Curriculum Vitae

Cecilia Veracini

Data da última atualização »Last update : 21/10/2016

Dr. Cecilia Veracini is a graduate in Biological Science from the University of Pisa (Italy); she holds a MSc in Anthropology from the University of Florence and University of Barcelona in primates vocal communication. She received a Ph.D. in Anthropological Science from the Florence University (Italy) with a work of ecology of two species of Brazilian Amazonian primates. He served some years as Assistant Professor at the Florence and Pisa University. She worked as collaborator at the NIH (US) and at the Museums of Natural Hystory of Florence (Italy) and Museums of Natural Hystory of Barcelona (Spain) and in 2010 she received her second Doutorate in History of Science from Pisa University (Italy) working on the knowledge and the role of primates in Europe during Renaissance. She was involved in Neotropical primates and Amazonian conservation, also producing some videos about these topics. Her research interests include eco-etology of neotropical primates, history of zoology, primate vocal communication and rain forest conservation.

Endereço de acesso a este CV:

Dados pessoais (Personal data)
Nome completo
Full name
Cecilia Veracini
Nome em citações bibliográficas
Quoting name
Cecilia Veracini
Domínio científico de atuação
Scientific domain
Ciências Naturais-Outras Ciências Naturais.
Humanidades-Outras Humanidades.
Endereço profissional
Professional address
Universidade Técnica de Lisboa-ISCPS
Instituto Superior Ciencias Politicas e Socias
Rua Almerindo Lessa - Polo Universitario do Alto do Ajuda
Alto do Ajuda
1300-663 Lisboa
Telefone: (+351)213600497
Correio electrónico:

Graus Académicos (Academic Degrees)
2008-2011 Doutoramento
Historia da Ciencia (3 anos » years) .
Universita degli Studi - Pisa, Itália.

1997-1998 Mestrado
Master degree
European Master in Human Biology and Anthropology (1 anos » years) .
Università di Firenze, Itália.

1994-1997 Doutoramento
Ciencias Antropologicas (3 anos » years) .
Università di Firenze, Itália.

1992 Licenciatura
Licentiate degree
Ciencias Biologicas (4 anos » years) .
Università di Pisa, Itália.

Línguas (Languages)
Italiano (Bem), Português (Bem), Espanhol (Bem), Francês (Razoavelmente), Inglês (Bem), Outros (Razoavelmente).
Italiano (Bem), Português (Razoavelmente), Espanhol (Razoavelmente), Francês (Pouco), Inglês (Razoavelmente), Outros (Pouco).

Italiano (Bem), Português (Bem), Espanhol (Bem), Francês (Razoavelmente), Inglês (Bem), Outros (Razoavelmente).
Italiano (Bem), Português (Razoavelmente), Espanhol (Pouco), Francês (Pouco), Inglês (Razoavelmente), Outros (Pouco).

Outras informações relevantes
Cecilia Veracini is a graduate in Biological Science from the University of Pisa (Italy); she holds a MSc in Anthropology from the University of Florence and University of Barcelona in primates vocal communication.
She received a Ph.
in Anthropological Science from the Florence University (Italy) with a work of ecology of two species of Brazilian Amazonian primates.
He served some years as Assistant Professor at the Florence and Pisa University.
She worked as collaborator at the NIH (US) and at the Museums of Natural Hystory of Florence (Italy) and Museums of Natural Hystory of Barcelona (Spain) and in 2010 she received her second Doutorate in History of Science from Pisa University (Italy) working on the knowledge and the role of primates in Europe during Renaissance.
She was involved in Neotropical primates and Amazonian conservation, also producing some videos about these topics.
Her research interests include eco-etology of neotropical primates, history of zoology, primate vocal communication and rain forest conservation.

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