Curriculum Vitae

Stanimir Stoyanov Valtchev

Data da última atualização »Last update : 19/05/2012

Dr. Stanimir S. Valtchev (IEEE: M’93, SM’08) was born in Lovetch, Bulgaria in 1951. He received his B.S., M.S. Degree from the Technical University (TU) of Sofia (awarded as the best of the year) and received his Doctor’s Degree from Instituto Superior Tecnico (IST) in Lisbon, all in Electrical Engineering. He worked in the Institute for Medical Equipment, Sofia until 1977, when he was admitted as a Researcher in the TU (then VMEI – Sofia), initially in the Industrial Electronics Laboratory, then in the Manipulators and Robots Laboratory (also as Assistant Director of the Centre of Robotics). During 1987 and in the period 1991-1992 he was with the Laboratory for Power Electronics at the Delft University of Technology in the Netherlands, where he was appointed “Universitair Docent”, i.e. Assistant Professor (1987). Since 1988 he was Assistant Professor in TU Sofia, Bulgaria, and taught several courses on Power Supply Equipment and Power Transistor Converters to graduate and post-graduate students. He was the Deputy Dean, responsible for the international students of TU Sofia (1990-1994). After 1980 he worked on high-frequency resonant power converters and published in numerous conferences and journals (IEEE Meritorious Paper Award, 1997). In 1994 he was invited in Portugal to lead a project of a new soft-transition power converter, and afterwards he has taught various subjects in different universities and has consulted various institutions in Portugal and in the Netherlands. He is currently Auxiliary Professor in the Universidade Nova de Lisboa, Portugal. His research interests include the power converters (esp. high-frequency, soft-switching and resonant), energy harvesting, contactless energy transfer, electric vehicles and batteries, bio-harvesting and biosensors, etc.

Endereço de acesso a este CV:

Dados pessoais (Personal data)
Nome completo
Full name
Stanimir Stoyanov Valtchev
Nome em citações bibliográficas
Quoting name
Valtchev, Stanimir Stoyanov
Categoria profissional
Professor Auxiliar
Domínio científico de atuação
Scientific domain
Engenharia e Tecnologia-Engenharia Electrotécnica, Electrónica e Informática.
Endereço profissional
Professional address
Universidade Nova de Lisboa
Faculdade de Ciências e Tecnologia
Departamento de Engenharia Electrotécnica
Quinta da Torre, Caparica
2829-516 Almada
Telefone: (+351)212947892Extensão: 11937
Fax: (+351)212948532
Correio electrónico:

Graus Académicos (Academic Degrees)
2001-2008 Doutoramento
Engenharia Electrotecnica e de Computadores.
Universidade Técnica de Lisboa, Portugal.

1973-1974 Mestrado
Master degree
Technology of Radio Electronic Equipment, Devices and Integrated Circuits (5 anos » years) .
Technical University of Sofia, Bulgaria, Bulgária.
Instituição portuguesa que atribuiu reconhecimento/equivalência/registo » Portuguese Instituition providing acknowledgement/equivalence/registry : Universidade Nova de Lisboa.
Com o tipo » With the type: Equivalência » Equivalence.

1969-1973 Licenciatura
Licentiate degree
Engenharia Electrotécnica (4 anos » years) .
Technical University of Sofia, Bulgaria, Bulgária.
Instituição portuguesa que atribuiu reconhecimento/equivalência/registo » Portuguese Instituition providing acknowledgement/equivalence/registry : Universidade Técnica de Lisboa.
Com o tipo » With the type: Equivalência » Equivalence.

Formação complementar ( studies)
1977-1977 Curso de curta duração
Short course
Metodos Numericos e Programação.
Technical University of Sofia, Bulgaria, Bulgária.

1974-1975 Especialização/ Pós-Graduação
Specialization/ Postgraduation
Radars for Air Force.
Higher Military School of Artilery, Bulgária.

