A. Ramos, FCTUC, University of Coimbra. |
3. |
Enrico Favaro, Nest site selection and breeding parameters of Little Shearwaters in the North Atlantic, 2011. Dissertação (Biologia, Especialidade Ecologia) - Universidade de Coimbra (Co-orientador). Co-supervision with Jaime A. Ramos, FCTUC, University of Coimbra. |
4. |
Antje Chiu Werner, Pre-breeding period in Cory’s shearwater: bird quality and foraging behaviour, 2010. Dissertação (International Master in Applied Ecology) - Universidade de Coimbra (Co-orientador). (ERASMUS MUNDUS program)
Co-supervision with Jaime A. Ramos, FCTUC, University of Coimbra. |
1. |
Andre Marques, Breeding, Feeding and Foraging Ecology of Urban Gulls, 2015. Dissertação (Biologia, Especialidade Ecologia) - Universidade de Coimbra (Co-orientador). Co-supervision with Jaime A. Ramos, FCTUC, University of Coimbra. |
2. |
Catarina Lopes, The impact of the abandonment of Human salt-pans on the nesting habitat selection by estuarine birds, 2014. Dissertação (Biologia, Especialidade Ecologia) - Universidade de Coimbra (Co-orientador). Co-supervision with Jaime A. Ramos, FCTUC, University of Coimbra. |
3. |
Joana Faria, How the at-sea distribution of a seabird flagship species may help to understand the usefulness of Marine Protected Areas
(MPAs) as a tool for marine conservation, 2014. Dissertação (Biologia, Especialidade Ecologia) - Universidade de Coimbra (Co-orientador). Co-supervision with Jaime A. Ramos, FCTUC, University of Coimbra. |
4. |
Rahel Borrmann, Spatial Ecology of Yellow-legged Gulls, 2013. Dissertação (Environmental Management) - Universitat Kiel (Christian-Albrechts) (Co-orientador). Co-supervision with Wilhelm Windhorst, University of Kiel, Gemany. |
5. |
Margarida Soares, Foraging Ecology of Cory’s shearwater breeding in Porto Santo islets, 2013. Dissertação (Biologia, Especialidade Ecologia) - Universidade de Coimbra (Co-orientador). Co-supervision with Jaime A. Ramos, FCTUC, University of Coimbra. |
6. |
Urtelinda Ramos, Breeding Ecology of Macaronesian shearwaters, 2013. Dissertação (Biologia, Especialidade Ecologia) - Universidade de Coimbra (Co-orientador). Co-supervision with Jaime A. Ramos, FCTUC, University of Coimbra. |
7. |
Rogério Missagia, At-sea behaviour of a pelagic predator on its wintering grounds, 2013. Dissertação (Applied Ecology) - Universidade de Coimbra (Co-orientador). (ERASMUS MUNDUS program)
Co-supervision with Jaime A. Ramos, FCTUC, University of Coimbra. |
Participação no júri de Graus Académicos Academic Degrees jury participation |
1. |
Paiva, Vitor Hugo Rodrigues. Participação no júri de Vera Romão. Trophic Ecology of Pelagic and Coastal Seabirds, 2012. Dissertação (Biologia, Especialidade Ecologia) - Universidade de Coimbra. (Opponent). |
2. |
Paiva, Vitor Hugo Rodrigues. Participação no júri de Sue Bloom. Behaviour ecology of white chinned petrels: feeding and diving ecology and its implications in conservation, 2012. Dissertação (Biologia, Especialidade Ecologia) - Universidade de Coimbra. (Opponent). |
3. |
Paiva, Vitor Hugo Rodrigues. Participação no júri de Pedro Amorim. Dieta e Ecologia Alimentar de Garajau-rosado (Sterna dougallii) no Oceano Índico, 2010. Dissertação (Biologia, Especialidade Ecologia) - Universidade de Coimbra. (Opponent). |
4. |
Paiva, Vitor Hugo Rodrigues. Participação no júri de Antje Chiu Werner. Pre-breeding period in Cory’s shearwater: bird quality and foraging behaviour, 2010. Dissertação (Biologia, Especialidade Ecologia) - Universidade de Coimbra. (Opponent). |
Participação em eventos Event participation |
Participação como Keynote Speaker Participation as Keynote Speaker |
1. |
Education meets Science: Bringing Polar Research into the Classrooms, 2013 (Workshop). Nome da Instituição: Ciencia Viva; Cidade do evento: Coimbra / University of Coimbra. Participation and local organizing committee. |
2. |
Using habitat modelling to identify marine IBAs in the Atlantic and Indian Ocean. BirdLife International, 2011 (Workshop). Nome da Instituição: Run Sea Science Project – ECOMAR lab; Cidade do evento: Réunion / University of La Réunion. |
3. |
Ideal Methodologies for Habitat Modelling of Top Marine Predators using remote tracking data: the tools to help the design
of Pelagic Marine Protected Areas, 2011 (Workshop). Nome da Instituição: BirdLife International and FCT; Cidade do evento: Coimbra / University of Coimbra. Participation and local organizing committee. |
4. |
Using seabird satellite tracking data to identify marine IBAs. BirdLife International, 2009 (Workshop). Nome da Instituição: BirdLife International; Cidade do evento: Chize. |
