Curriculum Vitae

Maria de Fátima Costa Guedes da Silva

Data da última atualização »Last update : 10/09/2014 Present positions : i) Associate Professor (Universidade Lusófona de Humanidades e Tecnologias -ULHT, since 1995). ii) Researcher at the Centro de Química Estrutural, Complexo I, Instituto Superior Técnico, Av. Rovisco Pais, 1049-001 Lisboa, Portugal Contacts: Tel.: 218.419.207 (office); 218.419.235 (lab.); 218.417.657 (X-ray lab.) Teaching commitments: Organic Chemistry (ULHT, 1996-2004); Analytical Chemistry (ULHT, since 1996); Structural Analysis (ULHT, 1996-2006); Chemical Analysis (ULHT, 2005-2006); Inorganic Chemistry (2009-2010). Area of scientific activity: Bioinorganic, inorganic and analytical chemistries; coordination and organometallic chemistries. Molecular electrochemistry. X-ray diffraction analysis. Present research interests - Activation, by transition metal centres, of small molecules with biological, environmental, pharmacological or industrial significance (alkanes, nitriles, cyanamides, oximes, oxadiazolines, carboxamides, amidines, alkynes, phosphaalkynes, isonitriles, olefins, nitric oxide, dinitrogen, diazo compounds, azides, cyanates, dihydrogen, etc.); - mechanistic investigation of the mechanisms of fast reactions (e.g. protonation or electron transfer processes), mainly by digital simulation of cyclic voltammetry; - conventional and non-conventional electrochemical methods, the latter including fast cyclic voltammetry and digital simulation; - Single crystal X-ray diffraction analysis.

Endereço de acesso a este CV:

Dados pessoais (Personal data)
Nome completo
Full name
Maria de Fátima Costa Guedes da Silva
Nome em citações bibliográficas
Quoting name
M. Fátima C. Guedes da Silva
Categoria profissional
Professor Associado
Domínio científico de atuação
Scientific domain
Ciências Exactas-Química.
Ciências Naturais-Ciências da Terra e do Ambiente.
Endereço profissional
Professional address
Universidade Lusófona de Humanidades e Tecnologias
Ensino Superior
Av. Campo Grande 369
1749-024 Abrantes
Correio electrónico:

Graus Académicos (Academic Degrees)
1989-1993 Doutoramento
Engenharia Química (5 anos » years) .
Universidade Técnica de Lisboa, Portugal.

1987-1989 Mestrado
Master degree
Química dos Processos Catalíticos (4 anos » years) .
Universidade Técnica de Lisboa, Portugal.

1978-1982 Licenciatura
Licentiate degree
Química (5 anos » years) .
Universidade de Lisboa, Portugal.

Vínculos profissionais (Professional Positions)
Universidade Lusófona de Humanidades e Tecnologias
Mar/1995-Actual Professor Associado

Universidade Técnica de Lisboa
Set/1994-Actual Outra Situação

Junta Nacional de Investigação Científica
Out/1990-Out/1993 Outra Situação

Instituto Nacional de Investigação Científica
Out/1987-Out/1989 Outra Situação

Escolas Secundárias (várias)
Out/1980-Out/1987 Outra Situação

Atividades de Ensino (Teaching activities)
Universidade Lusófona de Humanidades e Tecnologias
Curso»Academic program: Engenharia Biotecnológica

Projetos de Investigação (Research projects)
Participação como Investigador
Participation as Researcher
Transition Metal Chemistry and Catalysis in Aqueous Media (Marie Curie Research Training Network)-Transition Metal Chemistry and Catalysis in Aqueous Media (Marie Curie Research Training Network)
Referência do projeto»Project reference: MRTN-CT-2003-503864.
Marie Curie Research Training Network
Parceiro(s)»Partners: Consiglio Nazionale delle Ricerche; Univesidade de Debrecen; Universidade de Jerusalém; Laboratoire de Chimie de Coordination, Toulouse; Laboratory of Environmental Chemistry, The Hebrew University of Jerusalem ; Universidad Autonoma de Barcelona; University of York; LSEO, Université de Bourgogne; Universidade Técnica de Lisboa; Unversidad de Almería, Almería ; INEOS RAS, Moscow ; University of Erlangen-Nürnberg, Erlangen .

Catalytic Carboxylation of Alkanes-Catalytic Carboxylation of Alkanes
Referência do projeto»Project reference: POCI/QUI/58821/2004.

Línguas (Languages)
Inglês (Bem), Espanhol (Bem), Português (Bem), Francês (Bem), Italiano (Bem).
Inglês (Bem), Espanhol (Pouco), Português (Bem), Francês (Pouco), Italiano (Pouco).

Inglês (Bem), Espanhol (Bem), Português (Bem), Francês (Bem), Italiano (Bem).
Inglês (Bem), Espanhol (Pouco), Português (Bem), Francês (Pouco), Italiano (Pouco).

Membro de Associações Profissionais/Científicas (Professional/Scientific Association membership)
Actual Sociedade Portuguesa de Electroquímica, Membro.
Actual Sociedade Iberoamericana de Electroquímica (SIBAE), Membro fundador.

Produção científica, técnica e artística/cultural (Scientific, technical and artistical/cultural production)
Capítulos de livros publicados
Published book chapters
1. Silva, Maria F. C. G.; Crabtree, Robert H; Pombeiro, A.J.L.. 2005. Technetium & Rhenium – Inorganic and Coordination Chemistry.  In Encyclopedia of Inorganic Chemistry, ed. R. Bruce King , 5499 - 5516. . Chichester: Wiley.
2. Silva, Maria F. C. G.; Pombeiro, Armando J. L. 2004. “Electrochemical Behaviour of Phosphazenes and their Complexes”, Cap. 14.  In Phosphazenes: A Worldwide Insight, 343 - 364. ISBN: -10:159033423X. New York: NovaPublishers.
3. Silva, Maria F. C. G.; Pombeiro, A.J.L.. 2004. Bond and Structure Activation by anodic Electron-Transfer: Metal-Hydrogen Bond Cleavage and cis/trans Isomerization in Coordination Compounds. Part 2 - Molecular Activation.  In Trends in Inorganic Molecular Electrochemistry, ed. A.J.L. Pombeiro ; C. Amatore , 153 - 186. . New York / Lausanne: Marcel Dekker / Fontis Media.
4. Silva, Maria F. C. G.; Pombeiro, A.J.L.. 2004. Electrochemical Behaviour of Phosphazenes and their Complexes.  In Phosphazenes: A Worldwide Insight, ed. M.Gleria ; R. De Jaeger , 343 - 364. ISBN: 10: 159033423X. Hauppage: Nova Science Publishers.
5. Silva, Maria F. C. G.; Matoso, C.M.M.; Silva, João J. F.; Pombeiro, A.J.L.. 1998. A Possible Role for Amavadine in some Amanita Fungi: A Unique Case in Biology.  In Vanadium Compunds- Chemistry, Biochemistry and Therapeutic Applications, ed. Alan S Tracey ; Debbie C. Cran, 241 - 247. ISBN: 0-8412-3589-9. American Chemical Society: ACS Symposium Series 711.
6. Silva, Maria F. C. G.; Carvalho, M. F. N; Lemos, M. A. N; Pombeiro, A.J.L.. 1997. Binding and Reactivity of Cyanide, Isocyanide and Aminocarbyne, CNHx (x = 0-2), at a Single Transition Metal Centre.  In Progress in Coordination and Organometallic Chemistry, ed. G. Ondrejovic ; A. Sirota , 143 - 146. ISBN: 978-80-227-3085-3. Bratislava: Slovak Technical University Press.
7. Silva, Maria F. C. G.; Silva, João J. F.; Silva, J.A.L.; Pombeiro, A.J.L.. 1992. Redox Properties of the Amavadine Models [V(HIDA)2]2- and [V(HIDPA) 2]2- and their Electroinduced Reactivity towards Activated Thiols and Phenols.  In Molecular Electrochemistry of Inorganic, Bioinorganic and Organometallic Compounds, ed. A. J. L. Pombeiro ; J. McCleverty, 411 - 415. ISBN: 0-7923-2077-8. Dordrecht, Holanda: Kluwer Academic Publishers.
8. Silva, Maria F. C. G.; Castilho, Tânia J; Bertani, Roberta; Mozzon, Mirto; Michelin, Rino A. 1992. Electrochemical Behaviour of Aminooxy-, Dioxy- and Diaminocarbene Complexes of Palladium(II) and Platinum(II).  In Molecular Electrochemistry of Inorganic, Bioinorganic and Organometallic Compounds, ed. A. J. L. Pombeiro ; J. McCleverty, 345 - 350. . Dordrecht, Holanda: Kluwer Academic Publishers.
9. Silva, Maria F. C. G.; Amatore, Christian; Verpeaux, Jean-Nöel; Pombeiro, A.J.L.. 1992. Mechanism of the Electroactivation of the Metal-Hydride Bond in [ReClH(NCR)(Ph2PCH2CH2PPh2)2][BF4].  In Molecular Electrochemistry of Inorganic, Bioinorganic and Organometallic Compounds, ed. A. J. L. Pombeiro ; J. McCleverty , 483 - 487. ISBN: 0-7923-2077-8. Dordrecht, Holanda: Kluwer Academic Publishers.

Artigos em revistas com arbitragem científica
Papers in periodics with scientific refereeing
1. Rocha, Bruno G; Valishina, Elena A; Chay, Rogério S; Guedes da S. M. F. C; Buslaeva, Tatyana M; Pombeiro, Armando J; Kukushkin, Vadim Y; Luzyanin, Konstantin V. 2014. "ADC-metal complexes as effective catalysts for hydrosilylation of alkynes", Journal of Catalysis 309, 000: 79 - 86.
2. Basu Baul, T. S; Kundu, Sajal; Linden, Anthony; Raviprakash, Nune; Manna, Sunil K; Guedes da S. M. F. C. 2014. "Synthesis and characterization of some water soluble Zn(ii) complexes with (E)-N-(pyridin-2-ylmethylene)arylamines that regulate tumour cell death by interacting with DNA", Dalton Transactions 43, 000: 1191 - 1202.
3. Nesterova, Oksana V; Kirillova, Marina V; Guedes da S. M. F. C; Bo¿?a, Roman; Pombeiro, Armando J. L. 2014. "How to force a classical chelating ligand to a metal non-chelating bridge: the observation of a rare coordination mode of diethanolamine in the 1D complex {[Cu2(Piv)4(H3tBuDea)](Piv)}n", CrystEngComm 16, 000: 775 - 783.
4. Sutradhar, Manas; Martins, Luísa M. D. R. S; Guedes da S. M. F. C; Alegria, Elisabete C. B. A; Liu, Cai-Ming; Pombeiro, Armando J. L. 2014. "Dinuclear Mn(ii,ii) complexes: magnetic properties and microwave assisted oxidation of alcohols", Dalton Transactions 43, 10: 3966 - 3966.
5. F. S. S. T; M. D. R. S. M. L; Guedes da S. M. F. C; Kuznetsov, Maxim L; Fernandes, Alexandra R; Silva, Ana; Pan, Chun-Jern; Lee, Jyh-Fu; Hwang, Bing-Joe; J. L. P. A. 2014. "Cobalt Complexes with Pyrazole Ligands as Catalyst Precursors for the Peroxidative Oxidation of Cyclohexane: X-ray Absorption Spectroscopy Studies and Biological Applications", Chemistry - An Asian Journal 9, 4: 1132 - 1143.
6. Orbisaglia, Serena; Di Nicola, C; Marchetti, Fabio; Pettinari, Claudio; Pettinari, Riccardo; Martins, Luísa M. D. R. S; Alegria, Elisabete C. B. A; Guedes da S. M. F. C; Rocha, Bruno G. M; Kuznetsov, Maxim L; Pombeiro, Armando J. L; Skelton, Brian W; Sobolev, Alexandre N; White, Allan H. 2014. " New Ru II (arene) Complexes with Halogen-Substituted Bis- and Tris(pyrazol-1-yl)borate Ligands ", Chemistry - A European Journal 20, 13: 3689 - 3704.
7. Karmakar, Anirban; Guedes da S. M. F. C; Pombeiro, Armando J. L. 2014. "Zinc metal–organic frameworks: efficient catalysts for the diastereoselective Henry reaction and transesterification", Dalton Transactions 43, 21: 7795 - 7795.
8. Anbu, Sellamuthu; Ravishankaran, Rajendran; Guedes da S. M. F. C; Karande, Anjali A; Pombeiro, Armando J. L. 2014. " Differentially Selective Chemosensor with Fluorescence Off–On Responses on Cu 2+ and Zn 2+ Ions in Aqueous Media and Applications in Pyrophosphate Sensing, Live Cell Imaging, and Cytotoxicity ", Inorganic Chemistry 53, 13: 6655 - 6664.
9. Hazra, Susanta; Karmakar, Anirban; Guedes da S. M. F. C; Dlhán, Lubor; Bo¿?a, Roman; Pombeiro, Armando J. 2014. "Dinuclear based polymeric copper(II) complexes derived from a Schiff base ligand: effect of secondary bridging moieties on geometrical orientations and magnetic properties", Inorganic Chemistry Communications 46, 000: 113 - 117.
10. Kopylovich, Maximilian N; Mizar, Archana; Guedes da S. M. F. C; Mac Leod, T. C. O; Mahmudov, Kamran T; Pombeiro, Armando J. L. 2013. " Template Syntheses of Copper(II) Complexes from Arylhydrazones of Malononitrile and their Catalytic Activity towards Alcohol Oxidations and the Nitroaldol Reaction: Hydrogen Bond-Assisted Ligand Liberation and E / Z Isomerisation ", Chemistry - A European Journal 19, 2: 588 - 600.
11. Silva, Telma F; Leod, Tatiana C. M; Martins, Luísa M; Guedes da S. M. F. C; Schiavon, Marco A; Pombeiro, Armando J. 2013. "Pyrazole or tris(pyrazolyl)ethanol oxo-vanadium(IV) complexes as homogeneous or supported catalysts for oxidation of cyclohexane under mild conditions", Journal of Molecular Catalysis A: Chemical 367, 00: 52 - 60.
12. Kopylovich, Maximilian N; Guedes da S. M. F. C; Martins, Luísa M; Kouznetsov, Maxim L; Mahmudov, Kamran T; Pombeiro, Armando J. 2013. "Synthesis, structure and electrochemical behaviour of Na, MgII, MnII, ZnII, CdII and NiII complexes of 3-(2-carboxyphenylhydrazone)pentane-2,4-dione", Polyhedron 50, 1: 374 - 382.
13. Sutradhar, Manas; Guedes da S. M. F. C; Pombeiro, Armando J. 2013. "Synthesis and chemical reactivity of an Fe(III) metallacrown-6 towards N-donor Lewis bases", Inorganic Chemistry Communications 30, ---: 42 - 45.
14. Silva, Maria F. C. G.; Pombeiro, Armando J. 2013. "XXV International Conference on Organometallic Chemistry", Platinum Metals Rev. 57, 1: 17 - 31.
15. Shang, Xianmei; Silva, Telma F; Martins, Luísa M; Li, Qingshan; Silva, Maria F. C. G.; Kuznetsov, Maxim L; Pombeiro, Armando J. 2013. "Synthesis, characterization, electrochemical behavior and in vitro protein tyrosine kinase inhibitory activity of the cymene-halogenobenzohydroxamato [Ru(¿6-cymene)(bha)Cl] complexes", J. Organomet. Chem.  730, 15: 137 - 143.
16. Sutradhar, Manas; Guedes da S. M. F. C; Nesterov, Dmytro S; Jezierska, Julia; Pombeiro, Armando J. 2013. "1D coordination polymer with octahedral and square-planar nickel(II) centers", Inorganic Chemistry Communications 29, --: 82 - 84.
17. Gupta, Samik; Kirillova, Marina V; Guedes da S. M. F; Pombeiro, Armando J. 2013. "Highly efficient divanadium(V) pre-catalyst for mild oxidation of liquid and gaseous alkanes", Applied Catalysis A: General 46046, --: 82 - 89.
18. Silva, Telma F. S; Smolenski, Piotr; Martins, Luísa M. D. R. S; Guedes da S. M. F. C; Fernandes, Alexandra R; Luis, Daniel; Silva, Ana; Santos, Susana; Borralho, Pedro M; Rodrigues, Cecília M. P; Pombeiro, Armando J. L. 2013. "Cobalt and Zinc Compounds Bearing 1,10-Phenanthroline-5,6-dione or 1,3,5-Triaza-7-phosphaadamantane Derivatives - Synthesis, Characterization, Cytotoxicity, and Cell Selectivity Studies", European Journal of Inorganic Chemistry 2013, 21: 3651 - 3658.
19. Smolenski, Piotr; Kirillova, Marina V; Guedes da S. M. F. C; Pombeiro, Armando J. L. 2013. "Isomerisation and controlled condensation in an aqueous medium of allyl alcohol catalysed by new water-soluble rhodium complexes with 1,3,5-triaza-7-phosphaadamantane (PTA)", Dalton Transactions 42, 30: 10867 - 10867.
20. Mehdi, Sayed H; Ghalib, Raza M; Hashim, Rokiah; da Silva, M. F. C. G; Sulaiman, Othman; Murugaiyah, Vikneswaran; Marimuthu, Mani M; Naqvi, Mehnaz. 2013. "Synthesis, characterization and cholinesterase enzymes inhibitory activity of 1-[3-methyl-5-(2,6,6-trimethyl-cyclohex-1-enyl)-4,5-dihydro-pyrazol-1-yl]-ethanone", Journal of Molecular Structure 1049, ---: 488 - 493.
21. Mahmudov, Kamran T; Kopylovich, Maximilian N; Guedes da S. M. F. C; Mahmudova, Gunay S; Sutradhar, Manas; Pombeiro, Armando J. 2013. "Copper(II) and cobalt(II,III) complexes of a new carboxylic-functionalized arylhydrazone of 5,5-dimethylcyclohexane-1,3-dione", Polyhedron 60, ---: 78 - 84.
22. Gupta, Samik; Kirillova, Marina V; Guedes da S. M. F. C; Pombeiro, Armando J. L; Kirillov, Alexander M. 2013. " Alkali Metal Directed Assembly of Heterometallic V v /M (M = Na, K, Cs) Coordination Polymers: Structures, Topological Analysis, and Oxidation Catalytic Properties ", Inorganic Chemistry 52, 15: 8601 - 8611.
23. Jaros, Sabina W; Smolenski, Piotr; Guedes da S. M. F. C; Florek, Magdalena; Król, Jaroslaw; Staroniewicz, Zdzislaw; Pombeiro, Armando J. L; Kirillov, Alexander M. 2013. "New silver BioMOFs driven by 1,3,5-triaza-7-phosphaadamantane-7-sulfide (PTA=S): synthesis, topological analysis and antimicrobial activity", CrystEngComm 15, 40: 8060 - 8064.
24. Sutradhar, Manas; Kirillova, Marina V; Guedes da S. M. F. C; Liu, Cai-Ming; Pombeiro, Armando J. L. 2013. "Tautomeric effect of hydrazone Schiff bases in tetranuclear Cu(ii) complexes: magnetism and catalytic activity towards mild hydrocarboxylation of alkanes", Dalton Transactions 42, 47: 16578 - 16587.
25. Mahmudov, Kamran T; Guedes da S. M. F. C; Kirillov, Alexander M; Kopylovich, Maximilian N; Mizar, Archana; Pombeiro, Armando J. L. 2013. "Structural Versatility of Alkali Metal Coordination Polymers Driven by Arylhydrazones of ß-Diketones", Crystal Growth & Design 13, 11: 5076 - 5084.
26. da Silva, M. C. 2013. "Book Review - “M. SCHLOSSER - Organometallic in Synthesis - third manual - Wiley - 2013”", Inorganica Chimica Acta 407, 000: 313 - 314.
27. Kopylovich, Maximilian N; Karabach, Yauhen Y; Guedes da S. M. F. C; Figiel, Pawel J; Lasri, Jamal; Pombeiro, Armando J. L. 2012. "Alkoxy-1,3,5-triazapentadien(e/ato) Copper(II) Complexes: Template Formation and Applications for the Preparation of Pyrimidines and as Catalysts for Oxidation of Alcohols to Carbonyl Products", Chemistry - A European Journal 18, 3: 899 - 914.
28. Lasri, Jamal; Gupta, Samik; da Silva, M. F. C. G; Pombeiro, Armando J. 2012. "Copper(II)-mediated in-situ hydrolyses of pyrroline N-oxide and benzonitrile leading to a mixed ligand complex", Inorganic Chemistry Communications, 18: 69 - 72.
29. Mizar, Archana; Guedes da S. M. F. C; Kopylovich, Maximilian N; Mukherjee, Sanghamitra; Mahmudov, Kamran T; Pombeiro, Armando J. L. 2012. "Water-Soluble Copper(II) Complexes with a Sulfonic-Functionalized Arylhydrazone of ß-Diketone and Their Application in Peroxidative Allylic Oxidation of Cyclohexene", European Journal of Inorganic Chemistry 2012, 13: 2305 - 2313.
30. Mahmudov, Kamran T; Guedes da S. M. F. C; Glucini, Marco; Renzi, Marco; Gabriel, Kátia C; Kopylovich, Maximilian N; Sutradhar, Manas; Marchetti, Fabio; Pettinari, Claudio; Zamponi, Silvia; Pombeiro, Armando J. 2012. "Water-soluble heterometallic copper(II)-sodium complex comprising arylhydrazone of barbituric acid as a ligand", Inorganic Chemistry Communications 22, 00: 187 - 189.
31. Di Nicola, C; Garau, Federica; Gazzano, Massimo; Guedes da S. M. F. C; Lanza, Arianna; Monari, Magda; Nestola, Fabrizio; Pandolfo, Luciano; Pettinari, Claudio; Pombeiro, Armando J. L. 2012. " New Coordination Polymers and Porous Supramolecular Metal Organic Network Based on the Trinuclear Triangular Secondary Building Unit [Cu 3 (µ 3 -OH)(µ-pz) 3 ] 2+ and 4,4'-Bypiridine. 1° ", Crystal Growth & Design 12, 6: 2890 - 2901.
listed as one of the 10 most read articles of CC&D in 2012.

