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LIST OF PUBLICATIONS SINCE 1997 LIST OF ALL PUBLICATIONS (previous to 1997) PHD THESIS (CONCLUDED) FINAL REPORTS OF RESEARCH PROJECTS & CONTRACTS LIST OF PUBLICATIONS SINCE 1997 BOOKS COLLARES-PEREIRA, M.J.; COWX, I.G. & COELHO, M.M. (editors) 2002. Conservation of Freshwater Fishes: Options for the Future. Fishing News Books, Blackwell Science, Oxford, 462 pp. COLLARES-PEREIRA M.J.; FILIPE A.F. & MOREIRA DA COSTA L. 2007. Os Peixes do Rio Guadiana: Que Futuro? Guia de Peixes do Guadiana Português. Edições Cosmos, Alpiarça, 294 pp. ![]() BOOK CHAPTERS COELHO, M.M.; SALGUEIRO, P.; ALVES, M.J. & COLLARES-PEREIRA, M.J. 2002. Contribution of molecular markers to management options for the conservation of Anaecypris hispanica. pp. 331-336. In: Conservation of Freshwater Fishes: Options for the Future. Eds. M.J. Collares-Pereira, I.G. Cowx & M.M. Coelho. Fishing News Books, Blackwell Science, Oxford. COELHO, M.M. & ZALEWSKI, M. 1995. Evolutionary adaptations by fish to ecotonal complexity in spatially variable landscape - a perspective. pp. 223-228. In: The importance of aquatic-terrestrial ecotones for freshwater fish. Eds. F. Schiemer, M. Zalewski & J.E. Thorpe. Kluwer Academic Publishers. COLLARES-PEREIRA, M.J.; COWX, I.G.; RODRIGUES, J.A. & ROGADO, L. 2002. The conservation strategy for Anaecypris hispanica: a picture of LIFE for a highly endangered Iberian fish. pp. 186-197. In: Conservation of Freshwater Fishes: Options for the Future. Eds. M.J. Collares-Pereira, I.G. Cowx & M.M. Coelho. Fishing News Books, Blackwell Science, Oxford. COLLARES-PEREIRA, M.J.; PIRES, A.M.; COWX, I.G. & COELHO, M.M. 1998. Towards a conservation strategy for Anaecypris hispanica, the most endangered non-migratory fish species in Portuguese streams, pp. 437-449. In: Stocking and introduction of fish. Ed. I.G. Cowx. Fishing News Books, Blackwell Science, Oxford. COWX, I.G. & COLLARES-PEREIRA, M.J. 2000. Conservation of endangered fish species in the face of water resource development schemes in the Guadiana River, Portugal: harmony of the incompatible. pp. 428-438. In: Management and Ecology of River Fisheries. Ed. I.G. Cowx, Fishing News Books, Blackwell Science, Oxford. COWX, I.G. & COLLARES-PEREIRA, M.J. 2002. Freshwater fish conservation: options for the future. pp. 443-452. In: Conservation of Freshwater Fishes: Options for the Future. Eds M.J. Collares-Pereira, I.G. Cowx & M.M. Coelho. Fishing News Books, Blackwell Science, Oxford. GOLLMANN, G.; BOUVET, I.; BRITO, R.M.; COELHO, M.M.; COLLARES-PEREIRA, M.J.; IMSIRIDOU, A.; KARAKOUSIS, Y.; PATTEE, E. & TRIANTAPHYLIDIS, C. 1998. Effects of river engineering on genetic structure of European fish populations. pp. 113-123. In: Fish Migration and Fish Bypasses. Eds. M. Jungwirth, S. Schmutz & S. Weiss. Fishing News Books, Blackwell Science, Oxford. GROMICHO, M. & COLLARES-PEREIRA, M.J. 2006. The evolutionary role of hybridization and polyploidy in an Iberian cyprinid fish - a cytogenetic review. pp. 41-67. In: Fish Cytogenetics. Eds. E. Pisano, C. Ozouf-Costaz, F. Foresti & BG Kapoor. Science Publishers, Enfield, NH, USA. MAGALHÃES, M.F.; COLLARES-PEREIRA, M.J. & COELHO, M.M. 1999. Peixes. pp. 169-176. In: Caracterização da flora e da fauna do montado da Herdade da Ribeira Abaixo (Grândola-Baixo Alentejo. Eds. M. Santos-Reis & A.I. Correia. Centro de Biologia Ambiental, Lisboa. MESQUITA, N. & COELHO, M.M. 2002. The ichthyofauna of the small Mediterranean-type drainages of Portugal: its importance for conservation. pp. 65-71. In: Conservation of Freshwater Fishes: Options for the Future. Eds M.J. Collares-Pereira, I.G. Cowx. & M.M. Coelho. Fishing News Books, Blackwell Science, Oxford. MOREIRA DA COSTA, L.; FILIPE, A.F. & COLLARES-PEREIRA, M.J. In press. As comunidades piscícolas e a definição de áreas prioritárias de conservação na bacia hidrográfica do Guadiana. In: Trabalhos de Biologia em Alqueva e Pedrógão. Ed. J. Araújo, EDIA. RIBEIRO, F.; TIAGO, P.; MOREIRA DA COSTA, L. & COLLARES-PEREIRA, M.J. In press. A biologia dos endemismos piscícolas da Bacia do Guadiana e suas implicações conservacionistas: que futuro num cenário pós-Alqueva? In: Trabalhos de Biologia em Alqueva e Pedrógão. Ed. J. Araújo, EDIA. ROGADO, L., ALEXANDRINO, P, ALMEIDA, P.R., ALVES, M.J., BOCHECHAS, J.; CORTES, R.; DOMINGOS, I.; FILIPE A.F.; MADEIRA, J. & MAGALHÃES, M.F. 2005. Peixes. pp: 63-114. In: Livro Vermelho dos Vertebrados de Portugal. Eds. M.J. Cabral, J. Almeida, P.R. Almeida, T. Dellinger, N. Ferrand-Almeida, M.E. Oliveira, J.M. Palmeirim, A.I. Queiros, L. Rogado & M. Santos-Reis. Instituto da Conservação da Natureza. Lisboa. ![]() INTERNATIONAL JOURNALS ABOIM, M.A.; CUNHA, C. & COELHO, M.M. 2009. Redistribution of the geographical ranges of the Iberian Polylepis lineage (Cyprinidae, genus Pseudochondrostoma) based on phylogenetic analysis: implications for the historical rearrangements of Iberian NW drainages. J. Fish Biology 74: 1337-1346. ABOIM, M.A.; MAVÁREZ, J.; BERNATCHEZ, L. & COELHO, M.M. 2010. Molecular and morphological analysis of introgressive hybridization between the two Iberian endemic Cyprinidae species Pseudochondrostoma duriense and Achondrostoma oligolepis. Journal Evolutionary Biology 23(4): 817-828. ALVES, M.J.; COELHO, M.M. & COLLARES-PEREIRA, M.J. 1997. The Rutilus alburnoides complex (Cyprinidae): evidence for a hybrid origin. J. Zool. Syst. Evol. Research 35 : 1-10. ALVES, M.J.; COELHO, M.M. & COLLARES-PEREIRA, M.J. 1998. Diversity in the reproductive modes of females of the Rutilus alburnoides complex (Teleostei, Cyprinidae): a way to avoid the genetic constraints of uniparentalism. Molecular Biology and Evolution 15(10): 1233-1242. ALVES, M.J.; COELHO, M.M. & COLLARES-PEREIRA, M.J. 2001. Evolution in action through hybridisation and polyploidy in an Iberian freshwater fish: a genetic review. Genetica 111: 375-385. ALVES, M.J.; COELHO, H.; COLLARES-PEREIRA, M.J. & COELHO, M.M. 2001. Mitochondrial DNA variation in the highly endangered cyprinid fish Anaecypris hispanica: implications for conservation. Heredity 87: 463-473. ALVES, M.J.; COELHO, M.M.; COLLARES-PEREIRA, M.J. & DOWLING, T. 1997. Maternal ancestry of the Rutilus alburnoides complex (Teleostei, Cyprinidae) as determined by analysis of cytochrome b sequences. Evolution 51(5): 1584-1592. ALVES, M.J.; COELHO, M.M.; PRÓSPERO, M.I. & COLLARES-PEREIRA, M.J. 1999. Production of fertile unreduced sperm by hybrid males of the Rutilus alburnoides complex (Teleostei, Cyprinidae): an alternative route to genome tetraploidization in unisexuals. Genetics 151: 277-283. ALVES, M.J.; COLLARES-PEREIRA, M.J.; DOWLING, M.J. & COELHO, M.M. 2002. The genetics of maintenance of an all-male lineage in the Squalius alburnoides complex. J. Fish Biology 60: 649-662. ALVES, M.J.; GROMICHO, M.; COLLARES-PEREIRA, M.J.; CRESPO-LOPEZ, E. & COELHO, M.M. 2004. Simultaneous production of triploid and haploid eggs by triploid Squalius alburnoides (Teleostei: Cyprinidae). J. Experimental Zoology 301A: 552-558. ARAUJO, R.; REIS, J.; MACHORDOM, A.; TOLEDO, C.; MADEIRA, M.J.; GOMEZ, I.; VELASCO, J.C.; MORALES, J.; BAREA, J.M.; ONDINA, P. & AYALA, I. 