Curriculum Vitae

Ana Carolina dos Santos Moreira

Data da última atualização »Last update : 04/09/2014

Ana Carolina dos Santos Moreira. É da Universidade de Coimbra. Publicou 12 artigos em revistas especializadas e 13 trabalhos em actas de eventos. Possui 27 itens de produção técnica. Recebeu 4 prémios e/ou homenagens. Actua na área de Ciências Biológicas Nas suas actividades profissionais interagiu com 67 colaboradores em co-autorias de trabalhos científicos.

Endereço de acesso a este CV:

Dados pessoais (Personal data)
Nome completo
Full name
Ana Carolina dos Santos Moreira
Nome em citações bibliográficas
Quoting name
Ana C. Moreira
Domínio científico de atuação
Scientific domain
Ciências Naturais-Ciências Biológicas.
Endereço profissional
Professional address
Universidade de Coimbra
Centro de Neurociências de Coimbra
Centro de Neurosciências e Biologia Celular
3004--517 Coimbra
Correio electrónico:

Graus Académicos (Academic Degrees)
2008-2009 Mestrado
Master degree
Mestrado em Biologia Celular e Molecular (1 anos » years) .
Universidade de Coimbra, Portugal.

2003-2008 Licenciatura
Licentiate degree
Bioquímica (4 anos » years) .
Universidade de Coimbra, Portugal.

Formação complementar ( studies)
2011-2011 Especialização/ Pós-Graduação
Specialization/ Postgraduation
Laboratory Animal Science.
Universidade Técnica de Lisboa, Portugal.

2008-2008 Especialização/ Pós-Graduação
Specialization/ Postgraduation
Real-time PCR and analysis of mRNA and miRNA expression data.
Universidade de Aveiro, Portugal.

Vínculos profissionais (Professional Positions)
Universidade de Coimbra
Set/2009-Actual Outra Situação
Jul/2008-Ago/2009 Outra Situação

Projetos de Investigação (Research projects)
Outro Tipo de Participação
Other kind of participation
Opening Pandora’s Box for Active Anti-Breast Cancer Therapy – The Role of Selective Targeting to Mitochondria
Referência do projeto»Project reference: PTDC/QUI-QUI/101409/2008 .

Can Phytoestrogens be Safe and Effective Food Additives for Women During Menopause? - An In Vitro and In Vivo Approach to the problem
Referência do projeto»Project reference: PTDC/AGR-ALI/108326/2008 .

Influence of Cell Differentiation State on Apoptosis Induced by Isoproterenol on Embryonic Ventricular H9c2 Cells - Signalling Pathways Involved
Referência do projeto»Project reference: PTDC/QUI/64358/2006 .

Prémios e títulos (Awards Prizes, and Honours)
2009 PhD fellowship SFRH / BD / 33892 / 2009 , FCT.
2009 FACC (Fundo de Apoio à Comunidade Científica) , FCT.
2012 Travel Grant ESCI, ESCI.
2012 Travel Grant Gordon Research Seminar, Gordon Research Conferences.

Membro de Associações Profissionais/Científicas (Professional/Scientific Association membership)
Actual Sociedade Portuguesa de Bioquímica, Membro.
Actual European Society for Clinical Investigation , Membro.
Actual European Menopause and Andropause Society , Membro.

Produção científica, técnica e artística/cultural (Scientific, technical and artistical/cultural production)
Capítulos de livros publicados
Published book chapters
1. Moreira, Ana C; Machado, Nuno; Bernardo, Telma; Sardao, Vilma; Oliveira, Paulo J. 2011. Mitochondria as a Biosensor for Drug-induced Toxicity – Is It Really Relevant?.  In Biosensors for Health, Environment and Biosecurity, ed. Pier Andrea Serra, 411 - 444. ISBN: 978-953-307-443-6. Croatia: InTech.

