Curriculum Vitae

António Gaspar Lopes da Cunha

Data da última atualização »Last update : 19/12/2011

António Gaspar Lopes da Cunha Publicou 38 artigos em revistas especializadas e 94 trabalhos em actas de eventos, possui 10 capítulos de livros e 3 livros publicados. Recebeu 1 prémio e/ou homenagem. Actua na área de Engenharia dos Materiais Nas suas actividades profissionais interagiu com 117 colaboradores em co-autorias de trabalhos científicos.

Endereço de acesso a este CV:

Dados pessoais (Personal data)
Nome completo
Full name
António Gaspar Lopes da Cunha
Nome em citações bibliográficas
Quoting name
Gaspar-Cunha, António
Domínio científico de atuação
Scientific domain
Engenharia e Tecnologia-Engenharia dos Materiais.
Engenharia e Tecnologia-Nanotecnologia.
Engenharia e Tecnologia-Engenharia Electrotécnica, Electrónica e Informática.
Endereço profissional
Professional address
Universidade do Minho
Escola de Engenharia
Departamento de Engenharia de Polímeros
Campus de Azurém
4800-058 Guimarães
Telefone: (+351)25351024
Fax: (+351)253510339
Correio electrónico:

Graus Académicos (Academic Degrees)
1994-2000 Doutoramento
Ciência e Engenharia de Polímeros.
Universidade do Minho, Portugal.

1990 Licenciatura
Licentiate degree

Universidade do Minho, Portugal.

Línguas (Languages)
Português (Bem), Espanhol (Bem), Francês (Bem), Inglês (Bem).
Português (Bem), Espanhol (Pouco), Francês (Razoavelmente), Inglês (Bem).

Português (Bem), Espanhol (Bem), Francês (Bem), Inglês (Bem).
Português (Bem), Espanhol (Pouco), Francês (Razoavelmente), Inglês (Bem).

Prémios e títulos (Awards Prizes, and Honours)
2002 Prémio da Associação APDF (FCT/ Embaixada de França) , Prémio da Associação APDF (FCT/ Embaixada de França) .

Membro de Associações Profissionais/Científicas (Professional/Scientific Association membership)
Jan/2010 - Dez/2010 IEEEE, Membro.
Jan/2009 - Dez/2010 Society of Plastics Engineers, Membro.

Produção científica, técnica e artística/cultural (Scientific, technical and artistical/cultural production)
Livros publicados/organizados ou edições
Published/organized books or Editions
1. Gao, X; Gaspar-Cunha, António; Köppen, Mario; Schaefer, Gerald; Wang, J. eds. 2011. Soft Computing in Industrial Applications: Algorithms, Integration, and Success Stories ed. 1, ISBN: 3642112811. Sem local: Springer-Verlag Berlin / Heide.
2. Gaspar-Cunha, António; Takahashi, Ricardo; Schafer, Gerald; Costa, Lino. eds. 2011. Soft Computing in Industrial Applications ed. 1, ISBN: 978-3-642-20504-0. Sem local: Springer-Verlag Berlin / Heide.
3. Gaspar-Cunha, António; Covas, José. eds. 2011. Optimization in Polymer Processing ed. 1, ISBN: 978-1-61122-818-2. Sem local: Nova Science Publishers.

Capítulos de livros publicados
Published book chapters
1. D.B.M.M., Fontes; Gaspar-Cunha, A.. 2010. On Multi-Objective Evolutionary Algorithms.  In Handbookof Multicriteria Analysis, ed. Zopounidis C.; Pardalos, P. M., 287 - 310. . BerlinHeidelberg: SpringerBerlin / Heidelberg.
2. Ferreira, J.; Fonseca, C.; Covas, J.A.; Gaspar-Cunha, A.. 2008. {Evolutionary Multi-Objective Robust Optimization}.  In Advances in Evolutionary Algorithms, ed. Kosinsk, W., 261 - 278. ISBN: 978-3-902613-32-5. WWW: I-Tech Education and Publishing.
3. J., Ferreira; Fonseca, C.; Gaspar-Cunha, A.. 2007. Selection of solutions in a multi-objective environment: polymer extrusion a case study.  In EvolutionaryMethods For Design, Optimization and Control, ed. Neittaanm\"{a}ki, P.; P\'{e}riaux, J.; Tuovinen, T., 197 - 202. . Barcelona: CIMNE.
4. van Hattum, F; Leer, C.; Gaspar-Cunha, A.; Bernardo, C.A.. 2005. Aplicacação de uma Metodologia de Optimização na Extrusão de Compósitos Termoplásticos com Nanofibras de Carbono.  In softEXTRUSION 2004 - Modela\c{c}\~{a}o da Extrus\~{a}o de Pol\'{\i}meros, ed. Covas, J.A.; Bernardo, C. A., 145 - 158. ISBN: 972-9060-84-3. Guimar\~{a}es, Portugal: Luso-American Foundation, Portugal.
5. Covas, J.A.; Gaspar-Cunha, A.; Machado, B.. 2005. Extrusoras de Laboratório para Actividades de I\&D.  In softEXTRUSION 2004 - Modela\c{c}\~{a}o da Extrus\~{a}o de Pol\'{\i}meros, ed. Covas, J.A.; Bernardo, C. A., 119 - 134. ISBN: 972-9060-84-3. Guimar\~{a}es, Portugal: Luso-American Foundation, Portugal.
6. Gaspar-Cunha, A.; Covas, J.A.; Pereira, J.; Cerqueira, M.; Marreiros, F.; Pereira, P.. 2005. - Concepção e Desenvolvimento de um Sistema Automático de Modelação e Optimização de Extrusoras}.  In softEXTRUSION 2004 - Modela\c{c}\~{a}o da Extrus\~{a}o de Pol\'{\i}meros, ed. Covas, J.A.; Bernardo, C. A., 27 - 46. ISBN: 972-9060-84-3. Guimar\~{a}es, Portugal: Luso-American Foundation, Portugal.
7. Domingues, N.; Gaspar-Cunha, A.; Covas, J.A.. 2005. Modelação da Misturas de Polímeros em Extrusoras Monofuso.  In softEXTRUSION 2004 - Modela\c{c}\~{a}o da Extrus\~{a}o de Pol\'{\i}meros, ed. Covas, J.A.; Bernardo, C. A., 47 - 72. ISBN: 972-9060-84-3. Guimar\~{a}es, Portugal: Luso-American Foundation, Portugal.
8. Covas, J.A.; Gaspar-Cunha, A.. 2005. Projecto Assistido por Computador de Parafusos para Extrusoras.  In softEXTRUSION 2004 - Modela\c{c}\~{a}o da Extrus\~{a}o de Pol\'{\i}meros, ed. Covas, J.A.; Bernardo, C. A., 1 - 26. ISBN: 972-9060-84-3. Guimar\~{a}es, Portugal: Luso-American Foundation, Portugal.
9. Gaspar-Cunha, A.; Covas, J.A.. 2004. RPSGAe--Reduced Pareto Set Genetic Algorithm: Application to Polymer Extrusion.  In Metaheuristics for Multiobjective Optimisation, ed. Gandibleux, Xavier; Sevaux, Marc; S\"{o}rensen, Kenneth; T'kindt, Vincent, 221 - 249. ISBN: 978-3-540-20637-8. Berlin Heidelberg: Springer. Lecture Notes in Economics and Mathematical Systems Vol. 535.
10. Gaspar-Cunha, A.; Covas, J.A.. 2004. The Use of Evolutionary Algorithms to Solve Practical Problems in Polymer Extrusion.  In Applications of MultiObjective Evolutionary Algorithms, ed. {Coello Coello}, Carlos A; Lamont, Gary B, 177 - 199. . London, UK: World Scientific.

