Curriculum Vitae

Atefeh Salehi

Data da última atualização »Last update : 23/11/2016

Atefeh Salehi. Concluiu Arquitecture - Islamic Art University of Tabriz em 2011. Frequenta Sustainable Energy Systems pela Universidade de Coimbra desde 2012. É da Universidade de Coimbra. Publicou 18 trabalhos em actas de eventos. Possui 15 itens de produção técnica. Participou em 12 eventos no estrangeiro e 12 em Portugal. Recebeu 12 prémios e/ou homenagens.

Endereço de acesso a este CV:

Dados pessoais (Personal data)
Nome completo
Full name
Atefeh Salehi
Nome em citações bibliográficas
Quoting name
Salehi, Atefeh
Domínio científico de atuação
Scientific domain
Engenharia e Tecnologia-Engenharia Civil.
Engenharia e Tecnologia-Engenharia do Ambiente.
Endereço profissional
Professional address
Universidade de Coimbra
Faculdade de Ciências e Tecnologia
Departamento de Engenharia Mecânica
Rua Sílvio Lima Univ. Coimbra - Pólo II
3030--790 Coimbra
Correio electrónico:

Graus Académicos (Academic Degrees)
2009-2011 Mestrado
Master degree
Arquitecture (2 anos » years) .
Islamic Art University of Tabriz, Irão (República Islâmica).

2005-2008 Licenciatura
Licentiate degree
Arquitecture (3 anos » years) .
Urmia University (University (Faculty of Art)), Irão (República Islâmica).

2003-2005 Bacharelato
Bachelor degree
Architecture (2 anos » years) .
Hazrat Fatemeh (Vocational and Ttechnical College), Irão (República Islâmica).

Formação complementar ( studies)
2007 Curso de curta duração
Short course
Repair and recovery of ancient and historical structures.
West Azarbaijan Cultural Heritage in Collaboration with United Nations, Irão (República Islâmica).

Vínculos profissionais (Professional Positions)
IteCons, University of Coimbra.
Fev/2014-Dez/2015 Outra Situação

Islamic Azad University of Shahr-Babak, Kerman, Iran
Set/2008-Set/2011 Leitor

YADNNEGAR ZAMAN Consulting EngineersCo
Jun/2010-Ago/2011 Investigador Principal

Naqshe Kosar Consulting Engineers Co
Jun/2010-Ago/2011 Investigador Principal

Mana City and Thought Consulting Engineers Co
Jul/2009-Jun/2011 Investigador Principal

Jahansazan Consulting Engineers Co
Nov/2010-Mai/2011 Investigador Principal

Razan Consulting Eng.
Mai/2010-Out/2010 Investigador-coordenador

Khozestan, Iran, Funded by Association of Iran s Historical Heritage.
Mai/2009-Mai/2010 Investigador Auxiliar

Khatam Al Anbiaa Technical College, Kerman, Iran.
Set/2008-Set/2009 Leitor

Amodan Consulting Eng
Jul/2003-Mai/2009 Técnico Superior 1ª Classe

Mehraz Consulting Engineers
Out/2007-Jan/2009 Investigador Principal

Kerman, Iran, Funded by Ministry of Road and Urban Development.
Fev/2007-2008 Investigador-coordenador

Línguas (Languages)
Inglês (Bem), Português (Bem), Persa (Bem), Alemão (Bem).
Inglês (Bem), Português (Pouco), Persa (Bem), Alemão (Bem).

Inglês (Bem), Português (Bem), Persa (Bem), Alemão (Bem).
Inglês (Bem), Português (Pouco), Persa (Bem), Alemão (Bem).

