João Filipe Coutinho Mendes
Data da última atualização
»Last update
28/02/2019 |
Dados pessoais (Personal data)
Nome completo
Full name |
João Filipe Coutinho Mendes |
Nome em citações bibliográficas
Quoting name |
Coutinho, João |
Categoria profissional
Position |
Professor Catedrático |
Endereço profissional
Professional address |
Universidade de Trás-os-Montes e Alto Douro Escola de Ciências da Vida e do Ambiente Departamento de Biologia e Ambiente Laboratório de Solos, Universidade de Trás-os-Montes e Alto Douro Vila Real 5000-911 Vila Real Portugal Apartado: 1013 Telefone: (+351)259350210Extensão: 2210 Correio electrónico: |
Gender |
Masculino»Male |
Graus Académicos
(Academic Degrees)
1997 |
Agregação Aggregation |
Universidade de Trás-os-Montes e Alto Douro,
1982-1988 |
Doutoramento Phd |
Engenharia Agrícola.
Universidade de Trás-os-Montes e Alto Douro,
1973-1978 |
Licenciatura Licentiate degree |
Engenharia Agronómica
(6 anos » years)
Universidade Técnica de Lisboa,
Formação complementar ( studies)
1990-1990 |
Outros Others |
Ciência do Solo. Purdue University,
Estados Unidos.
Vínculos profissionais
(Professional Positions)
Universidade de Trás-os-Montes e Alto Douro |
Jan/1998-Actual |
Professor Catedrático |
Atividades de Direção e Administração (Management and Administration activities)
Universidade de Trás-os-Montes e Alto Douro |
Jul/2013-Actual |
Vice-Reitor/ Pró-Reitor |
Outras atividades técnico científicas (Other technical-scientific activities)
Universidade de Trás-os-Montes e Alto Douro |
Ago/1978-Actual |
Atividade realizada»Activity: Direção do laboratório de Análise de Solos e Plantas |
Projetos de Investigação (Research projects)
Participação como Investigador Participation as Researcher |
2012-2015 ReUseWaste: Recovery and Use of Nutrients, Energy and Organic Matter from Animal Waste |
Referência do projeto»Project reference: Marie Curie Actions 289887.
2012-2015 Animal slurry management: sustainable practices at field scale |
Referência do projeto»Project reference: PTDC/AGR-PRO/119428/2010.
2014-2015 Enoexcel - From Vineyard to Wine: Targeting Grape and Wine Excellency |
Referência do projeto»Project reference: ON.2 – NORTE-07-0124-FEDER-000.
2011-2015 PROMOAGRO, Promoção da Competitividade Agro-alimentar |
Referência do projeto»Project reference: ON.2 – NORTE-07-0162-FEDER-000.
2013-2015 GreenVitis – Soil Management for productivity and sustainability of Douro region vineyards |
Referência do projeto»Project reference: ON.2 – NORTE – PRODER 43879.
2011-2014 ClimVineSafe - Short-term climate change mitigation strategies for Mediterranean vineyards |
Referência do projeto»Project reference: PTDC/AGR-ALI/110877/2009.
2012-2014 Mallus – Implementation of biaxis (axis-double) as training system in apple trees |
Referência do projeto»Project reference: ON.2 – NORTE – PRODER 24005.
2011-2014 Assessment of phosphorus bioavailability from animal manures applied to Portuguese soils and site vulnerability to phosphorus
Referência do projeto»Project reference: PTDC/AGR-PRO/112127/2009.
2011-2014 Effect of phytochemicals on organic matter transformation and on key processes of carbon and nitrogen cycles in soil |
Referência do projeto»Project reference: PTDC/AGR-AAM/102006/2008.
2011-2013 Agricultural best practices for the sustainable management of livestock wastes |
Referência do projeto»Project reference: Programa Rede Rural Nacional, .
