Curriculum Vitae

Daniela Filipa Santos Silva

Data da última atualização »Last update : 29/01/2015

Daniela Filipa Santos Silva. Concluded Integrated Master in Dentistry - Faculty of Medicine of the University of Coimbra, Dentistry Department in 2011. Is applying Doctoral Programme in Health Sciences - Faculty of Medicine of the University of Coimbra, Dentistry Department since 2013.Has 21 items of technical production. Participated in 8 international events and 39 in Portugal. Co-supervised one master's thesis in the area of Other Medical Sciences. Received 3 awards and / or honors Is currently involved in three research projects. In his professional activities interacted with 6 collaborator in co-authorship of scientific papers.

Endereço de acesso a este CV:

Dados pessoais (Personal data)
Nome completo
Full name
Daniela Filipa Santos Silva
Nome em citações bibliográficas
Quoting name
Silva, D.S.
Domínio científico de atuação
Scientific domain
Ciências Médicas-Ciências da Saúde.
Ciências Médicas-Outras Ciências Médicas.
Endereço profissional
Professional address
Faculty of Medicine of the University of Coimbra, Dentistry Department
Av. Bissaya Barreto, Bloco de Celas
3000-075 Coimbra
Telefone: (+351)239484183
Correio electrónico:

Graus Académicos (Academic Degrees)
2006-2011 Mestrado
Master degree
Integrated Master in Dentistry (5 anos » years) .
Faculty of Medicine of the University of Coimbra, Dentistry Department, Portugal.

Formação complementar ( studies)
2013 Curso de curta duração
Short course
Practical Course Mucograft hands-on .
Portuguese Society of Periodontology and Implants, Portugal.

2013 Curso de curta duração
Short course
Photography Advanced Practical Course.
Portuguese Society of Periodontology and Implants, Portugal.

2012 Curso de curta duração
Short course
Periodontology: Crown lengthening Techniques clinical applications .
Continuous Training Centre of the Portuguese Dental Association, Portugal.

2012 Curso de curta duração
Short course
Hands-on Course "Periodontal flap surgery" (Dr. Peter Eickholz).
University of Heidelberg, Alemanha.

2012 Curso de curta duração
Short course
Regenerative Therapy with enamel matrix protein derivate (Emdogain ).
University of Heidelberg, Alemanha.

2012 Curso de curta duração
Short course
Hands-on Course "Tunnel preparation" (Prof. Dr. Dr. Ti-Sun Kim).
University of Heidelberg, Alemanha.

2012 Curso de curta duração
Short course
Hands-on Course "Preparation for implants, setting implants".
University of Heidelberg, Alemanha.

2011 Curso de curta duração
Short course
Endodontics: 2nd part Concepts and actual techniques of canalar preparation.
Continuous Training Centre of the Portuguese Dental Association, Portugal.

2011 Curso de curta duração
Short course
Hands-on Course of "Mechanized Endodontics".
Faculty of Medicine of the University of Coimbra, Dentistry Department, Portugal.

2011 Outros
Workshop of Diploic Anesthesia.
Faculty of Medicine of the University of Coimbra, Dentistry Department, Portugal.

2010 Curso de curta duração
Short course
Hands-on Course of Plastic Periodontal Surgery .
Faculty of Medicine of the University of Coimbra, Dentistry Department, Portugal.

2010 Curso de curta duração
Short course
Hands-on course of Clinical Aplications of MTA .
Faculty of Medicine of the University of Coimbra, Dentistry Department, Portugal.

2010 Curso de curta duração
Short course
Hands-on Course of Anterior Restorations with GrandioSO .
Continuous Training Centre of the Portuguese Dental Association, Portugal.