Vínculos profissionais (Professional Positions)
Universidade Nova de Lisboa
Abr/2008-Actual Professor Auxiliar

Produção científica, técnica e artística/cultural (Scientific, technical and artistical/cultural production)
Livros publicados/organizados ou edições
Published/organized books or Editions
1. Medeiros, Rui; Valtchev, Stanimir; Valtchev, Svilen. 2012. The Efficient and Stable Charging of Electric Vehicle Batteries: Simplified Instantaneous Regulation. ed. 372, 372 vols., ISBN: 978-3-642-28254-6. Berlin, Heidelberg: Springer Berlin Heidelberg.

Artigos em revistas com arbitragem científica
Papers in periodics with scientific refereeing
1. Valtchev, Stanimir S; Amaro, N.. 2011. "An UHF Wireless Power Harvesting System – Analysis and Design", International Journal of Emerging Sciences (IJES) 1, 4: 625 - 634.
2. Valtchev, Stanimir; Borges, Beatriz; Brandisky, Kostadin; Klaassens, J. B. 2009. "Resonant Contactless Energy Transfer With Improved Efficiency", IEEE Transactions on Power Electronics 24, 3: 685 - 699.
3. Pereira, P; Valtchev, S; Pina, J; Gonçalves, A; Neves, M V; Rodrigues, A L. 2008. "Power electronics performance in cryogenic environment: evaluation for use in HTS power devices", Journal of Physics: Conference Series 97, 97: 012219 - 012219.
4. Pina, J; Pereira, P; Valtchev, S; Gonçalves, A; Neves, M V; Alvarez, A; Rodrigues, L. 2008. "A test rig for thrust force measurements of an all HTS linear synchronous motor", Journal of Physics: Conference Series 97, 97: 012220 - 012220.
5. Inácio, S; Inácio, D; Pina, J M; Valtchev, S; Neves, M V; Rodrigues, A L. 2008. "An electrical gearbox by means of pole variation for induction and superconducting disc motor", Journal of Physics: Conference Series 97, 97: 012221 - 012221.
6. van Wesenbeeck, M; Klaasens, J.B.; von Stockhausen, U; Munoz de M. A. A; Valtchev, S.S.. 1997. "A multiple-switch high-voltage DC-DC converter", IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics 44, 6: 780 - 787.
7. Valtchev, S.S.; Klaassens, J.B.; Van Wesenbeeck, P. 1995. "Super-resonant converter with switched resonant inductor with PFM-PWM control", IEEE Transactions on Power Electronics 10, 6: 760 - 765.
8. Valtchev, S.S.; Klaassens, J.B.. 1990. "Efficient resonant power conversion", IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics 37, 6: 490 - 495.
9. Valtchev, Stanimir S; Vasilev, V.; Batchev, V.; Milev, M.; Tatzov, A.. 1986. "An Electronic System for Rowers' Propulsion Motion Activities Studies", Problems of the Fitness, 2: 13 - 17.
10. Valtchev, Stanimir S; Kolevska, D.; Valtchev, I.; Atanasov, A.. 1978. "Experimental Research of the Boron Nitride Diffusion", Elektropromishlenost i priborostroene, 1: 31 - 35.