2009. Las náyades de la península Ibérica. Iberus 27 (2): 7-72. BRITO, R.M.; BRIOLAY, J.; GALTIER, N.; BOUVET, I. & COELHO, M.M. 1997. Phylogenetic relationships within the genus Leuciscus (Pisces, Cyprinidae) in Portuguese fresh waters, based on mitochondrial DNA cytochrome b sequences. Molecular Phylogenetics and Evolution 8(3): 435-442. BRITO, R.M. & COELHO, M.M. 1997. Genotype-environment association in Leuciscus pyrenaicus in the Tejo drainage". Gene Families and Isozyme 30: 36. BRITO, R.M. & COELHO, M.M. 1997. Lack of association between enzyme heterozygosity and fitness components in two Iberian cyprinids. Biologia (Bratislava) 52/5: 663-668. BRITO, R.M. & COELHO, M.M. 1999. Genetic structure of the Iberian chub, Leuciscus pyrenaicus, in the Tejo drainage. Hydrobiologia 392:169-177. BOGUTSKAYA, N. & COLLARES-PEREIRA, M.J. 1997. Redescription of the Iberian cyprinid Anaecypris hispanica with comments on its taxonomic relationships. Ichthyological Exploration of Freshwaters 7(3): 243-256. COELHO, M.M.; ALVES, M.J.; COLLARES-PEREIRA, M.J. & MATSON, R. 1997. Allozyme assessment of the phylogenetic relationships of the Iberian species Chondrostoma lemmingii and C. lusitanicum (Pisces, Cyprinidae). Folia Zoologica 46 (Suppl. 1): 15-26. COELHO, M.M.; ALVES, M.J. & RODRIGUES, E. 1997. Patterns of genetic divergence of Chondrostoma lusitanicum in intermittent Portuguese rivers. Fisheries Management and Ecology 4: 223-232. COELHO, M.M.; BOGUTSKAYA, N.; RODRIGUES, J.A. & COLLARES-PEREIRA, M.J. 1998. Leuciscus torgalensis and L. aradensis, two new cyprinids for Portuguese fresh waters. J. Fish Biology 52: 937-950. COELHO, M.M.; MARTINS, M.J.; COLLARES-PEREIRA, M.J., PIRES, A.M. & COWX, I.G. 1997. Diet and feeding relationships of two Iberian cyprinids. Fisheries Management and Ecology 4(2): 83-91. COELHO, M.M., MESQUITA, M. & COLLARES-PEREIRA, M.J. 2005. Chondrostoma almacai, a new cyprinid species from the southwest of Portugal, Iberian Península. Folia Zoologica 54(1-2): 201-212. COELHO, M.M.; PIRES, A.M.; COLLARES-PEREIRA, M.J.; SOUSA, E.C. & ZALEWSKI, M. 2001. Buffering role of land/water ecotones in the structuring of the fish community of the Sorraia system. Ecohydrology & Hydrology 1(1-2): 195-202. COLLARES-PEREIRA, M.J.; ALVES, M.J. & COELHO, M.M. 1999. Reassessment of the generic position of the Iberian cyprinid "alburnoides complex": its return to the genus Leuciscus. J. Fish Biology 54: 464-468. COLLARES-PEREIRA M.J. & COELHO M.M. 2010. Reconfirming the hybrid origin and generic status of the Iberian cyprinid complex Squalius alburnoides. J. Fish Biology 76: 707-715. COLLARES-PEREIRA, M.J. & COWX, I.G. 2001. Threatened fishes of the world: Anaecypris hispanica (Steindachner, 1866). Environmental Biology of Fishes 60: 410. COLLARES-PEREIRA, M.J. & COWX, I.G. 2004. The role of catchment scale environmental management in freshwater fish conservation. Fisheries Management and Ecology 11: 303-312. COLLARES-PEREIRA, M.J.; COWX, I.G.; RIBEIRO, F.; RODRIGUES, J.A. & ROGADO, L. 2000. Threats imposed by water development schemes on the conservation of endangered fish species in the Guadiana River Basin in Portugal. Fisheries Management and Ecology 7: 1-12. COLLARES-PEREIRA, M.J.; COWX, I.G.; RODRIGUES, J.A; ROGADO, L. & MOREIRA DA COSTA, L. 1999. The status of Anaecypris hispanica in Portugal: problems of conserving a highly endangered species. Biological Conservation 88: 207-212. COLLARES-PEREIRA, M.J.; COWX, I.G.; SALES LUÍS, T.; PEDROSO, N. & SANTOS-REIS, M. 1999. Observations on the ecology of a landlocked population of allis shad in Aguieira Reservoir, Portugal. J. Fish Biology 55: 658-664. COLLARES-PEREIRA, M.J. & MOREIRA DA COSTA, L. 1999. Intraspecific and interspecific genome size variation in Iberian Cyprinidae and the problem of diploidy and polyploidy, with review of genome sizes within the family. Folia Zoologica 48(1): 61-76. COLLARES-PEREIRA, M.J.; PRÓSPERO, M.I.; BILÉU, R.I. & RODRIGUES, E.M. 1998. Karyotypes in the genus Leuciscus (Pisces, Cyprinidae): transect throughout Portuguese populations. Genetics and Molecular Biology 21(1): 63-69. COLLARES-PEREIRA, M.J. & RAB, P. 1999. NOR polymorphism in the Iberian species Chondrostoma lusitanicum (Pisces: Cyprinidae) - re-examination by FISH. Genetica 105: 301-303. CRESPO-LÓPEZ, E.; DUARTE, T.; DOWLING, T.E. & COELHO, M.M. 2006. Modes of reproduction of the hybridogenetic fish Squalius alburnoides in Tejo and Guadiana rivers: an approach with microsatellites. Zoology 109: 277-286. Crespo-López, E.; Pala, I., Duarte, T.; Dowling, T.E. & Coelho, M.M. 2007. Genetic structure of the diploid-polyploid fish Squalius alburnoides in southern Iberian basins Tejo and Guadiana, based on microsatellites. J. Fish Biology 71: 423-436. CUNHA, C.; BASTIR, M.; COELHO, M.M. & DOADRIO I. 2009. Body shape evolution among ploidy levels of the Squalius alburnoides hybrid complex (Teleostei, Cyprinidae). J. Evol. Biol. 22: 718–728. CUNHA, C.; COELHO, M.M; CARMONA, J.A & DOADRIO, I. 2004. The phylogeographic insights into the origins of the Squalius alburnoides complex via multiple hybridization events. Molecular Ecology 13: 2807-2817. CUNHA, C.; DOADRIO, I. & COELHO, M.M. 2008. Speciation towards tetraploidization after intermediate processes of non-sexual reproduction. Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Socity B (Biological Sciences) 35: 2921-2929. CUNHA, C.; DOADRIO, I.; ABRANTES, J. & COELHO, M.M. 2011. The evolutionary history of the allopolyploid Squalius alburnoides (Cyprinidae) complex in the northern Iberian Peninsula. Heredity 106: 100–112. CUNHA, C.; MESQUITA, N.; DOWLING, T.E.; GILLES, A. & COELHO, M.M. 2002. Phylogenetic relationships of Eurasian and American cyprinids using cytochrome b sequences. J. Fish Biology 61: 929-944. Espanhol, R.; Almeida, P.R. & Alves, M.J. 2007. Evolutionary history of lamprey paired species Lampetra fluviatilis (L.) and Lampetra planeri (Bloch) as inferred from mitochondrial DNA variation. Molecular Ecology 16: 1909-1924. FILIPE, A.F.; ARAÚJO, M.B.; DOADRIO, I.; ANGERMEIER, P. & COLLARES-PEREIRA, M.J. 2009. Biogeography of Iberian freshwater fishes revisited: the roles of contemporary versus historical constraints. Journal of Biogeography 36: 2096-2110. FILIPE, A.F.; COWX, I.G. & COLLARES-PEREIRA, M.J. 2002. Spatial modeling of freshwater fish in semi-arid river systems: a tool for conservation. River Research and Applications 18: 126-136. FILIPE, A.F.; MAGALHÃES, M.F. & COLLARES-PEREIRA, M.J. 2010. Native and introduced fish species richness in Mediterranean streams: the role of multiple landscape influences. Diversity and Distributions 16: 773-785. FILIPE, A.F.; MARQUES, T.; SEABRA, S.; TIAGO, P.; RIBEIRO, F.; MOREIRA DA COSTA, L.; COWX, I.G. & COLLARES-PEREIRA, M.J. 2004. Selection of priority areas for fish conservation in Guadiana River Basin, Iberian Peninsula. Conservation Biology 18(1): 189-200. GANTE, H.F.; ALVES, M.J. & DOWLING, T.E. 2008. Development of cytochrome b primers for mitotyping of barbels (Barbus spp.). Molecular Ecology Resources (formerly Molecular Ecology Notes) 8(4): 786-789. GANTE, H.F.; COLLARES-PEREIRA, M.J. & COELHO, M.M. 