Vínculos profissionais (Professional Positions)
Faculty of Medicine of the University of Coimbra
Out/2012-Actual Senior Tutor

Atividades de Ensino (Teaching activities)
Faculty of Medicine of the University of Coimbra
Curso»Academic program: Integrated Master in Dentistry

Disciplinas lecionadas»Taught units:

  • Clinic Unit 2 (practical classes of Periodontology II)(Monitor)
  • Integrated Clinic Unit (practical classes of Periodontology III)(Monitor)

Projetos de Investigação (Research projects)
Participação como Investigador
Participation as Researcher
A efícácia de um sulfato de cálcio bifásico e de uma combinação com xenoenxerto no tratamento de defeitos infraósseos ensaio clinico randomizado-The effectiveness of a biphasic calcium sulphate and a xenograft combination in the treatment of infrabony defects - a randomized clinical trial
Referência do projeto»Project reference: Researcher at PhD Thesis.

Estudo multicêntrico sobre incidência e tratamento com antibióticos de Periodontite Agressiva e Periodontite Crónica Grave-Ethnic/geographical diferences in the microbiological profile of patients with severe chronic and aggressive periodontitis-multicentric prospective study
Referência do projeto»Project reference: Co-investigadora.

Participação como Mestrando
Participation as Master degree student
Avaliação histológica e perfilométrica das alterações radiculares decorrentes da utilização de curetas periodontais ou ultrassons piezoeléctricos, ex vivo-Histological and profilometric evaluation of root surface after instrumentation with a new piezoelectric device - ex vivo study
Referência do projeto»Project reference: Master thesis.

Línguas (Languages)
Português (Bem), Inglês (Bem), Espanhol (Pouco), Francês (Razoavelmente).
Português (Bem), Inglês (Bem), Espanhol (Pouco), Francês (Pouco).

Português (Bem), Inglês (Bem), Espanhol (Pouco), Francês (Razoavelmente).
Português (Bem), Inglês (Bem), Espanhol (Pouco), Francês (Pouco).

Prémios e títulos (Awards Prizes, and Honours)
2012 First prize communication “João Luís Maló de Abreu award”, XXI Annual Meeting of Dental Medicine and Stomatology of Coimbra.
2013 First prize on clinical poster category, Periodontology and Implants Portuguese Society (“SPPI”).
2014 2nd Prize on Posters Category, II Anual Meeting of Young SPPI.

Membro de Associações Profissionais/Científicas (Professional/Scientific Association membership)
Jan/2012 - Actual Portuguese Society of Periodontology and Implants ("SPPI"), Member.
Ago/2011 - Actual Portuguese Dental Association ( OMD ), Member.

Produção científica, técnica e artística/cultural (Scientific, technical and artistical/cultural production)
Artigos em revistas com arbitragem científica
Papers in periodics with scientific refereeing
1. Silva, D.S.; Martins, O; Matos, S; Lopes, P; Rolo, T; Baptista, I. 2014. "Histological and profilometric evaluation of the root surface after instrumentation with a new piezoelectric device - ex vivo study ", International Journal of Dental Hygiene, na: n/a - n/a.

Trabalhos completos/resumidos em eventos com arbitragem científica
Papers in conference proceedings with scientific refereeing
1. Silva, D.S.; Martins, O; Lopes, P; Domingues, E; Rolo, T; Baptista, I; Matos, S. 2012. "Histological and profilometric evaluation of root surface after instrumentation with a new piezoelectric device – ex vivo study", Trabalho apresentado em EuroPerio 7, In Journal of Clinical Periodontology, Vienna.

