Alexander Gerner

Bio | Situação no CFCUL | Produção Científica | CV

Alexander Gerner

Bio || Bio

Born on the 04.06.1970 in Friedrichshafen, is a theatre director /playright and researcher in philosophy. Currently (2/2013-) he holds a FCT Post-Doc grant with his research project “Philosophy of Cognitive Enhancement” at the Centre of Philosophy of Science at the Science Faculty of the University of Lisbon (supervisor Prof. Nuno Nabais). Philosophy of Cognitive Enhancement (PCE) deals with issues in relation to philosophy of health and medical humanities, philosophical anthropology, the philosophy of biomedical sciences including (Neuro-)Pharmacology and the Philosophy of (Neuro-) Cognitive Sciences: PCE provides a common framework for an epistemology, ethics and a philosophy of human technology and its social and political assessment.

In his multimedia theatre project Cut (1999) AG studied the “problem of perception” in the sense of the tension in between the real body its skin and the assumed identity in the tension of the material body/ virtual body. Since 2000, he works in collaboration exploring processes of search/discovery and creativity (as in Lost&Found. A office of search") in art and science. The project on Peirce´s abduction and the processes of scientific discovery brought him back to studying semiotics and pragmatics, and his research on attention gave way to a PhD with a FCT grant (2005-2009). "Philosophical Investigation on Attention". He concluded his PhD on the 29th of May 2012 with a degree in History and Philosophy of Science at the Faculty of Scicenes of the University of Lisbon. Moreover he is a current member of the research Project “Cognitive Foundation of the Self” at the IFL, New University of Lisbon where he recently co-organized the workshop on “Altered Self and Altered Self Experience”, and has made part of the Project “Image in Science and Art”(2006-2009) coordinated by Prof. Olga Pombo in which he focused on Diagrammatology and philosophical issues of Neuroaesthetics. In 2011 he was the recipient of a Study fellowship at CASBS (Stanford University) on Cognitive (Neuro-) Sciences and the Humanities.

Áreas de Interesse || Current Research

  1. Philosophy of Cognitive Enhancement
  2. Philosophy of Attention
  3. (Neuro-)ethics and (Neuro-)aesthetics
  4. Philosophy of the (social) Self and Altered Self Experience
  5. Philosophy of integrative Medicine
  6. Diagrammatology and Diagram Praxis: Maps, cognitive systems in science & art
  7. Philosophy of Gesture, gestures in cinema and performing arts
  8. Philosophy of Technology and human techniques
  9. Philosophy of cinema and cinematic experience

Situação no CFCUL || Position at the CFCUL

Membro Integrado Doutorado / Post-Doc FCT


Projecto Pós-Doc|| Post-Doc Research Project

Philosophy of cognitive enhancement
Orientação: Nuno Nabais
Início: 2013


Grupos de Investigação || Research Groups

Filosofia das Ciências Humanas, Ética e Política (Membro)

Ciência e Arte (Colaborador)

Área de Investigação Filosofia da Tecnologia (Head)

Área de Investigação Cartografias do Território (Colaborador)


Linhas Temáticas || Thematic Lines

Filosofia das Tecnologias do Humano (Head)

Medicina Personalizada: Desafios Bioéticos e Filosóficos (Membro)





Participação em Projectos || Participation in Projects

Em curso | Ongoing

Projecto internacional Knowledge Dynamics in the Field of Social Sciences: Abudction, Intuition and Invention (Membro)

Concluídos | Concluded
Projecto FCT A Imagem na Ciência e na Arte (Membro)

Projecto Internacional Lógica Universal e Unidade da Ciência (Membro)

Projecto Interno Abdução e Descoberta Científica (Membro)


Contactos || Contacts

Campo Grande, C4.3.20 - 1749-016 Lisboa, Portugal

+351 217 500 500 (Ext. 24320)


Página Pessoal




Produção Científica (Selecção) || Scientific Production (Selection)

