Curriculum Vitae

Domingos Xavier Filomeno Carlos Viegas

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Domingos Xavier Filomeno Carlos Viegas. É Professor Catedrático na Universidade de Coimbra. Publicou 82 artigos em revistas especializadas e 100 trabalhos em actas de eventos, possui 10 capítulos de livros e 11 livros publicados. Recebeu 1 prémio e/ou homenagem. Nas suas actividades profissionais interagiu com 249 colaboradores em co-autorias de trabalhos científicos.

Endereço de acesso a este CV:

Dados pessoais (Personal data)
Nome completo
Full name
Domingos Xavier Filomeno Carlos Viegas
Nome em citações bibliográficas
Quoting name
Viegas, D. X.
Categoria profissional
Professor Catedrático
Endereço profissional
Professional address
Universidade de Coimbra
Faculdade de Ciências e Tecnologia
Departamento de Engenharia Mecânica
Rua Luis Reis dos Santos
3030--788 Coimbra
Telefone: (+351)239790731
Fax: (+351)239790771
Correio electrónico:

Graus Académicos (Academic Degrees)
1992 Agregação
Universidade de Coimbra, Portugal.

1973-1982 Doutoramento
Engenharia Mecânica.
Universidade de Coimbra, Portugal.

1967-1972 Licenciatura
Licentiate degree
Engenharia Mecânica (5 anos » years) .
Universidade Técnica de Lisboa, Portugal.

Vínculos profissionais (Professional Positions)
Universidade de Coimbra
Jun/1994-Actual Professor Catedrático
Jul/1991-Mar/1994 Professor Associado com Agregação
Dez/1984-Jun/1991 Professor Associado
Fev/1982-Nov/1984 Professor Auxiliar
Out/1973-Jan/1982 Assistente

Universidade Técnica de Lisboa
Out/1972-Jan/1973 Assistente
Out/1971-Set/1972 Outra Situação

Atividades de Direção e Administração (Management and Administration activities)

Universidade de Coimbra
- Presidente do Conselho do Departamento de Engª Mecânica

- Presidente da Comissão Científica do DEM

- Vice-Presidente do Conselho Directivo da FCTUC

- Coordenador Científico da Secção Autónoma de Eng. Mecânica

Fev/1982-Dez/1983 Faculdade de Ciências e Tecnologia
- Presidente do Conselho da Secção Autónoma de Eng. Mecânica

Prémios e títulos (Awards Prizes, and Honours)
2004 Prémio El Batefuegos de Oro , Ministério do Meio Ambiente de Espanha.

Membro de Associações Profissionais/Científicas (Professional/Scientific Association membership)
Mar/2011 - Actual International Association for Fire Safety Science, Membro.
Jan/1991 - Actual International Association of Wildland Fire, Membro.
Mai/1985 - Actual Ordem dos Engenheiros, Membro.

Produção científica, técnica e artística/cultural (Scientific, technical and artistical/cultural production)
Livros publicados/organizados ou edições
Published/organized books or Editions
1. Viegas, D. X; Ribeiro, Luis M; Rossa, C.. 2011. Incêndios Florestais. ed. 1, ISBN: 978-989-642-139-7. Lisboa, Portugal: Verlag Dashofer.
2. Viegas, D. X. ed. 2010. 6th International Conference on Forest Fire Research ed. 1, 1 vol., ISBN: 978-989-20-2157-7. Coimbra: Ediliber.
3. Viegas, D. X. 2009. Cercados pelo Fogo, Parte 2. ed. 1, ISBN: 978-972-798-267-7. Coimbra, Portugal: Minerva.
4. De la H. J; C.A., Brebbia; Viegas, D. X; V., Leone. eds. 2008. Modelling, Monitoring and Management of Forest Fires ed. 1, 1 vol.. Wessex: WIT Transactions, Wessex Institute of Technology.
5. Viegas, D. X. ed. 2006. Forest Ecology and Management - Abstracts of the V International Conference on Forest Fire Research ed. 1, 1 vol., ISBN: 0378-1127. Netherlands: Elsevier.
6. Viegas, D. X. 2004. Cercados pelo Fogo. ed. 1, ISBN: 972-798-105-4. Coimbra: Minerva.
7. Viegas, D. X. ed. 2002. Proceedings of the IV International Conference on Forest Fire Research - Forest Fire Research & Wildland Fire Safety ed. 1, 1 vol., ISBN: 90 77017 72 0. Netherlands: Millpress.
8. Viegas, D. X. ed. 1998. Proceedings of the III International Conference on Forest Fire Research/14th Conference on Fire and Forest Meteorology ed. 1, 2 vols.. Coimbra: ADAI.
9. E., CERMAK J; G., Davenport A; E., Plate; Viegas, D. X. eds. 1994. Wind Climate in Cities ed. 1, ISBN: 0792332024. Netherlands: Springer. Published in Cooperation with NATO Scientific Affairs Division.
10. Viegas, D. X. ed. 1994. Proceedings of the II International Conference on Forest Fire Research ed. 1, 2 vols.. Coimbra: ADAI.
11. Viegas, D. X. ed. 1990. Proceedings of the International Conference on Forest Fire Research ed. 1. Coimbra: ADAI.

Capítulos de livros publicados
Published book chapters
1. VIEGAS, D. X. 2012. Extreme Fire Behaviour.  In Forest Management: Technology, Practices and Impact, ed. Armando C. Bonilla Cruz and Ramona E. Guzman Correa, 1 - 56. ISBN: 978-1-62081-359-1. New York: Nova Science Publishers, Inc.
2. Viegas, D. X; Ribeiro, L. M; Viegas, M. T; Pita, L. P; Rossa, C.. 2009. Impacts of Fire on Society: Extreme Fire Propagation Issues.  In Earth Observation of Wildland Fires in Mediterranean Ecosystems , ed. E. Chuvieco, 97 - 109. ISBN: 978-3-642-01753-7. Berlim: Springer-Verlag.
3. Viegas, D. X. 2008. A Situação dos Incêndios Florestais em Portugal após 2003.  In Incêndios Florestais 5 anos após 2003, 77 - 86. ISBN: 978-972-98961-8-7. Coimbra: CCarvalho artes gráficas, Lda..
4. Fujioka, Francis M; Gill, A. M; Viegas, D. X; Wotton, B. M. 2008. Chapter 21 Fire Danger and Fire Behavior Modeling Systems in Australia, Europe, and North America.  In Wildland Fires and Air Pollution, 471 - 497. ISBN: 9780080556093. Amsterdam, The Netherland: Elsevier.
5. Viegas, D. X. 2007. Climate, Man and Forest Fires.  In Elements for life, ed. World Meteorological Organization, 148 - 149. ISBN: 978-92-631-1021-3. Leicester,UK: Tudor Rose.
6. Viegas, D. X. 2006. Modelação do comportamento do fogo.  In Incêndios Florestais em Portugal: Caracterização, Impactes e Prevenção, ed. Pereira JMC., Rego FC, Pereira JS, 287 - 325. ISBN: 972-8669-17-8. Lisboa: ISA Press.
7. Viegas, D. X. 1998. Weather, fuel status and fire occurrence: Predicting Large Fires.  In Large Forest Fires, ed. Moreno JM , 31 - 48. ISBN: 90-73348-80-3. Leiden: Backhuys Publishers.
8. VIEGAS, D. X. 1998. Convective Processes in Forest Fires.  In Buoyant Convection in Geophysical Flows, ed. E. J. PlateE. E. FedorovichD. X. ViegasJ. C. Wyngaard, 401 - 420. ISBN: 978-94-010-6125-4. Dordrecht: Springer Netherlands.
9. Viegas, D. X. 1995. Forest Fire Behaviour and Fireline Safety.  In Management of Burns and Fire Disasters Perspectives 2000, ed. Masellis M, Gunn SWA, 489 - 500. ISBN: 0792388879. Boston: Kluwer Academic Publishers.
10. Viegas, D. X; G., Bovio. 1995. Prediction of occurrence and propagation of Forest Fires and associated risk for human life.  In Natural Risk and Civil Protection, ed. Horlick-Jones T, Amendola A and Casale R , 309 - 322. ISBN: 0419199705. London: E & FN SPON publishers.