Apresentação oral de trabalho
Oral work presentation
1. Silva, D.S.. Multiple Root Coverage with modified coronal flap technique associated with connective tissue graft – Clinical Case,II Anual Meeting of Young SPPI ,Coimbra,2014 (Poster).
2. Silva, D.S.. Antimicrobial efficacy of minociclin on peri-implantitis implants decontamination: pilot study,XXIII Congress of OMD,Oporto,2014 (Poster).
3. Silva, D.S.. Esthetic and surgical correction of multiple recessions: clinical case with 2 year follow-up,7th Meeting of Portuguese Society of Dental Esthetic,Oporto,2014 (Poster).
4. Silva, D.S.. Implantoplasty on peri-implant defects. A case series,XXIII Congress of OMD,Oporto,2014 (Poster).
5. Silva, D.S.. Peri-implantitis treatment with Bio-oss® and Mucograft®” – a case report,Annual Meeting of Periodontology and Implants Portuguese Society (“SPPI”),Lisbon,2014 (Poster).
6. Silva, D.S.. Antimicrobial efficacy of locally delivered minocycline in decontaminating implants affected by peri-implantitis: a pilot study,61st Annual World Dental Congress of International Asssociation of Dental Students (IADS) and Young Dentists Worldwide (YDW),Yogyakarta,2014 (Comunicação).
7. Silva, D.S.. Minociclin and clorhexidine on chemical decontamination of implants: pilot study,XXXIV Congress of Portuguese Society of Stomatology and Dental Medicine ("SPEMD") 2014,Coimbra,2014 (Poster).
8. Silva, D.S.. Infra-bony defects treatment with Emdogain®: A 6 years follow-up clinical case,Annual Meeting of Periodontology and Implants Portuguese Society (“SPPI”),Coimbra,2013 (Poster).
9. Silva, D.S.. Multiple recessions treatment by Zucchelli: A 24 months follow-up clinical case,Annual Meeting of Periodontology and Implants Portuguese Society (“SPPI”),Coimbra,2013 (Poster).
10. Silva, D.S.. Hyaluronic acid utilization in non surgical periodontal tretament – Scientific review,XXII Congress of OMD,Lisbon,2013 (Poster).
11. Silva, D.S.. Decontamination of implants with peri-implantitis – literature review and a clinical case,XXII Annual Meeting of Dental Medicine and Stomatology of Coimbra,Coimbra,2013 (Poster).
12. Silva, D.S.. Multiple recessions treatment by Zucchelli: case series,XXI Annual Meeting of Dental Medicine and Stomatology of Coimbra,Coimbra,2012 (Comunicação).
13. Silva, D.S.; Martins, O; Lopes, P; Baptista, I. Histological and profilometric evaluation of root surface after instrumentation with a new piezoelectric device – ex vivo study,XXI Meeting of Portuguese Dental Association (“OMD”),Oporto,2012 (Comunicação).
14. Silva, D.S.. Histological and profilometric evaluation of root surface after instrumentation with a new piezoelectric device – ex vivo study,Europerio 7,Vienna,2012 (Poster).
15. Silva, D.S.. Early loading protocol for the rehabilitation of an atrophic mandible with two implants on the inter-mentonian: a clinical case,XX Annual Meeting of Dental Medicine and Stomatology of Coimbra – 1st International Meeting of Implantology of Coimbra,Coimbra,2011 (Poster).
16. Silva, D.S.. Probiotic Agents and Oral Health: a review,XIX Congress of OMD,Santa Maria da Feira,2010 (Poster).

Organização de evento
Event organization
1. Silva, D.S.. II Annual Meeting of the Young Portuguese Society of Periodontology and Implant,2014 (Congresso / Organização).
2. Silva, D.S.. Portuguese Society of Periodontology and Implants Annual Meeting,2013 (Congresso / Organização).
3. Silva, D.S.. XX Annual Meeting of Dental Medicine and Stomatology of Coimbra,2011 (Congresso / Organização).
4. Silva, D.S.. “ABC of Oral Health” Symposium,2010 (Simpósio / Organização).
5. Silva, D.S.. XIX Annual Meeting of Dental Medicine and Stomatology of Coimbra,2010 (Congresso / Organização).

Dados Complementares (Additional data)


Dissertação de Mestrado
Master degree dissertation
1. Nadine Caetano, Recobrimento radicular múltiplo com a técnica de posicionamento coronário modificado associada a enxerto de tecido conjuntivo - Revisão da literatura e relatório de casos clínicos , 2014. Dissertação (Integrated Master in Dentistry) - Faculty of Medicine of the University of Coimbra, Dentistry Department (Co-orientador).