2004. Introgressive hybridisation between two Iberian Chondrostoma species (Teleostei, Cyprinidae) revisited: new evidence from morphology, mitochondrial DNA, allozymes and NORs-phenotypes. Folia Zoologica 53(4): 423-432. Gante, H.F.; Moreira da Costa, L.; Micael, J. & Alves, M.J. 2008. First record of Barbonymus schwanenfeldii (Bleeker) in the Iberian Peninsula. J. Fish Biology 72: 1089-1094. GANTE, H.F.; MICAEL, J.; OLIVA-PATERNA, F.J.; DOADRIO, I.; DOWLING, T.E. & ALVES, M.J. 2009. Diversification within glacial refugia: tempo and mode of evolution of the polytypic fish species Barbus sclateri. Molecular Ecology 18: 3240-3255. GANTE, H.F. & SANTOS, C.D. 2002. First records of the North American catfish Ameiurus melas in Portugal. J. Fish Biology 61: 1643-1646. GAnte, H.F.; Santos, C.D. & Alves, M.J. 2007. A new species of Chondrostoma Agassiz, 1832 (Cypriniformes: Cyprinidae) with sexual dimorphism from the lower Rio Tejo Basin, Portugal. Zootaxa 1616: 23-35. GANTE, H.F.; SANTOS, C.D. & ALVES, M.J. 2010. Phylogenetic relationships of the newly described species Chondrostoma olisiponensis (Teleostei, Cyprinidae). J. Fish Biology 76: 965-974. GOMES-FERREIRA, A.; RIBEIRO, F.; MOREIRA DA COSTA, L.; COWX, I.G. & COLLARES-PEREIRA, M.J. 2005. Variability in diet and foraging behaviour between sexes and ploidy forms of the hybridogenetic Squalius alburnoides complex (Cyprinidae) in the Guadiana River basin, Portugal. J. Fish Biology 66: 454-467. GROMICHO, M.; COELHO, M.M.; ALVES, M.J. & COLLARES-PEREIRA, M.J. 2006. Cytogenetic analysis of Anaecypris hispanica and the relationship with the paternal ancestor of the diploid-polyploid Squalius alburnoides complex. Genome 49: 1621-1627. GROMICHO, M. & COLLARES-PEREIRA, M.J. 2004. Polymorphism of major ribosomal gene chromosomal sites (NOR-phenotypes) in the hybridogenetic fish Squalius alburnoides complex (Cyprinidae) assessed through crossing experiments. Genetica 122: 291-302. GROMICHO, M.; COUTANCEAU, J-P.; OZOUF-COSTAZ, C. & COLLARES-PEREIRA, M.J. 2006. Contrast between extensive variation of 28S rDNA and stability of 5S rDNA and telomeric repeats in the diploid-polyploid Squalius alburnoides complex and in its maternal ancestor Squalius pyrenaicus (Teleostei, Cyprinidae). Chromosome Research 14: 297-306. GROMICHO, M.; OZOUF-COSTAZ, C. & COLLARES-PEREIRA, M.J. 2005. Lack of correspondence between CMA3, Ag-positive signals and 28S rDNA loci in two Iberian minnows (Teleostei, Cyprinidae) evidenced by sequential banding. Cytogenet. Genome Res. 109: 507-511. HENRIQUES, R.; SOUSA, V. & COELHO, M.M. 2010. Migration patterns counteract seasonal isolation of Squalius torgalensis, a critically endangered freshwater fish inhabiting a typical Circum-Mediterranean small drainage. Conservation Genetics 11: 1859–1870. INÁCIO, A.; MATOS, I.; MACHADO, M. & COELHO, M.M. 2010. An easy way to characterize the genomic composition of allopolyploids: the example of the Iberian cyprinid Squalius alburnoides. Journal of Fish Biology 76: 1995–2001. KLÜVER, N.; PFENNIG, F.; PALA, I.; STORCH, K.; SCHLIEDER, ; FROSCHAUER, A.; GUTZEIT, H.O. & SCHARTL, M. 2007. Differential expression of anti-Müllerian hormone (amh) and anti-Müllerian hormone receptor type II (amhrII) in the teleost Medaka. Dev Dyn. 236: 271-281. LEUNDA, P.; ELVIRA, B.; RIBEIRO, F.; MIRANDA, R.; OSCOZ, J.; ALVES, M.J. & COLLARES-PEREIRA M.J. 2009. International Standardization of Common Names for Iberian Endemic Freshwater Fishes. Limnetica 28: 189-202. LOPES, P.A.; PINHEIRO, T.; SANTOS, M.C.; MATHIAS, M.L.; COLLARES-PEREIRA, M.J. & VIEGAS-CRESPO, A. 2001. Response of antioxidant enzymes in freshwater fish populations (Leuciscus alburnoides complex) to inorganic pollutants exposure. The Science of the Total Environment 280: 153-163. LOPES-CUNHA, M.; ABOIM, M.A.; MESQUITA, N.; ALVES, M.J.; DOADRIO, I. & COELHO, M.M. 2011. Population genetic structure in the Iberian cyprinid fish Iberochondrostoma lemmingii (Steindachner, 1866): disentangling species fragmentation and colonization processes. Biological Journal of the Linnean Society. MAIA, H.M., MAIA, C.F., PIRES, D. & VALENTE, A. (in press). Biology of the Iberian Chub (Squalius carolitertii) population in the river Estorãos (River Lima Catchement - North Portugal). Limnetica. MAGALHÃES, M.F.; BATALHA, D.C. & COLLARES-PEREIRA, M.J. 2002. Gradients in stream fish assemblages across a Mediterranean landscape: contributions of environmental factors and spatial structure. Freshwater Biology 47: 1015-1031. MAGALHÃES, M.F.; BEJA, P.; CANAS, C. & COLLARES-PEREIRA, M.J. 2002. Functional heterogeneity of dry-season refugia across a Mediterranean catchment: the role of habitat and predation. Freshwater Biology 47: 1919-1934. MAGALHÃES, M.F.; RAMALHO, C.E. & COLLARES-PEREIRA, M.J. 2008. Assessing biotic integrity in a Mediterranean watershed: development and evaluation of a fish-based index. Fisheries Management and Ecology 15: 273-289. MAGALHÃES, M.F.; SCHLOSSER, I.J. & COLLARES-PEREIRA, M.J. 2003. The role of the life history in the relationship between population dynamics and environmental variability in two Mediterranean stream fishes. J. Fish Biology 63: 300-317. MAGALHÃES, M.F.; BEJA, P.; SCHLOSSER I.J. & COLLARES-PEREIRA, M.J. 2007. Effects of multi-year droughts on fish assemblages of seasonally drying Mediterranean streams. Freshwater Biology 52: 1494-1510. MARTA, P.; BOCHECHAS, J. & COLLARES-PEREIRA, M.J. 2001. Importance of recreational fisheries in the Guadiana River Basin in Portugal. Fisheries Management and Ecology 8 (4-5): 345-354. MATOS, I.; MACHADO, M.; SUCENA, E.; COLLARES-PEREIRA, M.J.; SCHARTL, M. & COELHO, M.M. 2010. Evidence for hermaphroditism in the Squalius alburnoides allopolyploid fish complex. Sexual Development 4: 170-175. MARTINS, M.J.; COLLARES-PEREIRA, M.J.; COWX, I.G. & COELHO, M.M. 1998. Diploids versus triploids of Rutilus alburnoides. Spatial segregation and morphological differences. J. Fish Biology 52(4): 817-828. MESQUITA, N.; CARVALHO, G.; SHAW, P.; CRESPO, E. & COELHO, M.M. 2001. River basin-related genetic structuring in an endangered fish species, Chondrostoma lusitanicum, based on mtDNA sequencing and RFLP analysis. Heredity 86: 253-264. MESQUITA, N.; COELHO, M.M. & MAGALHÃES, M.F. 2006. Spatial variation in fish assemblages across small Mediterranean drainages: effects of habitat and landscape context. Environmental Biology of Fishes 77: 105-120. MESQUITA, N.; CUNHA, C.; CARVALHO, G. & COELHO, M.M. 2007. Comparative phylogeography of endemic cyprinids in the south-west Iberian Peninsula: evidence for a new ichthyogeographic area. J. Fish Biology 71 (Suppl. A): 45-75. MESQUITA, N.; CUNHA, C.; HÄNFLING, B.; CARVALHO, G.R.; ZÉ-ZÉ, L.; TENREIRO, R. & COELHO, M.M. 2003. Isolation and characterization of polymorphic microsatellite loci in the endangered Portuguese freshwater fish Squalius aradensis (Cyprinidae). Molecular Ecology Notes 3: 572-574. MESQUITA, N.; HÄNFLING, B.; CARVALHO, G. R. & COELHO, M.M. 2005. Phylogeography of the cyprinid Squalius aradensis and implications for conservation of the endemic freshwater fauna of Southern Portugal. Molecular Ecology 14: 1939-1945. MONTEIRO, R.; CARVALHO, C. & COLLARES-PEREIRA, M.J. 