Artigos em revistas sem arbitragem científica
Papers in periodics without scientific refereeing
1. Domingues, Natália; Gaspar-Cunha, António; Covas, José. 2012. "A Quantitative Approach to Assess the Mixing Ability of Single Screw Extruders for Polymer Extrusion", ournal of Polymer Engineering 32, 2: 81 - 94.
2. Ferreira, Shana; Ruiz, Walter; Gaspar-Cunha, António. 2012. "Rheological and Thermal Characteristics of Wheat Gluten Biopolymers Plasticized with Glycerol", Química Nova 35, 4: 719 - 722.
3. Fernandes, Célio; Pontes, António; Viana, Júlio; Gaspar-Cunha, António. 2011. "Using Multi-Objective Evolutionary Algorithms for Optimization of the Cooling System in Polymer Injection Moulding", International Polymer Processing, 1: 1 - 10.
4. Gaspar-Cunha, António; Mendes, Fernando; Costa, Maria F. 2011. "Multi-objective memetic algorithm: comparing artificial neural networks and pattern search filter method approaches", International Transactions in Operational Research, 1: 1 - 10.
5. Michelangelli, Oliver; Yamanoi, Mikio; Gaspar-Cunha, António; Covas, José. 2011. "Modelling pellet flow in single extrusion with DEM", Journal of Process Mechanical Engineering 225, 1: 255 - 268.
6. Teixeira, Cristina; Covas, José; Berzin, F.; Vergnes, Bruno; Gaspar-Cunha, António. 2011. "Application of evolutionary algorithms to the definition of the optimal twin-screw extruder configuration for starch cationization", Polymer Engineering and Science 51, 2: 330 - 340.
7. Teixeira, Cristina; Covas, José; Stützle, Thomas; Gaspar-Cunha, António. 2011. "Multi-Objective Ant Colony Optimization for the Twin-Screw Configuration Problem", Engineering Optimization, 1: 1 - 10.
8. Teixeira, Cristina; Covas, José; Stützle, Thomas; Gaspar-Cunha, António. 2011. "Engineering an efficient two-phase local search algorithm for the co-rotating twin-screw extruder configuration problem", International Transactions in Operational Research 18, 2: 271 - 291.
9. N., Domingues; Camesasca, M.; Kaufman, M.; Manas-Zloczower, I.; Gaspar-Cunha, A.; Covas, J.A.. 2010. "{Modeling of Agglomerate Dispersion in Single Screw Extruders}", InternationalPolymer Processing 25, 3: 251 - 257.
10. N., Domingues; Gaspar-Cunha, A.; Covas, J.A.. 2010. "{Estimation of the morphology development of immiscible liquid–liquid systems during single screw extrusion}", PolymerEngineering and Science 50, 11: 2194 - 2204.
11. N., Domingues; Gaspar-Cunha, A.; Covas, J.A.; Camesasca, M.; Kaufman, M.; Manas-Zloczower, I.. 2010. "{Dynamics of Filler Size and Spatial Distribution in a Plasticating Single Screw Extruder – Modeling and Experimental Observations}", InternationalPolymer Processing 25, 3: 188 - 198.
12. C., Fernandes; Pontes, A.; Viana, J.; Gaspar-Cunha, A.. 2010. "{Using multiobjective evolutionary algorithms in the optimization of operating conditions of polymer injection molding}", PolymerEngineering and Science 50, 8: 1667 - 1678.
13. F., Mendes; Duarte, J.; Vieira, A.; Ribeiro, B.; Ribeiro, A.; Neves, J.C.; Gaspar-Cunha, A.. 2010. "{Feature Selection for Bankruptcy Prediction: A Multi-Objective Optimization Approach}", InternationalJournal of Natural Computing Research 1, 2: 71 - 91.
14. J.A., Covas; Gaspar-Cunha, A.. 2009. "{Extrusion Scale-up: An Optimization-based Methodology}", InternationalPolymer Processing 24, 1: 67 - 82.
15. Cunha, S.M.; Gaspar-Cunha, A.; Covas, J.A.. 2009. "{Melting of polymer blends in single-screw extrusion-an experimental study}", International Journal of Material Forming 2, 1: 729 - 732.
16. Covas, José; Gaspar-Cunha, António. 2009. "Extrusion Scale-up: An Optimization-based Methodology", International Polymer Processing 24, 1: 67 - 82.
17. Cunha, Sónia; Gaspar-Cunha, António; Covas, José. 2009. "Melting of polymer blends in single-screw extrusion-an experimental study", International Journal of Material Forming 2, 1: 729 - 732.
18. N\'{o}brega, J.M.; Carneiro, O.S.; Gaspar-Cunha, A.; Goncalves, N.. 2008. "{Design of calibrators for profile extrusion - Optimizing multi-step systems}", InternationalPolymer Processing 23, 3: 331 - 338.
19. Domingues, N.; Gaspar-Cunha, A.; Covas, J.A.. 2008. "{Global Mixing Indices for Single Screw Extrusion}", International Journal of Material Forming 1, 1: 723 - 726.
20. Cunha, S.M.; Gaspar-Cunha, A.; Covas, J.A.. 2008. "{Melting of PP/PA6 Polymer Blends in Single Screw Extruders: An Experimental Study}", Materials Science Forum 587, 1: 505 - 509.
21. Nóbrega, Miguel; Carneiro, Olga; Gaspar-Cunha, António; Gonçalves, N.. 2008. "Design of calibrators for profile extrusion - Optimizing multi-step systems", International Polymer Processing 23, 3: 331 - 338.
22. Domingues, Natália; Gaspar-Cunha, António; Covas, José. 2008. "Global Mixing Indices for Single Screw Extrusion", International Journal of Material Forming 1, 1: 723 - 726.
23. Gaspar-Cunha, António; Covas, José. 2008. "Robustness in multi-objective optimization using evolutionary algorithms", Computational Optimization and Applications 39, 1: 75 - 79.
24. Cunha, Sónia; Gaspar-Cunha, António; Covas, José. 2008. "Melting of PP/PA6 Polymer Blends in Single Screw Extruders: An Experimental Study", Materials Science Forum 587, 1: 505 - 509.
25. Gaspar-Cunha, A.; Covas, J.A.. 2007. "{Robustness in multi-objective optimization using evolutionary algorithms}", ComputationalOptimization and Applications 39, 1: 75 - 96.
26. C., Leer; van Hattum, F; Gaspar-Cunha, A.; Carneiro, O.S.; Bernardo, C.A.. 2006. "{Tailored shear extrusion of carbon nanofibre/polyamide composites and its effect on electrical percolation threshold}", Plastics Rubber and Composites: Macromolecular Engineering 35, 6-7: 268 - 275.
27. Domingues, N.; Gaspar-Cunha, A.; Covas, J.A.. 2006. "{Modelling of Mixing in Single Screw Extruders}", Materials Science Forum 514, 1: 1409 - 1413.
28. J.A., Covas; Bernardo, C.A.; Carneiro, O.S.; Maia, J.; van Hattum, F; Gaspar-Cunha, A.; Bir\'{o}, L.; Horv\'{a}th, Z.; Kiricsi, I.; K\'{o}nya, Z.. 2005. "{Continuous production of polycarbonate-carbon nanotube composites}", Journalof polymer engineering 25, 1: 39 - 57.
29. Gaspar-Cunha, A.; Viana, J.. 2005. "{Using multi-objective evolutionary algorithms to optimize mechanical properties of injection molded part}", InternationalPolymer Processing 20, 3: 274 - 285.
30. Gaspar-Cunha, A.; Covas, J.A.; Vergnes, B.. 2005. "{Defining the configuration of co-rotating twin-screw extruders with multiobjective evolutionary algorithms}", PolymerEngineering and Science 45, 8: 1159 - 1173.
31. Gaspar-Cunha, A.; Vieira, A.. 2005. "{A Multi-Objective Evolutionary Algorithm using Neural Networks to Approximate Fitness Evaluations}", InternationalJournal of Computers Systems and Signals 6, 1: 18 - 36.
32. J.A., Covas; Gaspar-Cunha, A.. 2004. "{Optimisation-based design of extruders}", Plastics Rubber and Composites: Macromolecular Engineering 33, 9: 416 - 425.
33. Machado, A.V.; Gaspar-Cunha, A.; Covas, J.A.. 2004. "{Modelling of the Grafting of Maleic Anhydride onto Polyethylene in an Extruder}", Materials Science Forum 455, 1: 763 - 766.
34. Gaspar-Cunha, A.; Poulesquen, A.; Vergnes, B.; Covas, J.A.. 2002. "{Optimization of Processing Conditions for Polymer Twin-screw Extrusion}", InternationalPolymer Processing 17, 3: 201 - 213.
35. Gaspar-Cunha, A.; Covas, J.A.. 2001. "{The Design of Extrusion Screws: An Optimisation Approach}", InternationalPolymer Processing 16, 3: 229 - 240.
36. J.A., Covas; Gaspar-Cunha, A.; Oliveira, P.. 1999. "{An optimization approach to practical problems in plasticating single screw extrusion}", PolymerEngineering and Science 39, 3: 443 - 456.
37. Gaspar-Cunha, A.; Covas, J.A.; Oliveira, P.. 1998. "{Optimization of Polymer Extrusion With Genetic Algorithms}", IMAJ. of Math. Appl. in Business and Industry 9, 3: 267 - 277.
38. J.A., Covas; Gaspar-Cunha, A.; Oliveira, P.. 1998. "{Optimisation of single screw extrusion. Theoretical and experimental results}", InternationalJournal of Forming Processes 1, 3: 323 - 343.