Publicações || Publications

Livros / Books
  1. Mittelberg, I, Gerner, A (Eds.) Body Diagrams. Epistemic Kinetics of Gesture. Amsterdam (forthcoming)
  2. Gerner, A. (2016). STRATA - Geophilosophical Notes on Sérgio Costa. (Philosophy of Human Technology, Vol.I). BoD: Norderstedt. ISBN: 3-8370-7500-1, URN: 101:1-20160414814
  3. Gerner, A. Philosophical Investigations of Attention. Heidelberg (under contract)
  4. Gerner, A, Gonçalves, J.(Eds.). Altered Self and Altered Self-Experience, BoD. Norderstedt, 2014 (296 pp.) ISBN (ebook online): 978 -373-573-094-7, ISBN (print): 978-3-7357-6004-3
  5. O. Pombo, A. Gerner (Eds.). Studies in Diagrammatology and Diagram Praxis. College Publications (=Studies in Logic 24, Logic and Cognitive Systems) London 2010
  6. O. Pombo, A. Gerner (Eds.) Abduction and the Process of Scientific Discovery. Lisbon  (CFCUL): Publidisa. 2007. 383p.
Capítulos de Livros / Book Chapters
  1. Gerner A.M. (2019) Self-Melioration, Autonomy and Music-Enriched Self-Control: On Enhancing Children’s Attention (pp.155-182). In: Nagel S. (eds) Shaping Children Ethical and Social Questions that Arise when Enhancing the Young. Springer, Cham.
  2. Gerner, A. (2015). "Conceptual Personae of the "attentional self"," in: Fonseca, João / Gonçalves, Jorge (eds). Philosophical Perspectives on the Self (=Series: Lisbon Philosophical Studies - Uses of Languages in Interdisciplinary Fields - Volume 5) Bern, Berlin, Bruxelles, Frankfurt am Main, New York, Oxford, Wien, p.279-326, ISBN 978-3-0343-1402-2 pb. (Softcover), Access:
  3. Gerner, A. (2015). Enhancement as Deviation II. Five Rehearsals on a Philosophy of Enhancement in between Science and Art, P. B. Bastos, S.Venturelli, C.Rocha (coord.). Art and Human Enhancement (= International Meeting of rt and Technology; 14), 126-129, Part of ISBN: 978-972-789-458-1, ISSN: 2238-0272
  4. Gerner, A.(2014). Pensando o não estratificado com Sérgio Costa Strata//Thinking the Non-Stratified with Sérgio Costa's >Strata<" edição bilingue Inglês/ português. Arte Laguna Prize 2013/2014. Catalogue Text of the Arte Laguna Prize Exposition >Strata< at Carlos Carvalho Arte Contemporânea. Musaeum Edit/ Editore in Arte: Veneza, p.16-23 [Catálogo]
  5. Gerner, A. (2014). "Strata Desterramento e Virtualização na "Wunderkammer" de Sérgio Costa". Museu Geológico Lisboa, Academia das Ciências, 5 de Abril-3 de Meio; texto curiatorial. Catálogo: Lisboa [Poster]
  6. Gerner, A, Guerra, M (2014) "The Cinematic Self. Cinematic experience as "Out-of-Body" experience? In: Gerner, A, Gonçalves, J.(Eds.). Altered Self and Altered Self experience. BoD. Norderstedt, 2014 (296 pp.) ISBN (ebook online): 978 -373-573-094-7, ISBN (print): 978-3-7357-6004-3
  7. Gerner, A, Gonçalves, J. (2014) "Introduction" in , ibid. Altered Self and Altered Self experience. BoD. Norderstedt, 2014 (296 pp.) ISBN (ebook online): 978 -373-573-094-7, ISBN (print): 978-3-7357-6004-3
  8. "Diagrammatic thinking". [Encyclopedia entry] In: Vít Havránek/tranzit (eds.) Atlas of Transformation: jrp-ringier Zürich 2011, 173-184.
  9. "Notes on Diagrams and Maps". In: O. Pombo, A. Gerner (Eds.). Studies in Diagrammatology and Diagram Praxis. College Publications (=Studies in Logic 24, Logic and Cognitive Systems) London 2010, 167-190
  10. Olga Pombo and Alexander Gerner (2010). "Preface". In: Olga Pombo and Alexander Gerner (Eds.). Studies in Diagrammatology and Diagram Praxis, London: College Publications, i-v
  11. "Critical notes on two forms of reductionism: some shortcomings of both strong conceptual and strong neuroaesthetic accounts of aesthetics". In: Olga Pombo, Silvia Di Marco, Marco Pina (Eds.). Neuroaesthetics. Can science explain art? Lisbon: Fim de Século 2010, p.139-163
Peer Reviewed Articles/Abstracts with International Circulation
  1. Gerner, A. (2016). On the virtual "uncanny". Cognitive enhancements of transformed self-self and self-other relations by Avatar/ Virtual Reality technology between Virtual double extensions and technohuman detachments, in: CFCUL (ed.). ICPOS Abstract Book, p.100-103. Publicado: 2016-12-28
  2. Gerner, A. (2016) "Five Philosophical Notes on "Migration" and its Metaphorology", in Daniel Lanero Táboas (ed.) Migração/Migration/Migracions (=Mateus Doc, XI) Villa Real/Santiago de Compostela, pp.169-191, ISBN 978-989-97281-1-0, ISSN 2182-1569 (impresso), ISSN 2182-1577 (em linha),
    Disponível online em:
  3. Gerner, A. (2016), "Introduction: Data without interpretation or interpretation without object?" in Daniel Lanero Táboas (ed.) Migração/Migration/Migracions (=Mateus Doc, XI) Villa Real/Santiago de Compostela, pp.133-136, ISBN 978-989-97281-1-0, ISSN 2182-1569 (impresso), ISSN 2182-1577 (em linha),
    Disponível online em:
  4. Gerner, A. (2016). "Towards A Philosophy Of Human Technology: Outlook On Cognitive Enhancements In Avatar/ Virtual Reality Schizophrenia Therapy" Complexitas - Rev. Fil. Tem., Belém, v. 1, n. 1, p. 118-138, jan/jun. 2016, ISSN: 2525-4154
  5. Gerner, A (2015). "Philosophical framework of Integrative Enhancements of perspective –taking and Virtual (ex-) bodiment in schizophrenia by psychosomatic CAST" in: Psychother Psychosom 2015;84(suppl 1), p. 25, ISBN 978-3-318-05624-2, DOI: 10.1159/000438780,
  6. GernerA (2015). "Philosophical notes on Enhancement of perspective–taking and embodiment in Avatar based schizophrenia therapy" in: Psychother Psychosom 2015; 84(suppl 1): p.25-26 ISBN 978-3-318-05624-2, DOI: 10.1159/000438780,
  7. Gerner, A. (2015)."Notes on embodied and disembodied notions of infinity and continuity (considering C.S. Peirce, Rudy Rucker´s 'White Light' and Milan Kundera´s 'Immortality')" in: Pedro Lind (ed.). Infinito/Infinity (Mateus Doc, Vol.8), Vila Real, 55-78, Part of ISSN: 21821569, ISBN: 9789899728110, ISSN: 21821577.
  8. Gerner, A, Merrill, R. (2014) "Introdução". In: Desvio/Detour (Caderno Mateus Doc, 7), coordenado por Alexander Gerner & Roberto Merrill. IICM: Vila Real, pp. 17-23
  9. Gerner, A. (2014). Enhancement as Deviation: Notes on a Philosophy of Enhancement. In: Alexander Gerner & Roberto Merill (Coord.). Desvio/Detour (=Caderno Mateus Doc, 7). IICM: Vila Real, 95-122 online edition
     ISSN: 2182-1577 ISBN: 979-989-97281-1-0 ISSN (impresso): 2182-1569
  10. Gerner, A (2013) "The relation of attention, pain and perspective-taking in integrative medicine: "enhanced distraction techniques of attention", Psychother Psychosom 2013;82 (suppl 1:34), 122 ICPM peer reviewed in: Barbosa, A, Cosci, F. (2013) Psychotherapy and Psychsomatics Abstracts: Psychosomatic Assessment and Integrative Care. 22nd World Congress on Psychosomatic Medicine, Lisbon September 12-14,2013 [blind peer reviewed abstract published as article (international circulation; Impact Factor of publication 7.230 in 2012].
  11. Gerner, A (2013) "Towards a philosophy of cognitive enhancement (PCE). Techno-philosophical, epistemological and neuroethical challenges for an expanded and altered self experience" SPT2013 18th International World Conference of the Society for Philosophy and Technology at ISEG, Technical University of Lisbon, Portugal July 4-6, 2013 Accepted Abstract (Blind Peer reviewed) international blind reviewed abstract published online.
Artigos / Articles
Peer reviewed
  1. Gerner, A. (2018). Oikos der Alterität. Drei Ouvertüren zu einer Ökonomie, Ökologie und Echologie der Aufmerksamkeit, Dieter Mersch & Michael Meyer (Eds.), Ökologie/Ökonomie (=Jahrbuch für Medienphilosophie, Vol.4), de Gryther: Berlin, 169-184. DOI:
  2. Gerner, A. (2017). Probing Cognitive Enhancements of Social “Resonance” – Towards a Aesthetic Community of Sensing and Making Music Together. Kairos. Journal of Philosophy & Science, 19(1), pp. 93-133. DOI:10.1515/kjps-2017-0005
  3. Gerner, A. (2008). "Pontes diplomáticos e a arte politica. Alkantara 2008". Sinais de Cena 10/2008, 103-106
other publications
  1. Gerner, A. (2015). "Notes on >Fucking Hazziness<. Sérgio Costa´s Strata Sampling Puzzles (2015)". Catálogo Galeria BangBang. Lisboa
  2. 2010 >Threshold(ing)<. Cracks in the "landscape of experience" (2010) Catalogue of the Exhibition >Thresholding< of Sérgio Costa at the Pedro Serrenho Gallery Lisbon 2011.
  3. "Visita guiada no jardim do >aqui e agora<" (Guided Tour in the Garden of "Here and Now". Exhibition Catalogue of the Exposition of Miguel Rondon >aqui e agora< (2010).
  4. "Visions of Europe. Notes on the activation of the Lisbon treaty" (activação do Tratado de Lisboa) (2009) bilingual English/portuguese.
  5. "Quantas dimensões têm a sombra?" (How many dimensions has the shadow?) Catalogue of the Exhibition of Miguel Rondon: "Pintar a Sombra" Cultural Center Estremoz (2009)
  6. "On `My Paradoxical Knives" by Ali Moini" (2009)
  7. "Precarious Giants of the Upside Down" (2009)
Traduções / Translations
  1. "Praça dos Heróis" (Heldenplatz), de Thomas Bernhard, leitura encenada c/ Francisco Luís Parreira, Eterno Retorno, Lisboa_ co-translation, lecture