Artigos em revistas com arbitragem científica
Papers in periodics with scientific refereeing
1. Viegas, Domingos X; Raposo, Jorge R; Davim, David A; Rossa, Carlos G. 2012. "Study of the jump fire produced by the interaction of two oblique fire fronts. Part 1. Analytical model and validation with no-slope laboratory experiments", International Journal of Wildland Fire 21, 7: 843 - 843.
2. Miranda, Ana I; Martins, Vera; Cascão, Pedro; Amorim, Jorge H; Valente, Joana; Borrego, Carlos; Ferreira, António J; Cordeiro, Carlos R; Viegas, Domingos X; Ottmar, Roger. 2012. "Wildland Smoke Exposure Values and Exhaled Breath Indicators in Firefighters", Journal of Toxicology and Environmental Health, Part A 75, 13-15: 831 - 843.
3. Viegas, D. X; Almeida, M.; Raposo, J.; Oliveira, R.; Viegas, C. X. 2012. "Ignition of Mediterranean Fuel Beds by Several Types of Firebrands", Fire Technology, 47: 303 - 320.
4. Almeida, Miguel; Viegas, Domingos X; Miranda, Ana I; Reva, Valeria. 2011. "Effect of particle orientation and of flow velocity on the combustibility of Pinus pinaster and Eucalyptus globulus firebrand material", International Journal of Wildland Fire 20, 8: 946 - 946.
5. Àgueda, A.; Pastor, E.; Pérez, Y.; Viegas, D.X.; Planas, E.. 2011. "Fire intensity reduction in straw fuel beds treated with a long-term retardant", Fire Safety Journal 46, 1-2: 41 - 47.
6. Cruz, Miguel G; Butler, Bret W; Viegas, Domingos X; Palheiro, Pedro. 2011. "Characterization of flame radiosity in shrubland fires", Combustion and Flame 158, 10: 1970 - 1976.
7. Reva, Valeria; Fonseca, Luís; Lousada, José L; Abrantes, Isabel; Viegas, Domingos X. 2011. "Impact of the pinewood nematode, Bursaphelenchus xylophilus, on gross calorific value and chemical composition of Pinus pinaster woody biomass", European Journal of Forest Research 131, 4: 1025 - 1033.
8. Carvalho, A.C.; Carvalho, A.; Martins, H.; Marques, C.; Rocha, A.; Borrego, C.; Viegas, D.X.; Miranda, A.I.. 2011. "Fire weather risk assessment under climate change using a dynamical downscaling approach", Environmental Modelling & Software 26, 9: 1123 - 1133.
9. C., Antunes; Viegas, D. X; M., Mendes J. 2011. "Avaliação do Risco de Incêndio Florestal no Concelho de Arganil", Silva Lusitana  19, 2: 165 - 179.
10. Miranda, A. I; V., Martins; Cascão, Pedro; Amorim, Jorge H; Valente, Joana; Tavares, Richard; Tchepel, Oxana; Borrego, C.; Viegas, D. X; Ribeiro, L. M; Pita, L. P; Cordeiro, Carlos R; Ferreira, António J. 2011. "Qualidade do Ar e Exposição de Bombeiros ao fumo em Fogos Florestais Experimentais", Silva Lusitana 19, 1: 23 - 40.
11. Àgueda, A.; Pastor, E.; Pérez, Y.; Viegas, D. X; Planas, E.. 2010. "Characterization of Laboratory-Scale Fires Propagating Under the Effect of a Long-Term Retardant", Combustion Science and Technology 182, 8: 1083 - 1103.
12. Viegas, Domingos X; Almeida, Miguel; Miranda, Ana I; Ribeiro, Luis M. 2010. "Linear model for spread rate and mass loss rate for mixed-size fuel beds", International Journal of Wildland Fire 19, 5: 531 - 531.
13. Alves, C.A.; Gonçalves, C.; Pio, C.A.; Mirante, F.; Caseiro, A.; Tarelho, L.; Freitas, M.C.; Viegas, D.X.. 2010. "Smoke emissions from biomass burning in a Mediterranean shrubland", Atmospheric Environment 44, 25: 3024 - 3033.
14. Miranda, Ana I; Martins, Vera; Cascão, Pedro; Amorim, Jorge H; Valente, Joana; Tavares, Richard; Borrego, Carlos; Tchepel, Oxana; Ferreira, António J; Cordeiro, Carlos R; Viegas, Domingos X; Ribeiro, Luís M; Pita, Luís P. 2010. "Monitoring of firefighters exposure to smoke during fire experiments in Portugal", Environment International 36, 7: 736 - 745.
15. Viegas, D. X; Simeoni, A.. 2010. "Eruptive Behaviour of Forest Fires", Fire Technology, 1: 1 - 17.
16. Viegas, Domingos X; Rossa, Carlos. 2009. "Fireline Rotation Analysis", Combustion Science and Technology 181, 12: 1495 - 1525.
17. Gabban, A.; San Miguel A. J; Viegas, D. X. 2008. "A comparative analysis of the use of NOAA¿?AVHRR NDVI and FWI data for forest fire risk assessment", International Journal of Remote Sensing 29, 19: 5677 - 5687.
18. Valente, Joana; Miranda, Ana I; Lopes, António G; Borrego, Carlos; Viegas, Domingos X; Lopes, Myriam. 2007. "Local-scale modelling system to simulate smoke dispersion", International Journal of Wildland Fire 16, 2: 196 - 196.
19. Riaño, David; Chuvieco, Emilio; Ustin, Susan L; Salas, Javier; Rodríguez-Pérez, José R; Ribeiro, Luis M; Viegas, Domingos X; Moreno, José M; Fernández, Helena. 2007. "Estimation of shrub height for fuel-type mapping combining airborne LiDAR and simultaneous color infrared ortho imaging", International Journal of Wildland Fire 16, 3: 341 - 341.
20. Viegas, Domingos X. 2007. "Zigzag shape of the fire front", International Journal of Wildland Fire 16, 6: 763 - 763.
21. Viegas, Domingos X. 2006. "Parametric study of an eruptive fire behaviour model", International Journal of Wildland Fire 15, 2: 169 - 169.
22. Martínez-de Dios, J. R; André, Jorge C; Gonçalves, João C; Arrue, Begoña C; Ollero, Aníbal; Viegas, Domingos X. 2006. "Laboratory fire spread analysis using visual and infrared images", International Journal of Wildland Fire 15, 2: 179 - 179.
23. Oliveras, Imma; Piñol, Josep; Viegas, Domingos X. 2006. "Generalization of the fire line rotation model to curved fire lines", International Journal of Wildland Fire 15, 4: 447 - 447.
24. Gabban, A.; San Miguel A. J; Viegas, D. X. 2006. "On the suitability of the use of normalized difference vegetation index for forest fire risk assessment", International Journal of Remote Sensing 27, 22: 5095 - 5102.
25. ANDRÉ, J. C. S; URBANO, J. M; VIEGAS, D. X. 2006. "FOREST FIRE SPREAD MODELS: THE LOCAL QUASI-EQUILIBRIUM APPROACH", Combustion Science and Technology 178, 12: 2115 - 2143.
26. Pita, L.P.C.; Rossa, C.; Viegas, D.X.; Moreira, F.; Lopes, C.. 2006. "Fixed and mobile fire detection and monitoring in Central Portugal—A component of COTEC Project", Forest Ecology and Management 234, S1: S44 - S44.
27. Nolasco, Maria I. M; Viegas, Domingos X. 2006. "Effectiveness of two wildfire weather risk indexes in three zones of Spain", Forest Ecology and Management 234, S1: S58 - S58.
28. Viegas, D.X.; Abrantes, T.; Palheiro, P.; Santo, F.E.; Viegas, MT; Silva, J.; Pessanha, L.. 2006. "Fire weather during the 2003, 2004 and 2005 fire seasons in Portugal", Forest Ecology and Management 234, 1: S60 - S60.
29. Manta, Maria I; Mestre, Antonio; Viegas, Domingos X. 2006. "Economical value of two meteorological wildfire risk indexes in Spain", Forest Ecology and Management 234, S1: S64 - S64.
30. Cruz, Miguel G; Butler, Bret W; Alexander, Martin E; Viegas, D.X.. 2006. "Development and evaluation of a semi-physical crown fire initiation model", Forest Ecology and Management 234, S1: S96 - S96.
31. Viegas, D.X.; Palheiro, P.M.; Pita, L.P.; Ribeiro, L.M.; Cruz, M.G.; Ollero, A.; Arrue, B.; Ramiro, M. D. 2006. "Analysis of fire behaviour in Mediterranean shrubs: The Gestosa fire experiments (Portugal)", Forest Ecology and Management 234, S1: S101 - S101.
32. Conceição, Eusébio Z; Lúcio, Ma M. J; Viegas, Domingos X. 2006. "Mathematical modelling of the heating of tree elements by a plane flame front", Forest Ecology and Management 234, S1: S121 - S121.
33. Viegas, D.X.; Rossa, C.; Caballero, D.; Pita, L.P.C.; Palheiro, P.. 2006. "Analysis of accidents in 2005 fires in Portugal and Spain", Forest Ecology and Management 234, S1: S141 - S141.
34. Conceição, Eusébio Z; Lúcio, Ma M. J; Viegas, Domingos X. 2006. "Numerical simulation of the thermal sensation of a fireman equipped with special clothing", Forest Ecology and Management 234, S1: S146 - S146.