Trabalhos completos/resumidos em eventos com arbitragem científica
Papers in conference proceedings with scientific refereeing
1. Valtchev, Stanimir S; Baikova, E.. 2011. "Study on Contactless Power Transmission Methods", Trabalho apresentado em DoCEIS Conference, In Poster, DoCEIS Conference, Caparica.
2. Valtchev, Stanimir S; Valtchev, S.; Medeiros, R.. 2011. "The Efficient and Stable Charging of Electric Vehicle Batteries: Simplified Instantaneous Regulation", Trabalho apresentado em International Symposium on Electric Vehicles ISEV2011, In Proceedings of the International Symposium on Electric Vehicles ISEV2011, Beijing.
3. Valtchev, Stanimir S; Teixeira, J. P. 2011. "High Level Education Through Research Training Networks: A Potential StrategyTo Build Knowledge In EV/HEV", Trabalho apresentado em International Symposium on Electric Vehicles ISEV2011, In Proceedings of the International Symposium on Electric Vehicles ISEV2011, Beijing.
4. Valtchev, Stanimir S; Medeiros, R.; Valtchev, S.; Klaassens, J. B. 2011. "An Instantaneous Regulation for the Wired and Wireless Super-Resonant Converters", Trabalho apresentado em International Telecommunication Energy Conference INTELEC, In Proceedings of the International Telecommunication Energy Conference INTELEC, Amsterdam.
5. Valtchev, Stanimir S; Todorov, G.; Todorov, T.; Ivanov, I.; Klaassens, J. B. 2011. "Tuning Techniques for Kinetic MEMS Energy Harvesters", Trabalho apresentado em International Telecommunication Energy Conference INTELEC, In Proceedings of the International Telecommunication Energy Conference INTELEC, Amsterdam.
6. Valtchev, Stanimir S; Antchev, M.; Antchev, H.; Petkova, M.; Gourgoulitsov, V.. 2011. "Study of a single-phase series active power filter with hysteresis control", Trabalho apresentado em IEEE 11th Electrical Power Quality and Utilization (EPQU) Conference, In Proceedings of the IEEE 11th Electrical Power Quality and Utilization (EPQU) Conference, Lisbon.
7. Valtchev, Stanimir S; Amaro, N.. 2011. "An UHF Wireless Power Harvesting System – Analysis and Design", Trabalho apresentado em 10th International Conference on Applied Electromagnetics (¿¿¿ Conference), In Proceedings of 10th International Conference on Applied Electromagnetics (¿¿¿ Conference), Nis.
8. Valtchev, Stanimir S; Baikova, E.; Pires, V.. 2011. "Electromagnetic Field as Wireless Transporter of Energy", Trabalho apresentado em 10th International Conference on Applied Electromagnetics (¿¿¿ Conference), In Proceedings of 10th International Conference on Applied Electromagnetics (¿¿¿ Conference), Nis.
9. Valtchev, Stanimir S; Teixeira, J. P. 2011. "Actions for Broadening the Engineering Culture of the European Student with an Insight to the Future Needs of the Global (European) Labour Market,", Trabalho apresentado em First Conference with International Participation "Education, Science, Innovations" ESI'2011, In Proceedings of First Conference with International Participation "Education, Science, Innovations" ESI'2011, Pernik.
10. Valtchev, Stanimir S; Vassilenko, V.; Cavalheiro, D.; Teixeira, J. P. 2011. "Energy Harvesting and the Human Health", Trabalho apresentado em First Conference with International Participation "Education, Science, Innovations" ESI'2011, In Proceedings of First Conference with International Participation "Education, Science, Innovations" ESI'2011, Pernik.
11. Valtchev, Stanimir; Valtchev, Svilen. 2010. "Improved strategy for an instantaneous super-resonant converter regulation", Trabalho apresentado em 2010 12th International Conference on Optimization of Electrical and Electronic Equipment (OPTIM), In 2010 12th International Conference on Optimization of Electrical and Electronic Equipment, Basov.
12. Valtchev, Stanimir S; Teixeira, J. P. 2010. "The Charging of Hybrid and Electrical Vehicles’ Batteries: Contactless Energy Transfer as the key to the future,", Trabalho apresentado em International Symposium on Electric Vehicle and 2-nd Annual Conference of Polish Society for Environment Friendly Vehicles, In Proceedings of the International Symposium on Electric Vehicle and 2-nd Annual Conference of Polish Society for Environment Friendly Vehicles, Warsaw.
13. Valtchev, Stanimir S; Teixeira, J. P. 2010. "An Insight to Potential Actions Facing Future Needs of Electric and Hybrid Electric Vehicles", Trabalho apresentado em International Symposium on Electric Vehicle and 2-nd Annual Conference of Polish Society for Environment Friendly Vehicles, In Proceedings of the International Symposium on Electric Vehicle and 2-nd Annual Conference of Polish Society for Environment Friendly Vehicles, Warsaw.
