1. personal data |
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name |
Rute Isabel Costa Pinto |
address |
MARE - Marine and Environmental Sciences Centre
Department of Life Sciences
University of Coimbra
Largo Marques de Pombal
3004-517 Coimbra, Portugal |
contact data |
tel. |
+351 239837797 |
fax. |
+351 239823603 |
email |
rutepinto@ci.uc.pt |
Orcid  |
2. academic degree |
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year |
academic degree |
scientific area |
institution |
2004 |
Graduation |
Biology |
University of Coimbra |
2007 |
MSc |
Ecology |
University of Coimbra |
2012 |
PhD |
Biology |
University of Coimbra |
2008 |
other |
Economy Post-Graduation: ‘Diploma de Estudos Básicos em Economia’ |
Faculty of Economy of University of Coimbra |
3. area of scientific activity |
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domain of specialization |
Ecosystem goods and services approach | ecosystem stability | Sustainability | Estuaries | Ecological Indicators | Benthos |
present investigation interests |
Policies and ecosystem management | Socio-ecological systems | Ecosystem resilience | Biodiversity-ecosystem functioning | Complex systems ecology |
other skills/activities |
4. coordination/participation of research projects |
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With Portuguese national financial support |
As a member of team:
Title: Millennium Ecosystem Assessment - Portuguese evaluation.
Title: Estudo piloto do estuário do Mondego no âmbito da implementação do programa Objectivos de Qualidade AMBIENTAL – Eutrofização (ECOQOS-EUTRO-OSPAR). Harmonização dos critérios OSPAR com a Directiva Quadro da Água Europeia.
Duration: 2005-present
Funding: INAG (contract nº 2004/067/INAG)
Coordinator: João Carlos Marques (IMAR-CIC)
Title: Effects of extreme freshwater input fluctuations on the ecological status assessment in estuarine ecosystems - the benthic perspective (EXTREMIS)
Duration: 2008-2009
Funding: University of Coimbra
Coordinator: Joana Patrício (IMAR-CIC)
Title: Resposta dinâmica do sistema a um amplo restabelecimento artificial da ligação a montante entre os dois braços do estuário do Mondego (Portugal): Implicações para a recuperação, estado ecológico e gestão (RECCONNECT)
Duration: 2008-2010
Funding: FCT (PTDC/MAR/64627/2006)
Coordinator: João Carlos Marques (IMAR-CIC)
Title: MINHO, MONDEGO, AND MIRA ESTUARIES observatory: Long term vaRiation of ECOLOGICAL sTAtus as a response to naturaL and human induced changes. implications for management and restoration (3M_RECITAL)
Duration: 2011-2014
Funding: LTER/BIA-BEC/0019/2009
Coordinator: João Carlos Marques (IMAR-CIC)
With international financial support |
Title: POLICYMIX (Assessing the role of economic instruments in policy mixes for biodiversity conservation and ecosystem services provision)
Duration: 2010-2014
Funding: Commission of the European Communities (7th Framework Programme of RTD)
Coordinator: David Barton
Duration: 2013-2015
Funding: Commission of the European Communities (7th Framework Programme of RTD)
Coordinator: Esteban Castro
Title: ESAWADI (Utilizing the Ecosystem Services Approach for Water Framework Directive Implementation)
Duration: 2010-2012
Funding: Commission of the European Communities
Title: WISER – Water Bodies in Europe: Integrative systems to assess ecological status and recovery (FP7-ENV-2008-1).
Duration: 2009-2012
Funding: Commission of the European Communities (contract n° 015226)
Title: WADI (Sustainable management of Mediterranean coastal fresh and transitional water bodies: a socioeconomic and environmental analysis of changes and trends to enhance and sustain stakeholders’ benefits)
Duration: 2006-2008
Funding: Commission of the European Communities (contract n° 015226)
Coordinator: Felicita Scapini, Department of Animal Biology and Genetics, University of Florence, Italy
Services rendered |
5. membership in scientific societies |
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6. referee and editor of scientific journals |
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Agriculture, Ecosystems and Environment | Ambiente & Água - An Interdisciplinary Journal of Applied Science | Beverages | Chinese Journal of Oceanology and Limnology | Ecological Indicators | Environment, Development and Sustainability | Environmental Engineering and Management Journal | Environmental Processes | Estuarine, Coastal and Shelf Science | Frontiers of Earth Science | Journal of Ecology and the Natural Environment | Journal of Environmental Planning and Management | Journal of Geophysics & Remote Sensing | Marine Ecology | Marine Ecology Progress Series | Marine Environmental Research | Ocean and Coastal Management | Science of the Total Environment | Sustainability | Water |
7. publications |
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papers in international scientific periodicals with referee (ISI) |
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15. Pinto, R., Brouwer, R., Patrício, J., Abreu, P., Marta-Pedroso, C., Baeta, A., Franco, J., Domingos, T., Marques, J.C. 2016. Valuing estuarine ecosystem services in a river basin context: Testing sensitivity to scale. Estuarine and Coastal Shelf Science 169, 95 – 105 (doi:10.1016/j.ecss.2015.11.028).