Artigos em revistas com arbitragem científica
Papers in periodics with scientific refereeing
1. Moreira, Ana C; Silva, Ana M; Santos, Maria S; Sardão, Vilma A. 2013. "Resveratrol affects differently rat liver and brain mitochondrial bioenergetics and oxidative stress in vitro: Investigation of the role of gender", Food and Chemical Toxicology 53, .: 18 - 26.
2. Magalhães, J.; Falcão-Pires, I.; Gonçalves, I.O.; Lumini-Oliveira, J.; Marques-Aleixo, I.; dos Passos, E; Rocha-Rodrigues, S.; Machado, N.G.; Moreira, A.C.; Miranda-Silva, D.; Moura, C.; Leite-Moreira, A.F.; Oliveira, P.J.; Torrella, J.R.; Ascensão, A.. 2013. "Synergistic impact of endurance training and intermittent hypobaric hypoxia on cardiac function and mitochondrial energetic and signaling", International Journal of Cardiology, 1: 1 - 1.
3. Branco, Ana F; Sampaio, Susana F; Moreira, Ana C; Holy, Jon; Wallace, Kendall B; Baldeiras, Ines; Oliveira, Paulo J; Sardão, Vilma A. 2012. "Differentiation-Dependent Doxorubicin Toxicity on H9c2 Cardiomyoblasts", Cardiovascular Toxicology 12, 4: 326 - 340.
4. Choumessi, Aphrodite T; Loureiro, Rute; Silva, Ana M; Moreira, Ana C; Pieme, Anatole C; Tazoacha, Asonganyi; Oliveira, Paulo J; Penlap, Véronique B. 2012. "Toxicity evaluation of some traditional African spices on breast cancer cells and isolated rat hepatic mitochondria", Food and Chemical Toxicology 50, 11: 4199 - 4208.
5. Ascensão, A.; Gonçalves, I.O.; Lumini-Oliveira, J.; Marques-Aleixo, I.; dos Passos, E; Rocha-Rodrigues, S.; Machado, N.G.; Moreira, A.C.; Oliveira, P.J.; Torrella, J.R.; Magalhães, J.. 2012. "Endurance training and chronic intermittent hypoxia modulate in vitro salicylate-induced hepatic mitochondrial dysfunction", Mitochondrion 12, 6: 607 - 616.
6. Branco, Ana F; Pereira, Sandro L; Moreira, Ana C; Holy, Jon; Sardão, Vilma A; Oliveira, Paulo J. 2011. "Isoproterenol Cytotoxicity is Dependent on the Differentiation State of the Cardiomyoblast H9c2 Cell Line", Cardiovascular Toxicology 11, 3: 191 - 203.
7. Ascensão, António; Lumini-Oliveira, José; Machado, Nuno G.; Ferreira, Rita M.; Gonçalves, Inês O.; Moreira, Ana C.; Marques, Franklin; Sardão, Vilma A.; Oliveira, Paulo J.; Magalhães, José. 2011. "Acute exercise protects against calcium-induced cardiac mitochondrial permeability transition pore opening in doxorubicin-treated rats", Clinical Science 120, 1: 37 - 49.
8. Lumini-Oliveira, José; Magalhães, José; Pereira, Cláudia V; Moreira, Ana C; Oliveira, Paulo J; Ascensão, António. 2011. "Endurance training reverts heart mitochondrial dysfunction, permeability transition and apoptotic signaling in long-term severe hyperglycemia", Mitochondrion 11, 1: 54 - 63.
9. Pereira, Claudia; Moreira, Ana; Pereira, Susana; Machado, Nuno; Carvalho, Filipa; Sardao, Vilma; Oliveira, Paulo. 2009. "Investigating Drug-induced Mitochondrial Toxicity: A Biosensor to Increase Drug Safety?", Current Drug Safety 4, 1: 34 - 54.

