Curriculum Vitae

Andrés Rodríguez Seijo

Data da última atualização »Last update : 04/08/2018

Andrés Rodríguez Seijo. Concluiu Ecosistemas terrestres, usos sustentables e implicacións ambientais - Universidad de Vigo em 2016. É da Universidade do Porto. Publicou 15 artigos em revistas especializadas e 22 trabalhos em actas de eventos, possui 4 capítulos de livros e 1 livro publicados. Co-orientou 2 dissertações de mestrado nas áreas de Agricultura, Silvicultura e Pescas, Química e Ciências Biológicas. Recebeu 1 prémio e/ou homenagem. Actua nas áreas de Ciências Agrárias com ênfase em Agricultura, Silvicultura e Pescas, Ciências Exactas com ênfase em Química e Ciências Naturais com ênfase em Ciências Biológicas. Nas suas actividades profissionais interagiu com 29 colaboradores em co-autorias de trabalhos científicos. No seu curriculum DeGóis os termos mais frequentes na contextualização da produção científica, tecnológica e artístico-cultural são: soil, heavy metals, lead, soil extractions, minesoils, pollution, bioaccumulation, shooting ranges, TOF-SIMS e serpentine.

Endereço de acesso a este CV:

Dados pessoais (Personal data)
Nome completo
Full name
Andrés Rodríguez Seijo
Nome em citações bibliográficas
Quoting name
Rodríguez-Seijo, Andrés
Domínio científico de atuação
Scientific domain
Ciências Agrárias-Agricultura, Silvicultura e Pescas.
Ciências Exactas-Química.
Ciências Naturais-Ciências Biológicas.
Endereço profissional
Professional address
Universidade do Porto
Faculdade de Ciências
Departamento de Biologia
Rua do Campo Alegre 1021/1055
4169-007 Porto
Correio electrónico:

Graus Académicos (Academic Degrees)
2013-2016 Doutoramento
Ecosistemas terrestres, usos sustentables e implicacións ambientais (3 anos » years) .
Universidad de Vigo, Espanha.

2012-2013 Mestrado
Master degree
Ecosistemas terrestres, usos sostibles e implicacións ambientais (1 anos » years) .
Universidad de Vigo, Espanha.
Com o tipo » With the type: Reconhecimento » Acknowledgement.

2005-2012 Licenciatura
Licentiate degree
Licenciatura en Biología (5 anos » years) .
Universidad de Vigo, Espanha.
Com o tipo » With the type: Reconhecimento » Acknowledgement.

Formação complementar ( studies)
2017 Pós-Doutoramento
Universidade do Porto, Portugal.

2016-2017 Pós-Doutoramento
3 anos » years. Universidad de Vigo, Espanha.

2015-2015 Curso de curta duração
Short course
Risk management of exposed workers to nanomaterials.
FREMAP, Espanha.

2015-2015 Curso de curta duração
Short course
Quality indexes of research activity.
Universidad de Vigo, Espanha.

2015-2015 Curso de curta duração
Short course
How to write a scientific paper.
Universidad de Vigo, Espanha.

2014-2014 Curso de curta duração
Short course
Introduction to Geographical Information System (GIS).
Universidad de Vigo, Espanha.

2014-2014 Curso de curta duração
Short course
Students for science. Your Future in Research: Soil-Plant Relationship.
Universidad de Vigo, Espanha.

2014-2014 Curso de curta duração
Short course
Course of learning and use of ICP-OES OPTIMA 4300DV.
Universidad de Vigo, Espanha.

2013-2013 Curso de curta duração
Short course
Course of learning and use of ICP-OES OPTIMA 4300DV.
Universidad de Vigo, Espanha.

2013-2013 Curso de curta duração
Short course
Course of learning and use of Scanning Electron Microscope Philips XL-30.
Universidad de Vigo, Espanha.

2012-2012 Curso de curta duração
Short course
Management course in Aquaculture farms.
Universidad de Vigo, Espanha.

Vínculos profissionais (Professional Positions)
Universidade do Porto
Nov/2017-Actual Outra Situação

Universidad de Vigo
Mai/2017-Jul/2017 Professor Auxiliar
Fev/2015-Fev/2017 Assistente Estagiário
Fev/2014-Out/2014 Assistente de Investigação
Out/2014-Nov/2014 Assistente de Investigação
Out/2013-Dez/2013 Assistente de Investigação

Atividades de Ensino (Teaching activities)

Universidad de Vigo
Disciplinas lecionadas»Taught units:

  • Suelo, medio acuático y clima(Monitor)
  • Análisis y diagnóstico medioambiental(Monitor)
  • Contaminación(Monitor)

Estágios realizados (Traineeships)

Universidad de Vigo
Estágios realizados»Traineeships:

   - Estágio de investigação na Universidade do Porto

Línguas (Languages)
Português (Bem), Espanhol (Bem), Inglês (Razoavelmente), Galego (Bem).
Português (Razoavelmente), Espanhol (Bem), Inglês (Razoavelmente), Galego (Bem).

Português (Razoavelmente), Espanhol (Bem), Inglês (Bem), Galego (Bem).
Português (Pouco), Espanhol (Bem), Inglês (Razoavelmente), Galego (Bem).

Prémios e títulos (Awards Prizes, and Honours)
2017 Premio extraordinario de doutoramento ó curso 2015-2016, Universidade de Vigo.

Membro de Associações Profissionais/Científicas (Professional/Scientific Association membership)
Out/2017 - Actual EGU – European Geosciences Union, Membro.
Jul/2017 - Actual International Society of Trace Element Biogeochemistry, Membro.
Jul/2015 - Actual IUR - International Union of Radioecology, Membro.
Jul/2015 - Actual Society for Environmental Geochemistry and Health, Membro.
Jul/2015 - Actual Society for Urban Ecology, Membro.
Abr/2014 - Actual Sociedad Española de la Ciencia del Suelo (Spanish Society of Soil Science), Membro fundador.
Ago/2012 - Actual Colexio Oficial de Biólogos de Galicia (Official Association of Biology of Galicia), Membro.