Reuniões Científicas || Scientific Meetings

Comunicações / Talks
  1. "Anmerkungen zu Lost & Found im Theater-Spiel, Regeln-des-Spiels und (Such-) maschinen von Alterität", no âmbito da Conferência, Ludification in Theater Neue Utopien des Theatralen. Universidade de Zurique. 29-30 May 2018
  2. "How can we enhance perspectives on pediatric (neuro)enhancement of attention?" Universität Osnabrück, Germany. In Klausurwoche/Research Week on Pediatric Neuro-Enhancement Ethical, social, and legal questions in comparison between North America and Germany. Organisation: Dr. Saskia Nagel (University of Twente, Netherlands)
  3. "On the virtual "uncanny". Cognitive enhancements of transformed self-self and self-other relations by Avatar/ Virtual Reality technology between Virtual double extensions and technohuman detachments" no Simpósio intitulado "On the Uncanny: Interdisciplinary Perspectives between Art, Science and Human Technology" no âmbito da Conferência internacional Third Lisbon International Conference on Philosophy of Science: Contemporary Issues. organizada pelo CFCUL, 16 Dezembro 2016, Fórum Lisboa.
  4. "Probing Cognitive Enhancements in Social "resonance": the case of aesthetic community of sensing and playing music together" (Coordination Martin Bauer) Conference:  Common Sense and Science & Technology, CFCUL_ISCTE org. by the network "RICOS"(London School of Economics) 28th-29th.10.2016, Lisbon 29/10/2016 ISCTE, 09h45-10h30
  5. "Gestures of Distraction. Towards a Philosophy of Cognitive Enhancement". Invited conference at the international conference « L'amélioration. L'humain entre vie et technique », organized by the directors of the Collège international de philosophie Gilles Barroux, Anne Lefebvre, Julie Henry e Emmanuel Salanskis, at the Collège international de philosophie.
  6. "Enhancing children? Philosophical and Policy Issues of Pediatric (Neuro-)enhancement of Attention". 16th of June 2016 10h30-17h. Faculdade de Ciências, Campo Grande. Sala: 6.2.45 Workshop  Policy- advice, public space, democratic values and (parliamentary) Technology Assessment
  7. "Beyond "Crimes against minds": Mapping cognitive "enhancement" technologies (ethical, policy, (criminal) law, and human rights aspects)(=Moral Enhancement and Penal Law System I)" 8th of June 2016 17h30-18h30 Lisbon University Law School
  8. "Mapa breve em direcção a uma filosofia do melhoramento cognitivo". Apresentação, por convite, de Alexander Gerner no "Debate sobre Ética nas Ciências da vida: melhoramento cognitivo" da Ciência Viva, no âmbito do Ciclo de Debates sobre Ética nas Ciência da Vida co-organizados pela Ciência Viva e o Conselho Nacional de Ética para as Ciências da Vida (CNECV), 25 de Fevereiro 2016, 19h30 no Pavilhão do Conhecimento – Ciência Viva. Lisboa
  9. "Philosophy of gesture-based cognitive enhancements – Notes on Gesture, diagram, embodiment". Apresentação no âmbito do Seminário «BEYOND SPACE - Dialogue 06», 27 de Janeiro, 15h - 16h30, FAUL, Auditório 4.0.23. [+info] [abstract]
  10. "Strata.Geophilosophical Notes on Sérgio Costa" CFCUL Journées d'études Le morphologique au carrefour de l'empirique, du formel et du logique. Sous la responsabilité de Carlos Lobo (CIPh/CFCUL) et Nuno Nabaïs (CFCUL) 11.2.2016, 14-15h
  11. "Technologies of Encounters of Projective and Avatar Selves. Philosophical notes on Cognitive Enhancements in Avatar based schizophrenia therapy", International Workshop "Schizophrenia and Common Sense Workshop", IFILNOVA, 5.11.2015 | 11.40-12.00
  12. "Transforming perspectives on Enhancement. Notes on a Philosophy of Perspective enhancements of self-other relations in post-normal science". Enhancing Understanding of Enhancement International Conference. Beograd.
  13. Participation at the international symposium Mateus Doc 9, Migration-migracion-migração with the Invited Introduction "6 Philosophical Notes on a Metaphorology of >Migration<" organized by Instituto Internacional Casa de Mateus (Vila Real, Portugal) and Consello da Cultura Galega (Spain) in Santiago di Compostella, Casa de Europa, Spain
  14. "Philosophical notes on Enhancement of perspective–taking and embodiment in Avatar based schizophrenia therapy". 22th of August 2015, 9-10h30. Oral presentation at the simposium at the World congress of Psychosomatic Medicine, ALSH1, 9-10h30 Simposium 9. CHAIRS: LEOMBRUNI P (ITALY), BARBOSA A (PORTUGAL) Barbosa A, Barbosa F, Barbosa M, Gerner A, Leombruni P "Learning Issues in Psychosomatic Medicine", Scottish Exhibition and Conference Centre (SECC), Glasgow, UK. [Program] [Abstract]
  15. "Philosophical framework of Integrative Enhancements of perspective–taking and Virtual (ex-)bodiment in schizophrenia by psychosomatic CAST". Poster presentation (poster number P2.75) at the Poster Session 2 on Saturday 22nd August 2015 at the 23rd World Congress of Psychosomatic Medicine Glasgow, Scottish Exhibition and Conference Centre (SECC). [Program] [Abstract].
  16. "Can we enhance attention, love, or self-other relations? Cartographic Outlook on a >Philosophy of Cognitive Enhancement< ". Invited conference by Alexander Gerner presented at first simposium of the douctoral program in Psychology SimPsi I, University of Oporto 10th of July 2015 in the symposium "Cognitive Enhancement" with Sara Cavaco, Ph.D., Universidade do Porto, Portugal João Bettencourt Relvas, Ph.D., Universidade do Porto, Portugal moderated by São Luís Castro, Ph.D., Universidade do Porto, Portugal. [Programa]
  17. "Philosophical and policy issues of >Enhancement< (cognitive, social, moral, virtual) in relation to different concepts of (mental) Health and Medicine". 5th of June 2014 FCUL, Alexander Gerner (CFCUL)
  18. "Notes on the Dialogic Structure of Self-Control. Peircean Contributions for Cognitive, social/moral and scientific enhancements". Presented on the 9th of June 2015 at the international workshop THE ACTUALITY OF PEIRCE'S THOUGHT II. The Lisbon Centennial Peirce Workshop II, CFCUL, Faculty of Science University of Lisbon