Prémios e títulos (Awards Prizes, and Honours)
2000 Ranked 3rd in province wide the Exam of Fine Art College (high School) in 2000, Ministry of Education, Iran..
2001 Ranked 1st in province wide Olympiad, Fine Art College (high school) in 2001-2002, Ministry of Education, Iran..
2008 Ranked 3rd, the competition of Monument Design for Main Square of Sardasht City, in 2008, Municipal of Sardasht, Iran..
2010 Ranked 3rd, the competition of Monument Design for Cemetery of Zahed Gilani, in 2010, Municipal of Rasht, Iran..
2003 Ranked 3rd in nationwide Olympiad of Fine Art College (high school) in 2002-2003, Ministry of Education, Iran..
2003 Ranked 1st in nationwide Technical and Vocational ( Fine Art) universities exam for pre- B.Sc. program in 2003, Ministry of Science, Research and Technology, Iran..
2004 Ranked 1st in province wide Olympiad Fine Art (Technical and Vocational) university in 2003-2004, Ministry of Science, Research and Technology, Iran..
2004 Ranked 1st in nationwide Olympiad Fine Art (Technical and Vocational) university in 2004, Ministry of Science, Research and Technology, Iran..
2004 Ranked 3rd in nationwide for the festival of excellence and Inventors students in field of engineering and Design in 2004, Ministry of Science, Research and Technology, Iran..
2005 Ranked 1st, excellence student in Fine Art (Technical and Vocational) universities in 2004-2005, Ministry of Science, Research and Technology, Iran..
2006 Ranked 3rd, the competition of landscape design for science faculty of Urmai University in 2006-2007, University of Urmia, Iran..
2007 Ranked 3rd, the competition of entrance design for Art Center of Tehran, Art Center of Tehran, Iran..

Membro de Associações Profissionais/Científicas (Professional/Scientific Association membership)
Fev/2014 - Actual ITeCons Research Center ( Research and Technological Development Institute of Building Sciences), Membro.
Fev/2014 - Actual Centro de Invenstigação em Ciências da Construção (CICC), Membro.
Mar/2013 - Actual Junior reviewer in World Scientific and engineering Academy and Society ( WSEAS), Membro.
Jan/2013 - Actual World Society of Sustainable Energy Technologies., Membro.
Jan/2010 - Actual Iranian Construction Engineering Organization Province of Kerman (Member of Organization)., Membro.
Jan/2010 - Actual Yadnegar Zaman Consulting Engineers Co (The management board)., The Management Board.
Jan/2008 - Actual Mana Thought and City Consulting Engineers (The management board), The Management Board.

Produção científica, técnica e artística/cultural (Scientific, technical and artistical/cultural production)
Artigos em revistas sem arbitragem científica
Papers in periodics without scientific refereeing
1. Salehi, Atefeh; Torres , I; Ramos, Ana. 2016. "An Analytical Approach to the Ventilation Effectiveness of Mediterranean Buildings. Case Study: Existing Residential Building, Portugal ", Energy Procedia ( Elsevier group), Vol 96: 613 - 619.
2. Salehi, Atefeh; Torres , I. 2015. "Thermal Rehabilitation in Old Residential Buildings", International Journal of Civil Engineering and Architecture Research,  2, 3: 534 - 540.
3. Salehi, Atefeh; Torres , I; Ramos, Ana. 2015. "Computing the Thermal Energy Performance of Building by Virtue of Building Dimensional Typology", Energy Procedia (Ellsevier group), Vol 78: 1063 - 1068.