2010-2013 Trace gas emissions from Portuguese irrigated rice fields in contrasting soils, by the influence of crop management, climate
and increase concentration of CO2 in the atmosphere
Referência do projeto»Project reference: PTDC/AGR-AAM/102529/2008.
2009-2012 SUVIDUR, Sustainable viticulture in Portugal and Spain along the Douro Valley |
Referência do projeto»Project reference: POCTEP 0216_SUVIDUR_2_P.
Línguas (Languages)
Compreende Understandig |
Inglês (Bem), Francês (Bem), Espanhol (Bem). |
Fala Speaking |
Inglês (Bem), Francês (Razoavelmente), Espanhol (Razoavelmente). |
Lê Reading |
Inglês (Bem), Francês (Bem), Espanhol (Bem). |
Escreve Writing |
Inglês (Bem), Francês (Pouco), Espanhol (Pouco). |
Prémios e títulos (Awards Prizes, and Honours)
1973 |
Prémio D. Dinis,
Ministério da Educação.
Membro de Associações Profissionais/Científicas (Professional/Scientific Association membership)
Actual |
European Society for Agronomy, Membro.
De 1995 a 1997 foi representante da ESfA em Portugal.
1990- Actual |
Sociedade Portuguesa de Ciência do Solo, Membro.
Produção científica, técnica e artística/cultural
(Scientific, technical and artistical/cultural
Artigos em revistas com arbitragem científica Papers in periodics with scientific refereeing |
1. |
Mendes, Daniela; Oliveira, Maria M; Moreira, Paula I; Coutinho, João; Nunes, Fernando M; Pereira, David M; Valentão, Patrícia; Andrade, Paula B; Videira, Romeu A. 2018. "Beneficial effects of white wine polyphenols-enriched diet on Alzheimer’s disease-like pathology", The Journal of Nutritional Biochemistry 55, 0: 165 - 177.
2. |
Santos, Cátia; Goufo, Piebiep; Fonseca, João; Pereira, José L; Ferreira, Luis; Coutinho, João; Trindade, Henrique. 2018. "Effect of lignocellulosic and phenolic compounds on ammonia, nitric oxide and greenhouse gas emissions during composting", Journal of Cleaner Production 171, 0: 548 - 556.
3. |
Fangueiro, David; Pereira, José L; Macedo, Sofia; Trindade, Henrique; Vasconcelos, Ernesto; Coutinho, João. 2017. "Surface application of acidified cattle slurry compared to slurry injection: Impact on NH 3 , N 2 O, CO 2 and CH 4 emissions
and crop uptake", Geoderma 306, 0: 160 - 166.
4. |
Owusu-Twum, Maxwell Y; Polastre, Adele; Subedi, Raghunath; Santos, Ana S; Mendes Ferreira, L. M; Coutinho, João; Trindade, Henrique. 2017. "Gaseous emissions and modification of slurry composition during storage and after field application: Effect of slurry additives
and mechanical separation", Journal of Environmental Management 200, 0: 416 - 422.
5. |
Santos, Cátia; Fonseca, João; Aires, Alfredo; Coutinho, João; Trindade, Henrique. 2017. "Effect of different rates of spent coffee grounds (SCG) on composting process, gaseous emissions and quality of end-product", Waste Management 59, 0: 37 - 47.
6. |
Regueiro, Iria; Coutinho, João; Fangueiro, David. 2016. "Alternatives to sulfuric acid for slurry acidification: impact on slurry composition and ammonia emissions during storage", Journal of Cleaner Production 131, 0: 296 - 307.
7. |
Fangueiro, David; Surgy, Sonia; Fraga, Irene; Monteiro, Fernando G; Cabral, Fernanda; Coutinho, João. 2016. "Acidification of animal slurry affects the nitrogen dynamics after soil application", Geoderma 281, 0: 30 - 38.
8. |
Regueiro, Iria; Coutinho, João; Gioelli, Fabrizio; Balsari, Paolo; Dinuccio, Elio; Fangueiro, David. 2016. "Acidification of raw and co-digested pig slurries with alum before mechanical separation reduces gaseous emission during storage
of solid and liquid fractions", Agriculture, Ecosystems & Environment 227, 0: 42 - 51.
9. |
Fangueiro, David; Coutinho, João; Borges, Leandro; Vasconcelos, Ernesto. 2015. "Recovery efficiency of nitrogen from liquid and solid fractions of pig slurry obtained using different separation technologies", Journal of Plant Nutrition and Soil Science 178, 2: 229 - 236.
10. |
Figueiredo, Nuno; Carranca, Corina; Goufo, Piebiep; Pereira, José; Trindade, Henrique; Coutinho, João. 2015. "Impact of agricultural practices, elevated temperature and atmospheric carbon dioxide concentration on nitrogen and pH dynamics
in soil and floodwater during the seasonal rice growth in Portugal", Soil and Tillage Research, 145: 198 - 207.
11. |
Brito, Luis M; Mourão, Isabel; Coutinho, João; Smith, Stephen R. 2015. "Co-composting of invasive Acacia longifolia with pine bark for horticultural use ", Environmental Technology, 36: 1632 - 1642.
12. |
Fangueiro, D.; Surgy, S.; Fraga, I.; Cabral, F.; Coutinho, J.. 2015. "Band application of treated cattle slurry as an alternative to slurry injection: Implications for gaseous emissions, soil
quality, and plant growth", Agriculture, Ecosystems & Environment, 211: 102 - 111.
13. |
Figueiredo, Nuno; Carranca, Corina; Trindade, Henrique; Pereira, José; Goufo, Piebiep; Coutinho, João; Marques, Paula; Maricato, Rosa; de Varennes, A. 2015. "Elevated carbon dioxide and temperature effects on rice yield, leaf greenness, and phenological stages duration", Paddy and Water Environment, 13: 0 - 0.
14. |
Fangueiro, David; Pereira, José; Bichana, André; Surgy, Sónia; Cabral, Fernanda; Coutinho, João. 2015. "Effects of cattle-slurry treatment by acidification and separation on nitrogen dynamics and global warming potential after
surface application to an acidic soil", Journal of Environmental Management, 162: 1 - 8.
15. |
Venâncio, Carlos; Félix, Luís; Almeida, Vanessa; Coutinho, João; Antunes, Luís; Peixoto, Francisco; Summavielle, Teresa. 2015. "Acute Ketamine Impairs Mitochondrial Function and Promotes Superoxide Dismutase Activity in the Rat Brain", Anesthesia & Analgesia, 120: 320 - 328.
16. |
Dinis, L.-T.; Correia, C.M.; Ferreira, H.F.; Gonçalves, B.; Gonçalves, I.; Coutinho, J.F.; Ferreira, M.I.; Malheiro, A.C.; Moutinho-Pereira, J.. 2014. "Physiological and biochemical responses of Semillon and Muscat Blanc à Petits Grains winegrapes grown under Mediterranean
climate", Scientia Horticulturae, 175: 128 - 138.
17. |
Brito, Luís M; Monteiro, José M; Mourão, Isabel; Coutinho, João. 2014. "Organic Lettuce Growth And Nutrient Uptake Response To Lime, Compost And Rock Phosphate", Journal of Plant Nutrition 37, 7: 1002 - 1011.
18. |
Fraga, Irene; Coutinho, João; Bezerra, Rui M; Dias, Albino A; Marques, Guilhermina; Nunes, Fernando M. 2014. "Influence of culture medium growth variables on Ganoderma lucidum exopolysaccharides structural features", Carbohydrate Polymers 111, 111: 936 - 946.
19. |
Fangueiro, D.; Surgy, S.; Napier, V.; Menaia, J.; Vasconcelos, E.; Coutinho, J.. 2014. "Impact of slurry management strategies on potential leaching of nutrients and pathogens in a sandy soil amended with cattle
slurry", Journal of Environmental Management 146, 146: 198 - 205.