Produção científica, técnica e artística/cultural (Scientific, technical and artistical/cultural production)
Livros publicados/organizados ou edições
Published/organized books or Editions
1. Arenas-Lago, Daniel; Vega, Flora A; Rodríguez-Seijo, Andrés. eds. 2014. International Congress of Phytoremediation of Polluted Soils. Book of Abstracts ed. 978, 100 vols., ISBN: 978-84-697-0747-0. Vigo: Universidade de Vigo.
Book of Abstracts. International Congress of Phytoremediation of Polluted Soils. Vigo, Spain, July 29-30, 2014 Publication date: July, 2014. ISBN: 978-84-697-0747-0.

Capítulos de livros publicados
Published book chapters
1. Rodríguez-Seijo, Andrés; Pereira, Ruth. 2017. Morphological and Physical Characterization of Microplastics.  In Characterization and Analysis of Microplastics, 49 - 66. ISBN: 9780444638984. Amsterdam, Netherdlands: Elsevier.
The morphological properties of microplastics (MPs) (size, shape, density and colour) determine their fate in the environment and are also determinant for biota exposures. Furthermore some of these properties have been used for the identification of main contamination sources. Although with some drawbacks visual inspection with the support of optical microscopy has proved to be simple, easy to perform and a very cheap methodology for the identification of MPs in different environmental samples. Nevertheless, spectroscopic methods (FT-IR and Raman) are indispensable to reduce false and negative positives, and biological samples usually need preliminary treatments to eliminate the organic content. Despite the progresses in the identification of MPs, there are no clear definition of categories, especially for size and shape of MPs, and it is not known yet how some of these properties determine their uptake by biota. After reviewing the available studies on this topic, this chapter aimed at showing how the morphological characterization has been made by several authors, the major difficulties of available methods, and how the information obtained is used to identify sources, distribution and exposures. Since the lack of standard categories to describe size, shape and colour of MPs, compromises the comparison between studies, and the use of data to better predict the exposure of different species, after the analysis of available information a proposal is made for such categories. .

2. Rodríguez-Seijo, Andrés; Arenas-Lago, D.; Lago-Vila, M.; Andrade, M.L.; Vega, F.A.. 2017. Capítulo 7 - Contaminación de suelos por actividades de tiro.  In Introducción a la contaminación de suelos, ed. Raimundo Jiménez Ballesta, 141 - 164. ISBN: 978-84-8476-789. Madrid: Mundiprensa.
3. Arenas-Lago, D.; Rodríguez-Seijo, A.; Andrade Couce, L; Vega, F. A. 2017. A Multianalytical Approach for the Assessment of Toxic Element Distribution in Soils From Mine and Quarry Areas.  In Assessment, Restoration and Reclamation of Mining Influenced Soils, ed. J. Bech, C. Bini, M.A. Pashkevich , 33 - 62. ISBN: 9780128095881. Oxford, United Kingdom: Academic Press, Elsevier.
4. Rodríguez-Seijo, Andrés; Arenas-Lago, D.; Andrade, M.L.; Vega, F.A.. 2017. Capítulo 6 - Contaminación de suelos urbanos por elementos potencialmente tóxicos.  In Introducción a la contaminación de suelos, ed. Raimundo Jiménez Ballesta, 117 - 140. ISBN: 978-84-8476-789. Madrid, Espanha: Mundiprensa.

Artigos em revistas com arbitragem científica
Papers in periodics with scientific refereeing
1. Rodriguez-Seijo, A.; Andrade, M.L.; Vega, F.A.. 2017. "Origin and spatial distribution of metals in urban soils", Journal of Soils and Sediments 17, 5: 1514 - 1526.
Purpose: This study assessed soils from 36 parks and gardens (Vigo City, NW of Spain) where there are different degrees of traffic intensity and activity. Materials and methods: The soils were characterised, and the content of Ba, Ca, Cr, Cu, Fe, Mg, Mn, Na, Ni, Pb, Si, Sr and Zn was analysed. Further assessment determined the geoaccumulation index, enrichment factor and the contamination degree by metals with adverse effects on human health and environmental quality. Results and discussion: The results reveal the existence of a moderate degree of contamination by Ba, Pb and Cu, which contribute the most to soil contamination due to the influence of industrial areas and main transport routes. Correlation and cluster analyses suggest that the metals included in the study have three possible origins: “natural¿? (Na and Si), “mixed¿? (two groups with different source intensity: Ca and Sr and Cr, Fe, Mg, Mn and Ni) and two possible “urban¿? sources: traffic (Cu, Pb, Zn) and mixed (Ba). Conclusions: None of the soils can be classified as strongly contaminated but more than 61 % of the moderate contamination degree determined in the studied soils is explained by the Ba, Cu and Pb contents.

2. Rodríguez-Seijo, A.; Cachada, A.; Gavina, A.; Duarte, A.C.; Vega, F.A.; Andrade, M.L.; Pereira, R.. 2017. "Lead and PAHs contamination of an old shooting range: A case study with a holistic approach", Science of The Total Environment 575, JAN 1 2017: 367 - 377.
Soil pollution at firing ranges is an issue of growing importance, due to the accumulation in soils of contaminants derived from ammunition and clay targets. The concentration of Pb and PAHs was determined in five soils of an abandoned shooting range in Galicia (northwest Spain), and an ecotoxicological characterization was performed in order to obtain an assessment of risks. Therefore, the retention capacity of soils was assessed using test organisms of different trophic levels, and the role of soils as habitat for soil invertebrates was assessed by reproduction tests and bioaccumulation assays with earthworms. The sum of 15 PAHs ranged between 38 and 360 mg kg-1, which exceed, together with Pb (160-720 mg kg-123 ), the Galician generic reference value for urban and sporting field soils. Bioaccumulation in E. andrei showed contents up to 104,000 µg Pb kg-1 dw, and up to 645 µg PAHs kg-1 25 fw. High contents of Pb and PAHs in soil samples and in Eisenia andrei whole body, caused a reduction in the number of juveniles produced, whereas, Vibrio fischeri, Raphidocelis subcapitata and Daphnia magna displayed a slight toxic response to the soil elutriates tested. Therefore, the function 28 of these soils to retain contaminants seemed not compromised, probably due to the high organic matter content and pH values, which are weakly acidic. The habitat function was affected, indicating that soil solution is not the only route of exposure to contaminants to E. andrei. The integration of chemical and ecotoxicological lines of evidence give rise to high risks values, restricting the use of these areas, and pointing for risks to surrounding ecosystems due to possible trophic transferences. The calculation of risks using the chemical and ecotoxicological data, required by Spanish legislation, could be a good approach to communicate with those responsible and/or involved in the management of contaminated sites.

