Curriculum Vitae

José Manuel Salgueiro Gomes Ferreira

Data da última atualização »Last update : 13/07/2018

José Manuel Salgueiro Gomes Ferreira. É Professor Associado com Agregação na Universidade de Trás-os-Montes e Alto Douro. Publicou 47 artigos em revistas especializadas. Nas suas actividades profissionais interagiu com 40 colaboradores em co-autorias de trabalhos científicos.

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Dados pessoais (Personal data)
Nome completo
Full name
José Manuel Salgueiro Gomes Ferreira
Nome em citações bibliográficas
Quoting name
Ferreira, José Manuel Salgueiro Gomes
Categoria profissional
Professor Associado com Agregação
Endereço profissional
Professional address
Universidade de Trás-os-Montes e Alto Douro
Departamento de Física, Escola de Ciências e Tecnologia, Quinta de Prados
5000-801 Vila Real
Correio electrónico:

Graus Académicos (Academic Degrees)
2001 Agregação
Universidade de Trás-os-Montes e Alto Douro, Portugal.

1983-1990 Doutoramento
Monash University, Austrália.
Instituição portuguesa que atribuiu reconhecimento/equivalência/registo » Portuguese Instituition providing acknowledgement/equivalence/registry : Universidade de Trás-os-Montes e Alto Douro.
Com o tipo » With the type: Equivalência » Equivalence.

1976-1981 Licenciatura
Licentiate degree
Física (5 anos » years) .
Universidade do Porto, Portugal.

Vínculos profissionais (Professional Positions)
Universidade de Trás-os-Montes e Alto Douro
Set/1990-Actual Professor Associado com Agregação

Atividades de Investigação e Desenvolvimento (Research and Development activities)
Universidade de Trás-os-Montes e Alto Douro
Linhas de investigação»Research fields:


Linhas de Investigação (Research fields)
1. Física

Línguas (Languages)
Inglês (Bem), Francês (Bem), Espanhol (Bem).
Inglês (Bem), Francês (Bem), Espanhol (Razoavelmente).

Inglês (Bem), Francês (Bem), Espanhol (Bem).
Inglês (Bem), Francês (Razoavelmente), Espanhol (Pouco).

Membro de Associações Profissionais/Científicas (Professional/Scientific Association membership)
Jul/1993 - Actual Institute of Physics, CPhys MInstP.