32. Rocha, Bruno G; Wanke, Riccardo; Guedes da S. M. F. C; Luzyanin, Konstantin V; Martins, Luísa M; Smolénski, Piotr; Pombeiro, Armando J. 2012. "Reactivity of bulky tris(phenylpyrazolyl)methanesulfonate copper(I) complexes towards small unsaturated molecules", Journal of Organometallic Chemistry 714, 00: 47 - 52.
33. Alegria, Elisabete C. B. A; Guedes da S. M. F. C; Kuznetsov, Maxim L; Cunha, Sónia M. P. R. M; Martins, Luísa M. D. R. S; Pombeiro, Armando J. L. 2012. "Acylated cyanoimido-complexes trans-[Mo(NCN){NCNC(O)R}(dppe)2]Cl and their reactions with electrophiles: chemical, electrochemical and theoretical study", Dalton Transactions 41, 45: 13876 - 13876.
34. Guedes da S. M. F. C; Pombeiro, Armando J. 2012. "Redox potential parameterization in coordination compounds with polydentate scorpionate and benzene ligands", Electrochimica Acta 82, 00: 478 - 483.
35. Chay, Rogério S; Luzyanin, Konstantin V; Kukushkin, Vadim Y; Guedes da S. M. F. C; Pombeiro, Armando J. L. 2012. "Novel Palladium–Aminocarbene Species Derived from Metal-Mediated Coupling of Isonitriles and 1,3-Diiminoisoindoline: Synthesis and Catalytic Application in Suzuki–Miyaura Cross-Coupling", Organometallics 31, 6: 2379 - 2387.
36. Kopylovich, Maximilian N; Gajewska, Malgorzata J; Mahmudov, Kamran T; Kirillova, Marina V; Figiel, Pawel J; Guedes da S. M. F. C; Gil-Hernández, Beatriz; Sanchiz, Joaquin; Pombeiro, Armando J. L. 2012. "Copper(ii) complexes with a new carboxylic-functionalized arylhydrazone of ß-diketone as effective catalysts for acid-free oxidations", New Journal of Chemistry 36, 8: 1646 - 1646.
37. Lasri, Jamal; Gajewski, Grzegorz; Guedes da S. M. F. C; Kuznetsov, Maxim L; Fernandes, Ricardo R; Pombeiro, Armando J. 2012. "Solvent-dependent reactivities of acyclic nitrones with ß-diketones: catalyst-free syntheses of endiones and enones", Tetrahedron 68, 35: 7019 - 7027.
38. Kirillov, Alexander M; Filipowicz, Malgorzata; Guedes da S. M. F. C; Klak, Julia; Smolenski, Piotr; Pombeiro, Armando J. L. 2012. " Unprecedented Mixed-Valence Cu(I)/Cu(II) Complex Derived from N -Methyl-1,3,5-triaza-7-phosphaadamantane: Synthesis, Structural Features, and Magnetic Properties ", Organometallics 31, 22: 7921 - 7925.
39. Shang, Xianmei; Alegria, Elisabete C; Guedes da S. M. F. C; Kuznetsov, Maxim L; Li, Qingshan; Pombeiro, Armando J. 2012. "Redox-active cytotoxic diorganotin(IV) cycloalkylhydroxamate complexes with different ring sizes: Reduction behaviour and theoretical interpretation", Journal of Inorganic Biochemistry 117, 00: 147 - 156.
40. Lasri, Jamal; Kuznetsov, Maxim L; Guedes da S. M. F. C; Pombeiro, Armando J. L. 2012. " Pt II -Mediated Imine–Nitrile Coupling Leading to Symmetrical (1,3,5,7,9-Pentaazanona-1,3,6,8-tetraenato)Pt(II) Complexes Containing the Incorporated 1,3-Diiminoisoindoline Moiety ", Inorganic Chemistry 51, 20: 10774 - 10786.
41. Silva, Telma F. S; Martins, Luísa M. D. R. S; Guedes da S. M. F. C; Fernandes, Alexandra R; Silva, Ana; Borralho, Pedro M; Santos, Susana; Rodrigues, Cecília M. P; Pombeiro, Armando J. L. 2012. "Cobalt complexes bearing scorpionate ligands: synthesis, characterization, cytotoxicity and DNA cleavage", Dalton Transactions 41, 41: 12888 - 12888.
42. Sutradhar, Manas; Kirillova, Marina V; Guedes da S. M. F. C; Martins, Luísa M. D. R. S; Pombeiro, Armando J. L. 2012. "A Hexanuclear Mixed-Valence Oxovanadium(IV,V) Complex as a Highly Efficient Alkane Oxidation Catalyst", Inorganic Chemistry 51, 21: 11229 - 11231.
43. Kopylovich, Maximilian N; Lasri, Jamal; Guedes da S. M. F. C; Pombeiro, Armando J. L. 2011. "PdII-Promoted Single-Pot Template Transformations of Benzonitriles, Cyanoguanidine and Sodium Dicyanamide with the Formation of Symmetrical and Asymmetrical (1,3,5-Triazapentadienate)palladium(II) Complexes", European Journal of Inorganic Chemistry 2011, 3: 377 - 383.
44. Silva, Telma F; Guedes da S. M. F; Mishra, Gopal S; Martins, Luísa M; Pombeiro, Armando J. 2011. "Synthesis and structural characterization of iron complexes with 2,2,2-tris(1-pyrazolyl)ethanol ligands: Application in the peroxidative oxidation of cyclohexane under mild conditions", Journal of Organometallic Chemistry 696, 6: 1310 - 1318.
45. Kopylovich, Maximilian N; Mac Leod, T. C. O; Mahmudov, Kamran T; Guedes da S. M. F. C; Pombeiro, Armando J. L. 2011. "Zinc(ii) ortho-hydroxyphenylhydrazo-ß-diketonate complexes and their catalytic ability towards diastereoselective nitroaldol (Henry) reaction", Dalton Transactions 40, 19: 5352 - 5352.
46. Kopylovich, Maximilian N; Mahmudov, Kamran T; Guedes da S. M. F. C; Figiel, Pawel J; Karabach, Yauhen Y; Kuznetsov, Maxim L; Luzyanin, Konstantin V; Pombeiro, Armando J. L. 2011. " Ortho -Hydroxyphenylhydrazo-ß-Diketones: Tautomery, Coordination Ability, and Catalytic Activity of Their Copper(II) Complexes toward Oxidation of Cyclohexane and Benzylic Alcohols ", Inorganic Chemistry 50, 3: 918 - 931.
47. Mahmudov, Kamran T; Kopylovich, Maximilian N; Luzyanin, Konstantin V; Mizar, Archana; Guedes da S. M. F. C; André, Vânia; Pombeiro, Armando J. 2011. "Structural and thermal properties of three cyano-substituted azoderivatives of ß-diketones", Journal of Molecular Structure 992, 1-3: 72 - 76.
48. Tskhovrebov, Alexander G; Luzyanin, Konstantin V; Dolgushin, Fedor M; Guedes da S. M. F. C; Pombeiro, Armando J. L; Kukushkin, Vadim Y. 2011. "Novel Reactivity Mode of Metal Diaminocarbenes: Palladium(II)-Mediated Coupling between Acyclic Diaminocarbenes and Isonitriles Leading to Dinuclear Species", Organometallics 30, 12: 3362 - 3370.
49. Benisvy, Laurent; Wanke, Riccardo; Guedes da S. M. F. C; Pombeiro, Armando J. L. 2011. "A Dianionic Dinickel(II) Complex and Its Oxidised Phenoxyl Radical States", European Journal of Inorganic Chemistry 2011, 18: 2791 - 2796.
50. Fernandes, Ricardo R; Lasri, Jamal; da Silva, M. F. C. G; da Silva, J. A; Fraústo da S. J. J; Pombeiro, Armando J. 2011. "Mild alkane C–H and O–H oxidations catalysed by mixed-N,S copper, iron and vanadium systems", Applied Catalysis A: General 402, 1-2: 110 - 120.
51. Fernandes, Ricardo R; Lasri, Jamal; da Silva, M. F. C. G; Palavra, António M. F; da Silva, J. A. L; da Silva, J. J. R. F; Pombeiro, Armando J. L. 2011. "Oxadiazoline and Ketoimine Palladium(II) Complexes as Highly Efficient Catalysts for Suzuki-Miyaura Cross-Coupling Reactions in Supercritical Carbon Dioxide", Advanced Synthesis & Catalysis 353, 7: 1153 - 1160.
52. Fernandes, Ricardo R; Lasri, Jamal; Kirillov, Alexander M; Guedes da S. M. F. C; da Silva, J. A. L; Fraústo da S. J. J. R; Pombeiro, Armando J. L. 2011. "New FeII and CuII Complexes Bearing Azathia Macrocycles - Catalyst Precursors for Mild Peroxidative Oxidation of Cyclohexane and 1-Phenylethanol", European Journal of Inorganic Chemistry, 00: 3781 - 3790.
53. Kirillov, Alexander M; Wieczorek, Sabina W; Lis, Agnieszka; Guedes da S. M. F. C; Florek, Magdalena; Kro¿?l, Jaroslaw; Staroniewicz, Zdzislaw; Smolen¿?ski, Piotr; Pombeiro, Armando J. L. 2011. "1,3,5-Triaza-7-phosphaadamantane-7-oxide (PTA¿?O): New Diamondoid Building Block for Design of Three-Dimensional Metal–Organic Frameworks", Crystal Growth & Design 11, 7: 2711 - 2716.
54. Shang, Xianmei; Meng, Xianggao; Alegria, Elisabete C; Li, Qingshan; Guedes da S. M. C; Kuznetsov, Maxim L; Pombeiro, Armando J. 2011. "Syntheses, Molecular Structures, Electrochemical Behavior, Theoretical Study, and Antitumor Activities of Organotin(IV) Complexes Containing 1-(4-Chlorophenyl)-1-cyclopentanecarboxylato Ligands", Inorganic Chemistry, 50: 8158 - 8167.
55. Wanke, Riccardo; Benisvy, Laurent; Kuznetsov, Maxim L; Guedes da S. M. F. C; Pombeiro, Armando J. L. 2011. "Persistent Hydrogen-Bonded and Non-Hydrogen-Bonded Phenoxyl Radicals", Chemistry - A European Journal 17, 42: 11882 - 11892.
56. Lasri, Jamal; Fernández Rodríguez, M. J; Guedes da S. M. F. C; Smolenski, Piotr; Kopylovich, Maximilian N; Fraústo da S. J. J; Pombeiro, Armando J. 2011. "Microwave synthesis of bis(tetrazolato)-PdII complexes with PPh3 and water-soluble 1,3,5-triaza-7-phosphaadamantane (PTA). The first example of C–CN bond cleavage of propionitrile by a PdII Centre", Journal of Organometallic Chemistry 696, 22: 3513 - 3520.
57. Pettinari, Claudio; Marchetti, Fabio; Lupidi, Giulio; Quassinti, Luana; Bramucci, Massimo; Petrelli, Dezemona; Vitali, Luca A; Guedes da S. M. F. C; Martins, Luísa M. D. R. S; Smolenski, Piotr; Pombeiro, Armando J. L. 2011. "Synthesis, Antimicrobial and Antiproliferative Activity of Novel Silver(I) Tris(pyrazolyl)methanesulfonate and 1,3,5-Triaza-7-phosphadamantane Complexes", Inorganic Chemistry 50, 21: 11173 - 11183.
58. Smolenski, Piotr; Kirillov, Alexander M; Guedes da S. M. F. C; Pombeiro, Armando J. 2011. "Transformations of the Vaska-type complex trans-[RhCl(CO)(PTA)2] (PTA=1,3,5-triaza-7-phosphaadamantane) during stepwise addition of HCl: Synthesis, characterization and crystal structure of trans-[RhCl2(PTA)(PTAH)]", Inorganica Chimica Acta 378, 1: 342 - 346.
59. Kirillov, Alexander M; Wieczorek, Sabina W; Guedes da S. M. F. C; Sokolnicki, Jerzy; Smolenski, Piotr; Pombeiro, Armando J. L. 2011. "Crystal engineering with 1,3,5-triaza-7-phosphaadamantane (PTA): first PTA-driven 3D metal–organic frameworks", CrystEngComm 13, 21: 6329 - 6329.
60. Mehdi, Sayed H; Hashim, Rokiah; Ghalib, Raza M; Fátima C. G. S. M; Sulaiman, Othman; Rahman, Syed Z; Murugaiyah, Vikneswaran; Marimuthu, Mani M. 2011. "Synthesis, characterization, antimicrobial and enzymatic activity of 4b,9b-dihydroxy-7,8-dihydro-4bH-indeno[1,2-b]benzofuran-9,10(6H,9bH)-dione", Journal of Molecular Structure 1006, 1-3: 318 - 323.
61. Marchetti, Fabio; Pettinari, Claudio; Pettinari, Riccardo; Cerquetella, Adele; Martins, Luísa M. D. R. S; Guedes da S. M. F. C; Silva, Telma F. S; Pombeiro, Armando J. L. 2011. "Ruthenium(II) Arene Complexes Bearing Tris(pyrazolyl)methanesulfonate Capping Ligands. Electrochemistry, Spectroscopic, and X-ray Structural Characterization", Organometallics 30, 22: 6180 - 6188.
62. Kopylovich, Maximilian N; Mahmudov, Kamran T; Guedes da S. M. F. C; Kirillov, Alexander M; Pombeiro, Armando J. L. 2011. "Unusual shift of a nitro group in a phenylhydrazo-ß-diketone", Dalton Transactions 40, 46: 12472 - 12472.
63. Kirillov, Alexander M; Kirillova, Marina V; Shul’pina, Lidia S; Figiel, Pawel J; Gruenwald, Katrin R; Guedes da S. M. F. C; Haukka, Matti; Pombeiro, Armando J; Shul’pin, Georgiy B. 2011. "Mild oxidative functionalization of alkanes and alcohols catalyzed by new mono- and dicopper(II) aminopolyalcoholates", Journal of Molecular Catalysis A: Chemical 350, 1-2: 26 - 34.
64. Fernandes, Ricardo R; Lasri, Jamal; Guedes da S. M. F. C; da Silva, J. A; Fraústo da S. J. J; Pombeiro, Armando J. 2011. "Bis- and tris-pyridyl amino and imino thioether Cu and Fe complexes. Thermal and microwave-assisted peroxidative oxidations of 1-phenylethanol and cyclohexane in the presence of various N-based additives", Journal of Molecular Catalysis A: Chemical, 351: 100 - 111.
65. Silva, T.F.S.; Luzyanin, K.V.; Kirillova, Marina V; Silva, Maria F. C. G.; Martins, L.M.D.R.S.; Pombeiro, A.J.L.. 2010. "Novel Scorpionate and Pyrazole Dioxovanadium Complexes, Catalysts for Carboxylation and Peroxidative Oxidation of Alkanes", Advanced Synthesis & Catalysis 352, 1: 171 - 187.
66. Mahmudov, K.T.; Kopylovich, M.N.; Silva, Maria F. C. G.; Figiel, P.J.; Karabach, Y.Y.; Pombeiro, A.J.L.. 2010. "New copper(II) dimer with 3-(2-hydroxy-4-nitro-phenylhydrazo)pentane-2,4-dione and its catalytic activity in cyclohexane and benzyl alcohol oxidations", ”, J. Mol. Cat. A:Chem. 318, 1-2: 44 - 50.
67. Kirillov, A.M.; Alegria, E.; Martins, L.M.D.R.S.; Sousa, C.; Pombeiro, A.J.L.. 2010. "Synthesis, characterization and redox behaviour of benzoyldiazenido-3 and oxorhenium complexes bearing N,N- and S,S-type ligands", Inorg. Chim. Acta, 363: 1269 - 1274.
68. Ma, Zhen; Cao, Y.; Li, Q.; Silva, Maria F. C. G.; Silva, João J. F.; Pombeiro, A.J.L.. 2010. "Synthesis, Characterization, Solid-state Photo-luminescence and Anti-tumor Activity of Zinc(II) 4’-phenyl-terpyridine Compounds", J. Inorg. Biochem 104, 7: 704 - 711.
69. Dinoi, C.; Silva, Maria F. C. G.; Alegria, E.; Smolenski, Piotr; Poli, Rinaldo; Pombeiro, A.J.L.. 2010. "Molybdenum Complexes Bearing the Tris(1-pyrazolyl)methanesulfonate Ligand: Synthesis, Characterization and Electrochemical Behaviour", Eur.J.Inorg.Chem., 16: 2415 - 2424.
70. Figiel, P.J.; Kopylovich, M.N.; Lasri, J.; Silva, Maria F. C. G.; Silva, João J. F.; Pombeiro, A.J.L.. 2010. "Solvent-free Microwave-assisted Peroxidative Oxidation of Secondary Alcohols to the Corresponding Ketones Catalyzed by Copper(II) 2,4-alkoxy-1,3,5-triazapentadienato Complexes", Chem. Commun., 46: 2766 - 2768.
71. Wanke, Riccardo; Guedes da S. M. F. C; Lancianesi, Stefano; Silva, Telma F. S; Martins, Lui¿?sa M. D. R. S; Pettinari, Claudio; Pombeiro, Armando J. L. 2010. " Synthesis and Coordination Chemistry of a New N 4 -Polydentate Class of Pyridyl-Functionalized Scorpionate Ligands: Complexes of Fe II , Zn II , Ni II , V IV , Pd II and Use for Heterobimetallic Systems ", Inorganic Chemistry 49, 17: 7941 - 7952.
72. Figiel, Pawel J; Kirillov, Alexander M; Guedes da S. M. F. C; Lasri, Jamal; Pombeiro, Armando J. L. 2010. "Self-assembled dicopper(ii) diethanolaminate cores for mild aerobic and peroxidative oxidation of alcohols", Dalton Transactions 39, 41: 9879 - 9879.
73. Kirillov, Alexander M; Coelho, Jaime A. S; Kirillova, Marina V; da Silva, M. F. C. G; Nesterov, Dmytro S; Gruenwald, Katrin R; Haukka, Matti; Pombeiro, Armando J. L. 2010. " Bringing an “Old¿? Biological Buffer to Coordination Chemistry: New 1D and 3D Coordination Polymers with [Cu 4 (Hbes) 4 ] Cores for Mild Hydrocarboxylation of Alkanes ", Inorganic Chemistry 49, 14: 6390 - 6392.
74. Karabach, Yauhen Y; Guedes da S. M. F. C; Kopylovich, Maximilian N; Gil-Herna¿?ndez, Beatriz; Sanchiz, Joaquin; Kirillov, Alexander M; Pombeiro, Armando J. L. 2010. " Self-Assembled 3D Heterometallic Cu II /Fe II Coordination Polymers with Octahedral Net Skeletons: Structural Features, Molecular Magnetism, Thermal and Oxidation Catalytic Properties ", Inorganic Chemistry 49, 23: 11096 - 11105.
75. Lis, Agnieszka; Guedes da S. M. F. C; Kirillov, Alexander M; Smolen¿?ski, Piotr; Pombeiro, Armando J. L. 2010. "Design of Silver(I)-PTA Coordination Polymers through Controlled N,P-Coordination of 1,3,5-Triaza-7-phosphaadamantane (PTA) with Arylcarboxylates", Crystal Growth & Design 10, 12: 5244 - 5253.
76. Kopylovich, Maximilian N; Mahmudov, Kamran T; Guedes da S. M. F. C; Martins, Luísa M; Kuznetsov, Maxim L; Silva, Telma F; Fraústo da S. J. J; Pombeiro, Armando J. 2010. "Trends in properties of para-substituted 3-(phenylhydrazo)pentane-2,4-diones", Journal of Physical Organic Chemistry, 24: 764 - 773.
77. Silva, Maria F. C. G.; Luzyanin, Konstantin V; Kukushkin, Vadim Y; Pombeiro, A.J.L.. 2009. "First example of an imine addition to coordinated isonitrile", Inorganica Chimica Acta 362, 3: 833 - 838.
78. Silva, Maria F. C. G.; Lasri, J.; Pombeiro, A.J.L.; Kopylovich, M.N.; Mukhopadhyaya, S.. 2009. "PdII-Promoted [2 3] Cycloadditions of Pyrrolin N-oxide to Organonitriles. Application of fused bicyclic (¿4-1,2,4-oxadiazoline)-PdII Complexes in the Microwave-Assisted Suzuki-Miyaura Cross-Coupling in Aqueous Medium", Dalton Trans., 000: 000 - 000.
79. Silva, Maria F. C. G.; Kopylovich, M.N.; Pombeiro, A.J.L.. 2009. "Single-pot Template Transformations of Cyanopyridines on a PdII Centre: Syntheses of Ketoimine and 2,4-Dipyridyl-1,3,5-Triazapentadiene Palladium(II) Complexes and Their Catalytic Activity for Microwave-assisted Suzuki-Miyaura and Heck Cross-Coupling Reactions in Solid Phase", Dalton Trans., 000: 3074 - 3084.
Highlighted as a “hot article”.