2009. Karyotype and genome size of Iberochondrostoma almacai (Pisces, Cyprinidae) and comparison with the sister-species I. lusitanicum. Genetics and Molecular Biology 32(2): 268-275. MORGADO-SANTOS, M.; MATOS, I.; VICENTE, l. & COLLARES-PEREIRA, M.J. 2010. Scaleprinting: individual identification based on scale patterns. J. Fish Biology 76: 1228-1232. MOURA, T.; SILVA, M.; FIGUEIREDO, I.; NEVES, I.; MUNOZ, P.; COELHO, M.M & GORDO, L.S. 2008. Molecular barcoding of NE Atlantic deep-water sharks: species identification and application to fisheries management and conservation. Freshwater and Marine Biology 59: 214-223. PALA, I. & COELHO, M.M. 2005. "Contrasting views over a hybrid complex: between speciation and evolutionary "dead-end". Gene 347: 283-294. PALA, I.; COELHO, M.M. & SCHARTL, M. 2008. Dosage compensation by gene-copy silencing in a triploid hybrid fish. Current Biology 18: 1344-1348. PALA, I.; KLÜVER, N.; THORSTEINSDOTTIR, S.; SCHARTL, M. & COELHO, M.M. 2008. Expression pattern of anti-Müllerian hormone (amh) in the hybrid fish complex of Squalius alburnoides. Gene 410(2): 249-258. PALA, I.; SCHARTL, M.; BRITO, M.; VACAS, J.M. & COELHO, M.M. 2010. Gene expression regulation and lineage evolution: the North and South tale of the hybrid polyploid Squalius alburnoides complex. Proceedings of the Royal Society B. 277: 3519-3525. PALA, I.; SCHARTL, M.; THORSTEINSDÓTTIR, S. & COELHO M.M. 2009. Sex determination in the Squalius alburnoides complex: an initial characterization of sex cascade elements in the context of a hybrid polyploid genome. PLoS ONE 4(7): e6401. PERDICES, A. & COELHO, M.M. 2006. Comparative phylogeography of Z. platypus and O. bidens (Teleostei, Cyprinidae) in China based on cytochrome b sequences. Journal of Zoological Systematics and Evolutionary Research 44(4): 330-338. PERDICES, A.; CUNHA, C. & COELHO, M.M. 2004. Phylogenetic structure of Zacco platypus (Teleostei, Cyprinidae) populations in middle and upper Chag Jiang (=Yangtze) drainage inferred from cytochrome b sequences. Molecular Phylogenetics and Evolution 31: 192-203. PERDICES, A; SAYANDA, D. & COELHO, M.M. 2005. Mitochondrial diversity of Opsariichthys bidens (Teleostei, Cyprinidae) opulations in three main Chinese drainages. Molecular Phylogenetics and Evolution 37: 920-927. PEREIRA, C.; NETO, A. & COLLARES-PEREIRA M.J. 2009. Cytogenetic survey of two Iberian Leuciscinae (Teleostei, Cyprinidae) genera hybridizing extensively in nature. I. Evidence of a similar and conserved chromosome pattern with some species-specific markers for hybrid genomes recognition. Genetica 137: 285-291. PIRES A.M., COWX, I.G. & COELHO, M.M. 1999. Seasonal changes with fish community structure of intermittent streams in the middle reaches of the Guadiana basin (Portugal). J. Fish Biology 54:235-249. PIRES, A.M.; COWX, I.G. & COELHO, M.M. 2000. Benthic macroinvertebrate communities of intermittent streams in the middle reaches of the Guadiana basin (Portugal). Hydrobiologia 435: 167-175. PIRES, A.M.; COWX, I.G. & COELHO, M.M. 2000. Life history strategy of Leuciscus pyrenaicus in intermittent streams of the Guadiana basin. Cybium 24(3): 287-297. PIRES, A.M.; COWX, I.G. & COELHO, M.M. 2001. Diet and growth of the two sympatric Iberian barbels, Barbus steindachneri and Barbus microceplalus, in the middle reaches of the Guadiana basin (Portugal). Folia Zoologica 50 (2): 291-304. PIRES, A.M.; MOREIRA DA COSTA, L.; ALVES, M.J. & COELHO, M.M. 2004. Fish assemblage structure across the Arade basin (southern Portugal). Cybium 28: 357-365. Pires, A.M.; Magalhães, M.F.; Moreira da Costa, L.; Alves M.J. & Coelho, M.M. 2008. Effects of an extreme flash flood on the native fish assemblages across a Mediterranean catchment. Fisheries Management and Ecology 15: 49-58. PIRES, D.F.; PIRES, A.M.; COLLARES-PEREIRA, M.J. & MAGALHÃES, M.F. 2010. Variation in fish assemblages across dry-season pools in a Mediterranean stream: effects of pool morphology, physicochemical factors and spatial context. Ecology of Freshwater Fish 19: 74-86. PRENDA, J.; ARENAS, M.P.; FREITAS, D.; SANTOS-REIS, M. & COLLARES-PEREIRA, M.J. 2002. Bone length of Iberian freshwater fish, as a predictor of length and biomass of prey consumed by piscivores. Limnetica 21(1-2): 15-24. PRENDA, J.; FREITAS, D.; SANTOS-REIS, M. & COLLARES-PEREIRA, M.J. 1997. Guia para la identificación de restos óseos pertenecientes a algunos peces comunes en las aguas continentales de la Península Ibérica para el estudio de la dieta de depredadores ictiófagos. Doñana, Acta Vertebrata 24(1/2): 155-180. PRÓSPERO, M.J. & COLLARES-PEREIRA, M.J. 2000. Nuclear DNA content variation in the diploid-polyploid Leuciscus alburnoides complex (Teleostei, Cyprinidae) assessed by flow cytometry. Folia Zoologica 49(1): 53-58. RAB, P; RABOVA, M.; PEREIRA, C.S.; COLLARES-PEREIRA, M.J. & PELIKANOVA, S. 2008. Chromosome studies of European cyprinid fishes: interspecific homology of leuciscine cytotaxonomic marker – the largest subtelocentric chromosome pair as revealed by cross-species painting. Chromosome Research 16: 863-873. REIS, J. 2003. The freshwater pearl mussel Margaritifera margaritifera (L.) (Unionoida: Bivalvia) rediscovered in Portugal and threats to its survival. Biological Conservation 114: 447-452. REIS, J. & ARAUJO, R. 2009. Redescription of Unio tumidiformis Castro, 1885 (Bivalvia, Unionidae), an endemism from the south-western Iberian Península. Journal of Natural History 43 (31–32): 1929–1945. RIBEIRO, F.; CHAVES M.L., MARQUES T.A. & MOREIRA DA COSTA L. 2006. First record of Ameiurus melas (Siluriformes, Ictaluridae) in the Alqueva Reservoir, Guadiana basin (Portugal). Cybium 30(3): 283-284. RIBEIRO, F. & COLLARES-PEREIRA, M.J. 2010. Life-history variability of non-native centrarchids in regulated river systems of the lower Guadiana drainage (south-west Iberian Peninsula). J. Fish Biology 76: 522-537. RIBEIRO, F.; COLLARES-PEREIRA, M.J. & MOYLE, P. 2009. Non-native fish in the fresh waters of Portugal, Azores and Madeira Islands: a growing threat to aquatic biodiversity. Fisheries Management and Ecology 16: 255-264. RIBEIRO, F.M.; COWX, I.G. & COLLARES-PEREIRA, M.J. 2000. Life history traits of the endangered Iberian cyprinid Anaecypris hispanica and their implications for conservation. Archives für Hydrobiologia 149: 569-586. RIBEIRO, F.; COWX, I.G.; TIAGO, P.; FILIPE, A.F.; MOREIRA DA COSTA, L. & COLLARES-PEREIRA, M.J. 2003. Growth and reproductive traits of diploid and triploid forms of the Squalius alburnoides cyprinid complex in a tributary of the Guadiana River, Portugal. Archives für Hydrobiology 156: 471-484. RIBEIRO, F.; CRAIN, P. & MOYLE, P.B. 2004. Temporal and spatial variation of condition of young-of-year fishes in the lower Cosumnes River, California. Hydrobiologia 527: 77-84. RIBEIRO, F.; ELVIRA, B.; COLLARES-PEREIRA, M.J. & MOYLE, P. 2008. Life-history traits of non-native fishes in Iberian watersheds across several invasion stages: a first approach. Biological Invasions 10: 89-102. RIBEIRO, F.; GANTE, H.; SOUSA, G.; FILIPE, A.F.; ALVES, M.J. & MAGALHÃES, M.F. 2009. New records, distribution and dispersal pathways of Sander