Produção científica, técnica e artística/cultural (Scientific, technical and artistical/cultural production)
Artigos em revistas com arbitragem científica
Papers in periodics with scientific refereeing
1. FERREIRA, J. M; Anacleto, Joaquim. 2018. "The magnetic field circulation counterpart to Biot-Savart’s law", The European Physical Journal Plus 133, 6: 1 - 8.
2. Anacleto, Joaquim; FERREIRA, J. M. 2018. "Why is dissipative work insistently ignored? The case of heat capacities", European Journal of Physics 39, 5: 055102 - 055102.
3. FERREIRA, J. M; Anacleto, Joaquim. 2018. "Using Biot–Savart’s law to determine the finite tube’s magnetic field", European Journal of Physics 39, 5: 055202 - 055202.
4. Ferreira, José M. S. G. 2017. "Magnetic field created by a thin cylindrical shell of finite length", Electrical Engineering 99, 3: 979 - 986.
5. Anacleto, Joaquim; FERREIRA, J. M. 2017. "Comment on ‘A note on heat reservoirs and the like’", European Journal of Physics 38, 4: 048001 - 048001.
6. FERREIRA, J. M; Anacleto, Joaquim. 2016. "Comment on ‘Exact electromagnetic fields produced by a finite wire with constant current’", European Journal of Physics 37, 4: 048002 - 048002.
7. Anacleto, Joaquim; FERREIRA, J. M. 2016. "Reversible versus irreversible thermalization of two finite blocks", European Journal of Physics 37, 2: 022001 - 022001.
8. Anacleto, Joaquim; FERREIRA, J. M. 2015. "Comment on Magnetic Field Due to a Finite Length Current-Carrying Wire Using the Concept of Displacement Current ?", The Physics Teacher 53, 2: 68 - 68.
9. Anacleto, Joaquim; FERREIRA, J. M. 2015. "On the representation of thermodynamic processes", European Journal of Physics 36, 3: 035006 - 035006.
10. Anacleto, Joaquim; Pereira, Mário G; FERREIRA, J. M. 2013. "Reply to ‘Comment on “On the Clausius equality and inequality¿?’", European Journal of Physics 34, 1: L17 - L21.
11. Anacleto, Joaquim; Pereira, Mário G; FERREIRA, J. M. 2013. "Reply to ‘Comment on “Dissipative work in thermodynamics¿?’", European Journal of Physics 34, 1: L31 - L33.
12. Anacleto, Joaquim; FERREIRA, J. M. 2013. "Reply to ‘Comment on “Symmetry of the adiabatic condition in the piston problem¿?’", European Journal of Physics 34, 1: L37 - L38.
13. FERREIRA, J. M; Anacleto, Joaquim. 2013. "Ampère–Maxwell law for a conducting wire: a topological perspective", European Journal of Physics 34, 6: 1403 - 1410.
14. Anacleto, Joaquim; de Almeida, J. M. M; FERREIRA, JM. 2013. "Corrigendum: Intrinsic symmetry of Ampère’s circuital law and other educational issues", Canadian Journal of Physics 91, 10: 855 - 855.
15. Ferreira, J.G.; Saurel, C.; Ferreira, J.M.. 2012. "Cultivation of gilthead bream in monoculture and integrated multi-trophic aquaculture. Analysis of production and environmental effects by means of the FARM model", Aquaculture 35835, 35835: 23 - 34.
16. Anacleto, Joaquim; de Almeida, J. M. M; FERREIRA, JM. 2012. "Intrinsic symmetry of Ampère’s circuital law and other educational issues", Canadian Journal of Physics 90, 1: 67 - 72.
17. Anacleto, Joaquim; Ferreira, J M. 2011. "Symmetry of the adiabatic condition in the piston problem", European Journal of Physics 32, 6: 1625 - 1631.
18. Anacleto, Joaquim; Anacleto, Joaquim A. C; Ferreira, J. M. 2011. "The two-piston problem revisited: Generalization from reversible to irreversible expansion", American Journal of Physics 79, 10: 1009 - 1009.
19. Anacleto, Joaquim; Pereira, Mário G; Ferreira, J M. 2011. "Dissipative work in thermodynamics", European Journal of Physics 32, 1: 37 - 47.
20. Soares, A.A.; Ferreira, J.M.; Caramelo, L.; Anacleto, J.; Chhabra, R.P.. 2010. "Effect of temperature-dependent viscosity on forced convection heat transfer from a cylinder in crossflow of power-law fluids", International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer 53, 21-22: 4728 - 4740.
21. Anacleto, Joaquim; Ferreira, J M. 2010. "Minimizing the generation of entropy: which sequence of reservoirs to choose?", European Journal of Physics 31, 1: 1 - 4.
22. Soares, A. A; Anacleto, J.; Caramelo, L.; Ferreira, J. M; Chhabra, R. P. 2009. "Mixed Convection From a Circular Cylinder to Power Law Fluids", Industrial & Engineering Chemistry Research 48, 17: 8219 - 8231.
23. Anacleto, Joaquim; Ferreira, J M; Soares, A A. 2009. "When an adiabatic irreversible expansion or compression becomes reversible", European Journal of Physics 30, 3: 487 - 495.
24. Anacleto, J.; Ferreira, J.M.; Anacleto, A.. 2008. "Identical thermodynamical processes and the generalization of the Clausius inequality", Canadian Journal of Physics 86, 2: 369 - 377.
25. Anacleto, Joaquim; Ferreira, J.M.. 2008. "Surroundings-based and system-based heat and work definitions: Which one is the most suitable?", The Journal of Chemical Thermodynamics 40, 1: 134 - 135.