80. Silva, Maria F. C. G.; Pombeiro, A.J.L.; Smolenski, Piotr; Benisvy, Laurent. 2009. "Syntheses and Crystal Structures of the First Zinc Complex with 1,3,5-Triaza-7-phosphaadamantane (PTA), [ZnCl2(PTA)2], and of the Hybrid Organic-Inorganic Salts of N-Methyl-1,3,5-triaza-7-phosphaadamantane with Tetrahalozinc [PTA-Me]2¬[ZnI2X2] (X = I, Cl)", Eur. J. Inorg. Chem., 0000: 000 - 000.
81. Silva, Maria F. C. G.; Xing, Yanpeng; Pombeiro, A.J.L.; Yang, Mei; Hua, Miao; Liu, Baoqing; Ma, Zhen. 2009. "The double-helicate terpyridine silver(I) compound [Ag2L2](SO3CF3)2 (L = 40-phenyl-terpyridine) as a building block for di- and mononuclear complexes", <inorg. Chim. Acta, 00: 2921 - 2926.
82. Silva, Maria F. C. G.; Kirillov, A.M.; Smolenski, Piotr; Haukka, M.; Pombeiro, A.J.L.. 2009. "Unprecedent Metal-Free C(sp3)-C(sp3) Bond Cleavage: Switching from N-Alkyl- to N-Methyl-1,3,5-triaza-7-phosphaadamantane", Organometallics , 28: 1683 - 1687.
83. Silva, Maria F. C. G.; Tshovrebov, A.G.; Pombeiro, A.J.L.; Haukka, M.; Luzyanin, K.V.; Kukushkin, Vadim Y. 2009. "Metal-mediated [2 3] Cycloaddition of Nitrones to Palladium-bound Isonitriles", Chem. Eur. J. 15, 24: 5969 - 5978.
84. Silva, Maria F. C. G.; Martins, N.C.T.; Wanke, R.; Pombeiro, A.J.L.. 2009. "Electrocatalytic Reduction of Organohalides Mediated by the Dihalo-Molybdenum Phosphinic Complexes trans-[MoX2(Ph2PCH2CH2PPh2)2] (X = I, Br) – A Mechanistic Study by Cyclic Voltammetry Digital Simulation", Dalton Trans., 000: 4772 - 4777.
85. Silva, Maria F. C. G.; Pombeiro, A.J.L.; Li, Q.; Cui, Jingrong; Gajewska, M.; Luzyanin, Konstantin V. 2009. "Cyclic Trinuclear Diorganotin(IV)-Complexes – the First Tin Compounds Bearing Oximehydroxamate Ligands: Synthesis, Structural Characterization and High in vitro Cytotoxicity", Eur. J. Inorg. Chem . , 000: 3765 - 3769.
86. Silva, Maria F. C. G.; Mukhopadhyaya, S.; Mukhopadhyay, B.G.; Pombeiro, A.J.L.; Charmier, M.A.. 2009. "Synthesis of mono- and bis-tetrazolato complexes of Ni(II), Pt(II) and Cu(II) via 1,3-dipolar cycloadditions of 2-cyanopyridines with metal ligated azides in N,N,O-aminoiminophenolato complexes", Dalton Trans., 000: 4778 - 4785.
87. Silva, Maria F. C. G.; Cunha, S.M.P.R.M.; Pombeiro, A.J.L.; Silva, João J. F.. 2009. "Cyanoimide-Bridged, Bi- and Trinuclear, Heterometallic Complexes with na NCN–Mo–NCN Phosphinic Core", Eur. J. Inorg. Chem, 000: 3966 - 3971.
88. Jaremko, L.; Kirillov, A.M.; Smolenski, Piotr; Lis, T.; Silva, Maria F. C. G.; Pombeiro, A.J.L.. 2009. "Synthesis, Characterization and Molecular Structures of the Hybrid Organic-Inorganic Salts of N-alkyl-1,3,5-triaza-7-phosphaadamantane (alkyl = methyl, ethyl) and Tetra(isothiocyanato)cobalt(II) ", Inorg. Chim. Acta, 362: 1645 - 1649.
89. Martins, N.C.T.; Wanke, R.; Silva, Maria F. C. G.; Pombeiro, A.J.L.. 2009. "Electrocatalytic Reduction of Organohalides Mediated by the Dihalo-Molybdenum Phosphinic Complexes trans-[MoX2(Ph2PCH2CH2PPh2)2] (X = I, Br) – A Mechanistic Study by Cyclic Voltammetry Digital Simulation", Dalton Trans., 000: 4772 - 4777.
90. Kirillov, A.M.; Smolenski, Piotr; Ma, Zhen; Silva, Maria F. C. G.; Haukka, M.; Pombeiro, A.J.L.. 2009. "Copper(I) Iodide Complexes derived from N-alkyl-1,3,5-Triaza-7-phosphaadamantanes: Synthesis, Crystal Structures, Photoluminescence and Identification of the Unprecedented {Cu3I5}2– Cluster", Organometallics, 28: 6425 - 6431.
91. Benisvy, Laurent; Wanke, R.; Silva, Maria F. C. G.; Pombeiro, A.J.L.. 2009. "Towards the Functionalisation of the Methine Carbon of a Sterically Hindered Tris(pyrazolyl)methane: Is a Radical Pathway Envisageable? Synthesis and structure of Tetrakis(3,5-dimethylpyrazolyl)methane", Tetrahedron 65, 45: 9218 - 9223.
92. Silva, T.F.S.; Mishra, G.S.; Silva, Maria F. C. G.; Wanke, R.; Martins, L.M.D.R.S.; Pombeiro, A.J.L.. 2009. "CuII Complexes Bearing the 2,2,2-tris(1-pyrazolyl)ethanol or 2,2,2-tris(1- pyrazolyl)ethyl methanesulfonate Scorpionates. X-Ray Structural Characterization and Application in the Mild Catalytic Peroxidative Oxidation of Cyclohexane", Dalton Trans., 000: 9207 - 9215.
93. Luzyanin, K.V.; Tshovrebov, A.G.; Maia, M.C.; Silva, Maria F. C. G.; Pombeiro, A.J.L.; Kukushkin, Vadim Y. 2009. "Novel Metal-Mediated (M = Pt, Pd) Coupling between Isonitriles and Benzophenone Hydrazone as a Route to Aminocarbene Complexes Exhibiting High Catalytic Activity (M = Pd) in the Suzuki–Miyaura Reaction", Organometallics 28, 22: 6559 - 6566.
94. Silva, Maria F. C. G.; Kirillov, A.M.; Karabach, Y.Y.; Haukka, M.; Pombeiro, A.J.L.; Kopylovich, M.N.. 2008. "Self-assembled Copper(II) Coordination Polymers Derived from Aminopolyalcohols and Benzenepolycarboxylates: Structural and Magnetic Properties", Inorganic Chemistry, 47: 162 - 175.
95. Silva, Maria F. C. G.; Kirillova, Marina V; Silva, João J. F.; Kirillov, A.M.; Kopylovich, M.N.; Pombeiro, A.J.L.. 2008. "3D hydrogen bonded metal-organic frameworks constructed from [M(H2O)6][M0(dipicolinate)2] Æ mH2O (M/M0 = Zn/Ni or Ni/Ni). Identification of intercalated acyclic (H2O)6/(H2O)10 clusters", Inorg. Chim. Acta , 361: 1728 - 1737.
96. Silva, Maria F. C. G.; Kirillova, Marina V; Kuznetsov, M.L.; Silva, J.A.L.; Silva, João J. F.; Pombeiro, A.J.L.. 2008. "Amavadin and Other Vanadium Complexes as Remarkable Efficient Catalysts for the Single-Pot Conversion of Ethane into Propionic and Acetic Acids", Chem. Eur. J., 14: 1828 - 1842.
97. Silva, Maria F. C. G.; Smolenski, Piotr; Kirillov, A.M.; Pombeiro, A.J.L.. 2008. "1-Methyl-1-azonia-3,5-diaza-7-phosphatricyclo-[,7]decane Tetrafluoroborate", Acta Cryst., E64: 556 - 559.
98. Silva, Maria F. C. G.; Kirillov, A.M.; Smolenski, Piotr; Kopylovich, M.N.; Pombeiro, A.J.L.. 2008. "Three-dimensional hydrogen-bonded supramolecular assembly in tetrakis(1,3,5-triaza-7-phosphaadamantane)copper(I) chloride hexahydrate", Acta Cryst, E64: 603 - 604.
99. Silva, Maria F. C. G.; Fernandes, Ricardo R; Kirillov, A.M.; Ma, Zhen; Silva, J.A.L.; Silva, João J. F.; Pombeiro, A.J.L.. 2008. "An Infinite Two-Dimensional Hybrid Water-Chloride Network, Self-Assembled in a Hydrophobic Terpyridine Iron(II) Matrix", Crystal Growth & Design , 8: 782 - 785.
100. Silva, Maria F. C. G.; Sgarbossa, Paolo; Scarso, Alessandro; Michelin, Rino A; Pombeiro, A.J.L.. 2008. "Lewis acidity of platinum(II)-based Baeyer–Villiger catalysts: An electrochemical approach", Inorg. Chim. Acta, 361: 3247 - 3253.
101. Silva, Maria F. C. G.; Pombeiro, A.J.L.; Dinoi, C.; Smolenski, Piotr. 2008. "Synthesis of the Water-soluble [Rh(Tpms)(CO)(PTA)] Compound, the First Transition Metal Complex Bearing the 1,3,5-triaza-7-phosphaadamantane (PTA) and the Tris(1-pyrazolyl)methane sulfonate (Tpms) Ligands", J. Organometal. Chem, 693: 2338 - 2344.
102. Silva, Maria F. C. G.; Lasri, J.; Charmier, M.A.; Pombeiro, A.J.L.. 2008. "Optically Active Mixed Unsymmetric Imine Platinum(II) Complexes. Utilization of the Liberated Imines to Further Syntheses of Mixed Imine-Diazadiene Complexes and of E-cyanoalkanes", Eur. J. Inorg. Chem, 14: 3668 - 3677.
103. Silva, Maria F. C. G.; Pombeiro, A.J.L.; Charmier, M.A.; Lasri, J.. 2008. "Metal-free and PdII-promoted [2 3] Cycloadditions of Cyclic Nitrone to Phthalonitriles: Syntheses of Oxadiazolines, Phthalamides and Dihydropyrrolyl-iminoisoindolinone PdII Complexes. High Catalytic Activity of the PdII Complexes for the Suzuki-Miyaura Cross-Coupling", Chem. Eur. J. 14, 30: 9312 - 9322.
104. Silva, Maria F. C. G.; Pombeiro, A.J.L.; Kirillova, Marina V; Kirillov, A.M.. 2008. "Self-assembled Two-dimensional Water-soluble Dipicolinate-Cu/Na Coordination Polymer: Structural Features and Catalytic Activity for the Mild Peroxidative Oxidation of Cycloalkanes in Acid-free Medium", Eur. J. Inorg. Chem., 22: 3423 - 3427.
105. Silva, Maria F. C. G.; Mukhopadhyaya, S.; Pombeiro, A.J.L.; Charmier, M.A.; Smolenski, Piotr. 2008. "New Water-soluble Azido- and Derived Tetrazolato-platinum(II) Complexes with 1,3,5-triaza-7-phosphaadamantane (PTA). Easy Metal-mediated Synthesis and Isolation, from Aqueous Medium, of 5-substituted Tetrazoles", Dalton Trans., 46: 6546 - 6555.
106. Silva, Maria F. C. G.; Pombeiro, A.J.L.; Lasri, J.; Mukhopadhyaya, S.. 2008. "Activation of C-CN bond of Propionitrile: an Alternative Route to the Syntheses of 5-substituted-1H-Tetrazoles and Dicyano-Platinum(II) Species", Polyhedron 27, 13: 2883 - 2888.
107. Silva, Maria F. C. G.; Mukhopadhyay, B.G.; Pombeiro, A.J.L.; Mukhopadhyaya, S.; Charmier, M.A.. 2008. "PtII-Promoted [2 3] Cycloaddition of Azide to Cyanopyridines: Convenient Tool toward Heterometallic Structures", Inorg. Chem., 47: 11334 - 11341.
108. Silva, Maria F. C. G.; Jaremko, L.; Pombeiro, A.J.L.; Kirillov, A.M.; Smolenski, Piotr; Lis, T.. 2008. "Synthesis, characterization and molecular structures of the hybrid organic-inorganic salts of N-alkyl-1,3,5-triaza-7-phosphaadamantane (alkyl = methyl, ethyl) and tetra(isothiocyanato)cobalt(II)", Inorg. Chim. Acta 362, 362: 1645 - 1649.
109. Silva, Maria F. C. G.; Wanke, R.; Martins, L.M.D.R.S.; Pombeiro, A.J.L.; Smolenski, Piotr. 2008. "Cu(I) complexes bearing the new sterically demanding and coordination flexible ", Inorg. Chem., 47: 10158 - 10168.
110. Silva, Maria F. C. G.; Pombeiro, A.J.L.; Kirillov, A.M.; Smolenski, Piotr. 2007. "1-Methyl-1-azonia-3,5-diaza-7-phosphatricyclo-[]decane 7-oxide triiodide", Acta Crys. , E64: 496 - 497.
111. Silva, Telma F. S; Martins, Luisa M. D. R; Guedes da S. M. F. C; Pombeiro, Armando J. L. 2007. " Bis[tris(1-pyrazolyl)methane-¿ 3 N , N ', N '']copper(II) dichloride methanol disolvate ", Acta Crystallographica Section E Structure Reports Online 63, 7: 1979 - 1979.
112. Silva, Maria F. C. G.; Pombeiro, A.J.L.; Lasri, J.; Mukhopadhyaya, S.; Charmier, M.A.. 2007. "trans-Bis[5(4-fluorophenyl)tetrazolato]bis(triphenylphosphine)platinum(II)", Acta Crys. , E63: 2656 - 2657.
113. Silva, Maria F. C. G.; Bolaño, S.; Bravo, J.; Castro-Fojo, J.A.; Rodríguez-Rocha, M.M.; Gonsalvi, L.; Peruzzini, M.; Pombeiro, A.J.L.. 2007. "Synthesis, Reactivity, X-ray Crystal Structures and Electrochemical Behaviour of Water-Soluble [Tris(pyrazolyl)borato] ruthenium(II) Complexes of 1,3,5-triaza-7-phosphaadamantane (PTA)", Eur. J. Inorg. Chem., 35: 5523 - 5532.
Highlighted as one of the most accessed articles in December 2007.