14. Santos, R., Clemente, P., Brouwer, R., Antunes, P., Pinto, R. 2015. Landowner Preferences for Agri-Environmental Agreements to Conserve the Montado Ecosystem in Portugal. Ecological Economics 118, 159 – 167 (doi:10.1016/j.ecolecon.2015.07.028).
13. Pinto, R., Cunha, M.C., Roseta-Palma, C., Marques, J.C. 2014. Mainstreaming ecosystems’ sustainable decision-making: How to ensure the accurate integration of ecological and socio-economic targets within a Decision Support System? Environmental Processes 1, 7 – 19.
12. Pinto, R., de Jonge, V.N., Marques, J.C. 2014. Linking biodiversity indicators, ecosystem functioning, services provision and human wellbeing in estuarine ecosystems: Application of a conceptual framework. Ecological Indicators 36, 644 – 655 (doi:10.1016/j.ecolind.2013.09.015).
11. Pinto, R., de Jonge, V.N., Marques, J.C., Chainho, P., Medeiros, J.P., Patrício, J. 2013. Temporal stability in estuarine systems: Implications for ecosystem services provision. Ecological Indicators 24, 246 – 253 (doi:10.1016/j.ecolind.2012.06.022).
10. Pinto, R., de Jonge, V.N., Neto, J.M., Domingos, T., Marques, J.C., Patrício, J. 2013. Towards a DPSIR driven integration of ecological value, water uses and ecosystem services for estuarine systems. Ocean and Coastal Management 72, 64 – 79 (doi:10.1016/j.ocecoaman.2011.06.016).
9. Ceia, F.R., Patrício, J., Franco, J., Pinto, R., Fernández-Boo, S., Losi, V., Marques, J.C., Neto, J.M. 2013. Assessment of estuarine macrobenthic assemblages and ecological quality status at a dredging site in southern Europe estuary. Ocean and Coastal Management 72, 80 – 92 (doi:10.1016/j.ocecoaman.2011.07.009).
8. de Jonge, V.N., Pinto, R., Turner, K. 2012. Integrating ecological, economic and social aspects to generate useful management information under the EU Directives’ ‘Ecosystem Approach’. Ocean and Coastal Management 68, 169 – 188 (doi:10.1016/j.ocecoaman.2012.05.017).
7. Pinto, R., Patrício, J., Salas, F., Neto, J.M., Marques, J.C. 2010. Assessing estuarine quality under the ecosystem services scope: ecological and socio-economic aspects. Ecological Complexity 7, 389 – 402 (doi:10.1016/j.ecocom.2010.05.001).
6. Neto, J.M., Teixeira, H., Patrício, J., Baeta, A., Veríssimo, H., Pinto, R., Marques, J.C. 2010. The response of estuarine macrobenthic communities to natural- and human-induced changes: dynamics and ecological quality. Estuaries and Coasts (Ec 2000), 1327 – 1339 (doi:10.1007/s12237-010-9326-x).
5. Pinto, R., Patrício, J., Baeta, A., Fath, B.D., Neto, J., Marques, J.C. 2009. Review of Biotic Indices for application in Estuarine Environments. Ecological Indicators 9, 1 – 25 (doi:10.1016/j.ecolind.2008.01.005).
4. Baeta, A., Valiela, I., Rossi, F., Pinto, R., Richard, P., Niquil, N., Marques, J.C. 2009. Eutrophication and trophic structure in response to the presence of the eelgrass Zostera noltii. Marine Biology 156, 2107 – 2120 (doi:10.1007/s00227-009-1241-y)
3. Baeta, A., Pinto, R., Valiela, I., Richard, P., Niquil, N., Marques, J.C. 2009. 15N and 13C in the Mondego estuary food web: Seasonal and short-term variation in producers and consumers. Marine Environmental Research 67 (3), 109 – 116 (doi:10.1016/j.marenvres.2008.11.005).