14. Valtchev, Stanimir S. 2010. "Resonant power conversion in contactless battery charging for Electric Vehicle / Hybrid Electric Vehicle,", Trabalho apresentado em International Symposium on Electric Vehicle and 2-nd Annual Conference of Polish Society for Environment Friendly Vehicles, In Proceedings of the International Symposium on Electric Vehicle and 2-nd Annual Conference of Polish Society for Environment Friendly Vehicles, Warsaw.
15. Sousa, Pedro; Valtchev, Stanimir; Neves, Mario V; Rodrigues, Amadeu L. 2009. "A new open-loop control method for stepping motor driving", Trabalho apresentado em 2009 International Conference on Power Engineering, Energy and Electrical Drives (POWERENG), In 2009 International Conference on Power Engineering, Energy and Electrical Drives, Lisbon, Portugal.
16. Inacio, D.; Inacio, S.; Pina, J.; Valtchev, S.; Neves, M. V; Martins, J. F. A; Leo Rodrigues, A. 2009. "Conventional and HTS disc motor with pole variation control", Trabalho apresentado em 2009 International Conference on Power Engineering, Energy and Electrical Drives (POWERENG), In 2009 International Conference on Power Engineering, Energy and Electrical Drives, Lisbon, Portugal.
17. Valtchev, Stanimir S; Miletiev, R.; Arnaudov, R.; Valtchev, S.. 2009. "Control strategy for efficient operation of super-resonant SLSR (contactless) converters", Trabalho apresentado em ICEST'09, In Proceedings of ICEST'09, Veliko Turnovo.
18. Valtchev, Stanimir S; Gonçalves, A.; Neves, M. V; Rodrigues, L.. 2009. "Analysis of magnetic properties of steels used in HTS transformers’ cores at cryogenic and room temperature", Trabalho apresentado em European Conference on Applied Superconductivity, In Proceedings of the European Conference on Applied Superconductivity, Dresden.
19. Valtchev, Stanimir S; Pereira, P.; Gonçalves, A.; Pina, J.; Rodrigues, L.; Neves, M. V. 2007. "Power electronics performance in cryogenic environment: evaluation for use in HTS power devices", Trabalho apresentado em 8th European Conference on Applied Superconductivity (EUCAS), In Proceedings of the 8th European Conference on Applied Superconductivity (EUCAS), Brussel.
20. Valtchev, Stanimir S; Inacio, D.; Inacio, S.; Neves, M. V; Rodrigues, L.; Pina, J.. 2007. "An Electrical Gearbox by means of pole variation for induction and superconducting disc motor", Trabalho apresentado em 8th European Conference on Applied Superconductivity (EUCAS), In Proceedings of the 8th European Conference on Applied Superconductivity (EUCAS), Brussels.
21. Valtchev, Stanimir S; Pina, J.; Pereira, P.; Gonçalves, A.; Neves, M. V; Rodrigues, L.. 2007. "A test rig for thrust force measurements f an all HTS linear synchronous motor", Trabalho apresentado em 8th European Conference on Applied Superconductivity (EUCAS), In Proceedings of the 8th European Conference on Applied Superconductivity (EUCAS), Brussels.
22. Valtchev, Stanimir S; Caracaleanu, C.; Pina, J.; Gonçalves, A.; Pereira, P.; Neves, M. V; Rodrigues, L.. 2007. "New and Renewable Energy Technologies/Hydroelectric Power", Trabalho apresentado em 12th International Energy Conference and Exhibition Energex, In Proceedings of the 12th International Energy Conference and Exhibition Energex, Singapur.
23. Valtchev, Stanimir S; Pina, J.; Gonçalves, A.; Pereira, P.; Caracaleanu, C.; Rodrigues, L.; Neves, M. V. 2007. "High Performance, Environment Friendly, Modular and Fault Tolerant Renewable Energy Microgrid", Trabalho apresentado em 12th International Energy Conference and Exhibition Energex, In Proceedings of the 12th International Energy Conference and Exhibition Energex, Singapur.
24. Valtchev, Stanimir S; Klaassens, J. B; Borges, B.V.; Brandisky, K.. 2005. "Magnetic and Design Criteria for Inductive Coupling Energy Transfer", Trabalho apresentado em Conference on Telecommunications CONFTELE, In Proceedings of the CONFTELE 2005, Tomar.
25. Valtchev, S.; Borges, B.; Brandisky, B.; Klassens, J.B.. 2005. "Efficient Resonant Inductive Coupling Energy Transfer Using New Magnetic and Design Criteria", Trabalho apresentado em 2005 IEEE 36th Power Electronic Specialists Conference, In 2005 IEEE 36th Power Electronics Specialists Conference, Recife.
26. Valtchev, S.; Borges, B.V.; Klaassens, J.B.. 2002. "Contactless energy transmission with optimal efficiency", Trabalho apresentado em 28th Annual Conference of the IEEE Industrial Electronics Society, In IEEE 2002 28th Annual Conference of the Industrial Electronics Society. IECON 02, Sevilla, Spain.
27. Valtchev, Stanimir S; Klaassens, J. B; Borges, B.V.. 2001. "Series Resonant Converter Applied to Contactless Energy Transmission", Trabalho apresentado em 3rd Conference on Telecommunications CONFTELE, In Proceedings of the CONFTELE 2001, Figueira de Foz.
28. Valtchev, Stanimir S; Klaassens, J. B; Lomonova, E.. 1998. "A Basic Computer–Aided Course on Dynamic Processes in Mechatronic Systems for Aeronautical Engineers", Trabalho apresentado em European Association for Education in Electrical and Information Engineering (EAEEIE) 9th Annual Conference, In Proceedings of the EAEEIE 9th Annual Conference, Lisbon.
