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Petri Nonii Salaciensis Opera

Textos disponíveis

International Conference, Petri Nonii Salaciensis Opera, Lisbon-Coimbra, 24-25 May 2002, Proceedings,
Luís Trabucho de Campos, Henrique Leitão, João Filipe Queiró eds.,
Universidade de Lisboa, Faculdade de Ciências Departamento de Matemática, Lisboa, Silvas CRL, 2003
ISBN 972-8394-17-9

In the year of 2002, five centuries passed since the birth of the sixteenth century mathematician and cosmographer Pedro Nunes (1502-1578). Generally considered the most important of Portuguese mathematicians, Nunes was, throughout the year of his fifth centennial, the object of various celebrations in his country.

The mathematics departments of the universities of Lisbon and Coimbra joined these commemorations by organizing a scientific conference under the title of "The Works of Pedro Nunes of Alcácer do Sal", borrowed from oone of Nunes' most important books: Petri Nonii Salaciensis Opera.

Pedro Nunes' interests and contributions ranged from geometry and algebra to theoretical navigation, astronomy, instrument design, mechanical questions, cosmography and the theoretical aspects of cartography. His life was a busy one, divided between his pressing duties as a scientific tutor at the court, royal cosmographer, and teacher at the university, and his own research and scientific publications. The talks presented in this conference could not, of course, cover all aspects of Nunes' scientific achievements, but we believe they add many new elements which will remain important for future historians of sixteenth centry science and of Pedro Nunes' works.


  • Editor's note, p. i-ii
  • F. R. Dias Agudo,
    Nota de abertura
    , p. iii-iv
  • Taveira da Fonseca, Fernando,
    De Lisboa para Coimbra: a Universidade no tempo de Pedro Nunes, p. 7-29
  • Navarro Brotons, Víctor,
    Aspectos de la obra cosmográfica de Pedro Nunes y su influencia en la cosmografía ibérica, p. 31-62
  • D'Hollander, Raymond,
    La théorie de la Loxodromie de Pedro Nunes, p. 63-111
  • Knobloch, Eberhard,
    Nunes' Book on Twilights, p. 113-140
  • Leitão, Henrique,
    Pedro Nunes and the Aristotelian Mechanical Problems, p. 141-169
  • Appendix "Petri Nonii in problema mechanicum Aristotelis de motu nauigii ex remis Annotatio una", p. 171-182



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  Última actualização 22-03-06