2. Teixeira, H., Neto, J.M., Patrício, J., Veríssimo, H., Pinto, R., Salas, F., Marques, J.C. 2009. Quality assessment of benthic macroinvertebrates under the scope of WFD. BAT, the Portuguese Benthic Assessment Tool. Marine Pollution Bulletin 58(10), 1477 – 1486 (doi:10.1016/j.marpolbul.2009.06.006).
1. Teixeira, H.L., Salas, F., Neto, J.M., Patrício, J., Pinto, R., Veríssimo, H., Garcia-Charton, J.A., Marcos, C., Pérez-Ruzafa, A., Marques, J.C. 2008. Ecological indices tracking distinct impacts along disturbance-recovery gradients in a temperate NE Atlantic Estuary - guidance on reference values. Estuarine Coastal and Shelf Science 80, 130 – 140 (doi:10.1016/j.ecss.2008.07.017).
books |
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book chapters |
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6. Pinto, R., Marques, J.C. Ecosystem Services in Estuarine Systems: Implications for Management. 2015. In: Chicharo, L., Muller, F., Fohrer, N. (Eds). Ecosystem Services and River Basin Ecohydrology, Springer Science+Business Media Dordrecht (DOI 10.1007/978-94-017-9846-4_1). (in press)
5. Blancher, P., Vignon, C., Catalon, E., Maresca, B., Dujin, A., Mordet, X., Borowski, I., Neubauer, L., Rotter, S., Interwies, E., Cunha, M.C., Marques, J.C., Pinto, R., Palma, C. 2011. Ecosystem services approach for water framework directive implementation. Management of Natural Resources, Sustainable Development and Ecological Hazards III: Ecology and the Environment 148, 1743 – 3541.
4. Marques, J.C., Salas, F., Patrício, J., Neto, J., Teixeira, H., Pinto, R. 2010. Application of Ecological Indicators for the Assessment of Ecosystem Health in Estuaries and Coastal Zones. In Jørgensen, S.E., Xu, L., Costanza, R. (Eds) Handbook of Ecological Indicators for Assessment of Ecosystem Health (2nd Ed). CRC Press 211pp.
3. Pinto, R., Patrício, J., Salas, F., Neto, J.M., Marques, J.C. 2009. Assessing ecosystem services and goods: socio-economic and ecological aspects in the Mondego Basin. In Scapini, F., Boffa, J.M., Cassar, L.F., Conrad, E., Nardi, M. (Eds.) Sustainable management of Mediterranean coastal fresh and transitional water bodies: a socio-economic and environmental analysis of changes and trends to enhance and sustain stakeholder benefits. Firenze University Press (ISBN 978-88-6453-015-4).
2. Serrano, L., Serrano, O., Pinto, R., Zakhama, R., Ramsi, Y., Scapini, F., Bayed, A., Abdrabo, M., Farag, M.M., Baccar, F., Charfi, F., Rossano, C., Nourisson, D., Mateo, M.A. 2009. Ecological functioning of transitional water bodies: from conceptual and mechanistic models to management. In Scapini, F., Boffa, J.M., Cassar, L.F., Conrad, E., Nardi, M. (Eds.) Sustainable management of Mediterranean coastal fresh and transitional water bodies: a socio-economic and environmental analysis of changes and trends to enhance and sustain stakeholder benefits. Firenze University Press (ISBN 978-88-6453-015-4).
1. Pinto, R., Patrício, J., Salas, F., Neto, J.M., Marques, J.C. 2009. Avaliação dos bens e serviços de ecossistema na Bacia do Mondego no âmbito do Millennium Ecosystem Assessment (Capitulo 15).
proceedings of international meetings with referee |
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2013 » Pinto, R., Cunha, M.C., Roseta-Palma, C., Marques, J.C. Mainstreaming ecosystems’ sustainable decision-making: How to ensure the accurate integration of ecological and socio-economic targets within a Decision Support System? 8th International Conference of EWRA, Portugal, Porto, 26-29 June 2013.
