Curriculum Vitae

Carlos Francisco de Sousa Reis

Data da última atualização »Last update : 25/01/2018

Carlos Francisco de Sousa Reis. Concluiu Doutoramento em Ciências da Educação pela Universidade de Coimbra em 2008. É Professor Coordenador no Instituto Politécnico da Guarda. Recebeu 1 prémio e/ou homenagem.

Endereço de acesso a este CV:

Dados pessoais (Personal data)
Nome completo
Full name
Carlos Francisco de Sousa Reis
Nome em citações bibliográficas
Quoting name
Reis, Carlos Francisco de Sousa
Endereço profissional
Professional address
Instituto Politécnico da Guarda
Escola Superior de Educação
Departamento de Psicologia e Ciências da Educação
R. Colégio Novo
3000-115 Coimbra
Telefone: 239851450
Correio electrónico:

Graus Académicos (Academic Degrees)
2004-2008 Doutoramento
Doutoramento em Ciências da Educação.
Universidade de Coimbra, Portugal.

1993-1996 Mestrado
Master degree
Curso de Mestrado em Ciências da Educação, Área de Especialização em Psicol (1 anos » years) .
Universidade de Coimbra, Portugal.

1986-1989 Licenciatura
Licentiate degree
Licenciatura em Filosofia (4 anos » years) .
Universidade do Porto, Portugal.

Vínculos profissionais (Professional Positions)
Universidade de Coimbra
Fev/2014-Actual Professor Auxiliar

Instituto Politécnico da Guarda
Ago/2013-Fev/2014 Professor Coordenador

Línguas (Languages)
Espanhol (Bem), Francês (Bem), Inglês (Bem).
Espanhol (Bem), Francês (Bem), Inglês (Bem).

Espanhol (Bem), Francês (Bem), Inglês (Bem).
Espanhol (Bem), Francês (Razoavelmente), Inglês (Bem).

Prémios e títulos (Awards Prizes, and Honours)
1989 Prémio Engª. António de Almeida para a melhor licenciatura em Filosofia da UP, Universidade do Porto/Fundação Eng.º António de Almeida.

Membro de Associações Profissionais/Científicas (Professional/Scientific Association membership)
Actual International Network of Philosophers of Education (INPE), Membro.
2001- Actual Sociedade Portuguesa de Ciências da Educação (SPCE), Membro.

Produção científica, técnica e artística/cultural (Scientific, technical and artistical/cultural production)
Livros publicados/organizados ou edições
Published/organized books or Editions
1. Reis, Carlos F. S. 2014. Educação e cultura mediática: Análise de implicações deseducativas. ed. 1, ISBN: 9789727804788. Lisboa: Âncora Editora.
O presente trabalho resultou de duas preocupações centrais: em primeiro lugar, a compreensão do fenómeno da educação, de modo a encontrar um sentido para a problemática educacional dos planos educativo e deseducativo; em segundo lugar, a apreciação da cultura mediática, muito particularmente da publicidade, sob um ponto de vista educacional crítico. Não tivemos a intenção de demonizar a cultura mediática e a publicidade, mas entendemos que há necessidade de fazer a sua crítica, sobretudo, pela preponderância que apresentam nas nossas sociedades. Cada vez mais se reclama uma literacia para os media, pois estes possuem um enorme poder para determinar atitudes e estilos de vida, muitas vezes, deploráveis.

Artigos em revistas com arbitragem científica
Papers in periodics with scientific refereeing
1. Reis, Carlos F. S. 2017. "Outdoor learning: A escola e o mundo que a rodeia", Journal for Educators, Teachers and Trainers , Vol. 8 (1)  8, 1: 24 - 34.
2. Formosinho, Maria; Jesus, Paulo; Reis, Carlos. 2016. "Emancipatory and critical language education: a plea for translingual possible selves and worlds", Critical Studies in Education 0, 0: 1 - 19.
3. Reis, Carlos F. S. 2015. "Rescuing the ghost from the machine:", International Journal of Lifelong Education and Leadership 1, 1: 32 - 40.
The significance of the “Bologna Turn¿? in European Higher Education, which supposedly refocused the process of teaching and learning and was expected to bring about a pedagogical reform, is discussed mainly by clarifying why it has not in fact realized the expected advances on performativity and standardization. We show how the “Bologna Process¿? falls into the mechanistic paradigm that Rancière (1987) acutely criticized and through which the educational intervening subjects are reduced to a functional dimension. We draw on Rancière’s criticism to make clear the dynamics of the “deranging machine¿?, while we call for Buber’s “pedagogy of encounter¿? as having the potential for opening a new space to escape from the current situation by a “pedagogy of an inspiring way of speaking¿?, as this may act as adequate conveyer for accomplishing the desired meaningful encounters. These issues lead us to consider why and how education requires a special “pedagogical tact¿?: the tact for understanding that education is an antinomical process that flows from, through and towards a meaningful dialogue, so that one can recognize that autonomy is constructed in relation to dependency, freedom in relation to compliance and care in relation to some amount of constraint.