  19. "Introduction". International Workshop "Gestural Techniques of Thinking and Knowing I: Movement, Embodiment, Gesture". 29th of June 2015, Faculty of Science, University of Lisbon
  20. Alexander Gerner: "Body Diagrams and Cognitive Enhancement Techniques of Thinking and (Non-)Knowing: On Epistemic, Anthropotechnical and intimate Gestures". International Workshop "Gestural Techniques of Thinking and Knowing I: Movement, Embodiment, Gesture". 29th of June 2015, Faculty of Science, University of Lisbon.
  21. "Resonanzproben. Philosophische Anmerkungen zu "intimen Gesten". Invited conference at the international simposium 21./22 of May 2015. "Resonanz in der Interaktion: Erscheinungsformen und Effekte" at the Freiburg Institute for Advanced Studies in cooperation of Stephan Pfänder (Linguistics) with Thiemo Breyer (Philosophy) University of Cologne. Location: Freiburg Institut for Advanced Studies (, Alberstr. 19, 79104 Freiburg, Germany Seminarraum Erdgeschoss. [Program]
  22. "Notes on Enhanceing knowledge by moving gestures of thought. diagram-gestures. continuity of social gesture". International WORKSHOP PHILOSOPHY OF TECHNOLOGY II: Machine, Affordance, Information, Gesture Organized by Alexander Gerner. Linha temática >Philosophy of Human Technology. 12th of March 2015, CFCUL. Auditório da FFCUL, C1, 3º andar 10h-13h30 11h30-12h00
  23. "Gestures of Distraction. Towards a Philosophy of Cognitive Enhancement", apresentação por convite, no âmbito da Conferência Internacional «L'amélioration. L'humain entre vie et technique», organizada por Gilles Barroux, Anne Lefebvre, Julie Henry e Emmanuel Salanskis, 01 a 03 de Outubro de 2015, Collège International de Philosophie, Paris.
  24. Notes on epistemic enhancements by "moving (pictures) gestures of thought" Comunicação de Alexander Gerner no âmbito do Simpósio Body Diagrams. On the Epistemic Kinetics of Gesture integrado no 14th International Congress of the German Society of Semiotics, 24 de Setembro, 10h, University of Tübingen, Alemanha. [Cartaz] [Programa] [Abstract]
  25. Can we enhance attention? Towards a semiotics of attention State University of S. Paulo, Marilia 10-13.12.2013 VII Colóquio Internacional de Filosofia da Mente, "Informação e Ação: Novos Paradigmas no estudo da Mente" Universidade Estadual Paulista UNESP Campus de Marília
  26. Can we enhance love? Philosophical notes on "Love magic" in the time of pharmacological "neuroenhancements" and "neuroethics" of love and intimate relationships, NTNU, Norwegian University of Science and Technology Norway, Love Magic international workshop 6-7.12 2013
  27. "Eternal Sunshine in 'spotted minds'? On the enhancement of forgetting and optogenetic control mechanisms" at the symposium "Science" and "Control" in the 21st century. Critical approaches towards techniques, technologies and "enhancements" of the mind" organized by Alexander Gerner (CFCUL, Portugal), S4 4th of December 2013, at the international conference "Philosophy of Science in the 21st century – Challenges and Tasks, 4-6 December 2013 | Lisbon | Portugal, Faculty of Science, Room C6.2.52 14h50-16h50 with Alexander Gerner , Sean A. Hays (Centre for the Study of the Sciences and the Humanities, University of Bergen, Norway, and Nuno Nabais (CFCUL, Portugal)
  28. "Diferentes Noções de (Des-)encarnação/Different Notions of (Dis)embodiment" ,13/11/2013 Hospital Julio de Matos (Centro Hospitalar Psiciátrico Julio de Matos), Conference in the Permanent Seminary of "Cognitive Foundations of Self" and the Formation of the medical speciality of Psychiatry, Av. De Brazil 53, Room 29 9-11h
  29. "Notes on the "pharmakon" and the self. Can we enhance the existential feeling of self?" presented at Theories of Self. Workshop organized by Alexander Gerner (CFCUL) and J. Gonçalves (IFL FCSH-UNL) no âmbito do projecto de investigação FCT "Cognitive Foundation of Self" PTDC/FIL-FCI/110978/2009 at the Foundation of the Faculty of Science Auditorium C1, Floor 3,
  30. "The relation of attention, pain and perspective-taking in integrative medicine: "enhanced distraction techniques of attention"14.9.2013, Marriott Hotel Lisbon at the Panel "Philosophy and Psychsomatic Medicine" at the international 22nd World Congress on Psychosomatic Medicine, of Psychosomatic Assessment and Integrative Care Lisbon September 12-14,2013
  31. "Towards a philosophy of cognitive enhancement (PCE). Techno-philosophical, epistemological and neuroethical challenges for an expanded and altered self experience" 18th International Conference of the Society for Philosophy and Technology, "Technology in the Age of Information" SPT 2013 congress, ISEG, Technical University of Lisbon Portugal July 4-6, 2013 [Webpage]
  32. "On Strata, Maps and Smoke" Workshop of Alexander Gerner and Sérgio Costa, Deleuze Camp 1st of July 2013 Fábrica Braço de Prata, Lisbon 14-17h
  33. "The Techno-Human Condition in the XXI. Century" Symposium with presentations of Hermínio Martins, José Luís Garcia, Alexander Gerner, Nuno Nabais and José Bragança –Miranda, Fábrica Braço de Prata, Lisbon, 26 of June 2013 21h30 organized by Alexander Gerner and Nuno Nabais
  34. "Anthropotechnics and Biopolitics II , "Philosophy of Cognitive Enhancement" with N. Nabais , A. Gerner and N. Melim, CFCUL, 5.6.2013 Room 8.2.23 15h-17h
  35. "Enhancement as >widening the zone of exercises<. Notes on Sloterdijks acrobatic ethics of hyperbolic tension and excessive repetition." Anthropotechnics and Biopolitics I, CFCUL 29th May 2013 8.2.20 15-17h
  36. "Cinematic Experience as Out-of-Body Experience" by Gerner, A., Guerra, M. International Workshop "Altered Self and Altered Self Experience", IFL , New University of Lisbon, Faculty of Social Science and the Humanities, 30-31 of May 2013 IFL, FCSH-UNL, 10-18h organized by A. Gerner & J. Gonçalves
