Curriculum Vitae

Luís Miguel de Amorim Ferreira Fernandes Nunes

Data da última atualização »Last update : 11/05/2012

Luís Miguel de Amorim Ferreira Fernandes Nunes Publicou 17 artigos em revistas especializadas. Nas suas actividades profissionais interagiu com 35 colaboradores em co-autorias de trabalhos científicos.

Endereço de acesso a este CV:

Dados pessoais (Personal data)
Nome completo
Full name
Luís Miguel de Amorim Ferreira Fernandes Nunes
Nome em citações bibliográficas
Quoting name
Nunes, Luís Miguel de Amorim Ferreira Fernandes

Graus Académicos (Academic Degrees)

Produção científica, técnica e artística/cultural (Scientific, technical and artistical/cultural production)
Artigos em revistas com arbitragem científica
Papers in periodics with scientific refereeing
1. Mascarenhas, André; Ramos, Tomás B; Nunes, Luís. 2012. "Developing an integrated approach for the strategic monitoring of regional spatial plans", Land Use Policy 29, 3: 641 - 651.
2. Hugman, Rui; Stigter, Tibor Y; Monteiro, José P; Nunes, Luís. 2011. "Influence of aquifer properties and the spatial and temporal distribution of recharge and abstraction on sustainable yields in semi-arid regions", Hydrological Processes, 12: 1 - 11.
3. Li, Gang; Sun, Guo-Xin; Williams, Paul N; Nunes, Luis; Zhu, Yong-Guan. 2011. "Inorganic arsenic in Chinese food and its cancer risk", Environment International 37, 7: 1219 - 1225.
4. Teixeira, Margarida R; Nunes, Luis M. 2011. "The impact of natural organic matter seasonal variations in drinking water quality", DESALINATION AND WATER TREATMENT 36, 1: 344 - 353.
5. Nunes, L. M; Zhu, Y.-G.; Stigter, T. Y; Monteiro, J. P; Teixeira, M. R. 2011. "Environmental impacts on soil and groundwater at airports: origin, contaminants of concern and environmental risks", Journal of Environmental Monitoring 13, 11: 3026 - 3026.
6. Amorim, Ana M. T; Gonçalves, Alexandre B; Nunes, Luís M; Sousa, António J. 2011. "Optimizing the location of weather monitoring stations using estimation uncertainty", International Journal of Climatology, 1: 1 - 17.
7. Stigter, T. Y; Monteiro, J. P; Nunes, L. M; Vieira, J.; Cunha, M. C; Ribeiro, L.; Nascimento, J.; Lucas, H.. 2009. "Screening of sustainable groundwater sources for integration into a regional drought-prone water supply system", Hydrology and Earth System Sciences Discussions 6, 1: 85 - 120.
8. Stigter, T. Y; Monteiro, J. P; Nunes, L. M; Vieira, J.; Cunha, M. C; Ribeiro, L.; Nascimento, J.; Lucas, H.. 2009. "Screening of sustainable groundwater sources for integration into a regional drought-prone water supply system", Hydrology and Earth System Sciences Discussions 6, 1: 85 - 120.
9. Nunes, Luís M. A. F. F; Stigter, T. Y; Monteiro, J. P; Vieira, J.; Cunha, M. C; Ribeiro, L.; Lucas, H.. 2008. "Strategies for integrating alternative groundwater sources into the water supply system of the Algarve, Portugal", Water Asset Management International (IWA) 4, 1: 19 - 24.
10. Nunes, L. M; Paralta, E.; Cunha, M. C; Ribeiro, L.. 2007. "Comparison of Variance-Reduction and Space-Filling Approaches for the Design of Environmental Monitoring Networks", Computer-Aided Civil and Infrastructure Engineering 22, 7: 489 - 498.
11. Nunes, L. M; Caeiro, S.; Cunha, M. C; Ribeiro, L.. 2006. "Optimal estuarine sediment monitoring network design with simulated annealing", Journal of Environmental Management 78, 3: 294 - 304.
12. Nunes, L. M; Cunha, M. C; Paralta, E.; Ribeiro, L.. 2004. "Groundwater nitrate monitoring network optimization with missing data", Water Resources Research 40, 2: 1 - 18.
13. Nunes, L. M; Cunha, M. C; Ribeiro, L.. 2004. "Groundwater Monitoring Network Optimization with Redundancy Reduction", Journal of Water Resources Planning and Management 130, 1: 33 - 33.
14. Nunes, L. M; Cunha, M. C; Ribeiro, L.. 2004. "Optimal Space-time Coverage and Exploration Costs in Groundwater Monitoring Networks", Environmental Monitoring and Assessment 93, 1-3: 103 - 124.

Artigos em revistas sem arbitragem científica
Papers in periodics without scientific refereeing
1. Nunes, Luís M. A. F. F. 2010. "Groundwater monitoring optimization in industrial areas with unknown emissions", Journal of Environmental Hydrology, 18: 1 - 23.

Indicadores de produção (Production indicators)

Produção científica
Scientific production

Artigos científicos em revistas
Papers in periodics
Com arbitragem científica
With scientific refereeing
Sem arbitragem científica
Without scientific refereeing

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