lucioperca (Linnaeus,1758) in Iberian freshwaters. Cybium 33(3): 255-256. RIBEIRO, F.; ORJUELA, R.L.; MAGALHÃES, M.F. & COLLARES-PEREIRA, M.J. 2007. Variability in feeding ecology of a South American cichlid: a reason for successful invasion in mediterranean-type rivers? Ecology of Freshwater Fish 16(4): 559-568. SALGUEIRO, P.; CARVALHO, G.; COLLARES-PEREIRA, M.J. & COELHO, M.M. 2003. Microsatellite analysis of genetic population structure of the endangered cyprinid Anaecypris hispanica in Portugal: implications for conservation. Biological Conservation 109: 47-56. Sousa, V.; Penha, F.; Collares-Pereira, M.J.; Chikhi, L. & Coelho, M.M. 2008. Genetic structure and signature of population decrease in the critically endangered freshwater cyprinid Chondrostoma lusitanicum. Conservation Genetics 9: 791-805. SOUSA, V.; PENHA, F.; PALA, I.; CHIKHI, L. & COELHO M.M. 2010. Conservation genetics of a critically endangered Iberian minnow: evidence of population decrease and contraction in the distribution area. Animal Conservation 13: 162-171. SOUSA-SANTOS, C.; COLLARES-PEREIRA, M.J. & ALMADA, V. 2006. Evidence of extensive mitochondrial introgression with nearly complete substitution of the typical Squalius pyrenaicus-like mtDNA of the Squalius alburnoides complex (Cyprinidae) in an independent Iberian drainage. J. Fish Biology 68 (Suppl. B): 292-301. SOUSA-SANTOS, C.; COLLARES-PEREIRA, M.J. & ALMADA, V. 2006. Reproductive success of nuclear nonhybrid males of Squalius alburnoides hybridogenetic complex (Teleostei, Cyprinidae: an example of interplay between female choice and ecological pressures? Acta Ethologica 9: 31-36. SOUSA-SANTOS, C.; COLLARES-PEREIRA, M.J. & ALMADA, V.C. 2006. May a hybridogenetic complex regenerate the nuclear genome of both sexes of a missing ancestor? - First evidence on the occurrence of a nuclear nonhybrid Squalius alburnoides (Cyprinidae) female based on DNA sequencing. Journal of Natural History 40 (23-24): 1443-1448. SOUSA-SANTOS, C.; COLLARES-PEREIRA, M.J. & ALMADA, V.C. 2007. Fertile triploid males – an uncommon case among hybrid vertebrates. Journal of Experimental Zoology Part A: Ecological Genetics and Physiology 307A (4): 220-225. SOUSA-SANTOS, C.; COLLARES-PEREIRA, M.J. & ALMADA, V.C. 2007. Reading the history of a hybrid fish complex from its molecular record. Mol. Phylogenet Evol. 45: 981-996. SOUSA-SANTOS, C.; ROBALO, J.I.; COLLARES-PEREIRA, M.J. & ALMADA, V.C. 2005. Heterozygous indels as useful tools in the reconstruction of DNA sequences and in the assessment of ploidy level and genomic constitution of hybrid organisms. DNA Sequence 16(6): 462-467. WAAP, S.; AMARAL, A.R.; GOMES, B. & COELHO, M.M. 2011. Multi-locus species tree of the chub genus Squalius (Leuciscinae: Cyprinidae) from western Iberia: new insights into its evolutionary history. Genetica. ![]() ABSTRACTS GROMICHO, M.; OZOUF-COSTAZ, C. & COLLARES-PEREIRA, M.J. 2004. Molecular versus classical cytogenetic data on the Squalius alburnoides complex (Teleostei, Cyprinidae): what is new? Cytogenetic and Genome Research 106: 16. PEREIRA C., NETO A., RAB P. RABOVA M. & COLLARES-PEREIRA M.J. 2008. Evidence of high levels of polymorphism in NOR-phenotype of Iberian nases (Teleostei Cyprinidae) in hybrid zones caused by massive introgression processes. Chromosome Research 16 (7): 1062. RAB P., RABOVA M., PEREIRA C., COLLARES-PEREIRA M.J. & PELIKANOVA S. 2008. Chromosome studies of European leuciscine fishes (Cyprinidae): interspecific homology of leuciscine cytotaxonomic marker – the largest subtelocentric chromosme pair - as revealed by cross-species painting. Chromosome Research 16 (7): 1062-1063. ![]() OTHER PUBLICATIONS COLLARES-PEREIRA, M.J. 1999. Plan português en defensa del jarabujo, un pez endémico circunscrito a la cuenca del Guadiana. Quercus (Spain) 161: 46-47. COLLARES-PEREIRA, M.J. 2002. The European Freshwater Fish Capital: a management plan for the conservation of Anaecypris hispanica. EIS Newsletter, nr. 2 (December), 2pp. COLLARES-PEREIRA, M.J.; COELHO, M.M.; COWX, I.G. & MOREIRA DA COSTA, L. 2000. Abstracts Book & Programme of the International Symposium "Freshwater Fish Conservation: options for the future". Lisbon, 108 pp. COLLARES-PEREIRA, M.J.; COWX, I.G.; RIBEIRO, F.; RODRIGUES, J.A. & ROGADO, L. 1998. Threats imposed by water resource development schemes on the conservation of endangered fish species in the Guadiana River basin in Portugal. EIFAC / XX / 98 / Symp., Carvoeiro (Portugal), E25 Technical Report, 11 pp. COLLARES-PEREIRA, M.J.; MAGALHÃES, M.F.; PIRES, A.M.; PIRES, D.; SOUSA, G.; RODRIGUES, P. & COELHO, M.M. 2005. Medidas de Minimização e de Compensação dos Impactos do Aproveitamento Hidráulico de Odelouca-Funcho: componente ictiofauna e sistema de informação ambiental. Unpublished doc. for INAG, FCUL, 15 pp + annexes. COLLARES-PEREIRA, M.J.; MAGALHÃES, M.F.; PIRES, A.M.; PIRES, D.; SOUSA, G.; RODRIGUES, P.; COWX I.G. & COELHO, M.M. 2006. Medidas de Minimização e de Compensação dos Impactos do Aproveitamento Hidráulico de Odelouca-Funcho: MCEP - Estação Piloto Experimental (versão preliminar do projecto técnico-científico). Unpublished doc. for INAG, Contrato Nº 2004/033/INAG, FCUL, 5 pp. COLLARES-PEREIRA, M.J.; RODRIGUES, J.A. & MARTA, P., 2000. Salvemos os peixes do Guadiana: a comunidade piscícola da Bacia do Guadiana. LIFE-Saramugo Leaflet, Lisbon, 61 pp. ![]() COLLARES-PEREIRA, M.J.; RODRIGUES, J.A. & ROGADO, L. 2000. Salvemos os peixes do Guadiana: principais ameaças à sua sobrevivência. LIFE-Saramugo Leaflet, Lisbon, 21 pp. COLLARES-PEREIRA, M.J.; RODRIGUES, J.A.; ROGADO, L. & COWX, I.G. 2000. Plano de Gestão para a Conservação do Saramugo. Life-Nature Programme, contract B4-3200/97/280, CBA/FCUL/ICN, 75 pp + annexes. COLLARES-PEREIRA, M.J.; RODRIGUES, J.A & TRANCOSO, R. 1999-2001. Uma estratégia de conservação para Anaecypris hispanica - projecto LIFE-Sraramugo - Homepage - http://hello.to/saramugo (Portuguese version) and http://i.am/anaecypris (English version). COLLARES-PEREIRA, M.J.; M.F. MAGALHÃES; A.M. PIRES; D. PIRES; P. RODRIGUES; F. PENHA & M.M. COELHO 2005. O projecto "Estudo da componente ictiofauna, no âmbito das medidas de monitorização e de compensação da construção da barragem de Odelouca e sistema de informação ambiental para o empreendimento de Odelouca". Infociências, FCUL, Lisbon: 22-24. EIRAS, J.C. & COLLARES-PEREIRA, M.J. 2004. A note about "Black Spot Disease" on Anaecypris hispanica (Steindachner, 1866), and Chondrostoma lemmingii (Steindachner, 1866) (Osteichthyes, Cyprinidae). Portugal. Acta Parasitológica Portuguesa 8(2): 12-13. FILIPE, A.F. 2000. Publication of scientific illustrations. Nature Tribune Journal, 5. FILIPE, A.F. 2001. Publication of scientific illustrations. Men Magazine. FILIPE, A.F. 2004. Publication of illustrations. WWF publication about landscape rehabilitation in the southern of Portugal - the Green Belt project. GANTE, H.F. 2004. O que ainda não sabia acerca do guppy! [What you still did not know about the Guppy!]