Trabalhos completos/resumidos em eventos sem arbitragem científica
Papers in conference proceedings without scientific refereeing
1. Cunha, S.M.; Gaspar-Cunha, A.; Covas, J.A.. 2011. "{Morphology Development of Immiscible Polymer Blends during Melting in Single- Screw Extruders : Effect of Composition and Compatibilization}", Trabalho apresentado em PPS 27 - Proceedings of the Polymer Processing Society Annual Meeting, In PPS 27 - Proceedings of the Polymer Processing Society Annual Meeting, Marrakech, Morocco.
2. Gaspar-Cunha, A.; Covas, J.A.. 2011. "{A scaling-up methodology for co-rotating twin-screw extruders}", Trabalho apresentado em PPS 27 - Proceedings of the Polymer Processing Society Annual Meeting, In PPS 27 - Proceedings of the Polymer Processing Society Annual Meeting, Marrakech, Morocco.
3. Gaspar-Cunha, A.; Loyens, D.; {Van Hattum}, F. 2011. "{Aesthetic Design Using Multi-Objective}", Trabalho apresentado em EMO 2011 - Evolutionary Multi-Criterion Optimization, In EMO 2011 - Evolutionary Multi-Criterion Optimization, Berlin Heidelberg.
4. Michelangelli, O.; Yamanoi, M.; Gaspar-Cunha, A.; Covas, J.A.. 2011. "{Flow Dynamics and Structure of solid pellets along the channel of a single screw extruder}", Trabalho apresentado em PPS 27 - Proceedings of the Polymer Processing Society Annual Meeting, In PPS 27 - Proceedings of the Polymer Processing Society Annual Meeting, Marrakech, Morocco.
5. Ferreira, J.; Gaspar-Cunha, A.; Fonseca, C.M.. 2011. "{Experimental evaluation of some preference parametrization schemes}", Trabalho apresentado em 21st International Conference on Multiple Criteria Decision Making (MCDM), In 21st International Conference on Multiple Criteria Decision Making (MCDM), Jyv\"{a}skyl\"{a}, Finland.
6. Costa, M.F.P.; Gaspar-Cunha, A.. 2010. "{Assessment of an hybrid multi-objective pattern search filter method}", Trabalho apresentado em 2nd International Conference on Engineering Optimization, In 2nd International Conference on Engineering Optimization, Lisbon.
7. Cunha, S.M.; Gaspar-Cunha, A.; Covas, J.A.. 2010. "{Melting of polymer blends and concomitant morphology development in single screw extruders}", Trabalho apresentado em PPS 26 - Proceedings of the Polymer Processing Society Annual Meeting, In PPS 26 - Proceedings of the Polymer Processing Society Annual Meeting, Banff, Canada.
8. Gaspar-Cunha, A.. 2010. "{Feature Selection Using Multi-Objective Evolutionary Algorithms: Application to Cardiac SPECT Diagnosis}", Trabalho apresentado em Advances in Bioinformatics, In Advances in Bioinformatics, Guimar\~{a}es, Portugal.
9. Gaspar-Cunha, A.; Fernandes, C.; Viana, J.; Pontes, A.. 2010. "{Multi-objective optimization of injection moulding}", Trabalho apresentado em PPS 26 - Proceedings of the Polymer Processing Society Annual Meeting, In PPS 26 - Proceedings of the Polymer Processing Society Annual Meeting, Banff, Canada.
10. Gaspar-Cunha, A.; Mendes, F.; Duarte, J.; Vieira, A.; Ribeiro, B.; Ribeiro, A.; Neves, J.C.. 2010. "{Multi-Objective Evolutionary Algorithms for Feature Selection: Application in Bankruptcy Prediction}", Trabalho apresentado em Simulated Evolution and Learning, In Simulated Evolution and Learning, Berlin Heidelberg.
11. Mendes, F.; Duarte, J.; Vieira, A.; Gaspar-Cunha, A.. 2010. "{Feature Selection for Bankruptcy Prediction: A Multi-Objective Optimization Approach}", Trabalho apresentado em Soft Computing in Industrial Applications, In Soft Computing in Industrial Applications, Berlin Heidelberg.
12. Ribeiro, B.; Silva, C.; Vieira, A.; Gaspar-Cunha, A.; Neves, J.C.. 2010. "{Financial Distress Model Prediction using SVM +}", Trabalho apresentado em IEEE World Congress on Computational Information, In IEEE World Congress on Computational Information, Barcelone, Spain.
13. Teixeira, C.; Covas, J.A.; St\"{u}tzle, T.; Gaspar-Cunha, A.. 2010. "{Optimization of Co-rotating Twin-Screw Extruders Using Pareto Local Search}", Trabalho apresentado em Soft Computing in Industrial Applications, In Soft Computing in Industrial Applications, Berlin Heidelberg.
14. Teixeira, C.; Covas, J.A.; St\"{u}tzle, T.; Gaspar-Cunha, A.. 2010. "{Optimization of Co-rotating Twin-Screw Extruders Using Pareto Local Search}", Trabalho apresentado em Soft Computing in Industrial Applications, In Soft Computing in Industrial Applications, Berlin Heidelberg.
15. Costa, M.F.P.; Gaspar-Cunha, A.. 2010. "{Assessment of an hybrid multi-objective pattern search filter method}", Trabalho apresentado em 2nd International Conference on Engineering Optimization, In 2nd International Conference on Engineering Optimization, Lisbon.
16. Cunha, S.M.; Covas, J.A.; Gaspar-Cunha, A.. 2010. "{Melting of immiscible and compatibilized polymer blends in single-screw extruders}", Trabalho apresentado em polymer processing society European Reginal Meeting 2010, In polymer processing society European Reginal Meeting 2010, Instanbul, Turkey.
17. Covas, J.A.; Gaspar-Cunha, A.. 2009. "{Use of Multi-objective Evolutionary Algorithms in Extrusion Scale-Up}", Trabalho apresentado em Applications of Soft Computing, In Applications of Soft Computing, Berlin Heidelberg.
18. Cunha, S.M.; Gaspar-Cunha, A.; Covas, J.A.. 2009. "{Melting Of Immiscible Physical And Compatibilized Polymer Blends In Single Screw Extruders}", Trabalho apresentado em PPS 25 - Polymer Processing Society Annual Meeting, In PPS 25 - Polymer Processing Society Annual Meeting, Goa, India.