29. Valtchev, Stanimir S; Borges, B.V.. 1997. "Análise Teórica, Simulação, Optimização e Caracterização Experimental do Conversor CC/CC em Ponte Completa, com Modulação de Fase, Comutação no Zero da Tensão e Bobina de Coeficiente de Auto–indução Variável,", Trabalho apresentado em Conferencia de Telecomunicações CONFTELE, In Proceedings of CONFTELE 1997, Aveiro.
30. Valtchev, Stanimir S; Borges, B.V.. 1997. "Design Improvement and Experimental Characterization of the Full Bridge, Faze Shift, Zero Voltage Switched DC/DC Converter with Secondary Clamped Inductor,", Trabalho apresentado em European Power Electronics Conference EPE´97, In Proceedings of the EPE´97, Trondheim.
31. van Wesenbeeck, M; Klaassens, J.B.; von Stockhausen, U; Munoz de M. A. A; Vaitchev, S.S.. 1995. "A multiple switch high-voltage DC-DC converter", Trabalho apresentado em INTELEC 95. 17th International Telecommunications Energy Conference, In Proceedings of INTELEC 95. 17th International Telecommunications Energy Conference, The Hague, Netherlands.
32. Valtchev, S.; Borges, B.V.; Anunciada, V.. 1995. "1 kW/250 kHz full bridge zero voltage switched phase shift DC-DC converter with improved efficiency", Trabalho apresentado em INTELEC 95. 17th International Telecommunications Energy Conference, In Proceedings of INTELEC 95. 17th International Telecommunications Energy Conference, The Hague, Netherlands.
33. Valtchev, S.; Borges, B.V.. 1995. "Improved full bridge zero voltage switched phase shift DC/DC converter using a secondary clamped inductor", Trabalho apresentado em IECON '95 - 21st Annual Conference on IEEE Industrial Electronics, In Proceedings of IECON '95 - 21st Annual Conference on IEEE Industrial Electronics, Orlando, FL, USA.
34. Valtchev, Stanimir S. 1990. "Some Regulation Characteristics of Pulse–Width Modulated Series Resonant Power Conversion", Trabalho apresentado em 6th Conference on Power Electronics and Motion Control PEMC'90, In Proceedings of the 6th Conference on Power Electronics and Motion Control PEMC'90, Budapest.
35. Valtchev, Stanimir S; Klaassens, J. B. 1990. "High Efficiency Resonant Power Conversion", Trabalho apresentado em 1st USSR Conference (with international participation) of Power Electronics Systems and Low–Power Converters Equipment (SES i UMPT), In Proceedings of the 1st USSR Conference (with international participation) of Power Electronics Systems and Low–Power Converters Equipment (SES i UMPT), Almaty.
36. Valtchev, Stanimir S; Tatzov, A.. 1989. "Equipment for Measuring the Road–Tyre Cohesion", Trabalho apresentado em 6th National Congress of Mechanics, In Proceedings of the 6th National Congress of Mechanics, Varna.
37. Valtchev, Stanimir S; Krustev, G.. 1988. "Experimental Results of the MOS Transistor Series Resonant Energy Converter Exploration", Trabalho apresentado em The Day of the Radio Conference, In Proceedings of The Day of the Radio Conference, Sofia.
38. Valtchev, Stanimir S. 1988. "Some Properties of the Transistor Series Resonant Power Convertors", Trabalho apresentado em The Day of the Radio Conference, In Proceedings of The Day of the Radio Conference, Sofia.
39. Valtchev, Stanimir S; Krustev, G.. 1986. "Power Transistor Pulse Generator for Technological Purposes", Trabalho apresentado em Jubileum Scientific Session of VMEI–Gabrovo, Power Electronics Section, In Proceedings of the Jubileum Scientific Session of VMEI–Gabrovo, Gabrovo.
40. Valtchev, Stanimir S; Krustev, G.. 1988. "Behavior of the Series Resonant Energy Converter at Frequencies Differing from the Resonant One", Trabalho apresentado em The Day of the Radio Conference, In Proceedings of the Day of the Radio Conference, Sofia.
41. Valtchev, Stanimir S; Vasilev, V.. 1984. "PWM Servosystem for DC Motors", Trabalho apresentado em Scientific and Technological Conference "Industrial Robots’84", In Proceedings of Scientific and Technological Conference "Industrial Robots’84", Stara Zagora.
42. Valtchev, Stanimir S; Vasilev, V.. 1983. "Power Converter of DC to Sinusoidal AC Voltage for Robotic Purposes", Trabalho apresentado em Scientific Session VMEI’83, Section Robotics, In Proceedings of Scientific Session VMEI’83, Stara Zagora.
43. Valtchev, Stanimir S; Nachev, B.. 1983. "Driver Circuit for Power Transistor Switches", Trabalho apresentado em Power Electronics SILEKTRON’83, In Proceedings of SILEKTRON’83, Sofia.
44. Valtchev, Stanimir S; Nachev, B.. 1983. "Control System for Power Converter of DC to Sinusoidal AC Voltage", Trabalho apresentado em SILEKTRON’83, In Proceedings of SILEKTRON’83, Sofia.
45. Valtchev, Stanimir S; Stefanov, Nikolai. 1980. "Power supply for 2 kW / 25 kV CO2 gas laser", Trabalho apresentado em International Project 1252/78 (1978-1980), In Lasers and Laser Power Supplies, Sofia.