35. Ribeiro, Luís M; Viegas, Domingos X; Batalha, Miguel. 2006. "Assessment of fire retardant efficiency", Forest Ecology and Management 234, S1: S234 - S234.
36. Pastor, Elsa; Planas, Eulalia; Ribeiro, Luis M; Viegas, Domingos X. 2006. "Modelling the effectiveness of long-term forest fire retardants", Forest Ecology and Management 234, S1: S235 - S235.
37. Ribeiro, Luís M; Viegas, Domingos X; Lopes, António G; Mangana, Paulo; Moura, Pedro. 2006. "Operational application of a decision support tool in fire management in Portugal", Forest Ecology and Management 234, S1: S243 - S243.
38. Ollero, A.; Lacroix, S.; Merino, L.; Gancet, J.; Wiklund, J.; Remuss, V.; Veiga Perez, I; Gutierrez, L.G.; Viegas, D.X.; Gonzalez Benitez, M; Mallet, A.; Alami, R.; Chatila, R.; Hommel, G.; Colmenero Lechuga, F; Arrue, B.C.; Ferruz, J.; Ramiro Martinez-de D. J; Caballero, F.. 2005. "Multiple eyes in the skies - Architecture and perception issues in the comets unmanned air vehicles project", IEEE Robotics & Automation Magazine 12, 2: 46 - 57.
39. Piñol, J.; Beven, K.; Viegas, D.X.. 2005. "Modelling the effect of fire-exclusion and prescribed fire on wildfire size in Mediterranean ecosystems", Ecological Modelling 183, 4: 397 - 409.
40. Vaz, Gilberto C; André, Jorge C. S; Viegas, Domingos X. 2004. "Estimation of the radiation extinction coefficient of natural fuel beds", International Journal of Wildland Fire 13, 1: 65 - 65.
41. Viegas, Domingos X. 2004. "On the existence of a steady state regime for slope and wind driven fires", International Journal of Wildland Fire 13, 1: 101 - 101.
42. Viegas, Domingos X. 2004. "Slope and wind effects on fire propagation", International Journal of Wildland Fire 13, 2: 143 - 143.
43. Viegas, Domingos X; Pita, Luis P. 2004. "Fire spread in canyons", International Journal of Wildland Fire 13, 3: 253 - 253.
44. VAZ, G. C; ANDRÉ, J. C. S; VIEGAS, D. X. 2004. "FIRE SPREAD MODEL FOR A LINEAR FRONT IN A HORIZONTAL SOLID POROUS FUEL BED IN STILL AIR", Combustion Science and Technology 176, 2: 135 - 182.
45. Xavier Viegas, D. 2004. "A Mathematical Model For Forest Fires Blowup", Combustion Science and Technology 177, 1: 27 - 51.
46. Viegas, D. X; Reis, R. M; Cruz, M. G; Viegas, M. T. 2004. "Calibração do Sistema Canadiano de Perigo de Incêndio para aplicação em Portugal", Silva Lusitana 12, 1: 77 - 93.
47. Ferreira, A.D.; Viegas, D.X.; Sousa, A.C.M.. 2003. "Full-scale measurements for evaluation of coal dust release from train wagons with two different shelter covers", Journal of Wind Engineering and Industrial Aerodynamics 91, 10: 1271 - 1283.
48. Lopes, A.M.G.; Cruz, M.G.; Viegas, D.X.. 2002. "FireStation — an integrated software system for the numerical simulation of fire spread on complex topography", Environmental Modelling & Software 17, 3: 269 - 285.
49. Viegas, Domingos X. 2002. "Fire line rotation as a mechanism for fire spread on a uniform slope", International Journal of Wildland Fire 11, 1: 11 - 11.
50. Ferreira, A.D.; Sousa, A.C.M.; Viegas, D.X.. 2002. "Prediction of building interference effects on pedestrian level comfort", Journal of Wind Engineering and Industrial Aerodynamics 90, 4-5: 305 - 319.
51. André, Jorge C; Viegas, D. X. 2002. "Modelos de propagação de fogos florestais: estado-da-arte para utilizadores. Parte II: Modelos globais e sistemas informáticos", Silva Lusitana 10, 2: 217 - 233.
52. Viegas, D. X; Piñol, J.; Viegas, M. T; Ogaya, R.. 2001. "Estimating live fine fuels moisture content using meteorologically-based indices", International Journal of Wildland Fire 10, 2: 223 - 223.
53. André, Jorge C; Viegas, D. X. 2001. "Modelos de propagação de fogos florestais: estado-da-arte para utilizadores – Parte I: Introdução e modelos locais", Silva Lusitana  9, 2: 237 - 265.
54. Cruz, M. G; Viegas, D. X. 2001. "Caracterização do comportamento do fogo em complexos combustíveis comuns na região Centro de Portugal", Silva Lusitana 9, 1: 13 - 34.
55. Conceicao, E.Z.E.; Silva, M.C.G. D; Andre, J.C.S.; Viega, D.X.. 2000. "Thermal behaviour simulation of the passenger compartment of vehicles", International Journal of Vehicle Design 24, 4: 372 - 372.
56. Viegas, Domingos X. F. C; G, Bovio; Ferreira, A.D.; A, Nosenzo; B, Sol. 1999. "Comparative Study of Various Methods of Fire Danger Evaluation in Southern Europe", INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF WILDLAND FIRE  9, 4: 235 - 246.
57. Viegas, Domingos X. F. C. 1998. "Forest fire propagation", Phil. Transactions of the Royal Society, A, 356: 2907 - 2928.
58. Oliveira, LA; Viegas, DX; Raimundo, AM. 1997. "Numerical Predictions on the Soil Thermal Effect Under Surface Fire Conditions", International Journal of Wildland Fire 7, 1: 51 - 51.
59. Conceição, EZE; Silva, MCG; Viegas, Domingos X. F. C. 1997. "Air quality inside the passenger compartment of a bus", JOURNAL OF EXPOSURE ANALYSIS AND ENVIRONMENTAL EPIDEMIOLOGY  7, 4: 521 - 534.
60. Cruz, M. G; Viegas, D. X. 1997. "1991 Arrábida wildfire: Analysis of critical fire weather conditions", Silva Lusitana 5, 2: 209 - 223.
61. Monteiro, J.P.; Viegas, D.X.. 1996. "On the use of Irwin and Preston wall shear stress probes in turbulent incompressible flows with pressure gradients", Journal of Wind Engineering and Industrial Aerodynamics 64, 1: 15 - 29.
62. Ferreira, A.D.; Lopes, A.M.G.; Viegas, D.X.; Sousa, A.C.M.. 1995. "Experimental and numerical simulation of flow around two-dimensional hills", Journal of Wind Engineering and Industrial Aerodynamics 54-55, 1: 173 - 181.
63. Viegas, Domingos X. F. C; Lopes, AG; Sousa, CM. 1995. "Numerical Simulation of Turbulent Flow and Fire Propagation in Complex Topography", Numerical Heat Transfer Journal, 27: 229 - 253.
64. Viegas, DX; Viegas, MT. 1994. "A Relationship Between Rainfall and Burned Area for Portugal", International Journal of Wildland Fire 4, 1: 11 - 11.
65. Viegas, DX. 1994. "Some Thoughts on the Wind and Slope Effects on Fire Propagation", International Journal of Wildland Fire 4, 2: 63 - 63.
66. Viegas, D.X.; Viegas, MTSP; Ferreira, A.D.. 1992. "Moisture Content of Fine Forest Fuels and Fire Occurrence in Central Portugal", International Journal of Wildland Fire 2, 2: 69 - 69.
67. Ferreira, A.D.; Silva, M.C.G.; Viegas, D.X.; Lopes, A.G.. 1991. "Wind tunnel simulation of the flow around two-dimensional hills", Journal of Wind Engineering and Industrial Aerodynamics 38, 2-3: 109 - 122.
68. Viegas, Domingos X. F. C; Neto, LP. 1991. "Wall Shear-Stress as a Parameter to Correlate the Rate of Spread of a Wind Induced Forest Fire", International Journal of Wildland Fire  1, 3: 177 - 188.
69. Costa, JJ; Oliveira, LA; Viegas, D.X.; Neto, LP. 1991. "On the Temperature Distribution Inside a Tree Under Fire Conditions", International Journal of Wildland Fire 1, 2: 87 - 87.
70. Figueiredo, A.R.; Viegas, D.X.. 1988. "External forced convection around a circular cylinder near a plane boundary", International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer 31, 1: 47 - 53.
71. Borges, A.R.; Viegas, D.X.. 1988. "Shelter effect on a row of coal piles to prevent wind erosion", Journal of Wind Engineering and Industrial Aerodynamics 29, 1-3: 145 - 154.
72. Viegas, D X; Borges, A R. J. 1986. "An erosion technique for the measurement of the shear stress field on a flat plate", Journal of Physics E: Scientific Instruments 19, 8: 625 - 630.
73. VIEGAS, D. X; CAMPOS, J. L; OLIVEIRA, L. A; Eng, S.A.. 1984. "Tank Fire in an Atmospheric Boundary Layer", Combustion Science and Technology 41, 1-2: 31 - 41.