19. Cunha, S.M.; Gaspar-Cunha, A.; Covas, J.A.. 2009. "{Melting of polymer blends in single-screw extrusion - an experimental study}", Trabalho apresentado em 12th Esaform Conference on Material Forming, In 12th Esaform Conference on Material Forming, Twente, Netherlands.
20. Fernandes, C.; Pontes, A.; Viana, J.; Gaspar-Cunha, A.. 2009. "{Using Multi-objective Evolutionary Algorithms in the Optimization of Polymer Injection Molding}", Trabalho apresentado em Applications of Soft Computing, In Applications of Soft Computing, Berlin Heidelberg.
21. Ferreira, J.; Fonseca, C.; Gaspar-Cunha, A.. 2009. "{Assessing the quality of the relation between scalarizing function parameters and solutions in multiobjective optimization}", Trabalho apresentado em CEC 2009 - IEEE Congress on Evolutionary Computation, In CEC 2009 - IEEE Congress on Evolutionary Computation, Trondheim, Norway.
22. Gama, S.; Fernandes, C.; Gaspar-Cunha, A.. 2009. "{M\'{e}todos espectrais aplicados ao filme de Fundido de um processo de extrus\~{a}o de Pol\'{\i}meros}", Trabalho apresentado em Congreso de M\'{e}todos Num\'{e}ricos en Ingenier\'{\i}a 2009, In Congreso de M\'{e}todos Num\'{e}ricos en Ingenier\'{\i}a 2009, Barcelona.
23. Mendes, F.; Sousa, V.; Costa, M.F.P.; Gaspar-Cunha, A.. 2009. "{Multi-Objective Memetic Algorithm using Pattern Search Filter Methods Memetic Multi-Objective Algorithm}", Trabalho apresentado em EU/MEeting 2009, In EU/MEeting 2009, Porto, Portugal.
24. Teixeira, C.; Covas, J.A.; St\"{u}tzle, T.; Gaspar-Cunha, A.. 2009. "{Application of Pareto Local Search and Multi-Objective Ant Colony Algorithms to the Optimization of Co-Rotating Twin Screw Extruders Twin-screw Extrusion Configuration Problem Multi-Objective Optimization}", Trabalho apresentado em EU/Meeting 2009, In EU/Meeting 2009, Porto, Portugal.
25. Covas, J.A.; Gaspar-Cunha, A.. 2009. "{Use of multi-objective evolutionary algorithms to scale-up polymer extrusion}", Trabalho apresentado em KOMPLASTECH’2009 - XVI Conference Computer Methods in Materials Technology, In KOMPLASTECH’2009 - XVI Conference Computer Methods in Materials Technology, Krynica-Zdr\'{o}j.
26. Domingues, N.; Gaspar-Cunha, A.; Covas, J.A.. 2008. "{The use of global mixing indices to assess mixing efficiency in single screw extrusion}", Trabalho apresentado em PPS 24 - Proceedings of the Polymer processing Society Annual Meeting, In PPS 24 - Proceedings of the Polymer processing Society Annual Meeting, Salerno, Italy.
27. Domingues, N.; Gaspar-Cunha, A.; Covas, J.A.. 2008. "{Assessing the Mixing Performance of Extruders : Indices and Scale-up}", Trabalho apresentado em Plastic Extrusion Asia 2008 Conference, In Plastic Extrusion Asia 2008 Conference, Bangkok, Thailand.
28. Domingues, N.; Gaspar-Cunha, A.; Covas, J.A.. 2008. "{Re-visiting extrusion scale-up}", Trabalho apresentado em 11th Esaform Conference on Material Forming, In 11th Esaform Conference on Material Forming, Lyon, France.
29. Domingues, N.; Gaspar-Cunha, A.; Covas, J.A.. 2008. "{Global Mixing Indices for Single Screw Extrusion}", Trabalho apresentado em 11th Esaform Conference on Material Forming, In 11th Esaform Conference on Material Forming, Lyon, France.
30. Domingues, N.; Gaspar-Cunha, A.; Covas, J.A.; Camesasca, M.; Kaufman, M.; Manas-Zloczower, I.. 2008. "{Numerical and experimental study of agglomerate dispersion in polymer extrusion}", Trabalho apresentado em PPS 24 - Proceedings of the Polymer processing Society Annual Meeting, In PPS 24 - Proceedings of the Polymer processing Society Annual Meeting, Salerno.
31. Fernandes, C.; Viana, J.; Pontes, A.; Gaspar-Cunha, A.. 2008. "{Setting of the Operative Processing Window in Injection Moulding Using a Multi-Optimization Approach: Experimental Assessment}", Trabalho apresentado em 11th Esaform Conference on Material Forming, In 11th Esaform Conference on Material Forming, Lyon, France.
32. Domingues, N.; Gaspar-Cunha, A.; Covas, J.A.. 2008. "{Re-visiting extrusion scale-up}", Trabalho apresentado em 11th Esaform Conference on Material Forming, In 11th Esaform Conference on Material Forming, Lyon, France.
33. Domingues, N.; Gaspar-Cunha, A.; Covas, J.A.. 2007. "{Predicting Distributive and Dispersive Mixing in Polymer Extrusion}", Trabalho apresentado em NUMIFORM’07, Materials Processing and Design: Modelling, Simulation and Applications, In NUMIFORM’07, Materials Processing and Design: Modelling, Simulation and Applications, Porto, Portugal.
34. Domingues, N.; Gaspar-Cunha, A.; Covas, J.A.; Manas-Zloczower, I.. 2007. "{Computational and Experimental Study of Mixing in a Single Screw Extruder}", Trabalho apresentado em 10th Esaform Conference on Material Forming, In 10th Esaform Conference on Material Forming, Zaragoza, Spain.
35. Ferreira, J.; Fonseca, C.; Gaspar-Cunha, A.. 2007. "{Selection of solutions in a multi-objective environment: polymer extrusion a case study}", Trabalho apresentado em EUROGEN 2007, In EUROGEN 2007, Jyv\"{a}skyl\"{a}, Finland.
36. Ferreira, J.; Fonseca, C.; Gaspar-Cunha, A.. 2007. "{A New Methodology to Select the Preferred Solutions from the Pareto Optimal Set: Application to Polymer Extrusion}", Trabalho apresentado em 10th Esaform Conference on Material Forming, In 10th Esaform Conference on Material Forming, Zaragoza, Spain.
37. Ferreira, J.; Fonseca, C.; Gaspar-Cunha, A.. 2007. "{Methodology to select solutions from the pareto-optimal set: a comparative study}", Trabalho apresentado em GECCO 2007 - Genetic and Evolutionary Computation Conference, In GECCO 2007 - Genetic and Evolutionary Computation Conference, London, UK.
38. Hong, H.; Covas, J.A.; Gaspar-Cunha, A.. 2007. "{The Use of DEM to Capture the Dynamics of the Flow of Solid Pellets in a Single Screw Extruder}", Trabalho apresentado em NUMIFORM’07, Materials Processing and Design: Modelling, Simulation and Applications, In NUMIFORM’07, Materials Processing and Design: Modelling, Simulation and Applications, Porto, Portugal.
39. Teixeira, C.; Faria, R.; Covas, J.A.; Gaspar-Cunha, A.. 2007. "{Modelling Flow and Heat Transfer in Co Rotating Twin Screw Extruders}", Trabalho apresentado em 10th Esaform Conference on Material Forming, In 10th Esaform Conference on Material Forming, Zaragoza, Spain.
40. Antunes, C.; Gaspar-Cunha, A.; Machado, A.V.; {Van Duin}, M. 2007. "{Dynamic Vulcanisation of PP / EPDM Blends : Influence of PP viscosity in the crosslink reaction}", Trabalho apresentado em Proceedings of the MATERIAIS 2007 Conferencero, In Proceedings of the MATERIAIS 2007 Conferencero, Porto, Portugal.
41. Leer, C.; van Hattum, F; Gaspar-Cunha, A.; Carneiro, O.S.; Beyer, G.; Lake, P.; Lake, M.. 2007. "{Effect of Tailored-Shear Extrusion on the Morphology-Property Relationship in Nylon 6/Cnf Composites}", Trabalho apresentado em SAMPE ‘07, Conference of the Society for the Advancement of Material and Process Engineering, In SAMPE ‘07, Conference of the Society for the Advancement of Material and Process Engineering, Baltimore, USA.
42. Cunha, S.M.; Gaspar-Cunha, A.; Covas, J.A.. 2007. "{Melting of polymer blends in single screw extruders}", Trabalho apresentado em PPS 23 - Polymer processing Society Annual Meeting, In PPS 23 - Polymer processing Society Annual Meeting, Salvador, Brazil.
43. Gaspar-Cunha, A.; Covas, J.A.. 2007. "{Scaling-down, scaling-up: from industry to the lab and back}", Trabalho apresentado em PPS 23 - Polymer processing Society Annual Meeting, In PPS 23 - Polymer processing Society Annual Meeting, Salvador, Brazil.
44. Ferreira, J.; Fonseca, C.M.; Gaspar-Cunha, A.. 2007. "{Towards the selection of solutions from Pareto frontiers in Multi-Objective environments}", Trabalho apresentado em Proceedings of the Optimization'2007 Conference, In Proceedings of the Optimization'2007 Conference, Aveiro, Portugal.
45. Teixeira, C.; Faria, R.; Covas, J.A.; Gaspar-Cunha, A.. 2007. "{Co-rotating twin screw extrusion: how changes in processing parameters affect flow and temperature}", Trabalho apresentado em Proceedings of the MATERIAIS 2007 Conference, In Proceedings of the MATERIAIS 2007 Conference, Porto, Portugal.
46. Antunes, C.; Gaspar-Cunha, A.; Machado, A.V.; {Van Duin}, M. 2007. "{Phase Inversion during Dynamic Vulcanisation of PP/EPDM blends}", Trabalho apresentado em PPS 23 - Polymer processing Society Annual Meeting, In PPS 23 - Polymer processing Society Annual Meeting, Salvador, Brazil.
47. Hong, H.; Covas, J.A.; Gaspar-Cunha, A.. 2007. "{Understanding the initial stages of the conveying of loose pellets in a single screw extruder}", Trabalho apresentado em Proceedings of the MATERIAIS 2007 Conference, In Proceedings of the MATERIAIS 2007 Conference, Porto, Portugal.
48. Domingues, N.; Camesasca, M.; Kaufman, M.; Manas-Zloczower, I.; Gaspar-Cunha, A.; Covas, J.A.. 2006. "{Modelling Agglomerate Dispersion in Single Screw Extruders}", Trabalho apresentado em ANTEC 2006 - 64th SPE Annual Technical Conference, In ANTEC 2006 - 64th SPE Annual Technical Conference, Charlotte, North Carolina, USA.
49. Faria, R.; Teixeira, C.; Gaspar-Cunha, A.; Covas, J.A.. 2006. "{Towards the Design and Optimization of Twin-Screw Extruders – A Plasticating Modelling Program}", Trabalho apresentado em PPS 22 - Proceedings of the Polymer processing Society Annual Meeting, In PPS 22 - Proceedings of the Polymer processing Society Annual Meeting, Yamagata, Japan.
50. Gaspar-Cunha, A.; Covas, J.A.. 2006. "{Robustness using Multi-Objective Evolutionary Algorithms}", Trabalho apresentado em Applications of Soft Computing, In Applications of Soft Computing, Berlin Heidelberg.
51. Gaspar-Cunha, A.; Covas, J.A.. 2006. "{A Multi-Variable Scale-up Method for Plasticating Extruders}", Trabalho apresentado em PPS 22 - Proceedings of the Polymer processing Society Annual Meeting, In PPS 22 - Proceedings of the Polymer processing Society Annual Meeting, Yamagata, Japan.
52. Gaspar-Cunha, A.; Gon\c{c}alves, L.; Covas, J.A.. 2006. "{Application of Evolutionary Algorithms to the Design of Barrier Screws for Single Screw Extruders}", Trabalho apresentado em Applied Soft Computing Technologies: The Challenge of Complexity, In Applied Soft Computing Technologies: The Challenge of Complexity, Berlin Heidelberg.
53. N\'{o}brega, J.M.; Carneiro, O.S.; Gaspar-Cunha, A.. 2006. "{Optimising the Calibration System Layout in Profile Extrusion}", Trabalho apresentado em Fifth International Conference on Engineering Computational Technology, In Fifth International Conference on Engineering Computational Technology, Stirlingshire, Scotland.
54. Teixeira, C.; Faria, R.; Covas, J.A.; Gaspar-Cunha, A.. 2006. "{Solving the Twin Screw Extrusion Configuration Problem: A Plasticating Modelling Program}", Trabalho apresentado em Fifth International Conference on Engineering Computational Technology, In Fifth International Conference on Engineering Computational Technology, Stirlingshire, Scotland.
55. Ferreira, J.; Fonseca, C.M.; Gaspar-Cunha, A.. 2006. "{Selection of Solutions in a Multi-Objective Environment: Application to Polymer Extrusion and Injection Molding}", Trabalho apresentado em ECCO XIX - CO 2006 Joint Meeting, In ECCO XIX - CO 2006 Joint Meeting, Porto, Portugal.