26. Anacleto, Joaquim; Ferreira, José M. 2008. "Calor e trabalho: são estes conceitos invariantes sob a permuta sistema-vizinhança?", Química Nova 31, 7: 1881 - 1884.
27. Chhabra, R. P; Soares, A. A; Ferreira, J. M; Caramelo, L.. 2007. "Effects of Viscous Dissipation on Heat Transfer between an Array of Long Circular Cylinders and Power Law Fluids", The Canadian Journal of Chemical Engineering 85, 6: 808 - 816.
28. Soares, A. A; Ferreira, J. M; Chhabra, R. P. 2005. "Flow and Forced Convection Heat Transfer in Crossflow of Non-Newtonian Fluids over a Circular Cylinder", Industrial & Engineering Chemistry Research 44, 15: 5815 - 5827.
29. Soares, A. A; Ferreira, J. M; Chhabra, R. P. 2005. "Steady Two-Dimensional Non-Newtonian Flow Past an Array of Long Circular Cylinders up to Reynolds number 500: A Numerical Study", The Canadian Journal of Chemical Engineering 83, 3: 437 - 450.
30. Soares, A. A; Ferreira, J. M; Chhabra, R. P. 2005. "“Steady Two-Dimensional Non-Newtonian Flow Past an Array of Long Circular Cylinders up to Reynolds number 500: A Numerical Study¿? [CJChE 83 (2005) 437-449]", The Canadian Journal of Chemical Engineering 83, 6: 1000 - 1001.
31. Chhabra, R. P; Soares, A. A; Ferreira, J. M. 2004. "Steady non-Newtonian flow past a circular cylinder: a numerical study", Acta Mechanica 172, 1-2: 1 - 16.
32. Ferreira, Jose M; Chhabra, Rajendra P. 2004. "Analytical Study of Drag and Mass Transfer in Creeping Power Law Flow across Tube Banks", Industrial & Engineering Chemistry Research 43, 13: 3439 - 3450.
33. Ferreira, J M; Soares, A A; Chhabra, R P. 2003. "Hydrodynamic behaviour of an ensemble of encapsulated liquid drops in creeping motion: a fluid-mechanic based model for liquid membranes", Fluid Dynamics Research 32, 5: 201 - 215.
34. Ferreira, J. M; de Almeida, J. M. M. M; Wolberg, J. R; Chhabra, R. P. 2001. "The use of relative residues in non-linear regression", International Journal of Mathematical Education in Science and Technology 32, 6: 887 - 898.
35. Ferreira, J. M; de Almeida, J. M. M. M; Chhabra, R. P. 2001. "The use of relative residues in linear regression of experimental data with errors in both fit variables", International Journal of Mathematical Education in Science and Technology 32, 4: 541 - 551.
36. Ferreira, J. M; Caramelo, Liliana; Chhabra, R. P. 2000. "The use of relative residues in fitting experimental data: an example from fluid mechanics", International Journal of Mathematical Education in Science and Technology 31, 4: 545 - 552.
37. Chhabra, R.P.; Ferreira, J.M.. 1999. "An analytical study of the motion of a sphere rolling down a smooth inclined plane in an incompressible Newtonian fluid", Powder Technology 104, 2: 130 - 138.
38. Chhabra, Rajendra P; Soares, Armando A; Ferreira, Jose M. 1998. "A numerical study of the accelerating motion of a dense rigid sphere in non-newtonian power law fluids", The Canadian Journal of Chemical Engineering 76, 6: 1051 - 1055.
39. Ferreira, J.M.; Chhabra, R.P.. 1998. "Accelerating motion of a vertically falling sphere in incompressible Newtonian media: an analytical solution", Powder Technology 97, 1: 6 - 15.
41. Phakey, P.P.; Palamara, J.; Rachinger, W. A; Orams, H.J.; Ferreira, J.M.. 1990. "Ultrastructural changes in tooth enamel irradiated with pulsed and continuous-wave lasers", Journal of Dental Research 69, 4: 940 - 940.
42. Ferreira, J. M; Phakey, P. P; Palamara, J.; Rachinger, W. A; Orams, H. J. 1989. "Electron microscopic investigation relating the occlusal morphology to the underlying enamel structure of molar teeth of the wombat (Vombatus ursinus)", Journal of Morphology 200, 2: 141 - 149.
43. Ferreira, J.M.; Palamara, J.; Phakey, P.P.; Rachinger, W.A.; Orams, H.J.. 1989. "Effects of continuous-wave CO2 laser on the ultrastructure of human dental enamel", Archives of Oral Biology 34, 7: 551 - 562.
44. Ferreira, José M. S. G. 1989. "Enamel Structure and Occlusal Morphology of Wombat Molar Teeth", Journal of Fental Research 68, 4: 549 - 549.
46. PALAMARA, J; FERREIRA, JM; PHAKEY, PP; RACHINGER, WA; ORAMS, HJ. 1986. "KANGAROO AND WOMBAT ENAMEL COMPARED", Journal of Dental Research 65, 4: 480 - 480.
47. Ferreira, J.M.; Phakey, P.P.; Rachinger, W.A.; Palamara, J.; Orams, H.J.. 1985. "A microscopic investigation of enamel in wombat (Vombatus ursinus)", Cell and Tissue Research 242, 2: 349 - 355.

Indicadores de produção (Production indicators)

Produção científica
Scientific production

Artigos científicos em revistas
Papers in periodics
Com arbitragem científica
With scientific refereeing

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