Trabalhos completos/resumidos em eventos com arbitragem científica
Papers in conference proceedings with scientific refereeing
1. Viegas, D. X. 2013. "Some Aspects of Extreme Fire Behaviour (Keynote Lecture)", Trabalho apresentado em 4th Fire Behavior and Fuels Conference, In 4th Fire Behavior and Fuels Conference, St. Petersburg.
2. Raposo, Jorge R. N; VIEGAS, D. X; Figueiredo, António R. 2012. "Slope and Fuel bed Effect on Jump Fire Behaviour", Trabalho apresentado em The 9th Asia-Oceania Symposium on Fire Science and Technology, In The 9th Asia-Oceania Symposium on Fire Science and Technology, Asia.
3. Viegas, D. X; Almeida, M.; Raposo, Jorge R. 2012. "Experimental Forest Fire Research", Trabalho apresentado em ICEM 15. 15th Int. Conf. on Experimental Mechanics, In ICEM 15. 15th Int. Conf. on Experimental Mechanics, Porto.
4. Ribeiro, Luis M; Viegas, D. X. 2011. "Wildland Urban Interface - a diagnostic analysis for Portugal. ", Trabalho apresentado em International Conference on Fire Behaviour and Risk, In International Conference on Fire Behaviour and Risk, Alghero.
5. Viegas, D. X. 2011. "Overview of Forest Fire Propagation Research. (Keynote Lecture)", Trabalho apresentado em 10th Int. IAFSS Symposium, In 10th Int. IAFSS Symposium, Maryland.
6. D.X., Viegas. 2010. "Forest Fires. (Keynote Lecture)", Trabalho apresentado em Sixth International Seminar on Fire and Explosion Hazards, In Proceedings of the Sixth International Seminar on Fire and Explosion Hazards, Leeds.
7. Miranda, A. I; V., Martins; Cascão, Pedro; Amorim, J.H.; Valente, J.; Tavares, Richard; Borrego, C.; Tchepel, Oxana; Ferreira, António J; Cordeiro, Carlos R; Viegas, D. X; Ribeiro, L. M; Pita, L. P. 2010. "South-European firefighters' exposure to air pollutants. ", Trabalho apresentado em 3rd Fire Behavior and Fuels Conference, In 3rd Fire Behavior and Fuels Conference, Spokane.
8. Almeida, Miguel; Viegas, D. X; Miranda, Ana I; Viegas, C. X; N., Leitão. 2010. "Aerodynamic Characteristics of Some Potential Embers", Trabalho apresentado em VI International Conference on Forest Fire Research, In VI International Conference on Forest Fire Research, Coimbra.
9. D.H., KIM; M.B., Lee; Viegas, D. X; Pita, L. P; Ribeiro, L.M.. 2010. "Analysis of Yangyang Forest Fire and the Destruction of Historical Naksan Temple in Republic of Korea", Trabalho apresentado em VI International Conference on Forest Fire Research, In VI International Conference on Forest Fire Research, Coimbra.
10. OLIVEIRA, L. A; Lopes, A.M.G.; R., Baliga B; Viegas, C. X; Viegas, D. X. 2010. "Numerical predictions of properties and trajectories of wind driven firebrands. ", Trabalho apresentado em VI International Conference on Forest Fire Research, In VI International Conference on Forest Fire Research, Coimbra.
11. Rossa, C.; Viegas, D. X; Davim, David A. 2010. "Backfire propagation analysis", Trabalho apresentado em VI International Conference on Forest Fire Research, In VI International Conference on Forest Fire Research, Coimbra.
12. Viegas, D. X; Loureiro, M.; Pita, L. P; Figueiredo, A.R.. 2010. "Experimental study on the ignition of forest fuel beds by particles at high temperature", Trabalho apresentado em VI International Conference on Forest Fire Research, In VI International Conference on Forest Fire Research, Coimbra.
13. Miranda, A. I; V., Martins; Cascão, Pedro; Amorim, J.H.; Valente, J.; Tavares, Richard; Borrego, C.; Tchepel, Oxana; Ferreira, António J; Cordeiro, Carlos R; Viegas, D. X; Ribeiro, L. M; Pita, L. P. 2009. "Monitoring of firefighters exposure to smoke during fire experiments and wildfires", Trabalho apresentado em Eighth Symposium on Fire and Forest Meteorology, In Eighth Symposium on Fire and Forest Meteorology, Kalispell.
14. Viegas, D. X; Pita, L. P; Haddad, K.; Calisti Tassini, C; Gemelli, A.; Quaranta, V.; Dimino, I.; Tsangaris, H.. 2009. "An Innovative Approach to Forest Fires Detection and Monitoring: the EU-FIRE Project", Trabalho apresentado em EUSAFE conference, In EUSAFE conference, Roma.
15. Almeida, M.; Viegas, D. X; Miranda, A. I; Reva, Valeria. 2009. "Combustibility of Potential Embers", Trabalho apresentado em 18th World IMACS Congress and MODSIM09 International Congress on Modelling and Simulation, In 18th World IMACS Congress and MODSIM09 International Congress on Modelling and Simulation, Perth.
16. Rossa, C.; Viegas, D. X. 2007. "Upslope propagation using a fireline rotation model", Trabalho apresentado em Workshop on Mathematical Modeling and Numerical Simulation of Forest Fire Propagation, In Workshop on Mathematical Modeling and Numerical Simulation of Forest Fire Propagation, Vigo.
17. Viegas, D. X. 2006. "Analysis of Eruptive Fire Behaviour", Trabalho apresentado em V International Conference on Forest Fire Research , In V International Conference on Forest Fire Research , Figueira da Foz.
18. Viegas, D. X; Abrantes, T.; Palheiro, P.M.; Santo, F. E; Viegas, M. T; Silva, J.; Pessanha, L.. 2006. "Fire weather during the 2003, 2004 and 2005 fire seasons in Portugal. ", Trabalho apresentado em V International Conference on Forest Fire Research, In V International Conference on Forest Fire Research, Figueira da Foz.
19. Pastor, E.; Planas, E.; Ribeiro, L. M; Viegas, D. X. 2006. "Modelling the effectiveness of long-term forest fire retardants", Trabalho apresentado em V International Conference on Forest Fire Research, In V International Conference on Forest Fire Research, Figueira da Foz.
20. Ribeiro, L.M.; Viegas, D. X; Batalha, M.. 2006. "Assessment of fire retardant efficiency", Trabalho apresentado em V International Conference on Forest Fire Research , In V International Conference on Forest Fire Research , Figueira da Foz.