Trabalhos completos/resumidos em eventos sem arbitragem científica
Papers in conference proceedings without scientific refereeing
1. Valtchev, Stanimir S. 2011. "The Energy That’s Around", Trabalho apresentado em Conference “Millennium Development Goals”, In Slides of the Conference “Millennium Development Goals”, Caparica.
2. Valtchev, Stanimir S. 2010. "Resonant Effects Applied in Power Conversion for Contactless Energy Transfer and Energy Harvesting, Invited Seminar", Trabalho apresentado em Lecture in KAIST, In Lecture, Daejeon.
3. Valtchev, Stanimir S. 2010. "Resonant Effects Applied in Power Conversion for Contactless Energy Transfer and Energy Harvesting", Trabalho apresentado em Invited Seminar (Lecture) in Tokyo City University, In Filmed Invited Seminar (Lecture), Toquio.
4. Valtchev, Stanimir S; Pina, J.; Inacio, S.; Neves, M. V; Rodrigues, L.. 2007. "Topology of an Electrical Gearbox with Variable Poles for Induction and Superconducting Disc Motors", Trabalho apresentado em 10th Portuguese-Spanish Congress in Electrical Engineering, In Proc. of the 10th Portuguese-Spanish Congress in Electrical Engineering, Madeira.

Indicadores de produção (Production indicators)

Produção científica
Scientific production

Livros e capítulos
Books and book chapters
Livros publicados ou organizados
Published or organized books
Artigos científicos em revistas
Papers in periodics
Com arbitragem científica
With scientific refereeing
Trabalhos em eventos
Papers in conference proceedings
Com arbitragem científica
With scientific refereeing
Sem arbitragem científica
Without scientific refereeing

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