Curriculum Vitae

Ana Maria Dias Madureira Pereira

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Ana Maria Dias Madureira Pereira.

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Dados pessoais (Personal data)
Nome completo
Full name
Ana Maria Dias Madureira Pereira
Nome em citações bibliográficas
Quoting name
Pereira, Ana Maria Dias Madureira

Graus Académicos (Academic Degrees)
2003 Doutoramento
Engenharia de Produção e Sistemas.
Universidade do Minho, Portugal.

1996 Mestrado
Master degree
Engenharia Electrotécnica e de Computadores - Informática Industrial.
Universidade do Porto, Portugal.

Vínculos profissionais (Professional Positions)
Instituto Politécnico do Porto
Mai/2010-Actual Professor Coordenador
Jan/2001-Abr/2010 Professor Adjunto
Dez/2000-Dez/2000 Assist. 2º triénio com grau de Mestre/Doutor
Dez/1997-Jan/2000 Assistente 2º triénio
Dez/1994-Dez/1997 Assistente 1º triénio

Produção científica, técnica e artística/cultural (Scientific, technical and artistical/cultural production)
Capítulos de livros publicados
Published book chapters
1. Madureira, Ana; Pereira, Ivo; Sousa, Nelson; ¿?vila, Paulo; Bastos, João. 2011. Scheduling a Cutting and Treatment Stainless Steel Sheet Line with Self-Management Capabilities.  In Computational Intelligence for Engineering Systems, ed. Ana MadureiraJudite FerreiraZita Vale, 34 - 47. ISBN: 978-94-007-0092-5. Dordrecht: Springer Netherlands.
2. Madureira, Ana; Pereira, Ivo. 2010. Self-Optimization for Dynamic Scheduling in Manufacturing Systems.  In Technological Developments in Networking, Education and Automation, ed. Khaled ElleithyTarek SobhMagued IskanderVikram KapilaMohammad A. KarimAusif Mahmood, 421 - 426. ISBN: 978-90-481-9150-5. Dordrecht: Springer Netherlands.
3. Madureira, Ana; Santos, Joaquim. 2010. Inter-Machine Cooperation Mechanism for Dynamic Scheduling.  In Technological Developments in Education and Automation, ed. Magued IskanderVikram KapilaMohammad A. Karim, 483 - 488. ISBN: 978-90-481-3655-1. Dordrecht: Springer Netherlands.
4. Madureira, Ana; Santos, Joaquim; Pereira, Ivo. 2009. A Hybrid Intelligent System for Distributed Dynamic Scheduling.  In Natural Intelligence for Scheduling, Planning and Packing Problems, ed. Raymond ChiongSandeep Dhakal, 295 - 324. ISBN: 978-3-642-04038-2. Berlin, Heidelberg: Springer Berlin Heidelberg.
5. Pereira, Ana M. D. M; Santos, Joaquim; Pereira, Ivo. 2009. MASDSheGATS – Scheduling System for Dynamic Manufacturing Environments.  In MultiAgent Systems, 333 - 348. ISBN: 978 3 902613-51-6. In-tech: Croatia.
6. Pereira, Ana M. D. M. 2008. Hybrid Meta-heuristics based System for Distributed Dynamic Scheduling.  In Encyclopedia of Artificial Intelligence, 853 - 858. ISBN: 978-1-59904-849-9. Hershey, New York: Idea Group Reference, Information Science Reference.
7. Pereira, Ana M. D. M; Santos, Joaquim; Gomes, Nuno; Ferreira, Ilda. 2007. Developing a Multi-Agent System for Dynamic Scheduling Through AOSE Perspective.  In Advances and Innovations in systems, Computing Sciences and Software Engineering, 35 - 40. ISBN: 978-1-4020-6263-6. The Netherlands: Springer.
8. Pereira, Ana M. D. M; Ramos, Carlos; Silva, Silvio C. 2003. Tabu Search based Approach for Real World Scheduling in Manufacturing Systems.  In COMPUTER INTEGRATED MANUFACTURING-Advanced Design and Management, 333 - 340. . Warszawa: Wydawnictwa Naukowo-Techniczne.
9. Pereira, Ana M. D. M; Ramos, Carlos; Silva, Silvio C. 2000. A Genetic Algorithm for The Dynamic Single Machine Scheduling Problem.  In Advances in Networked Enterprises Virtual Organizations, Balanced Automation and Systems Integration, 315 - 323. ISBN: 0-7923-7958-6. The Netherlands: Kluwer Academic Publishers.