. Aquário Magazine 1(4). GANTE, H.F. 2004. A Guerra das nativas [Native's war]. Aquário Magazine 1(1). GANTE, H.F. 2005. Anabantoidei I - Anabantoideos ou "labirintídeos" [Anabantoids]. Aquário Magazine 1(12). GANTE, H.F. 2005. Anabantoidei II - A família Osphronemidae [Family Osphronemidae]. Aquário Magazine 2(1). GANTE, H.F. 2005. Anabantoidei III - Espécies do género Betta Bleeker 1850 (Parte 1) [Species of genus Betta-1]. Aquário Magazine 2(2). GANTE, H.F. 2005. Anabantoidei IV - Espécies do género Betta Bleeker 1850 (Parte 2) [Species of genus Betta-2]. Aquário Magazine 2(4). MARTA, P.; BOCHECHAS, J. & COLLARES-PEREIRA, M.J. 2000. Preliminary assessment of recreational fisheries in the Guadiana River Basin in Portugal. EIFAC / XXI / 2000 / Symp., Budapeste (Hungria), E23 Technical Report, 9 pp. PIRES, A.M. 2001. Que Futuro para os Recursos Hídricos? Newsletter, Universidade Atlântica, December, 2001. REIS, J. 2002. Bivalves de água doce em Portugal: Inventariação e estado de conservação. Instituto da Conservação da Natureza, Lisboa, 50pp. REIS, J. 2003. Live populations of the threatened freshwater pearl mussel Margaritifera margaritifera found in Portugal. Ecologia Mediterranea 2003: 114-115. REIS, J. 2003. A conservação dos moluscos em Portugal. Portugala 1: 12. REIS, J. 2004. O futuro do mexilhão-de-rio Margaritifera margaritifera (L.) em Portugal. Portugala 3: 7. RIBEIRO, F., BELDADE, R.; DIX, M. & BOCHECHAS, J. 2005. Carta Piscícola Nacional. Direcção Geral dos Recursos Florestais - Fluviatilis, Lda. Publicação Electrónica (versão 12/2005 - available at www.fluviatilis.com/dgf/?=nologin=true). ROGADO, L.; RODRIGUES, J.A. & COLLARES-PEREIRA, M.J. 2000. O saramugo, uma espécie ameaçada de extinção - kit pedagógico. CD-ROM LIFE-Saramugo, Lisbon. ![]() LIST OF ALL PUBLICATIONS (previous to 1997) ALMAÇA, C. & COLLARES-PEREIRA, M.J. 1988. On the occurrence of the European river lamprey, Lampetra fluviatilis (Linnaeus, 1758) in the Iberian Peninsula. Cybium 12(1): 9 - 15. ALVES, M.J. & COELHO, M.M. 1994. Genetic variation and population subdivision of the endangered Iberian cyprinid Chondrostoma lusitanicum. J. Fish Biology 44: 627-636. ALVES, M.J.; COELHO, M.M. & COLLARES-PEREIRA, M.J. 1996. Evidence for nonclonal reproduction in triploid Rutilus alburnoides. Isozyme Bulletin USA 29: 23. BEJA, P. & MAGALHÃES, M.F. 1995. Effects of droughts on the fish assemblage of a seasonally drying Iberian stream. pp. 78-101. In: Patterns of availability and use of resources by otters (Lutra lutra L.) in Southwest Portugal. Ed. P.R. Beja. Ph. D. Thesis, University of Aberdeen, Aberdeen, UK. BRITO, R.M. & COELHO, M.M. 1996. Spatial and temporal genetic variation of Chondrostoma polylepis in Tejo drainage. Folia Zoologica 45(4): 337-346. COELHO, M.M. 1981. Contribution to the knowledge of the populations of Gobio gobio (Linnaeus, 1758) (Pisces, Cyprinidae) in Portugal. Arq. Museu Bocage (Sér. A) 1(5): 67-94. COELHO, M.M. 1983. The straight mouth Portuguese Chondrostoma Agassiz, 1835. I. On the populations of Ch. polylepis Steindachner, 1865 (Pisces, Cyprinidae). Arq. Museu Bocage (Sér. A) 2(5): 61-79. COELHO, M.M. 1985. The straight mouth Portuguese Chondrostoma Agassiz, 1835. II. Taxonomic position and geographic distribution of Chondrostoma polylepis Steindachner, 1865, and Ch. willkommii Steindachner, 1866, with the description of a new subspecies, Ch. polylepis duriensis. Arq. Museu Bocage (Sér. A) 3(2): 13-38. COELHO, M.M. 1990. Chondrostoma polylepis duriensis a boga da região Galaico-Duriensis. Observatório 1: 383-390. COELHO, M.M. 1992. Genetic differentiation of the Iberian cyprinids Chondrostoma polylepis Steind., 1865 and Ch. willkommii Steind., 1866. Archives für Hydrobiologia 125(4): 487 - 498. COELHO, M.M.; BRITO, R.M.; PACHECO, T.R.; FIGUEIREDO, D. & PIRES, A.M. 1995. Genetic variation and divergence of Leuciscus pyrenaicus and L. carolitertii (Pisces, Cyprinidae). J. Fish Biology 47 (Suppl. A): 243-258. COELHO, M.M. & COLLARES-PEREIRA, M.J. 1990. A família Cyprinidae na Bacia do Douro: diversidade e aspectos ecológicos. Observatório 1: 391-399. COELHO, M.M. & COLLARES-PEREIRA, M.J. 1991. Genetic diversity of fish communities in streams of different ecotones complexities (Abstract), p. 89. In: Fish land/inland ecotones. Eds. M. Zalewski, J.E. Thorpe & P. Gaudin, Unesco/Mab, Univ. Lodz, Stirling, Lyon. COELHO, M.M. & ZALEWSKI, M. 1995. Evolutionary adaptations by fish to ecotonal complexity in spatially variable landscape - a perspective. Hydrobiologia 303: 223-228. COLLARES-PEREIRA, M.J. 1978. Chondrostoma toxostoma arrigonis (Steindachner,1866) a new cyprinid to Portugal. Arq. Mus. Boc. 2ª Sér. 6(12): 219-239. COLLARES-PEREIRA, M.J. 1979. On the systematic position of the Iberian Cyprinidae forms arcasi (Steind.,1866) and macrolepidotus (Steind.,1866) of the genus Rutilus. Arq. Mus. Boc. 2ª Sér. 6(22): 361-393. COLLARES-PEREIRA, M.J. 1980. Contribution to the knowledge of the Iberian cyprinid Chondrostoma lemmingi (Steind.,1866) and its affinities with Chondrostoma arrigonis (Steind.,1866). Arq. Mus. Boc. 2ª Sér. 7(12): 151-178. COLLARES-PEREIRA, M.J. 1980. Les Chondrostoma à bouche arquée de la Péninsule Ibèrique (avec la description de Ch. lusitanicum nov. sp.) (Poissons, Cyprinidae). C. R. Acad. Sc. Paris, Sér. D 291: 275-278. COLLARES-PEREIRA, M.J. 1980. Population variability of Pseudophoxinus hispanicus (Steind.,1866) (Pisces,Cyprinidae). Arq. Mus. Boc. 2ª Sér. 7(21): 363-388. COLLARES-PEREIRA, M.J. 1983. Les phoxinelles circum-méditérraneans (avec la description d'Anaecypris N. Gen.) (Poissons, Cyprinidae). Cybium 7(3): 1-7. COLLARES-PEREIRA, M.J. 1983. Cytotaxonomic studies in Iberian cyprinids. I. Karyology of Chondrostoma lusitanicum Collares-Pereira,1980. Cytologia 48(4): 753-760. COLLARES-PEREIRA, M.J. 1984. The "Rutilus alburnoides (Steind.,1866) complex" (Pisces, Cyprinidae). I. Biometrical analysis of some Portuguese populations. Arq. Mus. Boc. Sér. A 2(8): 111-143. COLLARES-PEREIRA, M.J. 1985. The "Rutilus alburnoides (Steind.,1866) complex" (Pisces, Cyprinidae). II. First data on the karyology of a well-established diploid-triploid group. Arq. Mus. Boc. Sér. A 3(5): 69-90. COLLARES-PEREIRA, M.J. 1985. Cytotaxonomic studies in Iberian cyprinids. II. Karyology of Anaecypris hispanica (Steind.,1866), Chondrostoma lemmingi (Steind.,1866), Rutilus arcasi (Steind.,1866) and R. macrolepidotus (Steind.,1866). Cytologia 50: 879-890. COLLARES-PEREIRA, M.J. 1985. Ciprinídeos do Alentejo. 1º Congresso sobre o Alentejo (Évora) 2: 537-545. COLLARES-PEREIRA, M.J. 1987. The evolutionary role of hybridization: the example of natural Iberian fish populations. Proc. World Symp. on Selection, Hybridization and Genetic Engineering in Aquaculture, Bordeaux 27-30 May, 1986, 1: 83-92, Berlin. COLLARES-PEREIRA, M.J. 1987/1988. O papel da poliploidia e da hibridação na evolução dos vertebrados. Bolm. Soc. Port. Ciênc. Nat. (2ª série) 24: 95-114. COLLARES-PEREIRA, M.J. 1989. Hybridization in European cyprinids: evolutionary potential of unisexual populations. pp. 281-288. In: Evolution and Ecology of Unisexual Vertebrates. Eds. R.M. Dawley & J.B. Bogart. New York State Museum, Albany, USA. COLLARES-PEREIRA, M.J. 1990. Anaecypris hispanica (Steindachner), a cyprinid fish in danger of extinction. J. Fish Biol. 37 (Suppl. A): 227-229. COLLARES-PEREIRA, M.J. 1992. In vivo direct chromosome preparation (air drying technique). pp. 15-19. In: First International Workshop on Fish Cytogenetic Techniques. Eds. C. Ozouf-Costaz, F. Foresti & L. Almeida Toledo. Museum Nat. Histoire Naturelle, Paris. COLLARES-PEREIRA, M.J. 1992. Ag-NOR staining. pp. 38-43. In: First International Workshop on Fish Cytogenetic Techniques. Eds. C. Ozouf-Costaz, F. Foresti & L. Almeida Toledo. Museum Nat. Histoire Naturelle, Paris. COLLARES-PEREIRA, M.J. 1994. The karyology of barbins and the possible plesiomorphic condition of polyploidy in Cyprinidae. Bull. Fr. Pêche Piscic. 