Participação editorial em revistas Magazine editorial participation |
1. |
Paiva, Vitor Hugo Rodrigues. Deep-Sea Research Part II, Função ou tipo de participação: Reviewer. |
2. |
Paiva, Vitor Hugo Rodrigues. Ibis [4], Função ou tipo de participação: Reviewer. |
3. |
Paiva, Vitor Hugo Rodrigues. Marine Biology [3], Função ou tipo de participação: Reviewer. |
4. |
Paiva, Vitor Hugo Rodrigues. Ardea, Função ou tipo de participação: Reviewer. |
5. |
Paiva, Vitor Hugo Rodrigues. Journal of Field Ornithology [3], Função ou tipo de participação: Reviewer. |
6. |
Paiva, Vitor Hugo Rodrigues. Biological Conservation. |
7. |
Paiva, Vitor Hugo Rodrigues. Endangered Species Research, Função ou tipo de participação: Reviewer. |
8. |
Paiva, Vitor Hugo Rodrigues. Airo (Portuguese Journal of Ornithology), Função ou tipo de participação: Editor. Invited Executive Editor of Airo (Portuguese Journal of Ornithology). |
9. |
Paiva, Vitor Hugo Rodrigues. Deep-Sea Research Part I, Função ou tipo de participação: Reviewer. |
10. |
Paiva, Vitor Hugo Rodrigues. Estuarine Coastal and Shelf Science, Função ou tipo de participação: Reviewer. |
11. |
Paiva, Vitor Hugo Rodrigues. Italian Journal of Zoology [2], Função ou tipo de participação: Reviewer. |
12. |
Paiva, Vitor Hugo Rodrigues. Airo [7], Função ou tipo de participação: Reviewer. |
13. |
Paiva, Vitor Hugo Rodrigues. Ecography, Função ou tipo de participação: Reviewer. |
14. |
Paiva, Vitor Hugo Rodrigues. PLoSOne [3], Função ou tipo de participação: Reviewer. |
15. |
Paiva, Vitor Hugo Rodrigues. Ecological Modelling [2], Função ou tipo de participação: Reviewer. |
16. |
Paiva, Vitor Hugo Rodrigues. Marine Environmental Research, Função ou tipo de participação: Reviewer. |
17. |
Paiva, Vitor Hugo Rodrigues. Journal of the Royal Society Interface [2], Função ou tipo de participação: Reviewer. |
18. |
Paiva, Vitor Hugo Rodrigues. Journal of Sea Research, Função ou tipo de participação: Reviewer. |
19. |
Paiva, Vitor Hugo Rodrigues. Marine Ecology Progress Series [6], Função ou tipo de participação: Reviewer. |
Indicadores de produção
(Production indicators)
Produção científica
Scientific production |
Produção técnica
Technical production |
Dados complementares
data |
Produção científica Scientific production |
31 |
Livros e capítulos Books and book chapters |
2 |
Livros publicados ou organizados Published or organized books |
2 |
Artigos científicos em revistas Papers in periodics |
29 |
Com arbitragem científica With scientific refereeing |
14 |
Sem arbitragem científica Without scientific refereeing |
15 |
Produção técnica Technical production |
39 |
Outros tipos de produção técnica Other technical production |
39 |
Dados complementares (Additional data) |
41 |
Orientações Orientations |
14 |
Participação no Júri de Graus Académicos Academic Degrees jury participation |
4 |
Participação em Eventos Event participation |
4 |
Participação editorial em revistas Magazine editorial participation |
19 |
Outras informações relevantes
Domain of specialization: - Animal Spatial Ecology - Seabirds breeding and feeding Ecology - Environmental Contamination -
Animal Remote-tracking - Molecular Ecology - Conservation Biology - Biological Oceanography Present investigation interests:
- Birds and Habitats conservation - Studies about: Area usage, foraging strategies and at-sea distribution of seabirds - Trophodynamics
of Marine Ecosystems: Effects of environmental stochasticity and human disturbance on the marine food webs.
Technical skills:
Field work: on wild birds (seabirds, steppe land, passerines and others): behavioral observations, capture, banding, morphometric
measurements, blood sampling, chick manipulation, radio and satellite tracking, GPS, compass, pressure and geo-location loggers.
Bird ringing certificates from the Institute for the Conservation of Nature and Biodiversity of Portugal, for several different
seabird species
Lab work: analysis of radio and satellite tracking data, remotely-sensed environmental data extraction and analysis (SST,
Chl-a, SSH. . . ), animal location and habitat selection analysis and programming (Kernel density estimation, First-Passage
Time analysis,. . . ). Computation of the calorific content of samples using the calorimetric device PARR 1425,
Preparation of biological samples to perform stable isotopic analysis on a Flash EA for IRMS Delta V advantage Thermo device.
Software: programming with R/S-Plus, STATISTICA, SPSS, GIS (ArcView 3. 2 and ArcGIS 9. 2 with Spatial Analyst), MT-Comp
v6, MT-Dive v5.
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