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The Practice of Mathematics in Portugal

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The Practice of Mathematics in Portugal.
Papers from the International Meeting organized by the Portuguese Mathematical Society, Óbidos, 16-18 November 2000,
Luís Saraiva e Henrique Leitão (eds.),
Coimbra, Acta Universitatis Conimbrigensis, 2004
758 pp.


  • Henrique Leitão,
    The Practice of Mathematics in Portugal: Problems and Methods, 1-33.
  • Luís Saraiva,
    Historiography of Mathematics in Portugal, 35-61.
  • Bernard Goldstein,
    Preliminary remarks on Judah Ben Verga's contributions to Astronomy, 63-90.
  • José Chabás,
    Abraham Zacuto's contribution to Navigation, 91-108.
  • Edith Sylla,
    Mathematics in the Liber de Triplici Motu (1509) of Alvarus Thomas of Lisbon, 109-161.
  • Eberhard Knobloch,
    Nunes and Clavius, 163-194.
  • António Estácio dos Reis,
    Pedro Nunes' Nonius, 195-223.
  • Victor Navarro Brotóns,
    Astronomy and Cosmography 1561-1625. Different aspects of the activities of Spanish and Portuguese mathematicians and cosmographers, 225-274.
  • Francisco Contente Domingues,
    Nautical training and ship command in Portugal (15th to 19th centuries), 275-291.
  • Ugo Baldini,
    The teaching of mathematics in the Jesuit Colleges of Portugal from 1640 to Pombal, 293-465.
  • Carlos Ziller Camenietzki e Fábio Mendonça Pedrosa,
    O retorno do cometa de 1682 e os trabalhos de juventude de José Monteiro da Rocha, 467-491.
  • João Queiró,
    José Anastácio da Cunha: an assessment, 493-513.
  • Patricia Radelet de Grave,
    Necessity and contingency in Natural Philosophyduring the 18th century.
    Da Cunha's position, 515-538.
  • Tradução do português de Patricia Radelet de Grave e Luís Saraiva,
    «Essai sur les Principes de Mécanique», de José Anastácio da Cunha
    , 539-560.
  • Eduardo Ortiz,
    António Monteiro, on the practice of mathematics, 561-600.
  • José Francisco Rodrigues,
    Portuguese mathematical journals: some aspects of (almost) periodical research publications, 601-627.
  • Ugo Baldini and Henrique Leitão,
  • - Appendix a: Documents and Letters, 635-723.

    - Appendix B: Theses of Mathematics from Jesuit Schools, 725-744.

    - Appendix C: Scientific Manuscripts from the Santo Antão college, 745-758.




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