114. Silva, Maria F. C. G.; Pombeiro, A.J.L.; Mukhopadhyaya, S.; Lasri, J.; Charmier, M.A.. 2007. "Microwave Synthesis of Mono- and Bis-Tetrazolato Complexes via 1, 3-Dipolar Cycloaddition of Organonitriles with Platinum(II)-bound Azides", Dalton Trans., 2007: 5297 - 5304.
115. Silva, Maria F. C. G.; Costa, M.T.A.R.S.; Pombeiro, A.J.L.; Silva, João J. F.. 2007. "Reactions of Bis(phenyldiazenido)rhenium Complex [ReBr2(NNPh)2(PPh3)2]Br with Carbon Monoxide and Alk-1-ynes", Collect Czech. Chem. Commun., 72: 599 - 608.
116. Silva, Maria F. C. G.; Pombeiro, A.J.L.; Lasri, J.; Charmier, M.A.. 2007. "Mixed Unsymmetric Oxadiazoline and/or Imine Platinum(II) Complexes", Dalton Trans., 2007: 3259 - 3266.
117. Silva, Maria F. C. G.; Pombeiro, A.J.L.; Kirillov, A.M.; Smolenski, Piotr. 2007. "The First Copper Complexes Bearing the 1,3,5-Triaza-phosphaadamantane (PTA) Ligand", Eur. J. Inorg. Chem. , 2007: 2686 - 2692.
118. Silva, Maria F. C. G.; Pombeiro, A.J.L.; Lasri, J.; Charmier, M.A.. 2007. "Direct synthesis of (imine)platinum(II) complexes by iminoacylation of ketoximes with activated organonitrile ligands", Dalton Trans., 2007: 5062 - 5067.
119. Silva, Maria F. C. G.; Pombeiro, A.J.L.; Kirillov, A.M.; Kirillova, Marina V; Silva, João J. F.. 2007. "3D Hydrogen Bonded Heteroneclear CoII, NiII, CuII and ZnII Aqua Complexes Derived from Dipicolonic Acid", Inorg. Chim Acta. , 360: 506 - 512.
120. Silva, Maria F. C. G.; Kirillov, A.M.; Haukka, M.; Pombeiro, A.J.L.. 2007. "Synthesis, Characterization and Redox Behaviour of Mono- and Dicarbonyl Phosphane Rhenium(I) Complexes Bearing N-, N,N- and N,O-Type Ligands", Eur. J. Inorg. Chem. , 11: 1556 - 1565.
121. Silva, Maria F. C. G.; Pombeiro, A.J.L.; Kirillov, A.M.; Silva, João J. F.; Haukka, M.. 2006. "A Picolinate-N2 Complex of Rhenium, the first Dinitrogen Complex Bearing a Carboxylate or a N,O-Ligand", J. Organomet. Chem., 691: 4153 - 4158.
122. Silva, Maria F. C. G.; Pombeiro, A.J.L.; Kirillov, A.M.; Karabach, Y.Y.. 2006. "An Aqua-soluble Copper(II)-sodium 2D Coordination on Polymer with Intercalated Infinite Chains of Decameric Water Clusters", Crystal Growth & Design 6, 10: 2200 - 2203.
123. Silva, Maria F. C. G.; Bokach, N.A.; Haukka, M.; P.Hirva; Kukushkin, Vadim Y. 2006. "Photoinduced synthesis and electrochemical properties of new ruthenium(mono)bipyridine dialkylcyanamide and propiononitrile complexes", J. Organomet. Chem. , 691: 2368 - 2377.
124. Silva, Maria F. C. G.; Kirillov, A.M.; Kopylovich, M.N.; Pombeiro, A.J.L.; Karabach, Y.Y.; Haukka, M.. 2006. "Mild Peroxidative Oxidation of Cyclohexane Catalyzed by Mono-, Di-, Tri-, Tetra- and Polynuclear Copper Triethanolamine Complexes", Advanced Synthesis & Catalysis 348, 1-2: 159 - 174.
125. Venâncio, Ana I. F; Guedes da S. M. F. C; Martins, Luísa M. D. R. S; Fraústo da S. J. J. R; Pombeiro, Armando J. L. 2005. "Allenylidene Iron(II) Complexes and Their Deprotonation, Nucleophilic Addition Reactions, and Cathodic Protonation toward Alkynyl Derivatives: A Chemical and Electrochemical Study", Organometallics 24, 19: 4654 - 4665.
126. Silva, Maria F. C. G.; Pombeiro, A.J.L.; Kirillov, A.M.; Haukka, M.. 2005. "Preparation and Crystal Structures of Benzoylhydrazido- and -diazenidorhenium Complexes with N,O-Ligands and Their Catalytic Activity Towards Peroxidative Oxidation of Cycloalkane", Eur. J. Inorg. Chem., 2005: 2071 - 2080.
127. Silva, Maria F. C. G.; Pombeiro, A.J.L.; Kirillov, A.M.; Kirillova, Marina V; Kopylovich, M.N.; Haukka, M.. 2005. "Multinuclear Copper Triethanolamine Complexes as Selective Catalysts for the Peroxidative Oxidation of Alkanes under Mild Conditions", Angew. Chem., Int. Ed. , 44: 4345 - 4349.
128. Silva, Maria F. C. G.; Alegria, E.C.B.; Martins, L.M.D.R.S.; Pombeiro, A.J.L.. 2005. "Syntheses and Properties of Re(III) Complexes Derived from Hydrotris(1- pyrazolyl)methanes: Molecular Structure of [ReCl2(HCpz3)(PPh3)][BF4]", J. Organometal. Chem. 690, 8: 1947 - 1958.
129. Silva, Maria F. C. G.; Li, Q.; Jinghua, Z.; Pombeiro, A.J.L.. 2004. "Diorganotin(IV) Derivatives of Arylhydroxamic Acids. Synthesis, Properties and Antitumor Activity", J. Organometal. Chem., 689: 4584 - 4591.
130. Silva, Maria F. C. G.; Reisner, E.; Arion, V.B.; Lichtenecker, R.; Eichinger, A.; Keppler, B.K.; Kukushkin, Vadim Y; Pombeiro, A.J.L.. 2004. "Tuning of Redox Potentials for the Design of Ruthenium Anticancer Drugs — an Electrochemical Study of [trans-RuCl4L(DMSO)]- and [trans-RuCl4L2]- Complexes, where L = Imidazole, 1,2,4-Triazole, Indazole", Inorg. Chem., 43: 7083 - 7093.
131. Silva, Maria F. C. G.; Trzeciak, Anna M; Borak, B.; Ciunik, Z.; Ziólkowski, .J.; Pombeiro, A.J.L.. 2004. "Structure, Electrochemistry and Hydroformylation Catalytic Activity of the bis(pyrazolylborato)rhodium(I) Complexes [RhBp(CO)P] [P = P(NC4H4)3, PPh3, PCy3, P(C6H4OMe-4)3", Eur. J. Inorg. Chem., 000: 1411 - 1419.
132. Silva, Maria F. C. G.; Li, Q.; Pombeiro, A.J.L.. 2004. "Diorganotin(IV) Derivatives of Substituted Benzohydroxamic Acids with High Antitumor Acivity", Chem. Eur. J., 10: 1456 - 1462.
133. Silva, Maria F. C. G.; Pombeiro, A.J.L.; Martins, L.M.D.R.S.; Alegria, E.C.B.. 2004. "Comparative Electrochemical Behaviour of the Complexes trans-[Mo(NCN){NCNC(O)R}(dppe)2]Cl (R = Et or Ph) and trans-[Mo(NCN)Cl(dppe)2][BF4]", Portugaliae Electrochimica Acta, 22: 19 - 23.
134. Silva, Maria F. C. G.; Pombeiro, A.J.L.; Sobota, P.; Jerzykiewicz, L.B.; Almeida, S.S.P.R.. 2003. "Cyanide as a versatile Lewis Base Ligand at a Dinitrogen-binding Iron(II) centre: Mono- and Heteronuclear Adducts", Inorg. Chim. Acta, 356: 259 - 266.
135. Silva, Maria F. C. G.; Pombeiro, A.J.L.; Almeida, S.S.P.R.. 2003. "Electrochemical Behaviour of trans-[FeH(CN)(dppe)2] Adducts", Collect. Czech. Chem. Commun., 68: 1663 - 1676.
136. Silva, Maria F. C. G.; Ferreira, C.M.P.; Pombeiro, A.J.L.; Michelin, Rino A; Silva, João J. F.. 2003. "2-Amino-2-oxazoline and Trialkylisourea Pt(II) Complexes Derived from Organocyanamides", Dalton Trans., 000: 3751 - 3756.
137. Silva, Maria F. C. G.; Garnovskii, D.A.; Garnovskii, A.D.; Pombeiro, A.J.L.; Silva, João J. F.. 2003. "Electrochemical Synthesis of Adducts of 2-Aminopyridine or Methanol in Metal Chelates of a N,N,N-Tridentate Schiff Base Ligand. X-ray Crystal Structures of the Ni(II) and Zn(II) Derivatives", Polyhedron 22, 10: 1335 - 1340.
138. Silva, Maria F. C. G.; Cunha, S.M.P.R.M.; Pombeiro, A.J.L.. 2003. "Mixed Dinitrogen-Organocyanamide Complexes of Molybdenum(0) and Their Protic Conversion into Hidrazine and Amidoazavinylidene Derivatives", Inorg. Chem., 42: 2157 - 2164.
139. Silva, Maria F. C. G.; Venâncio, A.I.F.; Pombeiro, A.J.L.; Martins, L.M.D.R.S.; Kuznetsov, M.L.. 2002. "Metal-Hydride Bond Activation and Metal-Metal Interaction in Dinuclear Iron Complexes with Linking Dinitriles: a Synthetic, Electrochemical and Theoretical Study", Inorg. Chem., 41: 6456 - 6467.
140. Silva, Maria F. C. G.; Pombeiro, A.J.L.; Duarte, Teresa; Ferreira, C.M.P.; Silva, João J. F.. 2002. "Cationic Phenyl and Chloro-Platinum(II) Complexes with Cyanamides and Cyanoguanidine. X-ray Structure of trans-[Pt(Ph)(NCNMe2)(PPh3)2][BPh4]", Inorg. Chim. Acta, 334: 395 - 402.
141. Silva, Maria F. C. G.; Pombeiro, A.J.L.; Silva, João J. F.. 2002. "Activation of Organonitriles Toward ¿-Electrophilic Attack. Synthesis and Characterisation of Methyleneamide (Azavinylidene) Complexes of Rhenium", Inorg. Chem., 41: 219 - 228.
142. Silva, Maria F. C. G.; Cunha, S.M.P.R.M.; Pombeiro, A.J.L.. 2002. "Activation of Cyanamide by a Molybdenum(0) Diphosphinic Centre. Formation of Cyanoimide and its Reactivity with Electrophiles", J. Chem. Soc., Dalton Trans., 000: 1791 - 1799.
143. Silva, Maria F. C. G.; Belluco, Umberto; Benetollo, Franco; Bertani, Roberta; Bombieri, Gabriella; Michelin, Rino A; Mozzon, Mirto; Tonon, Oliviero; Pombeiro, A.J.L.. 2002. "Addition reactions of primary and secondary aliphatic amines to the benzonitrile ligands in cis- and trans-[PtCl2(NCPh)2] complexes. X-ray structure of the amidine complex trans-[PtCl2{Z-N(H)=C(NHBut)Ph}2]", Inorg. Chim. Acta, 334: 437 - 447.
144. Silva, Maria F. C. G.; Michelin, Rino A; Belluco, Umberto; Benetollo, Franco; Bombieri, Gabriella; Mozzon, Mirto; Bertani, Roberta; Pombeiro, A.J.L.. 2002. "Stereochemical Investigation of the Addition of Primary and Secondary Aliphatic Amines to the Nitrile Complexes cis- and trans-[PtCl2(NCMe)2]. X-ray Structures of the Amidine Complexes trans-[Pt(NH2Pri)2{Z-N(H)=C(NHPri)Me}]Cl2.4H2O and trans-[PtCl2(NCMe){E-N(H)=C(NMeBut)Me}]", Inorg. Chim. Acta, 330: 229 - 239.
145. Silva, Maria F. C. G.; Kukushkin, Vadim Y; Bokach, N.A.; Selivanov, Stanislav I; Haukka, M.; Pombeiro, A.J.L.. 2001. "The First Observation and Structural Characterization of (Formamide)Platinum(IV) Complexes", Eur. J. Inorg. Chem., 000: 2805 - 2809.
146. Silva, Maria F. C. G.; Kopylovich, M.N.; Pombeiro, A.J.L.; Haukka, M.; Silva, João J. F.; Kukushkin, Vadim Y. 2001. "Conversion of Alkanenitriles to Amidines and Carboxylic Acids Mediated by a Cobalt(II)-Ketoxime System", J. Chem. Soc., Perkin Trans. I , 000: 1569 - 1573.
147. Silva, Maria F. C. G.; Pombeiro, A.J.L.; Michelin, Rino A. 2001. "Aminocarbene Complexes Derived from Nucleophilic Addition to Isocyanides", Coord. Chem. Rev., 218: 75 - 112.
148. Silva, Maria F. C. G.; Pombeiro, A.J.L.; Michelin, Rino A. 2001. "Aminocarbyne Complexes Derived from Isocyanides Activated Toward Electrophilic Addition", Coord. Chem. Rev., 218: 43 - 74.
149. Silva, Maria F. C. G.; Pombeiro, A.J.L.; Silva, João J. F.; Kuznetsov, M.L.; Zhang, Lei; Gamasa, M. P; Gimeno, Jose. 2001. "Synthesis and Electrochemical and Theoretical Studies of Fischer-type Alkenyl-Carbyne Tungsten Complexes [(dppe)(CO)2(RNC)W(¿CCH=CCH2CH2(CH2)nCH2}][BF4] (R = alkyl, aryl)", Organomettalics, 20: 2782 - 2793.
150. Silva, Maria F. C. G.; Pombeiro, A.J.L.; Lemos, M. A. N. 2001. "Electron-Transfer Induced Isomerizations of Coordination Compounds", Coord. Chem. Rev., 219-221: 53 - 80.
151. Silva, Maria F. C. G.; Ferreira, C.M.P.; Pombeiro, A.J.L.; Silva, João J. F.; Michelin, Rino A; Kukushkin, Vadim Y. 2001. "Azametallacycles from Ag(I)- or Cu(II)-Promoted Coupling Reactions of Dialkylcyanamides with Oximes at Pt(II)", Inorg. Chem., 40: 1134 - 1142.
152. Silva, Maria F. C. G.; Sobota, P.; Jerzykiewicz, L.B.; Przybylak, Katarzyna; Utko, Jo z; Szczegot, Krzysztof; Pombeiro, A.J.L.. 2001. "Synthesis, Structure and Reactivity of Chiral Titanium Compounds: Procatalysts for Olefin Polymerization", Chem. Eur.J., 7 (2001) 951-958, 7: 951 - 958.
153. Silva, Maria F. C. G.; Pombeiro, A.J.L.; Martins, L.M.D.R.S.; Silva, João J. F.. 2001. "Redox potential-(electronic) structure relationships in 18- and 17-electron mononitrile (or monocarbonyl) diphosphine complexes of Re and Fe", Collect. Czech. Chem. Commun., 66: 139 - 154.
154. Silva, Maria F. C. G.; Pombeiro, A.J.L.. 2001. "Coordination Chemistry of CNH2, the Simplest Aminocarbyne", J. Organomet. Chem., 617-618: 65 - 69.
155. Silva, Maria F. C. G.; Pombeiro, A.J.L.; Trzeciak, Anna M; Ziólkowski, .J.. 2001. "Redox Potential, Ligand and Structural Effects in Rhodium(I) Complexes", J. Organometal. Chem., 620: 174 - 181.
156. Silva, Maria F. C. G.; Pombeiro, A.J.L.; Silva, João J. F.; Silva, J. A. L.; Martins, N.C.T.; Paliteiro, Carlos. 2001. "Electrocatalytic Oxidation of Pyrogallol by an Amavadin Model", Port. Electroch. Acta, 19: 367 - 370.
157. Silva, Maria F. C. G.; Pombeiro, A.J.L.; Almeida, S.S.P.R.. 2001. "Estimate of Electrochemical Ligand Parameters in Iron(II) Adducts of [FeH(CN)(dppe)2]", Port. Electroch. Acta, 19: 371 - 376.
158. Silva, Maria F. C. G.; Pombeiro, A.J.L.; Zhang, Lei; Gamasa, M. P; Gimeno, Jose; Graiff, Claudia; Lanfranchi, Maurizio; Tiripicchio, Antonio. 2000. "Synthesis, Characterization and Electrochemical Studies of Neutral Alkenyl-Carbyne Tunsten Complexes Bearing Chelating Bidentate and Tridentate Phosphines", Eur. J. Inorg. Chem., 000: 1707 - 1715.
159. Silva, Maria F. C. G.; Rauter, Amelia; Ferreira, Maria; Borges, C.; Duarte, Teresa; Piedade, Fatima; Santos, Helena. 2000. "Construction of a Branched Chain at C-3 of a Hexopyranoside. Synthesis of Miharamycin Sugar Moiety Analogs", Carbohydrate Research, 325: 1 - 15.
160. Silva, Maria F. C. G.; Pombeiro, A.J.L.; Garnovskii, D.A.; Pakhomova, Tatyana B; Wagner, Gabriele; Duarte, Teresa; Silva, João J. F.; Kukushkin, Vadim Y. 2000. "Iminoacylation. 6. Coupling of Chloro- and Amidoximes Ar(R)C=NOH(R = Cl, NH2) with Acetonitrile Ligands Coordinated to Platinum(IV)", Inorg. Chim. Acta., 300-302: 499 - 504.
161. Silva, Maria F. C. G.; Pombeiro, A.J.L.; Geremia, Silvano; Zangrando, Ennio; Calligaris, Mario; Zinchenko, Andrey V; Kukushkin, Vadim Y. 2000. "Unusual Pathways for the Reaction between [MCl2(Me2SO)4] (M = Os, Ru) and Hydrazine dihydrochloride: deoxygenation of sulfoxides vs. coordination of hydrazinium", J. Chem. Soc. Dalton Trans., 000: 1363 - 1371.
162. Silva, Maria F. C. G.; Pombeiro, A.J.L.; Zhang, Lei; Gamasa, M. P; Gimeno, Jose; Carbajo, Rodrigo J; López-Ortiz, Fernando. 2000. "Mono and Dinuclear Alkenyl-Carbyne Complexes Bridged by Cyanide and Diisocyanide Ligands: Synthesis, Electrochemical- and 183W-NMR studies", Eur. J. Inorg. Chem., 000: 341 - 350.
163. Silva, Maria F. C. G.; Pombeiro, A.J.L.; Silva, João J. F.; Lemos, M. A. N; Pellinghelli, Maria A; Tiripicchio, Antonio. 2000. "Aminocarbyne and Isocyanide Complexes of rhenium. Crystal Structures of trans-[ReCl(CNR) (Ph2PCH2CH2PPh2)2] (R = H or SiMe3)", J. Chem. Soc., Dalton Trans., 000: 373 - 380.