Participação em eventos
Event participation
Outro tipo de participação
Other kind of participation
1. Gums & Joints Workshop - On the Edge: Periodontal and Autoimmune Diseases, 2014 (Workshop).
Nome do evento: Gums & Joints Workshop¿ - On the Edge: Periodontal and Autoimmune Diseases; Nome da Instituição: Gums & Joints; Cidade do evento: Kraków / Jagiellonian University, October 16th - 18th, 2014.
2. XXXIV Annual Congress of SPEMD 2014, 2014 (Congresso).
Nome do evento: XXXIV Annual Congress of SPEMD 2014; Nome da Instituição: SPEMD; Cidade do evento: Coimbra / Auditorium of the University Hospitals of Coimbra, October 10th - 11th, 2014.
3. II Anual Meeting of Young SPPI, 2014 (Congresso).
Nome do evento: II Anual Meeting of Young SPPI; Nome da Instituição: Portuguese Society of Periodontology and Implants; Cidade do evento: Coimbra / Quinta das Lágrimas Hotel, September 27th, 2014.
4. 7th Congress of Portuguese Society of Dental Esthetic, 2014 (Congresso).
Nome do evento: 7th Congress of Portuguese Society of Dental Esthetic; Nome da Instituição: Portuguese Society of Dental Esthetic; Cidade do evento: Oporto / Exponor, June 27th and 28th, 2014.
5. Portuguese Society of Periodontology and Implants Annual Meeting, 2014 (Congresso).
Nome do evento: Portuguese Society of Periodontology and Implants Annual Meeting; Nome da Instituição: Portuguese Society of Periodontology and Implants; Cidade do evento: Lisbon / Lisbon, May 10th, 2014.
6. 46th Meeting of the Continental European Division of the International Association for Dental Research (CED-IADR), 2013 (Congresso).
Nome do evento: 46th Meeting of the Continental European Division of the International Association for Dental Research (CED-IADR); Nome da Instituição: Continental European Division of the International Association for Dental Research; Cidade do evento: Florence / Palazzo dei Congressi, September 4th - 7th, 2013.
7. XXII Meeting of Portuguese Dental Association (“OMD”), 2013 (Congresso).
Nome do evento: XXII Meeting of Portuguese Dental Association (“OMD”); Nome da Instituição: Portuguese Dental Association (“OMD”); Cidade do evento: Lisbon / Congress Center, November 21st – 23rd, 2013.
8. XXII Annual Meeting of Dental Medicine and Stomatology of Coimbra, 2013 (Congresso).
Nome do evento: XXII Annual Meeting of Dental Medicine and Stomatology of Coimbra; Nome da Instituição: Faculty of Medicine of University of Coimbra, Dentistry Department; Cidade do evento: Coimbra / Auditorium of the University Hospitals of Coimbra, May 23rd – 25th, 2013.
9. I Inter-Universitary Symposium of Investigation in Dentistry, 2013 (Simpósio).
Nome do evento: I Inter-Universitary Symposium of Investigation in Dentistry; Nome da Instituição: Faculty of Medicine of University of Coimbra, Dentistry Department; Cidade do evento: Coimbra / Polo III - Faculty of Medicine of University of Coimbra, March 9th, 2013.
10. Portuguese Society of Periodontology and Implants Annual Meeting, 2013 (Congresso).
Nome do evento: Portuguese Society of Periodontology and Implants Annual Meeting; Nome da Instituição: Portuguese Society of Periodontology and Implants; Cidade do evento: Coimbra / Quinta das Lágrimas Hotel, February 2nd, 2013.
11. Photography Advanced Practical Course, 2013 (Workshop).
Nome do evento: Portuguese Society of Periodontology and Implants Annual Meeting; Nome da Instituição: Portuguese Society of Periodontology and Implants; Cidade do evento: Coimbra / Quinta das Lágrimas Hotel, February 1st, 2013.
12. Practical Course “Mucograft – hands-on”, 2013 (Workshop).
Nome do evento: Portuguese Society of Periodontology and Implants Annual Meeting ; Nome da Instituição: Portuguese Society of Periodontology and Implants; Cidade do evento: Coimbra / Quinta das Lágrimas Hotel, February 1st, 2013.