Artigos em revistas sem arbitragem científica
Papers in periodics without scientific refereeing
1. Pereira, Ana M. D. M; Pereira, Ivo. 2011. "Intelligent Bio-Inspired System for Manufacturing Scheduling under Uncertainties", International Journal of Computer Information Systems and Industrial Management Applications 3, 1: 072 - 079.
2. Pereira, Ana M. D. M; Santos, Joaquim; Gomes, Nuno; Ferreira, Ilda. 2006. "Dynamic Scheduling Through Agent Oriented Software Engineering", Dynamic Scheduling Through Agent Oriented Software Engineering 2, 1: 318 - 324.
3. Pereira, Ana M. D. M; Gomes, Nuno; Santos, Joaquim. 2006. "Cooperative Negotiation Mechanism for Agent Based Distributed Manufacturing Scheduling", WSEAS Transactions on Systems 5, 12: 2899 - 2904.
4. Pereira, Ana M. D. M. 2005. "Challenges in Real world Optimization through Meta-Heuristics: The Dynamic Scheduling Case", WSEAS Transactions on Business and Economics 2, 3: 123 - 134.
5. Pereira, Ana M. D. M; Santos, Joaquim. 2005. "Proposal of Multi-Agent based Model for Dynamic Scheduling in Manufacturing", WSEAS Transactions on Information Science and Applications 2, 5: 600 - 605.
6. Pereira, Ana M. D. M; Ramos, Carlos; Silva, Silvio C. 2004. "Toward Dynamic Scheduling Through Evolutionary Computing", WSEAS Transactions on Systems 3, 4: 1596 - 1604.
7. Madureira, Ana; Ramos, Carlos; Silva, Silvio C. 2001. "An Inter-Machine Activity Coordination based Approach for Dynamic Job Shop Scheduling", Journal for Manufacturing Science and Production 4, 2: 121 - 131.

