Curriculum Vitae

Maria Isabel Gomes dos Santos

Data da última atualização »Last update : 26/03/2018

Maria Isabel Gomes dos Santos Publicou 3 artigos em revistas especializadas e 6 trabalhos em actas de eventos, possui 1 livro publicado. Possui 1 item de produção técnica. Recebeu 1 prémio e/ou homenagem. Nas suas actividades profissionais interagiu com 6 colaboradores em co-autorias de trabalhos científicos.

Endereço de acesso a este CV:

Dados pessoais (Personal data)
Nome completo
Full name
Maria Isabel Gomes dos Santos
Nome em citações bibliográficas
Quoting name
Santos, Maria Isabel Gomes dos

Graus Académicos (Academic Degrees)

Prémios e títulos (Awards Prizes, and Honours)
2016 Prémio de melhor poster: Área de Artes e Humanidades, com A Digital Mathematics Learning Environment for Autistic Children , Research day 2016, Universidade de Aveiro.

Produção científica, técnica e artística/cultural (Scientific, technical and artistical/cultural production)
Livros publicados/organizados ou edições
Published/organized books or Editions
1. Santos, Maria I. G.. 2012. LpMat - Software Educativo para crianças com NEE. ed. 1. Aveiro: Universidade de Aveiro.

Artigos em revistas sem arbitragem científica
Papers in periodics without scientific refereeing
1. Santos, Maria I; Breda, Ana; Almeida, Ana M. 2017. "Design approach of mathematics learning activities in a digital environment for children with autism spectrum disorders", Educational Technology Research and Development 65, 5: 1305 - 13.
Learning environment on mathematics for autistic children is a prototype of a digital environment with dynamic adaptation features designed to offer activities towards the development of mathematical reasoning in children aged 6–12 years, diagnosed with autism spectrum disorders (ASD), a neurodevelopmental disorder characterized by deficits in social communication and social interaction as well as restricted and repetitive patterns of behaviour, interests or activities. This paper, with a primarily conceptual and analytical scope, discusses the mathematical difficulties that some children with ASD have, and presents strategies that can be used to overcome them. Based on a literature review and on the results of a preliminary study already conducted, we present results concerning the proposal of a set of learning activities for the prototype under development, specifically targeted to promote mathematical reasoning in students with ASD. Guidelines for future research.

2. Santos, Maria I. G.; Lima, Yola. 2016. "Necessidades Educativas Especiais: uma Análise de vídeos do YouTube", Internet Latent Corpus Journal 6, 1: 32 - 49.
3. Santos, Maria I; Breda, Ana; Almeida, Ana M. 2015. "Brief Report: Preliminary Proposal of a Conceptual Model of a Digital Environment for Developing Mathematical Reasoning in Students with Autism Spectrum Disorders", Journal of Autism and Developmental Disorders 45, 8: 2633 - 26.
There is clear evidence that in typically developing children reasoning and sense-making are essential in all mathematical learning and understanding processes. In children with autism spectrum disorders (ASD), however, these become much more significant, considering their importance to successful independent living. This paper presents a preliminary proposal of a digital environment, specifically targeted to promote the development of mathematical reasoning in students with ASD. Given the diversity of ASD, the prototyping of this environment requires the study of dynamic adaptation processes and the development of activities adjusted to each user’s profile. We present the results obtained during the first phase of this ongoing research, describing a con- ceptual model of the proposed digital environment. Guidelines for future research are also discussed.

Trabalhos completos/resumidos em eventos sem arbitragem científica
Papers in conference proceedings without scientific refereeing
1. Santos, Maria I; Ribeiro, Tânia; Breda, Ana; Almeida, Ana M. 2017. "REDESIGNING LEMA: A WEB BASED CLASSROOM APPLICATION TO PROMOTE MATHEMATICAL REASONING IN AUTISTIC CHILDREN", Trabalho apresentado em International Technology, Education and Development Conference, In INTED2017 Proceedings, Valencia, Spain.
The purpose of this work focused in some design characteristics of Learning Environment onMathematics for Autistic Children (LEMA), a digital mathematical learning environment with modalitiesof dynamic adaptations of the proposed activities having in consideration the user’s profile. Theactivities designed to enable adaptation were also conceived to promote the development ofmathematical reasoning in children with Autism Spectrum Disorders, (ASD) aged between 6 and 12,fostering access and equity in the teaching and learning of mathematics. In this paper, thereadjustments on LEMA’s interface are presented, namely considering the new dimension ofgamification integrating game-­design elements and game principles in non-­game contexts, as a formof enhancing the user’ motivation.