Artigos em revistas sem arbitragem científica
Papers in periodics without scientific refereeing
1. Oliveira, Pedro F; Martins, Ana D; Moreira, Ana C; Cheng, C. Y; Alves, Marco G. 2014. "The Warburg Effect Revisited-Lesson from the Sertoli Cell", Medicinal Research Reviews, .: na - na.
2. Moreira, Ana C; Silva, Ana M; Santos, Maria S; Sardão, Vilma A. 2014. "Phytoestrogens as alternative hormone replacement therapy in menopause: What is real, what is unknown", The Journal of Steroid Biochemistry and Molecular Biology 143, .: 61 - 71.
3. Magalhães, J.; Gonçalves, I.O.; Lumini-Oliveira, J.; Marques-Aleixo, I.; Passos, E.; Rocha-Rodrigues, S.; Machado, N.G.; Moreira, A.C.; Rizo, D.; Viscor, G.; Oliveira, P.J.; Torrella, J.R.; Ascensão, A.. 2014. "Modulation of cardiac mitochondrial permeability transition and apoptotic signaling by endurance training and intermittent hypobaric hypoxia", International Journal of Cardiology 173, 1: 40 - 45.

Trabalhos completos/resumidos em eventos sem arbitragem científica
Papers in conference proceedings without scientific refereeing
1. Moreira, Ana C; Silva, Ana M; Santos, Maria S; Sardão, Vilma A. 2013. "Resveratol Affects Mitochondrial Bioenergetics in Brain and Liver: A Possible Caution for its use against Menopause symptoms", Trabalho apresentado em 47th Annual Meeting of the European Society of Clinical Investigation, In 47th Annual Meeting of the European Society of Clinical Investigation, Albufeira.
2. Silva, Ana M; Moreira, Ana C; Santos, Maria S; Sardão, Vilma A. 2013. "Osteocyte metabolism on post-menopausal bone loss and role of hormone replacement therapy", Trabalho apresentado em European Calcified Tissue Society, In European Calcified Tissue Society, Lisboa.
3. Moreira, Ana C; Silva, Ana M; Santos, Maria S; Sardão, Vilma A. 2012. "Effects of Estrogens and Phytoestrogens in Breast Cancer Proliferation and Motility", Trabalho apresentado em 46th Congress of European Society for Clinical Investigation, In 46th Congress of European Society for Clinical Investigation, Budapeste.
4. Silva, Ana M; Moreira, Ana C; Santos, Maria S; Sardão, Vilma A. 2012. "Resveratrol in Liver Mitochondria: Beyond its antioxidant role?", Trabalho apresentado em Congress of European Society for Clinical Investigation, In Congress of European Society for Clinical Investigation, Budapeste.
5. Silva, Ana M; Oliveira, Paulo J; Moreira, Ana C; Santos, Maria S; Sardão, Vilma A. 2012. "Are phytoestrogens able to prevent lipotoxicity in cardiac cells?", Trabalho apresentado em 46th Congress of European Society for Clinical Investigation, In 46th Congress of European Society for Clinical Investigation, Budapeste.
6. Ascensão, A.; Gonçalves, Inês O.; Lumini-Oliveira, J.; Aleixo, Inês; dos Passos, E; Rodrigues, Sílvia; Machado, Nuno; Moreira, Ana C; Oliveira, Paulo J; Torrella, J.R.; Magalhães, J.. 2012. "Modulation of liver mitochondrial bioenergetics by endurance training and chronic intermittent hypobaric hypoxia. Relevance for salicylate-induced mitochondrial dysfunction", Trabalho apresentado em 46th Congress of European Society for Clinical Investigation, In 46th Congress of European Society for Clinical Investigation, Budapeste.
7. Moreira, Ana C; Silva, Ana M; Santos, Maria S; Sardão, Vilma A. 2012. "Organ and gender-dependent mitochondrial antioxidant modulation by resveratrol", Trabalho apresentado em Oxygen Club of California – World Congress, In Oxygen Club of California – World Congress, Alba.
8. Moreira, Ana C; Silva, Ana M; Alves, Estela; Santos, Maria S; Sardão, Vilma A. 2011. "Are phytoestrogens a safe alternative to hormone replacement therapy? A toxicological study", Trabalho apresentado em 45th Congress of European Society for Clinical Investigation, In 45th Congress of European Society for Clinical Investigation, Creete.
9. Branco, Ana F; Moreira, Ana C; Pereira, Sandro L; Sardão, Vilma A; Oliveira, Paulo J. 2011. "Differential susceptibility of undifferentiated and differentiated H9c2 cardiomyoblasts to isoproterenol", Trabalho apresentado em 45th Congress of European Society for Clinical Investigation, April 13th-16th 2011, In 45th Congress of European Society for Clinical Investigation, April 13th-16th 2011, Creete.
10. Moreira, Ana C; Silva, Ana M; Santos, Maria S; Sardão, Vilma A. 2011. "Toxicity and Antioxidant Capacity of Resveratrol on Liver and Brain Mitochondria—Are There Gender-Dependent Effects?", Trabalho apresentado em Mitochondrial Physiology & Medicine Meeting, In Mitochondrial Physiology & Medicine Meeting, Woods Hole.
11. Moreira, Ana C; Branco, Ana F; Oliveira, Paulo J; Sardão, Vilma A. 2010. "Caspase-independent apoptosis induced by Doxorubicin on Embryonic Ventricular H9c2 Myoblasts – Role of Apoptosis Inducing Factor (AIF) and Endonuclease G", Trabalho apresentado em 44th Annual Scientific Meeting of the European Society for Clinical Investigation, In 44th Annual Scientific Meeting of the European Society for Clinical Investigation, Bari.
12. Moreira, Ana C; Silva, Ana M; Alves, Estela; Santos, Maria S; Sardão, Vilma A. 2010. "Antioxidant Effects of selected phytoestrogens in brain and liver Mitochondria", Trabalho apresentado em 17th Annual Meeting of Society of Free Radical Biology and Medicine, In Antioxidant Effects of selected phytoestrogens in brain and liver Mitochondria, Orlando.
13. Branco, Ana F; Moreira, Ana C; Sardão, Vilma A; Oliveira, Paulo J; Pereira, Sandro L. 2009. "Toxicity of Isoproterenol Increases with the Differentiation State of H9c2 Myoblasts", Trabalho apresentado em 49th ASCB Annual Meeting San Diego, In 49th ASCB Annual Meeting San Diego, San Diego.