56. Antunes, C.F.; Gaspar-Cunha, A.; Machado, A.V.; Duin, M. V. 2006. "{Dynamic Crosslinking of PP/EPDM Blends: Blend Phase Morphology and Crosslinking Reaction}", Trabalho apresentado em MoDeSt 2006 - 4th International Conference on Polymer Modification, Degradation and Stabilization, In MoDeSt 2006 - 4th International Conference on Polymer Modification, Degradation and Stabilization, San Sebastian, Spain.
57. Felismino, M.A.; Gaspar-Cunha, A.; Fonseca, C.M.. 2006. "{Application of a Structured Multiobjective Evolutionary Algorithm to the Design of Screws for Polymer Extrusion}", Trabalho apresentado em ECCO XIX - CO 2006 Joint Meeting, In ECCO XIX - CO 2006 Joint Meeting, Porto, Portugal.
58. Teixeira, C.; Faria, R.; Covas, J.A.; Gaspar-Cunha, A.. 2006. "{Solving The Combinatorial Optimisation Twin-Screw Design Problem Using Meta-Heuristics}", Trabalho apresentado em ECCO XIX - CO 2006 Joint Meeting, In ECCO XIX - CO 2006 Joint Meeting, Porto, Portugal.
59. Gaspar-Cunha, A.. 2005. "{A Multi-Objective Evolutionary Algorithm for Solving Traveling Salesman Problems: Application to the Design of Polymer Extruders}", Trabalho apresentado em 7th International Conference on Adaptive and Natural Computing Algorithms, In 7th International Conference on Adaptive and Natural Computing Algorithms, Coimbra, Portugal.
60. Gaspar-Cunha, A.; Viana, J.. 2005. "{Setting up the Operative Processing Window in Injection Moulding : Application of Multi-Objective Evolutionary Algorithms}", Trabalho apresentado em PPS 21 - Proceedings of the Polymer processing Society Annual Meeting, In PPS 21 - Proceedings of the Polymer processing Society Annual Meeting, Akron, USA.
61. Figueiredo, P.; Gaspar-Cunha, A.; Cerqueira, M.; Pereira, J.; Pereira, P.; Marcos, A.; Covas, J.A.; Cunha, J.; Fonseca, A.; Sim\~{o}es, A.. 2004. "{ An environment for extrusion simulation}", Trabalho apresentado em RDP 2004, In RDP 2004, Marinha Grande, Portugal.
62. Gaspar-Cunha, A.; Vergnes, B.; Covas, J.A.. 2004. "{Towards the Design and Optimization of Twin-Screw Extruders – Selecting the location of a set of screw Elements}", Trabalho apresentado em PPS 21 - Proceedings of the Polymer processing Society Annual Meeting, In PPS 21 - Proceedings of the Polymer processing Society Annual Meeting, Akron, USA.
63. Gaspar-Cunha, A.; Vieira, A.. 2004. "{A hybrid multi-objective evolutionary algorithm using an inverse neural network}", Trabalho apresentado em Hybrid Metaheuristics (HM 2004) Workshop at ECAI 2004, In Hybrid Metaheuristics (HM 2004) Workshop at ECAI 2004, Valencia, Spain.
64. Gaspar-Cunha, A.; Vieira, A.; Fonseca, C.. 2004. "{Multi-objective optimization: Hybridization of an evolutionary algorithm with artificial neural networks for fast convergence}", Trabalho apresentado em Workshop on Design and Evaluation of Advanced Hybrid Meta-Heuristics, In Workshop on Design and Evaluation of Advanced Hybrid Meta-Heuristics, Nottingham, UK.
65. van Hattum, F; Gaspar-Cunha, A.; Lake, M.; Bernardo, C.A.. 2004. "{Optimisation of the low-shear compounding of carbon nanofibre / polymer composites}", Trabalho apresentado em 11th European Conference on Composite Materials - ECCM-11, In 11th European Conference on Composite Materials - ECCM-11, Rhodes, Greece.
66. Covas, J.A.; Gaspar-Cunha, A.; Carneiro, O. S; N\'{o}brega, J. M. 2004. "{Advances in the design of plasticating and forming tools for extrusion lines}", Trabalho apresentado em PPS Asia 2004, In PPS Asia 2004, Coreia.
67. Gaspar-Cunha, A.; Machado, A.V.; Covas, J.A.. 2004. "{Modeling of Grafting Reactions During Extrusion}", Trabalho apresentado em Polychar´04, In Polychar´04, Guimar\~{a}es, Portugal.
68. Gaspar-Cunha, A.; Viana, J.. 2004. "{Using Multi-Objective Evolutionary Algorithms To Optimize The Morphology Of Injection Moulded Parts For Enhanced Mechanical Properties}", Trabalho apresentado em Polychar´04, In Polychar´04, Guimar\~{a}es, Portugal.
69. Gaspar-Cunha, A.; Vieira, A.. 2003. "{A multi-objective evolutionary algorithm using approximate fitness evaluation}", Trabalho apresentado em International Congress on Evolutionary Methods for Design, Optimization and Control with Applications to Industrial Problems EUROGEN, In International Congress on Evolutionary Methods for Design, Optimization and Control with Applications to Industrial Problems EUROGEN, Barcelona.
70. Gaspar-Cunha, A.; Covas, J.A.. 2003. "{A real-world test problem for EMO algorithms}", Trabalho apresentado em EMO 2003 - Evolutionary Multi-Criterion Optimization, In EMO 2003 - Evolutionary Multi-Criterion Optimization, Berlin Heidelberg.
71. Covas, J.A.; N\'{o}brega, J.M.; Carneiro, O.S.; Gaspar-Cunha, A.. 2003. "{Designing equipment for extrusion lines}", Trabalho apresentado em PPS 129- Polymer Processing Society Annual Meeting, In PPS 129- Polymer Processing Society Annual Meeting, Sidney, Australia.
72. Gaspar-Cunha, A.; Covas, J.A.. 2002. "{RPSGAe - A Multiobjective Genetic Algorithm with Elitism: Application to Polymer Extrusion}", Trabalho apresentado em Workshop on Multiple Objective Metaheuristics, In Workshop on Multiple Objective Metaheuristics, Paris, France.
73. Gaspar-Cunha, A.. 2002. "{Reduced Pareto Set Genetic Algorithm (RPSGAe): A Comparative Study}", Trabalho apresentado em Second Workshop on Multiobjective Problem Solving from Nature (MPSNII), In Second Workshop on Multiobjective Problem Solving from Nature (MPSNII), Granada, Spain.
