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A Scientific Biography
of Abbé Correia da Serra


The main objective of this project is to write a scientific biography (in book form) of the Portuguese naturalist José Francisco Correia da Serra (1751-1823), a estrangeirado (Europeanised intellectual), freemason and diplomat. This leading figure of Portuguese 18th century scientific culture was also one of the founders of the Royal Academy of Sciences of Lisbon who contributed actively to the introduction of the new sciences in Portugal. He also played an important role in fostering communication between the British, French and American scientific communities. Above all, he was a very original naturalist who was recognized as such by his eminent peers.

Besides the publication of the Scientific Biography of the Abbé Correia da Serra, the project also aims at the publication in fac-simile form, together with a transcription and a short introduction, of some of the manuscripts in the collection of Correia da Serra held at the Torre do Tombo, and specifically his memoirs, eulogies and scientific correspondence.

Since the acquisition by FLAD of the manuscripts now held at the Torre do Tombo, much interest has developed around Correia da Serra. But so far the contents and impact of his scientific contributions in the realm of Botany and Geology have not generally been the focus of attention of scholars. This project aims at reversing this state of affairs by looking specifically at Correia da Serra's scientific contributions to science. Furthermore, it will contribute to a deeper understanding of the Portuguese scientific scenario of the 18th century.



Projecto de investigação financiado pela FCT POCTI/HCT/38073/2001

> Responsável pelo Projecto Ana Simões

> Publicações sobre Correia da Serra

> Transcrições de documentos

> Cidadão do Mundo. Uma biografia científica do Abade Correia da Serra

  Última actualização 14-03-07