21. Martínez-de Dios, J; Merino, L.; Caballero, F.; Ollero, A.; Viegas, D. X. 2006. ". Experimental results of automatic fire detection and monitoring with UAVs", Trabalho apresentado em V International Conference on Forest Fire Research, In V International Conference on Forest Fire Research, Figueira da Foz.
22. Manta, Maria I; Viegas, D. X. 2006. "Study of two wildfire danger rating indexes in three climatic zones of Spain", Trabalho apresentado em V International Conference on Forest Fire Research, In V International Conference on Forest Fire Research, Figueira da Foz.
23. Cruz, M. G; Butler, Bret W; Alexander, Martin E; Viegas, D. X. 2006. "Development and evaluation of a semi-physical crown fire initiation model", Trabalho apresentado em V International Conference on Forest Fire Research, In V International Conference on Forest Fire Research, Figueira da Foz.
24. Viegas, D. X; Rossa, C.; Oliveras, Imma; Piñol, J.. 2006. "Fireline Rotation Model", Trabalho apresentado em V International Conference on Forest Fire Research , In V International Conference on Forest Fire Research, Figueira da Foz.
25. Viegas, D. X; Rossa, C.; Caballero, D.; Pita, L.P.; Palheiro, P.. 2006. "Analysis of accidents in 2005 fires in Portugal and Spain", Trabalho apresentado em V International Conference on Forest Fire Research, In V International Conference on Forest Fire Research, Figueira da Foz.
26. Viegas, D. X; Ribeiro, L. M; Silva, A.J.; Palheiro, P.. 2002. "Analysis of S. Domingos accident. ", Trabalho apresentado em 4th International Conference on Forest Fire Research and Wildland Fire Safety, In 4th International Conference on Forest Fire Research and Wildland Fire Safety, Coimbra.
27. Viegas, D. X; Ribeiro, L. M; Matos, L.; Palheiro, P.M.; Pita, L. P; Afonso, C.. 2002. "Slope and wind effects on fire spread. ", Trabalho apresentado em 4th International Conference on Forest Fire Research and Wildland Fire Safety, In 4th International Conference on Forest Fire Research and Wildland Fire Safety, Coimbra.
28. Viegas, D. X; Cruz, M. G; Ribeiro, L.M.; Silva, A.J.; Ollero, A.; Arrue, B.C.; Martínez-de Dios, J; Gómez-Rodríguez, F.; Merino, L.; Miranda, A. I; Santos, P.. 2002. "Gestosa fire spread experiments.", Trabalho apresentado em 4th International Conference on Forest Fire Research and Wildland Fire Safety, In 4th International Conference on Forest Fire Research and Wildland Fire Safety, Coimbra.
29. Viegas, D. X. 2002. "The fire line rotation concept", Trabalho apresentado em 4th International Conference on Forest Fire Research and Wildland Fire Safety, In 4th International Conference on Forest Fire Research and Wildland Fire Safety, Coimbra.
30. VAZ, G. C; ANDRÉ, J. C. S; Viegas, D. X. 2002. "Modelling the spread of a straight and steady fire front through a horizontal porous fuel bed without wind", Trabalho apresentado em 4th International Conference on Forest Fire Research and Wildland Fire Safety, In 4th International Conference on Forest Fire Research and Wildland Fire Safety, Coimbra.
31. Viegas, D. X; Manta, Maria I; Mata Reis, R. 2002. "Reliability of the fire weather index from meteorological station in the Central Region of Portugal", Trabalho apresentado em 4th International Conference on Forest Fire Research and Wildland Fire Safety, In 4th International Conference on Forest Fire Research and Wildland Fire Safety, Coimbra.
32. Carvalho, A.C.; Miranda, A. I; Borrego, C.; Santos, P.; Amorim, J.H.; Viegas, D. X. 2002. "Fire as a heat source to the atmosphere: measuring and modelling", Trabalho apresentado em IV International Conference on Forest Fire Research and Wildland Fire Safety, In IV International Conference on Forest Fire Research and Wildland Fire Safety, Coimbra.
33. ZUAZUA, E.; Cruz, A.; Moreno, J. M; Viegas, D. X. 1998. "A New Method for Estimating Fire Intensity in Experimental Burns Spreading", Trabalho apresentado em III International Conference on Forest Fire Research, In III International Conference on Forest Fire Research, Coimbra.
34. Viegas, D. X; Piñol, J.; Viegas, M. T; Ogaya, R.. 1998. "Moisture Content of Living Forest Fuels and their Relationship with Meteorological Indices in the Iberian Peninsula", Trabalho apresentado em III International Conference on Forest Fire Research, In III International Conference on Forest Fire Research, Coimbra.
35. Viegas, D. X; Ribeiro, P.R.; Maricato, L.. 1998. "An Empirical Model for the Spread of a Fireline Inclined in Relation to the Slope Gradient or to Wind Direction", Trabalho apresentado em III International Conference on Forest Fire Research, In III International Conference on Forest Fire Research, Coimbra.
36. Silva, Manuel C. G.; VIEGAS, D. X; Conceicao, E. Z. E. 1994. "Integral Simulation of Air Conditioning in Passenger Buse", Trabalho apresentado em Fourth International Conference on Air Distribution in Rooms "ROOMVENT 94, In Proceedings of Roomvent 94, Krakow.
37. Silva, Manuel C. G.; VIEGAS, D. X. 1994. "External Flow Field around an Intercity Bus", Trabalho apresentado em 2nd International Conference on Experimental Fluid Mechanics, In Proceedings of 2nd International Conference on Experimental Fluid Mechanics, Torino.
38. Silva, Manuel C. G.; VIEGAS, D. X; OLIVEIRA, L. A. 1992. "Airflow in the Passenger Compartment of a Bus", Trabalho apresentado em 3rd International Conference on Air Distribution in Rooms - "Roomvent´ 92, In Proceeding of Roomvent 92, Aalborg.
39. Silva, Manuel C. G.; VIEGAS, D. X. 1988. "Boundary layer flow around one or more spheres placed on a plane surface", Trabalho apresentado em First World Conference on Experimental Heat Transfer, Fluid Dynamics and Thermodynamics, In Proceedings of First World Conference on Experimental Heat Transfer, Fluid Dynamics and Thermodynamics, Dubrovnik.