13. XXI Meeting of Portuguese Dental Association ( OMD ), 2012 (Congresso).
Nome do evento: XXI Meeting of Portuguese Dental Association ( OMD ); Nome da Instituição: Portuguese Dental Association ( OMD ); Cidade do evento: Oporto / Exponor, November 8th 10th, 2012.
14. Preparation for implants, setting implants (Dr. Christian Mertens), 2012 (Workshop).
Nome do evento: International Summerschool for Clinical Periodontology and Implantology University of Heidelberg; Nome da Instituição: Periodontology Department - Heidelberg University; Cidade do evento: Heidelberg / Periodontology Department - Heidelberg University.
15. Tunnel preparation (Prof. Dr. Dr. Ti-Sun Kim), 2012 (Workshop).
Nome do evento: International Summerschool for Clinical Periodontology and Implantology University of Heidelberg; Nome da Instituição: Periodontology Department - Heidelberg University; Cidade do evento: Heidelberg / Periodontology Department - Heidelberg University.
16. Regenerative Therapy with enamel matrix protein derivate (Emdogain®) and bone substitute (Prof. Dr. Dr. Ti-Sun Kim), 2012 (Workshop).
Nome do evento: International Summerschool for Clinical Periodontology and Implantology University of Heidelberg; Nome da Instituição: Periodontology Department - Heidelberg University; Cidade do evento: Heidelberg / Periodontology Department - Heidelberg University.
17. Periodontal flap surgery – Kirkland flap, modified Widman flap, distal wedge, papilla preservation flap (Dr. Peter Eickholz), 2012 (Workshop).
Nome do evento: International Summerschool for Clinical Periodontology and Implantology University of Heidelberg; Nome da Instituição: Periodontology Department - Heidelberg University; Cidade do evento: Heidelberg / Periodontology Department - Heidelberg University .
18. International Summerschool for Clinical Periodontology and Implantology , 2012 (Encontro).
Nome do evento: International Summerschool for Clinical Periodontology and Implantology ; Nome da Instituição: University of Heidelberg; Cidade do evento: Heidelberg / Periodontology Department - Heidelberg University, July 30th to August 10th, 2012.
19. EUROPERIO 7 (7th Congress of the European Federation of Periodontology), 2012 (Congresso).
Nome do evento: EUROPERIO 7 (7th Congress of the European Federation of Periodontology); Nome da Instituição: European Federation of Periodontology; Cidade do evento: Vienna / Messe Wien Exhibition & Conference Center, June 6th - 9th, 2012.
20. XXI Annual Meeting of Dental Medicine and Stomatology of Coimbra, 2012 (Congresso).
Nome do evento: XXI Annual Meeting of Dental Medicine and Stomatology of Coimbra; Nome da Instituição: Faculty of Medicine of University of Coimbra, Dentistry Department; Cidade do evento: Coimbra / Auditorium of the University Hospitals of Coimbra, May 24th – 26th , 2012.
21. End of day courses of OMD – Periodontology – “Crown lengthening Techniques – clinical applications”, 2012 (Conferência).
Nome do evento: End of day courses of OMD; Nome da Instituição: OMD; Cidade do evento: Leiria / Leiria, February 6th, 2012.
22. XX Meeting of Portuguese Dental Association (“OMD”), 2011 (Congresso).
Nome do evento: XX Meeting of Portuguese Dental Association (“OMD”) ; Nome da Instituição: Portuguese Dental Association (“OMD”) ; Cidade do evento: Lisbon / Congress Center.
23. Hands-on Course of Mechanized Endodontics, 2011 (Workshop).
Nome do evento: Curso Hands-on de Endodoncia Mecanizada; Nome da Instituição: Faculty of Medicine of University of Coimbra, Dentistry Department; Cidade do evento: Coimbra / Faculty of Medicine of University of Coimbra, Dentistry Department, October 1st, 2011.