20. |
Fangueiro, D.; Coutinho, J.; Borges, L.; Cabral, F.; Vasconcelos, E.. 2014. "Nitrogen and carbon availability of liquid and solid fractions of pig slurry obtained using different separation technologies", Biology and Fertility of Soils 50, 2: 333 - 341.
21. |
Brito, Luis M; Monteiro, José M; Mourão, Isabel; Coutinho, João. 2013. "Compost, Lime, and Rock Phosphate Effects on Organic White Cabbage Growth and Nutrient Uptake", Communications in Soil Science and Plant Analysis 44, 21: 3177 - 3186.
22. |
Fangueiro, David; Surgy, Sonia; Coutinho, João; Vasconcelos, Ernesto. 2013. "Impact of cattle slurry acidification on carbon and nitrogen dynamics during storage and after soil incorporation", Journal of Plant Nutrition and Soil Science 176, 4: 540 - 550.
23. |
Zhang, Changhe; Moutinho-Pereira, José M; Correia, Carlos; Coutinho, João; Gonçalves, António; Guedes, Américo; Gomes-Laranjo, José. 2013. "Foliar application of Sili-K® increases chestnut (Castanea spp.) growth and photosynthesis, simultaneously increasing susceptibility
to water deficit", Plant and Soil 365, 1-2: 211 - 225.
24. |
Pereira, José; Figueiredo, Nuno; Goufo, Piebiep; Carneiro, João; Morais, Raul; Carranca, Corina; Coutinho, João; Trindade, Henrique. 2013. "Effects of elevated temperature and atmospheric carbon dioxide concentration on the emissions of methane and nitrous oxide
from Portuguese flooded rice fields", Atmospheric Environment, 80: 464 - 471.
25. |
Pereira, José; Barneze, Arlete S; Misselbrook, Tom H; Coutinho, João; Moreira, Nuno; Trindade, Henrique. 2013. "Effects of a urease inhibitor and aluminium chloride alone or combined with a nitrification inhibitor on gaseous N emissions
following soil application of cattle urine", Biosystems Engineering 115, 4: 396 - 407.
26. |
Brito, L. M; Mourao, I.; Coutinho, J.; Smith, S.. 2013. "Composting for management and resource recovery of invasive Acacia species", Waste Management & Research 31, 11: 1125 - 1132.
27. |
Gómez-Rey, María X; Madeira, Manuel; Coutinho, João. 2013. "Soil C and N dynamics, nutrient leaching and fertility in a pine plantation amended with wood ash under Mediterranean climate", European Journal of Forest Research 132, 2: 281 - 295.
28. |
Gómez-Rey, María X; Madeira, Manuel; Gonzalez-Prieto, Serafin J; Coutinho, João. 2013. "Soil C and N dynamics in a Mediterranean oak woodland with shrub encroachment", Plant and Soil 371, 1-2: 339 - 354.
29. |
Brito, L.M.; Mourão, I.; Coutinho, J.; Smith, S.R.. 2012. "Simple technologies for on-farm composting of cattle slurry solid fraction", Waste Management 32, 7: 1332 - 1340.
30. |
Brito, Luis M; Pinto, Rui; Mourão, Isabel; Coutinho, João. 2012. "Organic lettuce, rye/vetch, and Swiss chard growth and nutrient uptake response to lime and horse manure compost", Organic Agriculture 2, 3-4: 163 - 171.
31. |
Fangueiro, David; Coutinho, João; Cabral, Fernanda; Fidalgo, Paula; Bol, Roland; Trindade, Henrique. 2012. "Nitric oxide and greenhouse gases emissions following the application of different cattle slurry particle size fractions to
soil", Atmospheric Environment, 47: 373 - 380.