Artigos em revistas sem arbitragem científica
Papers in periodics without scientific refereeing
1. Viegas, D. X. 2006. "Analysis of Eruptive Fire Behaviour", Forest Ecology and Management 234, S1: S5 - S5.
2. Viegas, Maria T. S; Viegas, Domingos X; Ribeiro, Luis M; Pita, Luis P; Palheiro, Pedro. 2006. "Analysis of herbaceous vegetation growth in relation to fire occurrence", Forest Ecology and Management 234, S1: S45 - S45.
3. Lopes, Sérgio M. G; Viegas, Domingos X; Viegas, Maria T; Lemos, Luís T.. 2006. "Moisture content of fine forest fuels in the Central Portugal (Lousã) for the Period 1996–2004", Forest Ecology and Management 234, S1: S71 - S71.
4. Viegas, D.X.; Rossa, C.; Oliveras, Imma; Piñol, Josep. 2006. "Fireline rotation model", Forest Ecology and Management 234, S1: S83 - S83.
5. Viegas, D.X.; Pita, L.P.C.; Rossa, C.. 2006. "Effectiveness of fuel treatments in canyons", Forest Ecology and Management 234, S!: S122 - S122.
6. Miranda, A.I.; Borrego, C.; Amorim, J.H.; Valente, J.; Santos, P.; Viegas, D.X.; Ribeiro, L.. 2006. "Smoke measurements in Gestosa 2004 field experiments", Forest Ecology and Management 234, S!: S158 - S158.
7. Martínez-de Dios, J; Merino, L.; Caballero, F.; Ollero, A.; Viegas, D.X.. 2006. "Experimental results of automatic fire detection and monitoring with UAVs", Forest Ecology and Management 234, S1: S232 - S232.
8. Gonçalves, Dina P; Pedrosa, Lídia S; Lopes, Sérgio M. G; Viegas, Domingos X; Lemos, Luís T.. 2006. "The relation between the moisture content of fine forest fuels and several forest fire related aspects", Forest Ecology and Management 234, S1: S244 - S244.
9. Silva, Manuel C. G.; André, J.; Conceicao, E. Z. E; VIEGAS, D. X. 1996. "Estudo das Condições de Conforto Térmico no Habitáculo de Veículos de Transporte", Revista Indústria e Ambiente, 8: 12 - 16.