Trabalhos completos/resumidos em eventos sem arbitragem científica
Papers in conference proceedings without scientific refereeing
1. Salehi, Atefeh; Torres , I; Ramos, Ana. 2016. "An Analytical approach to the ventilation effectiveness of Mediterranean buildings, case study: existing residential building, Portugal. ", Trabalho apresentado em SBE16, Build Green and Renovate Deep ., In Energy Procedia , Tallinn.
2. Salehi, Atefeh; Torres , I; Ramos, Ana. 2015. "Natural Ventilation and Thermal Comfort in Old Residential Buildings, Case Study: Single Family House in Coimbra", Trabalho apresentado em Energy for Sustainability: Sustainable Cities, Design for People and Plants, , In Proceeding of Energy for Sustainability: Sustainable Cities, Design for People and Plants, Coimbra, Portugal, Coimbra.
3. Salehi, Atefeh; Torres , I; Ramos, Ana. 2015. "Computing the Thermal Energy Performance of Building By Virtue of Building Dimensional Typology", Trabalho apresentado em 6th International Conference Building Physics for a Sustainable Built Environment, (6th IBPC), , In Energy Procedia 78:1063-1068 · November 2015, Torino.
4. Salehi, Atefeh; Torres , I. 2014. "Rehabilitation of Construction Insulation in the Old Residential Buildings: Case Study: Residential Building in Coimbra, Portugal", Trabalho apresentado em International Conference of the World Sustainable Building (WSB14), Barcelona Spain, In procceding , Barcelona.
5. Torres , I; Ramos, Ana; Raimundo, Mendes S; Salehi, Atefeh. 2014. "Assessing buildings thermal behavior through the definition of its dimensional typology", Trabalho apresentado em 40th International Conference on Sustainable Housing Construction ( IAHS),, In Proceeding , Funchal, Portugal.
6. Salehi, Atefeh. 2014. "Correlation of Building Typologies with the Building Energy Performance Simulation for Low Carbon Retrofit. (Case Study: a Study on the Residential Buildings in City Center of Coimbra, Portugal)", Trabalho apresentado em International Conference of Structure and Material and Construction ( CONST ENG 14), , In Proceeding, Istanbul, Turkey.
7. Salehi, Atefeh. 2014. "The Decay of Non-Renewable Energy Consumption by Using the Traditional Patterns of Iranian Architecture (Case Study: Boroujerdi House in Kashan", Trabalho apresentado em 13th International Conference on Sustainable Energy Technologies (SET 2014), , In The Decay of Non-Renewable Energy Consumption by Using the Traditional Patterns of Iranian Architecture (Case Study: Boroujerdi House in Kashan, Geneva, Switzerland,.
8. Salehi, Atefeh. 2014. "Improvement of Energy Efficiency in Building by Thermal Energy Storage", Trabalho apresentado em International conference of PCEEE14 (Portugal em Conferencia para Uma Economia Energeticameente Eficiente),, In Improvement of Energy Efficiency in Building by Thermal Energy Storage, Lisbon, Portugal.
9. Salehi, Atefeh. 2014. "Natural Ventilation in Old Buildings", Trabalho apresentado em Workshop of Alunos and Empresas, Energy for Sustainablity initiative, In Proceeding of Workshop of Alunos and Empresas, Energy for Sustainablity initiative, Coimbra.
10. Salehi, Atefeh. 2014. "Rehabilitation of Insulation Material in Old Residential Buildings", Trabalho apresentado em Education, Employment and Entrepreneurship( E3) workshop, In Proceeding of Education, Employment and Entrepreneurship( E3) workshop, Lisbon , portugal.
11. Salehi, Atefeh. 2011. "House in Islam", Trabalho apresentado em International Conference of the Islamic Architecture and Urbanism- , In proceeding, Tabriz, Iran..
12. Fareghi, Mehdi; Salehi, Atefeh. 2011. "The House and Heart", Trabalho apresentado em National Conference of the Sustainable Architecture and Urbanism, In Proceeding of National Conference of the Sustainable Architecture and Urbanism, shiraz, Iran.
13. Farokhy, Maryam; Salehi, Atefeh. 2010. "Indecision for Concept of Social Security on the Space Urban of Iran from the Past until Now", Trabalho apresentado em International Conference of the Sustainable Architecture, In Procceding of International Conference of the Sustainable Architecture, Yazd, Iran.
14. Salehi, Atefeh. 2010. "Study on Space Creativeness in Qajar Architecture in Iran", Trabalho apresentado em National Conference of Culture and Art of Qajar, In Proccedinh of National Conference of Culture and Art of Qajar, Tabriz, Iran.
15. Salehi, Atefeh. 2010. "The Expression of Mysticism in the Religion’s Architecture", Trabalho apresentado em International Conference of Nabavi Art, In Procceding of International Conference of Nabavi Art, Isfahan, Iran..
16. Salehi, Atefeh; Fareghi, Mehdi. 2010. "A Thought on the Effect of Social Stability on stable Development of City", Trabalho apresentado em National Conference of sustainable Development of Cities,, In Procedding of National Conference of sustainable Development of Cities,, Tehran, Iran.
17. Salehi, Atefeh; Fareghi, Mehdi. 2009. "Analysis of the Effect of Psychological Comfort on Social Stability in Designing Residential Complexes", Trabalho apresentado em National Congress of Architecture and Urbanism., In proceeding, Shiraz, Iran..
18. Salehi, Atefeh. 2009. "Analysis of the Effect of Psychological Comfort on Social Stability in Designing Residential Complexes", Trabalho apresentado em National Congress of Architecture and Urbanism, In proceeding of National Congress of Architecture and Urbanism, Shiraz, Iran.

