Author: Center for Philosophy of Sciences of the University of Lisbon / Pavilion of Knowledge – Ciência Viva Date: 2011 Description: Between February and March 2011, the Pavilion of Knowledge – Ciência Viva in Lisbon held a
video exhibition about the body and its representations, "corpoIMAGEM – Representações do Corpo na Ciência e na Arte", organized by the Research Project "Image
in Science and Arte" of the Center for Philosophy of Science of the University of Lisbon. The
exhibition was organized in three sections (three videos), "corpoPAISAGEM" (Body Landscape), "corpoFRAGMENTO" (Body Fragment) and "corpoALGORITMO" (Body Algorithm), corresponding to three chronological and
conceptual moments in the history of images and of the representation of the body in Western
Science and Art.
In the second section, "corpoFRAGMENTO" (Body Fragment), we displayed images of the human body produced by Science and Art by the
end of the 19th Century and all along the 20th Century. At this point in history the diffusion of
photographic techniques of vision and image reproduction revolutionized the medical gaze
and inevitably influenced the artistic gaze on the body.
In Science naked eye vision at the macro-scale is replaced by photography and radiography,
while microphotography contributes to the development of research at the micro-scale. In
the Visual Arts photography, with its endless reproducibility, leaves a strong mark on artistic
production, aesthetics and the social function of art.
Collections: Centro de Arte Moderna da Fundação Calouste Gulbenkian, Instituto de Histologia
e Biologia do desenvolvimento da FMUL, Museu de Medicina da FMUL, Museu do Chiado,
Museu Nacional Soares dos Reis, Museu da Ciência de Coimbra, Casa Museu Egaz Moniz,
artists' and private collections, Scientific journals of the 19th century, Instituto de Investigação
Científica bento da Rocha Cabral.