Trabalhos completos/resumidos em eventos sem arbitragem científica
Papers in conference proceedings without scientific refereeing
1. Madureira, A.; Pereira, I.; Sousa, N.. 2011. "Self-organization for scheduling in agile manufacturing", Trabalho apresentado em 2011 IEEE 10th International Conference on Cybernetic Intelligent Systems (CIS), In 2011 IEEE 10th International Conference on Cybernetic Intelligent Systems (CIS), London.
2. Madureira, Ana; Sousa, Nelson; Pereira, Ivo. 2011. "Negotiation mechanism for self-organized scheduling system", Trabalho apresentado em 2011 Third World Congress on Nature and Biologically Inspired Computing (NaBIC), In 2011 Third World Congress on Nature and Biologically Inspired Computing, Salamanca, Spain.
3. Pereira, Ana M. D. M; Sousa, Nelson; Pereira, Ivo. 2011. "Swarm Intelligence for Scheduling: a review", Trabalho apresentado em 2nd International Conference on Business Sustainability (BS’11), In 2nd International Conference on Business Sustainability (BS’11), Póvoa de Varzim.
4. Madureira, Ana; Pereira, Ivo. 2010. "Intelligent Bio-Inspired system for manufacturing scheduling under uncertainties", Trabalho apresentado em 2010 10th International Conference on Hybrid Intelligent Systems (HIS 2010), In 2010 10th International Conference on Hybrid Intelligent Systems, Atlanta, GA, USA.
5. Madureira, Ana; Pereira, Ivo; Sousa, Nelson. 2010. "Collective intelligence on dynamic manufacturing scheduling optimization", Trabalho apresentado em 2010 IEEE Fifth International Conference on Bio-Inspired Computing: Theories and Applications (BIC-TA), In 2010 IEEE Fifth International Conference on Bio-Inspired Computing: Theories and Applications (BIC-TA), Changsha, China.
6. Madureira, Ana; Pereira, Ivo. 2010. "Intelligent Bio-Inspired system for manufacturing scheduling under uncertainties", Trabalho apresentado em 2010 10th International Conference on Hybrid Intelligent Systems (HIS 2010), In 2010 10th International Conference on Hybrid Intelligent Systems, Atlanta, GA, USA.
7. Pereira, Ana M. D. M; Pereira, Ivo; Sousa, Nelson; ¿?vila, Paulo; Bastos, João. 2009. "Autonomic Computing for Scheduling in Manufacturing Systems", Trabalho apresentado em First International Symposium on Computational Intelligence for Engineering Systems, In First International Symposium on Computational Intelligence for Engineering Systems, Porto.
8. Pereira, Ana M. D. M; Pereira, Ivo. 2009. "Self-Optimization for Dynamic Scheduling in Manufacturing Systems", Trabalho apresentado em International Joint Conferences on Computer, Information, and Systems Sciences, and Engineering (CISSE’2009), In International Joint Conferences on Computer, Information, and Systems Sciences, and Engineering (CISSE’2009), Bridgeport.
9. Pereira, Ana M. D. M; Santos, Joaquim; Pereira, Ivo. 2008. "Inter-Machine Cooperation Mechanism for Dynamic Scheduling", Trabalho apresentado em International Joint Conferences on Computer, Information, and Systems Sciences, and Engineering (CISSE’2008), In International Joint Conferences on Computer, Information, and Systems Sciences, and Engineering (CISSE’2008), Bridgeport.
10. Madureira, Ana; Santos, Filipe; Pereira, Ivo. 2008. "Self-managing agents for dynamic scheduling in manufacturing", Trabalho apresentado em the 2008 GECCO conference companion, In Proceedings of the 2008 GECCO conference companion on Genetic and evolutionary computation - GECCO '08, Atlanta, GA, USA.
11. Pereira, Ana M. D. M; Fonseca, Nuno; Pereira, Ivo. 2008. "Self-configuration in Dynamic Scheduling", Trabalho apresentado em First International Conference on Business Sustainability (BS’08), In First International Conference on Business Sustainability (BS’08), Esposende.
12. Pereira, Ana M. D. M; Santos, Joaquim. 2008. "Multi-Agent System Coordination for Dynamic Scheduling", Trabalho apresentado em First International Conference on Business Sustainability (BS’08), In First International Conference on Business Sustainability (BS’08), Esposende.
13. Pereira, Ana M. D. M; Santos, Joaquim; Pereira, Ivo. 2008. "Cooperative Intelligent System for Manufacturing Scheduling", Trabalho apresentado em 10th Int.Conf. on Mathematical methods and Computational Techniques in Electrical Engineering, In 10th Int.Conf. on Mathematical methods and Computational Techniques in Electrical Engineering, Sofia.
14. Pereira, Ana M. D. M; Santos, Joaquim; Pereira, Ivo. 2007. "MASDSheGATS: A Prototype System for Dynamic Scheduling", Trabalho apresentado em 6th Int.Conf. on COMPUTATIONAL INTELLIGENCE, MAN-MACHINE SYSTEMS and CYBERNETICS (CIMMACS '07), In 6th Int.Conf. on COMPUTATIONAL INTELLIGENCE, MAN-MACHINE SYSTEMS and CYBERNETICS (CIMMACS '07), Tenerife.