4. Reis, Carlos F. S. 2015. "Private and public spheres in hypermediatic and consumeristic societies", Homo-Societas-Technologiae 1, 4: 63 - 75.
In this article we discuss the definition of public and private spaces in hypermediatic societies, which are under the huge impact of mediatization. On one hand, we see the erosion and invasion of private spaces by the large range of virtualities of the available media; on the other, we see a pervasive permeation of public spaces, which are losing dignity and functionality. Paradoxically, our consumerist and hypermediatic societies are, in parallel, contributing to the constraint of private spaces.Why are our living rooms dominated by TV shows? Why do so many websites seem to instantly know our preferences? Why are our streets colonized by advertizing billboards and neon signs? Why do we see Malls replacing public gardens that progressively degrade or simply disappear? Why do these Malls have private security while public spaces are more and more feared for their insecurity?These functional alterations of spaces, public and private, challenge us to consider the pros and cons of each mutation and to question whether they serve our values of democracy and citizenship, as well as the essential balance between individual and collective interests.Finally, we stress that this phenomenon poses a challenge to education that must be tackled if we want to regain these spaces and know how to use them freely.
5. Jesus, Paulo; Formosinho, Maria; Reis, Carlos. 2015. "Rescuing the ghost from the machine: towards responsive education, not explanatory machinery systems", International Journal on Lifelong Education and Leadership 1, 1: 32 - 40.
6. Reis, Carlos F. S. 2014. "Desafios metamodernos da Filosofia da Educação", Revista Egitania Sciencia, 14: 30 - 44.
7. Reis, Carlos F. S. 2014. "1st Cycle of Basic Education Teachers and their Engagement in Science and Technology", Asian Journal of Education and e-Learning 2, 3: 190 - 203.
In recent decades, research in science education, based on the Science-Technology-Society trinomial, has achieved a remarkable dimension, the result of the view that holds Science and Technology (S&T) as engines for the development of society. It is therefore important to understand the engagement of teachers in the 1st cycle of basic education, as they are one of the cornerstones of future development, in particular through the involvement they may inspire in their students. In this sense, this article seeks to understand the 1st cycle teachers (elementary school teachers (grades 1-4)) in the district of Guarda, Portugal, as social and cultural actors.The results reveal a group of teachers with moderate interest in S&T issues and a lot of interest in topics involving environmental issues. The prominence of this subject suggests that the teachers have been influenced by educational policies as well as the extent of information acquired through the media on this topic. Although the sample consists of highly experienced teachers, they revealed a degree of engagement far short of what would be desired, indicating interest, almost exclusively, in attending debates and meetings on the environment.As the teachers’ engagement in S&T is a result of their social and cultural interaction in society, the authors stress the importance of creating a social network to promote the creation of an "identity" which can deal with a world characterized by rapid scientific and technological change, solidifying the scientific knowledge of the teachers involved and optimizing the educational component of these social actors in the promotion and development of scientific literacy.
8. Reis, Carlos F. S. 2014. "Higher Education in Portugal: From expansion to quality assessment.", The Online Journal of New Horizons in Education 4, 4: 44 - 53.
After presenting a brief description of the Portuguese higher educationevolution, since 1974 to the present day, and providing theindispensable legal framework, we discuss its structure, highlighting theactual binary nature that includes universities and polytechnics, publicand private. Crucial statistics about the subsystems and the actual studyprogrammes are also given. Finally we present the Portuguese Agency(a.k.a. A3ES) responsible for the assessment and accreditation of thestudy programmes imparted by Portuguese HEIS. An overview of thework carried out so far by the Agency and its assessment model is alsopresented.
9. Reis, Carlos F. S. 2013. "On learning and teaching", Homo-Societas-Technologiae 1, 1: 22 - 28.
10. Reis, Carlos F. S. 2013. "An account of the Progress Model for Initial Teacher Education in ESECD", Egitania Sciencia, special ed: 29 - 37.
11. Formosinho, M.; Reis, C.S.; De Jesus, P. 2013. "Education Sciences: Towards a theoretical rebirth beyond reductionisms", Teoría de la Educación 25, 1: 47 - 62.
12. Reis, Carlos F. S. 2013. "Education sciences: Towards a theoretical rebirth beyond reductionisms", Revista Interuniversitaria de Teoría de la Educación 1, 25: 47 - 62.
In order to clarify the directions that Education Sciences may take in the near future we start by discussing the current epistemological predicament of Education, and then articulate this discussion with an assessment of the impact of some major determinant external factors. We proceed by presenting the thread of Modernity in the configurations of educational reason and the impact of the inner fracture of reason fostered by Postmodernity, which leads us to conclude with the epistemic and normative requirements for theorizing Education. To avoid reductionism, we propose a triangular metatheory that should be able to account for the irreducible complexity of education. It presents a three-dimensional field where Education Sciences comprise: firstly, a hermeneutic and speculative dimension, breed by philosophy and oriented towards the setting of values and goals for the action; secondly, a descriptive and explanatory dimension, common to other Social Sciences; and thirdly an operational and technological dimension which surpasses the mere technical rationality, confined to the selection of means and operationalization of goals, and therefore in search of an intersubjective agreement that builds a consensus on the deontological normativity that regulates the activity of the professional educator, in its role of free agent and as a resource for action and change.
13. Reis, Carlos F. S. 2012. "Developing preschool children aptitudes", Journal for Educators, Teachers and Trainers, 3: 135 - 147.
14. Reis, Carlos F. S. 2011. "A sociedade digital e a (re)construção do humano", Revista Portuguesa de Pedagogia, ext.série: 477 - 490.
15. Reis, Carlos F. S. 2011. "Retos de la cultura mediática en la família y la escuela", International Journal of Developmental and Educational Psychology 1, 2: 553 - 560.