74. Gaspar-Cunha, A.; Covas, J.A.; Vergnes, B.. 2002. "Optimization of Polymer Twin-Screw Extrusion using Genetic Algorithms", Trabalho apresentado em Evolutionary Methods for Design, Optimization and Control, In Evolutionary Methods for Design, Optimization and Control, Barcelona.
75. Gaspar-Cunha, A.; Covas, J.A.. 2002. "{RPSGAe - Reduced Pareto Set Genetic Algorithm: A Multiobjective Genetic Algorithm with Elitism}", Trabalho apresentado em Workshop on Multiple Objective Metaheuristics, In Workshop on Multiple Objective Metaheuristics, Paris, France.
76. Gaspar-Cunha, A.; Covas, J.A.; Vergnes, B.. 2002. "{An Optimisation Methodology for Setting the Operating Conditions in Twin-screw Extrusion}", Trabalho apresentado em PPS 18 - Proceedings of the Polymer processing Society Annual Meeting, In PPS 18 - Proceedings of the Polymer processing Society Annual Meeting, Guimar\~{a}es, Portugal.
77. Covas, J.A.; Gaspar-Cunha, A.. 2002. "{The Effect of Polymer Viscosity on Single Screw Extrusion}", Trabalho apresentado em Workshop on Recent Advances in Non-Newtonian Fluid Mechanics, In Workshop on Recent Advances in Non-Newtonian Fluid Mechanics, Chamonix, France.
78. Gaspar-Cunha, A.; Covas, J.A.. 2001. "{Designing screws for polymer extrusion}", Trabalho apresentado em 4th Esaform Conference on Material Forming, In 4th Esaform Conference on Material Forming, Li\`{e}ge, Belgium.
79. Gaspar-Cunha, A.; Covas, J.A.. 2001. "{Design of extrusion screws using an optimisation approach.}", Trabalho apresentado em ANTEC 2001 - 59th SPE Annual Technical Conference, In ANTEC 2001 - 59th SPE Annual Technical Conference, Dallas, TX.
80. Gaspar-Cunha, A.; Vergnes, B.; Covas, J.A.. 2001. "{Optimisation of Polymer Twin-Screw Extrusion using Genetic Algorithms}", Trabalho apresentado em Eurogen´2001, In Eurogen´2001, Atenas, Gr\'{e}cia.
81. Gaspar-Cunha, A.; Covas, J.A.; Oliveira, P.. 2001. "{Designing Screws for Polymer Extrusion using Genetic Algorithms}", Trabalho apresentado em Optimization´2001, In Optimization´2001, Aveiro, Portugal.
82. Gaspar-Cunha, A.; Covas, J.A.. 2001. "{The Design of Screws For Polymer Extrusion Using an Optimisation Approach}", Trabalho apresentado em PPS 17 - Polymer Processing Society Annual Meeting, In PPS 17 - Polymer Processing Society Annual Meeting, Montreal, Canada.
83. Covas, J.A.; Gaspar-Cunha, A.. 2000. "{The Use of an Optimisation Approach to the Design of Extrusion Screw}", Trabalho apresentado em PPS 16 - Polymer Processing Society Annual Meeting, In PPS 16 - Polymer Processing Society Annual Meeting, Shanghai, China.
84. Gaspar-Cunha, A.; Oliveira, P.; Covas, J.A.. 1999. "{Genetic Algorithms in Multiobjective Optimization Problems: An Application to Polymer Extrusion}", Trabalho apresentado em GECCO'99 - Proceedings of the Genetic and Evolutionary Computation Conference, In GECCO'99 - Proceedings of the Genetic and Evolutionary Computation Conference, Orlando, USA.
85. Covas, J.A.; Gaspar-Cunha, A.; Oliveira, P.. 1998. "{An Optimization Methodology using Genetic Algorithms for Solving Polymer Single Screw Extrusion Problems}", Trabalho apresentado em 1st Esaform Conference on Material Forming, In 1st Esaform Conference on Material Forming, Sophia-Antipolis, France.
86. Gaspar-Cunha, A.; Oliveira, P.; Covas, J.A.. 1998. "{Multiobjective Genetic Algorithms in Polymer Single Screw Extrusion Problems}", Trabalho apresentado em Optimisation 98, In Optimisation 98, Coimbra, Portugal.
87. Gaspar-Cunha, A.; Oliveira, P.; Covas, J.A.. 1997. "{Use of Genetic Algorithms in Multicriteria Optimization to Solve Industrial Problems}", Trabalho apresentado em Seventh International Conference on Genetic Algorithms, In Seventh International Conference on Genetic Algorithms, East Lansing, Michigan, USA.
88. Carneiro, O.S.; Teixeira, J.C.F.; Covas, J.A.; Teixeira, S.F.; Gaspar-Cunha, A.. 1997. "{Factores Affecting the Perfomance of Calibrators for the Extrusion of Plastics Profiles}", Trabalho apresentado em PPS 13 - Polymer Processing Society Annual Meeting, In PPS 13 - Polymer Processing Society Annual Meeting, Secausus, USA.
89. Covas, J.A.; Gaspar-Cunha, A.; Oliveira, P.. 1997. "{Optimisation of Single Screw Extrusion With Evolutionary Algorithms}", Trabalho apresentado em Polychar´97 - Polymer Characterization Conference, In Polychar´97 - Polymer Characterization Conference, USA.
90. Oliveira, P.; Gaspar-Cunha, A.; Covas, J.A.. 1997. "{Genetic Algoritms in Polymer Optimisation}", Trabalho apresentado em EURO XV – INFORMS XXXIV, In EURO XV – INFORMS XXXIV, Barcelona, Spain.
91. Covas, J.A.; Gaspar-Cunha, A.; Oliveira, P.. 1997. "{Solving Extrusion Problems - Comparison Between Theoretical and Experimental Approaches}", Trabalho apresentado em PPS Europe/Africa - Regional Meeting, In PPS Europe/Africa - Regional Meeting, Gothenburg, Sweden.
92. Covas, J.A.; Oliveira, P.; Gaspar-Cunha, A.. 1996. "{Optimisation of Plasticating Single Screw Extrusion}", Trabalho apresentado em Nuphymat´96, In Nuphymat´96, Sophia-Antipolis, France.
93. Gaspar-Cunha, A.; Oliveira, P.; Covas, J.A.. 1996. "{Application of Genetic Algorithms to Single Screw Extrusion}", Trabalho apresentado em PPS 12 - Polymer Processing Society Annual Meeting, In PPS 12 - Polymer Processing Society Annual Meeting, Sorrento, Italy.
94. Gaspar-Cunha, A.; Covas, J.A.; Oliveira, P.. 1995. "{Optimization of Single Screw Extrusion With Genetic Algorithms}", Trabalho apresentado em Optimization´95, In Optimization´95, Braga, Portugal.

