Curriculum Vitae

António Gil Pereira de Castro

Data da última atualização »Last update : 16/03/2011

António Gil Pereira de Castro. É Professor Associado na Universidade do Minho. Publicou 26 artigos em revistas especializadas. Recebeu 3 prémios e/ou homenagens. Nas suas actividades profissionais interagiu com 100 colaboradores em co-autorias de trabalhos científicos.

Endereço de acesso a este CV:

Dados pessoais (Personal data)
Nome completo
Full name
António Gil Pereira de Castro
Nome em citações bibliográficas
Quoting name
Castro, António Gil Pereira de
Categoria profissional
Professor Associado
Endereço profissional
Professional address
Universidade do Minho
Escola de Ciências da Saúde
Instituto de Investigação em Ciências da Vida e da Saúde (ICVS)
Campus de Gualtar
4710-057 Braga
Telefone: (+351)253604815Extensão: 604815
Correio electrónico:

Graus Académicos (Academic Degrees)
1990-1994 Doutoramento
Microbiologia (3 anos » years) .
Universidade do Porto, Portugal.

1982-1987 Licenciatura
Licentiate degree
Biologia (4 anos » years) .
Universidade do Porto, Portugal.

Formação complementar ( studies)
2005-2008 Pós-Doutoramento
3 anos » years. DNAX Research Institute, Estados Unidos.

1998-2000 Pós-Doutoramento
2 anos » years. Fundação Calouste Gulbenkian, Portugal.

Vínculos profissionais (Professional Positions)
Universidade do Minho
Out/2002-Actual Professor Associado

Universidade do Porto
Out/2001-Set/2002 Professor Auxiliar

Cooperativa de Ensino Superior Politécnico e Universitário
Out/2000-Set/2002 Professor Auxiliar

Prémios e títulos (Awards Prizes, and Honours)
1994 Prémio Pfizer de Investigação, Pfizer.
2006 Prémio Citomed R&D, Melhor Poster, Citomed R&D.
2006 Prémio de Excelência em Imunologia Mário Arala Chaves, Sociedade Portuguêsa de Imunologia.
2010 SPI Best Paper Award, 2010, Sociedade Portuguêsa de Imunologia.
2010 Prémio Pulido Valente Ciência 2010, Fundação Professor Francisco Pulido Valente e Fundação para a Ciência e Tecnologia.