Trabalhos completos/resumidos em eventos sem arbitragem científica
Papers in conference proceedings without scientific refereeing
1. Viegas, D. X. 2012. "Research on Extreme Forest Fire Behaviour. (Keynote Lecture)", Trabalho apresentado em 11th International Conference on Combustion and Energy Utilization (11th ICCEU), In 11th International Conference on Combustion and Energy Utilization (11th ICCEU), Coimbra.
2. Viegas, D. X; J.J., Sharples; D., McRae R. H; Raposo, J.; A., Farinha H. 2011. "Lateral bushfire propagation driven by the interaction of wind, terrain and fire", Trabalho apresentado em 19th International Congress on Modelling and Simulation, In 19th International Congress on Modelling and Simulation, Perth.
3. Viegas, D. X. 2010. "Research Program on Fire Propagation and Fire Safety (Keynote Lecture)", Trabalho apresentado em SPEIC10: Towards Sustainable Combustion, In SPEIC10: Towards Sustainable Combustion, Tenerife.
4. Viegas, D. X; Figueiredo, A.R.; Pita, L. P; Davim, David A; Rossa, C.. 2010. "Analysis of the Changes of Boundary Conditions in a Slope", Trabalho apresentado em VI International Conference on Forest Fire Research, In VI International Conference on Forest Fire Research, Coimbra.
5. Reva, Valeria; Pita, L. P; L., Lousada J; Viegas, D. X. 2010. "Small-scale bioenergy production as an incentive for forest fire prevention", Trabalho apresentado em VI International Conference on Forest Fire Research, In VI International Conference on Forest Fire Research, Coimbra.
6. Lopes, S.; L.T., Lemos; Viegas, M. T; Viegas, D. X. 2010. "Moisture content of fine forest fuels in central Portugal and it relation with several forest fire related aspects. ", Trabalho apresentado em VI International Conference on Forest Fire Research, In VI International Conference on Forest Fire Research, Coimbra.
7. Viegas, D. X; Pita, L. P; Gaspar, S.; Schumann, J.. 2010. "Fuel beds Ignition by Eucalyptus Bark", Trabalho apresentado em VI International Conference on Forest Fire Research, In VI International Conference on Forest Fire Research, Coimbra.
8. Ribeiro, L. M; Viegas, D. X; Caballero, D.. 2010. "Wildland Urban Interface - a diagnostic analysis for Portugal", Trabalho apresentado em VI International Conference on Forest Fire Research, In VI International Conference on Forest Fire Research, Coimbra.
9. Viegas, D. X; Pita, L. P; Grilo, F.; Caballero, D.. 2010. "Analysis of the Forest Fire Accident of La Gomera, on the 11th September of 1984", Trabalho apresentado em SPEIC10: Towards Sustainable Combustion, In SPEIC10: Towards Sustainable Combustion, Tenerife.
10. Viegas, D. X. 2009. "Wildfire Research, a state-of-the-art. (Keynote Lecture)", Trabalho apresentado em 6th Mediterranean Combustion Symposium. Workshop on Wildfire Research: how to integrate different research fields?, In 6th Mediterranean Combustion Symposium. Workshop on Wildfire Research: how to integrate different research fields?, Porticio, Corsega.
11. Viegas, D. X. 2009. "Extreme Forest Fire Behaviour and its Potential Damage to the Environment and to Society. (Keynote Lecture)", Trabalho apresentado em General Assembly EGU2009. Session Wildfires, Weather and Climate (NH8.2/AS4.5/CL23),, In EGU2009, Viena.
12. Viegas, D. X. 2009. "Extreme Fire Behaviour and Fire Safety (Keynote Lecture)", Trabalho apresentado em Seminar “Forecasting and Modelling Wildfire risk for UK moorlands and heathlands", In Seminar “Forecasting and Modelling Wildfire risk for UK moorlands and heathlands", Manchester.
13. Rossa, C.; Viegas, D. X. 2009. "Propagation of wind and slope backfires", Trabalho apresentado em 18th World IMACS Congress and MODSIM09 International Congress on Modelling and Simulation, In 18th World IMACS Congress and MODSIM09 International Congress on Modelling and Simulation, Perth.
14. Viegas, D. X; Shankar, M.. 2009. "An Examination of Laboratory Scale Fire Spread Through Discrete Fuel Elements", Trabalho apresentado em 6th U.S. National Combustion, In 6th U.S. National Combustion, Ann Arbor.
15. XANTHOPOULOS, G.; Viegas, D. X; Caballero, D.. 2009. "The fatal fire entrapment accident of August 24, 2007, near the village of Artemida, Ilia, Greece", Trabalho apresentado em 10th Wildland Fire Safety Summit, In 10th Wildland Fire Safety Summit, Phoenix.
16. Lopes, S.; Rosavec, R.; Silva, J.; Domingues, T.; Abrantes, T.; Rita, S.; L.T., Lemos; Viegas, D. X. 2009. "Aplicação de índices meteorológicos para estimar o teor de humidade de combustíveis florestais no centro de Portugal", Trabalho apresentado em 6.º Simpósio de Meteorologia e Geofísica da APMG e 10.º Encontro Luso-Espanhol de Meteorologia, In 6.º Simpósio de Meteorologia e Geofísica da APMG e 10.º Encontro Luso-Espanhol de Meteorologia, Lisboa.
17. Curado, Marilia; Sousa, B.; Ribeiro, L.M.; Silva, Jorge S; Simões, P.; Boavida, F.; Monteiro, Edmundo; Viegas, D.X.. 2008. "Utilização da Tecnologia WIMAX na Prevenção de Incêndios", Trabalho apresentado em 5º Congresso Luso-Moçambicano de Engenharia, In 5º Congresso Luso-Moçambicano de Engenharia, n/a.
18. VIEGAS, D. X; Pita, L. P; Nielsen, F.; Haddad, K.; Calisti Tassini, C; D’Altrui, G.; Quaranta, V.; Dimino, I.; Tsangaris, H.. 2008. "Acoustic characterization of a forest fire event", Trabalho apresentado em FOREST FIRES 2008, In Modelling, Monitoring and Management of Forest Fires I, Toledo, Spain.
19. VIEGAS, D. X; Stipanicev, D.; Ribeiro, L.; Pita, L. P; Rossa, C.. 2008. "The Kornati fire accident – eruptive fire in relatively low fuel load herbaceous fuel conditions", Trabalho apresentado em FOREST FIRES 2008, In Modelling, Monitoring and Management of Forest Fires I, Toledo, Spain.
20. Viegas, D. X. 2008. "Behaviour and Personnal Safety (Keynote Lecture)", Trabalho apresentado em International Conference on Fire Fighting in Open Spaces – New Methods and Approaches, In International Conference on Fire Fighting in Open Spaces – New Methods and Approaches, Makarska.
21. Viegas, D. X. 2008. "Comportamento do Fogo e Segurança Pessoal nos Incêndios Florestais (Keynote Lecture)", Trabalho apresentado em Simposio Nacional sobre Incêndios Forestales (SINIF), In Simposio Nacional sobre Incêndios Forestales (SINIF), Alicante.
22. Viegas, D. X. 2008. "Decision Support Tools in Forest Fire Management. (Keynote Lecture)", Trabalho apresentado em 2nd Iberian Grid Infrastruture Conference, In 2nd Iberian Grid Infrastruture Conference, Porto.
23. XANTHOPOULOS, G.; Viegas, D. X; Caballero, D.. 2008. "Safety in Wildland Fire Suppression: Learning from Past Accidents", Trabalho apresentado em Conference on Training for Fire Risk Management, In Conference on Training for Fire Risk Management, Palmerston North.
24. Viegas, D. X; Abrantes, T.; Ribeiro, L.M.; Santo, F. E; Viegas, M. T; Silva, J.. 2008. "Fire weather in the last five years fire seasons in Portugal", Trabalho apresentado em EGU General Assembly, In EGU General Assembly, Viena.
25. Viegas, D. X. 2007. "Prediction of Eruptive Fire Behaviour", Trabalho apresentado em Workshop Mathematical Modeling and Numerical Simulation of Forest Fire Propagation, In Workshop Mathematical Modeling and Numerical Simulation of Forest Fire Propagation, Vigo.
26. Viegas, D. X. 2007. "Modelos de comportamento de fogo aplicados em Portugal", Trabalho apresentado em IV Simpósio Sul-Americano Sobre Prevenção e Combate aos Incêndios Florestais e 8ª Reunião Técnica Conjunta SIF/FUPE/IPEF sobre Controle de Incêndios Florestais, In IV Simpósio Sul-Americano Sobre Prevenção e Combate aos Incêndios Florestais e 8ª Reunião Técnica Conjunta SIF/FUPE/IPEF sobre Controle de Incêndios Florestais, Belo Horizonte.
27. Conceição, Eusébio Z; Lúcio, Ma M. J; Viegas, D. X. 2006. "Numerical simulation of the thermal sensation of a fireman equipped with special clothing", Trabalho apresentado em V International Conference on Forest Fire Research , In V International Conference on Forest Fire Research, Figueira da Foz.
28. Caballero, D.; XANTHOPOULOS, G.; Viegas, D. X. 2006. "The use of SCIER in Forest Fire Management", Trabalho apresentado em European Association of Forest Fire Technologies, In European Association of Forest Fire Technologies, Missoula.
29. Ribeiro, L. M; Viegas, D. X; Lopes, A.G.; Mangana, P.; Moura, P.. 2006. "Operational Application of a Decision Support Tool in Fire Management in Portuga", Trabalho apresentado em International Workshop on Environmental Applications and Distributed Computing. , In International Workshop on Environmental Applications and Distributed Computing. , Bratislava.
30. Viegas, D. X. 2006. "A Mathematical Model for Eruptive Fire Behaviour", Trabalho apresentado em First International Symposium on Environment Identities and Mediterranean Area. , In First International Symposium on Environment Identities and Mediterranean Area. , Corte.
31. Viegas, D. X. 2005. "A Mathematical Model for Eruptive Fire Behaviour and Related Problems", Trabalho apresentado em Workshop on Forest Fires and Point Processes, In Workshop on Forest Fires and Point Processes, Toronto.