Outra produção científica
Other scientific production
1. Cunha, Sónia; Gaspar-Cunha, António; Covas, José. 2011. "Morphology Development of Immiscible Polymer Blends during Melting in Single- Screw Extruders : Effect of Composition and Compatibilization". Marrakech, Morocco: Sem publicadora definida.
2. Michelangelli, Oliver; Yamanoi, Mikio; Gaspar-Cunha, António; Covas, José. 2011. "Flow Dynamics and Structure of solid pellets along the channel of a single screw extruder". Sem local: Sem publicadora definida.
3. Cunha, Sónia; Gaspar-Cunha, António; Covas, José. 2011. "Melting of polymer blends and concomitant morphology development in single screw extruders". Banff, Canada: Sem publicadora definida.
4. Gaspar-Cunha, António. 2011. "Feature Selection Using Multi-Objective Evolutionary Algorithms: Application to Cardiac SPECT Diagnosis". Guimarães, Portugal: Springer-Verlag Berlin / Heide.
5. Mendes, Fernando; Duarte, João; Vieira, Armando; Gaspar-Cunha, António. 2011. "Bankruptcy Prediction: A Multi-Objective Optimization Approach". Sem local: Springer Verlag.
6. Ribeiro, Bernardete; Silva, C; Vieira, Armando; Gaspar-Cunha, António; Neves, João. 2011. "Financial Distress Model Prediction using SVM +". Barcelone, Spain: Sem publicadora definida.
7. Teixeira, Cristina; Covas, José; Stützle, Thomas; Gaspar-Cunha, António. 2011. "Optimization of Co-rotating Twin-Screw Extruders Using Pareto Local Search". Sem local: Springer Verlag.
8. Ferreira, José; Gaspar-Cunha, António; Fonseca, Carlos. 2011. "Experimental evaluation of some preference parametrization schemes". Jyväskylä, Finland: Sem publicadora definida.
9. Gaspar-Cunha, António; Covas, José. 2011. "A scaling-up methodology for co-rotating twin-screw extruders". Marrakech, Morocco: Sem publicadora definida.
10. Cunha, Sónia; Gaspar-Cunha, António; Covas, José. 2011. "Morphology Development of Immiscible Polymer Blends during Melting in Single- Screw Extruders : Effect of Composition and Compatibilization". Marrakech, Morocco: Sem publicadora definida.
11. Michelangelli, Oliver; Yamanoi, Masayuki; Gaspar-Cunha, António; Covas, José. 2011. "Flow Dynamics and Structure of solid pellets along the channel of a single screw extruder". Marrakech, Morocco: Sem publicadora definida.
12. Gaspar-Cunha, António; Mendes, F.; Duate, J.; Vieira, A.; Ribeiro, B.; Ribeiro, A.; Neves, J.C.. 2010. "Multi-Objective Evolutionary Algorithms for Feature Selection: Application in Bankruptcy Prediction". Kanpur, India: Sem publicadora definida.
13. Teixeira, Cristina; Covas, José; Stuetzle, Thomas; Gaspar-Cunha, António. 2009. "Application of Pareto Local Search and Multi-Objective Ant Colony Algorithms to the Optimization of Co-Rotating Twin Screw Extruders Twin-screw Extrusion Configuration Problem Multi-Objective Optimization". Porto, Portugal: Sem publicadora definida.
14. Ferreira, José; Fonseca, carlos; Gaspar-Cunha, António. 2009. "Assessing the quality of the relation between scalarizing function parameters and solutions in multiobjective optimization". Trondheim, Norway: Sem publicadora definida.
15. Cunha, Sónia; Gaspar-Cunha, António; Covas, José. 2009. "Melting Of Immiscible Physical And Compatibilized Polymer Blends In Single Screw Extruders". Goa, India: Sem publicadora definida.
16. Mendes, Fernando; Sousa, Vitor; Costa, Maria; Gaspar-Cunha, António. 2009. "Multi-Objective Memetic Algorithm using Pattern Search Filter Methods Memetic Multi-Objective Algorithm". Porto, Portugal: Sem publicadora definida.
17. Fernandes, Célio; Pontes, António; Viana, Júlio; Gaspar-Cunha, António. 2009. "Using Multi-objective Evolutionary Algorithms in the Optimization of Polymer Injection Molding". Sem local: Sem publicadora definida.
18. Cunha, Sónia; Gaspar-Cunha, António; Covas, José. 2009. "Melting of polymer blends in single-screw extrusion - an experimental study". Twente, Netherlands: Sem publicadora definida.
19. Covas, José; Gaspar-Cunha, António. 2009. "Use of Multi-objective Evolutionary Algorithms in Extrusion Scale-Up". Sem local: Sem publicadora definida.
20. Gama, S.; Fernandes, Célio; Gaspar-Cunha, António. 2009. "Métodos espectrais aplicados ao filme de Fundido de um processo de extrusão de Polímeros". Barcelona, Spain: Sem publicadora definida.
21. Domingues, Natália; Gaspar-Cunha, António; Covas, José; Camesasca, M.; Kaufman, M.; Manas-Zloczower, Ica. 2008. "Numerical and experimental study of agglomerate dispersion in polymer extrusion". Salerno, Italy: Sem publicadora definida.
22. Domingues, Natália; Gaspar-Cunha, António; Covas, José. 2008. "Global Mixing Indices for Single Screw Extrusion". Lyon, France: Sem publicadora definida.

Indicadores de produção (Production indicators)

Produção científica
Scientific production

Livros e capítulos
Books and book chapters
Livros publicados ou organizados
Published or organized books
Capítulos de livros publicados
Published book chapters
Artigos científicos em revistas
Papers in periodics
Sem arbitragem científica
Without scientific refereeing
Trabalhos em eventos
Papers in conference proceedings
Sem arbitragem científica
Without scientific refereeing
Outros tipos de produção científica
Other scientific production

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