15. Madureira, Ana; Santos, Joaquin; Gomes, Nuno. 2007. "Hybrid Multi-agent System for Cooperative Dynamic Scheduling Through Meta-Heuristics", Trabalho apresentado em Seventh International Conference on Intelligent Systems Design and Applications (ISDA 2007), In Seventh International Conference on Intelligent Systems Design and Applications (ISDA 2007), Rio de Janeiro, Brazil.
16. Madureira, Ana; Gomes, Nuno; Santos, Joaquim; Ramos, Carlos. 2007. "Cooperation Mechanism for Team-Work based Multi-Agent System in Dynamic Scheduling through Meta-Heuristics", Trabalho apresentado em 2007 IEEE International Symposium on Assembly and Manufacturing, In 2007 IEEE International Symposium on Assembly and Manufacturing, Ann Arbor, MI, USA.
17. Pereira, Ana M. D. M; Santos, Joaquim; Gomes, Nuno; Ramos, Carlos. 2007. "Hybrid Cooperative Agents For Dynamic Scheduling", Trabalho apresentado em The Seventh Metaheuristics International Conference (MIC2007), In The Seventh Metaheuristics International Conference (MIC2007), Montreal.
18. Pereira, Ana M. D. M; Santos, Joaquim; Gomes, Nuno; Ferreira, Ilda. 2006. "Toward Agent Oriented Software Engineering for Distributed scheduling", Trabalho apresentado em 5th International Conference on System Science and Simulation in Engineering (ICOSSE ’06), In 5th International Conference on System Science and Simulation in Engineering (ICOSSE ’06), Tenerife.
19. Pereira, Ana M. D. M; Santos, Joaquim; Gomes, Nuno; Ferreira, Ilda. 2006. "Developing a Multi-Agent System for Dynamic Scheduling Through AOSE Perspective", Trabalho apresentado em International Joint Conferences on Computer, Information, and Systems Sciences, and Engineering (CISSE’06), In International Joint Conferences on Computer, Information, and Systems Sciences, and Engineering (CISSE’06), -.
20. Pereira, Ana M. D. M; Gomes, Nuno; Santos, Joaquim. 2006. "Team-Work Based Architecture for Distributed Manufacturing Scheduling", Trabalho apresentado em 6th International Conference on Simulation, Modelling and Optimization (SMO '06), In 6th International Conference on Simulation, Modelling and Optimization (SMO '06), Lisboa.
21. Pereira, Ana M. D. M; Santos, Joaquim. 2006. "Developing a Multi-Agent System for Distributed Manufacturing", Trabalho apresentado em International Conference on Knowldege Engineering and Decision Support (ICKEDS’06), In International Conference on Knowldege Engineering and Decision Support (ICKEDS’06), Lisboa.
22. Pereira, Ana M. D. M; Santos, Joaquim. 2005. "Proposal of Multi-Agent based Model for Dynamic Scheduling in Manufacturing", Trabalho apresentado em 6th Int. Conf. on Evolutionary Computing, In 6th Int. Conf. on Evolutionary Computing, Lisboa.
23. Pereira, Ana M. D. M. 2005. "Multi-Agent System for Dynamic Manufacturing Scheduling using Meta-Heuristics", Trabalho apresentado em Int. Conf. on Applied Mathematics and Computer Science (AMCOS 2005), In Int. Conf. on Applied Mathematics and Computer Science (AMCOS 2005), Rio de Janeiro.
24. Pereira, Ana M. D. M. 2005. "Scheduling Support System based on Meta-Heuristics for Dynamic Manufacturing Scheduling", Trabalho apresentado em Int. Conf. on Applied Mathematics and Computer Science (AMCOS 2005), In Int. Conf. on Applied Mathematics and Computer Science (AMCOS 2005), Rio de Janeiro.
25. Pereira, Ana M. D. M; Ramos, Carlos; Silva, Silvio C. 2004. "Evolutionary Approach for Dynamic Scheduling in Manufacturing", Trabalho apresentado em Evolutionary Approach for Dynamic Scheduling in Manufacturing, In Proceedings of the First International Conference on Informatics in Control, Automation and Robotics (ICINCO 2004), Setúbal.
26. Pereira, Ana M. D. M; Ramos, Carlos; Silva, Silvio C. 2004. "A Tabu Search based Scheduling System for Dynamic Environments in Manufacturing", Trabalho apresentado em International Conference on Knowldege Engineering and Decision Support ( ICKEDS 2004), In International Conference on Knowldege Engineering and Decision Support ( ICKEDS 2004), Porto.

Indicadores de produção (Production indicators)

Produção científica
Scientific production

Livros e capítulos
Books and book chapters
Capítulos de livros publicados
Published book chapters
Artigos científicos em revistas
Papers in periodics
Sem arbitragem científica
Without scientific refereeing
Trabalhos em eventos
Papers in conference proceedings
Sem arbitragem científica
Without scientific refereeing

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