334: 191-199. COLLARES-PEREIRA, M.J. & ALMAÇA, C. 1979. Pseudophoxinus hispanicus (Steind.,1866), Cyprinidae nouveau pour le Portugal. Bull. Mus. natn. Hist. nat. Paris 4e Ser. 1, Sect. A(1): 285-287. COLLARES-PEREIRA, M.J. & COELHO, M.M. 1983. Biometrical analysis of Chondrostoma polylepis x Rutilus arcasi natural hybrids (Osteichthyes-Cypriniformes-Cyprinidae). J. Fish Biol. 23: 495-509. COLLARES-PEREIRA, M.J. & COELHO, M.M. 1989. Polyploidy versus diploidy: a new model for the karyological evolution of Cyprinidae. Arq. Mus. Bocage (N.S.) 1(26): 375-383 and Proc. Table Ronde Internationale Barbus, Montpellier, França, pp. 265-273. COLLARES-PEREIRA, M.J. & COELHO, M.M. 1991. Fish and riparian ecotones in Portuguese inland streams (Abstract), p. 86. In: Fish land/inland ecotones. Eds. M. Zalewski, J.E. Thorpe & P. Gaudin. Unesco/Mab, Univ. Lodz, Stirling, Lyon. COLLARES-PEREIRA, M.J. & COELHO, M.M. 1992. Peixes dulciaquícolas e migradores. pp. 71-91. In: Portugal Moderno"- vol. Fauna. Enciclopédia Pomo. COLLARES-PEREIRA, M.J. & MADEIRA, J.M. 1990. Cytotaxonomic studies in Iberian cyprinids. III. Karyology of Portuguese populations of Barbus Cuvier, 1817, with some reconsiderations on the karyological evolution of Cyprinidae. Caryologia 43(1): 17-26. COLLARES-PEREIRA, M.J.; MADEIRA, J.M. & RAB, P. 1995. Spontaneous triploidy in the stone loach Noemacheilus barbatulus (Balitoridae). Copeia 1995 (2): 483-484. COLLARES-PEREIRA, M.J.; MAGALHAES, M.F.; GERALDES, A. & COELHO, M.M. 1995. Riparian ecotones and spatial variation on fish assemblages in Portuguese lowland streams. pp. 93-101. In: The importance of aquatic-terrestrial ecotones for freshwater fish. Eds. F. Schiemer, M. Zalewski & J.E Thorpe. Kluwer Academic Publishers, and Hydrobiologia 303: 93-101. COLLARES-PEREIRA, M.J.; MARTINS, M.J.; GERALDES, A.M. & COELHO, M.M. 1996. Feeding behaviour of Barbus bocagei assessed under a spatial-temporal approach. Folia Zoologica 45(1): 65-76. GERALDES, A.; COELHO, M.M. & COLLARES-PEREIRA, M.J. 1993. Feeding and growth of the Iberian barbel Barbus bocagei Steindachner, 1865 in Sorraia system. Cahiers d'Ethologie 13(2): 179-180. GERALDES, A.M. & COLLARES-PEREIRA, M.J. 1995. Preliminary insight into age and growth of the Iberian chub (Leuciscus pyrenaicus) in the Sorraia system. Folia Zoologica 44(2): 159-165. MADEIRA, J.M.; COLLARES-PEREIRA, M.J. & ELVIRA, B. 1992. Cytotaxonomy of Iberian loaches with some remarks on the karyological evolution of both families (Pisces, Cobitidae, Homalopteridae). Caryologia 45 (3/4): 273-282. MAGALHÃES, M.F. 1993. Feeding of an Iberian stream cyprinid assemblage: seasonality of resource use in a highly variable environment. Oecologia 96: 253-260. MAGALHÃES, M.F. 1993. Effects of season and body-size in the distribution and diet of the Iberian chub Leuciscus pyrenaicus (Gunther) in a lowland catchment. Journal of Fish Biology 42: 875-888. MAGALHÃES, M.F. 1992. Feeding ecology of the Iberian cyprinid Barbus bocagei Steindachner, 1865 in a lowland river. Journal of Fish Biology, 40: 123-134. NELVA, A.; COLLARES-PEREIRA, M.J. & COELHO, M.M. 1988. Systématique et répartition du genre Chondrostoma Agassiz,1835 (Pisces, Cyprinidae). Archives für Hydrobiologia. 113(1): 93-112. RAB, P. & COLLARES-PEREIRA, M.J. 1995. Chromosomes of European cyprinid fishes (Cyprinidae, Cypriniformes): a review. Folia Zoologica 44(3): 1-20. RODRIGUES, J.A. & COLLARES-PEREIRA, M.J. 1993. Environmental factors influencing the distribution and composition of fish assemblages in the Tagus Basin, Portugal. J. Fish Biology 43 (Suppl. A): 334 (Abstract). RODRIGUES, E.M. & COLLARES-PEREIRA, M.J. 1996. NOR polymorphism in the Iberian species Chondrostoma lusitanicum (Pisces, Cyprinidae). Genetica 98: 59-63. SNPRCN (editor) 1991. Livro Vermelho dos Vertebrados de Portugal - vol.2 "Peixes Dulciaquícolas e Migradores", Lisboa (in collaboration). VASIL'IEVA, E.D.; COLLARES-PEREIRA, M.J. & MADEIRA, J.M. 1992. Variability, divergence and taxonomy of spined loaches (Cobitidae) from the Iberian Peninsula. Voprosy Ikhtiologii 32(1): 41-55 (Russian version) and J. Ichthyology 32(4): 69-84 (English version). ![]() PHD THESIS (CONCLUDED) ALVES, M.J. 1998. A poliploidia e a unissexualidade no Complexo de Rutilus alburnoides (Pisces, Cyprinidae) - Origem e potencial evolutivo. University of Lisbon. (advisers: M.J. Collares-Pereira and M.M. Coelho). BRITO, R.M. 1998. Estudo da estrutura genética e da diferenciação de populações portuguesas de Leuciscus e de Chondrostoma polylepis (Pisces: Cyprinidae). University of Lisbon. (adviser: M.M. Coelho). CAIOLA, N. 2006. Towards the conservation of iberian cyprinodontiform fishes: ecological strategy and competition with the introduced eastern mosquitofish. Facultat de Biologia, University of Barcelona, Spain (advisers: A. de Sostoa and M.J. Collares-Pereira). COELHO, M.M. 1987. Estudo sistemático de populações de Chondrostoma Agassiz, 1835 (Pisces, Cyprinidae). A especiação de Ch. polylepis Steind., 1865 e Ch. willkommii Steind., 1866. University of Lisbon. (adviser: C. Almaça). COLLARES-PEREIRA, M.J. 1983. Estudo sistemático e citogenético dos pequenos ciprinídeos ibéricos pertencentes aos géneros Chondrostoma Agassiz,1835, Rutilus Rafinesque,1820 e Anaecypris Collares-Pereira,1983. University of Lisbon. (adviser: C. Almaça). CUNHA, C. 2009. The evolution of Squalius alburnoides (Teleostei, Cyprinidae) populations in the northern Iberian Peninsula. A molecular genetics and morphological approach into the past and present dynamics of an hybrid complex. University of Lisbon. (adivsers: M.M. Coelho and I. Doadrio). FILIPE, A.F. 2010. Spatial patterns of species composition and richness in Iberian freshwater fish. (advisers: M.J. Collares-Pereira and P. Angermeier). GROMICHO, M.L. 2006. Genome polyploidisation in the Iberian fish complex Squalius alburnoides. A case study of evolution-in-action through hybridisation and non-sexuality: a cytogenetic approach. University of Lisbon. (adviser: M.J. Collares-Pereira). MAGALHÃES, M.F. 2002. Spatial gradients, environmental variability and fish assemblages structure in Mediterranean-type rivers. University of Lisbon. (advisers: M.J. Collares-Pereira and I. Schlosser). MESQUITA, N. 2005. Phylogeography and evolution of the cyprinids from the small drainages from the south of Portugal: an approach with the application of molecular markers. University of Lisbon. (advisers. M.M. Coelho and G.R. Carvalho). PALA, I. 2009. Functional aspects of hybrid genome interactions: sex determination