Produção científica, técnica e artística/cultural (Scientific, technical and artistical/cultural production)
Artigos em revistas com arbitragem científica
Papers in periodics with scientific refereeing
1. Nobrega, Claudia; Roque, Susana; Nunes-Alves, Cláudio; Coelho, Angela; Medeiros, Irene; Castro, António G; Appelberg, Rui; Correia-Neves, Margarida. 2010. "Dissemination of mycobacteria to the thymus renders newly generated T cells tolerant to the invading pathogen", Journal of Immunology {(Baltimore,} Md.: 1950) 184, 1: 351 - 358.
2. Oliveira, João T; Santos, Tírcia C; Martins, Luís; Picciochi, Ricardo; Marques, Alexandra P; Castro, António G; Neves, Nuno M; Mano, João F; Reis, Rui L. 2010. "Gellan gum injectable hydrogels for cartilage tissue engineering applications: in vitro studies and preliminary in vivo evaluation", Tissue Engineering. Part A 16, 1: 343 - 353.
3. Torrado, Egídio; Fraga, Alexandra G; Logarinho, Elsa; Martins, Teresa G; Carmona, Jenny A; Gama, José B; Carvalho, Maria A; Proença, Fernanda; Castro, Antonio G; Pedrosa, Jorge. 2010. "{IFN-gamma-dependent} activation of macrophages during experimental infections by Mycobacterium ulcerans is impaired by the toxin mycolactone", Journal of Immunology {(Baltimore,} Md.: 1950) 184, 2: 947 - 955.
4. Teixeira, Luzia; Botelho, Ana S; Mesquita, Sandro D; Correia, Alexandra; Cerca, Filipe; Costa, Renata; Sampaio, Paula; Castro, António G; Vilanova, Manuel. 2010. "Plasmacytoid and conventional dendritic cells are early producers of {IL-12} in Neospora caninum-infected mice", Immunology and Cell Biology 88, 1: 79 - 86.
5. Almeida, A J; Cunha, C; Carmona, J A; Sampaio-Marques, B; Carvalho, A; Malavazi, I; Steensma, H Y; Johnson, D I; Leão, C; Logarinho, E; Goldman, G H; Castro, A G; Ludovico, P; Rodrigues, F. 2009. "Cdc42p controls yeast-cell shape and virulence of Paracoccidioides brasiliensis", Fungal Genetics and Biology: {FG} \& B 46, 12: 919 - 926.
6. Oliveira, J T; Santos, T C; Martins, L; Silva, M A; Marques, A P; Castro, A G; Neves, N M; Reis, R L. 2009. "Performance of new gellan gum hydrogels combined with human articular chondrocytes for cartilage regeneration when subcutaneously implanted in nude mice", Journal of Tissue Engineering and Regenerative Medicine 3, 7: 493 - 500.
7. Gaspar, M M; Cruz, A; Fraga, A G; Castro, A G; Cruz, M E. M; Pedrosa, J. 2008. "Developments on drug delivery systems for the treatment of mycobacterial infections", Current Topics in Medicinal Chemistry 8, 7: 579 - 591.
8. Mesquita, Ana R; Correia-Neves, Margarida; Roque, Susana; Castro, António G; Vieira, Paulo; Pedrosa, Jorge; Palha, Joana A; Sousa, Nuno. 2008. "{IL-10} modulates depressive-like behavior", Journal of Psychiatric Research 43, 2: 89 - 97.
9. Lima-Rodrigues, Manuel; Valle-Fernandes, Ana; Lamas, Nuno; Cruz, Andrea; Baltazar, Fátima; Milanezi, Fernanda; Nunes, Rui; Reis, Rui M; Pedrosa, Jorge; Castro, António G; Almeida, Armando. 2008. "A new model of laryngitis: neuropeptide, cyclooxygenase, and cytokine profile", The Laryngoscope 118, 1: 78 - 86.
10. Teixeira, L; Botelho, A S; Batista, A R; Meireles, C S; Ribeiro, A; Domingues, H S; Costa, J M. C. D; Castro, A G; Faustino, A M. R; Vilanova, M. 2007. "Analysis of the immune response to Neospora caninum in a model of intragastric infection in mice", Parasite Immunology 29, 1: 23 - 36.
11. Torrado, Egídio; Fraga, Alexandra G; Castro, António G; Stragier, Pieter; Meyers, Wayne M; Portaels, Françoise; Silva, Manuel T; Pedrosa, Jorge. 2007. "Evidence for an intramacrophage growth phase of Mycobacterium ulcerans", Infection and Immunity 75, 2: 977 - 987.
12. Torrado, Egídio; Adusumilli, Sarojini; Fraga, Alexandra G; Small, Pamela L. C; Castro, António G; Pedrosa, Jorge. 2007. "Mycolactone-mediated inhibition of tumor necrosis factor production by macrophages infected with Mycobacterium ulcerans has implications for the control of infection", Infection and Immunity 75, 8: 3979 - 3988.
13. Santos, T C; Marques, A P; Silva, S S; Oliveira, J M; Mano, J F; Castro, A G; Reis, R L. 2007. "In vitro evaluation of the behaviour of human polymorphonuclear neutrophils in direct contact with chitosan-based membranes", Journal of Biotechnology 132, 2: 218 - 226.