Artigos em revistas sem arbitragem científica
Papers in periodics without scientific refereeing
1. Reis, C.S.; Oliveira, A.. 2016. "Ontological conversion: The place of self-knowledge, the contemplative tradition and contemporary mindfulness in education", Turkish Online Journal of Educational Technology 2016, DecemberS: 163 - 172.
2. Formosinho, Maria D. 2014. "Science legitimacy and the postmodern condition of knowledge", International Journal of Human Sciences / Uluslaras{\i 11, 1: 426 - 447.
3. Formoshino, M.; Day, J.M.; Jesus, P.; Sousa Reis, C. 2014. "Revisiting the foundations of constructivism: The ethical and theological groundwork of Piaget{'", Teoria de la Educacion 26, 2: 25 - 41.
4. Formoshino, M.; Day, J.M.; Jesus, P.; Sousa Reis, C. 2014. "Revisiting the foundations of constructivism: The ethical and theological groundwork of Piaget{'", Teoria de la Educacion 26, 2: 25 - 41.
5. Formoshino, M.; Day, J.M.; Jesus, P.; Sousa Reis, C. 2014. "Revisiting the foundations of constructivism: The ethical and theological groundwork of Piaget{'", Teoria de la Educacion 26, 2: 25 - 41.
6. Reis, Carlos F. S; Brigas, Joaquim M. F. 2013. "A publicidade nos novos media", Comunica{\c{c 2, 0: 527 - 527.
7. Reis, Carlos F. S. 2013. "O privado e o público numa sociedade mediática", Egitania Sciencia 12, 1: 101 - 122.
8. Reis, Carlos F. 2008. " A educação da “Geração M”", Revista Portuguesa de Pedagogia 42, 3: 121 - 137.
9. Reis, Carlos F. 2008. "A educação da Geração "M"", Revista Portuguesa de Pedagogia 42, 3: 121 - 137.
10. Reis, Carlos F. 2008. "A educa{\c{c", Revista Portuguesa de Pedagogia 42, 3: 121 - 137.

Dados Complementares (Additional data)

Outros Trabalhos
Other production
1. Reis, Carlos S. Dos desafios im/possíveis da pós-modernidade à reconstrução dos referentes educacionais, 2013.

Indicadores de produção (Production indicators)

Produção científica
Scientific production

Livros e capítulos
Books and book chapters
Livros publicados ou organizados
Published or organized books
Artigos científicos em revistas
Papers in periodics
Com arbitragem científica
With scientific refereeing
Sem arbitragem científica
Without scientific refereeing

Dados complementares
(Additional data)

Outros Trabalhos
Other production

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