164. Silva, Maria F. C. G.; Pombeiro, A.J.L.; Almeida, S.S.P.R.; Silva, João J. F.. 1999. "Reactions of a Cyanosilane with an Iron(II) Centre. Synthesis and Crystal Structure of the Isocyanotriphenylborate complex trans-[FeH(CNBPh3)(dppe)2] and Anodic Deprotonation of the Hydrogen Isocyanide (CNH) analogue", J. Chem. Soc., Dalton Trans., (1999) 467-472, 000: 467 - 472.
165. Silva, Maria F. C. G.; Pombeiro, A.J.L.; Cunha, S.M.P.R.M.. 1999. "Redox Properties of the Nitrogen-Cyanamide Complexes trans-[Mo(N2)(NCNR2) (dppe)2]", Port. Electroch. Acta, , 17: 221 - 224.
166. Silva, Maria F. C. G.; Pombeiro, A.J.L.; Ferreira, C.M.P.; Silva, João J. F.. 1998. "Electron-Transfer Chain Catalysis for the cis-to-trans Isomeric Conversion of cis-[ReCl(CO)(dppe)2]", J. Chem. Soc., Dalton Trans., (1998) 4139-4145, 000: 4139 - 4145.
167. Silva, Maria F. C. G.; Izotova, Youlia A; Kukushkin, Vadim Y; Pombeiro, A.J.L.. 1998. "Manifestation of Redox Duality of 2-propanone oxime: Pt(II)-assisted reduction versus Pt(IV)-mediated oxidation of Me2C=NOH species", Inorg. Chim. Acta, 277: 83 - 88.
168. Silva, Maria F. C. G.; Pombeiro, A.J.L.; Silva, João J. F.; Amatore, Christian; Verpeaux, Jean-Nöel. 1998. "Electron-Transfer-Induced Geometrical Isomerization of the Dinitrile Complexes cis-[Re(NCR)2(dppe)2][BF4] ", Inorg. Chem., 37: 2344 - 2350.
169. Silva, Maria F. C. G.; Pombeiro, A.J.L.; Silva, João J. F.; Ferreira, C.M.P.; Kukushkin, Vadim Y. 1998. "The First Direct Observation of the N-O- Bond Cleavage in the Oxidative Addition of an Oxime to a Metal Centre. Synthesis and Crystal Structure of the Methyleneamide Complex trans-¿Re(OH)(N=CMe2) (Ph2PCH2CH2PPh2)2¿¿HSO4¿", J. Chem. Soc., Dalton Trans., 000: 325 - 326.
170. Silva, Maria F. C. G.; Pombeiro, A.J.L.; Silva, João J. F.; Ferreira, C.M.P.; Belluco, Umberto; Mozzon, Mirto; Michelin, Rino A; Bertani, Roberta; Bombieri, Gabriella; Benetollo, Franco; Branco, Elsa M. 1997. "Bifunctional Activation of Cyanoguanidine. Synthesis and Molecular Structure of the Azametallacycle cis-[(PPh3)2Pt{NHC(OMe)=NC(NH2)=NH}][BPh4]", Inorg. Chim. Acta, 265: 267 - 270.
171. Silva, Maria F. C. G.; Pombeiro, A.J.L.; Hitchcock, Peter B; Hughes, David L; Marjani, Katayoun; Richards, Raymond L. 1997. "Thiolate-isocyanide Complexes of Molybdenum(II) and Tungsten (II): Crystal Structures of cis-[Mo(SC6H2Pri3 2,4,6)2(CNMe)2], cis-[Mo(SC6H2Pri3-2,4,6)2(CNBut)2] and cis-[W(SC6H2Pri3-2,4,6)2 (CNMe)4], and Anodically-induced Isomerisation Studies", J. Chem. Soc., Dalton Trans., 000: 3725 - 3731.
172. Silva, Maria F. C. G.; Gili, P.; Reyes, M.G. M; Zarza, P. M; Pombeiro, A.J.L.; Tong, Y.-Y.. 1997. "Complexes of Mn(II) and Mn(III) with the Schiff base N-[2-(3-Ethylindole)]pyridoxaldimine. Electrochemical Study of these complexes and related Ni(II) and Cu(II) and Fe(III) Complexes", Inorg. Chim. Acta., 255: 279 - 288.
173. Silva, Maria F. C. G.; Pombeiro, A.J.L.; Conde, Fernando S; Michelin, Rino A; Ferreira, C.M.P.. 1997. "Electrochemical Behaviour of Platinum Complexes with Ligating Unsaturated Carbon Species", Port. Electroch. Acta, 15: 263 - 268.
174. Silva, Maria F. C. G.; Pombeiro, A.J.L.; Cunha, S.M.P.R.M.. 1997. "Comparative Electrochemical Behaviour of Protonated Derivatives of trans-[Mo(NCEt)(NCN)(dppe)2] ", Port. Electroch. Acta, 15: 269 - 273.
175. Silva, Maria F. C. G.; Pombeiro, A.J.L.; Richards, Raymond L. 1997. "Anodically-Induced Isomerization of cis-[Mo(SC6H2Pri3-2,4,6)2(CNBut)4]. A Mechanistic Study", Port. Electroch. Acta, 15: 275 - 280.
176. Silva, Maria F. C. G.; Pombeiro, A.J.L.; Silva, João J. F.. 1996. "Dinitrile Complexes with a Rare cis-Diphosphine Rhenium(I) Centre: Syntheses, Properties and cis- to trans- Isomerization", J. Organomet. Chem., 526: 237 - 250.
177. Silva, Maria F. C. G.; Pombeiro, A.J.L.; Gleria, M.; Bertani, Roberta; Facchin, G.; Noé, F.; Michelin, Rino A; Mozzon, Mirto; Machado, I. L. F. 1996. "Organometallic and Coordination Chemistry on Phosphazenes. III. Synthesis, Characterization, and Electrochemical Behavior of Transition Metal- Cinnamonitrile Cyclophosphazene Derivatives", Journal of Inorganic and Organometallic Polymers, 6: 145 - 170.
178. Silva, Maria F. C. G.; Silva, J. A. L.; Pombeiro, A.J.L.; Amatore, Christian; Verpeaux, Jean-Nöel; Silva, João J. F.. 1996. "Evidence for a Michaelis-Menten Type Mechanism in the Electrocatalytic Oxidation of Mercaptopropionic Acid by an Amavadine Model", J. Am. Chem. Soc., 118: 7568 - 7573.
179. Silva, Maria F. C. G.; Pombeiro, A.J.L.; Silva, João J. F.; Pellinghelli, Maria A; Tiripicchio, Antonio. 1996. "Deprotonation Reactions of the Aminocarbyne Complex trans-[ReCl(CNH2)(dppe)2][BF4] (dppe = Ph2PCH2CH2PPh2). Synthesis and Properties of the Cyano-Complexes trans-[Re(CN)(L)(dppe)2] (L = NCR, N2, CO or C=CHPh) and Crystal Structure of trans-[Re(CN)(NCMe)(dppe)2].PriOH", J. Chem. Soc., Dalton Trans., 000: 27632772 - 2772.
180. Silva, Maria F. C. G.; Gili, P.; Reyes, M.G. M; Zarza, P. M; Machado, I. L. F; Pombeiro, A.J.L.; Lemos, M. A. N. 1996. "Synthesis, Spectroscopic, Magnetic and Electrochemical Properties of Cu(II) and Fe(III) Complexes with the New Ligand N,N'-[1,1'-Dithiobis(phenyl)] bis(5'-Methoxysalicylaldimine)", Inorg. Chim. Acta. 244, 1: 25 - 36.
181. Silva, Maria F. C. G.; Martins, L.M.D.R.S.; Marques, Indalécio; Pombeiro, A.J.L.; Silva, João J. F.; Vaz, M. C. N. 1996. "FAB-MS Spectra of Nitrile or Cyanamide Complexes with the {M(Ph2PCH2CH2PPh2)2}n (M = Fe or Re) Metal Sites. Application to Reactions Induced in FAB Conditions", Rapid Commun. Mass Spect., 10 (1996) 447-454 10, 4: 447 - 454.
182. Silva, Maria F. C. G.. 1996. "Activation of Complexes by Electron-Transfer Processes", Portugaliæ Electrochimica Acta, 14: 41 - 43.
183. Silva, Maria F. C. G.; Pombeiro, A.J.L.; Cunha, S.M.P.R.M.. 1996. "Electrochemical Behaviour of adducts of trans-¿Mo(NCN)2(dppe)2 ¿ with some transition metal Lewis acids", Port. Electroch. Acta, 14: 177 - 181.
184. Silva, Maria F. C. G.; Pombeiro, A.J.L.; Machado, I. L. F; Gleria, M.; Noé, F.; Mozzon, Mirto; Michelin, Rino A; Bertani, Roberta; Facchin, G.. 1996. "Electrochemical Behavior of Pt-Cinnamonitrile Cyclophosphazene Complexes", Electrochemical Behavior of Pt-Cinnamonitrile Cyclophosphazene Complexes, 14: 183 - 187.
185. Silva, Maria F. C. G.; Pombeiro, A.J.L.; Ferreira, C.M.P.; Sobota, P.. 1996. "Electrochemical Study of Some Vanadium Complexes", Port. Electroch. Acta, 14: 157 - 161.
186. Silva, Maria F. C. G.; Bertani, Roberta; Mozzon, Mirto; Michelin, Rino A; Traldi, Piero; Seraglia, Roberta; Pombeiro, A.J.L.. 1995. "Highly Reactive Platinum(0) Carbene Intermediates in the Reactions of Diazo Compounds. A Fast Atom Bombardment Mass Spectrometric Study", Organometallics, 14: 551 - 554.
187. Silva, Maria F. C. G.; Yu, Wang; Pombeiro, A.J.L.; Belluco, Umberto; Bertani, Roberta; Michelin, Rino A; Mozzon, Mirto. 1995. "Reactions and Electrochemical Behaviour of Dithiocarbene Complexes of Platinum(II)", Inorg. Chim. Acta, 235: 397 - 405.
188. Silva, Maria F. C. G.; Branco, Elsa M; Yu, Wang; Silva, João J. F.; Pombeiro, A.J.L.; Bertani, Roberta; Michelin, Rino A; Mozzon, Mirto; Benetollo, Franco; Bombieri, Gabriella. 1995. "Syntheses and Properties of Cyanamide and Cyanoguanidine Complexes of Platinum(II). X-Ray Structure of trans-[Pt(CF3)(NCNEt2)(PPh3)2][BF4]", J. Organomet. Chem., 490: 89 - 99.
189. Silva, Maria F. C. G.; Pombeiro, A.J.L.; Bertani, Roberta; Michelin, Rino A; Mozzon, Mirto; Dória, M. E. S; Branco, Elsa M. 1995. "Redox Properties of Hydride Complexes of Pt(II) with a Metal-Carbon Single Bond", Port. Electroch. Acta, 13: 325 - 328.
190. Silva, Maria F. C. G.; Pombeiro, A.J.L.; Silva, João J. F.; Amatore, Christian; Verpeaux, Jean-Nöel; Silva, J.A.L.. 1995. "Searching for the Mechanism of the Electrocatalytic Oxidation of Mercaptopropionic Acid by an Amavadine model", Port. Electroch. Acta, 13: 315 - 318.
191. Silva, Maria F. C. G.; Pombeiro, A.J.L.; Silva, João J. F.. 1994. "Synthesis and Redox Properties of cis-[ReCl(NCR)(Ph2PCH2CH2PPh2)2] (R = Alkyl or Aryl), Chloro-Nitrile Complexes with a cis-Phosphinic Rhenium(I) Centre", J. Chem. Soc., Dalton Trans., 000: 3299 - 3304.
192. Silva, Maria F. C. G.; Pombeiro, A.J.L.; Lemos, M. A. N. 1994. "Electron-Transfer Activation of the Aminocarbyne and the Hydrogen-Isocyanide Complexes [ReCl(CNHn)(Ph2PCH2CH2PPh2)2] [BF4]n-1 (n = 2 or 1). Interconversion of Coordinated CNH2 and CNH", Inorg. Chim. Acta, 226: 4 - 16.
193. Silva, Maria F. C. G.; Pombeiro, A.J.L.; Silva, João J. F.; Amatore, Christian; Verpeaux, Jean-Nöel. 1994. "Rates and Mechanism of Oxidative Two-Electron Transfer Induced cis- to trans-Isomerization for the Nitrile Complex [ReCl(NC6H4Me-4)(Ph2PCH2CH2PPh2)2]", Organometallics, 13: 3943 - 3951.
194. Silva, Maria F. C. G.; Silva, João J. F.; Pombeiro, A.J.L.; Richards, Raymond L; Henderson, Richard A. 1993. "Protonation of the Nitrile Ligand versus Protonation of Rhenium at cis- or trans-[ReCl(NCR)(Ph2PCH2CH2PPh2) 2] (R = Cl, F, Me or MeO). A Mechanistic Study", J. Organomet. Chem., 461: 141 - 145.
195. Silva, Maria F. C. G.; Pombeiro, A.J.L.; Silva, João J. F.; Salih, Talib A; Richards, Raymond L; Duarte, Teresa; Galvão, Adelino; David, L. H; Hitchcock, Peter B; Pickett, Christopher J. 1993. "Structural and Electronic Comparison of 15- to 17-Electron Dichloro Complexes of Molybdenum and Rhenium: Electrochemical Behaviour and X-ray Crystal Structures of trans-[ReCl2(dppe)2]A (A = Cl or BF4; dppe = Ph2PCH2CH2PPh2), trans-[ReCl2(dppe)2] and trans-[MoCl2(dppe)2] [NBun4]2 [BF4]3", J. Chem. Soc., Dalton Trans., 000: 3015 - 3023.
196. Silva, Maria F. C. G.; Pombeiro, A.J.L.; Silva, João J. F.; Michelin, Rino A; Bertani, Roberta; Mozzon, Mirto; Benetollo, Franco; Bombieri, Gabriella. 1993. "Reactivity of [Pt(CH2=CH2)(PPh3)2] Towards Ethyldiazoacetate. Synthesis and Molecular Structure of the Diethyl Fumarate Complex [Pt{trans-CH(CO2Et)=CH(CO2Et)} (PPh3)2] and Preparation of the Analogous Diethylmaleate Compound", Inorg. Chim. Acta, 214 (1993) 85-95, 214: 83 - 95.
197. Silva, Maria F. C. G.; Pombeiro, A.J.L.; Michelin, Rino A; Mozzon, Mirto; Bertani, Roberta; Benetollo, Franco; Bombieri, Gabriella. 1993. "Hydride to Carbene Migration at Platinum(II). Synthesis and X-ray Structure of cis-{(PPh3)2Pt[C(H)SCH2CH2S]}BF4", Organometallics, 12 (1993) 2372-2376", Organometallics, 12: 2372 - 2376.
198. Silva, Maria F. C. G.; Pombeiro, A.J.L.; Silva, João J. F.. 1993. "Anodically Induced cis to trans Isomerization of the Nitile Complexes cis-[ReCl(NCR)(dppe)2]", Port. Electroch. Acta, 11: 93 - 97.
199. Silva, Maria F. C. G.; Pombeiro, A.J.L.; Mozzon, Mirto; Bertani, Roberta; Michelin, Rino A; Branco, Elsa M. 1993. "Redox Properties of Hydride Complexes of Pt(II) with a Metal-Carbon Single Bond", Port. Electroch. Acta, 11: 81 - 86.
200. Silva, Maria F. C. G.; Pombeiro, A.J.L.; Amatore, Christian; Verpeaux, Jean-Nöel; Silva, João J. F.. 1992. "Electrochemically-Induced Dehydrogenation of the Hydride Complexes [ReClH(NCR)(Ph2PCH2CH2PPh2)2][BF4]. A Mechanistic Study", J. Chem. Soc., Chem. Commun., 000: 1289 - 1291.
201. Silva, Maria F. C. G.; Pombeiro, A.J.L.; Silva, João J. F.; Duarte, Teresa; Galvão, Adelino. 1992. "The cis-{Re(Ph2PCH2CH2PPh2)2} Metal Centre. Synthesis and Molecular Structure of the Dinitrile Complex cis-[Re(NCC6H4Me-4)2(Ph2PCH2CH2PPh2)2][BF4]", J. Organometal. Chem., 433: 14 - 17.
202. Silva, Maria F. C. G.; Silva, M. E. N; Pombeiro, A.J.L.; Herrman, Rudolf; Deus, Norbert; Castilho, Tânia J; Silva, João J. F.. 1991. "Redox Potencial and Substituent Effects at Ferrocene Derivatives. Estimates of Hammett ¿p and Taft polar ¿* Substituent Constants", J. Organometal. Chem., 421: 75 - 95.
203. Silva, Maria F. C. G.; Hills, Adrian; Richards, Raymond L; Hughes, David L; Pombeiro, A.J.L.. 1991. "Synthesis and Crystal Structure of the Complex Double Salt [Re(NCC6H4Me-4)2(Ph2PCH2CH2PPh2)2][ReF2(Ph2PCH2CH2PPh2)2][BF4]2", J. Organomet. Chem., 403: 1 - 3.
204. Silva, Maria F. C. G.; Pombeiro, A.J.L.. 1991. "Anodic Deprotonation of Methyleneamido to Nitrile Ligands at a Rhenium Centre", Port. Electroch. Acta, 9: 189 - 194.
205. Silva, Maria F. C. G.; Pombeiro, A.J.L.; Almeida, S.S.P.R.; Jeffery, John C; Richards, Raymond L. 1989. "Reaction of 1-Alkynes with trans-[ReCl(N2)(Ph2PCH2CH2PPh2)2]: Preparation of the Vinylidene Compounds trans-[ReCl(=C=CHR)(Ph2PCH2CH2PPh2)2] (R=Alkyl or Aryl) and X-ray Structure of trans-[ReCl(=C=CHPh)(Ph2PCH2CH2PPh2)2]", J. Chem. Soc., Dalton Trans., 000: 2381 - 2387.
206. Silva, Maria F. C. G.; Pombeiro, A.J.L.; Hughes, David L; Richards, Raymond L. 1989. "Syntheses of the Cyanamide-Derived bis(cyanoimido) Complexes trans-[M(NCN)2(Ph2PCH2CH2PPh2)2] (M = Mo or W) and Crystal Structure of the Molybdenum Compound", J. Organomet. Chem., 371: 45 - 47.
207. Silva, Maria F. C. G.; Pombeiro, A.J.L.; Hughes, David L; Richards, Raymond L. 1989. "Preparation and Properties of the Nitrile Complexes trans-[ReCl(NCR)(dppe)2] (R=alkyl or aryl)", Polyhedron, 8: 1872 - 1873.
208. Silva, Maria F. C. G.; Pombeiro, A.J.L.. 1989. "Redox Properties of the Nitrile Complexes trans-[ReCl(NCR)(Ph2PCH2CH2PPh2)2]", Port. Electroch. Acta, 7: 95 - 100.
209. Silva, Maria F. C. G.; Melo, M. J. B; Pereira, M. I. S; Costa, Fernanda M. A.. 1985. "Estudo Comparativo da Electrocristalização do SnS em Eléctrodos de Amálgama e Estanho Sólido", Port. Electroch. Acta, 3: 21 - 34.
210. Silva, Maria F. C. G.; Pereira, M. I. S; Costa, Fernanda M. A.. 1984. "The Electrodeposition of SnS Layers on Sn(Hg)", J. Electroanal. Chem., 172: 367 - 372.