32. |
Brito, L.M.; Pinto, R.; Mourão, I.; Rodrigues, R.; Coutinho, J.. 2012. "Organic lettuce growth and nutrient accumulation in response to lime and horse manure compost", Acta Horticulturae, 933: 157 - 164.
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33. |
Dinis, Lia-T.; Peixoto, Francisco; Ferreira-Cardoso, Jorge V; Morais, José J; Borges, Amadeu D; Nunes, Fernando M; Coutinho, João F; Costa, Rita; Gomes-Laranjo, José. 2012. "Influence of the growing degree-days on chemical and technological properties of chestnut fruits (var. “Judia¿?)", CyTA - Journal of Food 10, 3: 216 - 224.
34. |
Carneiro, J.P.; Coutinho, J.; Trindade, H.. 2012. "Nitrate leaching from a maize×oats double-cropping forage system fertilized with organic residues under Mediterranean conditions", Agriculture, Ecosystems & Environment, 160: 29 - 39.
35. |
Fangueiro, David; Ribeiro, Henrique M; Vasconcelos, Ernesto; Coutinho, João; Cabral, Fernanda. 2012. "Influence of animal slurries composition and relative particle size fractions on the C and N mineralization following soil
incorporation", Biomass and Bioenergy, 47: 50 - 61.
36. |
Brito, L. M; Amaro, A. L; Mourão, I.; Coutinho, J.. 2012. "Influence of Dairy Cattle Slurry Solid Fraction Compost Combined with Mineral Nitrogen Fertilizer on the Growth of Greenhouse
Lettuce", Communications in Soil Science and Plant Analysis 43, 19: 2484 - 2491.
37. |
Cordovil, C. M. d. S; Goss, M. J; Coutinho, J.; Cabral, F.. 2012. "Estimating short- and medium-term availability to cereals of nitrogen from organic residues", Journal of Plant Nutrition 35, 3: 366 - 383.
38. |
Moutinho-Pereira, J.; Correia, C.M.; Gonçalves, B.; Bacelar, E.A.; Coutinho, J.F.; Ferreira, H.F.; Lousada, J.L.; Cortez, M.I.. 2012. "Impacts of leafroll-associated viruses (GLRaV-1 and -3) on the physiology of the Portuguese grapevine cultivar ‘Touriga Nacional’
growing under field conditions", Annals of Applied Biology 160, 3: 237 - 249.
39. |
Mourão, I.; Amaro, A.L.; Brito, L.M.; Coutinho, J.. 2012. "Effects of compost maturation and time of application on the growth and nutrient accumulation by organic cabbage", Acta Horticulturae, 933: 91 - 98.
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40. |
Pereira, José; Misselbrook, Tom H; Chadwick, David R; Coutinho, João; Trindade, Henrique. 2012. "Effects of temperature and dairy cattle excreta characteristics on potential ammonia and greenhouse gas emissions from housing:
A laboratory study", Biosystems Engineering 112, 2: 138 - 150.
41. |
Perdigão, A.; Coutinho, J.; Moreira, N.. 2012. "Cover crops as nitrogen source for organic farming in southwest Europe", Acta Horticulturae, 933: 355 - 362.
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42. |
Gómez-Rey, María X; Madeira, Manuel; Coutinho, João. 2012. "Wood ash effects on nutrient dynamics and soil properties under Mediterranean climate", Annals of Forest Science 69, 5: 569 - 579.
43. |
Gonçalves, Berta; Borges, Olga; Rosa, Eduardo; Coutinho, João; Silva, Ana P. 2012. "Effect of cooking on free amino acid and mineral profiles of sweet chestnut (Castanea sativa Mill.) ", Fruits 67, 3: 201 - 214.
44. |
Roboredo, Marta; Coutinho, João. 2011. "Comparison of Prewashing Procedures for the Assessment of Phosphate Rock Dissolution in Soils", Communications in Soil Science and Plant Analysis 42, 8: 883 - 895.