32. Viegas, D. X; Pita, L. P; Ribeiro, L.M.; Palheiro, P.M.. 2005. "Eruptive Fire Behaviour in Past Fatal Accidents. ", Trabalho apresentado em 8th Annual Wildland Fire Safety Summit-Human Factors Workshop. , In 8th Annual Wildland Fire Safety Summit-Human Factors Workshop. , Missoula.
33. Viegas, D. X; Viegas, M. T. 2005. "Human Behaviour Associated to Fatal Accidents of 2003 in Portugal", Trabalho apresentado em 8th Annual Wildland Fire Safety Summit-Human Factors Workshop, In 8th Annual Wildland Fire Safety Summit-Human Factors Workshop, Missoula.
34. Viegas, D. X. 2004. "Forest Fire Research in Europe – An Overview. (Keynote Lecture)", Trabalho apresentado em Workshop on European forest fire research. The burning issue of forest fires: how can research make a difference, In Workshop on European forest fire research. The burning issue of forest fires: how can research make a difference, Bruxelas.
35. Viegas, D. X. 2004. "Investigação em Incêndios Florestais", Trabalho apresentado em 3º Seminário Sul-Americano e 7ª Reunião Técnica Conjunta SIF/FUPEF/IPEF sobre Controle de Incêndios Florestais, In 3º Seminário Sul-Americano e 7ª Reunião Técnica Conjunta SIF/FUPEF/IPEF sobre Controle de Incêndios Florestais, Curitiba.
36. Viegas, D. X. 2004. "Forest fires in Portugal in 2003", Trabalho apresentado em Dietro Líncendio dei Boschi...L’huomo. Recenti indirizzi nella prevenzione e nella repressione, In Dietro Líncendio dei Boschi...L’huomo. Recenti indirizzi nella prevenzione e nella repressione, Florença.
37. Miranda, A. I; Viegas, D. X; Rocha, A.; Martins, H.; Carvalho, A.C.; Marques, C.; Borrego, C.. 2004. "Climate change and Forest Fire Weather Risk", Trabalho apresentado em Symposium Environment Identité Méditerranée – EIM 2004, In Symposium Environment Identité Méditerranée – EIM 2004, Corte.
38. Viegas, D. X. 2003. "Forest Fire Research and Application in Southern Europe. (Keynote Lecture)", Trabalho apresentado em UN Conf. on Early Warning in Natural Disasters, In Potsdam, UN Conf. on Early Warning in N.
39. Viegas, D. X. 2003. "Forest Fire Research State of the Art in Europe. (Keynote Lecture)", Trabalho apresentado em EU-MEDIN Forum on Disaster Research "The Road to Harmonisation", In EU-MEDIN Forum on Disaster Research "The Road to Harmonisation", Atenas.
40. Viegas, D. X. 2003. "Forest Fire Research in Europe. (Keynote Lecture)", Trabalho apresentado em EGS-AGU-EUG Joint Assembly, In EGS-AGU-EUG Joint Assembly, Nice.
41. Viegas, D. X; Allgöwer, B.; Koutsias, N.; Eftichidis, G.. 2003. "Fire Spread and the Urban Wildland Interface Problem", Trabalho apresentado em Comunicação oral apresentada no International Workshop on "Forest Fires in the Wildland-Urban Interface and Rural Areas in Europe: an integral planning and management challenge, In Comunicação oral apresentada no International Workshop on "Forest Fires in the Wildland-Urban Interface and Rural Areas in Europe: an integral planning and management challenge, Zurique.
42. Viegas, D. X. 2003. "Integration of scientific research results in forest fire management.", Trabalho apresentado em 3rd International Wildland Fire Conference and Exhibition, In 3rd International Wildland Fire Conference and Exhibition, Sydney.
43. Viegas, D. X. 2002. "Forest Fire Research. (Keynote Lecture)", Trabalho apresentado em Int. Conf. GDIN: Global Disaster Information Network, In Int. Conf. GDIN: Global Disaster Information Network, Roma.
44. Viegas, D. X; Pita, L. P. 2002. "Fire spread in Canyons (Keynote Lecture)", Trabalho apresentado em 4th International Conference on Forest Fire Research and Wildland Fire Safety, In 4th International Conference on Forest Fire Research and Wildland Fire Safety, Coimbra.
45. Viegas, D. X. 2001. "Fire Detection as a Support to Dispatching. A pilot Project in Portugal. (Keynote Lecture)", Trabalho apresentado em Int. Workshop on Improving Dispatching for Forest Fire Control. , In Int. Workshop on Improving Dispatching for Forest Fire Control. , Chania.
46. Viegas, D. X. 2000. "Fire Behaviour Modelling Techniques. (Keynote Lecture)", Trabalho apresentado em First EU-MEDIN Workshop on Natural and Technological Hazards, In First EU-MEDIN Workshop on Natural and Technological Hazards, Bruxelas.
47. Viegas, D. X. 2000. "Fire Behaviour Analysis and Prediction. (Keynote Lecture)", Trabalho apresentado em Seminar Baltex Fire 2000, In Seminar Baltex Fire 2000, Kuopio.
48. Viegas, D. X; Silva, A.J.; Matos, L.; Cruz, M. G. 2000. "Analysis of Three Fatal Accidents Involving Portuguese Firefighters", Trabalho apresentado em 2000 International Wildfire Safety Summit. , In 2000 International Wildfire Safety Summit. , Edmonton.
49. Viegas, D. X. 1999. "Innovations and Solutions in Fire Behaviour Forescating Issues. (Keynote Lecture)", Trabalho apresentado em International Symposium on Forest Fires: Needs & Innovations, In International Symposium on Forest Fires: Needs & Innovations, Atenas.
50. Viegas, D. X. 1998. "Fire Danger Rating Indexes in Southern Europe. ", Trabalho apresentado em I Seminário Sul-Americano and 5ª Reunião Técnica Conjunta SIF/FUPEF/IPEF sobre Controle de Incêndios Florestais, In I Seminário Sul-Americano and 5ª Reunião Técnica Conjunta SIF/FUPEF/IPEF sobre Controle de Incêndios Florestais, Belo Horizonte.
51. VAZ, G. C; ANDRÉ, J. C. S; Viegas, D. X. 1998. "Predicting the residence time of the fire front of surface forest fires", Trabalho apresentado em III International Conf. on Forest Fire Research/14th Conf. on Fire and Forest Meteorology, In III International Conf. on Forest Fire Research/14th Conf. on Fire and Forest Meteorology, Coimbra.
52. Viegas, D. X. 1996. "Simulação Laboratorial da Propagação de um Incêndio Florestal. (Keynote Lecture)", Trabalho apresentado em Seminário sobre Incendios Forestales, In Seminário sobre Incendios Forestales, Solsona .
53. Viegas, D. X. 1992. "Scientific Research on Forest Fires - an Overview. (Keynote Lecture)", Trabalho apresentado em Euro Brand92, 5th International Fire Service Congress, In Euro Brand92, 5th International Fire Service Congress, Amesterdão.
54. Viegas, D. X. 1991. "Wind and its effects on forest fires. (Keynote Lecture)", Trabalho apresentado em Convegno Internazionale Incendi Boschivi, In Convegno Internazionale Incendi Boschivi, Val d'Aosta.
55. Viegas, D. X; Lopes, António G. 1990. "Wind-tunnel simulation of the influence of the wind characteristics on the propagation of forest fires in canyon shaped hills. ", Trabalho apresentado em International Conference on Forest Fire Research, In International Conference on Forest Fire Research, Coimbra.
56. Viegas, D. X; Neto, LP. 1990. "Rate of Spread of a Flame at Varying Wind Conditions. ", Trabalho apresentado em International Conference on Forest Fire Research, In International Conference on Forest Fire Research, Coimbra.
57. Ferreira, A.D.; Monteiro, J.P.; Viegas, D. X. 1990. "Properties of the flow around two and three-dimensional hills in order to predict forest fire behaviour. ", Trabalho apresentado em International Conference on Forest Fire Research, In International Conference on Forest Fire Research, Coimbra.
58. Costa, JJ; OLIVEIRA, L. A; Viegas, D. X; Neto, LP. 1990. "On the temperature distribution within a three under fire conditions. ", Trabalho apresentado em International Conference on Forest Fire Research, In International Conference on Forest Fire Research, Coimbra.
59. Viegas, D. X. 1990. "Wind Tunnel simulation of the Flow around two or three Dimensional Hills.", Trabalho apresentado em Euromech Coloquium 266-Airflow and Turbulence in Complex Terrain, In Euromech Coloquium 266-Airflow and Turbulence in Complex Terrain, Bolonha.
60. Viegas, D. X. 1988. "A research program on forest fires in Portugal", Trabalho apresentado em Conference on European Forests and Environment, In Conference on European Forests and Environment, Atenas.
61. Viegas, D. X. 1988. "Soil erosion following forest fires. ", Trabalho apresentado em Conference on European Forests and Environment, In Conference on European Forests and Environment, Atenas.

Prefácio, Posfácio
Preface, Postface
1. Viegas, D. X. 2012. "Pulmão do Sul, A Verde e a Fogo". Monchique, Algarve. (Prefácio)

Outra produção científica
Other scientific production
1. Viegas, D. X. 2009. "Recent Forest Fire Related Accidents in Europe", 75 pp.. Ispra, Itália: JRC Scientific and Technical Reports, Joint Research Centre, Institute for Environment and Sustainab.

Dados Complementares (Additional data)


Indicadores de produção (Production indicators)

Produção científica
Scientific production

Livros e capítulos
Books and book chapters
Livros publicados ou organizados
Published or organized books
Capítulos de livros publicados
Published book chapters
Artigos científicos em revistas
Papers in periodics
Com arbitragem científica
With scientific refereeing
Sem arbitragem científica
Without scientific refereeing
Trabalhos em eventos
Papers in conference proceedings
Com arbitragem científica
With scientific refereeing
Sem arbitragem científica
Without scientific refereeing
Outros tipos de produção científica
Other scientific production

Dados complementares
(Additional data)


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