Artigos em revistas sem arbitragem científica
Papers in periodics without scientific refereeing
1. Ma, Zhen; Wei, Lijuan; Alegria, Elisabete C. B. A; Martins, Luísa M. D. R. S; Guedes da S. M. F. C; Pombeiro, Armando J. L. 2014. "Synthesis and characterization of copper(ii) 4'-phenyl-terpyridine compounds and catalytic application for aerobic oxidation of benzylic alcohols", Dalton Transactions 43, 10: 4048 - 4048.

Processo com registo ou patente
Process with patent or official record
4. Pombeiro, A.J.L.; Fernandes, Ricardo R; Lasri, J.; Palavra, A.; Silva, Maria F. C. G.; da Silva, J. A; Silva, João J. F.. Oxocomplexes of Vanadium(IV-V) with Scorpionate or Pyrazol Ligands and Their Application as Catalysts for the Peroxidative Oxidation of Cycloalkanes and the Carboxylation of Gaseous Alkanes,2011.
Tipo de processo ou técnica: Outro.
Patente: Patente de Invenção.n. PT 105634,"Palladium (II) Complexes with Oxadiazoline and Ketoimine Ligands as Catalysts of Suzuki-Miyaura Reactions in Supercritical Carbon Dioxide Medium".19 abr. 2011(Depósito);19 abr. 2011(Concessão).
1. Pombeiro, A.J.L.; Lasri, J.; Kopylovich, Maximilian N; Silva, Maria F. C. G.; Mukhopadhyaya, S.; Fernandes, Ricardo R; Charmier, M.A.. New Palladium Complexes with Bicyclic Ligands of Hydropyrol-Oxadiazole Type, and Their Application as Catalysts in Microwave-assisted Suzuki-Miyaura Coupling Reactions,2011.
Tipo de processo ou técnica: Outro.
Patente: Patente de Invenção.n. PT 104199 ,"New Palladium Complexes with Bicyclic Ligands of Hydropyrol-Oxadiazole Type, and Their Application as Catalysts in Microwave-assisted Suzuki-Miyaura Coupling Reactions".30 set. 2008(Depósito);11 ago. 2011(Concessão).
3. Pombeiro, A.J.L.; Martins, L.M.D.R.S.; Silva, Telma F. S; Silva, Maria F. C. G.; Luzyanin, K.V.; Kirillova, Marina V. Oxocomplexes of Vanadium(IV-V) with Scorpionate or Pyrazol Ligands and Their Application as Catalysts for the Peroxidative Oxidation of Cycloalkanes and the Carboxylation of Gaseous Alkanes,2011.
Tipo de processo ou técnica: Outro.
Patente: Patente de Invenção.n. PT 104887 ,"Oxocomplexes of Vanadium(IV-V) with Scorpionate or Pyrazol Ligands and Their Application as Catalysts for the Peroxidative Oxidation of Cycloalkanes and the Carboxylation of Gaseous Alkanes".15 dez. 2009(Depósito);06 set. 2011(Concessão).
2. Pombeiro, A.J.L.; Figiel, P.J.; Kopylovich, M.N.; Lasri, J.; Silva, Maria F. C. G.; Silva, João J. F.; Martins, L.M.D.R.S.; Silva, Telma F. S. Copper(II) Complex with 2,4-ethoxy-1,3,5-triazapentadienide Ligands and its Application, and of the 2,4-methoxy Analogue, as Catalysts for the Peroxidative Oxidation, Assisted by Microwaves and without Addition of Solvent, of Secondary Alcohols to Ketones,2011.
Tipo de processo ou técnica: Projeto;Natureza do processo ou técnica: .
Patente: Patente de Invenção."Copper(II) Complex with 2,4-ethoxy-1,3,5-triazapentadienide Ligands and its Application, and of the 2,4-methoxy Analogue, as Catalysts for the Peroxidative Oxidation, Assisted by Microwaves and witho".15 dez. 2009(Depósito);26 out. 2011(Concessão).
5. Pombeiro, A.J.L.; Gajewska, M.; Luzyanin, Konstantin V; Silva, Maria F. C. G.; Li, Q.. New Cyclic Trinuclear Tin Complexes with Antitumor Activity bearing the Oxime-Hydroxamate Type Ligand N,2-di-hydroxi-5-(1-hidroxyiminoethyl)benzamide,2010.
Tipo de processo ou técnica: Outro;Natureza do processo ou técnica: .
Patente: Patente de Invenção.n. PT 104676,"New Cyclic Trinuclear Tin Complexes with Antitumor Activity bearing the Oxime-Hydroxamate Type Ligand N,2-di-hydroxi-5-(1-hidroxyiminoethyl)benzamide".20 jul. 2009(Depósito);08 fev. 2010(Concessão).
7. Pombeiro, A.J.L.; Martins, L.M.D.R.S.; Silva, Maria F. C. G.; Mishra, G.S.; Li, Qingshan; Silva, Telma F. S; Wanke, R.. Copper(II) Complexes with Hydrophilic C-functionalized Scorpionate Ligands and Their Application as Catalysts for thye Peroxidative Oxidation of Cyclohexane under Environmentally Tolerable Conditions, in Particular in Aqueous Medium,2010.
Tipo de processo ou técnica: Outro.
Patente: Patente de Invenção.n. PT 104713 ,"Copper(II) Complexes with Hydrophilic C-functionalized Scorpionate Ligands and Their Application as Catalysts for thye Peroxidative Oxidation of Cyclohexane under Environmentally Tolerable Conditions,".09 ago. 2009(Depósito);13 set. 2010(Concessão).
6. Kirillov, A.M.; Smolenski, Piotr; Ma, Zhen; Silva, Maria F. C. G.; Haukka, M.; Pombeiro, A.J.L.. Copper Complexes Bearing Iodo and Aminophosphine Ligands, Their Preparative Method and Use as Photoluminescent Materials,2010.
Tipo de processo ou técnica: Outro.
Patente: Patente de Invenção.n. PT104799,"Copper Complexes Bearing Iodo and Aminophosphine Ligands, Their Preparative Method and Use as Photoluminescent Materials".20 out. 2009(Depósito);26 out. 2010(Concessão).
8. Pombeiro, A.J.L.; Lasri, J.; Kopylovich, M.N.; Silva, Maria F. C. G.; Fernandes, Ricardo R; Charmier, M.A.. New Palladium Complexes with Bis(pyrrolidinyledene)phthalamides and Di-hydropyrrolyliminoisoindolinones, and their Application as Catalysts in Suzuki-Miyaura Coupling Reactions,2009.
Tipo de processo ou técnica: Outro;Natureza do processo ou técnica: Analítica.
Patente: Patente de Invenção.n. PT 104187 ,"New Palladium Complexes with Bis(pyrrolidinyledene)phthalamides and Di-hydropyrrolyliminoisoindolinones, and their Application as Catalysts in Suzuki-Miyaura Coupling Reactions".25 set. 2008(Depósito);23 jul. 2009(Concessão).
9. Pombeiro, A.J.L.; Kirillov, A.M.; Kopylovich, M.N.; Kirillova, Marina V; Haukka, M.; Silva, Maria F. C. G.. New Di-, Tri-, Tetra- and Poly-nuclear Copper Complexes, and Their Use as Catalysts for the Peroxidative Oxidation of Cyclohexane,2006.
Tipo de processo ou técnica: Outro;Natureza do processo ou técnica: .
Patente: Patente de Invenção.n. PT 103225 ,"New Di-, Tri-, Tetra- and Poly-nuclear Copper Complexes, and Their Use as Catalysts for the Peroxidative Oxidation of Cyclohexane".19 jan. 2005(Depósito);20 mar. 2006(Concessão).
10. Pombeiro, A.J.L.; Silva, Maria F. C. G.; Li, Q.; Lingge, H.. Diorgano-tin Derivatives of Aryl-hydroxamic Acids Having Anti-tumor Activity,2004.
Tipo de processo ou técnica: Outro;Natureza do processo ou técnica: Processual.
Patente: Patente de Invenção.n. PT 102826 ,"Diorgano-tin Derivatives of Aryl-hydroxamic Acids Having Anti-tumor Activity".07 ago. 2002(Depósito);23 ago. 2004(Concessão).

Apresentação oral de trabalho
Oral work presentation
1. Silva, Maria F. C. G.; Gajewska, M.; Shang, Xianmei; Luzyanin, K.V.; Li, Qingshan; Cui, J.; Pombeiro, A.J.L.. Diorganotin(IV) Complexes Bearing Hydroxamate- or Carboxylate-Type Ligands: Structural and Biological Characterization,XXV International Conference on Organometallic Chemistry (XXV-ICOMC),Lisboa,2012 (Congresso).
Lição de síntese convidada.
2. Silva, Maria F. C. G.. Metal Coordination Structures and Hydrogen Bond Effects,International workshop on Materials for Catalysis and Energy,Taipei,2009 (Outra).
3. Silva, Maria F. C. G.. Chemical and Structural Studies of Complexes with N- and O-Ligands,International Conference on Organometallic and Coordination Chemistry,Nizhny Novgorod,2008 (Conferência ou palestra).
4. Silva, Maria F. C. G.. Mechanisms of Selected Electron-Transfer Induced Processes in Coordination Chemistry,X Iberic Meeting of Electrochemistry, XIV Congresso da Sociedade Portuguesa de Electroquímica,Coimbra,2007 (Congresso).
Lição plenária.
5. Silva, Maria F. C. G.. Reacções Induzidas por Transferência Electrónica,SIBAE 2002, XV Congresso da Sociedade Ibero-Americana de Electroquímica,Évora,2002 (Congresso).
5030-KN .
6. Silva, Maria F. C. G.. Activation of Complexes by Electron-Transfer Processes,VIII Encontro da Sociedade Portuguesa de Electroquímica,Covilhã,1996 (Congresso).
Lição plenária.

Organização de evento
Event organization
1. Silva, Maria F. C. G.; Pombeiro, A.J.L.. XXV International Conference of Organometallic Chemistry (ICOMC2012),2012 (Congresso / Outra).
2. Silva, Maria F. C. G.. 12º Encontro da Sociedade Portuguesa de Electroquímica/Simpósio de Electroquímica Molecular (Academia das Ciências de Lisboa) ,2003 (Simpósio).
3. Silva, Maria F. C. G.. XV Congresso da Soc. Iberoamericana de Electroquímica, SIBAE,2002 (Congresso).
4. Silva, Maria F. C. G.. Encontro da Sociedade Portuguesa de Electroquímica,2000 (Encontro).
5. Silva, Maria F. C. G.. Encontro da Sociedade Portuguesa de Electroquímica,1999 (Encontro).
6. Silva, Maria F. C. G.. Encontro da Sociedade Portuguesa de Electroquímica,1998 (Encontro).
7. Silva, Maria F. C. G.. Encontro da Sociedade Portuguesa de Electroquímica,1997 (Encontro).
8. Silva, Maria F. C. G.. Electroquímica Molecular de Compostos Inorgânicos, Bioinorgânicos e Organometálicos,1992 (Oficina).

Dados Complementares (Additional data)


Tese de Doutoramento
Phd Thesis
1. Natércia da Conceição Tomé Martins , Mechanistic Studies on the Electrocatalytic Reduction of Organohalides and on the Oxidation of Alcohols, Thiols and Phenols, 2004. Tese (Engenharia Química) - Universidade Técnica de Lisboa, Bolseiro(a) de Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia (Co-orientador).
2. Cristina Maria Pires Ferreira, Platinum and Rhenium Compounds with Nitrogen Ligands and their Reactivity, 2000. Tese (Engenharia Química) - Universidade Técnica de Lisboa, Bolseiro(a) de Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia (Co-orientador).

Dissertação de Mestrado
Master degree dissertation
1. Maria Estela Silva Dória, Palladium and Platinum Complexes: Reactions with Diazo Compounds and Electrochemical Behaviour of Cyanamide Compounds, 1995. Dissertação (Química dos Processos Catalíticos) - Universidade Técnica de Lisboa (Co-orientador).
2. Isabel Luísa Ferreira Machado, Electrochemistry of Complexes with Unsaturated N-Ligands, 1994. Dissertação (Química dos Processos Catalíticos) - Universidade Técnica de Lisboa (Co-orientador).

Iniciação científica
Scientific initiation
1. Filipa Delgado Siopa, COMPLEXOS DE ESTANHO E RELACIONÁVEIS DE SIGNIFICADO FARMACOLÓGICO, 2004. Iniciação científica (POCTI) - Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia, Bolseiro(a) de Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia (Co-orientador).
2. Elsa Mariana P.R. Parrot Branco, Chemistry of Platinum and Palladium Compounds with Nitrogen-Ligands, specifically Cyanamide, 1993. Iniciação científica (PEDIP) - Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia, Bolseiro(a) de Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia (Co-orientador).
3. Tong Yu-Ying, Chemistry and Electrochemistry of Complexes of Gold or other Metals with Sulphur- or Nitrogen-ligands, 1993. Iniciação científica (PEDIP) - Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia, Bolseiro(a) de Fundação Oriente (Co-orientador).

Orientação de outra natureza
Other orientation
1. Srinivasan Sowmianarayan Parimala, Activation of Nitriles by Electron-Rich Metal Centres, 2004. Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia, Bolseiro(a) de Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia (Co-orientador).
Em curso
1. Malgorzata Gajewska , Syntheses and characterisation of organotin and related complexes with potential pharmacological interest, 2006. Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia, Bolseiro(a) de Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia (Co-orientador).
2. Zhen Ma (SFRH/BPD/24691/2005), Synthesis, Electrochemical and Luminescent Behaviours of Polyaza-Complexes, 2005. Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia, Bolseiro(a) de Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia (Co-orientador).

Participação no júri de Graus Académicos
Academic Degrees jury participation

1. Silva, Maria de Fátima Costa Guedes da. Participação no júri de Ricardo José da Rocha Fernandes. Bioinspired Iron and Copper Catalyzed Oxidations and Reactions in Supercritical CO2 Media, 2011. Tese (Engenharia Química) - Universidade Técnica de Lisboa.
2. Silva, Maria de Fátima Costa Guedes da. Participação no júri de Yauhen Karabach. New copper(II) coordination compounds with N,O- and N,N-ligands, their application in oxidation catalysis and in metal-mediated synthesis of triazapentadienes and pyrimidines, 2010. Tese (Engenharia Química) - Universidade Técnica de Lisboa.
3. Silva, Maria de Fátima Costa Guedes da. Participação no júri de Riccardo Wanke. Nitrogen- and oxygen-based chelating ligands: tris(pyrazolyl)methane and salicylamidate ligands, 2010. Tese (Engenharia Química) - Universidade Técnica de Lisboa.
4. Silva, Maria de Fátima Costa Guedes da. Participação no júri de Konstantin V. Luzyanin. Pt-mediated Coupling of Organonitriles with Simple and Bifunctional HO-nucleophiles: Synthetic and Structural Approaches, 2007. Tese (Engenharia Química) - Universidade Técnica de Lisboa.
5. Silva, Maria de Fátima Costa Guedes da. Rhenium, Copper and Other Transition Metal Complexes towards Catalytic Oxidative Functionalization of Alkanes under Mild Conditions, 2006. Tese (Engenharia Química) - Universidade Técnica de Lisboa.
6. Silva, Maria de Fátima Costa Guedes da. Participação no júri de Elizabete Clara Bastos do Amaral Alegria . Química de Coordenação de Escorpionatos e outros Ligandos Insaturados de Azoto em Centros de Rénio, Molibdénio ou Ferro, 2006. Tese (Engenharia Química) - Universidade Técnica de Lisboa.
7. Silva, Maria de Fátima Costa Guedes da. Participação no júri de Natércia C.Tomé Martins. Estudos Mecanísticos de Electrocatálise de Redução de Halogenetos Orgânicos e de Oxidação de Álcoois, Tióis ou Polifenóis, 2005. Tese (Engenharia Química) - Universidade Técnica de Lisboa.
8. Silva, Maria de Fátima Costa Guedes da. Participação no júri de Cristina M.P. Ferreira. Compostos de Platina e Rénio com Ligandos Azotados e Sua Reactividade, 2001. Tese (Engenharia Química) - Universidade Técnica de Lisboa.

Participação em eventos
Event participation
Participação como Keynote Speaker
Participation as Keynote Speaker
1. Metal Coordination Structures and Hydrogen Bond Effects, 2009 (Workshop).
Nome do evento: International workshop on Materials for Catalysis and Energy; Nome da Instituição: National Taiwan University of S & T; Cidade do evento: Taipei / Taipei.
2. Chemical and Structural Studies of Complexes with N- and O-Ligands, 2008 (Conferência).
Nome do evento: International Conference on Organometallic and Coordination Chemistry; Cidade do evento: Nizhny Novgorod / Nizhny Novgorod.
3. Highly Efficient Single-pot Carboxylation of Alkanes to Carboxylic Acids Catalysed by Group 5-7 Metal Catalysts, 2008 (Congresso).
Nome do evento: XXIII International Conference on Organometallic Chemistry (ICOMC); Cidade do evento: Rennes / France.
OC29, presented by AJLP.
4. Electrocatalytic Oxidation of Alcohols and Thiols by N-hydroxypthalimide, 2008 (Congresso).
Nome do evento: 5th Chianti Meeting on Inorganic Electrochemistry; Cidade do evento: Siena / Italy.
Presented by M.F.C.G.S.
5. Vanadium Catalysts for the Functionalization of Alkanes under Mild Conditions, 2008 (Congresso).
Nome do evento: 6th International Vanadium Symposium; Cidade do evento: Lisbon / Portugal.
Presented by AJLP.
6. Mechanisms of Selected Electron-Transfer Induced Processes in Coordination Chemistry, 2007 (Congresso).
Nome do evento: X Iberic Meeting of Electrochemistry, XIV Congresso da Sociedade Portuguesa de Electroquímica; Nome da Instituição: Sociedade Portuguesa de Electroquímica; Cidade do evento: Coimbra / Coimbra.
7. Bond and Structure Activation by Anodic Electron-Transfer: Metal-Hydrogen Bond Cleavage and cis/trans Isomerization in Coordination Compounds, 2003 (Encontro).
Nome do evento: New Trends in Molecular Electrochemistry and XII Meeting of The Portuguese Electrochemical Society; Cidade do evento: Lisboa / Academia das Ciências de Lisboa.
Lição plenária (MFCGS): PL9, 10.
8. Reacções Induzidas por Transferência Electrónica, 2002 (Congresso).
Nome do evento: SIBAE 2002, XV Congresso da Sociedade Ibero-Americana de Electroquímica; Nome da Instituição: Sociedade Ibero-Americana de Electroquímica; Cidade do evento: Évora / Évora.
9. Activation of Complexes by Electron-Transfer Processes, 1996 (Encontro).
Nome do evento: VIII Encontro da Sociedade Portuguesa de Electroquímica; Nome da Instituição: Sociedade Portuguesa de Electroquímica; Cidade do evento: Covilhã / Covilhã.