45. |
Pereira, José; Fangueiro, David; Misselbrook, Tom H; Chadwick, David R; Coutinho, João; Trindade, Henrique. 2011. "Ammonia and greenhouse gas emissions from slatted and solid floors in dairy cattle houses: A scale model study", Biosystems Engineering 109, 2: 148 - 157.
46. |
Nunes, L.; Coutinho, J.; Nunes, L.F.; Castro Rego, F; Lopes, D.. 2011. "Growth, soil properties and foliage chemical analysis comparison", Forest Systems 20, 3: 496 - 496.
47. |
Brito, L. M; Mourão, I.; Coutinho, J.; Smith, S.R.. 2010. "Physicochemical Dynamics of Composting Screw Pressed Cattle Slurry Amended with Italian Ryegrass Straw or Gorse Bulking Agents", Compost Science & Utilization 18, 2: 119 - 126.
48. |
Ribeiro, Henrique M; Fangueiro, David; Alves, Fátima; Ventura, Rita; Coelho, Dulce; Vasconcelos, Ernesto; Cunha-Queda, Cristina; Coutinho, João; Cabral, Fernanda. 2010. "Nitrogen mineralization from an organically managed soil and nitrogen accumulation in lettuce", Journal of Plant Nutrition and Soil Science 173, 2: 260 - 267.
49. |
do Carmo H. M; Roboredo, Marta; Coutinho, João; Torrent, José. 2010. "Relationship between Olsen P and Ammonium Lactate–Extractable P in Portuguese Acid Soils", Communications in Soil Science and Plant Analysis 41, 19: 2358 - 2370.
50. |
Pereira, José; Fangueiro, David; Chadwick, David R; Misselbrook, Tom H; Coutinho, João; Trindade, Henrique. 2010. "Effect of cattle slurry pre-treatment by separation and addition of nitrification inhibitors on gaseous emissions and N dynamics:
A laboratory study", Chemosphere 79, 6: 620 - 627.
51. |
Ribeiro, Henrique M; Fangueiro, David; Alves, Fátima; Vasconcelos, Ernesto; Coutinho, João; Bol, Roland; Cabral, Fernanda. 2010. "Carbon-mineralization kinetics in an organically managed Cambic Arenosol amended with organic fertilizers", Journal of Plant Nutrition and Soil Science 173, 1: 39 - 45.
52. |
Fangueiro, David; Ribeiro, Henrique; Coutinho, João; Cardenas, Laura; Trindade, Henrique; Cunha-Queda, Cristina; Vasconcelos, Ernesto; Cabral, Fernanda. 2010. "Nitrogen mineralization and CO2 and N2O emissions in a sandy soil amended with original or acidified pig slurries or with
the relative fractions", Biology and Fertility of Soils 46, 4: 383 - 391.
53. |
Moutinho-Pereira, José M; Bacelar, Eunice A; Gonçalves, Berta; Ferreira, Helena F; Coutinho, João F; Correia, Carlos M. 2010. "Effects of Open-Top Chambers on physiological and yield attributes of field grown grapevines", Acta Physiologiae Plantarum 32, 2: 395 - 403.
54. |
Pereira, José; Misselbrook, Tom H; Chadwick, David R; Coutinho, João; Trindade, Henrique. 2010. "Ammonia emissions from naturally ventilated dairy cattle buildings and outdoor concrete yards in Portugal", Atmospheric Environment 44, 28: 3413 - 3421.
55. |
Gómez-Rey, María X; Madeira, Manuel; Gonzalez-Prieto, Serafin J; Coutinho, João. 2010. "Soil C and N dynamics within a precipitation gradient in Mediterranean eucalypt plantations", Plant and Soil 336, 1-2: 157 - 171.