Apresentação oral de trabalho
Oral work presentation
1. Silva, Ana M; Moreira, Ana C; Santos, Maria S; Videira, Romeu A; Carvalho, Rui A; Sardão, Vilma A. Lipidomics of mineral bone cells in normal and estrogen-deprived animals: Role of acute hormone-replacement therapeutics with estradiol and coumestrol,5th International Symposium on Nutrition,Paris,2013 (Poster).
2. Silva, Ana M; Moreira, Ana C; Santos, Maria S; Videira, Romeu A; Carvalho, Rui A; Sardão, Vilma A. Understanding bone lipidomics of mineral bone cells in normal and estrogen-deprived animals ,47th Annual Meeting of the European Society for Clinical Investigation,Albufeira,2013 (Poster).
3. Moreira, Ana C; Silva, Ana M; Wolf, Andrea; Soldner, Emma L. B; Pereira, Gonçalo C; Hartz, Anika M. S; Bauer, Bjoern; Santos, Maria S; Sardão, Vilma A. Phytoestrogens as alternative to the hormone replacement therapy,47th Annual Meeting of the European Society of Clinical Investigation,Albufeira,2013 (Comunicação).
4. Moreira, Ana C; Silva, Ana M; Santos, Maria S; Sardão, Vilma A. Resveratol Affects Mitochondrial Bioenergetics in Brain and Liver: A Possible Caution for its use against Menopause symptoms,47th Annual Meeting of the European Society of Clinical Investigation,Albufeira,2013 (Poster).
5. Silva, Ana M; Moreira, Ana C; Santos, Maria S; Videira, Romeu A; Carvalho, Rui A; Sardão, Vilma A. Post-menopausal bone loss: comparison of the metabolic profiles of bone-embedded osteocytes in normal and ovariectomized female rats,47th Annual Meeting of the European Society of Clinical Investigation,Albufeira,2013 (Comunicação).
6. Branco, Ana F; Moreira, Ana C; Pereira, Sandro L; Sardão, Vilma A; Oliveira, Paulo J. Isoproterenol Toxicity on Retinoic Acid-differentiated H9c2 Cells Involves Bax, Calcineurin and Phosphorylated p38-MAPK,XXX ISHR European Section Meeting,Haifa,2012 (Poster).
7. Ascensão, A.; Gonçalves, Inês O.; Lumini-Oliveira, J.; Aleixo, Inês; dos Passos, E; Rodrigues, Sílvia; Machado, N.G.; Moreira, Ana C; Oliveira, Paulo J; Torrella, J.R.; Magalhães, José. Endurance training and chronic intermintent hypobaric hypoxia modulate liver mitochondrial bioenergetics – Role against for salicylate-induced mitochondrial dysfunction,59th Annual meeting of American College of Sports Medicine and 3rd World congress of Exercise is Medicine,San Francisco,2012 (Poster).
8. Moreira, Ana C; Wolf, Andrea; Soldner, Emma L. B; Sardão, Vilma A; Santos, Maria S; Hartz, Anika M. S; Bauer, Bjoern. Modulation of GLUT-1 expression by estrogens at the Blood Brain Barrier: a model to overcome hot flushes in menopause? ,Gordon Research Conferences,New London, New Hampshire,2012 (Poster).
9. Moreira, Ana C; Wolf, Andrea; Soldner, Emma L. B; Sardão, Vilma A; Santos, Maria S; Hartz, Anika M. S; Bauer, Bjoern. Modulation of GLUT-1 expression by estrogens at the Blood Brain Barrier: a model to overcome hot flushes in menopause? ,Gordon Research Seminar,New London, New Hampshire,2012 (Poster).
10. Moreira, Ana C; Silva, Ana M; Santos, Maria S; Sardão, Vilma A. Organ and gender-dependent mitochondrial antioxidant modulation by resveratrol,Oxygen Club of California – World Congress,Alba,2012 (Poster).
11. Moreira, Ana C; Silva, Ana M; Wolf, Andrea; Soldner, Emma L. B; Pereira, Gonçalo C; Hartz, Anika M. S; Bauer, Bjoern; Santos, Maria S; Sardão, Vilma A. Coumestrol as safe and valid alternative for the hormone replacement therapy,X Annual Meeting of Center for Neuroscience and Cell Biology,Cantanhede,2012 (Comunicação).