Outro tipo de participação
Other kind of participation
1. Electrochemical, Termodynamic and Kinetic Studies of the Acylated Cyanoimido-Complexes trans- ¿Mo(NCN){NCNC(O)R}(dppe)2¿Cl, 2010 (Encontro).
Nome do evento: XII Iberic Meeting of Electrochemistry & XVI Meeting of the Portuguese Electrochemical Society; Nome da Instituição: Portuguese Electrochemical Society; Cidade do evento: Lisboa / Lisboa.
2. Synthesis, Characterization and Biological Activity of Diorganotin(IV) Complexes with Oximehydroxamate Ligands, 2009 (Congresso).
Nome do evento: VII International Congress of Young Chemists (YoungChem 2009); Cidade do evento: Warsaw / Polónia.
3. Metal-mediated [2 3] Cycloaddition of Nitrones to Palladium-bound Isonitriles, 2009 (Conferência).
Nome do evento: 8th Inorganic chemistry Conference; Cidade do evento: Curia / Portugal.
4. Bioinspired Oxidations Catalysed by Non-Heme Fe, Cu and V Metal Centres, 2009 (Seminário).
Nome do evento: XII Regional Seminar of PhD Students on Organometallic and Coordination Chemistry; Cidade do evento: Szklarska Poreba / Polónia.
5. Water-soluble Cu(II) Complexes Bearing the 2,2,2-Tris(1-pyrazolyl)ethanol or 2,2,2-Tris(1-pyrazolyl)ethylmethanesulfonate. X-ray Structural Characterization and Application in the Mild Catalytic Peroxidative Oxidation of Cyclohexane, 2009 (Seminário).
Nome do evento: XII Regional Seminar of PhD Students on Organometallic and Coordination Chemistry; Cidade do evento: Szklarska Poreba / Polónia.
6. Electrochemical Behaviour of New Molybdenum Complexes Bearing the Tris(1-pyrazol)methanesulfonate Ligand, 2009 (Encontro).
Nome do evento: XI Iberic Meeting of Electrochemistry / XXX Meeting of the Electrochemistry Group of the Spanish Royal Chemical Society; Nome da Instituição: Spanish Royal Chemical Society; Cidade do evento: Tenerife / Espanha.
7. Two Complexes of Copper(II) withy Ortho-Hydroxy Substituted Phenylhydrazono-b-Diketones and Their Catalytic Activity in Some Oxidative Reactions, 2009 (Conferência).
Nome do evento: XXIV International Chugaev Conference on Coordination Chemistry; Cidade do evento: St. Petersburg.
Poster: pp. 410-411.
8. Cu(I) Complexes Bearing the New Sterically Demanding and Coordination Flexible Scorpionate (TPMSPh) Ligand and the Water-Soluble Phosphine 1,3,5-Triaza-7-Phosphaadamantane (PTA) or Related Ligands, 2009 (Workshop).
Nome do evento: 6th European Workshop on Phosphorus Chemistry (EWPC-6); Cidade do evento: Florence.
Oral (R. Wanke): OC32, p.43.
9. Mixed Unsymmetrical Oxadiazoline and/or Imino Platinum(II) Complexes, 2008 (Congresso).
Nome do evento: IXth Netherlands’ Catalysis and Chemistry Conference; Cidade do evento: Noordwijkerhout / The Netherlands.
71, p.223.
10. Benzoyldiazenido-Re(III) or Oxo-Re(V) Complexes Bearing N,N- and N,O-type Ligands, 2008 (Congresso).
Nome do evento: XXI Portuguese Chemical ociety National Meeting; Cidade do evento: Porto / Portugal.
CP 210, p.274.
11. Infinite Two-Dimensional Hybrid Water-Chloride Netwrok Self-Assembled in a Hydrophobic Terpyridine Iron(II) Matrix, 2008 (Congresso).
Nome do evento: XXIII International Conference on Organometallic Chemistry (ICOMC); Cidade do evento: Rennes / France.
Poster: P352.
12. New Porous Coordination Polymers Based on the Triangular [Cu3(¿3-OH)(¿-pz)3]2 Core and Pyridine Containing Ligands, 2008 (Congresso).
Nome do evento: 4th EuCheMS Conference on Nitrogen-Ligands in Coordination Chemistry, Bioinorganic Chemistry & Homogeneous Catalysis; Cidade do evento: Garmisch- Partenkirchen / Germany.
SL8, p.52.
13. Synthesis and Characterization of Dibutyltin(IV) Complexes with O-donor Ligands Derivatives, 2008 (Congresso).
Nome do evento: 9th European Biological Inorganic Chemistry Conference (EUROBIC); Cidade do evento: Wroclaw / Wroclaw.
Poster: P58, p.177.
14. New Rhodium Water-soluble Complexes with 1,3,5-Triaza-7-phosphaadamantane, 2008 (Congresso).
Nome do evento: 9th European Biological Inorganic Chemistry Conference (EUROBIC); Cidade do evento: Wroclaw / Poland.
Poster: P183, p.302.
15. Platinum(II) Mediated [2 3] Cycloaddition of Azide and Nitrile: a Conveniente Tool towards Heterometallic Supramolecular Chemistry, 2008 (Congresso).
Nome do evento: 1st International Conference on Metal-Organic Frameworks and Open Framework Compounds (MOF08); Cidade do evento: Angsburg / Germany.
Poster: P21, p.102.
16. Crystal Engineering of Multicopper Compounds with N,O- and N,P-ligands via Self-assembly in Aqueous Medium: Synthesis, Structural Features and Catalysis, 2008 (Congresso).
Nome do evento: 1st Portuguese Young Chemistry Meeting (PYChem); Cidade do evento: Lisbon / Portugal.
Oral communication presented by A.M. Kirillov: OC-16, p.26.
17. A 1D Copper Coordination Polymer Derived from N-ethyldiethanolamine and Terephthalic Acid: Synthesis, Structure and Catalytic Properties, 2008 (Congresso).
Nome do evento: 1st Portuguese Young Chemistry Meeting (PYChem); Cidade do evento: Lisbon / Portugal.
Poster: P-49, p.103.
18. Oxidation of Benzylic Alcohols in Aqueous Solutions Catalyzed by CuII-1,3,5-triazapentadienate Complexes, 2008 (Congresso).
Nome do evento: VI International Congress of Young Chemists (YoungCheM 2008); Cidade do evento: Cracow / Poland.
Poster: P19-60, p.106.
19. Mild Peroxidative Oxidation of Alkanes Catalyzed by Multinuclear Cooper(II) Triethanolaminate Complexes, 2007 (Simpósio).
Nome do evento: 3rd International Conference on Green and Sustainable Chemistry (GSC-3 Symposium); Cidade do evento: Delft / Delft.
Painel: P108, p. 108.
20. From Solution to Solid Phase: Synthesis of New Copper(II) Containing Coordination Polymers with Diverse Architectures, 2007 (Conferência).
Nome do evento: XVI International Conference on Chemical Thermodynamics in Russia (RCCT 2007) / X International Conference on the Problems of Solvation and Complex Formation in Solutions; Cidade do evento: Suzdal / Suzdal.
5/S – 560-561.
21. New Copper(II) Containing Coordination Polymers with Diverse Architectures, 2007 (Congresso).
Nome do evento: 9th FIGIPAS Meeting in Inorganic Chemistry; Cidade do evento: Viena / Viena.
Painel: PO-76.
22. Synthesis and Characterization of Copper(II)-Aminopolyalcohol-Benzenepolycarboxylate Coordination Polymers, 2007 (Encontro).
Nome do evento: AQUACHEM – Transition Metal Chemistry and Catalysis in Aqueous Media; 3rd Annual Meeting; Nome da Instituição: AQUACHEM ; Cidade do evento: Debrecen / Debrecen.
23. The First Copper Complexes Bearing the 1,3,5-triaza-7-phosphaadamantane (tpa) Ligand, 2007 (Encontro).
Nome do evento: AQUACHEM – Transition Metal Chemistry and Catalysis in Aqueous Media; 3rd Annual Meeting; Nome da Instituição: AQUACHEM; Cidade do evento: Debrecen / Debrecen.
24. New Water-soluble Multinuclear Copper Triethanolamine Complexes as Efficient Catalysts for Mild Peroxidative Oxidation of Alkanes in Aqueous Biphasic Liquid Medium, 2006 (Encontro).
Nome do evento: Green Chemistry: a Solution for the World (Andalusia meets Europe II, 2nd Workshop of COST D29/0009/03 Working Group and AQUACHEM Midterm Review Meeting and Workshop); Cidade do evento: Almeria / Almeria.
C-3, pp. 7-8.
25. New 1D and 2D Water-soluble Cu(II) Polymers Derived from Pyromellitic Acid, 2006 (Encontro).
Nome do evento: Green Chemistry: a Solution for the World (Andalusia meets Europe II, 2nd Workshop of COST D29/0009/03 Working Group and AQUACHEM Midterm Review Meeting and Workshop); Cidade do evento: Almeria / Almeria.
C-30, p. 44.
26. Self-assembly Synthesis and Characterization of New Heterodinuclear Aqua Complexes of the type [M(H2O)5M’(dipic)2] (M,M’ = Co2 , Ni2 , Cu2 , Zn2 ) Derived from Dipicolinic Acid in Water Solution, 2006 (Encontro).
Nome do evento: Green Chemistry: a Solution for the World (Andalusia meets Europe II, 2nd Workshop of COST D29/0009/03 Working Group and AQUACHEM Midterm Review Meeting and Workshop); Cidade do evento: Almeria / Almeria.
Painel: P-2, p. 50.
27. Azavinylidene Complexes of Rhenium: Electrochemical Behaviour and Theoretical Study, 2006 (Encontro).
Nome do evento: 4th Chianti Meeting on Inorganic Electrochemistry; Cidade do evento: Siena / Siena.
Painel: p. 63.
28. New Mono- nad Dicarbonyl Phosphine Rhenium(I) Complexes Bearing Aromatic N-, N, N- and N,O_Heterocyclic Ligands, 2006 (Conferência).
Nome do evento: XXII International Conference on Organometallic Chemistry ; Cidade do evento: Zaragoza / Zaragoza.
Painel: P199, p. 387.
29. Catalytic Activity of na Aqua-Soluble Copper(II)-Sodium Two-Dimensional Coordination Polymer in the Peroxidqative Oxidation of Cyclohexane, 2006 (Conferência).
Nome do evento: Experiment & Theory in Transition Metal Chemistry: a Meeting Point; Cidade do evento: Bellaterra / Bellaterra.
Painel: p.45.
30. Water Soluble Organonitrile Platinum(II) Complexes, 2006 (Encontro).
Nome do evento: Experiment & Theory in Transition Metal Chemistry: a Meeting Point; Cidade do evento: Bellaterra / Bellaterra.
Painel: p.47.
31. Rhenium Benzoyl hydrazido and Diazenido Complexes with N,O-Ligands and their application in the Catalytic Peroxidative Oxidation of Cycloalkanes, 2005 (Congresso).
Nome do evento: 20th International Conference on Coordination and Bioinorganic Chemistry; Cidade do evento: Smolenice.
Poster: p.56.
32. New Self-Assembled Copper 1D and 2D-Coordination Polymers as Catalysts for Biphasic Peroxidative Oxidation of Cyclohexane under mild Conditions, 2005 (Congresso).
Nome do evento: Current and Future Trends in Polymeric Meterials.
Poster: PC23.
33. Platinum-Mediated Coupling of Some HON-Nucleophiles and Nitriles: Synthetic and Electrochemical Studies, 2005 (Encontro).
Nome do evento: VIII Iberic Meeting of Electrochemistry/XII Meeting of the Portuguese Electrochemical Society; Nome da Instituição: Portuguese Electrochemical Society; Cidade do evento: Covilhã / Covilhã.
PB.2, pp97-98.
34. Isomerização Geométrica Induzida por Transferência Electrónica de Complexos trans de Molibdénio e Cianoimida, 2004 (Congresso).
Nome do evento: XV Congresso da Sociedade Ibero-Americana de Electroquímica, SIBAE 2004.
Oral (E.C.B. Alegria): C027.
35. Cleavage of a C(sp3)-N Bond in Hydrotris(pyrazolyl)methane Promoted by a Re- Benzoylhydrazido Complex, 2004 (Conferência).
Nome do evento: III Euchem Conference on Nitrogen Ligands in Organometallic Chemistry and Homogeneous Catalysis; Cidade do evento: Camerino.
Poster: P2.
36. Electrochemical Aspects for the Design of Ruthenium Anticancer Drugs – Redox Behaviour, Digital Simulations and Correlations with in vitro Antiproliferative Activity, 2004 (Encontro).
Nome do evento: 3rd Chianti Electrochemistry Meeting on Metal-containing Molecules; Cidade do evento: Siena / Certosa di Pontignano.
Poster: p. 35.
37. Alkylation of Cyanoimido at a N2-binding Molybdenum Centre, 2004 (Conferência).
Nome do evento: XXXVIth International Conference on Coordination Chemistry; Cidade do evento: Mérida.
Poster: P1.106, p. 468.
38. Unexpected Complex Double Salt with Poly(pyrazolyl)borate Iron(III). Crystal Structure of [Fe(HB(pz)3][FeCl4] {HB(pz)3 = hidrotris(1-pyrazolyl)borate}, 2003 (Encontro).
Nome do evento: FIGIPS Meeting in Inorganic Chemistry; Cidade do evento: Lisboa.
Poster: P148.
39. Synthesis and Characterization of some Heteronuclear Complexes of Iron(II), 2003 (Encontro).
Nome do evento: FIGIPS Meeting in Inorganic Chemistry; Cidade do evento: Lisboa.
40. Reactions of the Allenylidene Complex trans-[FeBr(=C=C=CPh2)(dppe)2][BPh4] with Nucleophilic Agents, 2003 (Encontro).
Nome do evento: FIGIPS Meeting in Inorganic Chemistry; Cidade do evento: Lisboa.
Poster: P403.
41. Reactions of Cyanamide at a N2 – Binding Molybdenum Center. Formation of Cyanoimide Species, 2003 (Workshop).
Nome do evento: SMWC - II Santa Maria Workshop on Chemistry, Devoted to Bioinorganic Chemistry; Cidade do evento: havana.
Poster: P1.
42. Electrochemical Behaviour of the Cyanoimide-Type Complexes trans-[Mo(NCN){NCNC(O)R}(dppe)2]Cl and trans--[Mo(NCN)Cl(dppe)2][BF4], 2003 (Encontro).
Nome do evento: New Trends in Molecular Electrochemistry and XII Meeting of The Portuguese Electrochemical Society; Cidade do evento: Lisboa / Academia das Ciências de Lisboa.
Poster: P.ME11, 88.
43. Electrochemical Investigation of Rithenium-Bipyridine-Cyanamide Complexes, 2003 (Encontro).
Nome do evento: New Trends in Molecular Electrochemistry and XII Meeting of The Portuguese Electrochemical Society; Cidade do evento: Lisboa / Academia das Ciências de Lisboa.
Poster: P.ME13, 90.
44. Reactions of Cyanamide and Derived Cyanoimide at a Molybdenum Diphosphinic Centre, 2003 (Encontro).
Nome do evento: Inorganic Reactions Mechanisms Meeting ; Cidade do evento: Atenas.
Poster: P44.
45. Digital Simulation of the Electrocatalytic Oxidation of Secondary Alcohols by N-Hydroxyphthalimide, 2002 (Encontro).
Nome do evento: 2nd Chianti Electrochemistry Meeting; Cidade do evento: Siena / Crtosa di Pontignano.
Poster: p.69.
46. Comportamento Electroquímico de Alguns Aductos de trans-[FeH(CN)(dppe)2], 2002 (Congresso).
Nome do evento: SIBAE 2002, XV Congresso da Sociedade Ibero-Americana de Electroquímica; Cidade do evento: Évora.
Poster: 5255P.
47. Mechanistic Investigation of the Electrocatalytic Oxidation of Alcohols by N-Hydroxyphthalimide, 2002 (Encontro).
Nome do evento: 53rd Annual Meeting of the International Society of Electrochemistry.
Poster: p.355.
48. Estimate of Electrochemical Ligand Parameters in Iron(II) Adducts of [FeH(CN)(dppe)2], 2001 (Encontro).
Nome do evento: VI Encontro Ibérico de Electroquímica/XI Encontro da Sociedade Portuguesa de Electroquímica; Cidade do evento: Porto.
Poster: P-B1.
49. Electrocatalytic Oxidation of Pyrogallol by an Amavadin Model, 2001 (Encontro).
Nome do evento: VI Encontro Ibérico de Electroquímica/XI Encontro da Sociedade Portuguesa de Electroquímica; Cidade do evento: Porto.
Poster: P-B3.
50. Searching for the mechanism of the Electrocatalytic Oxidation of Cyclohexanol by N-Hydroxyphthalimide, 2001 (Encontro).
Nome do evento: 6th FIGIPS (France, Itália, Greece, Israel, Portugal and Espanha) Meeting in Inorganic Chemistry (European Mediterranean Conference in Inorganic Chemistry); Cidade do evento: Barcelona.
Poster: PA.058, p. 170.
51. Conversion of Alkyl Nitriles to Amidines and Carboxylic Acids Catalyzed by a Cobalt(II)-Ketoxime System, 2001 (Outra).
Nome do evento: 4th International School on Molecular Catalysis; Cidade do evento: Poznan Dymaczewo / Poznan Dymaczewo.
Comunicação oral (M.N.K.): IIA-P5, p.79.
52. Activation of Organonitriles Towards B-Electrophilic Addition, 2001 (Outra).
Nome do evento: 3rd International School of Organometallic Chemistry; Cidade do evento: Camerino / Universidde de Camerino.
Poster: p.81.
53. Diorgano- and Dichloro-Tin(IV) Complexes of ArylHydroxamic Acids, Their Antitumor Activity in vitro and Molecular Structures, 2001 (Outra).
Nome do evento: 3rd International School of Organometallic Chemistry; Cidade do evento: Camerino / Universidade de Camerino.
Poster: p.136.
54. Study of the Kinetics of the Electrocatalytic Reduction of Organic Halides by trans-[MoX2(dppe)2] (X = I, Br), 2000 (Conferência).
Nome do evento: 34th Internat. Conference on Coordination Chemistry; Cidade do evento: Edinburg.
Poster: P0065.
55. Electrochemical Parameterisation of Square Planar Rhodium(I/II) Redox Couples, 2000 (Encontro).
Nome do evento: -Containing Molecules: 1st Chianti Electrochemistry Meeting; Cidade do evento: Siena / Certosa di Pontignano.
Poster: p.57.
56. Electrochemical Behaviour of Dinitrile Iron(II)-Hydride Complexes, 2000 (Encontro).
Nome do evento: Metal-Containing Molecules: 1st Chianti Electrochemistry Meeting; Cidade do evento: Siena / Certosa di Pontignano.
Poster: p.71.
57. Azavinylidene Complexes of Rhenium, 2000 (Conferência).
Nome do evento: 3rd Internat. Conference on Progress in Inorganic and Organometallic Chemistry (PIOC); Cidade do evento: Polanica Zdrój.
Poster:P56, p. 100.
58. Síntese e Caracterização de Complexos Neutros de Pt(II) com Ligandos do Tipo Imino Éter e Oxazolina. Estrutura Molecular do Complexo cis-[PtCl2{N=C(OCH2CH2)NEt2}2], 1999 (Conferência).
Nome do evento: IV Conferência de Química Inorgânica; Cidade do evento: Peniche.
Oral (C.M.P.F): O4, p. 29-30.
59. Síntese, Caracterização e Reactividade dos primeiros Complexos Mistos de Diazoto e Cianamidas trans-[Mo(N2)(NCNR2) (Ph2PCH2CH2PPh2)2]. Estrutura Molecular de Cianamidas trans-[Mo(N2)(NCNEt2) (Ph2PCH2CH2PPh2)2], 1999 (Conferência).
Nome do evento: IV Conferência de Química Inorgânica; Cidade do evento: Peniche.
Poster: P2, p. 61-62.
60. Anodic Deprotonation of the Hydrogen Isocyanide Complex trans-[FeH(CNH)(dppe)2], 1999 (Encontro).
Nome do evento: V Encontro Ibérico de Electroquímica, X Encontro da Sociedade Portuguesa de Electroquímica; Cidade do evento: Évora.
Poster: p. 79-80.
61. Redox Properties of the Dinitrogen-Cyanamide Complexes trans-[Mo(N2)(NCNR2) (Ph2PCH2CH2PPh2)2] and some derivatives, 1999 (Encontro).
Nome do evento: V Encontro Ibérico de Electroquímica, X Encontro da Sociedade Portuguesa de Electroquímica; Cidade do evento: Évora.