Artigos em revistas sem arbitragem científica Papers in periodics without scientific refereeing |
1. |
Cameira, Maria R; Valente, Fernanda; Li, Rick; Surgy, Sónia; Abreu, Francisco G; Coutinho, João; Fangueiro, David. 2019. "Band application of acidified slurry as an alternative to slurry injection in Mediterranean winter conditions: Impact on nitrate
leaching", Soil and Tillage Research 187, 0: 172 - 181.
2. |
Pinto, Rui; Brito, Luís M; Coutinho, João. 2017. "Organic production of horticultural crops with green manure, composted farmyard manure and organic fertiliser", Biological Agriculture & Horticulture 33, 4: 269 - 284.
3. |
Perdigão, Adelaide; Pereira, José; Moreira, Nuno; Trindade, Henrique; Coutinho, João. 2017. "Carbon and nitrogen mineralisation from green manures as alternative nitrogen sources in Mediterranean farming", Archives of Agronomy and Soil Science 63, 11: 1546 - 15.
4. |
Owusu-Twum, M.Y; Loick, N.; Cardenas, L. M; Coutinho, J.; Trindade, H.; Fangueiro, D.. 2017. "Nitrogen dynamics in soils amended with slurry treated by acid or DMPP addition", Biology and Fertility of Soils 53, 3: 339 - 347.
5. |
Regueiro, Iria; Coutinho, João; Balsari, Paolo; Popovic, Olga; Fangueiro, David. 2016. "Acidification of pig slurry before separation to improve slurry management on farms", Environmental Technology 37, 15: 1906 - 19.
6. |
Regueiro, I.; Pociask, M.; Coutinho, J.; Fangueiro, D.. 2016. "Animal Slurry Acidification Affects Particle Size Distribution and Improves Separation Efficiency", Journal of Environment Quality 45, 3: 1096 - 10.
7. |
Sousa, J. R; Cabral, F.; Coutinho, J.. 2016. "Assessment of N Mineralization and N Leaching in Soil Using a New in situ Incubation Method", Communications in Soil Science and Plant Analysis 47, 19: 2157 - 21.
8. |
Pereira, José; Coutinho, João; Fangueiro, David; Trindade, Henrique. 2015. "Nitric oxide and nitrous oxide emissions from cattle-slurry and mineral fertiliser treated with nitrification inhibitor to
an agricultural soil: A laboratory approach", Spanish Journal of Agricultural Research 13, 4: e0305 - e0305.
9. |
Brito, Luis M; Mourão, Isabel; Coutinho, João; Smith, Stephen R. 2015. " Co-composting of invasive Acacia longifolia with pine bark for horticultural use
", Environmental Technology 36, 13: 1632 - 16.
10. |
Brito, Luís M; Reis, Mário; Mourão, Isabel; Coutinho, João. 2015. "Use of Acacia Waste Compost as an Alternative Component for Horticultural Substrates", Communications in Soil Science and Plant Analysis 46, 14: 1814 - 18.
11. |
Correia, Carlos M; Coutinho, João F; Bacelar, Eunice A; Gonçalves, Berta M; Björn, Lars O; Moutinho Pereira, J. 2012. "Ultraviolet-B Radiation and Nitrogen Affect Nutrient Concentrations and the Amount of Nutrients Acquired by Above-Ground Organs
of Maize", The Scientific World Journal, 2012: 1 - 11.
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12. |
Roboredo, M.; Fangueiro, D.; Lage, S.; Coutinho, J.. 2012. "Phosphorus dynamics in soils amended with acidified pig slurry and derived solid fraction", Geoderma, 189-190: 328 - 333. |
13. |
Gonçalves, Berta M; Borges, Olga; Rosa, Eduardo; Coutinho, João; Silva, Ana P. 2012. " Effect of cooking on free amino acid and mineral profiles of sweet chestnut ( Castanea sativa
Mill.) ", Fruits 67, 3: 201 - 214.