  37. "Towards a philosophical framework of Cognitive Enhancement" 24.4.2013 CFCUL Sala 8.2.16 (Edifício C8, 2 andar, Sala 16)||15h-17h Introductory Session_
  38. "Outlook on the project "Philosophy of Cognitive Enhancement" presentation at the workshop "Meeting with the Centre for the Study of the Sciences and the Humanities (University of Bergen) and ISCTE: Activities, papers, projects" CFCUL, 16th of April 2013 Room 3.2.16 14-18h organized by Alexander Gerner (CFCUL)
  39. "Thomas Fuchs notion of schizophrenia as self- disorder of disembodiment" permanent seminary "Cognitive Foundations of the Self" 05/04/2013, Room 1.05, IFL-FCSH-UNL, New University of Lisbon 11h-13h
  40. “Am I looking at my “self”? Notes on the notion of self in different “autoscopic  phenomena”“ WORKSHOP: ALTERAÇÕES DA EXPERIÊNCIA DE SI” 30th of January 2013, 16:45 - 17:30, Sala 1.06, IFL, FCSH-UNL, Lisbon, Avenida de Berna, nº 26, Lisbon
  41. "Philosophical Issues of «Cognitive Enhancement»" 8th of January 2013. conference organized by SAHFC (Secção Autónoma de História e Filosofia das Ciências) Science Faculty of the University of Lisbon FCUL, Edifício C8, Sala 8.2.19, 13h - 14h30
  42. "What is a cartographic thinking?" Fundación La Caixa, Barcelona for the exhibition "Cartografías contemporáneas. Dibujar el pensamiento" invite of Helena Tatay (curator) 1/2 of May 2012 (talk projected as part of the exhibition from 25.7-26.10.2012
  43. "Sentient Gestures"? Notes on effordless attentional self, IFL, New University of Lisbon, "Thinking with Shaun Gallagher. Workshop with Shaun Gallagher on the Philosophy of Embodiment, Self and Agency" 1st-2nd of March 2012, Room M3, 4th floor I&D building
  44. "Philosophical Investigations of Attention". Postgraduation Workshop SAHFC Fundação da Faculdade das Ciências da Universidade de Lisboa 19.1.2012
  45.  “On Attentional Mapmaking”. First Lisbon International Conference of Philosophy . University of Lisbon, Thinking the Twentieth Century: Philosophy and its Conditions Faculty of Letters, Auditório I, FLUL, 29th of October 2011
  46. Roundtable panel moderation „Philosophy of Image“ with Prof. Ernst Pöppel (Neuroscience LMU Munich) and Prof. Lambert Wiesing (Philosophy; University of Jena) „Image in Science and Art“ Conference 17th of February 2011 Gulbenkian Foundation Lisbon
  47. „Notes on Thomas Metzinger: >The Ego Tunnel and non-standard self experiences<“. IFL, 7th of January 2011 („Cognitive Foundation of Self“)
  48.  “Metaphorology of Attention”. II Jornada de pós-graduação. Apresentação de Investigação em curso.15th January 2010 CFCUL, Science Faculty of the University of Lisbon 8.2.13
  49. "Beyond the myth of "the" self and its (self-)model: Notes on a cartographic self". International Workshop of the research project „Consciousness, Self and Emotion“:  "Metaphysics of Self", New University of Lisbon (Institute of Language Philosophy IFL) 11th of December 2009
  50. "Notes on diagrammatic knowledge in contemporary map art". International interdisciplinary Workshop "Diagrammatology and Diagrammatic Praxis“ 24th of March 2009, CFCUL, Amphitheatre of the Foundation of the Science Faculty of the University of Lisbon
  51. "Distractions of habitual attention routines: Notes on attending in aesthetic and art-object experience" , 9th of March 2009, International Workshop "Neuroaethetics", CFCUL, Anfiteatro da Fundação da FCUL University of Lisbon
  52. "Philosophical Investigation of Attention", 1st Meeting of postgraduation of the Center of Philosophy of Science CFCUL 4th of March 2009, FCUL
  53. "On Attention Metaphors", 4th Iberic Peninsular Meeting of Philosophy of Science, Logics and Language at the University of Sevilha (Spain) 24th February
  54. "On the philosophy of >Attention< in Hans Blumenberg“ . 2nd Internacional Meeting of the project Phenomenology and Neokantism.“Caverns of Modernity. In turn of Hans Blumenberg“ University of Évora, Portugal.  17th of November 2008
  55. “Pilots of complex relations. On Diagrams and Conceptual Mappings in Contemporary Art“ Conference in the CFCUL Workshop – Diagrammatic Reasoning with Michael Hoffmann (Giorgia Institute of Technology, USA) 3th of June 2008, 10h (3.1.10), FCUL
  56. "Mergulhar, Responder, Gritar: Para uma poética da atenção em Paul Celan e Paul Valéry". (Dive, respond, scream: Aproximation towards a Poetics of Attention in Paul Celan and Paul Valéry”)  Workshop"Poéticas"(Poetics) CFCUL, 28th of May 2008
  57. “Para uma farmacologia da imagem” (For a pharmacology of the image). Lisbon Fábrica Braço de Prata, Ciclo Deleuze 3rd of April 2008
  58. "Aufmerksamkeitsdiagramme. Anmerkungen zur diagrammatischen Erkenntnisentwicklung" („Attention Diagrams. Notes on the diagrammatic knowledge development“)Junges Forum für Bildwissenschaft III  Masslose Bilder. Berlin Brandenburg Academy of Sciences (BBVA), Berlin Germany,  in collaboration with the Schering Foundation of Art & Science, 27th- 28th of March 2008, Invited Talk of the international Expert-Workshop of the research project "The World as Image". (Accepted peer-reviewed abstract)
  59. "`(...) a wider sense than is usual´“. The diagram and the process of diagrammatic reasoning in Peirce"; 10th of March 2008; "Image in Science and Art" Research group, CFCUL University of Lisbon. FCUL, 1.3.29
Organização de Conferências / Conference Organization
  1. Organizer of the Panel debate with Prof. Peter Galison (Harvard University)  and Dr. Mara Almeida (ITQB) at the ICPOS conference 2016 Lisbon, Forum Lisboa,  on "Containment" - a film by Peter Galison  (Pellegrino University Professor of the History of Science and of Physics at Harvard University) and Robb Moss (filmmaker, professor and chair of the Department of Visual and Environmental Studies at Harvard University)
  2. Co-organiser of the CFCUL International Congress ICPOS 2016 (Third Lisbon International Conference on Philosophy of Science: Contemporary Issues) organized by CFCUL) Lisbon ICPOS 14-16 December, 2016 | Lisbon, Portugal l Forum Lisboa, Av. de Roma Lisbon between the 14th and the 16th of December 2016.