and gene expression regulation in the Squalius alburnoides complex. University of Lisbon. (advisers: M.M. Coelho and M. Schartl). PIRES, A.M. 1999. Aspectos da ecologia de peixes e macroinvertebrados em rios intermitentes da Bacia do Guadiana (Ecological aspects of fish and macroinvertebrates in intermittent streams of the Guadiana basin). University of Lisbon. (advisers: M.M. Coelho and I.G. Cowx). RIBEIRO, F. 2008. Patterns and processes of fish invasions in Iberian rivers: the Lower Guadiana drainage as a case study. (advisers: M.J. Collares-Pereira and P. Moyle). RODRIGUES, J.A. 2000. Aspectos da bio-ecologia das populações de Leuciscus pyrenaicus Gunther, 1868 (Pisces, Cyprinidae) na bacia hidrográfica do Rio Tejo. University of Lisbon. (adviser: M.J. Collares-Pereira). SOUSA-SANTOS, C. 2007. Reproductive behaviour and the evolutionary history of the hybridogenetic complex Squalius alburnoides (Pisces, Cyprinidae). University of Lisbon. (advisers: M.J. Collares-Pereira and V. Almada). ![]() FINAL REPORTS OF RESEARCH PROJECTS & CONTRACTS COELHO, M.M. (coord.) 1997. The use of an endemic fish in the management of aquatic systems. Final Report of the project JNICT/PEAM/C/GAG/227/93, CBA/FCUL, Lisbon. COELHO, M.M. (coord.) 1999. Plano de Bacia hidrográfica das Ribeiras do Algarve - Estudo da componente ictiofaunística dos locais de referência e não-referência. Final Report to PROCESL/DRA/INAG. CBA/FCUL, Lisbon. COELHO, M.M. (coord.) 2002. Hybridization and unisexuality in the evolution of an Iberian fish complex: a genetic approach. Final Report of the Project Praxis/P/BIA/11086/1998, CBA/FCUL, Lisbon. COELHO, M.M., COLLARES-PEREIRA, M.J., MAGALHÃES, M.F. & PIRES, A.M. 1996. Riparian ecotones and fish diversity: the predictability of conceptual models and the conservation of southern lotic systems. Final Report of the project JNICT/PEA/115/1991), CBA/FCUL, Lisbon. COELHO, M.M., COLLARES-PEREIRA, M.J.; MESQUITA, N. & CUNHA, C. 1999. Plano de Bacia do Rio Sado - Estudo da componente ictiofaunística: situação de referência. Final Report to COBA/INAG, CBA/FCUL, Lisbon, 38pp + annexes. COELHO, M.M. & COLLARES-PEREIRA, M.J. 1989. Estudo da fauna ictiológica do Rio Tejo. Final Report of the project "Radioecologia do Rio Tejo". FCUL, Lisbon. COELHO M.M., M.J. COLLARES-PEREIRA, M.J. ALVES, A.M. PIRES, M.J. MARTINS & L. MOREIRA DA COSTA 1997. Estudos Ambientais da Barragem de Odelouca e túnel de interligação do sistema Odelouca-Funcho - Estudo da Ictiofauna Continental. Reformulação do EIA da Barragem de Odelouca (IAOD/258). Final Report to COBA/INAG, CBA/FCUL, Lisbon. COELHO M.M., M.J. COLLARES-PEREIRA, M.J. ALVES, A.M. PIRES, M.J. MARTINS & L. MOREIRA DA COSTA 1998. Estudos Ambientais do Projecto da Barragem de Odelouca e túnel de interligação do sistema Odelouca-Funcho - Estudo da Ictiofauna Continental. Análise dos Efeitos das Cheias de Novembro de 1997 nos Ecossistemas das Ribeiras de Monchique e de Odelouca. Final Report to COBA/INAG, CBA/FCUL, Lisbon. COLLARES-PEREIRA, M.J. & COELHO, M.M. 1994. Estudo preliminar de caracterização ecológica da Reserva Natural do Paúl do Boquilobo - a comunidade de peixes dulciaquícolas. Final Report to SNPRCN, FCUL, Lisbon. COLLARES-PEREIRA, M.J.; COELHO, M.M.; ALVES, M.J. & MOREIRA DA COSTA, L. 1998. Plano de Bacia do Rio Guadiana - Estudo da componente ictiofaunística - situação de referência. Final Report to COBA/INAG, CBA/FCUL, Lisbon, 42 pp + annexes. COLLARES-PEREIRA, M.J.; COELHO, M.M.; RODRIGUES, J.A.; MOREIRA DA COSTA, L.; ROGADO, L. & COWX, I.G. 1997. Anaecypris hispanica, um endemsimo em extinção. I. Caracterização da situação actual. Final Report to EDIA, CBA-FCUL/ICN, Lisbon, 83 pp + annexes. COLLARES-PEREIRA, M.J.; COWX, I.G.; RODRIGUES, J.A.; ROGADO, L.; RIBEIRO, F.; MENDES, A.; PICHIOCHI, P.; SALGUEIRO, P.; ALVES, M.J. & COELHO, M.M. 2000. Uma estratégia de conservação para o saramugo (Anaecypris hispanica), um endemismo piscícola em extinção. Final Report, Life-Nature Programme, contract B4-3200/97/280, Volume I (121 pp) and Volume II (13 annexes). COLLARES-PEREIRA, M.J. & MOREIRA DA COSTA, L. 2000. Genome size variation and the origin of diploid-polyploid relationships in the fish family Cyprinidae. Final report of the project PRAXIS XXI/PCNA/BIA/127/96. CBA/FCUL, Lisbon, 43 pp + annexes. COLLARES-PEREIRA, M.J.; MOREIRA DA COSTA, L. & MESQUITA, M. 2000. Estudo do significado ambiental e ecológico dos transvases de água Guadiana-Sado previstos no Empreendimento de Fins Múltiplos de Alqueva- estudo ictiofaunístico. CBA/FCUL, Lisbon, 22 pp + annexes. COLLARES-PEREIRA, M.J.; PEREIRA, C.; ABOIM, M.A. & COELHO, M.M. 2008. A case study of introgressive hybridization in Iberian freshwater fish – A new paradigm to evolutionary biology? Final Report of the FCT project PPCDT/BIA-BDE/57805/2004. FILIPE, A.F. 2004. Revision of the Red Data Book of the Vertebrates of Portugal: freshwater and migratory fish. Final Report to ICN, Lisbon, 85 pp. MAGALHÃES, M.F. 2004. Monitorização da fauna piscícola na Herdade da Coitadinha. Final Report to Erena, Ordenamento e Gestão de Recursos Naturais, Lda., CBA/FCUL, Lisbon, 8 pp. MAGALHÃES M.F., ALVES M.J., COLLARES-PEREIRA M.J. & COELHO M.M. 1992. Critérios para a selecção de Áreas Naturais Importantes (ANI's) em Portugal Continental - Peixes dulciaquícolas. Final Report to Liga para a Protecção da Natureza. FCUL, Lisbon. MAGALHÃES, M.F.; COELHO, M.M. & COLLARES-PEREIRA, M.J. 1999. Plano de Bacia do Rio Mira. Estudo da componente ictiofaunística: situação de referência. Final Report to COBA. CBA/FCUL, Lisbon, 45 pp. MAGALHÃES, M.F. & COLLARES-PEREIRA, M.J. 1999. Bases para a conservação da ictiofauna dulciaquícola no Sudoeste de Portugal. Final Report to Instituto da Conservação da Natureza. CBA/FCUL, Lisbon, 180 pp. MAGALHÃES, M.F.; RIBEIRO, F.V. & FILIPE, A.F. 2005. Plano de Ordenamento do Parque Natural do Tejo Internacional: Componente Ictiofauna. Final Report to ERENA, Ordenamento e Gestão de Recursos Naturais, Lda.. CBA/FCUL, Lisbon, 65 pp. MOREIRA DA COSTA, L. & COLLARES-PEREIRA, M.J. 2003. Programa de Monitorização para o Património Natural - Monitorização de Peixes Dulciaquícolas - Área de Regolfo de Alqueva e Pedrógão. Final Report to EDIA, CBA/FCUL, Lisbon, 161 pp + annexes. PATTEE, E. (coord.) 1996. Assessment of the two main and connected human influences, river disturbance and subsequent fish stocking, on the genetic diversity and stability of natural riverine fish populations. Final Scientific Report. Univ. Claude Bernard, Lyon, vol.I and II. REIS, J. 2004. Atlas dos bivalves de água doce de Portugal continental. Final Report, Instituto da Conservação da Natureza, Lisbon, 106 pp. RODRIGUES, J.A. & COLLARES-PEREIRA, M.J. 1995. Inventariação e caracterização da icitiofauna do Parque Natural da Serra de S. Mamede. Final Report for ICN, FCUL, Lisbon, 76 pp + annexes. TIAGO, P.; RIBEIRO, F.; FILIPE, A.F.; MIEIRO, C.L.; MOREIRA DA COSTA, L. & COLLARES-PEREIRA, M.J. 2001. Programa de Minimização para o património Natural - Estudos de Biologia e Ecologia de peixes Dulciaquícolas - Área de Regolfo de Alqueva e Pedrógão. Final Report to EDIA, CBA/FCUL, 224 pp + annexes. ![]() |