Poster: p. 91-92.
62. Electrochemical Study of Ruthenium and Osmium Complexes with S-Coordinated Me2S and Me2SO Ligands, 1999 (Encontro).
Nome do evento: V Encontro Ibérico de Electroquímica, X Encontro da Sociedade Portuguesa de Electroquímica; Cidade do evento: Évora.
Poster: p. 109-110.
63. Mechanistic Investigation of the Electrocatalytic Reduction of Organoiodides by trans-[MoI2(dppe)2], 1999 (Outra).
Nome do evento: 14th Summer School on Coordination Chemistry; Cidade do evento: Polanica-Zdrój / Polanica-Zdrój.
Poster: P82, p. 144.
64. Azametallacylces from Coupling Reactions of Dialkylcyanamides with Oximes Promoted by Pt(II), 1999 (Outra).
Nome do evento: 14th Summer School on Coordination Chemistry; Cidade do evento: Polanica-Zdrój / Polanica-Zdrój.
Poster: P85, p. 147.
65. Reactions of Cyanoimide (NCN) at a Mo Centre, 1999 (Outra).
Nome do evento: 14th Summer School on Coordination Chemistry; Cidade do evento: Polanica-Zdrój / Polanica-Zdrój.
Poster: P86, p. 148.
66. Anodically-Induced C-H and N-H Bond Cleavage at Isocyanide, Alkenylcarbyne or Hydrazibe Complexes, 1999 (Congresso).
Nome do evento: Organometallics and Catalysis; Cidade do evento: Rennes / University of Rennes.
Poster: p. 34.
67. Mo or W Complexes with 4e- or 2e-donor Alkenylalkyne Ligands, 1999 (Congresso).
Nome do evento: Organometallics and Catalysis; Cidade do evento: Rennes / University of Rennes.
Poster: p. 61.
68. Methyleneamide Complexes of Re Derived from Oximes, 1998 (Conferência).
Nome do evento: XXXIII International Conference on Coordination Chemistry; Cidade do evento: Florence.
Poster: p. 468.
69. Isomeric Conversion of cis-¿ReCl(CO)(Ph2CH2CH2PPh2)2¿ via an Electron-Transfer Chain Catalytic Mechanism, 1998 (Encontro).
Nome do evento: Post ICCC Satellite Meeting. Electrochemistry: Long- and Short-Lived Intermediates in Coordination and Organometallic Compounds; Cidade do evento: Siena / Certosa di Pontignano.
Poster: p. 48-49.
70. Mechanistic Study of the Cathodically Induced Dehydrogenation of Hydrogen Cyanamide at trans-¿Mo(NCNH)(NCN) (Ph2CH2CH2PPh2)2¿ , 1998 (Encontro).
Nome do evento: Post ICCC Satellite Meeting. Electrochemistry: Long- and Short-Lived Intermediates in Coordination and Organometallic Compounds; Cidade do evento: Siena / Certosa di Pontignano.
Poster: p. 46-47.
71. Binding and Reactivity of Cyanide, Isocyanide and Aminocarbyne, CNHx (x = 0 - 2), at a Single Transition Metal Centre, 1997 (Conferência).
Nome do evento: 16th Conference on Coordination Chemistry; Cidade do evento: Smolenice.
Poster: p. 61.
72. Fast-Atom Bombardment (FAB) Mass Spectra of the CyanoimidoComplexe trans-¿Mo(NCN)2(Ph2CH2CH2PPh2)2¿ and some derivatives, 1997 (Encontro).
Nome do evento: 3º Encontro Nacional de Espectrometria de Massa; Cidade do evento: Lisboa.
Poster: p.56-57.
73. N-Heterocycles and Azametallacycles from reactions of Nitriles and Cyanoguanidine Promoted by Platinum(II), 1997 (Congresso).
Nome do evento: XXV Congresso di Chimica Inorganica; Cidade do evento: Alessandria.
Poster: C12.
74. Synthesis and Electrochemical Studies of Cyanide and Diisocyanide Bridged Fischer Type Dinuclear Bis(Alkenyl-Carbyne) Tungsten Complexes, 1997 (Outra).
Nome do evento: International School of Organometallic Chemistry; Cidade do evento: Camerino.
Poster: p.115-116.
75. Anodically-Induced Isomerisation of cis-¿Mo(SC6H2Pri3-2,4,6)2(CNBut)4¿ ¿ A Mechanistic Study, 1997 (Encontro).
Nome do evento: IX Encontro da Sociedade Portuguesa de Electroquímica; Nome da Instituição: Sociedade Portuguesa de Electroquímica; Cidade do evento: Braga.
Oral (MFCGS): p. 51-52.
76. Comparative Electrochemical Study of Protonated Derivatives of trans-¿Mo(NCN)2(Ph2CH2CH2PPh2)2¿ and trans-¿Mo(NCNEt)(NCN)(Ph2CH2CH2PPh2)2¿ , 1997 (Encontro).
Nome do evento: IX Encontro da Sociedade Portuguesa de Electroquímica; Nome da Instituição: Sociedade Portuguesa de Electroquímica; Cidade do evento: Braga.
Oral (S.Cunha): p. 49-50 .
77. Electrochemical Behaviour of Platinum(II) Complexes with Ligating Unsaturated Carbon Species, 1997 (Encontro).
Nome do evento: IX Encontro da Sociedade Portuguesa de Electroquímica; Nome da Instituição: Sociedade Portuguesa de Electroquímica; Cidade do evento: Braga.
Poster: p. 47-48.
78. Oxidative addition of Oxime to a Metal Centre, a Novel Route for Methyleneamide Ligands. Synthesis and Crystal Structures of trans-¿Re(OH)(N=CMe2)(Ph2PCH2CH2PPh2)2¿¿HSO4¿, 1997 (Conferência).
Nome do evento: 2nd International Conference on Progress in Inorganic and Organometallic Chemistry; Cidade do evento: Polanica Zdrój.
Poster: p. 73.
79. Electrophilic Additions to Cyanoimide (NCN) Ligands, Crystal Structure of trans-¿Mo(NCNEt)(NCN)(Ph2CH2CH2PPh2)2¿¿BF4¿, 1997 (Conferência).
Nome do evento: 2nd International Conference on Progress in Inorganic and Organometallic Chemistry,; Cidade do evento: Polanica Zdrój.
Poster: p. 72.
80. A Possible Role for Amavadine in some Amanita Fungi – A Unique Case in Biology, 1997 (Congresso).
Nome do evento: The Fifth Chemical Congress of North America; Cidade do evento: Cancún / Quintana Roo.
Poster: 02-845.
81. Reacções dos N-Amino e N-Hidroxi Derivados do Ácido iminodicarboxílico e seus complexos, 1997 (Encontro).
Nome do evento: XI Encontro Galego-Português de Química; Cidade do evento: Férrol.
Poster: 1.02-75.
82. Deprotonation Reactions of the Aminocarbyne Complex trans-[ReCl(CNH2)(dppe)2][BF4] (dppe = Ph2PCH2CH2PPh2) to Form Cyano-Complexes with Small Unsaturated Ligands. X- Ray Molecular Structure of trans-[Re(CN)(NCMe)(dppe)2].C3H8O, 1996 (Conferência).
Nome do evento: 13th Summer School on Coordination Chemistry; Cidade do evento: Wroclaw .
Poster: P30. 88.
83. Synthesis and Molecular Structure of the Cyanoguanidine-Derived Azametallacycle Complex cis-[(PPh3)2Pt{NH-C(OMe)=NC(NH2)=NH}][BPh4], 1996 (Outra).
Nome do evento: 13th Summer School on Coordination Chemistry; Cidade do evento: Wroclaw.
Poster: P22, 80.
84. Electrochemical Study of Some Vanadium Complexes, 1996 (Encontro).
Nome do evento: VIII Encontro da Sociedade Portuguesa de Electroquímica; Nome da Instituição: Sociedade Portuguesa de Electroquímica; Cidade do evento: Covilhã.
Oral (CMP Fereira): p.26.
85. Electrochemical Behaviour of Adducts of trans-¿Mo(NCN)2(dppe)2¿ with Some Transition Metal Lewis Acids, 1996 (Encontro).
Nome do evento: VIII Encontro da Sociedade Portuguesa de Electroquímica; Nome da Instituição: Sociedade Portuguesa de Electroquímica; Cidade do evento: Covilhã.
Oral (Sónia M.P.R.M. Cunha): p.33.
86. Electrochemical behavior of Pt-Cinnamonitrile Cyclophosphazene Complexes, 1996 (Encontro).
Nome do evento: VIII Encontro da Sociedade Portuguesa de Electroquímica; Cidade do evento: Covilhã.
Oral (MFCGS): B9, 34.
87. Modelos da Amavadina - Estudos com o Complexo de Crómio(III) com HIDA, 1995 (Conferência).
Nome do evento: 2ª Conferência de Química Inorgânica, Sociedade Portuguesa de Química; Nome da Instituição: Sociedade Portuguesa de Química.
Poster: CP 22, 91.
88. Oxidação Electrocatalítica de Tióis por Complexos de Vanádio, modelos da Amavadina, 1995 (Conferência).
Nome do evento: 2º Encontro da Divisão de Catálise, Sociedade Portuguesa de Química; Nome da Instituição: Sociedade Portuguesa de Química; Cidade do evento: Lisboa.
Poster: 47-48.
89. Binding of Isocyanides to an Electron-Rich Rhenium(I) Centre. X-Ray Molecular Structures of the Complexes trans-[ReCl(CNR)(dppe)2] (R = H or SiMe3), 1995 (Conferência).
Nome do evento: 24th IUPAC Conference on Solution Chemistry; Nome da Instituição: IUPAC ; Cidade do evento: Lisboa.
Poster: PH04, 192.
90. Redox Properties of Some Cyanamide-Derived Complexes of Palladium(II) and Platinum(II), 1995 (Encontro).
Nome do evento: VII Encontro da Sociedade Portuguesa de Electroquímica, III Encontro Ibérico de Electroquímica; Nome da Instituição: Sociedade Portuguesa de Electroquímica.
Oral (ME Dória): B7, 67.
91. Searching for the Mechanism of the Electrocatalytic Oxidation of Mercaptopropionic Acid by an Amavadin Model, 1995 (Encontro).
Nome do evento: VII Encontro da Sociedade Portuguesa de Electroquímica, III Encontro Ibérico de Electroquímica; Nome da Instituição: Sociedade Portuguesa de Electroquímica.
Oral (MFCGS): B4, 59.
92. FAB-MS Spectra of Nitrile or Cyanamide Complexes with the {M(Ph2PCH2CH2PPh2)2}n (M = Fe or Re) Metal Sites. Applications to the Reactions Induced in FAB Conditions, 1995 (Encontro).
Nome do evento: 2º Encontro de Espectrometria de Massa; Cidade do evento: Lisboa.
Poster: P15, 85.
93. Highly Reactive Platinum(0) Carbene Intermediates in the Reactions of Diazo Compounds. A Fast Atom Bombardment Mass Spectrometric Study, 1994 (Conferência).
Nome do evento: XVI Int. Conf. Organomet. Chem; Cidade do evento: Brighton / Univ. Sussex.
Poster: P.42.
94. Synthesis and Properties of Cyanamide and Cyanoguanidine Complexes of Platinum(II). X-Ray Structure of trans-[Pt(CF3)(NCNEt2)(PPh3)2][BF4], 1994 (Conferência).
Nome do evento: XVI Int. Conf. Organomet. Chem.; Cidade do evento: Brighton / Univ. Sussex.
Poster:, P.211.
95. Redox Properties of Platinum Complexes with Cinnamonitrile Substituted Phosphazenes, 1994 (Encontro).
Nome do evento: 45th Annual Meeting of the International Society of Electrochemistry; Nome da Instituição: International Society of Electrochemistry; Cidade do evento: Porto.
Poster: IV-6.
96. Electron-Transfer Activation of the Aminocarbyne Complex trans-[ReCl(CNH2)(dppe)2] [BF4], 1994 (Encontro).
Nome do evento: 45th Annual Meeting of the International Society of Electrochemistry; Nome da Instituição: International Society of Electrochemistry; Cidade do evento: Porto.
Poste: IV-31.
97. Electrochemical Mechanistic Study of the Isomerization of the Nitrile Complex [ReCl(NCC6H4F-4)(dppe)2], 1993 (Outra).
Nome do evento: 12th Summer School on Coordination Chemistry; Cidade do evento: Karpacz.
Poster: P20, 72.
98. Synthesis and Characterization of the cis Isomers of the Nitrile Complexes [ReCl(NCR)(dppe)2], 1993 (Encontro).
Nome do evento: Latin-American Inorganic Chemistry Meeting; Cidade do evento: Santiago de Compostela.
Poster: LAICM1220P, 115.
99. Cyanamide Complexes of Palladium and Platinum, 1993 (Encontro).
Nome do evento: Latin-American Inorganic Chemistry Meeting; Cidade do evento: Santiago de Compostela.
Poster: LAICM1218P, 104.
100. Highly Reactive Platinum(0) Intermediates; a Fast Atom Bombardment Mass Spectrometry Study, 1993 (Congresso).
Nome do evento: XXI Congresso Nazionale di Chimica Inorganica; ; Cidade do evento: Villasimius, Cagliari.
Poster: p.419 The same work was presented in other places: i) 1st Journal of Organometallic Conference on Applied Organometallic Chemistry, Munchen, Germany, Nov. 4 5, (1993) 7; ii) Sintesi e Metodologie Speciali in Chimica Inorganica (Applicazioni a Composti e Materiali Innovativi), Bressanone, Itália, 1993, p.58.
101. Synthesis and Crystal Structure of trans-[ReCl2(dppe)2][BF4], 1992 (Encontro).
Nome do evento: 13º Encontro da Sociedade Portuguesa de Química; Cidade do evento: Lisboa.
Poster: PI10.
102. Conversion of Ethyldiazoacetate into Diethylfumarate at a Pt Centre; Synthesis of [Pt(¿2-EtO2CCH=CHCO2Et)(PPh3)2], 1992 (Encontro).
Nome do evento: Italian-Portuguese-Spanish Meeting.
Oral: OM44 (presented by M.F.C.G.S.).
103. Electrochemical Behaviour of Aminooxy-, Dioxy- and Diaminocarbene Complexes of Palladium(II) and Platinum(II), 1992 (Workshop).
Nome do evento: NATO ARW.
Poster: P14.
104. Redox Properties of the Amavadine Models [V(HIDA)2]2- and [V(HIDPA)2]2- and their Electroinduced Reactivity towards Activated-Thiols and -Phenols, 1992 (Workshop).
Nome do evento: NATO ARW.
Poster: P19.
105. Mechanism of the Electroactivation of the Metal-Hydride Bond in [ReClH(NCR)(Ph2PCH2CH2PPh2)2][BF4], 1992 (Workshop).
Nome do evento: NATO ARW.
Poster: P24.
106. Synthesis and Structural Characterization of cis-[Re(NCC6H4 Me-4)2(Ph2PCH2CH2PPh2)2][BF4], 1992 (Conferência).
Nome do evento: I.C.C.C.; Cidade do evento: Lausanne.
Poster: P550.
107. Redox Properties of Amavadine Models [V(HIDA)2]2- and [V(HIDPA)2]2-, Mediators for the Electrocatalytic Oxidation of some Thiols and Phenols, 1992 (Congresso).
Nome do evento: EUROBIC I; Cidade do evento: Newcastle.
Poster: P84.
108. Chemical and Electrochemical Behaviour of Hydrido-Carbene Complexes of Pt(II), 1992 (Encontro).
Nome do evento: I Congresso Gruppo Interdivisionaly Chimica Organometallica, CO.G.I.C.O.'92; Cidade do evento: Camerino.
Poster: p.20.
109. Redox Properties of Hydride Complexes of Pt(II) with a Metal-Carbon Single Bond, 1992 (Encontro).
Nome do evento: VI Encontro da Sociedade Portuguesa de Electroquímica; Cidade do evento: Vila Real.
Poster: p. 44.
110. Redox Properties of some Tryptamine-Derived Salicylaldimines and of their Tetra-Coordinate Cobalt(II), Nickel(II) or Copper(II) Complexes, 1992 (Encontro).
Nome do evento: VI Encontro da Sociedade Portuguesa de Electroquímica; Cidade do evento: Vila Real.
Oral: 46 (presented by Y.Y.T.).
111. Anodically Induced cis to trans Isomerization of the Nitrile Complexes [ReCl(NCR)(dppe)2], 1992 (Encontro).
Nome do evento: VI Encontro da Sociedade Portuguesa de Electroquímica; Cidade do evento: Vila Real.
Oral : 48 (presented by M.F.C.G.S.). .
112. Syntheses and Molecular Structure of the Dinitrile-and Difluoro-Rhenium Complex trans-[Re(NCC6H4Me-4)2(dppe)2][ReF2(dppe)2][BF4]2, 1991 (Encontro).
Nome do evento: 12º Encontro da Sociedade Portuguesa de Química; Nome da Instituição: Sociedade Portuguesa de Química; Cidade do evento: Coimbra.
Poster: p. 362.
113. Anodic Deprotonation of Methylene-amido to Nitrile Ligands at a Rhenium Centre, 1991 (Encontro).
Nome do evento: V Encontro da Sociedade Portuguesa de Electroquímica e I Reunião Ibérica de Electroquímica; Nome da Instituição: Sociedade Portuguesa de Electroquímica ; Cidade do evento: Aveiro.
Oral: p.108 (presented by M.F.C.G.S.).
114. Electrochemically-Induced Dehydrogenation of the Hydride-Nitrile Complexes [ReClH(NCR)(dppe)2][BF4], 1991 (Conferência).
Nome do evento: Journnées d'Electrochimie; Cidade do evento: Brest.
115. Synthesis of the Hydride-Nitrile-Complexes [ReClH(NCR)(dppe)2][BF4], 1991 (Conferência).
Nome do evento: International Conference on Inorganic Chemistry; Cidade do evento: Brighton / Univ. Sussex.
116. Electrochemical Behaviour of the 'Amavadine' Model [V(HIDA)2]2- in Non-Aqueous Media, 1990 (Encontro).
Nome do evento: Italian-Portuguese-Spanish Meeting in Inorganic Chemistry; Cidade do evento: Gandia.
B20, 240.
117. Redox Properties of Carbene Complexes of Palladium(II) and Platinum(II), 1990 (Congresso).
Nome do evento: J. Heyrovsky Centennial Congress on Polarography; Cidade do evento: Praga.
118. Redox Properties of the Nitrile Complexes trans-[ReCl(NCR)(Ph2PCH2CH2PPh2)2], 1989 (Encontro).
Nome do evento: IV Encontro da Sociedade Portuguesa de Electroquímica.
Poster: A6.
119. Redox Potential-Structure Relationships at Nitrile Complexes with the Metal Centre {Re(Ph2PCH2CH2PPh2)2} , 1989 (Conferência).
Nome do evento: Journées d'Electrochimie; Cidade do evento: Montpellier.
Poster: A 3-21.
120. Preparation and Properties of the Nitrile Complexes trans-[ReCl(NCR)(dppe)2] (R=alkyl or aryl), 1989 (Conferência).
Nome do evento: International Conference on the Chemistry of the Early Transition Metals; Nome da Instituição: The Royal Society of Chemistry; Cidade do evento: Brighton / Univ. Sussex.
121. Carbon-Halogen Bond Cleavage at Electrochemically Generated Molybdenum(I) Sites, 1988 (Conferência).
Nome do evento: XXVI International Conference on Coordination Chemistry; Cidade do evento: Porto.
Poster: MS-1, P8.
122. Electrodeposição do Sulfureto de Estanho(II) em Amálgama de Estanho, 1983 (Encontro).
Nome do evento: IV Reunião Internacional de Electroquímica; Cidade do evento: Braga.
Poster: C31.4.
123. Electrochemical Phase Formation on Tin Amalgam in Sulphide Solutions, 1983 (Encontro).
Nome do evento: 34th ISE Meeting; Cidade do evento: Erlangen.

Participação editorial em revistas
Magazine editorial participation
1. Silva, Maria de Fátima Costa Guedes da. Portugaliae Electrochimica Acta , de 1996/01/01 até 2002/01/01, Função ou tipo de participação: Editor.

Indicadores de produção (Production indicators)

Produção científica
Scientific production

Livros e capítulos
Books and book chapters
Capítulos de livros publicados
Published book chapters
Artigos científicos em revistas
Papers in periodics
Com arbitragem científica
With scientific refereeing
Sem arbitragem científica
Without scientific refereeing

Produção técnica
Technical production

Processos ou técnicas
Processes or techiniques
Processos ou técnicas com registo ou patente
Processes or techiniques with patent or official record
Outros tipos de produção técnica
Other technical production

Dados complementares
(Additional data)

Participação no Júri de Graus Académicos
Academic Degrees jury participation
Participação em Eventos
Event participation
Participação editorial em revistas
Magazine editorial participation

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