2011 » Blancher, F., Vignon, C., Catalon, E., Maresca, B., Dujin, A., Mordet, X., Borowski, I., Neubauer, L., Rotter, S., Interwies, E., Cunha, M.C., Marques, J.C., Pinto, R., Palma, C. Ecosystem Services Approach for Water Framework Directive Implementation. Paper presented at the International Conference on Sustainable Development, Malaysia, Putrajaya, 5-7 December.
national journals, from portugal or from abroad, with peer review |
proceedings of portuguese national meetings |
editorial and book reviews |
technical reports |
8. Marques JC, Guilhermino L, Lopes R, Costa MJ, Vale C, et al. 2015. 3M_RECITAL - MINHO, MONDEGO, AND MIRA ESTUARIES observatory: Long term vaRiation of ECOLOGICAL sTAtus as a response to naturaL and human induced changes. Implications for management and restoration. Final Project Report, February 2015, 168 pp.
7. Barton, D.N., Bernasconi, P., Blumentrath, S., Brouwer, R., Oosterhuis, F., Pinto, R., Tobar, D. 2013. Guidelines for opportunity cost evaluation of conservation policy instruments – mapping applications in case studies. Technical Brief POLICYMIX: ‐ Assessing the role of economic instruments in policy mixes for biodiversity conservation and ecosystem services provision. Issue nº 11 (www.policymix.nina.no).
6. Rusch, G.M., Barton, D.N., Bernasconi, P., Ramos-Bendanã, Z., Pinto, R. 2013. Best practice guidelines for assessing effectiveness of instruments on biodiversity conservation and ecosystem services provision. Technical Brief POLICYMIX: ‐ Assessing the role of economic instruments in policy mixes for biodiversity conservation and ecosystem services provision. Issue nº 7 (www.policymix.nina.no).
5. Santos, R., Antunes, P., Clemente, P., Pinto, R., Ribas, T. 2013. Assessment of the role of economic instruments in the Portuguese conservation policymix - a fine grain analysis. POLICYMIX Report Issue Nº 1/2013 (www.policymix.nina.no).
4. Blancher, P., Girard L., Vignon, C., Catalan, E., Maresca, C., Dujin, A., Moderat, X., Borowski, I. Neubauer, L., Rotter, S., Interviews, E., da Conceição Cunha, M., Marques, J.-C., Pinto, R., Roseta Palma, C. 2011. ESAWADI Framework of Analysis (www.esawadi.eu).
3. Newton, A., Cristina, S., Guiomar, J., Goela, P.C., Fragoso, B., Marques, J.C., Neto, J.M., Teixeira, H., Patrício, J., Baeta, A., Pinto, R., Veríssimo, H., Rocha, F., Cunha, R., Vale, C. 2007. Reference Conditions and Intercalibration of Portuguese Coastal Waters. Intercalibration exercise of guidelines for the applications of the European Union Water Framework Directive, 135 p.
2. Marques, J.C., Neto, J.M., Patrício, J., Pinto, R., Teixeira, H., Veríssimo, H. 2007. Monitoring the Mondego estuary. Anthropogenic changes and their impact on ecological quality. Preliminary results from the first assessment of the effects of reopening the communication between the North and South arms on the eutrophication state of the system. Final Report, January 2007. IMAR/INAG, 87 pp.
1. Marques, J.C., Neto, J.M., Patrício, J., Pinto, R., Teixeira, H.L., Veríssimo, H. 2006. Estudo piloto do estuário do Mondego no âmbito da implementação do Programa Objectivos de Qualidade Ambiental Eutrofização (EcoQOs-Eutro-OSPAR). Harmonização dos critérios OSPAR com a Directiva Quadro da Água Europeia. Progress Report, March 2006. IMAR/INAG, 48p.
oral presentations |
Invited speaks:
» Pinto, R., Brouwer, R., de Jonge, V.N., Weller, C., Durr, H., Baeta, A., Marques, J.C. 2016. Linking ecosystem functioning to service provision to support sustainable policy and decision-making for coastal zones: Challenges and methodological issues. ECSA 56 Coastal systems in transition: From a 'natural' to an 'anthropogenically-modified' state, Bremen, Germany, 4-7 September 2016. (key note speaker)
» Pinto, R., Marques, J.C., Cunha, M.C. 2012. Avaliação dos Serviços prestados por ecossistemas na área do Baixo Mondego. Gestão Sustentável de Cidades: Infraestruturas & Ambiente. Department of Civil Engineering, Coimbra, Portugal, 12nd October.