3. Rodriguez-Seijo, A.; Lourenço, J.; Rocha-Santos, T.A.P.; da Costa, J; Duarte, A.C.; Vala, H.; Pereira, R.. 2017. "Histopathological and molecular effects of microplastics in Eisenia andrei Bouché", Environmental Pollution 220, January 20: 495 - 503.
The ocean has been assumed as the main sink of microplastics (MPs), however, soils may also receive MPs from different sources and through different pathways, which may affect the biota and their role in soil functions. To the best of our knowledge, only one study, until now, reported the effects of MPs on the survival and fitness of soil organisms (Lumbricus terrestris). In our study, epigeic earthworms, of the species E. andrei, were exposed to different concentrations of MPs (0, 62.5, 125, 250, 500 and 1000 mg/kg soildw) in an OECD artificial soil and tested for reproduction, survival and growth of adults, following a standard protocol. The size of the polyethylene MPs to which earthworms were exposed ranged between 250 and 1000 µm. No significant effects were recorded on survival, number of juveniles and, in the final weight of adult earthworms after 28d of exposure, to the different concentrations of MPs. Nevertheless, FTIR-ATR of earthworms and histopathological analysis of the gut provided evidences of damages and immune system responses to MPs.

4. Rodríguez-Seijo, A.; Andrade, M.L.. 2017. "Characterization of soil physico-chemical parameters and limitations for revegetation in serpentine quarry soils (NW Spain)", Journal of Soils and Sediments 17, 5: 1321 - 1330.
Quarrying activities in areas with serpentinized rocks may have a negative impact on plant growth. Quarry soils generally offer hostile environments for plant growth due to their low-nutrient availability, low organic matter, and high-trace metal content. In order to determine the factors that can limit plant revegetation, this study was carried out in two serpentine quarries in Galicia (NW Spain): one abandoned in 1999 and the other still active. The results show that in soils developed in the abandoned quarry, the limitations for revegetation were: moderate alkaline pH (7.87-8.05), strong Ca/Mg (< 1) imbalance, low N (< 0.42 mg kg(-1)) and P (< 2 mg kg(-1)) content, and high total heavy-metal content (Co 76-147 mg kg(-1); Cr 1370-2600 mg kg(-1); and Ni 1340-2040 mg kg(-1)). The limitations were much less intense in the soils developed in the substratum in the active quarry, which were incipient soils poorly developed and permanently affected by the quarrying activity. Restoration work should be geared toward establishing a stable diverse vegetation cover, including serpentinophile species, which would provide the necessary modifications to correct nutritive imbalances and improve soil quality.

5. Lago-Vila, M.; Rodríguez-Seijo, A.; Arenas-Lago, D.; Andrade, M.L.; Vega, F.A.. 2017. "Heavy metal content and toxicity of mine and quarry soils", Journal of Soils and Sediments 17, 5: 1331 - 1348.
Purpose: Soils formed in metallic mines and serpentinite quarries, among other unfavourable features, have high levels of heavy metals. They can release into the environment causing surface and subsurface water contamination, uptake by plants, their accumulation in the food chain and adverse effects on living organisms. In this work, we studied the magnitude of the soils’ toxic effects not only on spontaneous plants but also on two species with phytoremediation potential. Materials and methods: Several soils from two different exploitations were selected: a lead and zinc mine and a serpentinite quarry. Soils were characterized, and the pseudo-total and extractable contents of Co, Cr and Ni in soils from a serpentinite quarry were determined. The Cd, Pb and Zn pseudo-total and extractable contents were determined in soils developed in the Pb/Zn abandoned mine. Using a biotest, the chronic toxicity of the soil samples on higher plants was determined. Festuca ovina L., Cytisus scoparius (L.) Link., Sinapis alba L. and Brassica juncea L. were selected, the first two because they are spontaneous plants in the study areas and the last two because they have heavy metal phytoremediation potential. Results and discussion: Pseudo-total contents of Co, Cr and Ni in the serpentinite quarry soils and of Zn, Pb and Cd in the Zn/Pb mine soils exceed generic reference levels. CaCl2 is the reactant that extracts the highest proportion of Co, Cr and Ni in the quarry soils and EDTA the largest proportion of Pb Zn and Cd content in the mine soils. The germination index values based on seed germination and root elongation bioassays revealed increasing plant sensitivity to the mine soils in the following order: B. juncea < S. alba < F. ovina < C. scoparius. The wide range of GI values indicates that the response of test plants to soil heavy metals depended on their concentrations and soil characteristics, especially pH and organic matter content. Conclusions: The pollution index indicate.

6. Rodríguez-Seijo, Andres; Alfaya, Maria C; Andrade, María L; Vega, Flora A. 2016. "Copper, Chromium, Nickel, Lead and Zinc Levels and Pollution Degree in Firing Range Soils", Land Degradation & Development 27, 7: 1721 - 17.
Small Arms Firing Ranges (SAFRs) are an important source of metal contaminants in the ecosystems located near these facilities, due to the constant fall and alteration of the ammunition remnants on the soil, particularly in nearby berms. The objectives of this study were to analyze the pollution of chromium (Cr), copper (Cu), nickel (Ni), lead (Pb) and zinc (Zn) in rifle / pistol shooting range soils, to estimate their availability and to evaluate the influence of the ammunition used. The concentrations of Pb, Zn, Cu, Cr and Ni range from 55 to 6,309, 34 to 264, 19 to 98, 40 to 79 and 11 to 33 mg kg-1, respectively. The moderate acidity and organic matter content favor the availability of Pb, followed by Cu>Zn>Ni>Cr. The values of different contamination indexes (Igeo, PI and IPI) suggest that Pb soil contamination is moderate to heavy, especially in the berm area and moderate for Cu and Zn. Lead ammunition is the main source of pollution but another one was identified due to the concentrations of Fe, Cr and Ni detected. Further studies are needed to verify their long-term potential adverse effects.

7. Arenas-Lago, D.; Rodríguez-Seijo, A.; Lago-Vila, M.; Couce, L. A; Vega, F.A.. 2016. "Using Ca3(PO4)2 nanoparticles to reduce metal mobility in shooting range soils", Science of The Total Environment 571, NOV15.2016: 1136 - 11.
Shooting activities are a very important source of contamination as they are commonly detected high concentrations of Pb in the soils from these facilities. Different remediation methods imply the immobilization of the pollutants by decreasing their mobility and availability and nanotechnology is a promising technique in this field. The effectiveness of calcium phosphate nanoparticles (CPNs) in the remediation of small-arms firing range and trap shooting range soils is evaluated in this work. The operationally defined extractable content of Pb, Cu and Zn is determined together with the interaction of the pollutants with the nanomaterials. Soil samples were treated with the CPNs and after the treatment the extractable contents of Cu, Pb and Zn decrease. To check the retention by the nanoparticles TOF-SIMS (Time of Flight Secondary Ion Mass Spectrometry) and HR-TEM-EDS (High Resolution Transmission Electron Microscopy with Energy Dispersive X-ray Spectroscopy) techniques were applied. The association of Pb and Cu to the CPNs was demonstrated by TOF-SIMS although it also indicated that not all the Pb and Cu contents are linked to the nanoparticles. By means of HR-TEM/EDS it was made out the filamentous shape and the size (50–150 nm long and 20–40 nm wide) of the CPNs together with their elemental composition (Ca, P and O). The CPNs were identified in treated soil samples together with signals of metals. The decrease on metal extractability detected is, in part, due to the association with CPNs but still more investigation is needed regarding mobility and availability of potentially hazardous elements in soils treated with nanoparticles.

8. Rodriguez-Seijo, A.; Lago-Vila, M.; Andrade, M.L.; Vega, F.A.. 2016. "Pb pollution in soils from a trap shooting range and the phytoremediation ability of Agrostis capillaris L.", Environmental Science and Pollution Research 23, 2: 1312 - 1323.
Pb pollution caused by shooting sport activities is a serious environmental problem that has increased considerably in recent decades. The aims of this study were firstly to analyze Pb pollution in soils from a trap shooting range abandoned in 1999, secondly to study the effectiveness of different extractants [CaCl2, DTPA, NH4OAc, low molecular weight organic acids (LMWOA), and bidistilled water (BDW)] in order to determine Pb bioavailability in these soils, and finally to evaluate the phytoremediation ability of spontaneous vegetation (Agrostis capillaris L.). To this end, 13 soils from an old trap shooting range (Galicia, NW Spain) were studied. It was found that Pb levels in the soils were higher than 100 mg kg-1, exceeding the generic reference levels, and three of these samples even exceeded the USEPA threshold level (400 mg kg-1). In general, the reagent that best represents Pb bioavailability and has the greatest extraction efficiency was CaCl2, followed by DTPA, NH4OAc, LMWOA, and BDW. A. capillaris Pb contents ranged between 9.82 and 1107.42 mg kg-1 (root) and between 6.43 and 135.23 mg kg-1 (shoot). Pb accumulation in roots, as well as the presence of secondary mineral phases of metallic Pb in the adjacent soil, showed the phytostabilization properties of A. capillaris.

9. Rodriguez-Seijo, A.; Lago-Vila, M.; Arenas-Lago, D.; Andrade, M.L.; Vega, F.A.. 2016. "Pollution and risk assessment of potential hazardous elements in a shooting range soils (NW Spain)", Spanish Journal of Soil Science 6, 2: 107 - 122.
10. Lago-Vila, M.; Arenas-Lago, D.; Rodriguez-Seijo, A.; Andrade, M.L.; Vega, F.A.. 2015. "Cobalt, chromium and nickel contents in soils and plants from a serpentinite quarry", Solid Earth 6, 1: 323 - 335.
The former serpentinite quarry of Penas Albas (Moeche, Galicia, NW Spain) left behind a large amount of waste material scattered over the surrounding area, as well as tailing areas. In this area several soils were studied together with the vegetation growing spontaneously over them with the aim of identifying the bioavailability of heavy metals. The potential of spontaneous vegetation for phytoremediation and/or phytostabilization was evaluated. The pH of the soils ranges from neutral to basic, with very low organic matter and nitrogen contents. There are imbalances between exchangeable cations like potassium (K) and calcium (Ca), mainly due to high magnesium (Mg) content that can strongly limit plant production. Moreover, in all of the studied soils there are high levels of cobalt (Co), chromium (Cr) and nickel (Ni) (>70, >1300 and >1300 mg kg-1, respectively). They exceed the intervention limits indicated by soil guideline values. Different soil extractions were performed in order to evaluate bioavailability. CaCl2 0.01 M is the most effective extraction reagent, although the reagent that best predicts plant availability is a mixture of low molecular weight organic acids. Festuca rubra, L. is the spontaneous plant growing in the soils that accumulates the highest amount of the metals, both in shoot and roots. Festuca also has the highest translocation factor values, although they are only >1 for Cr. The bioconcentration factor is >1 in all of the cases, except in the shoot of Juncus sp. for Co and Ni. The results indicate that Festuca is a phytostabilizer of Co and Ni and an accumulator of Cr, while Juncus sp. is suitable for phytostabilization.

11. Arenas-Lago, D.; Rodríguez-Seijo, A.; Cerqueira, B.; Andrade, M.L.; Vega, F.A.. 2015. "Cd2+, cu2+, and pb2+ sorption, desorption and migration in fluvisols | Sorção, dessorção e migração de Cd2+, Cu2+ e Pb2+ em Fluvissolos | Sorción, desorción y migración de cd2+, cu2+ y pb2+ en fluvisoles", Spanish Journal of Soil Science 5, 3: 276 - 295.
12. Rodríguez-Seijo, A.; Arenas-Lago, D.; Andrade, M.L.; Vega, F.A.. 2015. "Identifying sources of Pb pollution in urban soils by means of MC-ICP-MS and TOF-SIMS", Environmental Science and Pollution Research 22, 10: 7859 - 7872.
Lead pollution was evaluated in 17 urban soils from parks and gardens in the city of Vigo (NW Spain). The Pb isotope ratios (207Pb/206Pb, 208Pb/204Pb, 206Pb/204Pb and 208Pb/206Pb) were determined after being measured by MC-ICP-MS. The association of the isotopes (204Pb, 206Pb, 207Pb and 208Pb) with the different components of the soil was studied using TOF-SIMS. The isotopic ranges obtained for the samples were between 1.116 and 1.203 (206Pb/207Pb), 2.044–2.143 (208Pb/206Pb), 37.206–38.608 (208Pb/204Pb), 15.5482–15.6569 (207Pb/204Pb) and 17.357–18.826 (206Pb/204Pb). The application of the three-end-member model indicates that the Pb derived from petrol is the main source of Pb in the soils (43.51 % on average), followed by natural or geogenic Pb (39.12 %) and industrial emissions (17.37 %). The emissions derived from coal combustion do not appear to influence the content of Pb in the soil. TOF-SIMS images show that the Pb mainly interacts with organic matter. This technique contributes to the understanding of the association of anthropogenic Pb with the components of the soil, as well as the particle size of these associations, thus allowing the possible sources of Pb to be identified.

13. Arenas-Lago, D.; Lago-Vila, M.; Rodriguez-Seijo, A.; Andrade, M.L.; Vega, F.A.. 2014. "Risk of metal mobility in soils from a Pb/Zn depleted mine (Lugo, Spain)", Environmental Earth Sciences 72, 7: 2541 - 2556.
The risk of Pb, Zn and Cd mobility is evaluated in soils from a depleted mine at Rubiais (Lugo, Spain). This area is under special protection because of its outstanding natural value. Soils from nine different areas were selected: at the mining zone (R1, R2, R3), at minespoils (R4, R5, R6) and soils developed on the settling pond (R7, R8, R9). A control soil (RC) was sampled outside the mine. The objectives are (i) to study the characteristics of soils with high influence on metal retention, (ii) to determine the content of Pb, Zn and Cd comparing it with the generic reference levels, and (iii) to evaluate the distribution and the interactions between the metals and the soil geochemical phases by means of sequential chemical extraction, X-ray diffraction, field emission scanning electron microscopy/energy-dispersive X-ray spectroscopy (FE-SEM/EDS) and time of flight secondary ion mass spectrometry (TOF–SIMS). The concentration of Pb, Zn and Cd ranges 850–6,761, 1,754–32,287 and 1.8–43.7 mg kg-1, respectively, and the highest proportion is in the residual fraction. The Mn oxides highly influence the retention of Cd while Pb retention is mainly influenced by Fe oxides. Zn is uniformly distributed amongst the residual fraction and the Fe and Mn oxides. TOF–SIMS and SEM/EDS techniques confirm the fractionation results, showing how Pb and Zn are as sulphide and associated with Fe and Mn oxides. Nevertheless, care should be taken since oxides and sulphides could suffer sulphide oxidation processes or alteration of the oxides causing leaching and the contamination of the protected ecosystem.

14. Rodriguez-Seijo, A.; Arenas-Lago, D.; Lago-Vila, M.; Andrade, M.L.; Vega, F.A.. 2014. "Limitations for revegetation in lead/zinc minesoils (NW Spain)", Journal of Soils and Sediments 14, 4: 785 - 793.
Purpose Metal mining is the main cause of soil contamination caused by heavy metals. Mine tailings and minespoils generally offer hostile environments for plant growth due to their low nutrient availability, low organic matter content, and high trace metal content. This study was carried out with the aim of characterizing the soils that have developed on the tailings from an abandoned lead and zinc mine in Galicia (NW Spain) and determining the soil factors that limit revegetation. Materials and methods We selected three zones: (a) the minespoils, (b) in the mining area, and (c) the settling pond, where the sludge from the flotation process was deposited. A control soil was also sampled outside of the mining area. We analyzed the physicochemical properties and metal levels in the mine spoil and soil samples we collected. Results and discussion The results indicate that the main physical limitations of minesoils are their low effective depth, high porosity and stoniness, while the main chemical limitations are low organic matter content and low CEC and an imbalance between exchangeable cations. These minesoils are strongly affected by high Zn and Pb levels which hinder revegetation. Conclusions As high concentrations of toxic trace elements and a high pH are important factors in limiting the plant growth, the restoration procedure must overcome the oxidation processes by adding organic amendments that also contribute towards fixing heavy metals or by implanting spontaneous vegetation adapted to the mine conditions, such as common broom (Cytisus scoparius) or white birch (Betula celtiberica).

15. Arenas-Lago, D.; Andrade, M.L.; Lago-Vila, M.; Rodriguez-Seijo, A.; Vega, F.A.. 2014. "Sequential extraction of heavy metals in soils from a copper mine: Distribution in geochemical fractions", Geoderma 230, October: 108 - 118.
We evaluated heavy metal contamination (Cr, Cu, Mn, Ni, Pb, and Zn) in soils from the copper mine in Touro, NW Spain. Their total content and geochemical phase distribution were determined using sequential chemical extraction. Representative soils from the area were selected and the objectives were to analyse the total content of heavy metals and their distribution in the different geochemical soil phases, and to determine their association with the soil components using XRD, FE-SEM/EDS and TOF-SIMS. Results show that the Cu total contents (104-2924 mg kg(-1)) exceed the intervention limits. Most of the heavy metal content is in the residual fraction, Cr (82-95%), Cu (30-70%), Mn (60-96%), Ni (77-95%), Pb (47-68%) and Zn (85-97%). Fe-oxides play an important role in the fixation of metals, especially Cu. The amounts associated with soil organic matter and in the exchangeable form are very low (>10%). TOF-SIMS and FE-SEM/EDS techniques confirm the fractionation results, showing that only a very small part of the studied metals are sorbed, mainly in the iron oxides and interacting with several soil mineral components. FE-SEM/EDS combined with TOF-SIMS, sequential extraction assays and statistical analyses are an effective tool to check the affinity of the soil components for heavy metal cations.

Trabalhos completos/resumidos em eventos com arbitragem científica
Papers in conference proceedings with scientific refereeing
1. Rodríguez-Seijo, Andrés; Arenas-Lago, D.; Lago-Vila, M.; Vega, F.A.; Andrade, M.L.. 2017. "Fractionation of potentially toxic elements in soils from an abandoned shooting range (NW Spain)", Trabalho apresentado em 4th International Conference on the Biogeochemistry of Trace Elements., In 4th International Conference on the Biogeochemistry of Trace Elements. Abstracts, Zürich.
2. Rodríguez-Seijo, Andrés; Arenas-Lago, D.; Lago-Vila, M.; Vega, F.A.; Andrade, M.L.. 2017. "Immobilisation of potentially toxic elements by calcium phosphate and hematite nanoparticles in soils from a shooting range (NW Spain)", Trabalho apresentado em 14th International Conference on the Biogeochemistry of Trace Elements, In 14th International Conference on the Biogeochemistry of Trace Elements. Abstracts, Zürich.
3. Rodríguez-Seijo, Andrés; Lourenço, J.; Rocha-Santos, T.A.P.; da Costa, J; Duarte, A.C.; Vala, H.; Pereira, R.. 2016. "Podem os microplásticos afetar a biota no solo?.", Trabalho apresentado em 1º Congresso Português sobre Microplásticos: Contaminação Ambiental por Microplásticos e suas Implicações para a Saúde dos Ecossistemas, Animal e Human, In 1º Congresso Português sobre Microplásticos: Contaminação Ambiental por Microplásticos e suas Implicações para a Saúde dos Ecossistemas, Animal e Human, Porto.
4. Arenas-Lago, D.; Lago-Vila, M.; Rodríguez-Seijo, Andrés; Abreu, María M; Andrade, M.L.; Vega, F.A.. 2016. "Uso de nanopartículas de óxidos de hierro e hidroxiapatita para reducir la disponibilidad de elementos potencialmente tóxicos en gossans de la mina de São Domingos (Using iron oxides and hydroxyapatite nanoparticles to reduce availability of potentially hazardous elements in gossans from São Domingos mine).", Trabalho apresentado em VII Congresso Ibérico das Ciências do Solo (CICS 2016) / VI Congresso Nacional de Rega e Drenagem, In Comissão Editorial do VII CICS 2016 / VI CNRD. 2016. Solos e Água: fontes (esgotáveis) de vida e de desenvolvimento. Livro de Actas do VII Congresso Ibérico das Ciências do Solo (CICS 2016) / VI Congresso Nacional de Rega e Drenagem, Beja.
5. Lago-Vila, M.; Arenas-Lago, D.; Rodríguez-Seijo, Andrés; Andrade, M.L.; Vega, F.A.. 2016. "Suelos de canteria: efecto del contenido de elementos potencialmente tóxicos en la germinación y crecimiento temprano de Sinapis alba L (Quarry soils: Effect of potentially toxic elements content on germination and early growth of Sinapis alba L.)", Trabalho apresentado em VII Congresso Ibérico das Ciências do Solo (CICS 2016) / VI Congresso Nacional de Rega e Drenagem, In Comissão Editorial do VII CICS 2016 / VI CNRD. 2016. Solos e Água: fontes (esgotáveis) de vida e de desenvolvimento. Livro de Actas do VII Congresso Ibérico das Ciências do Solo (CICS 2016) / VI Congresso Nacional de Rega e Drenagem, Beja.
6. Lago-Vila, M.; Rodríguez-Seijo, Andrés; Arenas-Lago, D.; Andrade, M.L.; Vega, F.A.. 2016. "Adición de nanopartículas de Ca10(PO4)6(OH)2 para disminuir la toxicidad de suelos de campos de tiro (Addition of Ca10(PO4)6(OH)2 nanoparticles to decrease the toxicity of shooting range soils)", Trabalho apresentado em VII Congresso Ibérico das Ciências do Solo (CICS 2016) / VI Congresso Nacional de Rega e Drenagem, In Comissão Editorial do VII CICS 2016 / VI CNRD. 2016. Solos e Água: fontes (esgotáveis) de vida e de desenvolvimento. Livro de Actas do VII Congresso Ibérico das Ciências do Solo (CICS 2016) / VI Congresso Nacional de Rega e Drenagem, Beja.
7. Rodríguez-Seijo, Andrés; Lago-Vila, M.; Arenas-Lago, D.; Andrade, M.L.; Vega, F.A.. 2016. "Contaminación y evaluación de riesgo de elementos potencialmente peligrosos en suelos de un campo de tiro militar (NO España) (Pollution and risk assessment of potential hazardous elements in a military shooting range soils (NW Spain)", Trabalho apresentado em VII Congresso Ibérico das Ciências do Solo (CICS 2016) / VI Congresso Nacional de Rega e Drenagem, In Comissão Editorial do VII CICS 2016 / VI CNRD. 2016. Solos e Água: fontes (esgotáveis) de vida e de desenvolvimento. Livro de Actas do VII Congresso Ibérico das Ciências do Solo (CICS 2016) / VI Congresso Nacional de Rega e Drenagem, Beja.
8. Vala, H.; Rodríguez-Seijo, Andrés; Lourenço, J.; Francisco, A; Rocha-Santos, T.A.P.; da Costa, J; Pereira, R.. 2016. "Characterization of histopathological lesions in a biological model for environmental studies: Eisenia andrei Bouché. Preliminar results", Trabalho apresentado em XXI Meeting of the Portuguese Society of Animal Pathology. Beyond Routine Diagnosis, In Abstracts in Conference Proceedings of the XXI Meeting of the Portuguese Society of Animal Pathology. Beyond Routine Diagnosis, Lisboa.
9. Vala, H.; Rodríguez-Seijo, Andrés; Lourenço, J.; García, Carla; Francisco, A; Rocha-Santos, T.A.P.; da Costa, J; Pereira, R.. 2016. "Routine histological technique applied to a biological model for environmental studies", Trabalho apresentado em XXI Meeting of the Portuguese Society of Animal Pathology. Beyond Routine Diagnosis, In Abstracts in Conference Proceedings of the XXI Meeting of the Portuguese Society of Animal Pathology. Beyond Routine Diagnosis, Lisboa.
10. Rodríguez-Seijo, Andrés; Arenas-Lago, D.; Lago-Vila, M.; Andrade, M.L.; Vega, F.A.. 2015. "Phytoavailability of lead in soils from an abandoned trap-shooting range", Trabalho apresentado em 10th Iberian and 7th Iberoamerican Congress on Environmental Contamination and Toxicology, In Abstract Book. 10th Iberian and 7th Iberoamerican Congress on Environmental Contamination and Toxicology, Vila-Real.
11. Rodríguez-Seijo, Andrés; Arenas-Lago, D.; Lago-Vila, M.; Andrade, M.L.; Vega, F.A.. 2015. "Assessment and characteristics of heavy metal polluted soils developed in waste heaps from and old serpentine quarry.", Trabalho apresentado em 15th EuCheMS International Conference on Chemistry and the Environment, In ICCE 2015 Leipzig - 15th EuCheMS International Conference on Chemistry and the Environment, Leipzig.
12. Rodríguez-Seijo, Andrés. 2015. "Comparision of commonly used single extractants for availability determination of heavy metals in mine soils", Trabalho apresentado em ICCE 2015 Leipzig - 15th EuCheMS International Conference on Chemistry and the Environment, In ICCE 2015 Leipzig - 15th EuCheMS International Conference on Chemistry and the Environment, Leipzig.
13. Arenas-Lago, D.; Cerqueira Cancelo, B; Rodríguez-Seijo, Andrés; Lago-Vila, M.; Andrade, M.L.; Vega, F.A.. 2015. "Cd2+, Cu2+, and Pb2+ sorption, desorption and migration in Fluvisols", Trabalho apresentado em 10th Iberian and 7th Iberoamerican Congress on Environmental Contamination and Toxicology, In Abstract Book. 10th Iberian and 7th Iberoamerican Congress on Environmental Contamination and Toxicology, Vila-Real.
14. Lago-Vila, M.; Arenas-Lago, D.; Rodríguez-Seijo, Andrés; Andrade, M.L.; Vega, F.A.. 2015. "Chemical characteristics and toxicity of soils from an abandoned Pb/Zn mine", Trabalho apresentado em 10th Iberian and 7th Iberoamerican Congress on Environmental Contamination and Toxicology, In Abstract Book. 10th Iberian and 7th Iberoamerican Congress on Environmental Contamination and Toxicology, Vila-Real.
15. Arenas-Lago, D.; Lago-Vila, M.; Rodríguez-Seijo, Andrés; Andrade, M.L.; Vega, F.A.. 2014. "Distribución de Co, Cr, Ni y V en suelos de cantería de serpentinita mediante análisis por TOF-SIMS y SEM-EDS. (Co, Cr, Ni and V distribution in serpentine quarry soils by TOF-SIMS and SEM-EDS analyses).", Trabalho apresentado em Congreso Ibérico de la Ciencia del Suelo (Iberian Congress of Soil Science), In Retos y oportunidades en la Ciencia del Suelo, Santiago de Compostela.
16. Lago-Vila, M.; Arenas-Lago, D.; Rodríguez-Seijo, Andrés; Andrade, M.L.; Vega, F.A.. 2014. "Testing phytoaccumulator plants for recovering serpentinite quarry soils", Trabalho apresentado em PPS. International Congress of Phytoremediation of Polluted Soils., In PPS. International Congress of Phytoremediation of Polluted Soils. Book of Abstracts, Vigo.
17. Lago-Vila, M.; Arenas-Lago, D.; Rodríguez-Seijo, Andrés; Andrade, M.L.; Vega, F.A.. 2014. "Use of Pisum sativum L., Lactuca sativa L. and Brassica oleracea L. for Zn/Pb mine soils phytoremediation.", Trabalho apresentado em PPS. International Congress of Phytoremediation of Polluted Soils., In PPS. International Congress of Phytoremediation of Polluted Soils. Book of Abstracts., Vigo.
18. Arenas-Lago, D.; Lago-Vila, M.; Rodríguez-Seijo, Andrés; Andrade, M.L.; Vega, F.A.. 2014. "Distribución de metales pesados en suelos de cantería. (Heavy metal distribution in quarry soils).", Trabalho apresentado em VI Congreso Ibérico de la Ciencia del Suelo, In Retos y oportunidades en la Ciencia del Suelo. Proceedings del VI Congreso Ibérico de la Ciencia del Suelo, Santiago de Compostela.
19. Lago-Vila, M.; Arenas-Lago, D.; Rodríguez-Seijo, Andrés; Andrade, M.L.; Vega, F.A.. 2014. "Fitodisponibilidad de metales pesados en suelos de mina y cantería. ", Trabalho apresentado em VI Congreso Ibérico de la Ciencia del Suelo, In Retos y oportunidades en la Ciencia del Suelo. Proceedings del VI Congreso Ibérico de la Ciencia del Suelo. , Santiago de Compostela.
20. Rodríguez-Seijo, Andrés; Millos, Jorge; Lago-Vila, M.; Arenas-Lago, D.; Andrade, M.L.; Vega, F.A.. 2014. "Identificación del Pb antropogénico mediante análisis isotopic en suelos urbanos (Vigo, NO España). (Identification of anthropogenic Pb in urban soils using isotopic analysis (Vigo, NW Spain).", Trabalho apresentado em VI Congreso Ibérico de la Ciencia del Suelo. , In Retos y oportunidades en la Ciencia del Suelo. Proceedings del VI Congreso Ibérico de la Ciencia del Suelo. , Santiago de Compostela.
21. Rodríguez-Seijo, Andrés; Arenas-Lago, D.; Lago-Vila, M.; Andrade, M.L.; Vega, F.A.. 2014. "Índice de calidad de suelos desarrollados sobre una cantera de serpentinita (Moeche. NO España). (Quality Index of soils developed on a serpentine quarry (Moeche. NW España))", Trabalho apresentado em VI Congreso Ibérico de la Ciencia del Suelo. , In Retos y oportunidades en la Ciencia del Suelo. Proceedings del VI Congreso Ibérico de la Ciencia del Suelo. , Santiago de Compostela.
22. Rodríguez-Seijo, Andrés; Arenas-Lago, D.; Lago-Vila, M.; Andrade, M.L.. 2013. "Limitations for revegetation in metallic minesoils from Rubiais mine (Galicia, Spain)", Trabalho apresentado em EGU General Assembly, In EGU General Assembly Conference Abstracts, Viena.

Dados Complementares (Additional data)


Dissertação de Mestrado
Master degree dissertation
1. Ricardo Lorenzo Dacunha, Evaluación del contenido de plomo en suelos de un campo de tiro, 2015. Dissertação (Máster en Ciencia e Tecnoloxía Agroalimentaria e Ambiental ) - Universidad de Vigo (Co-orientador).
2. Ana Esther López Pomar, Impacto de la lluvia ácida sobre escombreras de la mina de Touro y efectos del drenaje generado sobre diferentes suelos, 2015. Dissertação (Máster en contaminación Industrial: Evaluación, Prevención y Control) - Universidad de Vigo (Co-orientador).

Trabalho de conclusão de curso de Bacharelato/Licenciatura
Bachelor/Licenciate degree conclusion work
1. Bruna Sofía Costa Eiras dos Santos, Can microplastics increase the uptake of agrochemicals by the soil biota and have bigger adverse effects?, 2018. Trabalho de Conclusão de Curso (Licenciatura em Toxicologia) - Universidade do Porto (Orientador).
2. Berta Amil Ferreiro, Nanomaterials for the remediation of agriculture metal contaminated soils surrounding the Estarreja chemical complex, 2018. Trabalho de Conclusão de Curso (Licenciatura em Toxicologia) - Universidade do Porto (Orientador).

Participação em eventos
Event participation
Outro tipo de participação
Other kind of participation
1. International Congress of Phytoremediation of Polluted Soils., 2014 (Congresso).
Nome do evento: Member of Organizing Committee of the International Congress of Phytoremediation of Polluted Soils.; Nome da Instituição: Universidade de Vigo; Cidade do evento: Vigo, Spain.

Participação editorial em revistas
Magazine editorial participation
1. Rodríguez-Seijo, Andrés. Journal of Environmental Pollution and Control, desde 2018/12/14, Função ou tipo de participação: Corpo editorial, Editora: Annex Publishers.
2. Rodríguez-Seijo, Andrés. Revista Ecosistemas, desde 2018/01/22, Função ou tipo de participação: Reviewer, Editora: Asociación Española de Ecología Terrestre..
3. Rodríguez-Seijo, Andrés. Land Degradation and Development, desde 2018/01/22, Função ou tipo de participação: Reviewer, Editora: Wiley.
4. Rodríguez-Seijo, Andrés. Journal of Environmental Pollution and Control, desde 2017/12/01, Função ou tipo de participação: Corpo editorial, Editora: Annex Publishers.
5. Rodríguez-Seijo, Andrés. Agronomy, desde 2017/08/01, Função ou tipo de participação: Reviewer, Editora: MDPI.
6. Rodríguez-Seijo, Andrés. Current Opinion in Environmental Science & Health, desde 2017/08/01, Função ou tipo de participação: Reviewer, Editora: Elsevier.
7. Rodríguez-Seijo, Andrés. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, desde 2017/07/01, Função ou tipo de participação: Reviewer, Editora: MDPI.
8. Rodríguez-Seijo, Andrés. Agriculture and Forestry Journal, desde 2017/04/01, Função ou tipo de participação: Reviewer.
9. Rodríguez-Seijo, Andrés. Agricultural and Forestry Journal (E-ISSN: 2602-5795) , desde 2017/03/22, Função ou tipo de participação: Conselho redactorial, Editora: University of Tlemcen - ALGERIA.
10. Rodríguez-Seijo, Andrés. Environmental Monitoring and Assessment, desde 2017/02/01, Função ou tipo de participação: Reviewer, Editora: Springer.
11. Rodríguez-Seijo, Andrés. Environmental Science and Pollution Research, desde 2017/01/22, Função ou tipo de participação: Reviewer, Editora: Springer.
12. Rodríguez-Seijo, Andrés. CLEAN - Soil Air Water, desde 2017/01/22, Função ou tipo de participação: Reviewer, Editora: Wiley.
13. Rodríguez-Seijo, Andrés. Science of the Total Environment, desde 2017/01/01, Função ou tipo de participação: Reviewer, Editora: Elsevier.
14. Rodríguez-Seijo, Andrés. Journal of Hazardous Materials, desde 2017/01/01, Função ou tipo de participação: Reviewer, Editora: Elsevier.
15. Rodríguez-Seijo, Andrés. International Journal of Mining, Reclamation and Environment, desde 2016/08/01, Função ou tipo de participação: Reviewer, Editora: Taylor & Francis.
16. Rodríguez-Seijo, Andrés. Journal of Geochemical Exploration, desde 2015/08/01, Função ou tipo de participação: Reviewer, Editora: Elsevier.
17. Rodríguez-Seijo, Andrés. Soil Research, desde 2015/05/01, Função ou tipo de participação: Reviewer, Editora: CSIRO.
18. Rodríguez-Seijo, Andrés. Environmental Earth Sciences, desde 2015/04/01, Função ou tipo de participação: Reviewer, Editora: Springer.
19. Rodríguez-Seijo, Andrés. Scientific Reports, desde 2015/02/01, Função ou tipo de participação: Reviewer, Editora: Nature.
20. Rodríguez-Seijo, Andrés. Environmental Progress & Sustainable Energy, desde 2014/04/01, Função ou tipo de participação: Reviewer, Editora: Wiley.
21. Rodríguez-Seijo, Andrés. Journal of Environmental Management, desde 2014/03/01, Função ou tipo de participação: Reviewer, Editora: Elsevier.

Indicadores de produção (Production indicators)

Produção científica
Scientific production

Livros e capítulos
Books and book chapters
Livros publicados ou organizados
Published or organized books
Capítulos de livros publicados
Published book chapters
Artigos científicos em revistas
Papers in periodics
Com arbitragem científica
With scientific refereeing
Trabalhos em eventos
Papers in conference proceedings
Com arbitragem científica
With scientific refereeing

Dados complementares
(Additional data)

Participação em Eventos
Event participation
Participação editorial em revistas
Magazine editorial participation

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