14. |
Moutinho-Pereira, J.; Correia, C.M.; Gonçalves, B.; Bacelar, E.A.; Coutinho, J.F.; Ferreira, H.F.; Lousada, J.L.; Cortez, M.I.. 2012. "Impacts of leafroll-associated viruses (GLRaV-1 and -3) on the physiology of the Portuguese grapevine cultivar ‘Touriga Nacional’
growing under field conditions", Annals of Applied Biology 160, 3: 237 - 249.
15. |
Dinis, Lia-T.; Peixoto, Francisco; Ferreira-Cardoso, Jorge V; Morais, José J; Borges, Amadeu D; Nunes, Fernando M; Coutinho, João F; Costa, Rita; Gomes-Laranjo, José. 2012. "Influence of the growing degree-days on chemical and technological properties of chestnut fruits (var. “Judia¿?)", CyTA - Journal of Food 10, 3: 216 - 224.
16. |
Roboredo, Marta; Coutinho, João. 2011. "Comparison of Prewashing Procedures for the Assessment of Phosphate Rock Dissolution in Soils", Communications in Soil Science and Plant Analysis 42, 8: 883 - 895.
17. |
Ribeiro, Henrique M; Fangueiro, David; Alves, Fátima; Vasconcelos, Ernesto; Coutinho, João; Bol, Roland; Cabral, Fernanda. 2010. "Carbon-mineralization kinetics in an organically managed Cambic Arenosol amended with organic fertilizers", Journal of Plant Nutrition and Soil Science 173, 1: 39 - 45.
18. |
do Carmo H. M; Roboredo, Marta; Coutinho, João; Torrent, José. 2010. "Relationship between Olsen P and Ammonium Lactate–Extractable P in Portuguese Acid Soils", Communications in Soil Science and Plant Analysis 41, 19: 2358 - 23.
19. |
Fernandes, M. L. V; Indiati, R.; Coutinho, J.; Buondonno, A.. 2008. "Soil properties affecting phosphorus extraction from Portuguese soils by conventional and innovative methods", Communications in Soil Science and Plant Analysis 30, 7-8: 921 - 936.
20. |
Coutinho, J.. 2008. "Calibration of the single ? and double ?buffer SMP lime requirement methods by root elongation bioassay", Communications in Soil Science and Plant Analysis 28, 13-14: 1127 - 11.
21. |
Fernandes, M. L. V; Coutinho, J.. 2008. "Anion and cation exchange resin membranes to assess the phosphorus status of some Portuguese soils", Communications in Soil Science and Plant Analysis 28, 6-8: 483 - 495.
22. |
Moreira, N.; Trindade, H.; Coutinho, J.; Almeida, J. F. 2008. "Effects of Liming and Cultivation on the Establishment and Persistence of Rainfed Mediterranean Pastures", Experimental Agriculture 30, 04: 453 - 453.
23. |
Coutinho, J.. 2008. "The molybdate/ascorbic acid blue method for the phosphorus determination in very dilute and colored extracts by segmented
flow analysis", Communications in Soil Science and Plant Analysis 27, 5-8: 1363 - 13.
24. |
Almeida, P.; Dinis, L.-T.; Coutinho, J.; Pinto, T.; Anjos, R.; Ferreira-Cardoso, J.V.; Pimentel-Pereira, M.; Peixoto, F.; Gomes-Laranjo, J.. 2007. " Effect of temperature and radiation on photosynthesis productivity in chestnut populations ( Castanea
sativa Mill. cv. Judia) ", Acta Agronomica Hungarica 55, 2: 193 - 203.
Indicadores de produção
(Production indicators)
Produção científica
Scientific production |
Produção científica Scientific production |
79 |
Artigos científicos em revistas Papers in periodics |
79 |
Com arbitragem científica With scientific refereeing |
55 |
Sem arbitragem científica Without scientific refereeing |
24 |
Visualizações do curriculum [
Página gerada pela Plataforma de Curricula DeGóis promovida pela FCT e pelo Gávea/DSI/UM
Plataforma de Curricula DeGóis: | Icons by Axialis Team |