Trabalho técnico
Technical work
1. Salehi, Atefeh. Design of Islamic City Plan for Saleh Abad city,2011 (Relatório de acessoria).
2. Salehi, Atefeh. Rural Plan design for 17 village in Kerman Province ,2010 (Relatório de projeto).
3. Salehi, Atefeh. Identifying the historical Bath in Tabriz city and their calssification,2010 (Relatório de acessoria).
4. Salehi, Atefeh. The Rehabilitation of Shosh Historical Bridge in Khozestan province,2009 (Relatório de acessoria).
5. Salehi, Atefeh. Rehabilitation of historical areas around of Kerman Bazar ,2009 (Relatório de acessoria).
6. Salehi, Atefeh. The Rehabilitation of 17 Historical building in Kerman province,2009 (Relatório de acessoria).
7. Salehi, Atefeh. Master Plan design for Kerman city,2008 (Relatório de projeto).
8. Salehi, Atefeh. Master Plan Design for Bam city,2008 (Relatório de projeto).
9. Salehi, Atefeh. Detailed Plan Design for Kerman City,2007 (Relatório de projeto).

Apresentação oral de trabalho
Oral work presentation
1. Salehi, Atefeh. Devlopment and validation of natural vent ,2016 (Seminário).
2. Fareghi, Mehdi; Salehi, Atefeh. Mehdi Fareghi, Atefeh salehi," the house and heart "National conference of the sustainable architecture and urbanism, shiraz, Iran,,2011 (Conferência ou palestra).
3. Salehi, Atefeh. "Study on space creativeness in Qajar architecture in Iran, National conference of Culture and art of Qajar", Tabriz, Iran,2010 (Conferência ou palestra).
4. Salehi, Atefeh; Fareghi, Mehdi. A thought on the effect of social stability on stable development of city", National Conference of sustainable Development of Cities, Tehran, Iran,2010 (Conferência ou palestra).
5. Farokhy, Maryam; Salehi, Atefeh. ," Indecision for concept of social security on the space urban of Iran from the past until now " international conference of the sustainable architecture, yazd, Iran,2010 (Congresso).
6. Salehi, Atefeh; Fareghi, Mehdi. Analysis of the effect of psychological comfort in designing residential complexes". National Congress of Architecture and Urbanism, Shiraz, Iran,2009 (Conferência ou palestra).

Carta, mapa ou similar
Chart, map or similar
1. Salehi, Atefeh. Urban Design for Islamic City of saleh Abad city, 2011 (Aerofotograma).
2. Salehi, Atefeh. Master Plan design for BAm City, 2010 (Aerofotograma).
3. Salehi, Atefeh. Detailed plan Design for Kerman city, 2010 (Aerofotograma).
4. Salehi, Atefeh. Master Plan Design for Kerman City, 2010 (Aerofotograma).

Curso de curta duração lecionado
Taught short course
1. Salehi, Atefeh. Materials for Construction , 2009 (Extensão).
2. Salehi, Atefeh. Technical design in architecture, 2009 (Extensão).