  3. Chair and Organiser of ICPOS, Keynote Address of the thematic line "Philosophy of Human Technology" with Mark Coeckelbergh  (University of Vienna/and De Montfort University, UK) "Should we care about robots?" Lisbon ICPOS 14-16 December, 2016 | Lisbon, Portugal l Forum Lisboa, Av. de Roma Lisbon between the 14th and the 16th of December 2016.
  4. Organizador do "Policy Advice, Public Space, Democratic Values and (parliamentary) Technology Assessment, Workshop" organizado pela linha temática Philosophy of Human Technology: Modulo I _ Philosophy of Human Technology assessment and policy advice (CFCUL). 16 Junho 2016, 10h30 - 17h00, FCUL, Sala 6.2.45 [cartaz] [programa]
  5. Organizer of the Reading Group at the CFCUL: "Philosophy of Human Technology Assessment and Policy advice", Debate on several authors such as Grunwald, Armin (2013). Techno-visionary Sciences Challenges to Policy Advice in:Science, Technology & Innovation Studies Vol. 9, No. 2, October 2013, 21-38 ISSN: 1861-3675 [pdf]
  6. Organizador do Workshop Internacional Gestural Techniques of Thinking and Knowing I: Movement, Embodiment, Gesture, no âmbito da linha temática Philosophy of Human Technology, 29 de Junho 2015, 10h00-13h30, FCUL, Auditório 1.3.33 A.
  7. Co-organizer/ scientific comitee "Joint meeting: Philosophy of Personalized Medicine & Philosophy of Human Technology". Organization: CFCUL. Linha temática: "Philosophy of Personalized Medicine" (A. Barbosa, Silvia di Marco). Linha temática: "Philosophy of Human Technology" (A.Gerner) . Lisbon, 5 June 2015, Faculty of Science, Room 8.2.39 10-18h. [Program]
  8. Chair and Organizer of the international workshop THE ACTUALITY OF PEIRCE'S THOUGHT II. The Lisbon Centennial Peirce Workshop II 9th of June 2015. FFCUL, Auditórium C1, 3rd floor Faculty of Science University of Lisbon. Organized by Alexander Gerner, Philosophy of Human Technology, CFCUL. Keynote Speaker: Michael Hoffmann (PhD) Georgia Tech University, USA, Director of the >Philosophy, Science and Technology Programme< [Program]
  9. International WORKSHOP PHILOSOPHY OF TECHNOLOGY II: Machine, Affordance, Information, Gesture Organized by Alexander Gerner. Linha temática >Philosophy of Human Technology. 12th of March 2015, CFCUL. Auditório da FFCUL, C1, 3º andar 10h-13h30 11h30-12h00
  10. Co-organizador de The Actuality of Peirce's Thought. The Lisbon Centennial (1839-1914) Peirce Workshop 2014 no âmbito da Linha de Investigação Filosofia das Tecnologias do Humano, 11 de Novembro 2014, 10h - 18h, Auditório da Fundação da FCUL.
  11. Co-organizador do simpósio Body Diagrams. On the Epistemic Kinetics of Gesture integrado no 14th International Congress of the German Society of Semiotics, 23 a 26 de Setembro de 2014, Universidade de Tübingen, Alemanha.
  12. Co-organizador da conferência "The phenomenology and development of social perspectives" proferida por Thomas Fuchs - Karl Jaspers Professor for Philosophical Foundations no âmbito do grupo de Investigação Cognitive Foundations of Self, 17 de Julho de 2014, das 10h00 às 13h30 no Edifício ID, sala Multiusos 3 da Universidade Nova de Lisboa.
  13. Co-organizador da conferência "The Self and Schizophrenia" proferida por Thomas Fuchs - Karl Jaspers Professor for Philosophical Foundations no âmbito do grupo de Investigação Cognitive Foundations of Self, 16 de Julho de 2014, das 14h30 às 18h30 no Edifício ID, sala Multiusos 3 da Universidade Nova de Lisboa.
  14. Organizational Committee of the international conference Philosophy of Science in the 21st Century – Challenges and Tasks 4-6 December, 2013 | Lisbon, CFCUL, Portugal [Website]
  15. Scientific Board and Co-organizer “Theories of Self”. Workshop organized by Alexander Gerner (CFCUL) and J. Gonçalves (IFL FCSH-UNL) no âmbito do projecto de investigação FCT “Cognitive Foundation of Self” PTDC/FIL-FCI/110978/2009 at the Foundation of the Faculty of Science Auditorium C1, Floor 3
  16. Organizational committee of the Deleuze Studies Conference 2013 The Territory in –between 8-10 July 2013 Science Faculty of the University of Lisbon and Panel chair “Strata, maps and Smoke” Deleuze Camp 2013 1-5 of July 2013, and Fábrica Braço de Prata, Lisbon.
  17. Organizational Team 18th International Conference of the Society for Philosophy and Technology, “Technology in the Age of Information” SPT 2013 congress, ISEG, Technical University of Lisbon Portugal July 4-6, 2013 [Website]
  18. Co-Organizer “The Techno-Human Condition in the XXI. Century" Symposium with presentations of Hermínio Martins, José Luís Garcia, Alexander Gerner, Nuno Nabais and José Bragança –Miranda, Fábrica Braço de Prata, Lisbon, 26 of June 2013 21h30organized by Alexander Gerner and Nuno Nabais
  19. Co-Organizer “Anthropotechnics and Biopolitics I & Anthropotechnics and Biopolitics II”, CFCUL 29th May 2013 8.2.20 15-17h with  N. Nabais , A. Gerner and N. Melim, CFCUL, 5.6.2013 Room 8.2.23 15h-17h
  20. Scientific Board, Organization, chairman, co-coordination with Jorge Gonçalves of the International Workshop “Altered Self and Altered Self Experience”, IFL, New University of Lisbon, Faculty of Social Science and the Humanities, 30-31 of May 2013 IFL, FCSH-UNL, 10-18h
  21. Responsible Organizer “Meeting with the Centre for the Study of the Sciences and the Humanities (University of Bergen) and ISCTE: Activities, papers, projects” CFCUL, 16th of April 2013 Room 3.2.16 14-18h
  22. Scientific Programm Committee ISELL2012 International Symposium of Epistemology, Logic and Language University of Lisbon, 29-31st October 2012 Faculty of Sciences of the University of Lisbon Amphitheatre, 3.2.15
  23. Scientific Programm Commitee, Organisation, Moderation and co-coordination of the International Workshop with Olga Pombo “Diagrammatology and Diagram Praxis” 23th-24th March 2009, Foundation of the Science Faculty of the University of Lisbon. [Website]