24. Seminary “Aesthetical Indirect Restorations on posterior teeth: Adoro® System”, 2011 (Seminário).
Nome do evento: Seminary “Aesthetical Indirect Restorations on posterior teeth: Adoro® System”; Nome da Instituição: Faculty of Medicine of University of Coimbra, Dentistry Department; Cidade do evento: Coimbra / Faculty of Medicine University of Coimbra, Dentistry Department, May 16th , 2011.
25. End-of-day course of OMD – Endodontics – 2nd part “Concepts and actual techniques of canalar preparation”, 2011 (Conferência).
Nome do evento: End-of-day course of OMD; Nome da Instituição: OMD; Cidade do evento: Lisbon / Lisbon, February 7th, 2011.
26. Workshop of Diploic Anesthesia, 2011 (Workshop).
Nome do evento: Workshop of Diploic Anesthesia; Nome da Instituição: Faculty of Medicine of University of Coimbra, Dentistry Department; Cidade do evento: Coimbra / Faculty of Medicine of University of Coimbra, Dentistry Department, February 4th, 2011.
27. XX Annual Meeting of Dental Medicine and Stomatology of Coimbra – 1st International Meeting of Implantology of Coimbra, 2011 (Congresso).
Nome do evento: XX Annual Meeting of Dental Medicine and Stomatology of Coimbra – 1st International Meeting of Implantology of Coimbra; Nome da Instituição: Faculty of Medicine of University of Coimbra, Dentistry Department; Cidade do evento: Coimbra / Auditorium of the University Hospitals of Coimbra, June 2nd – 4th, 2011.
28. Symposium: “New Oral Rehabilitation Paradigms: Clinical and business perspective”, 2011 (Simpósio).
Nome do evento: Symposium: “New Oral Rehabilitation Paradigms: Clinical and business perspective”; Nome da Instituição: Box4, Lda; Cidade do evento: Coimbra / Coimbra, May 14th, 2011.
29. Hands-on Course of “Plastic Periodontal Surgery”, 2010 (Workshop).
Nome do evento: XIX Annual Meeting of Dental Medicine and Stomatology of Coimbra; Nome da Instituição: Faculty of Medicine of University of Coimbra, Dentistry Department; Cidade do evento: Coimbra / Faculty of Medicine of University of Coimbra, Dentistry Department, June 8th, 2010.
30. Hands-on course of “Clinical Aplications of MTA”, 2010 (Workshop).
Nome do evento: XIX Annual Meeting of Dental Medicine and Stomatology of Coimbra; Nome da Instituição: Faculty of Medicine of University of Coimbra, Dentistry Department; Cidade do evento: Coimbra / Faculty of Medicine of University of Coimbra, Dentistry Department, June 8th, 2010.
31. Hands-on Course of “Anterior Restorations with GrandioSO”, 2010 (Workshop).
Nome do evento: XIX Congress of “OMD”; Nome da Instituição: OMD; Cidade do evento: Oporto / Exponor, November 11th, 2010.
32. XIX Meeting of Portuguese Dental Association (“OMD”), 2010 (Congresso).
Nome do evento: XIX Meeting of Portuguese Dental Association (“OMD”); Nome da Instituição: Portuguese Dental Association (“OMD”); Cidade do evento: Oporto / Exponor, November 11th – 13th, 2010.
33. XX Meeting of Portuguese Society of Dental Medicine and Stomatology (“SPEMD”), 2010 (Congresso).
Nome do evento: XX Meeting of Portuguese Society of Dental Medicine and Stomatology (“SPEMD”); Nome da Instituição: Portuguese Society of Dental Medicine and Stomatology (“SPEMD”); Cidade do evento: Oporto / Oporto, October 14th – 16th, 2010.
34. "ABC of Oral Health" Symposium, 2010 (Simpósio).
Nome do evento: "ABC of Oral Health" Symposium; Nome da Instituição: Faculty of Medicine of University of Coimbra, Dentistry Department; Cidade do evento: Coimbra / Polo III - Faculty of Medicine of University of Coimbra, September 24th and 25th, 2010.
35. XIX Annual Meeting of Dental Medicine and Stomatology of Coimbra, 2010 (Congresso).
Nome do evento: XIX Annual Meeting of Dental Medicine and Stomatology of Coimbra; Nome da Instituição: Faculty of Medicine of University of Coimbra, Dentistry Department; Cidade do evento: Coimbra / Faculty of Medicine of University of Coimbra, Dentistry Department, June 7th – 11th, 2010.