» Pinto, R., Patrício, J., Marques, J.C. 2012. Pressões e Impactos na qualidade ecológica do estuário do Mondego: que implicações para os usos e serviços da água? XIII Jornadas sobre Conservação da Natureza e Educação Ambiental/EDS, Leiria, Portugal, 21-22 April.
Participation in congresses (10 out of 44):
» Pinto, R., Brouwer, R., Patrício, J., Marta-Pedroso, C., Baeta, A., Domingos, T., Marques, J.C. 2015. Integrated ecological-economic valuation of ecosystem services to support spatial planning and sustainable governance of coastal and marine ecosystems. 2015 ICES Annual Science Conference (ASC), Copenhagen, Denmark, 21-25 September 2015.
» Pinto, R., Teixeira, Z., Cunha, M.C. 2015. Sucessos, Fracassos e Replicação de Inovações Sociotécnicas: Implicações dos estudos de caso do projeto DESAFIO. Segunda Conferência Internacional “Democratização da política dos serviços de saneamento básico por meio de inovações sociotécnicas. Lições para enfrentar os desafios”. Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, 27-28 July.
» Pinto, R., Baeta, A., de Jonge, V., Marques, J.C. 2014. Linking biodiversity indicators, ecosystem functioning and provision of services in estuarine systems: application of a conceptual framework and new research opportunities. IMBER Future Oceans Conference – Research for marine sustainability: multiple stressors, drivers, challenges and solutions, Bergen, Norway, 23-27 June.
» Pinto, R., Antunes, P., Blumentrath, S., Santos, R., Clemente, P., Ribas, T. 2014. Evaluating the spatial targeting and planning effectiveness of policies: the example of an agri-environmental measure application in a
multifunctional system. International Conference on Policy Mixes in Environmental and Conservation Policies. Germany, Leipzig, 25-27 February 2014.
» Santos, R., Clemente, P., Brouwer, R., Antunes, P., Pinto, R. 2014. Using a choice experiment to link conservation objectives and farmer preferences in the design of Agri-Environmental Agreements. International Conference on Policy Mixes in Environmental and Conservation Policies. Germany, Leipzig, 25-27 February 2014.
» Pinto, R., Antunes, P., Santos, R., Clemente, P., Blumentrath, S. 2013. Targeting AEM in human shaped ecosystems in south-eastern Portugal. ESEE 2013 Conference: Ecological Economics and Institutional Dynamics. 10th biennal conference of the European Society for Ecological Economics. France, Lille, 18-21 June 2013
» Pinto, R., Cunha, M.C., Roseta-Palma, C., Marques, J.C. 2013. Mainstreaming ecosystems’ sustainable decision-making: How to ensure the accurate integration of ecological and socio-economic targets within a Decision Support System? 8th International Conference of EWRA, ‘Water Resources Management in an Interdisciplinary and Changing Context’ Portugal, Porto, 26-29 June 2013.
» de Jonge, V.N., Pinto, R., Turner, K. 2011. Integrating ecological, economic and social aspects to generate useful management information under the EU Directives’ ‘Ecosystem Approach’. ECSA local meeting (‘Estuarine and lagoon ecosystem trajectories’), CEMAGREF, Bordeaux, France 24-28 October.
» Pinto, R., Patrício, J., Neto, J.M., Domingos, T., Baeta, A., Marques, J.C. 2010. Integração da significância ecológica no contexto dos usos e serviços da água: aplicação da abordagem DPSIR ao estuário do Mondego. Ciência 2010: Encontro com a Ciência e a Tecnologia em Portugal, Lisbon, Portugal 5-7 July.
» Pinto, R., Patrício, J., Neto, J.M., Domingos, T., Baeta, A., Marques, J.C. 2009. Water uses and ecological cost’s evaluation: a DPSIR approach on the Mondego estuary. ECSA 45th meeting, Dublin, Ireland 30 August-04 September. |
posters |
8. supervising theses |
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» Claudia Cecilia Caro Vera. Analysis of ecosystem services in high Andean perturbated grasslands: the National Reserve of Júnin, Peru, as an illustrative example. |
9. language skills |
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language |
reading |
writing |
conversation |
portuguese |
first language |
first language |
first language |
english |
excelent |
very good |
very good |
french |
good |
basic |
basic |
spanish |
very good |
basic |
regular |
10. other information [e.g. patents] |
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