Docênca || Teaching

Orientação de Teses
  1. Vinícius Jonas de Aguiar "Desenhando a Música: análise da composição e da escuta segundo o conceito periceano de diagrama " inscrito na FCUL, programa doutoral programa doutoral Filosofia das Ciências, Tecnologia,Arte e Sociedade (PD/00279/2012)

Teses || Thesis

Orientação de Teses
  1. Gerner, A. (2011). Philosophical Investigations of Attention. PhD Thesis. Universidade de Lisboa. Online resource: [over 300 downloads]
  2. Gerner, A. (1997; publicado online em 10-10-2018). Semiotik auf dem Theater. Teil einer didaktischen Wahtrnehmungsschule des Dramas, dargestellt an produktiven Rezeptionen von Texten Heinrich v. Kleist. Final Thesis in Didactics of German language and literature, 1st Bavarian Estate exame thesis. Universtät München. Online resource published: cfcul 10/10/2018, pp.168 (Supervisor: Prof. Peter Klotz) [PDF]

Divulgação || Outreach

Exposições / Exibithions
  1. Strata Exposição de Sérgio Costa comissariada por Alexander Gerner, de 5 de Abril a 3 de Maio 2014 no Museu Geológico [Press Release] [Poster]
Outros / Others
  1. Host of the "Containment" — a film by Peter Galison and Robb Moss  — film screening at the ICPOS conference 2016 Lisbon, Forum Lisboa.
  2. STRATA, Book Launch with debate, at Arquivo 237, Rua da Rosa 237, Lisbon June 17th 2016, 10:30 pm [+info]
Televisão / Television
  1. Participação no Programa da RTP 1 Prós e Contras, de 16 de Abril de 2018, Episódio #13 dedicado ao tema "Dados Pessoais e Privacidade". [ver o programa]