36. Acção de Promoção da Saúde Oral, 2009 (Congresso).
Cidade do evento: Castanheira de Pera / Castanheira de Pera, May 2009.
37. VI Hospital do Ursinho, 2009 (Outra).
Cidade do evento: Coimbra / Coimbra, April 2009.
38. XVIII Meeting of Portuguese Dental Association (“OMD”), 2009 (Congresso).
Nome do evento: XVIII Meeting of Portuguese Dental Association (“OMD”); Nome da Instituição: Portuguese Dental Association (“OMD”); Cidade do evento: Lisbon / Congress Center, November 5th – 7th, 2009.
39. XX Meeting of Dental Medicine, 2009 (Congresso).
Nome do evento: XX Meeting of Dental Medicine; Nome da Instituição: Dentistry Faculty of Oporto; Cidade do evento: Oporto / Dentistry Faculty of Oporto, March 27th and 28th, 2009.
40. Scientific Session by “SPEMD”: Oral Surgery in the Dental Office by Dr. João Pedro Marcelino, 2009 (Conferência).
Nome do evento: Scientific Session by “SPEMD”: Oral Surgery in the Dental Office by Dr. João Pedro Marcelino; Nome da Instituição: Portuguese Society of Dental Medicine and Stomatology; Cidade do evento: Oporto / Dentistry Faculty of Oporto, March 10th, 2009.
41. V Hospital do Ursinho, 2008 (Outra).
Cidade do evento: Coimbra / Coimbra, April 2008.
42. XVII Meeting of Portuguese Dental Association (“OMD”), 2008 (Congresso).
Nome do evento: XVII Meeting of Portuguese Dental Association (“OMD”); Nome da Instituição: Portuguese Dental Association (“OMD”); Cidade do evento: Santa Maria da Feira / Europarque, November 20th – 22th, 2008.
43. XXVIII Meeting of Portuguese Society of Dental Medicine and Stomatology (“SPEMD”), 2008 (Congresso).
Nome do evento: XXVIII Meeting of Portuguese Society of Dental Medicine and Stomatology (“SPEMD”); Nome da Instituição: Portuguese Society of Dental Medicine and Stomatology (“SPEMD”); Cidade do evento: Coimbra / Auditorium of the University Hospitals of Coimbra, October 17th – 18th, 2008.
44. XVII Annual Meeting of Dental Medicine and Stomatology of Coimbra, 2008 (Congresso).
Nome do evento: XVII Annual Meeting of Dental Medicine and Stomatology of Coimbra; Nome da Instituição: Faculty of Medicine of University of Coimbra, Dentistry Department; Cidade do evento: Coimbra / Faculty of Medicine of University of Coimbra, Dentistry Department, April 25th and 26th, 2008.
45. XIX Meeting of Dental Medicine (Dentistry Faculty of Oporto), 2008 (Congresso).
Nome do evento: XIX Meeting of Dental Medicine; Nome da Instituição: Dentistry Faculty of Oporto; Cidade do evento: Oporto / Dentistry Faculty of Oporto, March 7th and 8th, 2008.
46. VI Dissection Course on natural pieces for 1st year students of Medicine and Dental Medicine, 2007 (Workshop).
Nome do evento: VI Dissection Course on natural pieces for 1st year students of Medicine and Dental Medicine; Nome da Instituição: University of Coimbra, Faculty of Medicine; Cidade do evento: Coimbra / Normal Anatomy Institute, May 3rd, 10th and 11th, 2007.
47. V Meeting of Medical Investigation, 2006 (Congresso).
Cidade do evento: Coimbra / University of Coimbra Reitoria Auditorium, November 23rd - 24th, 2006.

Indicadores de produção (Production indicators)

Produção científica
Scientific production

Artigos científicos em revistas
Papers in periodics
Com arbitragem científica
With scientific refereeing
Trabalhos em eventos
Papers in conference proceedings
Com arbitragem científica
With scientific refereeing

Produção técnica
Technical production

Outros tipos de produção técnica
Other technical production

Dados complementares
(Additional data)

Participação em Eventos
Event participation

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