For more information, please contact

Conference Director

Catarina Pombo Nabais

Organising Committee

Alexander Gerner

Bruno Peixe Dias

Gonçalo Zagalo

Gil C. Santos

João L. Cordovil

Nuno Melim

Pedro Feijó

Tony Yanick

Hosted by

CFCUL Faculdade de Ciências Universidade de Lisboa


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Artistic Residence/Resistance

(July 1-10, 2013)

Open Call

The Sixth International Deleuze Studies Conference is planning to host an art residency starting the first day of the Deleuze Camp and extending through the conference (July 1-10, 2013). This event is an experiment to construct an active engagement between the interconnected web of concepts found in Deleuze/Guattari's theory and art practice, regarding the theme "Rhizomatic Living".


This concept provides the artist a new image of thought that captures multiplicities relative to the multifaceted subjectivities of the artist; an image of unlimited space for transformational, creative experimentation. Therefore, an art that places itself outside of representation, its clichés and habits, shares a common concern with the rhizome based on resistance. If, according to Deleuze and Guattari, art comes from the affects and percepts it constitutes, the concept of smooth space, introduced in Thousand Plateaus, might be useful in this engagement. Smooth space is intensive, haptic space constituted of haecceities, which enables rhizomatic growth. But is it possible to conceptualize rhizomatic art, and how conducive is it to the theme of rhizomatic living? It is our hope that artists engaging with Deleuze/Guattari may be able to approach how a space works rhizomatically.


The residency will take place at Fábrica do Braço de Prata, a cultural center with: a bookstore, restaurant, art galleries, cinema, concert halls, bars and second hand stores. The artists' chosen will have access to five rooms in the building they may deterritorialize in order to experiment with creating new ways of living based on the conceptual "framework" of D+G. The room descriptions are as follows:


  1. Plato's cavern
  2. a room + the kitchen
  3. Duras' room
  4. two rooms at Wittgenstein's room
  5. a very weird space, a kind of a half-middle floor, literally a space in between two floors, in the same central corridor of the main entrance.


During the residency, the artists may work 24 hours a day (previously arranged with the organisational team) and the rooms will be open to the public during all the opening hours of the Fábrica: Wednesday and Thursday from 20h-02h; Friday and Saturday 20h-04h. The Fábrica will provide housing during the extent of the residency. With this said, there will be no private rooms. The sleeping accommodations will be a shared space between all artists involved, though mattresses and such will be provided. We will also provide meals during the residency, though necessary materials for the work devised are of the artist responsability.


We are interested in all artists (architects, visual artists, musicians, dancers, performers, etc) who are inspired by reading D+G or/and work the clusters of concepts involved in the general theme of territory (map, cartography, rhizome, etc). The theme and concepts provided in the call is just one possible approach. We encourage all artists who are interested in D+G theory to apply, even if these are not the concepts you engage with. Artists' interested should send proposals to:


Required materials to be considered for the residency: