Vasco Miguel Clara Lopes Galhardo
Data da última atualização
»Last update
19/11/2013 |
Dados pessoais (Personal data)
Nome completo
Full name |
Vasco Miguel Clara Lopes Galhardo |
Nome em citações bibliográficas
Quoting name |
Galhardo, Vasco |
Gender |
Masculino»Male |
Graus Académicos
(Academic Degrees)
Produção científica, técnica e artística/cultural
(Scientific, technical and artistical/cultural
Artigos em revistas com arbitragem científica Papers in periodics with scientific refereeing |
1. |
Cardoso-Cruz, Helder; Sousa, Mafalda; Vieira, Joana; Lima, Deolinda; Galhardo, Vasco. 2013. "Prefrontal cortex and mediodorsal thalamus reduced connectivity is associated with spatial working memory impairment in rats
with inflammatory pain", PAIN 154, 11: 2397 - 2406.
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2. |
Cardoso-Cruz, H.; Lima, D.; Galhardo, V.. 2013. "Impaired spatial memory performance in a rat model of neuropathic pain is associated with reduced hippocampus-prefrontal cortex
connectivity", Journal of Neuroscience 33, 6: 2465 - 2480.
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3. |
Cardoso-Cruz, Helder; Lima, Deolinda; Galhardo, Vasco. 2012. "Neuropatia periférica induz instabilidade na codificação de informação espacial pelas “place cells” da área CA1 do hipocampo
dorsal", Dor 20, 2: 24 - 34.
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4. |
Oliveira-Maia, Albino J; de Araujo, I. E; Monteiro, Clara; Workman, Virginia; Galhardo, Vasco; Nicolelis, Miguel A. L. 2012. "The Insular Cortex Controls Food Preferences Independently of Taste Receptor Signaling", Frontiers in Systems Neuroscience 6, 6: 5 - 5.
5. |
Seixas, Daniela; Sá, Maria J; Galhardo, Vasco; Guimarães, Joana; Lima, Deolinda. 2011. "Pain in Portuguese Patients with Multiple Sclerosis", Frontiers in Neurology 2, 20: 1 - 5.
6. |
Cardoso-Cruz, Helder; Lima, Deolinda; Galhardo, Vasco. 2011. "Instability of spatial encoding by CA1 hippocampal place cells after peripheral nerve injury", European Journal of Neuroscience 33, 12: 2255 - 2264.
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7. |
Cardoso-Cruz, Helder; Galhardo, Vasco; Sameshima, Koichi; Lima, Deolinda. 2011. "Dynamics of circadian thalamocortical flow of information during a peripheral neuropathic pain condition", Frontiers in Integrative Neuroscience 5, 0: 43 - 0.
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8. |
Silva, Aura; Cardoso-Cruz, Hélder; Silva, Francisco; Galhardo, Vasco; Antunes, Luís. 2010. "Comparison of Anesthetic Depth Indexes Based on Thalamocortical Local Field Potentials in Rats", Anesthesiology 112, 2: 355 - 363.
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9. |
Seixas, Daniela; Galhardo, Vasco; Sá, MJ; Guimarães, Joana; Lima, Deolinda. 2009. "Dor na esclerose múltipla. Caracterização de uma População Portuguesa de 85 doentes", Acta Médica Portuguesa 22, 3: 233 - 240. |
10. |
Aguiar, Paulo; Mendonça, Luís; Galhardo, Vasco. 2007. "OpenControl: A free opensource software for video tracking and automated control of behavioral mazes", Journal of Neuroscience Methods 166, 1: 66 - 72.
11. |
Pais-Vieira, M.; Lima, D.; Galhardo, V.. 2007. "Orbitofrontal cortex lesions disrupt risk assessment in a novel serial decision-making task for rats", Neuroscience 145, 1: 225 - 231.
12. |
Monteiro, C.; Deolinda, L.; Galhardo, V.. 2006. "Switching-on and -off of bistable spontaneous discharges in rat spinal deep dorsal horn neurons", NEUROSCIENCE LETTERS 398, 398: 258 - 263.
13. |
Cardoso-Cruz, Helder; Monteiro, Clara; Lima, Deolinda; Galhardo, Vasco. 2004. "Efeito do antagonista do receptor de Glicina (Estricnina) no tempo de latência de resposta de neurónios da medula espinal
de rato: Um estudo com multieléctrodos", Dor, 12: 28 - 35.
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14. |
Galhardo, V.; Lima, D.; Necker, R.. 2000. "Spinomedullary pathways in the pigeon (Columba livia): Differential involvement of lamina I cells", JOURNAL OF COMPARATIVE NEUROLOGY 423, 423: 631 - 645.
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15. |
Galhardo, Vasco; Lima, Deolinda. 1999. "Structural characterization of marginal (lamina I) spinal cord neurons in the cat: A golgi study", The Journal of Comparative Neurology 414, 3: 315 - 333.
Trabalhos completos/resumidos em eventos com arbitragem científica Papers in conference proceedings with scientific refereeing |
1. |
Cardoso-Cruz, Helder; Galhardo, Vasco. 2013. "Reduced connectivity between prefrontal córtex and mediodorsal thalamus is associated with spatial working memory impairment
in rats with inflammatory pain", Trabalho apresentado em 8th Congress of the European Federation of IASP Chapters (EFIC), In 8th Congress of the European Federation of IASP Chapters (EFIC), Florence. |
2. |
Cardoso-Cruz, Helder; Lima, Deolinda; Galhardo, Vasco. 2013. "Neuropathic pain condition reduces hippocampus-prefrontal cortex connectivity in rats performing a spatial working memory
task", Trabalho apresentado em 8th Congress of the European Federation of IASP Chapters (EFIC). October 9-12, In 8th Congress of the European Federation of IASP Chapters (EFIC). , Florence. |
3. |
Cardoso-Cruz, Helder; Lima, Deolinda; Galhardo, Vasco. 2011. "Neuropathic pain reduces connectivity between hippocampus and prefrontal cortex in rats performing a spatial working memory
task", Trabalho apresentado em 8th IBRO World Congress of Neuroscience, In Neuropathic pain reduces connectivity between hippocampus and prefrontal cortex in rats performing a spatial working memory
task, Florence. |
4. |
Galhardo, Vasco; Cardoso-Cruz, Helder; Lima, Deolinda. 2011. "Impared working memory performance in neuropathic rats is accompanied by reduced flow of information in the frontohippocampal
pathway", Trabalho apresentado em 2011 European Federation of Chapters of the International Association for the Study of Pain, In European Journal of Pain, Hamburg.
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5. |
Cardoso-Cruz, Helder; Lima, Deolinda; Galhardo, Vasco. 2011. "Prefrontal cortex/hippocampal CA1-field circuit in rats performing a spatial working memory task under a neuropathic pain
condition", Trabalho apresentado em I3S – Scientific Retreat 2011, In I3S – Scientific Retreat 2011, Póvoa Varzim. |
6. |
Galhardo, Vasco; Cardoso-Cruz, Helder; Lima, Deolinda. 2011. "Reduced hippocampal-prefrontal cortex connectivity in rats performing a spatial working memory task under neuropathic pain
condition", Trabalho apresentado em 12th Meeting of the Portuguese Society for Neurosciences (SPN), In 12th Meeting of the Portuguese Society for Neurosciences (SPN), Lisbon. |
7. |
Galhardo, Vasco; Cardoso-Cruz, Helder; Lima, Deolinda. 2010. "Thalamocortical information flow oscillations of circadian states during a peripheral sciatic nerve lesion", Trabalho apresentado em 13th World Congress on Pain (IASP), In Thalamocortical information flow oscillations of circadian states during a peripheral sciatic nerve lesion, Montréal. |
8. |
Cardoso-Cruz, Helder; Lima, Deolinda; Galhardo, Vasco. 2010. "Dynamic of circadian thalamocortical information flow during a peripheral neuropathic pain condition", Trabalho apresentado em 7th FENS Forum of European Neuroscience, In Dynamic of circadian thalamocortical information flow during a peripheral neuropathic pain condition, Amsterdam. |
9. |
Cardoso-Cruz, Helder; Silva, Aura L. M.; Antunes, Luís; Galhardo, Vasco. 2010. "Dynamic of information flow in thalamocortical loop during different phases of isoflurane anesthesia in rats", Trabalho apresentado em 6TH CONGRESS EURONEURO, In Dynamic of information flow in thalamocortical loop during different phases of isoflurane anesthesia in rats, Porto. |
10. |
Cardoso-Cruz, Helder; Lima, Deolinda; Galhardo, Vasco. 2009. "Properties of rat hippocampal CA1 complex-spike place cells during peripheral nerve injury", Trabalho apresentado em 6th EFIC Congress , In European Journal of Pain / 2009 European Federation of Chapters of the International Association for the Study of Pain, Lisbon.
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11. |
Silva, Aura L. M.; Cardoso-Cruz, Hélder; Silva, Francisco; Galhardo, Vasco; Antunes, Luís M. 2009. "Permutation Entropy and approximate entropy as measures of isoflurane anaesthesia: A study using local field potentials recordings
in the rat thalamocortical axis", Trabalho apresentado em Euroanesthesia 2009, In European Journal of Anaesthesiology, Milão.
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12. |
Cardoso-Cruz, Helder; Lima, Deolinda; Galhardo, Vasco. 2009. "Stability of Hippocampal place cells after peripheral nerve injury: A study based on chronic extracellular multichannel recordings", Trabalho apresentado em 11th Meeting of the Portuguese Society for Neurosciences (SPN), In Front. Neurosci. Conference Abstract: 11th Meeting of the Portuguese Society for Neuroscience, Braga.
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13. |
Galhardo, Vasco; Cardoso-Cruz, Helder; Lima, Deolinda. 2008. "Changes in the sleep-waking architecture following chronic peripheral nerve injury: a study using long-term thalamocortical
local field potentials recordings", Trabalho apresentado em 12th World Congress on Pain, In 12th World Congress on Pain, Glasgow. |
14. |
Cardoso-Cruz, Helder; Lima, Deolinda; Galhardo, Vasco. 2008. "Thalamocortical global dynamics of behavioral transitions during peripheral nerve injury: a study using long-term local field
potentials recordings", Trabalho apresentado em 6th FENS, Forum of European Neuroscience, In FENS Abstr., vol.4. 055.5, 2008, Geneva. |
15. |
Cardoso-Cruz, Helder; Lima, Deolinda; Galhardo, Vasco. 2006. "Thalamocortical pain processing in freely behaving rats: A study based on chronic extracellular multichannel recordings", Trabalho apresentado em 2006 European Federation of Chapters of the International Association for the Study of Pain, In European Journal of Pain, Istambul.
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16. |
Galhardo, Vasco; Cardoso-Cruz, Helder; Lima, Deolinda. 2006. "Dynamics of thalamocortical oscillations in pain processing induced by peripheral formalin injection: A multielectrode study
in freely behaving rats", Trabalho apresentado em 5th Forum of European Neuroscience Society (FENS), In FENS Abstr., A003.7, 2006, Viena. |
17. |
Seixas, Daniela; Guimarães, Joana; Galhardo, Vasco; Lima, Deolinda; Sá, MJ. 2005. "Prevalência, características e impacto da dor em doentes com Esclerose Múltipla ", Trabalho apresentado em Reunião da Primavera do GEEM, In Sinapse, Porto. |
18. |
Cardoso-Cruz, Helder; Monteiro, Clara; Lima, Deolinda; Galhardo, Vasco. 2005. "Dynamics of corticothalamic pain processing in freely behaving rats: a multi-electrode study", Trabalho apresentado em IX Reunião da Sociedade Portuguesa de Neurociências, In Sinapse, Luso. |
19. |
Lima, Deolinda; Cardoso-Cruz, Helder; Monteiro, Clara; Galhardo, Vasco. 2004. "Effect of the glycine receptor antagonist strychnine in the latency time responses of rat spinal dorsal horn neurons: a multielectrode
study", Trabalho apresentado em 34th Annual Meeting of The Society for Neuroscience, In Soc. Neurosc. Abstract Viewer (in press) Society for Neuroscience, San Diego. |
20. |
Cardoso-Cruz, Helder; Monteiro, Clara; Lima, Deolinda; Galhardo, Vasco. 2004. "Effect of intrathecal administration of the glycine receptor antagonist strychnine in the latency time response of neurons", Trabalho apresentado em 4th Forum of European Neuroscience Society (FENS), In FENS Abstr., A192.7, vol.2, 2004, Lisbon. |
21. |
Monteiro, Clara; Cardoso-Cruz, Helder; Lima, Deolinda; Galhardo, Vasco. 2004. "Induction of bistable activity and changes in the oscillatory properties of rat spinal dorsal horn neurons following formalin
injection", Trabalho apresentado em 4th Forum of European Neuroscience Society (FENS), In FENS Abstr., A192.22, vol.2, 2004, Lisbon. |
22. |
Galhardo, Vasco; Monteiro, Clara; Cardoso-Cruz, Helder; Lima, Deolinda. 2003. "Pain induced populational activity of somatosensory neurons in the rat anterior cingulate cortex", Trabalho apresentado em 33rd Annual Meeting of The Society for Neuroscience, In Soc. Neurosc. Abstract Viewer Society for Neuroscience, New Orleans. |
Artigos em revistas sem arbitragem científica Papers in periodics without scientific refereeing |
1. |
Galhardo, V.; Apkarian, A.V.; Lima, D.. 2002. "Peripheral inflammation increases the functional coherency of spinal responses to tactile but not nociceptive stimulation", JOURNAL OF NEUROPHYSIOLOGY, 88: 2096 - 2103.
2. |
Bruggemann, J.; Galhardo, V.; Apkarian, A.V.. 2001. "Immediate reorganization of the rat somatosensory thalamus after partial ligation of sciatic nerve", JOURNAL OF PAIN, 2: 220 - 228.
Indicadores de produção
(Production indicators)
Produção científica
Scientific production |
Produção científica Scientific production |
39 |
Artigos científicos em revistas Papers in periodics |
17 |
Com arbitragem científica With scientific refereeing |
15 |
Sem arbitragem científica Without scientific refereeing |
2 |
Trabalhos em eventos Papers in conference proceedings |
22 |
Com arbitragem científica With scientific refereeing |
22 |
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