Physico-Chemical Processes

5. Chemical Processes of early photographic methods – a scientific interpretation

- Interpretation of the evolution of the chemistry/physical processes involved in the several methods of developing photographs from the early processes to the important contribution of the Lumière brothers and other European scientists;
- Analysis by non-destructive analytical techniques in order to identify historical photographic processes.  

Publications and Communications

Deterioration and Preservation of Glass Negatives - Oral Communication
Fotografia científica em Portugal, das origens ao séc. XX
Physico-chemical Characterization of Daguerreotype Surfaces - Poster communication
Analytical studies of XIX century photographs - ABSTRACT
Analytical studies of XIX century photographs - Oral communication
Case study Physicochemical characterization - ABSTRACT
Case study Physicochemical characterization - Oral communication
Characterization of 19th century daguerreotypes - ABSTRACT
Characterization of 19th century daguerreotypes - Poster communication
Fotografia Científica Histórica - ABSTRACT
Fotografia Científica Histórica - Oral communication
Fotografia a Cores - Oral Communication
Historical photographic developers and their - ABSTRACT
Historical photographic developers and their ... - Oral communication
Identificação de processos fotográficos - Oral communication
Identification of old historical processes - Poster communication
Identification of old photographic processes - ABSTRACT
Identification of old photographic processes - Oral communication
Photography as chemical enquiry - ABSTRACT
Photography as chemical enquiry - Oral communication