12. Moreira, Ana C; Wolf, Andrea; Soldner, Emma L. B; Sardão, Vilma A; Santos, Maria S; Hartz, Anika M. S; Bauer, Bjoern. Modulation of GLUT-1 expression by estrogens at the Blood Brain Barrier: a model to overcome hot flushes in menopause? ,Gordon Research Seminar,New London, New Hampshire,2012 (Comunicação).
13. Silva, Ana M; Moreira, Ana C; Santos, Maria S; Sardão, Vilma A. Gender-dependent rat liver and brain mitochondrial antioxidant defenses,Oxygen Club of California – World Congress,Alba,2012 (Poster).
14. Sampaio, Susana F; Moreira, Ana C; Santos, Maria S; Oliveira, Paulo J; Sardão, Vilma A. Apoptosis-inducing factor (AIF) Role in Anthracycline – induced Cardiomyoblast Cell Death,Oxygen Club of California – World Congress,Alba,2012 (Poster).
15. Sampaio, Susana F; Moreira, Ana C; Santos, Maria S; Oliveira, Paulo J; Sardão, Vilma A. Role of the Apoptosis-inducing Factor (AIF) on Doxorubicin-induced Cardiomyoblast Cell Death,6th National Meeting on Cell Signaling,Braga,2012 (Poster).
16. Moreira, Ana C; Silva, Ana M; Oliveira, Paulo J; Santos, Maria S; Holy, Jon; Sardão, Vilma A. Estrogen Dependent Effects on Breast Cancer Cell Motility and Proliferation,XLI Annual Meeting of the Portuguese Society of Pharmacology,Coimbra,2011 (Comunicação).
17. Silva, Ana M; Moreira, Ana C; Alves, Estela; Santos, Maria S; Sardão, Vilma A. Comparative liver mitochondria toxicity of phytoestrogens: Effects as a matter of gender?, ,XVII Congress of Portuguese Society of Biochemistry,Porto,2010 (Poster).
18. Alves, Estela; Moreira, Ana C; Silva, Ana M; Santos, Maria S; Sardão, Vilma A. Mitochondrial safety of phytoestrogens: searching for an alternative hormone replacement therapy,2nd Annual Meeting Of Therapeutic Chemistry,Coimbra,2010 (Poster).
19. Moreira, Ana C; Silva, Ana M; Alves, Estela; Santos, Maria S; Sardão, Vilma A. Mitochondrial and Antioxidant effects of selected phytoestrogens on liver and brain fractions,XVII Congress of Portuguese Society of Biochemistry,Porto,2010 (Poster).
20. Branco, Ana F; Moreira, Ana C; Pereira, Sandro L; Sardão, Vilma A; Oliveira, Paulo J. Differential Sensitivity of Undifferentiated and Differentiated H9c2 Cardiomyoblasts to Isoproterenol,XXth World Congress of the International Society for Heart Research,Kyoto,2010 (Poster).
21. Branco, Ana F; Moreira, Ana C; Holy, Jon; Wallace, Kendall B; Oliveira, Paulo J; Sardão, Vilma A. Differential Sensitivity of Undifferentiated and Differentiated H9c2 Myoblasts to the Cardiotoxicant Doxorubicin,Molecular Regulation of Cardiac Disease symposium London,London,2009 (Poster).
22. Moreira, Ana C; Branco, Ana F; Holy, Jon; Oliveira, Paulo J; Sardão, Vilma A. Caspase-independent mechanisms in the Cytotoxicity of Doxorubicin on Embryonic Ventricular H9c2 cells,XL Reunião Anual da Sociedade Portuguesa de Farmacologia,Porto,2009 (Comunicação).
23. Moreira, Ana C; Branco, Ana F; Holy, Jon; Oliveira, Paulo J; Sardão, Vilma A. Caspase-independent mechanisms in the Cytotoxicity of Doxorubicin on Embryonic Ventricular H9c2 cells, Society of Heart and Vascular Metabolism,7th annual scientific sessions, Cardiac Metabolism in Health and Disease: Mitochondria and Oxidative Stress,Pádua,2009 (Poster).