2. Breda, Ana; Rocha, Eugénio; Santos, Maria I. 2017. "LEMA AS A DIGITAL OBJECT MANIPULATION LEARNING ENVIRONMENT", Trabalho apresentado em International Conference on Education and New Learning Technologies, In EDULEARN17 Proceedings, Barcelona, Spain.
3. Santos, Maria I; Breda, Ana; Almeida, Ana M. 2016. "Learning Environment for Autism Spectrum Disorders", Trabalho apresentado em the 7th International Conference, In Proceedings of the 7th International Conference on Software Development and Technologies for Enhancing Accessibility and Fighting Info-exclusion - DSAI 2016, Vila Real, Portugal.
The use of digital media is considered an effective way to work academic content with students with Autism Spectrum Disorders (ASD) enabling the creation of creative and constructive environments and the development of differentiated, meaningful and quality activities. Despite this scenario, the proposal of digital applications for children and youth with ASD continues to attract little attention, namely, regarding the promotion of deductive reasoning, an area of great interest for individuals with this disorder. Due to its heterogeneity, ASD are an interesting filed to explore the potential of using universal design for learning (UDL) approaches. This paper describes a learning environment developed under this universal scope, emphasizing the results obtained during evaluation sessions conducted with end users aiming to evaluate a prototype of this environment with dynamic adaptation features and specifically designed to support the development of Mathematical Reasoning in children with ASD. The results obtained during the evaluation sessions reveal that the digital environment is of easy interaction, simple and intuitive, and has a great potential to be an important tool to support the promotion of mathematical reasoning in children with ASD. The data collected allowed the identification of some adjustments that must be performed to improve the digital environment.

4. Santos, Maria I. G.; Breda, Ana; Almeida, Ana M. 2015. "Ambiente Digital de Aprendizagem promotor do desenvolvimento do Raciocínio Matemático em alunos com Perturbações do Espetro do Autismo", Trabalho apresentado em IX Conferência Internacional de TIC na Educação – Challenges 2015 Meio Século de TIC na Educação, In IX Conferência Internacional de TIC na Educação – Challenges 2015 Meio Século de TIC na Educação, Braga.
A utilização das tecnologias é considerada um meio eficaz para trabalhar conteúdos académicos com alunos com Perturbações do Espetro do Autismo (PEA) possibilitando a criação de ambientes criativos e construtivos onde se podem desenvolver atividades diferenciadas, significativas e de qualidade. Contudo, o desenvolvimento de aplicações tecnológicas para crianças e jovens com PEA continua a merecer pouca atenção, nomeadamente no que respeita à promoção do raciocínio dedutivo, apesar desta ser uma área de grande interesse para indivíduos com esta perturbação. Para os alunos com PEA, o desenvolvimento do raciocínio matemático torna-se crucial, considerando a importância destas competências para o sucesso de uma vida autónoma. Estas evidências revelam o contributo inovador que o ambiente de aprendizagem descrito nesta comunicação poderá dar nesta área. O desenvolvimento deste ambiente começou por uma etapa de criação e validação de um modelo que permitiu especificar e prototipar a solução desenvolvida que oferece modalidades de adaptação dinâmica das atividades propostas ao perfil do utilizador, procurando promover o desenvolvimento do raciocínio matemático (indutivo e dedutivo). Considerando a heterogeneidade das PEA, o ambiente desenvolvido baseia-se em modalidades de adaptação dinâmica e em atividades ajustadas ao perfil dos utilizadores. Nesta comunicação pocurámos dar a conhecer o trabalho de investigação já desenvolvido, bem como perspetivar a continuidade do trabalho a desenvolver.

5. Santos, Maria I. G.; Breda, Ana; Almeida, Ana M. 2014. "ICT in the development of math reasoning of students with autism", Trabalho apresentado em Embracing Inclusive Approaches for Children and Youth with Special Education Needs Conference, In Proceedings of Braga 2014 Embracing Inclusive Approaches for Children and Youth with Special Education Needs Conference , Braga.
For students with Autism Spectrum Disorders (ASD), the development of mathematic reasoning is crucial, considering the importance of those skills on successful independent living. This study aims at the creation and validation of a model of a digital environment specifically targeted to promote the development of mathematic reasoning for students with ASD. In this paper, we describe the methodological approach and preliminary results that we have already obtained and we propose a preliminary approach to the conceptual model specification.

6. Santos, Maria I. G.. 2012. "LpMat, Educational Software for Children with Special Needs: First Steps", Trabalho apresentado em 2nd International Conference on Future Computers in Education - ICFCE 2012, In 2nd International Conference on Future Computers in Education - ICFCE 2012, Lecture Notes in Information, Technology, Shangai, China.

Apresentação oral de trabalho
Oral work presentation
1. Santos, Maria I. G.. Potencialidades das TIC no apoio ao desenvolvimento de competências da Matemática de alunos com Perturbações do Espectro do Autismo: proposta de projeto de investigação,2013 (Poster).

Indicadores de produção (Production indicators)

Produção científica
Scientific production

Livros e capítulos
Books and book chapters
Livros publicados ou organizados
Published or organized books
Artigos científicos em revistas
Papers in periodics
Sem arbitragem científica
Without scientific refereeing
Trabalhos em eventos
Papers in conference proceedings
Sem arbitragem científica
Without scientific refereeing

Produção técnica
Technical production

Outros tipos de produção técnica
Other technical production

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