14. Botelho, A S; Teixeira, L; Correia-da-Costa, J M; Faustino, A M. R; Castro, A G; Vilanova, M. 2007. "Neospora caninum: high susceptibility to the parasite in {C57BL/10ScCr} mice", Experimental Parasitology 115, 1: 68 - 75.
15. Cruz, Andrea; Khader, Shabaana A; Torrado, Egidio; Fraga, Alexandra; Pearl, John E; Pedrosa, Jorge; Cooper, Andrea M; Castro, António G. 2006. "Cutting edge: {IFN-gamma} regulates the induction and expansion of {IL-17-producing} {CD4} T cells during mycobacterial infection", Journal of Immunology {(Baltimore,} Md.: 1950) 177, 3: 1416 - 1420.
16. Neighbors, Margaret; Hartley, Suzanne B; Xu, Xiuling; Castro, Antonio G; Bouley, Donna M; O'Garra, Anne. 2006. "Breakpoints in immunoregulation required for Th1 cells to induce diabetes", European Journal of Immunology 36, 9: 2315 - 2323.
17. Oliveira, Martinha S; Fraga, Alexandra G; Torrado, Egídio; Castro, António G; Pereira, João P; Filho, Adhemar L; Milanezi, Fernanda; Schmitt, Fernando C; Meyers, Wayne M; Portaels, Françoise; Silva, Manuel T; Pedrosa, Jorge. 2005. "Infection with Mycobacterium ulcerans induces persistent inflammatory responses in mice", Infection and Immunity 73, 10: 6299 - 6310.
18. Castro, A G; Neighbors, M; Hurst, S D; Zonin, F; Silva, R A; Murphy, E; Liu, Y J; O'Garra, A. 2000. "Anti-interleukin 10 receptor monoclonal antibody is an adjuvant for T helper cell type 1 responses to soluble antigen only in the presence of lipopolysaccharide", The Journal of Experimental Medicine 192, 10: 1529 - 1534.
19. Castro, A G; Hauser, T M; Cocks, B G; Abrams, J; Zurawski, S; Churakova, T; Zonin, F; Robinson, D; Tangye, S G; Aversa, G; Nichols, K E; Vries, J E.; Lanier, L L; O'Garra, A. 1999. "Molecular and functional characterization of mouse signaling lymphocytic activation molecule {(SLAM):} differential expression and responsiveness in Th1 and Th2 cells", Journal of Immunology {(Baltimore,} Md.: 1950) 163, 11: 5860 - 5870.
20. Castro, A G; Silva, R A; Appelberg, R. 1995. "Endogenously produced {IL-12} is required for the induction of protective T cells during Mycobacterium avium infections in mice", Journal of Immunology {(Baltimore,} Md.: 1950) 155, 4: 2013 - 2019.
21. Castro, A G; Silva, R A; Minóprio, P; Appelberg, R. 1995. "In vivo evidence for a {non-T} cell origin of interleukin-5", Scandinavian Journal of Immunology 41, 3: 288 - 292.
22. Appelberg, R; Castro, A G; Gomes, S; Pedrosa, J; Silva, M T. 1995. "Susceptibility of beige mice to Mycobacterium avium: role of neutrophils", Infection and Immunity 63, 9: 3381 - 3387.
23. Castro, A G; Minóprio, P; Appelberg, R. 1995. "The relative impact of bacterial virulence and host genetic background on cytokine expression during Mycobacterium avium infection of mice", Immunology 85, 4: 556 - 561.
24. Appelberg, R; Sarmento, A; Castro, A G. 1995. "Tumour necrosis factor-alpha {(TNF-alpha)} in the host resistance to mycobacteria of distinct virulence", Clinical and Experimental Immunology 101, 2: 308 - 313.
25. Pedrosa, J; Flórido, M; Kunze, Z M; Castro, A G; Portaels, F; McFadden, J; Silva, M T; Appelberg, R. 1994. "Characterization of the virulence of Mycobacterium avium complex {(MAC)} isolates in mice", Clinical and Experimental Immunology 98, 2: 210 - 216.
26. Appelberg, R; Castro, A G; Silva, M T. 1994. "Neutrophils as effector cells of T-cell-mediated, acquired immunity in murine listeriosis", Immunology 83, 2: 302 - 307.
27. Appelberg, R; Castro, A G; Pedrosa, J; Silva, R A; Orme, I M; Minóprio, P. 1994. "Role of gamma interferon and tumor necrosis factor alpha during T-cell-independent and -dependent phases of Mycobacterium avium infection", Infection and Immunity 62, 9: 3962 - 3971.
28. Appelberg, R; Castro, A G; Pedrosa, J; Minóprio, P. 1994. "Role of interleukin-6 in the induction of protective T cells during mycobacterial infections in mice", Immunology 82, 3: 361 - 364.
29. Castro, A G; Esaguy, N; Macedo, P M; Aguas, A P; Silva, M T. 1991. "Live but not heat-killed mycobacteria cause rapid chemotaxis of large numbers of eosinophils in vivo and are ingested by the attracted granulocytes", Infection and Immunity 59, 9: 3009 - 3014.

Indicadores de produção (Production indicators)

Produção científica
Scientific production

Artigos científicos em revistas
Papers in periodics
Com arbitragem científica
With scientific refereeing

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