Curso de curta duração lecionado
Taught short course
1. Moreira, Ana C. Biomedicina: Mitocondria e Doenças, 2012 (Extensão), promovido por IEC-Instituição para a Cidadania.
Duração: 30 horas. Local: Mamarrosa, Cidade: Mamarrosa, Oliveira do Bairro, Tipo de participação: Docente.

Organização de evento
Event organization
1. Moreira, Ana C. 47th Annual Meeting of the European Society of Clinical Investigation,2013 (Congresso / Organização).
2. Moreira, Ana C. Advanced Course “Life as matter of fat” (International Courses on Toxicology 2010) ,2010 (Congresso / Organização).
3. Moreira, Ana C. Advanced Course “Mitochondria: Between Life and Death” (International Courses on Toxicology 2009),2009 (Congresso / Organização).

Indicadores de produção (Production indicators)

Produção científica
Scientific production

Livros e capítulos
Books and book chapters
Capítulos de livros publicados
Published book chapters
Artigos científicos em revistas
Papers in periodics
Com arbitragem científica
With scientific refereeing
Sem arbitragem científica
Without scientific refereeing
Trabalhos em eventos
Papers in conference proceedings
Sem arbitragem científica
Without scientific refereeing

Produção técnica
Technical production

Outros tipos de produção técnica
Other technical production

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