1. Salehi, Atefeh. Model of Natural resources and Ripples geographical for kerman province,2008.
2. Salehi, Atefeh. Model of Kerman seminary,2007.

Organização de evento
Event organization
1. Salehi, Atefeh. Sustainable cities : Designing for people and the plants.,2013 (Conferência / Outra).
2. Salehi, Atefeh. Festival of architecture students of Urmia University,2009 (Festival).

Dados Complementares (Additional data)

Participação em eventos
Event participation
Participação como Membro da Comissão de Honra
Participation as Member of the Honour Committee
1. International Conference of Sustainable Cities: Designing for People and the Plants, Coimbra, 2013 (Conferência).

Outro tipo de participação
Other kind of participation
1. analysis of building infiltration by pressurization method (Blower Door Test)., 2016 (Workshop).
2. International Conference of SBE16, " Build Green and Renovate Deep", Tallinn and Helsinki, Oct. 2016. , 2016 (Conferência).
3. 6th International Conference Building Physics for a Sustainable Built Environment, ( 6th IBPC), Torrin, 2015 (Conferência).
4. Energy for Sustainability: Sustainable Cities, Design for People and Plants, Coimbra, , 2015 (Conferência).
5. 40th IAHS word congress on housing, sustainable housing construction, Funchal, , 2014 (Conferência).
6. International conference of structures, materials and construction engineering (Const. Eng 14), Istanbul, , 2014 (Conferência).
7. International Conference of the World Sustainable Building (WSB14), Barcelona, 2014 (Conferência).
8. 13th International Conference on Sustainable Energy Technologies (SET 2014), Geneva, , 2014 (Conferência).
9. International conference of PCEEE14 (Portugal em Conferencia para Uma Economia Energeticameente Eficiente), Lisbon, 2014 (Conferência).
10. National Conference of Optimization of Construction Solution for Energy Efficiency, Coimbra, 2014 (Conferência).
11. Symposium of Energy for Sustainability, Coimbra, 2014 (Simpósio).
12. Spring Workshop Sustainable Energy System, MIT Portugal Program, Coimbra, 2013 (Workshop).
13. Opening Lecture in Energy Surprises by Prof. Stuart Batterman, Coimbra, 2013 (Seminário).
14. National Seminars, Solar Energy: Competition and Technologies, Coimbra, 2013 (Seminário).
15. Internal Seminar of the Solar Energy: Competing Technologies, Coimbra, 2012 (Seminário).
16. Fall Workshop Sustainable Energy System, MIT Portugal Program, Coimbra, Portugal.2012., 2012 (Workshop).
17. National Conference, Uma Referncia Energetica Global, Coimbra, 2012 (Congresso).
18. National Conference of Urban Design and Infrastructural, Tehran, , 2011 (Congresso).
19. International Conference of Sustainable Architecture, Yazd, Iran, 2010 (Conferência).
20. National Conference of Sustainable Development of Cities, Tehran, 2010 (Conferência).
21. National Conference of Culture and Art of Qajar, Tabriz, 2010 (Conferência).
22. International Conference of Nabavi Art, Isfahan, 2009 (Conferência).
23. National Congress of Architecture and Urbanism, Shiraz, 2009 (Conferência).

Indicadores de produção (Production indicators)

Produção científica
Scientific production

Artigos científicos em revistas
Papers in periodics
Sem arbitragem científica
Without scientific refereeing
Trabalhos em eventos
Papers in conference proceedings
Sem arbitragem científica
Without scientific refereeing

Produção técnica
Technical production

Trabalhos técnicos
Technical works
Outros tipos de produção técnica
Other technical production

Outras informações relevantes
-Software : - Auto- Cad 2&3 , - Revit, - 3D-Max, - Sketch up, - Design Builder, - Ansys and Fluent, - GIS , - Adobe Photoshop, - Microsoft Office, Other Skills: - Sketch training ( Rando and presentation with hand) 3 cycle training about the sketch with color pencil, black pencil, pen, marker, pastel, gouache,

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